The Helpline 5

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#5 of Helpline

The Helpline

Chapter 5 : Marital

By Kendo Kawabata

Judith woke up to the sound of a running shower, the sound quite tranquil for the early morning. The door to the bedrooms ensuite was open, and there was nothing to block the sound of someone showering.

The female cow slowly stretched her body under the sheets, her arm brushing against the still warm spot beside her in the large double bed. She let out a content sigh as she felt that warm spot against her flesh, just the very touch of the warmth made her remember the previous nights activities.

"Is that you in there Rupert?" she called out as she slowly sat herself up in the bed, letting the covers fall from her body. Clad in only an almost see through negligee, she made herself comfortable in the bed as she stretched her arms above her head.

"Yeah honey, it's me. Sorry, didn't want to wake you" came the voice back. She smiled to herself as she heard him through the running shower. Well, who else would it have been at this hour of the morning?

"I'll join you in a minute" Judith called out as she checked the time on the alarm clock on her bedside table. It was still pretty early, no real need to get up at all. And no reason to rush into the shower because she had the whole day ahead of her with him, all to herself.

She gave a glance to the picture of herself and her husband sitting beside the bedside lamp. Her husband was quite the catch, she had to admit. After all, ten years of marriage between them couldn't lie. He was still as handsome as he was when she first met him.

Judith grabbed the remote from her bedside tables drawer and clicked on the television set mounted on the wall across from the bed. A few channels flew past before she settled on the morning news program. Well, it wasn't necessarily a morning news program, more like a morning chat show where they brought on the flavours of the month or some new internet sensation for some host that should have stopped presenting five years ago to gush about.

The presenter, a thin balding husky that had the impression that he was always trying to be funny when he was more cringe worthy, was currently interviewing some family about how their funny pet video had managed to go viral enough that they felt the need to interview them.

"As if that can be considered news" Judith said to herself as she decided to ignore the morning news and join him in the shower. It was going ot be more entertaining in there anyway as she pulled the thick covers off her body and swung her legs over the side.

Judith was a very attractive wife, and she and her husband both knew it. Although she was more on the heavier side, as it tended to be for the females of her kind, she had the curves in all the right places. She carried her weight well, without it being more then enough for her body to handle. She could definitely still turn heads if she wanted to, and she currently had her man in the shower that would always turn his head when she walked in.

Her brown coat covered her body, covering up any signs of middle age for the bovine, but her body was still in the prime of her life. Her breasts were big enough to nearly cover over into bosom territory, and they always ended up turning heads when she wore the right kind of dress. Especially when she didn't wear a bra.

Not that she ever really wore clothes around the house anyway, especially when she had him alone.

She left the television on as she gave her body a stretch before she crossed the tiled floor, sweeping apart the clothing that the two of them had all but torn off each other the previous night. She barely had time to put on the special negligee that he had bought her earlier the previous day before he wanted to rip it off her.

She gave a smile and a shiver, as she once again recalled the previous nights actions. The way he made her feel, it was like back when she was dating and everything was still exciting. Rupert just happened to have that affect on her.

Her foot pushed aside his underwear on the floor, white leopard print of course, and stepped into the ensuite. The shower was central in the room, surrounded by a frosted white glass that did give away the image of someone inside it, but not enough detail to make out who it was. Not that she didn't know every intimate detail of his body.

"Almost done in there?" she asked him with a smile as she began to remove her covering, allowing the silky material to fall down her curvy body as she became naked in the bathroom.

"Almost. Why, do you want to join me?" he asked her through the shower as she could make out his image stretching itself. He knew she was watching, and it made her smile.

"Well, I do need a turn" she said as she pulled the shower door back and quickly stepped in, getting wrapped in a cloud of steam as she felt the hot water start to cascade down her body, plastering her long ruby red hair against her brown coat.

"Not that I mind sharing" Rupert said with a grin. He was a buck, a very handsome one. His antlers were cut down against his head so they were more manageable, but they were still big enough to prove that he was a stud.

And what a damn stud he was. Creamy chocolate brown fur and large hazel eyes, and a jawline for days. She had certainly caught herself one hell of a catch to end up with. Those big sexy eyes of his, always made her melt when he looked her way, and sometimes she still felt like a little girl when she was caught in his gaze, even after knowing him all this time.

"Oh, I never mind either" she said with a grin as her eyes swept over his hard body. He had the tight, slender body of a running athlete, not a hint of fat on his body anywhere. There was not one part of his body that wasn't defined, that wasn't mapped out under his velvety fur. And her eyes could never resist traveling lower whenever she saw him in the buff.

For he was just perfect everywhere. Especially where it counted.

"So, are we actually going to shower this time and get ourselves ready for the day? Or perhaps we should just get so filthy we need to disinfect the bathroom afterwards?" he asked her with a sly grin on his handsome features.

"Well, as tempting as the first offer is, we have nothing ahead of us today" Judith said with a grin as she shut the shower door behind her, thankfully there was more then enough room in the shower for both her and him together.

"Well, we should have breakfast. That was one hell of an excersize session last night and I do need to refuel" he said with a teasing grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around her ample waist. She giggled like a little girl as she pushed herself forward, pushing him up against the wall with her body.

"Well, I'm going to be a bad little girl and have a naughty little snack before breakfast" she said with a grin.

The noises that came in through the open door of the bathroom were thankfully drowned out by the television, as the hose had finished with his interview of the family before touching on one of the local news stories that was still holding enough interest for them to comment on it.

"The search for a missing female continues into its third week, with the husband having been cleared of all wrongdoing during the investigation. Although it seems friends and family members of the wife are still holding onto the idea of the husband having done something to her, police say there is no evidence to support foul play."

The presenter was replaced by an image of a happy looking female cheetah, her arm wrapped around her husbands shoulder, the two felines smiling to the camera as they leant against the railing of a wall.

Two weeks ago....

Sarah seemed completely calm and unnerved as her husband stood in the doorway of their bedroom, the male cheetahs face flared up in anger as he watched his wife slowly pull her panties up her legs, unconcerned in the slightest.

" could you?" he said in anger. The window banged closed, the cheating bitches lover having scarpered, naked, through the window the minute the husband came home.

"How could I what?" Sarah asked calmly as she stood up, sliding her panties into place. She didn't even bother wiping herself down, the smell of sweat and sex covering the room like a spilt bottle of scented oil.

"Don't...don't play games with me" Charlie shouted at her. "You're cheating on me. You're having an affair, and I caught you red handed" he said as he seethed.

"So you caught me. Big deal" she said as she fished her bra from under the bed where she had kicked it and slid it across her chest. "I was hoping you'd catch me anyway. I couldn't think of a better way to tell you its over" she said to her husband.

"Normal people, when they break up, they tell one another. They don't bring home someone and fuck them in our married bed" Charles shouted at her. "For gods sake, that's where we concieved our child" he said.

She scoffed at him.

"Really? Normal people? I suppose its normal for you to pull our daughter out of school just so you have an excuse to come home early? What, you didn't think that would be traumatizing for her?" she said flatly. "You are so damn callous." Their daughter was currently down in her bedroom, hiding from her parents and their yelling. She was young, but even she could tell that this was not a good situation.

"You're the one who was caught getting jack-hammered on the bed" he seethed at her. "And yes, I did pull Kelly out of school to take her home, but I had to do that. She had a dentists appointment for her braces today, which you were supposed to take her to" he said.

"I must have forgot" she said with a wave of her hand.

"Because you were getting your brains fucked out" Charlie snapped at her. "You're the one at fault here, sneaking around behind my back and cheating on me. How long has this been going on?" he demanded of her.

"It's not cheating if a woman does it" Sarah said to her husband as she pulled her black dress from under the bed and smoothed it out against her body. She spoke calmly, as if she was discussing where they were going for dinner that night. "I thought you'd know that by now, its different when a man cheats. A woman doesn't cheat. She has an affair, its an entirely different thing" she said.

"It's the same fucking thing" Charlie snapped at her. "I've been faithful to you since the day we got married, and you're the one breaking our vows? For what? Why did you do this?" he demanded.

"Because I'm bored" she said as she stepped into her dress and began to pull it up her thighs while she looked at her husband. "And that's a good enough reason for any woman to do it" she said as she zipped up the back of her dress rather expertly.

"That's no reason" he snapped at her, his face still contorted in anger. "There is no reason for what you did. This is our marriage, and you've ruined it. How can you be so calm about this? How can you just stand there and pretend it didn't happen?" he demanded.

She smirked. And not in a good way.

"Seriously? You don't know?" she asked as she stepped up to her husband. Even though the male was furious, he'd never hit her. No man who ever struck his wife, no matter what she did, would always pay for it. Even if it was justified.

"Because" she said with a smirk. "Like I said. I'm bored. I don't enjoy being your wife, what with you working every day and most nights. I don't like having to spend my weekends playing mother to a girl with autism when I could be enjoying myself. I don't like having a husband that is too tired to satisfy me, and can't even give me a decent cash amount ot spend whenever I want" she said.

"You're a failure as a husband. And that gives me reason" she said to him with a smirk as she tied her hair back, while her husband just glared at her.

"What about Kelly? Have you thought about what kind of effect this will have on her? You know she can't handle large emotional crisis' around her, this is going to hurt harder then anything" he protested.

"It's your fault you gave me a mongoloid for a child" Sarah said to him as she finished tying her hair back. "See? Yet another reason for me to cheat on you. You didn't give me the ideal child I wanted" she said to him.

She went to move through the bedroom door, but Charles stopped her with an arm across the doorway, his eyes glaring straight into her. Although he was highly angry, she and he both knew he would never lay a hand on her. No matter how justified he might have been, if he touched her in any way, he would be done for.

"Charles, let me go, now" she said to him.

"I'm not going to let you get away with this" he snarled at her as he kept his angered glare at her. "We've been married for so long, I am not going to let you ruin it like it meant nothing. It means something to me, and it means a lot more to Kelly. You are not going to ruin our marriage because you're a ..... a slut" he shouted the last word at her.

"Oh, I'm a slut?" she said in an indignant voice. "You're calling me, a slut? You're wife?" she said.

"Oh that you get upset over?" he said angrily. "I've just caught you cheeating on me, acting like nothing we've built together means anything, and what you get pissed off with is you getting called a slut?" he shouted in her face.

"When I tell people about how angry and hurtfull you were when I needed you most, after how broken I felt to be driven to cheat on you, and you called me a dirty slut in front of our beloved daughter, you're going to be ripped into by the courts, and I'm going to leave you with nothing" she said to him.

He didn't say anything to her, and she said nothing back as they both looked at each other. Their marriage was crumbling around them like shattered glass, and only he and his daughter felt anything bad about it. While she just stood there, a queen in her own mind that did nothing wrong.

"You know, I did suspect" he said after several long moments. "I had my suspicicions, but I always thought of giving you the benefit of the doubt. And when I was given the chance, I actually reached out to someone to get some help with this" he said as he put his hand in his pocket.

"But I didn't accept their help, at least not yet, because I was hoping that if I did catch you in the act, there was a possibility that we could work this out" he said as he looked at his wife. "There is no chance is there? You're going to ruin our marriage, ruin our family and drag us both through the gutter because.... because you can.... won't you?" he asked her.

"Yes" she said as she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at her husband with nothing but disgust in her eyes.

He sighed as he pulled something from his pocket, and then dropped it on the floor.

"Then I won't feel guilty about this" he said to her. "i wish for help" he said as he lifted his foot and slammed it down on the black glass pendant that he had dropped.

Sarah screamed as the darkness enveloped her.

Present day ....

Judith lifted the comforter of her bed and snapped it, making it spread out over the already tucked in sheets. It lowered itself down, at the wrong angle of course. No matter how she held the sheets or the comforter, or what angle she snapped it or how carefully she tossed it, they always seemed to land on the wrong angle in the wrong way.

She sighed as she strode over to the side of the bed, grabbing the side of the comforter and yanked it, forcing the bed cover to line up properly. Once she was satisfied with the state of the smoothed out covers, she grabbed the pillows and began to put them in their place.

Her morning shower with Rupert had been wonderful, as always. She had known him for so long, but every time, she felt like a much younger girl. He just had that way about him, and every time it just seemed to get better.

She could still smell the scent of his cologne against her, after she had sprayed it on his neck and had then rather passionately kissed it. He was currently downstairs, preparing their breakfast. He was always so thoughtful, it made her feel lucky.

The pillows were put back in place as she turned and stretched her naked body. She was dried off, but not dressed yet. There was no hurry. She had the whole day with him. Why waste it getting dressed when she'd only be ripping those clothes off him when she was ready for another round?

She smiled to herself again as she bent over to pick up the clothes that had been strewn across the floor. A mixture of her clothes and his were picked up as she tidied up the bedroom. The tv was still on the channel with the morning show, but she didn't listen. It was only background noise at this point.

Once she had the clothes picked up and deposited in the hamper in the bathroom, she made a mental note to herself to do the laundry that morning. It brought a smile to her lips as she remembered the last time she had done it.

"Maybe we can do it ontop of the washing machine again" she thought to herself, getting a tingle down her spine as she remembered how fun he made doing the laundry with her. "Probably better not though" she thought. It was probably not a good idea anyway. Those machines were never that sturdy anymore.

"Perhaps I should wear something after all" she mused as she crossed the bedroom towards the wardrobe and pulled the doors open, looking at her rather expansive collection of clothing and shoes. They easily dwarfed her husbands collection of clothing, again thinking that he should just move his things out so she had more room.

Well, more room to buy more clothes to fit in of course.

"What should I wear today?" she asked herself as she began to rummage through the clothing, taking out a few different shirts and blouses and inspecting them. Nothing really seemed right for the first few choices, before she settled on one of her favourite 'at-home' shirts.

It was a light powdery blue shirt that was actually an oversized male shirt. It covered her body, almost looking like dress, and it came down to just midway between her thighs. It may have been oversized, but it really did accentuate her extra curves, in the kind of way that her husband would always put his hands on her if she wore it.

"This will get him in the mood" she said with a grin as she shut the wardrobe door and slipped it over her head and pushed the hem of the shirt down her body. Once she considered herself dressed, she picked up her hairbrush from the shelf of the wardrobe where she kept it beside her jewellry box and began to brush her hair into place while looking at the mirror on the wardrobe door.

She didn't really pay much attention to the morning program, as the presenter then stopped talking about some celebrity wardrobe malfunction at the last awards program to turn to another missing persons case.

"Police have decided to call off the search for missing bride Natalie Port, who vanished from the North Church Reception Hall on her wedding night. What makes this an interesting mystery, is that no-one was able to see anything, given the fact there were close to three hundred guests there. Natalies husband has so far refused to give comment to anyone about the case, while the happy couple has been described as very loving and loyal to each other."

While the two presenters started to discuss the missing woman and both give ideas on why a bride would disappear on her wedding night, the background image showed a happy wedding scene. Husband and wife, a pair of snow leapords respectively, standing at the altar, both of them beaming with happiness, to show that this was in fact, the couples happiest of days.

One month ago ....


Brandan thankfully did not shout those words, as being any louder than the snarl that emanated from his mouth as he found his wife, his new wife, in the coatroom of the reception area.

She looked up at him from the floor where she lay on several thick coats for comfort, her wedding dress, the one that costed several thousand dollars, hunched up around her waist and exposing her lower half. The lingerie, the pristine white garments that he was to remove that night as they cemented their marriage together, had been ripped off in what could only be described as a very hurried moment.

"Chill Bro. You aint ever heard of a bridal shower before?"

Brandan was shoved aside like an afterthought as the male who deflowered his wife, one of the groomsmen in fact, pushed him aside and walked out of the coatroom with the biggest, smuggest smile on his face as he fixed his black bowtie and left them both. He just sauntered past as if nothing had transpired.

"Brandan...I ...I can explain" said Emily as she hurried tried to wipe the remnants that were dripping from her face, the makeup that had taken three hours to get perfect for her pictures, smeared easily around her fingers.

"Explain?" Brandan said with fury in his eyes as he grabbed the door to the coat room and slammed it shut behind him. "What the fuck is there to explain?"

"It just.... it just sort of ...happened" she said rather feebly as she hurriedly tried to clean her face, but all she managed to do was stain her white gloves and create even more smearing around her eyes.

"Oh really, how?" he asked her as he clenched his hands into fists against his sides. "Did he just trip and fall on you and accidently fuck you?" he demanded.

"It... was accident?" she suggested as she struggled to stand up. Her legs wobbled as she clutched at the hanging coats to help steady herself, but the coat hangers bent and fell, causing her to fall with them onto the floor.

"I've never met that guy before, I know all of your friends. And then one day, you suddenly demand that he stands in as one of the groomsmen. And now I know why. It's so you could get one last lick of him, wasn't it?" he demanded as he took a step forward.

"Brandan, I swear, I did not plan this" she said to him as she struggled to stand up again. "I...I met him on the hens night... and things just sort of ... happened" she said as she managed to find her footing, her white gown fell back to hide her shame under the layers of lace and silk.

Brandans fists clenched together again as her words just drove him further with his anger.

"You forbade me to get a stripper for my bachelor party, and I complied, on the deal you did the same" he said through gritted teeth, the snow leapords fangs baring as his whiskers bristled in anger.

"It... it's not the same" she protested as she wiped at her face again, creating a long black smear of mascara on her white glove. "We all know what strippers are like at bachelor parties. It doesn't count on a hens night" she said.

"Did you fuck him on your hens night?" Brandan demanded in anger. "Because I sure as hell didn't fuck anyone at my bachelors party. Did you fuck him that night?" he demanded as he took a step closer.

Emily whimpered as she backed up slowly, seeing the absolute anger in his eyes and the fists at his sides. She was unable to answer that question, which simply proved her guilt to her new husband.

"We were engaged, and we SWORE that we would save it for our wedding. You wanted to be old fashioned and do it the proper way, and I went along with it to keep you happy. I have been faithfull since I proposed to you last year, I have never once strayed from my path to being your husband. Have you been fucking him this whole time? HAVE YOU?" He almost shouted. It wasn't close enough to be called a shout, but it was close.

Emily thought she had it all planned out. And it had seemed like such a good plan. She knew Brandan had been faithfull, even during the times when he had needs that needed to be filled. But he had remained strong to prove to her how much he loved her.

But a woman has needs too. And a womans needs far outweigh her husbands. And on her hens night, he had been there. And damn if he wasn't a temptation.

Standing there in just a black jockstrap and a red bowtie, gyrating in the middle of the room to the beat and working his way on her, the feeling of his hard body against hers, she did not even try to resist. She damn well gave in.

And it had been the biggest ride of her life up to that point. She had to experience it again.

And when she found out that he was in the area the same time as her wedding, she had begged her husband to let him be part of the groomsmen, claiming he was an old friend from way back when. It had taken a lot of begging and several threats of crying and even the old trick of "If you loved me you'd do it", and he had finally relented.

"I really... really didn't plan this, I swear" she said to him as she forced her eyes to fill with tears, hoping that it would distill his anger for the moment.

She really didn't plan it. She had no way of knowing she'd be caught at all.

"On our wedding night? You snuck away with that fucker, and you gave yourself to him? We said our vows only a couple of hours ago, and you cheated on me? During the reception? With our parents and friends here as well?" he seethed as his tail bristled with anger.

"I'm sorry?" she asked with a weak shrug of her shoulders.

"Sorry? SORRY?" he almost lost the control of his voice at that point as he stepped forward again, causing his wife to step back into the coats and press up against the wall. He was now right in front of her, his fists still balled up tightly at his sides and he looked like he was ready to swing at her.

"If you hit me..." she said slowly and carefully as she tried to take control of the situation. "I'll run out there and I'll cry in front of everyone, and they'll all round on you for hitting your wife" she said carefully.

There were several very tense moments between them as all that was heard was the sound of the band and the laughter of the guests as they enjoyed themselves. Emily could feel her heart race heavily. She had been afraid of her fiance before, but now, she was definitely afraid of her husband.

"Will they?" he asked through gritted teeth. "Or will they all think you deserve it once I call off the marriage and tell them the reason why?" he said.

"You wouldn't" she said in a soft voice as she felt tears in her eyes again. "You wouldn't break us up would you, on my wedding day? In front of everyone?" she asked him.

"You had no problem cheating on me on OUR wedding day" he seethed. "Why the hell shouldn't I just break it off? What's stopping me, now that I found out my wife is a damn whore."

"Because it will be your fault" she said as calmly as she could. "It's never a womans fault that we cheat. It will be your fault. I can just say I was so nervous and afraid of being your property, I made the biggest mistake of my life. And they'll believe that" she said as she tried to talk him down. "They'll believe me, and you'll be pressured into staying married with me. I know my family, they will never allow you to divorce me because I made a mistake out of fear" she said.

For a moment, she actually felt that he was going to hit her. But all he did was glare at her in anger. The sound of the band got louder as several of the guests began to join in singing along with the bands cover of the songs she had selected.

Brandan slowly turned around and took two steps away from her and stopped, hanging in his head as he seemed to accept the situation that he was in. Emily breathed a very slow and long sigh of relief that he was not going to strike her as she lifted herself away from the wall.

"It was a mistake Brandan" she said carefully. "I made a mistake, the biggest mistake of my life, and I have paid for it. But this is our wedding night, and we owe it to the guests to be happy for them. If you don't want to sleep with me tonight at the hotel, I'll understand. But we have our honeymoon to think of tomorrow."

"We'll get on the plane, we'll talk. We'll work it out. By the time the honeymoon is over, everything will be forgotten. This will be something we can laugh about later" she said to him with a small smile on her face as she carefully put her ruined glove on his shoulder. "We have our whole lives to work our way past this, and the sooner we get past this, the sooner we can start our lives together properly" she said.

He didn't say anything for a moment, before his shoulders began to shudder. Slowly at first, but then they began to build up as his body started to shake. She drew her hand back, thinking for a moment that he was starting to break down.

Then she realized, that he was laughing.

"You''ve paid? How?" he said as he turned around, chuckling at her with a rather mad grin on his face. "I've ...I've just caught you breaking our marriage vows right as our marriage started, and you want to go out there and pretend this didn't happen? And you think you've paid for it?" he said as he wiped the tears that were coming from his eyes.

Unlike his wifes, they were real.

"Brandan, the shame of getting caught, that's...that's punishment enough" she said to him as she saw him reach into his pocket and pull something out.

"You know your friend Rosa? The night of your hens night, she sent a picture of you and that guy" he said as he held the thing in his hand. She couldn't see it properly, but it looked like something on the end of a long gold chain.

"He had you upside down in a standing 69, with your face smashed into his junk and his face between your legs. She texted 'she loved it', and told me later that you two disappeared for half an hour together" he said as he looked at his wife.

"I didn't want to believe it, not when I had been so faithful. And trust me, I was tempted a lot. Being denied for a guy, that's harder then you'll ever imagine. But I didn't want to believe that you would cheat on me like that, when you put so much high praise on us being celibate" he said.

"'re scaring me" Emily said as she saw the crazy looking grin on his face. She wasn't kidding, he was actually scaring her.

"I was given this, you know?" he said as he clenched his fist around whatever it was. "Told by that very understanding doe, that if I needed help with you, I just had to ask. I've carried this around for the last month, hoping that I was wrong about you. That you wouldn't do that to me."

"You think you've suffered because you were caught? Once at a hens night, I think I could have gotten over that if you had just told me about it" he said as he suddenly stopped smiling. "I think I really could have gotten over it and just accepted you made a mistake and moved on and forgiven you."

"But this..... this is unforgivable."

"I wish for help."

He tossed the item down on the ground and brought his dress shoe up. Emily just stared in confusion and surprise as he brought his foot down on it. There was a smashing sound of glass.

And then a rushing, roaring darkness erupted from under his foot and swarmed her like some ravenous beast. She screamed, and it was cut off halfway as the darkness took her.

Present day....

The bed was made and cleaned, the pillows propped up with practised precision. Another gentle smoothing with her hand and Judith had the bed looking like something displayed for a catalogue. She smiled to herself, impressed with her work once again as she picked up the remote on the bedside table and used it to turn the television off.

There was a smile on her face and a slight spring in her step as she made her way downstairs, a smell invading her nostrils that was a very pleasant scent indeed. It was the smell of eggs and bacon, and from the aroma, it was a lot of bacon being cooked.

"Why, are you cooking me breakfast?" Judith asked as she stepped into the kitchen, finding a very welcome sight indeed. Rupert was standing at the stove, dressed only in a pair of zebra print briefs that absolutely hugged at his rear. His entire body was on display for her, and she always felt a rise inside of her when she saw him in his glory.

"Well, I did work up an appetite this morning" he said with a grin to her as he used the spatula to flip over a large cut of meat in the frypan. "I usually do a run around the block in the morning, as you know. But I suppose that this morning counts as excersize" he said with a grin to her.

"Oh, you're not the only one who worked up an appetite" she said with a smile as he gave his back view another good looking over before she made her way to the fridge. She had a sudden urge for coffee as she opened the door and retrieved the milk.

"Well, I hope your ready for a nice, big sausage this morning" Rupert said with a smirk on his handsome face.

"Oh my, Mr Rupert. Are you flirting with me?" Judith asked with a grin as she closed the fridge and walked over to the percolator and grabbed the tin of instant roast.

"Well, you know how much you love by big thick sausage for breakfast" Rupert said with a grin as he left the stove to grab a couple of plates from the nearby cupboard. "I practically give it to you every day" he said with a grin.

"And you know how much I enjoy having it" she said wit ha giggle to him. The kind of corny banter that was going on between them would have normally made her cringe and roll her eyes at his juvenile behavior. But she couldn't help but go along with him as she filled up the coffee machine and turned it on.

"And I enjoy feeding it to you" he said as he turned off the stove and started to move the bacon and eggs onto the plates, giving himself a larger portion then he gave her.

"Well, I don't want to change topics, do you have to be anywhere today?" she asked him with a smile as she caught another side view of the buck, seeing that bulge that he was packing between her legs. She couldn't help but lick her lips.

"Oh, I have to be gone after breakfast" he said with a smile to her, seeing the disappointed look that appeared on her face. "Awww, you know I have business to do. I'll be back before you know it" he said to her. "I'll be missing you every minute" she said as she grabbed a couple of mugs from the cupboard and turned her attention to the coffee pot that was slowly dribbling full of black liquid.

"Oh, are you going to miss me?" Rupert asked as she felt two hands suddenly wrap around her curvy waist and meet around her soft stomach as she was hugged from behind. She could feel his chin on her shoulder as she giggled like a little girl and pressed herself back against him.

"I always miss you" she said with a playful moan to him. "I miss everything about you" she said with a pout on her lips.

"Oh? What do you miss most?' he asked with a grin as he pressed his lips against her neck and gave her a smooch.

"Oh, this I definitely miss" she said as she nuzzled the crook of her neck against his lips, before she slipped her hand behind her. "But I miss this most of all" she said, giving him a firm squeeze that made him moan into her flesh.

"Well, since my little cow is so hungry this morning, maybe I should feed her" he grinned as he felt her hand on him as he managed to turn her around in his arms and gave her a rather predatory look that only a deer could give.

"Another serving? Oh am I going to get fat with how much you feed me" she said wit ha grin, before she let out a light yelp as she felt herself being lifted up. Rupert was stronger then he looked as he managed to get her up on the kitchen counter and he stood between her legs, which she gladly wrapped around him.

"More of you to love" he said with a grin as he began to attend to her, as the percolator gave whistle to indicate it had finally filled. Which both of them ignored.

Previous Day ...

There was a ripple in the garden as he disappeared, like the bull had just been sucked backwards through a small hole in reality. The air had pulsed around him like a ripple on the waters surface as he was pulled away from their reality.

Carrie placed her teacup on the saucer and stood up, running her delicate hands over her dress to smooth out the front. The meeting was over, and she sighed. Another poor soul who needed their help, so he had turned to them.

She gave the tea setting a momentary glance as she saw her teacup suddenly drain away, the porcelain glistening as if it had just been cleaned. The cutlery glistened as the crumbs and icing from the cakes vanished, leaving them sparkling. The few spots on the tiered cake stand suddenly refilled with a few new intricate cakes, ready to be eaten.

Every time a meeting finished, the table cleared itself. She had seen it so many times in her existence that it should have become normal for her by now. But she always felt that tiny little glimmer of amazement when she saw it happen.

She turned as she stepped off the plinth. Instead of her foot touching the water, the water actually pulled back, creating a safe and dry path to the edge of the pond. As she stepped off, the outdoor tea setting behind her wavered and vanished into wisps of white smoke, leaving the platform bare.

Carrie stepped off the edge of the pond as the water poured itself back into place, the waters surface sparkling softly in the twilight around it. She made her way along the grass towards the manor house.

Beside the doorway, an elderly grey lioness in a black and white maids outfit was kneeling in the garden, pulling weeds from the front of the house. Carrie paid her no mind as she ascended the steps into the house, but she could feel Lydia glaring daggers into her back.

"It was another one, another husband" Carrie said as she stepped into the front foyer. Her attention was not on the old antiques that lay over the house, but rather on the horse that was sitting at a desk under the front window.

The horse wore an outfit resembling that of a priest as he sat at the desk. The desk itself was a work of beauty. Carved from mahogony, it held a row of thick leather bound books on its shelf. Three small drawers lay on each side, the middle being taken up by a set of bronzed scales. An antique dialing phone sat at the edge. One of the little drawers were open, showing a small assortment of inkwells hiding inside.

"That is the third this month" Connor said softly. His voice was natural soft, so it always sounded as if he was speaking above a whisper. He reached forward and dabbed his nib into an inkwell before returning it to the golden sheet under his hand.

"Yet another husband with an assumed cheating wife" Carrie said as she watched him. With precision Connor began to inscribe the golden sheet with the black ink, starting to draw seven black lines across the surface.

"The last two weren't assumed. They were proved true" Connor said as he carefully marked the gold. "But, this is the third in a month. I don't feel as if there isn't a coincidence here."

"What sort of coincidence are you thinking?" Carrie asked as she watched him work. The ink was drawn with precision, each line perfectly straight.

"There has not just been the last two before this one" Connor said as he paused his drawing for a moment to sit back in his chair. A black thumb rubbed under his chin. "We've had more in the past, but not this many so quickly" he admitted.

"I'm starting to wonder if they have all fallen victim, to the same circumstance" Connor continued as he thought upon the matter.

"A serial offender?" Carrie asked him.

"It's possible" Connor mused as he continued to think. "A suitor perhaps, worming his way into the lives of married women and giving them reason to cheat. Going from one woman to the next without care of his consequences" he said.

"So perhaps we've been looking in the wrong area, do you think?" Carrie asked him.

"So far, all the husbands assumed their wives were cheating on them. For a while now, they weren't occurring often enough to be a problem, considering the amount of problems we are to fix" Connor said as he continued to think about it. "Three this month, four last month, two the month before. So far all the husbands blamed their wives, but it stands to reason, we might be punishing the wrong person" Connor said as he placed his hands in his lap.

"All of the husbands have been intending to have their wives removed after they found out" Carrie admitted as she folded her hands against her waist. "They all wanted them punished, and their lives were helped with their removal" she said.

"That is true" Connor said with a slow nod. "But, I can't help but wonder how many more wives must suffer because of the person who seduces them?" he said.

"Perhaps we should ask him what he thinks of all this?" Carrie suggested. "He is the one who decides these sort of things. He did find all the women guilty of what they had done" she said.

"Tell me what?"

Both of them turned to see the person who had spoken behind them. There stood their master, a grey lion with shoulder length black hair that swept over the sides of his head. He wore a simple brown set of robes over his frame.

"Sir" Connor said as he stood up out of his chair as he and Carrie stood side by side before him.

"Is there something you wanted to ask me?" Mentu asked calmly as he examined them before him. Neither of them said anything for a moment before Carrie spoke.

"We think that we might be punishing the wrong people lately" She said as she chose her words carefully. Although both of them had been in him employ for some time, they were still cautious around him.

"Have we?" he asked them both as he folded his arms over his chest.

"We think that perhaps, there is a person going around seducing all these women in the area, which is why so many husbands lately have been appealing for help" Connor said. "Although the wives are guilty of their violation of their vows, perhaps we need to focus on the problem of the one who is causing all of it."

Mentu said nothing as he regard them, the look on his face suggesting that he was thinking along their lines. Both Carrie and Connor said nothing as they waited with baited breath to hear his opinion on the matter.

"An old story once went" Mentu said as he seemed to stare off into space. "That back in the time of the ancient aztecs, a woman thought her husband unfaithful and asked the gods to test him to see if it was true. So the gods answered her prayer, and created a temptress, out of a scorpion" he said as he held his hand up.

He uncurled his fingers and a small spiral of sand appeared, before it turned solid. It took the shape of a large black and very lethal looking scorpion.

"But, the husband was able to stay faithful, even though the temptress persisted" Mentu continued. "The wife saw her husband was staying faithful, but she was not convinced. So she prayed he would be tested further." The scorpion shuffled on its legs as it regarded the two before Mentus outstretched hand.

"Finally, after many days, the husband finally had no resolved left to fight her advances, and he succumbed to her. The wife was overjoyed she was proved right, and prayed that he would suffer. So the temptress bit him and turned him into a scorpion" he said as he held a finger up and gently stroked the deadly creatures back rather fondly.

"However, the wife was horrified her husband was punished, and prayed for him to rejoin her. The gods were fed up with her by that point, so they gave her what she wanted. They turned her into a scorpion" he said as he stroked the creatures back again. "And they went on to have hundreds of little baby scorpions together."

Both Carrie and Connor said nothing as they allowed him to tell the story. He stopped stroking the creature before he looked up at them both.

"You are both right" he said as he held the scorpion in his hand and brought it up against his chest. "I think we need to find our little scorpion. And crush him" he said with a smile that crept across his lips as he crunched the creature in his hand.

When he opened his fingers, there was nothing but sand.

Present Day ...

Judith let out a scream when she saw, over the head of Rupert, the figure that was standing in the doorway, looking right at them.

Her top had been pulled open to reveal her ample breasts, which Rupert had buried his head between, causing her to moan and squeeze her arms around the back of his head. His hands were all over her, groping at her flesh and squeezing at whatever part of her he could get his hands on.

She had been moaning, panting as she felt him grab at her body as if he hadn't touched her in days rather then minutes. She had her eyes closed, her chin resting against the top of his head as she was practically drinking down the attention that he was giving her.

She screamed when she saw him, grabbing at Ruperts shoulders as she struggled to pull him out from between her breasts. Rupert didn't get pulled out right away, as he seemed more interested in what he wanted. It took her several struggling moments to pull his head from between her breasts.

"God damn girl, I thought you wanted me that badly" Rupert said as he gave her a sleazy grin across his lips as he licked them slowly, letting her see his tongue. "Or maybe you just want me to get to the main course" he said as he grabbed at her pants.

"Get...get off me" Judith said desperately as she pushed at him again, managing to push him away from her with her foot as she hopped off the counter and started to struggle putting her top back on to cover herself up.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Rupert said with a smug smirk on his face, before he then noticed the figure in the doorway. "Oh, well hello there" Rupert said, without even looking surprised that they had been joined by a rather angry looking bull in a two piece suit. "You come to join us?"

"Oh god, honey" Judith said as she struggled to get her top back on properly. "I...I wasn't...I didn't expect...what...what are you doing home?" she said as she suddenly rounded on him the moment she had her top back on.

"Oh, this is your husband? You didn't tell me you were married" Rupert said with a smug grin on his face. "Gotta tell you, you got a super wife on you. You're a lucky bastard you know that?" he said with a grin .

"Rupert, shut up" Judith said rather frantically as she turned again to her husband. "Grant, what the hell are you doing home so early? you weren't supposed to be back till tomorrow. What are you doing, turning up home a day early anyway?"

Grant said nothing as he narrowed his eyes at his wife. There wasn't anger in his eyes, or hatred that he was glaring at her with. Rather, he just looked disappointed.

"What, what you don't trust me or something?" Judith said as she tried to turn the situation around against her husband. "Is that why you came home early? I can't believe you don't trust me, after we've been married for so long. How dare you not trust me" she said angrily as she pointed a finger accusingly at her husband.

"Well, to be fair, I did fuck you this morning" Rupert said with a smirk to her.

" up" JUdith snapped at him as a look of horror spread on her face to Ruperts blatant admission.

"You know she's a screamer, right?" Rupert said with a grin as he turned to Grant. "Squeals like a pig giving birth. Really vocal, specially when she climaxes. I know women fake them, but she aint faking it" he said with a chuckle and a sleazy grin on his face that matched his merciless taunting.

"Rupert... do'nt...don't lie to my husband. I .... I swear I never faked them with you...I mean..." Judith said as she found herself flustering about as she tried to form words. "We...we did nothing, i swear" she said.

"Yeah. we did nothing. we did nothing four times since yesterday" Rupert said, the buck looking smug with himself. Judith just stared at him in shock at his blatant admission before he unfolded his arms.

"Well, this has been good and all, but I gotta get moving. I guess you two have a lot to talk about" Rupert said as he gave them both a dismissive wave of his hand as he brushed past Grant to get to the living room where he had undressed the previous day.

"Grant... i swear..... he doesn't know what he's talking about" Judith pleaded with her husband, who still hadn't said anything to her. "this...this was all just a big misunderstanding, i swear" she said.

Grant however, just continued to look disappointed as he shook his heavy head slowly. He then turned around and proceeded to head towards the stairs.

"Grant" Judith cried out to him as she watched him slowly ascend the stairs to the bedroom. "grant, say something to me" she cried out, just as he slammed the bedroom door shut. Judith covered her mouth in shock as she realized the gravity of the situation that was dawning on her.

"Oh god...oh god" she mumbled to herself in distress. This was not something that she expected to have happened to her that day, and now that it had, she had no idea what to do.

She managed to stumble her way into the living room and found Rupert there, the buck having already put on his skinny jeans and a tight wifebeater top and was sitting doing up his sneakers.

" can't just could you say those things to my husband?" Judith said as she felt the tears in her eyes. "How could you say those things about me" she said.

"Well, for one thing they're true" he said with a smug grin on his face as he laced up one sneaker and started on the other. "We did spend the weekend humping like rabbits, and you loved every minute of it" he pointed out to her.

"But how could you say that to my husband, to his face?" Judith asked in desperation as she watched him calmy tie up his shoes. " can you be so calm about this? My husband just walked in on us" she said.

"That's your problem not mine" Rupert said with a smirk on his face as he finished tying his shoes and stood up to put his shirt on. "But I guess since your husband found out about us, this means we're through. Good thing too, I was dreading having to make the break up call'' he said.

Judith just stared at him in shock.

" were going to ....break up with me?" she asked, feeling the tears brim her eyes at what he just said. But that couldn't be true, could it? They were both going so well together. How could he be thinking of breaking up with her?

"Well, of course I was" Rupert said as he slipped his shirt over his head and tugged it down his slender frame. "What, you thought we had something going on?"

"I....I thought....." Judith said, but she found herself unable to form words next.

"Oh god, you actually did think we had something, didn't you? Oh that is just so adorable" Rupert said with a grin on his face as he tucked his shirt into his waistband. "I can't wait to tell Mary about this. She's going to find this so cute and pathetic. Well, it kind of is" he said.

"Who's.... who's Mary?" Judith asked.

"Oh, Mary is the girl i'm meeting up after this. Gorgeous little eighteen year old girl. Cheerleader. boyfriends away at a game. I'm going to wreck her" he said with another sleazy grin on his face.

"YOu... you were going to meet up with another girl after me?" Judith said in shock. She hadn't been expecting him to say such a thing. "How.... how could you do that? I thought.... I thought we had something" she said as she felt the tears finally leave her eyes and start to drip down her cheeks.

THe fact he didn't say anything, or rather the fact that he just laughed as he picked up his wallet and his phone from the table meant something that she didn't want to admit. He didn't care about her. The weekend was just sex to him. He was just using her.

"I...I thought you liked me..." Judith said as she felt her world start to crumble down around her. She felt her body slump, her shoulders falling as the tears dripped down her face and splashed onto her shirt. "I thought..... I was special to you..."

"Oh sweetheart, I can't believe you thought you were special to someone like me" He said with a smirk on his face as he unlocked his phone and tapped the screen a few times before he held it up in front of her.

Judith stared in disbelief as a number of naked females flashed across the screen. Young, middle aged, slender, full figured, blonde, brunette, various different species were all on parade. Naked selfies filled his phone. And then she saw the one of her, the one she had sent him before the weekend. The one of her sitting on her bed on full display to him.

"See, all these girls and women think they're special to me" He said with a smirk. "You can get over that though. Why would someone like me, with something like this" he said with a gesture to his body. "Want someone like you, with something like that?" he asked as he gestured to her body.

Judith had to grab the back of the armchair as she felt her knees go weak and a heavy empty feeling appeared in her stomach, a feeling of an empty void insider her as she felt herself start to collapse. She was ignored as Rupert put his phone in his pocket and began to walk out.

"How could a fat cow like you compete with a cheerleader anyway?" he called over his shoulder. "But if it makes you feel any better, I got a black chick with some major ass on her lined up after her, so she'll be just as wrecked as you are when i'm done with her" he called out before he shut the front door.

Judith was struggling ot hold onto the back of the armchair as she was having trouble processing what he had just said. The whole weekend, she had thought she was someone special. Her marriage had been hitting a hard time, what with Grant constantly away at the office and on the road, with her at home all day with nothing to do. Neither of htem were getting yougner, and both were filling out their frames with their aging.

THe attention that Rupert had shown her, made her feel like someone special again. Like the extra weight, the crows feet, the larger frame, the slowly greying hair, like none of that mattered. that someone like him could have appreciated a women like her, when her husband was too tired to notice her?

How could the last few days mean so little ot him, after all they had done together. Was every action, every caress of his hand, every lick of his tongue, every brush of flesh on flesh, was every whispered word, nothing more then a honey coated lie? Was she really that pathetic, that her husband didn't have the time for her, or even any male for that matter?

Judith had to sit down in the armchair as she felt her legs finally give out on her. The tears were streaming down her face at this point, and her breathing was becoming heavier and harder. A dull throbbing was beginning to assault the back of her head as she started to choke in her throat.

She heard footsteps coming down the stairs and she turned around in her chair, in time to see her husband appear in the doorway. Grant stood there, looking in on her, a heavy looking suitcase at his side. The disapointed look on his face had been replaced, and now there was only sadness in his eyes.

He looked more like the sad old bull she had always thought of him to be then he ever had before, and the sadness was because of her. He put the suitcase down and pulled something from his pocket. she couldn't see what it was, but it looked like it had a long gold chain on it.

"Judith, why coudln't you have just said something to me?" was he all he said to her as he picked up his suitcase and turned his back on her. She heard the front door open as she sank back into her chair, the tears starting to pour like a fountain down her cheeks. Just before the front door closed, she swore she heard him say something, followed by the cracking of glass.

Judith shut her eyes as the reality of the situation hit her like a tonne of bricks, and she was unable to hold back her emotions. She started to cry, loudly as she buried her head in her hands and sobbed, her cries heard by no-one.

A lion stood in front of the square pond, standing in just a long tan robe that seemed somewhat too big for him, the edges reaching the grass at his feet. He had his eyes closed, his black mane cascading down his neck and across his grey shoulders. He seemed to be waiting for something as he stood there in the light of the setting sun.

"Sir, the request was made" said the voice of a black horse who stepped out of the open front door of the manor. He was wearing clothing made of pure white that were covered in various religious symbols. A high back collar reached up to his jawline. He was jet black black with a white stripe down the front of his face, his dark coloured mane curled over one side of his face, covering the right side of his head.

He held his white hands in front of him, almost in a praying position, black nails standing out against the white fur. The only eye that was visible was his left eye, and it shone in a rather otherworldy way.

"Shall we honour it Sir?" Carrie asked as she stepped up beside the rhino, her hands clasped in front of her as they both waited for the lion to respond. The lion said nothing for a moment before he opened his eyes. They were a deep sapphire blue and seemed to sparkle in the light.

"Connor. Carrie. The request shall be granted" the lion said without turning around. They both bowed their heads in response to him. "Mother, if you may" he said as he held his arms outstretched.

"Yes, Mentu-Hotep." An elderly and rather rotund lioness walked up, her hair greying and pulled back into a severe bun. She was grey like the lion, their age difference prominent. She was dressed head to toe in the black and white outfit of a Victorian maid. She gave the lion a scathing and deadly glare from behind as she took his robe in her hands and pulled them off his slender body.

He was revealed to be naked, his smooth grey and white fur covering his whole body as he calmed stepped onto the edge of the pond and began to walk forward. His feet touched the waters surface and it rippled softly, but he didn't sink into the water. Calmly, he walked forward towards the circular platform the tea setting now removed.

The water in the pond began to rippled and swirl toward the platform as it slowly flowed upwards like a river. The water poured upwards and started to climb up the lions body. He closed his eyes as the water swirled around him and completely covered him from head to toe. The water continued to flow around as it gradually took shape, forming a sphere of swirling water around him. And then, it slowly began to rise up into the air.

Carrie suddenly began to glow a bright red as her skin began to blister and boil. It was literally burned off her body as her skin flowed like a glowing magma. Her hair burst into fire and flowed around her neck as her clothes burned into ashes that fell to the ground, a figure of living fire.

Connor began to crack apart as his skin bulged and wormed around his body before it broke like an eggshell. His skin and clothes cracked away to reveal a figure made entirely of white hands that clung to one another, fingers and thumbs making out every detail of his body.

The water sphere suddenly shattered like ice, fractured pieces hanging in the air as the area around Mentu shimmered like oil on water. Images of sand and deserts, palm trees and ancient temples flew past as Mentu slowly lowered to the ground. It was as if millennia passed around him for a brief moment as he landed on his feet.

He wore a wrapped corded blue belt around his waist that covered his lower torso, long strands of cloth made in red and gold flowed around his legs. A pair of golden sandals covered his feet, and ornate golden bands were wrapped around his biceps. A large ornate golden collar was wrapped around his neck and covered half of his chest.

Atop his head lay a golden headdress in the shape of a cobra, the head raised up with a ruby forked tongue poking out in an eternal hiss. Gilded chains hung from the headpiece and lay across his cheeks.

He turned to face Connor and Carrie, a long golden staff in his hand. Atop the staff was a large golden Ankh, the Egyptian cross with an oval on the top.

"It's time to grant a wish" he said with a smile as he tapped the base of his staff on the podium, an unearthly gonging suddenly sounding that reverberated through their souls. He smiled to them both, and it was not a good smile.

"Hey babe, i'm just on my way over. Just had to get rid of some trash, is all. was weighing me down" Rupert said into his phone as he managed to make it to his car. He had parked several houses away, mostly so no-one would see him head into the house of a fat chick. He gave the key a turn in the lock and slid himself into the drivers seat of his convertible.

"Look baby, I told you. I'll be there soon" he said as he started up the car and pulled off onto the street. He could feel the crotch of his pants start to get tight at the thought of bedding the teenage cheerleader. "I'll show you a good time, I promise. You'll forget about your boyfriend soon enough. YOu won't be thinking of anything but me all day, I promise" he said with a grin as he cut off the call to pay attention to the road.

"Can't believe they fall for that" he laughed to himself as he guided his car around the cornor. "God, I could pick up any chick I wanted, even off the side of the road if I had too" he said to himself as he studied the street before him.

"Oh, baby, speaking of...." he said, a grin spreading over the bucks handsome muzzle as he spotted a female walking down the side of the residential road along the footpath. She was wearing a figure hugging black dress, something that accentuated the slender curves of her body. She wore heels, slender black heeled boots that disappeared under the hem of her dress. A wide black hat covered her head from his view, but the back view was all he needed to hone in on her.

"I suppose mary can wait a while. get her nice and eager for me" he thought as he gave himself a lick across his lips. "I'll blame car trouble. might have to put some grease on my shirt, but it'll give me an excuse to show up without my shirt on. chicks get so wet seeing me shirtless'' he thought as he gave his crotch a squeeze with his hand, feeling his own lust as he sped the car down the road to catch up to the elegant looking woman.

"Hey there beautiful. Hope you don't mind me asking, but my car seems to be stalling a bit. Reckon you could give me a hand?" Rupert called out as he leant over in his car to call out to her. However, she seemed to ignore him as she continued to walk forward.

"I could really use a hand" he called out to her as he crept the car forward. "I'm sure I'd be able to thank you in some way for your trouble. I'm quite good at thanking people" he called out. Yet she continued to walk forward. She seemed stiff in her movements, as if she was having trouble walking.

"I'm really....really good at thanking people. I can thank you right here in the car. Multiple times if you want" he called out with a grin on his face. But still the strange woman ignored him.

"Hey, I'm talking to you here. LEast you can do is actually look at me" Rupert said in annoyance. It was clear that he wasn't used to being ignored when he tried to turn on the charm. And clearly this woman was ignoring him as he stopped the car. He got out and slammed his door shut, a look of frustration on his face.

"Hey, did you hear what I said there? I'm talking to you" he said. The strange then stopped walking and stood, rather stiffly, still. Still with her back turned to him, she still did not answer him as he stepped up behind her.

"Answer me dammit. I do not like being ignored" he said as he grabbed her shoulder and went to pull her to face him. When his hand touched her shoulder, it took him a moment to realise how cold her skin felt under the material, and instead of turning, she simply fell backwards.

He gasped in shock as he stepped out of the way as the woman fell backwards onto the pavement. She fell, stiff as a board with a loud clattering noise as her front was revealed to him.

"Oh fuck" he cried out as he found himself staring down at a mannequin, dressed in the elegant black outfit. But there was no face on her, just a smooth white surface with no features. But a moment ago she had been walking. He had seen it.

"THe fuck is this?" he said as he stepped back in shock, just as the front of the dress began to move. Sharp looking .... things seemed to tent out the front of the dress where the dolls stomach was meant to be, like something was trapped under the fabric and was trying to get out.

"Fuck fuck fuck" RUpert siad as he tried to back towards his car, but before he could grab the door handle, a spark of flame erupted from under the car and swept upwards over the side of the car.

He screamed as he jumped back, seeing the fiery breath of flames erupt over his prized convertible. He watched in despair as the flames swept over the car like liquid and soaked into the cars interior. He couldn't feel the heat of the flames, but the car evidently did, as it literally started to melt right before his eyes.

His attention was brought back to the doll as a large set of claws ripped through the material as something fought to escape it. Rupert watched, panicking as his heart raced in his chest as two large furry paws dug themselves out of the dress and started to pull whatever nightmare they were attached to out of its confines.

"THE FUCK IS THIS?" Rupert shouted as a literal nightmare emerged from the dolls body. It looked like some kind of mutant crocodile, with large feline legs on its front and the rear end was some kind of.... well he didn't know. The beast was fused out of several different creatures, and its mouth was huge, almost grinning at him like it was a predator sizing up its next meal.

Rupert felt the urge to run but when he turned around, he found that his feet weren't moving. He gasped as he looked down and screamed again as he saw what was holding his feet in place.

Grey hands. disembodied grey hands were holding his feet in place and preventing him from moving. they swarmed on the groudn at his feet like a swarm of nightmare spiders and they held onto one another in order to keep him in place.

The flames engulfing his car roared as the metal melted and the material burned to ash. The smoke billowed around and swarmed across the road, blocking the houses and the street from view. THe smoke was so thick he was unable to see anyhting beyond it as the monster stepped forward.

It lifted its grotesque head up into the air and then leant foward, opening its huge mouth and sending a surge of putrid liquid onto the ground before Rupert. Rupert struggled to stay upright as he watched that bloodied gore filled puke spill across the ground as it seemed to bubble on the surface.

A hand suddenly burst through the surface, clad in a white glove that was covered in holes. THe flesh of the hand was burned and scarred, as if it had been dissolved in stomach acid. Another hand joined it, the fingers twisted into claws as whatever new horror appeared began to pull itself out of the muck.

Rupert felt the scream catch in his throat as a figure clad in the ruins of a white wedding gown clawed her way out of the bile. Her fur and her flesh melted, her face unrecognizable to him as she stood, clutching the remains of her dress up against her disfigured body.

"You tricked me" she shouted to him, her wide white eyes glaring at him without eyelids, making them seem bigger. "You seduced me, tricked into believing you were good for me. I was ruined because of you" she shouted.

"I don't fucking know you" Rupert said as he twisted his feet, but the hands were crawling up his legs, slowly holding him more and more in place as the spidery hands held their place, growing in number around his feet.

"You seduced me" another voice said. THe torso of a woman had burst out the bile, her wretched burned features distorting her into a nightmare of melted flesh and muscle. "You seduced me into hating my husband and my daughter. I loved them until you came along and ruined me."

" got the wrong guy" Rupert said as he struggled to move his feet again, but the hands had by now reached his knees and were slowly working their way up to hold him in place.

"You don't remember me?" A third one said as she clawed her way out of the bile, the hideous monster erupting another flood of bile and gore from its mouth as it added to the flood on the ground, a few more hands and heads emerging from the flood.

"You forgot me?" another one asked, her melted features still able to show the sadness she felt at being forgotten. "But you made me feel so special, like i was worthy of you."

"Did we mean nothing to you?" another asked. "Do you remember us at all? Were we so worthless to you?" she asked him, holding her burned and melted hands out in front of her like she was pleading with him. "Did I mean nothing to you?"

"Oh, but they did, didn't they?" a voice said next to Ruperts ear as he saw a face appear on his shoulder. Several of the hands had crept up onto his shoulder and entwined their fingers together to create a ghastly looking face. "All these women, and you don't remember their names."

"Why would you remember their names?" said a female voice. Rupert looked to the side, a look of fear on his face as he saw a figure sitting on the melting bonnet of the car. A figure made entirely of flames, looking at him with eyes glowing like embers. "Can you name them?" she asked.

"I ....I's not my fault" Rupert said as the hands on his legs held him in place as the women began to slowly walk forward, pleading with him, their arms outstretched, pleading with him that they weren't worthless, that they meant something to him.

"It is your fault. you slept with them" the hands against his shoulder spoke to him. "You chose to seduce them, to satisfy yourself. You threw yourself on them, and never once stopped them when they accepted it."

"I didn't want them. they threw themselves on me" Rupert shouted. "THey were the women who demanded me. i just accepted it. its their fault for getting into my pants, I'm innocent in this" he shouted.

"You seduced them" the fiery female said as she seemed to float off the melting car and glided towards him with a gracefull air. "You seduced them when they were vulnerable, and when the time came, you threw them aside and left for your next conquest. You took pleasure in the affair that you gave them, didn't you?"

"Let me go, this is not my fault" he screamed as he saw the women were getting closer, their melted twisted hands reaching for him as they continued to plead with him. "I just gave them what they wanted, its not my fault their husbands caught them. they wanted it, i just gave it to them" he shouted.

"You're a liar. An abuser. A user of women. the worst kind of man."

The billowing smoke suddenly cleared at the side as a figure emerged from the depths. A lion, wearing robes and carrying a staff, calmly walked forward on sandaled feet as the victimized women started to swarm around Rupert.

"You were born with the looks of a god, and the body of a stallion" the lion said as he glared at the now screaming buck as the disfigured women pressed up against him, their twisted hands caressing his flesh. "You were put on display, showing off everything you had. You were taught your looks could get you everywhere, and they did indeed."

"You were never taught to treat women with respect, you were instead taught to treat them as a means to an end. You used them for your own selfish desires, to lay as many of them as you could, because you believed you can. You are not sorry for the lives you have ruined, the husband you have left single, the wives you have destroyed. You are only sorry that you were caught" the lion said as he lifted his staff and pointed the end towards the buck.

The fiery female drifted away back into the inferno that was the melting car, and the hands suddenly broke off and scurried away from Rupert. T Here was no need to hold him in place as the scarred and victimized women held him in their twisted hands, still continuing to plead with him as he screamed and struggled.

"I am the morning and evening star. I command the sun to rise and the moon to fall. The waters of the Nile drown my enemies and the burning sands of Egypt scar those who wish wrong. I am the voice of my people, and the law of my kingdom. And I pass judgement upon you" Mentu said, his voice echoing through the billowing smoke.

"And that Judgement, is guitly".

"Ammit" Mentu said as he reached out his hand at his side and the crocodile monster walked its way towards its master, the lions ringed fingers stroking the monsters head as the beast seemed to grin, saliva dripping from its enormous fangs in anticipation.

"Feed" Mentu said. Ammit leapt forward, bounding its way across the bile and gore on the ground as the females held Rupert between them. Ammits jaws opened wide as it prepared to devour them all once again.

Rupert screamed as the beasts jaws swallowed him and his victims up, as the women gladly dragged him back into the hell that they had all found themselves in.

The motel room was cheap. just a bed, a dresser and a cheap tv in the cornor. a place to stay overnight rather then days at a time. He could see the flickering neon sign out of the front through the broken slats in the venetian blinds.

Grant sat on the bed, his jacket on the floor, his tie hanging uselessly around his neck. His eyes were read from crying. He hadn't cried so hard in so long. And he probably would be crying for some time longer.

His phone buzzed beside him, a picture of his wife appearing on the screen as she attempted to call him again. He already had several missed calls from her, and many, many texts. He didn't bother to answer it, or to read the messages that she had sent. He wasn't ready to talk to her.

He didn't know why she had done it. True, he had been working more then he should have, but his job had called for it. His wife really didn't want for nothing. She had the clothes, the jewellry, the freedom to do as she pleased. He never once said no to any of her friends that she had, never tried to tell her what to do or what not to do.

He hugged her every morning, kissed her goodbye before he left. He hugged her every night when he returned home from work, kissed her cheek and told her he loved her every day. Apologized for his working hours, bought her gifts home when he went away. In his minds eye, he had done all that he had been able to do.

So why then, did she cheat on him?

He stared at the wedding picture in his hand, taken from her bedside table. They both looked so happy in the picture. Yougner, thinner. She was so beautiful, the bovine swamped with white, looking the picture perfect presentation of a happy bride. And he stood beside her, more muscled back then, definitely handsome. He had put on weight since then, his hair thinning.

He sighed as he put the picture down and rubbed his face in his hands. To him his wife was still beautiful. More of her to love in his opinion, every line on her face just a testament to how wonderful she was. She wasn't old to him, she was still the same woman he had married so many years ago.

"Why couldn't she just tell me what went wrong?" he asked himself ignored the phone as it suddenly went quiet. "What did I do wrong?" he asked himself. He rubbed at his wrist, feeling the cold chain that pressed against his flesh under the cuff of his shirt.

He never blamed his wife for what happened. But he had blamed the man she had slept with. A divorce was not a definite thing on the horizon for him and Judith. A marriage does not survive because you give up at the first problem. But there was one thing he was certain of.

That smug bastard was not going to hurt anyone else. He had seen to that.

The Fallout 3

The Fallout By Kendo Kawabata Chapter 3 : It's not the same. The bridge leading out of Sanctuary was broken. The only real way in, if people didn't wish to cross the river that seperated the neighbourhood from the area beyond. Beside the first...

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The Fallout 2

The Fallout By Kendo Kawabata Chapter 2 : Into the Light Adam had to hold his hand up as the cover of the lift opened above him, the sealed hatch grinding loudly and dropping dust down as it let the light in. Adam coughed a few times from...

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The Fallout 1

The Fallout By Kendo Kawabata Chapter 1. Out of Time. Saturday morning. it seemed so innocent that day. "Dude, your parents are going to be up any minute" "I don't want to let go of you any-time soon" Adam laid against the other boy in his bed,...

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