The Towel Boy

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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I had the urge to challenge myself tonight, to see if i could write up a short story. Got this done in about two hours with very little editing or rewriting. And god are my hands tired.

The Towel boy

By Kendo Kawabata

Every day that lion would walk into the gym at the exact same time. Every evening at eight pm he would swipe his membership card on the door and walk in, heading to the locker room. He would emerge exactly five minutes later, dressed in his workout gear.

Azure knew him by name, but hadn't actually met him yet. The lion was a mature daddy type, a neatly trimmed windswept black mane framed with grey, an equally trimmed beard hat lined his square jawed face. The rest of his fur was a snow flecked white that covered his large muscled body.

The zebra would watch him through the glass wall that seperated reception from the gym. Azure would stand there, carrying fresh handtowels for the late night patrons and watch as the lion walked in from wherever he came from and head to the locker room to change, his tight fitting clothes worn on his body like a stripper uniform.

The locker room was the only way in and out of the actual gym, and the lion, Emery was his name, would appear, a black towel across his broad shoulders, water bottle in one hand and an iPod in the other. Azure would bite his lip and have to lower the towels down to hide the bulge that always grew when he spotted the daddy lion in his workout gear.

The elder lion would always wear the same thing, a white wrestling full body singlet. It was tighter then it should have been, suggesting that it was a few sizes too small on purpose, what with the way it clung to the lions chiselled body like a second skin.

He never bothered with a workout partner, or seemed interested in anything but his workout. Unlike other patrons, who would stay there for hours at a time, preening in front of the mirrors and hogging the equipement while staring at the sports channel, Emery always took exactly an hour.

Azure would walk around during that hour, the zebra boy handing out towels and picking up the discarded ones as he tried, as discreetly as possible, to watch the elder lion during his workout. He always had a set routine during his excersizes, always the same sets in the same numbers.

Fuck was that alpha lion a stud. The way that white spandex would cling to his body, only seeming to get tighter over the course of that hour. Every movement, every flex, every bulge of every muscle on that older body, just made the material cling tighter.

The lion would sweat during his workout, and Azure would whimper as he watched the material slowly soak and spread from the lions secretions. The valleys between his large pecs would be exposed, showing the deep treasure trail that ran between those large solid mounds down his abdomen towards his crotch. When he did his sit ups and crunches, those pecs seemed to dance.

Azure would try and stand behind the lion when he ran on the cross country trainer, watching that mature ass jiggle under the tight material. The fucking lion wore a damn jockstrap under the material, exposing his glutes as they seemed to jiggle freely in their frame. And the steadily soaking material would just make it worse for the poor zebra boy as he watched.

The worse part though, was when the lion did his last set of excersizes. His squats. He would grab a barbell and hoist it over his shoudlers and squat, there in the middle of the room, watching himself in the mirror to check his posture. And he would be on display. Somehow, his crotch bulge would shift during his excersizes, and his obviously hefty cock would spill out down his leg, creating a snake that was all to obvious to see.

Some days it took all of Azures strength to just not get on his knees and slobber on that thick snake til it was covered in zebra drool. Although some days he just wanted to lie down and have the older lion sit on him till that large muscled butt was covering his face as he worshipped his rear.

It was always a long and torturous hour for the poor zebra. Although he was surrounded by beef of all shapes and sizes all day long, it was always that lion that threatened to make him pop a raging boner in front of everyone there.

And then Emery would leave, heading into the locker room after downing the last of his water and emerge ten minutes later on the other side of the glass wall, redressed and leaving the gym. And poor Azure would be left with the stragglers that took up space till it was closing time.

Once the zebra got home though, he would strip the clothes off his slender body and throw himself on the bed, grabbing his ebony cock and fantasize about the daddy lion in the gym.

His fantasy had always been simple. Emery would come home with him, and the lion would take control and ravage the poor zebra on the living room floor. Sometimes it would move to the bedroom where the zebra would get his head pounded into the headboard as the big lion towered over him.

Azure would moan and whimper as he stroked his needy cock, his spare hand would rub over his feminine sized ass, probing at his tight hole as he imaged the lion pounding those big striped booty cheeks till he blasted a load deep inside him.

Although lately the images had transferred him to another place. The actual gym. He would find himself in the cubicle of the toilets, bouncing on the lions lap as he was seated, his legs lifted up and pressing on the door. Then the fantasy ended up with him in the open showers, held upside down against the wall with the lions tongue buried up his phat ass while he was choking on that fat trouser snake.

What he fantasized about lately though, was the one that brought about his biggest pleasure. Emery would fuck him right in the middle of the workout space, in front of the other patrons. Ploughing his fat bubble butt with that even bigger lion cock till he roared, pouring his seed deep into his zebra bitch. Sometimes he'd pull out and shoot over the zebras back, ass and thighs, marking him as his property with his spunk.

And then Azure would lose it and end up blowing his load, his girly sized ebony cock would shoot his load over his chest and across his face, sometimes even hitting the headboard behind him. He didn't have a big sized cock, but he could sure blow a load big enough to be create a mess.

Emery was the zebra boys fantasy lion, but the boy knew nothing about him beyond his first name. He was a towel boy, he was there to pick up after the lazy buggers who didn't know where the towel bin was and wipe things down after they were used. He wasn't supposed to make friends with them, or ask them personal questions. Besides, he didn't trust himself to not say something stupid and or embarressing.

"Hi. I'm azure. Could you please stamp ''Bitch'' on my ass and then rape me in front of everyone?" Yeah, that would go down well.

For now, Azure would just have to put up with trying to sneak looks at Emery when the lion worked out, and satisfy his urges with his hands.

One night though, things changed.

It started when Emery was late. Azure had looked at the clock and saw that it was eight pm, and then looked over at the entrance to spot his lion as he normally did. But Emery didn't step through it. Azure was so surprised by the fact the lion wasn't punctual that he actually dropped the towels and stared open mouthed at the door for several minutes till someone shouted at him.

Every few minutes he would glance his attention to the door, hoping to see Emery walk in. But the lion didn't show up at all. Azure actually felt disapointed, and more then a little upset as the time crept closer to nine and Emery was a no show. When nine pm finally hit and the lion hadn't shown up at all, Azure was really close to actually crying.

But he managed to hold himself together for the next hour as the gym started to close down. He had to wipe down the equipement for the last time, grab any and all soiled towels and bag them up for washing before changing out of his shorts and shirt and into his pants and hoodie for the ride home.

The other gym workers closed up behind him as he headed to the car park, his shoulders hunched and his gait slow. It was seriously bumming him out that Emery hadn't shown up, and he felt like going home and downing a big two litre tub of Blue-Belle ice cream in despair.

He reached his car and fumbled in his backpack for his keys, his hoodie down low over his face. So low in fact he didn't see someone come up behind him and grab him by his shoulders.

Azure let out a startled girlish squeak as he was forcibly turned around, for a moment fearing that someone had come to assault him or rob him of his car. The bigger shock though, was to find himself face to face with the mission lion, who had him pinned against the side of the car.

"E-Emery?" he asked in startled surprise as he felt the lion press up close, trapping the zebra boy with his bulk. Azure felt a blush spread across his face, turning his cheeks red under his black stripes as Emery was wearing only a pair of shorts and literally nothing else. Those flimsey running shorts were loose and breezy, and so short in length that he could actually see a good couple of fat inches of cock hanging out.

"Miss me, pony?" the elder lion said, his voice gruff, the kind of older voice of a daddy that sent a shiver down Azures spine and cause him to drop in his pants.

"I...what...I..." he stammered, unable to find words as the lion pressed up closer, his large muscled chest threatening ot bump the zebra in the face with his collarbone.

"I know you've been watching me, pony. Standing at attention when I walk in, and trying to sneak your peaks as I work out. Bet you get hard watching me, don't you?" the lion growled as he squeezed the zebras shoulders in his hands. The grip was surprisingly gentle, but it was still a strong firm grip.

Azure found himself only nodding, his blush growing brighter he swore that he was glowing.

"I bet you want me, do'nt you pony?" Emery asked as he leaned down enough to come face to face, his deep piercing eyes looking straight into his captive preys gaze. Azure could only nod again. They were alone in this end of the carpark, the others having left by now. And the lion could easily pin him down and have his way with the zebra and there was nothing the pony could actually do about it. And the thought of it just made his pants grow tighter.

"I've been watching you too, watching that fat mare ass of yours jiggle under your workout shorts when you prance around, watching it bulge out as you bent over where I could see you. The amount of times I've jerked off, wanting to stuff you full of my cock and make you choke on it till you almost pass out" he growled deeply.

Azure whined, his pants becoming too tight from the lions firm words. His small girly cock had never been this hard before, and it actually felt like it would split his pants in two if he didn't get it out.

"I can fuck you right here, right now" Emery growled as he moved in closer till the two were almost touching noses. "Or, I can leave and switch gyms tomorrow" he said, a smirk spreading across his lips. "If you don't beg me for it."

"FUCK ME" Azure almost screamed out, his eyes going wide as he heard the threat of the lion changing gyms. He threw his hands forward as he grabbed onto the lions shoudlers and held on for dear life as he pleaded. "I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me and make me your mare. I want to go home dripping of your seed. I want you to stamp 'bitch' on my ass and make me your plaything. Just please, PLEASE fuck me now. You can do whatever you want to me, I'll be yours. Just fuck me like a mare" he pleaded so loudly that the neighbouring houses probably woke up and heard him.

Emery grinned. This was all the needed as he spun the zebra around again and grabbed the boys pants in his hands and yanked down. Azure gasped as his pants were yanked down, his hard girly cock springing free and streaking the door of his car with several strands of pre. His tail lifted up out of instinct as he grabbed onto the side of the car and held on, completely at the lions mercy.

"Mmmm, daddy is gonna fuck this fat ass" Emery growled as he brought his hand back and landed a hard smack across that exposed rump. Azure yelped and moaned loudly from the impact as his cheeks wobbled rather lewdly. He held onto the frame of the roof and pushed his hips back, pushing that big girly butt back.

"Tell daddy you want him to fuck it" Emery said as he brought his hand back again and smacked the other side of that large striped ass as the zebra moaned again loudly.

"Daddy, fuck your little mare" Azure cried out as he lifted his tail and shoved his ass back against the lions crotch. "Fuck your little mare till she's carrying your kittens" he cried out.

Emery chuckled as he pulled down the front of his pants, exposing his big cock as he slapped it up against the zebras crack. Azure gasped as he felt that heavy, fat and hot log of cock smack ontop of his rump, shivering slightly from the sheer size of it.

"Oh god, is it gonna fit?" Azure found himself whimpering out loud as he heard something pop open. Emery had pulled a bottle of lube from his pocket and started to drizzle it down on his cock, several strands of lube smearing onto the zebras cheeks.

"Oh, I'll make it fit. I'll stuff you full" Emery promised with a grin as he pulled his cock back slowly and wedged the fat head into the zebras butt cheeks. "Unless you want me to go slow" he purred as he hooked his thumbs between those large cheeks and slowly spread them apart.

Azrure whimpered at the thought of getting spread open by that huge cock, but he shook his head and pushed back as best he could, feeling that large cockhead push up against his virgin ring.

" I want you to fuck me" he whined. "I want you to rape me wide open" he whimpered as he looked over his shoulder, giving the lion a pleading looking of need. Emery grinned as he held onto the zebras spread cheeks and started to push forward.

Azure cried out so loudly from his ring being forced open so hard and so quickly that Emery grabbed him around the muzzle and clamped his mouth shut as he forced his huge cock into that ass. He lifted the zebra back, pulling his back up to his chest as he sank his big cock into that tight ass, filling him full as he pushed forward.

The zebra had tears in his eyes as his ring felt like it was on fire, feeling it and his insides stretch to accommodate that huge cock. He was pushed up against the side of the car, the lion hodling him down by his muzzle as inch after fat thick inch violated his insides and devirginised his hole.

"Oh fuck, you are definitely a virgin mare son" Emery growled into the zebras ear as he hilted. Azure felt the lions hips push up against his rump, signalling that he had indeed been stuffed full as his legs began to wobble and his eyes rolled up in the back on his head as the realisation that he was getting fucked by his daddy lion hit him like a tonne of bricks.

Emery oculd hear the splatter of horse cum against metal as the pony let loose with a hands free climax, the equine moaning into the lions fingers as his girly cock sprayed like a small hose, the zebras pleasure almost knocking him out. A grin spread across his face as he felt the zebra sag against him slightly. Why had he waited so long?

"Daddy is gonna fuck you now" the lion growled in his ear as he did exactly that. He did not waste time, he pulled himself out, his shaft sliding out of that stretched out hole before he rammed it back in hard, causing the pony to moan and the zebras stomach to bulge out with how much cock was stuffed into it.

In and out, in and out went the lions cock as he stuffed his mare hard and deep, plunging into that oversized stripey butt. Azure was starting to moan again into the lions fingers, drool seeping through the thick fingers as he tried to push back, wanting to keep as much of that cock in his ass as long as possible.

Emery huffed behind him, working his hips back and forth. His flesh slapped against those naked cheeks, making them bounce with each hard slap, the round cheeks billowing and rippling from the impacts. It had been ages since he had a hole this good and he was determined to fuck the life out of his zebra.

Azure grabbed at the side of the car as he was fucked in the parking lot, feeling his insides be repeatedly speared over and over. His ass was getting spanked with each thrust and his hole had never felt so violated before. He felt so full and his stomach bulged lewdly with each pump, the lions breath wafting in his ear with each grunt and groan of pleasure.

And he was loving every minute of it. His own girly horse cock was rock hard again, his balls bouncing back and forth as they fought to refill themselves so quickly.

His tongue snaked up against the lions fingers and slurped on them as best as he could as he was rammed, and he was rewarded by the lions fingers penetrating his mouth. Three fingers sunk down to the base in his mouth as they started to wiggle and scissor back and forth, fingering the zebras mouth like they were fingering his ass.

"Yeah, that's it boy. Suck on daddys fingers" Emery growled into the zebras ear and the zebra did just that, his tongue slurping as his mouth slobbered, drool seeping out of his mouth as he sloppily sucked on this fingers like he was trying to suck on the lions cock.

"Fuck your fat ass is good son. Daddy is gonna fuck you till he cums" Emery growled as he kept thrusting hard. His balls smacked against the zebras thighs with each thrust as he bottomed out over and over again, his cock pulsing hard as he was drawing closer to his orgasm.

Azure whimpered, wanting to feel that load deep inside him as he grabbed onto the lions wrist with his hands and tried to tug his hand forward. He felt the fingers tickle against the back of his throat as he started to choke, as the lion stuffed a fourth finger into his mouth, filling his cheeks out.

The zebra closed his eyes as he was forcibly choked on the lions fingers, spittle spurting from around that hand jammed into his mouth as his muzzle was violated. But the rough treatment was just making the zebra harder and drool more pre as he felt like he was going to burst any moment now as the lions thrusting got rougher.

The car was practially rocking back and forth now as the lion assaulted his ass, his hand almost fisting the zebras muzzle as he rammed deep into that hole. The lion felt a boiling in his balls, the zebras hot love tunnel milking at his cock as he was broguht closer.

"Daddy is gonna fucking impregnate you" Emery growled into the zebras ear, before he rammed in balls deep and roared as he erupted.

Azure felt his eyes widen as he felt that flood of cum surge deep into his depths, flooding his intestines up to his stomach as his ring was so tightly spread and stuffed that the cum had nowhere else to go but upwards. He could actually feel his stomach inflate from how much cum was being deposited into him.

He cried out against the fist that was jammed in his mouth as he came again, his little girly cock spraying a fresh load of white horse cum across the mess on his car door. He felt his whole body spasm, his legs turning to jelly as his gut bulged out till it looked like he was pregnant as he sagged onto the side of the car.

With a wet and messy pop the fist pulled free out of his mouth, the zebra gasping for air as a flood of spittle flew out of his mouth. He heaved as he fell onto the side of the car, propped up only by the cock in his ass.

"Oh yes son, you are a fucking keeper" the lion growled as he slowly pulled out. The zebras intestines clung to the lions cock, trying to keep it in as with a long wet slurping noise that big cock was pulled out of his ass.

There was a splatter as a large amount of lion seed was spurted out of his now gaping hole and landed down on his pants and on the concrete under his feet. Azure moaned loudly as he felt strangely empty without that huge cock in his ass as he struggled to keep himself upright.

"Havne't had a fuck that good in a long time boy" Emery said as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and slowly squeezed it, keeping the tip above the zebras ass so he could drip the last few ropes over those big cheeks.

Azure moan, feeling those hot strands land over his tail and his ass as he tenderly reached back and touched his fingertips to his hole. He moaned, feeling how puffed out they were and how wide he had been spread. It felt like his hole was struggling to close and he could feel the cum dribble down his thighs.

"Thank....thank you.....thank you daddy" Azure whined as he looked over his shoudler as he saw Emery tuck his half hard cock back into his shorts. Emery smirked as he wiped his hand on the zebras muzzle, smearing the last dregs of his fluids on the zebras face.

"You're welcome boy. I'll see you tomorrow. In the locker room when i'm done with my workout" Emery said as he simply turned around and headed to his own car. Azure just stared at him, his mouth open as he was left there, completely violated and exposed as the daddy lion walked to where he had parked his car across the street.

Emery had just left him to go home like a cheap slut he had fucked without giving a damn about the state he had left the girly equine in.

And Azure felt his cock harden at the thought of being left in that state tomorrow night in the gyms locker room, where anyone was able to walk in on him.

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