I like to watch...Fifth Glance

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#5 of I Like to Watch

Another I've been sitting on a while, and another in my occasional series of unrelated stories on a theme, I like to Watch. Voyeurism, that sneaky look, or playing up to an audience. One of the taboo joys of sex, but sometimes it leads to more and better...

For 40 year old bear and bull couple Brian and Sandy, a holiday by the sea is a chance to get away from it all and rekindle a relationship beset by outside strains. A young stallion presents opportunities for other joys though...watching, being watched, and sharing more than just the sea breezes.

If you like it, please consider faving, voting, or commenting. As authors, it's a tough road, and this is the only chance we get for positive feedback and it matters a lot.

Coming along the Great Ocean Road, I felt my bull begin to relax. There were a million subtle signals, but I could read him now like a book. Like the way his tail tuft swished; it always went in little circles when he relaxed. And the occasional snorts on his nosering as he looked out the window. The sea looked an almost indescribable blue, and the sky held a few lightly scudding clouds but no more, and as I drove us down the frankly terrifying road hugging the side of ocean cliffs I felt the tension leave my beloved on the passenger side and relocate into me.

We almost got cleaned up by a tourist coming the other way on the wrong side of the road, and that was enough to draw a moo from my bull, followed by a long tirade on people who shouldn't have their license being let loose on the road followed by glorious silence as he watched the incredible scenery go past. I was grateful even though it was hard work. He had been so on edge at home thanks to work and family fuckups and this holiday was designed mainly to get him to relax. I had been so worried about him. But it seemed to be working, rekindling the joy in simple things that was my bull's signature.

And I wanted to rekindle some other things, if I was being honest. It had been way too long since Sandy had given me a serious deep fucking and I was doing my best to set things up to get him in the mood. Nice scenery; relaxing, luxurious accommodation. Some of his favourite whisky in the back seat, next to some of my best home cooking all ready to eat so we didn't have to go out once we were there. I was a bear on a mission, and my mission was a clear three part strategy with relaxation of a certain bull followed by relaxation of my pucker followed by an awful lot of growling on my part. I just had to keep us on mission.

As long as I could keep us alive long enough to get there.

In the interests of safety, I stopped in Apollo Bay long enough to get a coffee and check out the beach. I was rewarded with a big beefy bull grin, and a stroke on my thigh.

"Love the smell of the sea Brian. I always remember how much I miss it when we go back."

I gave him my best smile too and tried to drink the cappuccino without getting froth all over my snout and tried to hide the hardon developing in my pants. Anticipation is half the joy in sex I find. In which case, the first touch of my bull's impressive endowment on my ass should cause a magnitude 7 earthquake in my balls.

The road became easier for a while travelling through rainforest, and then we almost missed the turnoff.

"Hey...Johanna beach..."

He was alert at least. Mumbling under my breath, I made a hard turn and we ended up on a road that rapidly turned to gravel. This was not exactly to my liking, I was a city bear with firm ideas of what constituted appropriate conditions and even the country was supposed to be civilised enough to manage paved roads. Still, we wouldn't have to survive this much longer...

Coming round a bend and up a hill, I saw the sign. Seabreeze...ok, so the name was a bit naff, but everything I saw on the web looked amazing and hit all the correct buttons. Now those buttons had better fucking deliver.

We came through the entrance and up a long driveway. There were three self-contained cottages, I remembered. All in perfect natural local sandstone, with views over the bluff to the ocean. And the main house should be...there.

I saw the main house to the right, bigger of course and with a large garage. The three cottages had carports attached, and I drove past the first two heading for the last in line which was past the main house in which the owners and managers lived.

As we got close, I noticed a lone equine. He was young, around eighteen, and he was out in a grassed area in front of the main house. He had a big axe in one meaty paw, and in front of him there was a flat circle of wood. As I watched, intrigued, he placed a nice chunk of redgum on the flat circle and lifted his axe.


Down came the axe, and the piece of wood split effortlessly in two. He tossed the pieces into a pile with some he had presumably already done, and selected the next victim. Up went the axe.


He had the knack, that was sure. And more besides.

"You salivate any more Brian and we are going to need a lifeguard in here."

I blinked and stuttered, and my love giggled, bless his annoying heart. I managed to tear my eyes away from the equine long enough to drive us into the carport, but the image lingered.

Tall, maybe 6'8". Lean muscles everywhere...how did I know that? Ahhh that was right, young bastard had his shirt off, only wearing a faded pair of jeans and no hoofboots. Beautiful grey coat with some darker spots just evident at the top of his ass...and sweat pouring off his body, with one especially delicious droplet just hanging on his right nipple...

"Ground control to Major Brian!"

I had to snap out of it fast. And get some deep fucking action or I was going to hump the furniture.

"Here we are. Key should be in the little key safe there beside the door."

"Not at the house?"

"Nah, proprietor said she was going to be away this week. Someone would be around to look after us, but she left everything ready in case they weren't here when we arrived."

"Hmm someone. Wonder if..."

"Hello there! I'm Koby! You just arriving?"

I looked up and there stood an equine, carrying an axe. And covered in sweat, so much it dripped from his forelock, which I noticed was a deep black, and almost covered his eyes which were sparkling deep green...

"Hey. Yeah, we just got here. Number three, staying a week. And you are?"

Thankfully my bull managed to speak for both of us, and covered for my brainfart as I stared at the equine Adonis in front of me. I could see every fucking muscle, dammit. He even had an eight pack with the bottom muscles just barely hinted at over the low riding waist of his jeans, partly obscured by...yep, some curly pubes just poking out too. Oh fucking hell.

"I'm the owner's son. My mom told me you were coming, and to make sure everything is ready for you. Would you like me to show you around?"

I nodded. I looked at my bull, who poked out his tongue and gave me a sideways glance, before answering.

"That would be great. But please don't axe murder us if you don't mind."

The youngster was embarrassed now, and he was even cuter embarrassed. He put the axe down carefully beside a woodpile, which was neatly stacked against the wall of the cottage in the carport. My bull got out, and I followed, waiting a second to take in the sea breeze that hit me as soon as I got out of the car.

"You get used to it, but it's nice. Always blowing through my mane, when I'm out chopping wood. I wanted to make sure there was plenty for you, can get a bit cold at night, so I was doing some extra when you arrived. Sorry, I forgot I had the axe still."

He was speaking in a low adolescent rumble, somewhere between stallion and colt. It went through me like warm chocolate, and made my tail twitch a bit. But his smile was totally unselfconscious, and he held out his hand when I stood before him and gave me a nice firm handshake with just a hint of a twinkle in his eyes.

"I'm Brian." I managed to sound normal, somehow.

"And I'm Sandy." My bull took his turn, giving the colt a firm footballer's shake without trying to crack too many bones. The horse seemed to give as good as he got though, which wasn't easy with my bull, but when Sandy said his name, the colt suddenly stopped.

"Err...so, you're Sandy Atkins? Brian's...err...partner?"

We both looked blank. "Yeah...what's wrong..."

The colt's eyes lit up now, and he positively beamed. "Nothing. Sorry...just, my mum...she assumed Sandy was a girl. Woman. You know what I mean...Oh my..."

He put his hand up to his muzzle then and sort of stifled a snort. We looked at each other, a bit lost, but my bull just shrugged.

"Yeah it's short for Sandford. My parents are South African, and a bit old fashioned, it's not too uncommon over there. No problem is there?"

The colt shook his head quickly. "No...no...no...all...super..."

We waited a second in awkward silence, and then he went to the key safe and keyed in a combination. Taking the keys out, he opened the door and gestured for us to enter.

I had to admit, it was everything I had hoped for. It was huge, for starters, with a big all in one lounge area with full kitchen, big plasma screen, comfy sofas. And as we turned a corner, a dining area with views I had to call spectacular, leading out onto a deck right on the edge of the cliff.

"You can see clear across to Tasmania on a good day. If that's what you want to do, if course."

"Oh...and what do you do?" my bull was in a good mood, I was pleased to see, smiling along with the colt.

"Hit the waves and spend the day in the ocean!" his enthusiasm was catching. I could almost bring myself to get wet this time, I knew it. Sandy matched his big open grin with his own.

"I'd love to surf..."

"I've got a spare! Board, I mean. If you'd like to borrow..."

Now my bull was totally on board, and they went into a deep discussion of the merits of certain local breaks and best times while I explored the rest of the cottage. I was mostly just grateful. My plan was working perfectly.

The bedroom was separate from the lounge, and had a nice big bed with its own view over the water, and an ensuite with a spa. I had an idea of how I was going to use both of those to my advantage during the week, but before I could get too lost in the moment a colt and bull barged in and spoilt my reverie somewhat.

"Yeah, the spa is awesome. I can show you the controls if you like..."

He didn't wait for orders, and we got a rundown on the jet levels, the in spa lighting system, and the TV screen conveniently located if you wanted to watch football while getting wet. I was definitely not having that; if I let Sandy watch footy I was getting no sex at all.

"If you check out the fridge you will find some food. Mum always leaves some cakes, some scones, breakfast provisions and some wine. I can get the bags in if you like?"

I handed the keys to him, grateful not to have to lug everything, and was rewarded with a huge bull hug.

"Thanks Bri. For everything."

"Awww thanks beefy."

Now...let the fun begin...


It was getting into the afternoon. Our peace was slightly disturbed by the sound of wood meeting its maker, and I found myself looking out the kitchen window to see the colt. He was still chopping, and the pile was growing with each passing minute. He seemed to have it down to an art, a little wiggle of the axe head at the top of the swing, then his tail went up, and his mane flicked, and his arms would describe a perfect arc and another big chunk of eucalypt splintered into pieces. I watched him at it, the graceful flow of his arms and chest, the power under the enticing grey coat, the bunch of pectorals as he brought the axe down. Over and over...

"He would be absolute dynamite in the sack."

My bull had silently crept up on me and wrapped me in his arms again. We watched the colt together, and I abandoned my preparations for dinner. The waldorf salad could wait, especially as my bull had come alive. I had worried a bit once we settled in, as he stripped to his footy shorts and took up a seat sprawled on the couch with a whisky in one hand and a copy of The Monthly in the other. I thought he was going into his withdrawn bull state, here but not.

So it was nice to feel him cuddle me, and even nicer to feel what was prodding my ass as he did it.

Still, I had to snort at that little line.

"Hmpf. Straight boys that age? No stamina at all. You would not believe how many girls in school used to take me out for dinner just to complain about their boyfriends and ask if there was anything they could do to make them last longer."

He chuckled and licked my neck. I almost growled right there.

"And what did you tell them?"

"Well...I did introduce a couple of them to...you know...cockrings..."

His deep bellow of laughter was all I could hope for. And I had to join him, remembering the haunted look on Adam Johnson's face after his girlfriend used one on him. That annoying stallion needed some correction, that was for sure...pity I didn't suggest she use a bridle on him as well.

"You think he's straight?"

"You think he isn't?" it was a genuine question from me. I had no idea.

"He's parading around still in nothing but a pair of jeans with a nice big tear in the crotch, almost falling off his hips, in front of a couple of guys he has to know are gay. He's either seriously at ease or seriously..."


"Seriously flirting..."

I watched the axe fall, and the body wielding it. And his face. All I could see was exertion...but then he turned his head and saw me looking through the window. And he flashed a smile and waved; but went straight back to the wood.

"You are reaching beefy."

"Hmmm maybe. I am also horny as fuck watching that smug sexy bastard."

I felt a hand suddenly reach under my shirt. It moved it's blameless way across my belly, and up to my chest. It then slightly less blamelessly found my left nipple and squeezed. I almost fainted, and dropped the walnuts in the sink. A second hand began it's own exploration, and I whimpered when I felt it slide inside my pants, fingers delving into my crack. My bull spread my cleft roughly, just like I loved it, and his hand slid deeper, stroking the back of my scrotum.

"Ohhhfuck...ohhfuck...lets go to bed..."

"I've got a better idea."

The hands were back, working my belt. He undid the buttons, and slid my jeans down, followed by my boxers. Then I heard the sound of a bull kneeling, the thwump as his knees hit the tiled floor.

"Oh God!"

I stared out the window, at the colt in his endless labour, wondering what the fuck had gotten into my bull but too amazed and loving it too much to interfere. I felt his huffing breath on my tail, then on my cleft, and he gripped my ass cheeks and spread them painfully wide.

Then he rammed his muzzle into my crack and went at me, licking, nibbling, his tongue and lips wreaking havoc on my pucker and my taint as I held myself barely upright against the kitchen bench and tried not to look out the window lest I see a certain horse staring back.


I had to slap a paw over my muzzle to stop screaming loudly as his tongue wormed its way into my needy ass. I felt my pucker opened wide, the slurp of a fat bull tongue sawing inside, the touch of him deep inside me. Then the terrible emptiness for a moment, as he stood and reached for the bench while he pulled down his footy shorts.

"Don't mind if I do..."

I had the butter out of the fridge to soften. I blushed a bit as he took a decent dollop on his fingers, then I felt the slick progress as he slid those fingers into my ass and spread me even deeper while I bent over the bench with my head at the window ledge. A little peek was all I could manage, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The colt was still swinging his axe.

"Too long...way too long..."

His fat tip slid up my crack, over my pucker, down my taint and nudged my balls. He grunted, then seemed to grip his cock and line it up because I felt it press suddenly dead centre and with a grunt and a moo he slid into me as I let out a glorious sigh of relief and pleasure. When he hilted I felt his heavy balls nestled against me and it felt as close to home as I could ever get in this world.

He bent over me then, with his muzzle on my neck, and whispered in my ear.

"Let's show the little bugger how we bugger."

"Oh yes...AHHH!"

One deep thrust, and one nibble on my neck. And a hand slid round my waist and gripped my already dripping cock. He stroked, ever so slow, while he slid his cock back until just the tip was inside me and I was about to grab a kitchen knife and disembowel him if he left but instead he slammed in to the hilt and his hand slid down my length and I squealed again this time in the open but I didn't care.

"I missed this so much..."

I had to agree, but that was over now. All I could feel was his cock, and his body, and his presence all round me and the raw urgent thrust inside me that made me cry out with need and let out a bear roar of absolute perfection

It didn't take long, but we weren't keeping score. I shot all over the kitchen cupboard, and he shot deep inside of me, the deep burning filling cum I craved as he emptied his balls inside me until it dripped out my ass and over my balls and I stood bent over with my elbows on the kitchen bench with my love resting on me and in me with his panting breaths telling me of his own pleasure. I looked up, tentatively, and saw the retreating form of a young equine, heading for the door of the main house. I sighed a little in relief, but as I did, I noticed his right eye had swivelled towards our window, and I thought I caught a flash of green and a smile as he entered his own domain.

"Will have to thank the sexy bastard somehow."

I had to grunt an affirmative, but for now my mind was occupied by that flash of green and the smile.


We ended up in bed after all, and I lay my bull down and feasted on his body. He let me, pleased I was paying his body its due. He still played football at the age of forty, and it showed, and though his bulk had spread a little he was one buff daddy bull still in all his glory.

I loved to take my time with him. He was fucking sexy my bull, I was lucky. When I first got to know him, he was a footballing stud playing for the university Blues and I thought he was way out of my league, and straight. I had contented myself with watching him from afar, and admiring the beauty of his broad muscled body and the way his plaited headfur looked as he ran across the field. And of course that massive ass, so big and yet full of muscle, and the way his balls tented out his shorts and the broad expanse of his back. But most of all it was his smile, so full of mischief and fun, and a pair of the sweetest brown eyes you could muster.

Now he was a little greyer, and a little better padded. His belly had spread a little, but it still felt amazing, and his chest had thickened and his thighs were like tree trunks. His eyes were still the same brown, and still full of fun and mischief. Or they had been, until recently. And his kiss still felt like falling into heaven, and being allowed to return.

I started my journey with his hooves, as he always liked, rubbing and playing in the shaggy fur over his ankles. Then licking up his ankles, then his thighs, then finally taking his big fat balls into my muzzle or as much as I could and giving them a serious licking. The first time I got to suck on his nuts I came just from the smell and the feel of him, and the moos and moans he made when I slid a finger between them and rubbed while I sucked on his sac. Then I slidi my tongue into his sheath and licking out his cum and musk till he couldn't hold back his cock any more and it shot from his sheath and I sucked it down and worshipped it like it deserved. He had this beautiful cumtube and I craved the feel of it on my tongue and even more his moos of delight when he felt me do it to him.

When I straddled his groin and lined his cock up with my ass I knew I was still pretty slick from before, and he slid in so easy it felt incredible. I love that second fuck, the one where you are still raw and tingling and wet and you can hear the squelch of cum as you fuck and know you are getting it again and you can take whatever he has to give you.

I liked to use his horns then, gripping tight like handlebars, and I rode him like the motorbike I used to own in uni when we met. I thought I was such a sophisticate then, so worldly. Now I just shook my head at the lost bearcub I was, but I had turned out allright in the end. And at least now I knew more about riding a proper bike, as well as a proper bullcock.

"Fuck you feel so good Bri."

We kissed, all the while, as I rode him gentle then hard then gentle. I wouldn't let him cum, getting him to the edge then kissing and holding myself to his chest before starting again. He had his hand on my cock again, repaying my teasing with teasing, stroking the tip, then backing off when I got close, and we kept eachother on edge for a good hour before I couldn't take any more and pounded down onto his hips and rammed his thick shaft right into my ass and demanded his cum with the wildest bear growl I could muster and kissed him so hard I bit into his lips.

He smacked his hips up to meet my butt and mooed out his own need and then I felt him suddenly tense and he shot off into me and I rode through his orgasm until he was quiet. We kissed, and cuddled, and then he pulled me off him and I felt his cock leave me with a pop followed by a torrent of bullcum that felt cold on my crack. Guided by his hands, I slid forward, forward, until my cock slid into his muzzle and I knelt over his chest with one paw on the wall and the other on his horns and fucked his muzzle delighting in the painful almost cumming feeling until he slid a finger up my crack and speared my aching ass and rammed it into my prostate and I could only moan and let him taste my cum until it hurt to feel his lips on my cock I was so sensitive and I had to pull back and collapse on his chest.

"Making messes is so much fun."

"Mpfgh." I couldn't manage much sense right then.

"We should have a spa soon."

I lay against him for a long while, watching the sun start to set over the ocean, the pinks and oranges making the ocean appear calmer than it was. And I felt in a total state of bliss. Still, I knew I had preparations to make.

"Stay here..."

I went out to the pantry and retrieved the candles I had brought. It was cliché, I knew, but dammit, I wanted it anyway. All I had to do was set them in dishes round the spa and light them and...

It was then I realised I hadn't brought any matches. Cursing, I had a sudden flash of inspiration, and went to the wood heater in the loungeroom. It had kindling, and some fire lighters, and paper, and...no matches, dammit.

After a furious check of the kitchen, followed by the nicely leather bound compendium in the kitchen, I finally found what I was looking for.

Matches are on the hearth by the fire. If you need more, please ask at the main house.

I pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt and headed for the door.

"Back in a minute Bri...found something your sexy smug colt forgot."

Heading across the grass, I came to the front door and knocked. No response. I waited, and still got nothing. Sighing, I prepared to leave, but before I could, I tested the door just in case. It opened under my paw and I almost stumbled inside before I realised.


I was in an entry hall, and I heard water flowing somewhere deeper in the house. I padded in, wondering where the colt had gotten to. I found him easily enough.

Looking through a doorway, I saw him, in the shower. I knew I should leave, but I couldn't. He was too beautiful to leave. Wet, his coat shone, and his mane was plastered down his back and he had his eyes closed as he pointed his muzzle at the shower head. Every muscle stood out, and I realised with a start why. He was not washing; he was enjoying. His cock had dropped and swollen, and he was slowly jacking himself under the shower while his other hand tweaked a nipple roughly.

Caught in mid stride in the hallway, I was like some bear sculpture, but one with a growing hardon. Too aroused to go, too embarrassed to be caught, I hid a little round the corner when I realised I could see him in the bathroom mirror from the right angle. He was getting faster now, his hand moving in fast long strokes, and I saw his pleasure building in the way his tail lifted and in the spread of his flare and the way his big piss slit opened wide and his muscles bunched and then.


His groans were incredibly sexy, and gave me adequate warning, as did the flick of his tail as it flagged against the tiles. Then he erupted, and I was treated to the sight of a massive geyser of stallion cum that was heavy enough to make a loud splattering sound on the tiles even over the sound of the running water.

I counted seven good spurts before his jumping scrotum finally relaxed and his stroking stopped and the last trickle dripped down his shaft to be washed away quickly. Suddenly feeling very exposed, I tiptoed down the hallway, just as the water cut off.

Finding a bell on the table by the door I had not realised was there, I waited a second before ringing, and placed my paws firmly in front of my groin to cover up the evidence of my erection. I knew it wasn't going any time soon; that sight had be way too riled up to lose it without cumming first.

He came out of the bathroom like a wet grey streak, wearing only a towel round his waist. I tried to not make my ogling obvious, but it was hard.

"Oh hey! What can I get you?"

"Err...matches...um...don't you ever wear a shirt?" I thought I would try to put him on the defensive a little , but it seemed this colt didn't do defensive. He just smiled.

"Not in summer. Too warm, and I like the sun and breeze on my coat. Why?"


I couldn't resist looking at the bulge under his towel. He was still dropped, the fucker. And he saw me looking, and gave an even bigger smile, but instead of commenting, he reached into a drawer in the hall table and pulled out a nice big box of Redheads.

"Here you go...anything else I can do for you?"

Tongue firmly clenched between teeth I managed to get out before my leaking cock gave the game away. Or my tongue. When I got back, my bull was lazing on the bed, stroking a semi erect cock, and I let out a little whimper at the sight. He saw me, and giggled.

"What's so fucking funny beefy."

"Your cock is poking out the leg of your shorts."

I looked down, and saw the swollen head peeking at me like the traitor it was. And then I remembered where I had been, and blushed a brighter shade of crimson under my fur.

"What took you so long?"

"Ahhh...you wouldn't want to know..."

Heading for the bathroom, I completed my preparations, determined to be romantic and not merely horny. They sputtered into life as the light of the day began to fail, and cast a warm glow over the bathroom. Sandy trotted up behind me for another cuddle, made more arousing by the feel of his cock sliding up and down my crack.

"Beautiful hon. Let's get wet."

The spa felt good, once I got the levels right. Even better was the feeling of my bull pulling me into his arms and kissing like a teenager. My cock was still at attention, and his was now too.

"So...what really kept you? Didn't give our colt a blowjob did you Bri?"

"No, he was too busy jerking off in the shower for that."

I cursed myself for answering too fast, and my bull was determined to take full advantage.

"And you just had to watch...very...noble of you Brian."

I gave his cock a squeeze, and he retaliated in kind, and his laugh was as beguiling as it was mocking. I kissed him instead.

"Tell me what it was like. Why should you have all the fun?"

Before I could get far into the description, I felt big hands on my sides, lifting me, positioning me over his hips. I felt the mass of a hard bullcock under my tail, and reached down to position it better before I sat back and it slid inside me with a satisfying sensation of complete fulfilment.

"Mooooooo..." His head was back against the tiles, eyes closed, a look of complete pleasure on his muzzle. I tried a few slow strokes, my ass clenching on him whenever I reached the top of my movement, drawing fresh groans, and his hand reached for my cock and wrapped round the head.

"So how does our friend look hard and needy?"

"Oh fucking amazing...he is as big as I imagined, bigger even. Bigger than you I'm sorry beefy."

"Fucking horses. How does he jack off?"

"One hand on his cock, nice long strokes from under his flare all the way to the base, and squeezing his nipples hard and..hey!"

My bull gave a silly smile and began replicating the treatment on me, long strokes the length of my cock, and one finger and thumb locked on my left nipple. He squeezed, he twisted, and I groaned louder as the tension built in my cock.

"Did you like watching him Bri?"

"Ughh...yeah...so hot..."

"What would you do to him if you could?"

"I'd.....ahhhhhh...get in the shower with him, and wrap him in my arms from behind, and jack his cock for him while...ughhh...rubbing my cock in his asscrack...so tight those cheeks, every time he moved I saw the dimple in his ass , I can just imagine rubbing my cock in that cleft feeling...magic...then tease his pucker and...press a tip into his hole while he braces against the wall and...slide in nice and slow while he jacks himself and I feel...ohhhh...ohhhhh..."

I came, loudly, with Sandy thrusting his hips into my ass and the waves in our little spa sloshing over the edge and I didn't care, I almost saw stars. Then he made me stand and press my hands against the tiles and took me like I wanted to take the colt, from behind, easing inside, then thrusting harder and harder and biting my shoulder and twisting my nipples till he let out a loud bellow and I felt him unload inside me and we collapsed back in the water. Luckily it was small, otherwise I might have drowned.

We were in front of the wood heater in the lounge later, drying off and just looking out at the night, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey...anyone home?"

We both put on some clothes and came out. The colt was at the door with something at his hand, and a friendly grin on his muzzle. As we looked at him questioningly, he held out a 6 pack of beer.

"Sorry...saw the smoke and thought you must be in. Told you it gets a bit cold at night. Compliments of the house, it's a local beer but its good."

Well, how could we not let him in?

He trotted into the kitchen and put the beer on the benchtop. Too late, I remembered we hadn't cleaned up yet, and I saw him eye up the splatter on the cupboard door with twinkling eyes. His fingers reached out and tested the mess, rubbing it between his fingertips. I tried to change the subject as rapidly as I could.

"How...how was your afternoon Koby?"

He looked surprised at the question, and a little shifty, but recovered quickly enough.

"Huh? Oh...yeah, good. Got some things done. Going surfing tomorrow. Well, I had better leave you two..."

"You ok for dinner mate?" My bull looked inviting, and more encouraging than I expected. The colt seemed to hesitate, but he shook his head and retreated with a smile.

"Yeah all good. Besides...you two will want to be alone..."

His retreating form looked amazing. The front view was good, the back sublime. Perfect V back, flowing mane, pert ass in those worn jeans. And I knew now what was under them too.

"Doesn't that tease ever wear a shirt?"

"Funnily enough I asked him that. Apparently not in summer."

"Remind me to spend summers here more often then."

My bull's look was inscrutable. I decided it was time for dinner; and we dined splendidly in the simple company of each other on the table outside the loungeroom, while cicadas serenaded us with their distinctive cacophony and thoughts of naked stallions crashed round my head. The beer was fucking amazing, I had to admit, and we toasted the colt for his offering, as well as his sexy body, and for making us want to fuck our brains out all day. When we got into bed there was no energy left for more play, and I snuggled into Sandy's embrace with the pleasant feeling that my tailhole was going to catch fire and my balls were not far behind. Sleep took me quickly.


When we woke it was to the sun streaming through the big picture window looking over the ocean, and the sound of birds. The smaller window on the side wall, up high over the woodpile, was still dark, probably thanks to the carport. I had forgotten to pull the blinds, it seemed a crime to lose that view, but it meant getting up earlier than expected. We were just in time to see the colt walking past with a surfboard under his arm wearing nothing but a pair of boardshorts this time. He took a turn down a path near the edge of our cottage and disappeared from view down the cliff.

We enjoyed wallowing in the luxury of it all, under no obligation to move. Which was just as well, as my ass was still stinging from the sudden glut of wild fucking yesterday. A tentative exploration with one finger was met with a painful yelp and a feeling of puffy anus still dripping bull seed.

"Someone needs a break do they?"

"Yeah...might have to take your ass instead..."

"Hehe...all in good time Bri. For now, I feel like a lay in."

We watched the gulls, and the sky, and talked, really talked. And if some of it was about a certain sexy stallion, that was to be expected. Including what we would do with him if we could.

We had played around a bit at times in our relationship, with trusted friends. Not for a while, and it tended to not do good things for the friendship, but it was a lot of fun at the time. I loved sharing that with Sandy, when he was in the mood. And watching him with someone else was a kind of turnon, knowing he was performing for me as well as the guy, and then drawing me in to join him. He looked amazing fucking, something I didn't usually get to see with enough distance to appreciate it, and it never failed to make my cock twitch.

After a while, the colt returned, looking wet and wild, his mane flying. He trotted back without looking at our cottage, and I wondered again, but before I could come to any conclusions, there was another knock at the door.

"Hey! Anyone home?"

Sandy went out alone this time, but it seemed he and the colt had struck up a conversation, so I headed out to join them.

I smelt the delicious smell first. It wafted over the kitchen and into my muzzle. It was...enticing...

"Look what our host brought us."

He had a big beaming smile on his muzzle, pleased and proud. And he was still wearing only that pair of jeans and a ribbon to tie his mane at his back. It seemed he was true to his word.

"Honey and macadamia muffins. Fresh baked this morning...mum's recipe. Thought you might like it for breakfast."

I was salivating already, and before I could even say thankyou, had plucked one from the basket and devoured half. Nothing did it to me like honey, and fresh warm muffins...ahhhh...

"Err...thanks Koby. Sorry...too delicious...so you can cook?"

"Yeah, learned a bit. Helping out mum."

"What does your dad do?"

I almost smacked myself then. The colt looked stricken, and thankfully Sandy saved me.

"How was the surf?"

He brightened again, and took a muffin for himself, munching and speaking at once. Crumbs distributed like a halo.

"Hmpf...good, waves were breaking good, nice swell, decent sets. Got some good rides in."

"Where did you go?"

"Ahh...little beach down the cliff. Can only get to it from here so it's basically private."

"Can we see it?"

My bull was enthused now, and Koby seemed happy enough to show us. I guess we were going for an early walk. I sighed, and took another muffin for the road.

It was not an easy trip, down a narrow path that hugged the cliff, made both more enjoyable and more difficult by the need to devour a second muffin on the way. What can I say, I'm a honey freak. The beach looked amazing though, a little semicircle of gold with foaming waves breaking over it in marching lines. We hit the sand and I felt it under my paws. It felt warm, even this early, the sun having warmed it into a nice toasty mass. We stood and watched the waves roll in, enjoying the solitude.

Then one wave came, and came, and came...

"Holy shit!"

It kept on coming, right up to us, and we backed against the sandstone cliff and still it kept coming until it hit and I had water up to my waist. The colt laughed like a hyena.

"Sorry, should have warned you. Yeah, it does that. There is a safe bit a little further round up higher, but here, you get about one wave in ten that is extra big and comes right up. Local knowledge and all."

We padded after him and he lay down in the sand, higher up and surrounded by cliffs. We were all drenched, but Sandy seemed not to mind. Indeed, he was beaming.

"Well...as we are wet already, guess we can just...go in..."

The colt's eyes twinkled. "Nah...skinny dipping is best. Leave your clothes on the cliff, they will dry in the sun."

He then proceeded to strip out of his jeans. I had seen all that before, but Sandy gasped. The sound didn't go unnoticed, and the colt gave his best beaming smile before trotting off to the waves.

"Last one in is a loser!"

I sat with arms crossed as my love stripped off with a sheepish grin and followed the thrashing form of the colt wading into the surf. Naked from behind Koby was even better; and I got a perfect view of that ass, like two delicious melons, with the grey colouring of his coat there covered with a smattering of darker spots that made me want to kiss them. A nice contrast to my broader and better padded love, with his brown and white colouring carrying a hint of grey, and a contrast that had my cock stirring like never before. Two perfect asses, and I wanted to stick my muzzle in both and not come out.

Well, maybe I am a loser, I grumped, watching them have all the fun. Soon they were both laughing and playing, my bull finally wrestling the colt under water after receiving a tug on his horns. The colt came back to the surface with seaweed on his head and Sandy was too busy laughing to register the impending trouble. Koby went underwater and suddenly my bull went under in a flurry of arms just as the colt shot up grinning from ear to ear.

They were whispering for a while after that and I lay back and watched the seagulls. Before I knew it, they were on me.

"Time you got some sea Bri!"

My bull had me by the hindpaws, and the colt by the arms. Struggle as I might, it seemed I was taking a swim.

They threw me in just as one of the oversized waves rolled through. I came up spluttering to see the two of them bobbing in the water nearby with huge grins on their muzzles. I was not amused.


That only seemed to get more giggles, and I made use of the cover to sidle up to my bull and put a deathgrip on his nuts. He was more solicitous then; he knew what angry bear could be like. I wasn't angry, really; especially when he pulled me into a kiss and we pashed like our first time with the ocean around us. I looked out the side of my eyes to see the colt, looking slightly sad, heading for the shore. He was there stretched out on the sand when we got out, and I was glad for the sun. That sea water was fucking cold.

Laying in a line on the sand we watched the ocean. I reached out and gripped my bull's hand, and he squeezed back. The sea breeze ruffled my fur, and my balls danced under the unfamiliar stroking of sun and wind. It felt good, in a naughty teenager kind of way. The colt didn't seem to be inhibited though. Quite the opposite.


I got a nudge from Sandy. Following his eyes, I got a good view of the horse. He had hands over his eyes, shielding from the sun. And his cock had started to drop, the flare and a couple of inches of pink horsecock coming out to meet the breeze and stretching along his belly, over a little patch of curly black pubes. Now I had to roll onto my belly to avoid obvious public boner. Sandy just smiled and nestled into the sand, his own cock twitching to half-mast.

"I lost my virginity here..."

The colt suddenly piped up. He didn't sound triumphant though, more wistful.

"Oh?" it was all Sandy could do to keep it neutral, but I could tell from the way his ears twitched he was intrigued.

"I was sixteen. Dad had died not long ago and...well, I wasn't doing too well. I used to come here to cry 'cause mum didn't like to see me cry. One of the guests was this nice lady, lioness, and she had come to get away from a bad divorce and find herself she said. Instead she found me down here. We ended up kissing and well...yeah."

Now I was intrigued. And a little vindicated too. Straight colt after all.

"Did you enjoy it?"

He frowned a little and shook his head. "Sort of. The sex was ok, but mostly I just wanted to be held then. After I mean...it felt good. She stroked my mane and called me stallion, I was just so happy she was happy. And I had someone to talk to."

He seemed to realise what he had said, and suddenly he covered his groin, where a length of stallion cock had extended further probably thanks to memories of straight colts past.

"S...sorry...I...I had better go in for another swim."

My bull have him a rub on the shoulder and patted his mane. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yeah. Look, you go if you like. You two probably want some together time."

His smile was back, and I felt warm all over. Sandy chuckled. "Yeah...think we do." My bull was almost fully hard too, and the colt had noticed. I was still in my drenched shorts but my own cock was poking at the transparent fabric wanting out.

"See you...later."

He gave a whinny and a nicker and headed for the surf. I took my bull's hand and headed for the path up the cliff.

Once back in the cottage we were barely inside the doorway and he had me in his arms. I felt the heat of his kiss, and the way he cupped my ass and squeezed. I was in for a treat. As long as my poor tailhole could cope.

"Get naked." When it is huffed into your ear with that deep sexy growl by a naked hard daddy bull, there really is no way you can disobey. I couldn't. He led me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed, and then knelt before me.

"You are so beautiful, do you know that?"

I loved it when he said that. I hadn't been feeling it, of late, but his words made all my fears disappear. And then he made me feel it with his tongue and his fingers. A rough and demanding stroke up my thighs, then my balls, then his muzzle followed, nibbling my scrotum before devouring my erection like an icy pole. He bobbed slowly and I gripped his horns wanting him to speed up but he kept it slow and steady backing off whenever I got close. I needed it so bad.

He sat up then and gripped my hips.

"On all fours..."

I hastened to obey. His muzzle was back, and he spread my cleft and lapped, all over my taint. He was careful not to touch my swollen pucker yet, until I was so ready I wouldn't feel anything but the pleasure, and when he did, I pushed back and felt my ring spread and the warm feel of a bull tongue inside me. I wanted him inside me now, and I turned my head to look back and demand his cock inside me instead of the tongue, as wonderful as that felt. But something caught my eye instead.

Behind me, at the end of the bed, was the end wall. And up high was a small window, that looked into the carport. And in that window was a colt head, with green eyes and grey coat, peering intently at us in action. I stared. The colt suddenly noticed, and his eyes went wide.


There was a sound of crashing, of falling wood, and a hefty thump and a cry. The colt face was no longer there, and my bull was no longer at my ass. He was staring at the window.

"What the hell?"

Sandy stormed out, without even getting dressed. I followed with a sigh, pretty sure what we would find, but at least I managed to find some boxers.

In the carport, all was chaos. The woodpile had been redistributed over a wide area, and in the middle of the disaster zone, a bruised colt sat on his back, with his jeans down and a swollen stallion cock lolling against his belly. Sandy reached for his hand, and pulled him to his hooves. Then he led him into the cottage with me following and closed the door.

"Want to explain Koby?"

"I was just...just...restocking the wood..."

"With your jeans down. And your cock out. That wasn't the wood you were restocking."

He hung his head and hid behind his forelock. I decided it was my turn to try.

"Koby...do you always spy on your guests having sex?"


Sullen colt was in town.

"So why us?"

"Because...you're like me."

I caught the slight look of triumph from my bull, but I wasn't buying it yet. "You are straight Koby."

"No I'm not. I'm gay, I've known I was gay since puberty."

"So what about the lady on the beach?"

"I wanted to feel good, and have someone want me, even if I didn't want her. Don't you get it? I haven't done anything with a guy yet. Nothing. Not even a fucking kiss. I'm stuck here in the middle of nowhere, helping out mum since dad died. There is nobody like me around, and all I can do is watch porn on the internet and dream about someone wanting me like that."

He was almost crying now. Sandy held him in his arms, ignoring the fact he was naked and the colt still had his jeans down for now. He rested a colt head on his chest and stroked his mane.

"It's still wrong to spy like that Koby."

The colt sniffled a little, and blew his nose in his mane. Ughhh teenagers.

"I know...I just...I hadn't seen anyone here like you two. You are so hot, but even hotter together. And when I watched you...well...the sex was hot alright, but even better was how you were with eachother. It wasn't like porn. You were so into each other I wanted to cry as much as fap. I wanted to feel that, just once."

Sandy was smiling now, and I must admit, hearing him call us hot in that teenage voice kind of felt good.

"You were watching yesterday, weren't you Koby."

Now I was surprised. "Say what?!"

"I heard a whinny when we were fucking in here, that was you wasn't it?"

"Yes." He nodded. "But...tell me you didn't like being watched a bit?"

I scowled. Sandy broke into a grin. I punched his arm. "Speak for yourself beefy!"

"Come on now. You were fucking him over the kitchen bench just after you got here. All the while I was chopping wood. And you knew I could see you..."

"...well..." we both temporised a bit, but he was right.

"And you liked watching me in the shower, didn't you Brian."

Now I almost choked. And the bastard smiled that cocky smile again, as he gave me the full wattage of those green eyes.

"Pro tip dude...if you can see me in the window...I can see you..."

Sandy was chuckling, seeing my discomfort. He had looked so fucking hot...

"So, don't you guys like to push it a bit too?"

He looked pleading now, and I wanted to cuddle him as well as smack that delectable ass. Sandy had a better strategy in mind.

"I liked that you noticed me, I felt...I felt good, for the first time in so long. And I thought you liked being noticed too."

"Koby, look at me."

He gripped the horse under the chin and lifted his head to look right into those green eyes.

"It was wrong, wasn't it."

"I'm sorry Sandy."

Then he pulled the muzzle forward, and brought his own in for a long sweet kiss, one that turned heated as he wrapped his arms around the semi-naked colt and rubbed his bigger body on the youngster. I loved watching it; ok, so shoot me. My cock sprang to complete attention, as did Koby's, as did Sandy's. They were both hard and their cocks ground together between their bodies, but neither seemed to mind. It was all about the kiss for now.

Eventually the colt broke for breath.


"How was your first dude kiss?"


My bull looked at me. I nodded. It had been a while, but maybe this was the right time.

"Koby, how would you like to do stuff with us."

"You mean..."

Now it was my turn to kiss him. "Koby, me and Sandy, sometimes we play with a friend. Together. And we would like to with you, if you would like to with us."

A slow smile flickered over his muzzle. Then he giggled. "Oh fuck mum is going to love this."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see, mum is a bit of a religious nut. She was ok before dad died but...since he went, she became more and more into the church. She is totally against gays. Like way against. That's why I was so surprised when you showed up. Normally if mum gets a booking request from gays she has a sudden problem with availability. Its only because she thought Sandy was a girl she let it through, and because she wasn't here when you arrived. That's why I haven't spied on any gay couples...mum doesn't allow them in here."

Now I was angry, and I could tell my bull was too. But I was also feeling a little malicious. And the idea of deflowering the ass of the son of a homophobe had a certain appeal, even discounting the sheer deliciousness of the ass in question.

Sandy held the colt tight now and kissed his mane.

"Does she know about you?"

He shook his head "How could I tell her?"

He led the colt into the bedroom, and I followed wondering at my bull. He seemed on a mission, of some sort. And it made me love him even more.

"Right...stand there."

The colt obeyed, with his jeans still at half mast, though his cock was at full mast. Sandy dropped to his knees, and the colt sucked in a breath, but he was a little premature. Instead, my bull pulled his jeans over his hooves and flung them across the room. Then he stood up.

"Now...kiss me."

Koby looked so lost, I almost hugged him. But he got his nerve back and reached for the bull, locking lips and kissing with at least a lot of fervor if not much skill. Their bodies ground together again, and I saw the colt suddenly reach between them and grip both cocks together, and start stroking. A little moo from Sandy told me he was enjoying.

I felt a little left out, to be honest. And as much as I enjoyed watching, this time I wanted to participate. I came up behind the colt and hugged him to my chest, even as I dropped my shorts to the floor, and there was that ass for me, as muscular and pert as I remembered. My cock did feel so good sliding up his crack too, and he leaned back into me and moaned when he felt me touching him there, the flick of his tail against my belly so good.

"Try to stay standing colt."

My bull sounded so hot when he ordered me around. Ordering a virgin teenage stallion somehow took it up a notch. Then he fell to his knees, and gripped one achingly hard teenage cock.


His first blowjob, it seemed. The sounds of slurping bull muzzle, colt cries and moans, and the sight of that perfect cock disappearing into my lover's muzzle were intoxicating. The colt seemed to tense right up, his eyes wide, ears up, mane twitching, as he got a deep throating from a guy for the first time and found what it could feel like having someone who knew your body working for your pleasure. His hands reached for Sandy's horns and gripped gently, but he didn't try to force it, just held on for balance and let the bull do what he wanted. And Sandy knew how to make it good.

I watched for a while, hotdogging the colt until my precum was all over his tail and his cleft, but I wanted my own taste too. I slid to my knees behind him and gripped his ass, spreading those perfect butt cheeks to expose a virgin cleft. My snout fit just fine, deep in his crack, and I sniffed deeply too, enjoying the scent of the sea as well as teenage stallion musk and ass, before licking from his dock to his scrotum and making the stud shriek with surprise and joy.

When I suckled his big fat horse balls I thought he was going to pass out. Then I reached his pucker and spread it just a little with my tongue.


It clenched down on my tongue, and he let out a screaming whinny. I knew what was happening from the sounds of my bull swallowing a mammoth load of horse cum. And though I was a little annoyed to miss the sight, I loved seeing his ass when he came, the way his balls danced, his taint crinkled, and his pucker winked at me as if inviting. I took the invitation, and slid a finger wet with my spit up his hole and felt the hot tight cavern clamp down and a new scream from the colt as I felt his prostate twitch with the last throes of orgasm.

He staggered to the side for a bit, and I let me finger slide out of his ass. Then he collapsed on the bed, eyes wide, a dazed expression on his face.

"Holy shit..."

"How does it feel joining the ranks stud?"

"Holy shit..."

It seemed he was momentarily a little lost for words, which was kind of a nice change.

We ended up on the bed together, the colt between us. Sandy kissed his front and I kissed his back, until eventually we had him on his belly and I was buried snout deep in his cleft while Sandy kissed his muzzle. He managed to break the kiss long enough for a little plea though.


"What colt?"

"Please...I want...I want you to take my cherry."

We looked at each other, a little overcome by the moment. Trust Sandy to be practical.

"Who do you want first?"

His smile fixed on me and I felt a million dollars. "Brian."

Well, I tried not to let my heart sing too much but failed. There was something about his look, and his trust. And the thought he had chosen me, instead of my hot bull. May God strike me down, but winning that contest felt fucking fantastic.

It also made me a little nervous. This was not something I really felt confident in. I wanted to be good for him so much, but I was scared I would scar the poor colt for life with my inadequacy.

I made him lie over a pillow to prop his ass up a little for me and make it easier. Sandy knelt at his head, stroking the colt's mane, and I went to work on his ass. Thank God I packed enough lube, and I used plenty, easing one finger into that incredibly tight pucker, listening for the moans and the hissing cries that told me when it was good and when to take it easy. He looked back and smiled, and nodded, and I slid a second finger into his hole and spread my fingers wide and then in and out deeper and deeper till he was nicely stretched and slick. My nervousness fled then, in his smile, and his moans, and the sight of that incredible ass. I had the best view in the house of his deflowering, and the show would never be repeated.

I drew breath. My bull gave me a reassuring smile, and I needed it. I didn't top often these days, and I didn't remember the last virgin. Come to think of it, I had never had a virgin...

"Go on Bri. First time for everything." I think my bull had done the math too.

His hole felt so beautiful. I let my tip just barely into him, and he clenched the bedclothes in anticipation of pain. I let him relax before I slid the first inches in, then waited, and he let out a deep shuddering sigh and grinned the grin of a bottom whose first fuck was not as much of a chore as he expected.

When I eased in the last inches and rested hilted in that ass, I saw him reach for Sandy, taking that leaking bullcock in his hands. He gave my love a wink and stroked his cock, drawing a chuckle from Sandy, then a hiss as an inexperienced muzzle suckled on the bull's cocktip and slid down his shaft.

"Fuckkkk..." my bull always sounded so hot when he got head. And the colt seemed to be giving a good account of his first time.

I was too worried to be too rough, just fucking him gently, almost too gently. Long slides in, long slides out, feeling that colt tailhole swallow me into its nuclear furnace. He was moaning now, around my bull's cock anyway, the sound sublime as the feeling. I saw Sandy lay his head back with an expression of total bliss, the colt's muzzle working on him so good.

Bending over the colt, I rammed in harder, letting him feel my bulk on him. He pushed back, wanting more, his body responding to his first fucking. I gave him more, a feedback loop of trust and lust, and then felt my bull pull me into a kiss over the body of a willing stallion we were introducing to the best feeling of all.

"Koby...Im gonna cum...back off..."

Sandy was close, I could tell from his ears, and his tail. His shuddering breaths were so beautiful, I always loved the sound of him on the edge. And the sight of his chest muscles bunching and relaxing as he fought the urge to cum.

"Koby...back off....Koby...ohhhfuck...ohhh fuck....yeah...yeah colt...ahhhhhhhhhh."

With a grunt and a cry he unloaded. The colt tried to take it all but his inexperienced muzzle couldn't manage it, and there was suddenly bull seed everywhere. The scent was amazing, and the moos and moans from Sandy as the colt kept on licking at his balls and cock even after he came. That did it for me, and I gave a few last wild thrusts and shot inside the stallion, filling his tailhole with bear cum. Some part of me loved being his first, as well as having my love part of it too.

We collapsed together, until the colt's hand on Sandy's cock proved too much and my bull decided to take his own turn at the colt's ass. But this time with Koby lying on his back, and his hooves over Sandy's shoulders, watching that beautiful cock disappearing into his own ass. His look of wide eyed wonder was priceless, almost as good as the cries and gasps as he took that bull meat, bigger than mine, to the hilt. I sat on the side of the bed jacking off watching it, wanting to see it all, but a colt hand decided to do it for me, and I just enjoyed the touch and the sounds and sights of mating as Sandy gave him the hard fucking he was now more than ready for.

I also got to see colt orgasm, this time. As my bull gave him everything, one broad ass pounding into the colt's lean muscled mounds, thick cock slamming in hard, body slapping body, with sweat pouring off Sandy's chest to drip on the colt's chest, one especially hard thrust did the job, and suddenly Koby cried out and his cock let out a long continuous burst of cum all over his chest.

Worried at the youngster's ability to take more after orgasm, Sandy pulled out, and instead jacked off over the colt's chest, their cum coating him in a thick white carpet of pleasure. I couldn't resist, and licked all of it off, and then took the stallion cock into my muzzle and had my own turn at pleasuring him. His nickers of pleasure turned heated, and then he looked at me with eyes glazed and smiled.

"Can I...um...I want to...well...can I have your ass too Brian?"

Coached by the bull, he lay me down on the bed. I put the poor pillow under my ass, it was already wet with colt pre, but it served well to lift my ass a little, and the colt knelt before me and gripped my ankles and lifted them. Sandy slicked up his cock, and guided him to my ass, and I had my first stallion in ages, the flare every bit as hard to take as I remembered, the shaft every bit as good. Once I was past the medial, he began to fuck, the natural rhythm of a teenage male way too fast, but I didn't care. I was in heaven, and it wasn't long before Koby was over me, arms wrapped in mine, muzzle to muzzle, his hips moving so fast, and kissing me like he was trying to eat my muzzle off.

My cock was pressed between us, the movement of his hard belly so erotic, the fur and muscles and skin rubbing, rubbing, just as his cock pummelled my ass. I couldn't hold on and came between us, coating our chests with cum, then he let out a whinny and his tail slapped my leg and I felt the throb of a stallion cock filling my ass.

Lying there, with the colt on me, I held him against me. Sandy wasn't done though, and he slid in behind and lined up with the colt's open ass.

"Always wanted to try this..."

I saw Koby's eyes go wide, then half lidded in ecstasy, and I got to feel what it was like having a guy inside me while he took a cock. The colt seemed to go into a trance, and I found myself kissing Sandy while Koby let out delighted whinnies and writhed between us in the throes of new pleasures.

A second wave of colt cum flooded my hole, and this time Sandy didn't pull out, instead speeding up until he let off a deep bellow and collapsed against us both. We rolled sideways and formed a sweating, panting, exhausted clump, one bull cock in colt ass, one colt cock in bear ass, all spent, all happy. The smile was there all right, and my bull had one as big as the colt. Now if only my ass could be replaced...

We fell asleep like that, waking just as a colt ran his hands over our cocks. My bull let out a grunt and slapped his hand.

"Don't you ever get tired?"

"Nope. Six times a night, that's how much I jack off."

I groaned, as did the bull. The colt just grinned. "Horses. Learn to love us."

I didn't mind the idea of seeing how we would go with that.


Late that afternoon, we were back at the beach. The colt had leant Sandy a board, and I watched them at ease in the ocean, aware it was never going to be for me, but I could enjoy it vicariously all the same. Sometimes watching was the most fun of all.

When they came back, panting but exhilarated, we ended up naked and fucking on the sand, with the ocean breeze on my fur and tickling my open ass just before it filled with stallion cock. Then I got to watch Koby learn to eat ass, with my bull over his muzzle, lowering his broad butt onto a willing colt tongue. His expression was priceless, and I took the colt's ass with my cock just as he took my love's with his tongue. We ended up exhausted again, and covered in cum, and needed a swim to clean off before we made our way back up the cliff.

He rewarded us by cooking dinner. Vegetable frittata, and more beer, and we sat on banana lounges looking over the ocean and giggled like schoolboys.

"So...Koby. What are your plans?"

The colt was thoughtful for once. His eyes were clouded, like the early evening sky, and he frowned.

"I am going to uni soon. Mum knows, but she is trying not to, if you know what I mean. But I have given her as much as I can. I need to start my own life."

Sandy nodded and gave him a shoulder punch. He still looked uncertain though.

"Are you going to tell her?" I had to ask, but I knew it was none of my damn business.

He screwed up his muzzle. "I dunno. I was going to, right before dad got sick. Then it was never the right time, and then...well. Now; what would it achieve?"

I had no good answer for that, and we watched the ocean in silence before retreating to the bedroom for a last hurrah of the day. The colt had certainly awoken appetites in me I had long forgotten, and in my bull it seemed. And I was treated to one last beauty, watching Sandy lower himself onto that remarkable stallion cock, and ride the stallion till he could take no more with my muzzle on his cock. We lay together afterwards, tired but immortal. And my ass was numb but content.

Come the morning, we had the entertaining experience of watching a brand new bottom realising what it felt like the day after. He hobbled around like he had a whole wasps nest up his ass, and his comical grimaces and moans were so endearing. We contented with eating his ass all day and sucking him off, before I took my bull into me and got a deep hard fucking while the colt jacked out his balls over his chest.

By the next day he was recovered, and he spent plenty of time over the pillow, which was now drenched in horse cum. It seemed he would be flexible, this colt, but always seemed to come back to bottoming. I knew what that was like; it had long been my preference, and we felt like brothers. Very sexy brothers.

In the cuddle after sex I had to ask though.

"Koby...why did you want me first?"

He looked a little sheepish then. "Well...you are a bit smaller, and a bit gentler it seemed. I wanted to ease into it..."

First time in my life being smaller actually paid off. It did cut my sense of triumph just a little.

"Wise choice colt." Sandy looked pleased though. And he slapped Koby's ass; which the colt returned, followed by some wrestling, followed by calling my bull "fat ass beefy moo", followed by Koby and Sandy almost breaking furniture, followed by my bull laying him over his knee, administering a hard spanking, and fucking the colt so hard I thought his horns would curl. I jacked off a load watching this testosterone fest, then cuddled afterwards, as the colt seemed to have realised his muzzle had written a cheque his ass couldn't cash.

"Not so wise choice colt...not so wise..."

He seemed content nonetheless. We slept in a cuddlepile of bull, bear and horse. And we slept the sleep of the not so innocent.


The day came of course when reality had to hit home. As luck would have it, the colt was in the spa, of all places. He seemed to love it, and made sure the jets tickled his abused ass which made his cock stand up high which made him jack it off and...I had to watch, of course. He performed for me, twinkling green eyes staring into mine as his cock strained and finally spurted.

I didn't know how he managed it. He was just recovering from a session with his muzzle on my pucker while Sandy slowfucked him into two orgasms. He seemed to have an incredibly sensitive prostate, and his anal orgasms were accompanied by swearing, whinnies, cries, and frenzied scrabbling with his fingers. I still had bruises on my balls from one episode. His ass had to be burning, hence the spa, but his balls had to be empty. And yet...the fountain of cult cum all over the surface of the water told me otherwise.

After his cum, he tuned up the entertainment system in the spa and sang along and moved to the music while seated in the water, swinging his cock in time. I realised he was a natural extrovert this one, a bit like my bull. But the colt was turned up to eleven, sexually and otherwise. God help anyone present if he ever went to the backroom of 55 Porter Street, there would be riots.

"Play that funky music horse boy....play that funky music riiiiiiight..."

He pricked his ears up and blanched at the sound of a 4 WD in the driveway.

"Oh fuck...mum..."

He was out the door like a startled ferret. We looked at eachother and shared our misgivings in a look. We were due to leave the next day, so it was probably time. Sandy and I got ourselves presentable, and presented at the door.

She was a tall, upright, somewhat careworn mare with colouring like Koby's. It was a little arresting seeing that, I had assumed he would take after his dad for some reason. But here she was, very obviously his mother. But her expression was like curdled milk.

"Ahhh Mister Daniels and....mister...Atkins?"

We nodded. She looked even worse, if that were possible.

"I see...I was under the impression you were...with someone Mister Daniels."

"I am, this is my partner Sandy."

"Hmmm....quite. I will need payment now, and I will be taking a security deposit too. I will make sure nothing is broken, and if so, I will need to charge your credit card. Understand?"

I tried to ignore the rudeness. It was made easier by the thought of the poor pillow, currently airing in the bedroom, that stank so much of colt sperm it could probably be some sort of new dirty bomb in its own right. If I threw it off the cliff it would reach Tasmania still stinking of ripe teenage colt seed.

"Understood." Rumbled Sandy. "I understand perfectly, Ma'am. Koby has filled us in..."

"I hope that useless colt hasn't said anything stupid..."

Sandy was pissed now. Really pissed. His horns almost swivelled, and his nosering bobbed in a pattern I associated with impending violence but he held it in check and breathed slowly.

"He has been a model host. Unlike some."

The insult seemed to catch her and she stood upright and bristled.

"Well, I can't imagine why he suddenly got some manners. He is no use most of the time, why he should decide to become a model host for people like you I have no idea..."

"People like me mum."

We looked up, to see the colt standing in the hallway. He looked calm, but sad, like he had on the banana lounge looking out to sea.

His mum seemed to not have heard. I made a cutting motion to the colt, but he shook his head.

"What...I didn't hear..."

"People like me mum. I'm gay. Like them. And they accepted me. So I like them; so sue me. But that's what it is mum...it is who I am too, and I am no longer going to hide it. I am going to embrace it. "

"You will not!"

"Yes I will!"

"Your father would be disgusted..."

She didn't get the chance to finish. The colt barged past, heading for the cliff. We followed after, but not his mother, I was ashamed to notice.

When we got to the beach, he was in his usual spot, watching the waves. And he was crying. We sat with him, bull and bear, and watched the ocean.

"Dad knew."

He snotted his mane again. He really should stop that...

"What?" it was Sandy, attentive as always.

"Dad knew. He told me mum would come round. He didn't know shit."

My bull sighed and pulled him into a hug.

"Mine knew too. It took him a while, really till almost the end, and even then he accepted but he wasn't happy. I lost him a few months ago, been grieving that all this time, but mostly grieving the chance to have him really love me for who I was. But I know that is gone. All that is left is my siblings squabbling over the estate like a bunch of stupid moos."

I wrapped them both in a hug, trying not to cry. It was the first time Sandy had mentioned his dad in my presence since he died. It was like he had cut that side off, but of course I knew different. He had internalised it, like the colt. But it seemed somehow he was also healing, and maybe this colt had more to do with it that just his body.

"Why can't they just love us as we are Sandy? Why is it so hard?"

"Mate, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I wanted not to be who I was so much. I had times with girls, like you, partly because I wanted to try to be 'normal'. But I was doing more harm to myself and them than if I admitted the truth. It is easier and better to live with who you are; but not everyone can make the journey with you. First learn to love yourself as you are; then you have a shot. But for what it's worth, you have a couple of guys there for you now, if you want."


"Yeah, if nothing else at forty, I know what I'm talking about. Makes up for the belly and the aching muscles after surfing."

"Your belly is so hot. I wanted to kiss it the moment I saw it. And your surfing muscles need work."

That got a chuckle. "You are something kid. Cook, stallion, and flatterer. Lucky you aren't into girls, you would probably have a dozen pregnant by now. And keeping up with you would just about kill me."

When we reached the top of the cliff, the proprietor was there wearing an expression like the ocean on a really bad day. And she had a cheque in her hand.

"I am terribly sorry, but we need to perform urgent maintenance on your cottage. You will have to leave a day early, my apologies. And this rude colt needs to have an urgent talk with me..."

He departed looking defeated. We went inside and packed, not wanting to stay under these circumstances, but it felt like defeat too. A defeat made worse seeing the look on Koby's face when we came out to pack the car. He had been crying again, and his eyes had lost their light.

"I'm sorry..."

Sandy pulled him into a hug, then planted a kiss on his forehead.

"What uni are you going to."


"Hmmm...do you have a place to stay sorted?"

"No. Mum refused to help so I was looking round but couldn't find anything I could afford, was looking at couch surfing for a while with mates."

"Well...we live in Bentleigh...and we have a spare room...so..."

We left bearing substantially more baggage than we arrived with. Two big bags, two surfboards, and one excited colt. And the memory of his mother's expression, made perfect when I handed her the pillow and offered to pay. She held the forlorn object, drenched in her son's cum, and watched him go without a word. I knew I had no real right to hate her, but I did anyway. And pitied her. A bit of both. To her credit, she managed to give him a goodbye kiss on the forehead. But her anger was clear in her ears.

"Now sport...there are going to be some ground rules..."

He let out a burp, and flashed a cheeky smile.

"I will break most of them...you know right..."

Sandy glowered with intent. "Then you are going to end up over my knee an awful lot."

He flashed a wink "That was what I was hoping for."

"Impossible colt."

"Bite me."

"That is Brian's kink, mostly."

And I did, a little. His nipples, his flare, his neck, his shoulder, his ears, his mane. The first night we had him in our home, and we made him feel home with our bodies. No beach this time, but it felt good all the same.

We woke to the smell of fresh baked muffins, and a sound from the bathroom.

"Play that funky music horse boy...play that funky music riiiiiiiight..."

With a smile I padded into the bathroom. Our shower had an occupant, and he was occupied too.

His hand moved in the familiar pattern, other hand on his nipple. I was naked, and erect, and sleep had gone in an instant. Watching was the best.

"So...feel like soaping my back?"

Well, apart from that.

Taking Care of Business: Chapter 3 - The Webs we Weave

The young stallion stood at his lab bench carefully adding solvent to the small amount of sample he had placed in the little glass vial. It dissolved completely, and at last he cracked a smile, grateful something was working right. After flushing the...

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Personal Training

I blame it on the badger. That was really how it started, the stupid fucking badger. He mixed up the dates for the humanities faculty meeting at school, and just when I thought I was consigned to an evening discussing the ever declining standards of...

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It's a Horse Thing

The two coaches looked at each other with a long suffering frown. They hadn't even got around to addressing the group yet and things were already going pear shaped. It wouldn't have been so bad, except they had predicted this before it happened, over a...

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