Taking Care of Business: Chapter 3 - The Webs we Weave

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#3 of Taking Care of Business

Our stallion is at uni trying to forget what happened with the rabbit, but life is not that easy. Many seem to have a claim on him; but its not likely a certain rabbit will take to kindly to competition.


Part 3 of the series, and some plot developing. And some more kinky shit.

The young stallion stood at his lab bench carefully adding solvent to the small amount of sample he had placed in the little glass vial. It dissolved completely, and at last he cracked a smile, grateful something was working right. After flushing the solution through a plug of glass wool, he filled the narrow glass tube with two inches of pale yellow liquid and placed the stopper on it.

He wasn't looking forward to this, but he had to get it over with, he knew. So he set his muzzle in a frown and headed off down the corridor, and into the lift. After selecting the basement, he slumped against the wall as it took him to his doom, or at least another interview he was dreading. If only his tailhole didn't ache so much...

Cory went to reach for his aching behind but stopped himself, as the doors opened on the basement and a couple of giggling undergraduates waited for him to exit before taking their turn in the lift. He ignored them, even though one of them, a bubbly ewe, had the hots for him. She gave the stallion a pure stare of lust and he couldn't help his nostrils flaring as they passed, picking up the sure signs of heat. That was the last thing he needed right now.

Following the well worn path in the underground rabbit warren of the Chemistry building, he came to the section where all was sterile perfection.


He waited at the little office for the lab assistant to return. The smiling buck came round the corner and caught sight of him, and if anything his smile grew wider.

"Well if it isn't my best customer Cory Tucker. What do you have for me today Cory?"

"Proton, d-chloroform, just a routine."

"Awww, and here I was expecting something difficult. Well, follow me."

They headed for the door marked '400 MHz NMR', and once inside, the buck indicated a seat for the stallion.

"So Cory, welcome to my good friend the Bruker 400 Megahertz. Treat it right, and it will treat you right. So, do you want to set it up? You need more experience before I can sign you off to run it yourself."

The stallion gave a sudden start and shook his head, eyes wide, ears suddenly back. The buck's smile turned into a grimace.

"Whatever is the matter Cory?"

The stallion shook his head, looking about now with eyes darting all over the room.

The buck gave him an indulgent smile.

"You know that nobody can listen in here. It's why they chose this role for me when they decided to send me undercover here, and also why I hold my target meetings here. Completely innocent, and completely discrete. That PFG probe there contains an incredibly sensitive radio receiver, so they put us in the basement inside a perfect Faraday cage to make sure there can be no interference for the machine. No radio signal gets in or out, and if it did, that thing has a fucking superconducting electromagnet big enough to fuck with it but good. The room is clean."

"I know, I know I'm just..."

The buck gave him a reassuring pat, lingering a little too long on his thigh. The little stroke on the inside was probably out of bounds, but Senior Constable Zanotti couldn't give a shit. He needed some perks to make up for this shitful job.

"I know you are nervous Cory. It's understandable. But I need you to focus, and get your head in the game. So how about you stick your sample in that holder and feed it into the probe and we can get on with this ok?"

The stallion shook his head again, biting his lip in embarrassment. Rather than speak, he decided show and tell might be easier, so he dropped his jeans and boxers with a nicker of shame.

"Ahhh...well, I take it he took the bait then."

The buck's eyes lit up for all sorts of reasons, not entirely due to the apparent success of his attempt to put someone in his control close to the rabbit. He was also enjoying the sight of a rather beautiful but harsh looking cock cage, nicely made from stainless steel it seemed, that enclosed a partially extended stallion cock. One that was also bound tight by straps around the hilt, and around the top of the stallion's scrotum. It was, all in all, a beautiful sight.

"You are right Cory. If you got close to the machine the magnet would probably rip that cage right out of your jeans along with your nuts. And that would be a fucking shame. Not least because I would have to fieldmap the sucker again and that takes ages."

The stallion pulled up his jeans and slumped into the seat, and the buck got on with the job of preparing the sample to run, albeit with a little whistle of pleasure.

Officer Zanotti, of the undercover section of the organised crime unit, hated this assignment. He had become a cop because he didn't want to do this shit for a living, not to return to it. But it seemed his superiors found his skills too good to ignore, and he drew the short straw. The only compensation was the opportunity to get acquainted with certain undergraduates with a similar preference to his; or occasionally those who were merely horny and curious. Amazing what being away from home, drunk and eighteen could do.

Of course, the stallion in the room was a very different kind of target, and he was grateful for him. The operation needed to show some progress, and progress had been thin on the ground of late. Zanotti was ambitious, and Sergeant wouldn't come easy without results.

His fingers moved with unconscious reflexes, inputting the correct commands for a routine proton NMR. Sample in...spinner started....experiment loaded...sample shimmed...

"Right...sixteen transients should do it. Well, can you do the commands Cory?"

The distracted stallion typed in the required instructions and hit go acquire, and the million dollar shiny machine began to go ping. The buck leaned back and rubbed the stallion's mane.

"Good lad...you are learning. And not just this it seems. So tell me...what happened?"

"He came to see me when I was at the loans desk."

"Ahh good. I told you he keeps an eye on things. And he definitely noticed you at the gym."

"How...how do you know?"

The buck let that one pass. He did however decide to take a look again at the video file downloaded from 'straight studs unaware' when he got home. Purely for professional reasons.

"Don't you worry. So, he saw you there. Did he offer to help?"

"Yes, but not money. He says he can fix it."

The buck leaned forward and steepled his hands. This really was most excellent.

"Wonderful. And did he talk about how you can repay him, apart from the ways that involve you in chastity for the foreseeable future?"

"Not...not yet. But he did...he did..."

The stallion curled up in a ball, and the buck stroked his mane most solicitously, though secretly disappointed he hadn't video of that available too.

"Well, I never said this was going to be easy Cory. But you don't have a choice if you want to save your brother..."

The stallion was angry now. And defiant. He loved it when they got defiant.

"The rabbit said he would get him out. I did that; I don't need you..."

"Are you forgetting little horsey that I made sure your charges were lost? Your brother's situation is only part of it colt. And I own you."

"That's what he said." The stallion gave his controller a hate filled stare. Zanotti almost wanted to kiss those quivering lips. They were delicious.

The buck instead gave his most genuine smile. "Well...I am pleased to be able to surprise the fucking cunt for once. Now...looks like it's done. Let's see what you have here..."

A last couple of commands and the spectrum appeared on the screen. The stallion swore.

"Hmm...looks like beta elimination. Congratulations horsey, you just made a large pile of shit. Hope it wasn't important."

Stallion head dropped to the desk, and the buck patted a shaking shoulder.

"By the way Cory...when you were at the gym last time. You didn't happen to see the owner, Clancy? Big ram, roid fanatic, pecs like Arnie, big curly horns?"

Cory looked up and blinked.


"Nothing horsey. Just...someone we had an interest in. But he appears to have gone missing..."


When Cory arrived back at the run down house he shared with six other students, he knew it was going to be a long night. The otter and the bull had got the bucket bong going, and were taking turns to suck huge lungfulls in between gales of laughter. They were watching Bugs Bunny cartoons on the slightly battered plasma that belonged to the house, and scoffing bags of corn chips.

"Hey horse! Want to join us?"

He waved away the stoners and headed straight for his room. They watched him go, and fell about in more giggles, but not due to the cartoons this time.

He opened his door, and stopped in his tracks.


Sitting on his bed, the stallion saw his...well, ostensibly ex...girlfriend. When the shit hit the fan, her daddy had made his thoughts known in no uncertain terms, and also the effect on her access to her trust funds should she defy him. So the mare had tearfully given up her beloved stallion, and his delicious cock and hard body, and agreed on pain of death to give him up for good. Which of course she had no intention of doing.

It had taken her a few weeks to arrange, but she had managed to get the pieces in place, a friend willing to act as alibi, another willing to take her in his nicely anonymous van to the quaint house in a suburb just ripe for being discovered at some stage, and drop her at the stallion's address. They had met mostly at friends places or hotels before now, she had never seen where her lover lived. It was definitely...educational.

"Sarah, what the fuck are you doing here!"

She pouted at his anger. He was so high strung, her stallion. Still, it meant he was dynamite in the sack.

"I told you I would never give you up ponykins. And I haven't! Daddy can't tell me what to do."

"Um, he did. And he provides all your money."

"Well, he can tell me, but I don't have to obey. I thought you would be pleased to see me."

She let her lip quiver, and her eyes misted with just the faintest hint of tears. He sighed; he never could withstand her passive aggressive pout.

"I am...just, surprised is all. Do you want to go out?"

"No ponykins, I was looking forward to staying in...if you know what I mean..."

She stood and sidled up to him, his eyes following her presence, and her hand reached for the nicely prominent bulge at his groin that she had been admiring somewhat hungrily since the stallion entered his bedroom. He tried to recoil from her, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. But as her fingers closed on target, she looked up at him with a silent query.

"Um...it's...for an experiment..."

"An experiment on your junk?"

Her nimble fingers made short work of his jeans, and he had to stand there semi naked and embarrassed as his ex girlfriend eyed up the cock cage over his endowment. She stroked his sore balls, drawing a long shuddering nicker from the stallion

"Someone is doing an experiment on your poor cock?"

He decided to wing it. "Um...it's...for the neuropsychology department. Effect on hormone levels or something...pays ok, and I need the money for rent..."

"Awww my poor stud. I brought some money ponykins...I know you always need it..."

He sighed, grateful that the mare was as dumb as she was beautiful, but also feeling like a heel. Or worse.

"Still...we can still have some fun ponykins!"

Eager hands pulled off his clothes, hoofboots, jeans, boxers, shirt. Naked but for the cock cage, she admired him, her hand moving under her skirt to stroke a rapidly engorging clit. He looked amazing, always, did her stallion. And the things he did to her...

Besides, he would have no excuse now but to go along with her little kink.

She drew his muzzle to hers in a kiss, one that became increasingly heated. Her hands roamed his body, over his chest, his belly, his poor constrained endowment which strained against its confinement and painfully found progress blocked by cruel steel. The bindings on his scrotum felt like being kicked in the nuts.

He gratefully followed her harsh instructions to go down on her, pulling her nickers down and burying his muzzle in her crotch. The scent from her pussy filled his nostrils, and he tried to ignore it as best he could, for it caused the ache to redouble. He bent to his task instead, concentrating on giving her the best head he could, alternating between her soft and swollen lips, and a deep rose coloured clit that glistened and throbbed and made her sigh and scream when he licked hard and long.

With fingers buried in her snatch, gently stroking her G spot, he went for it, lapping from just under her clit over the tip. It never failed, and she griped his mane painfully and pushed her groin into his muzzle and screamed out a wild whinny as her orgasm flooded his muzzle with her liquid pleasure.

He knew to give her time to recover before round two, but as he stood watching her, he realised she had a different idea of round two when she reached for a bag.


"Oh come on ponykins. You know I always wanted to try this. And you have been such a wicked pony..."


"You owe me ponykins. And I own you remember? How much of daddy's money have I given you already? Well...even with your experiment, you can still give me this."

The stallion gave a hollow laugh at that, and lay down on the bed next to the bemused mare. A bemused mare holding a double headed dildo, with a nice flare and medial ring modelled on a stallion. At least it wasn't as big as his, he noticed. He should be thankful for small mercies.

"Let me get the lube."

He was thankful also that she didn't think to ask why he had that in his bedside drawer.

Laid on his belly, with his ass propped up with a pillow, he felt his leg's spread by an impatient mare, and the sudden feeling of vulnerability as her fingers closed on his ass cheeks. She spread them, surprisingly gently, and he relaxed a bit. She was on a mission, but at least she was being delicate about it.

The delicate touch continued, and he felt her fingers traverse his taint, and stroke his hole. Tracing the rippled contours of his ring.

"Looks sore ponykins."

"No...No...all ok..." he didn't want to have to explain that. She took his words at face value though, and he bit back a squeal as her fingers slid into his ass, playing with him like a toy. Her tips slid over his prostate, drawing a nicker, and a whimper, as the instant hardening in his cock caused his flare to crush against the metal cage and put extra strain on the strap around his shaft and scrotum.

Then he felt the silicon embrace of a flared dildo against his ass and he scrunched up his eyes in anticipation.


She slammed into him in one thrust. All the way, and he felt mare all over him, nibbling his neck.

"Awww ponykins. Such a baby...I take your big juicy cock easy, I never knew stallions were such crybabies..."

He decided explaining the difference between a sore stallion ass and a wet well licked mare pussy would be beyond her capacity, or his for that matter, and gritted his teeth. She was gentle now though, he was grateful to see, and as her pace built and her sighs and groans into his ear became more throaty and hotter, he found to his shame that he was getting into it.

Opening his eyes finally, he looked at the door, to see it open a crack. A pair of red glazed bull eyes stared back from up high, and a pair of equally red glazed otter eyes from down low. And then someone giggled. He shut his eyes again, and tried not to enjoy it so much.

She thrust wildly in her orgasm, kind of like he did, and she bit his ear painfully enough to make him yell. He also lost his nut, the orgasm not like a normal one, more a long slow constant dribble that formed a wet puddle on his pillow and left his cock still aching and his balls numb and his ass on fire.

The mare cuddled him, and it took him a little while to realise she had fallen asleep, still embedded in his ass. He thought it probably would please someone somewhere to know that girls could be like that, but he wasn't finding the joy right at that minute. Especially when he caught sight of a flash from a phone camera from the doorway.

When she left, she gave him a kiss on the forehead, and five hundred dollars on the bedside table. He tried not to feel like a hooker, but it wasn't really working. Instead, he went out to the lounge to find the stoner two had become a stoner four, with the otter and bull joined by a Doberman and a tiger. And they weren't watching cartoons anymore...they were watching the otter's phone, and judging by the sounds, they were watching a certain stallion being pegged. All four sported massive boners in their jeans.





He shook his head. "Where is the bucket bong?"

The bull leaned back and gave a deep sigh of regret. "Out of weed dude. Bummer."

He handed over a hundred from his ill gotten gains. "Can you get it fast?"

Four pairs of nicely red eyes sparkled.

Come three o'clock, he was back on his bed, totally fucked up, and fingering his sore and battered ass. And if he was aching to jack off, it had nothing to do with the rabbit, or the mare, or the guys outside, even allowing for the fact the otter and bull had gone back to their room to fuck eachother's brains out loudly enough to break the walls.

His mind was on someone else, and the thought made him inconsolably sad.


The rabbit sat at his desk, enjoying a really delicious single malt when his assistant buzzed him over the intercom.

"Dockerley is here, he said you wanted to see him?"

"Ahh yes...send him in."

Jack always enjoyed a meeting with the mouse. He had come to rely on him as his most able lieutenant, as well as most intelligent. A characteristic he had found to be in terribly short supply.

The mouse took a seat across from his boss, and politely refused a drink from the decanter of Lark cask strength, and waited. His boss sipped the fluid, savouring. He liked the good things. Like that stallion, for example. But he also liked to know their provenance.

"So...tell me bout our friends. Is our horse what he says he is?"


The rabbit smiled and put his hindpaws up on the desk, and lit a cigar. Good...he liked knowing his instincts were right. And something about the horse still made his ears twitch, as well as his cock.

"Go on..."

"Cory Tucker, age 21, DOB Jan 18 1995, currently enrolled at University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Science, decent grades, doing fourth year honours in Chemistry, assigned to Cornforth Laboratory, supervisor Hackett, member of Uni Blacks football, no academic black marks so far."

"Good. And the brother?"

"Kade Tucker, Age 20, DOB March 11 1996, currently on remand, charged with assault, GBH, possession, possession with intent to supply, conspiracy to supply, resisting arrest, assaulting police, ..."

"Nice. Hamburger with the lot."

"Yeah they did a number on him that's for sure. Criminal history as long as your arm dating back to 14, shoplifting, breaking and entering, assault, car theft, driving while disqualified, burglary, stints in juvenile detention, this would be his first serious time though."

"Common enough. What else?"

"Cory...also some police records. Assault, driving without a license, and several case notes from when he was sixteen. Father, domestic abuse charges, both of them in social services care, separated though. Father died when Cory was sixteen. Been on their own since."

"Hmm...so our cleansikin colt isn't quite as clean as he looked. Kind of like that though, makes him easier to work with. Anything else?"

"That's all from the police databases, I am hunting down the arresting officers for some background, nothing too obvious just a beer and fifty sort of thing. But that is everything in the database at least."

"And have you done a full search?"

The mouse blinked. That was unusual, at least as a first port of call. A full search involved searching lost or deleted records, and the closed files with specialised access. Something that required a very different approach, and certain specialised skills.

"Not yet...um...do you want me to get the guys on level six onto that? Might take some time for a complete trawl of the data blocks."

The rabbit looked at his whisky, swirling it, and nodded.

"Better to be safe than sorry. I have some big plans for our young stud, if he checks out. But he needs to check out. Anything else I should know?"

The mouse handed over a folder silently.

"He lied all right. At least a little white lie it seems."

The rabbit looked at the photos. One of a tall mare, looking furtive, exiting a black van. Then going to the door of a rundown Californian bungalow with peeling paintwork. Then a final shot, through a window, partially obscured, showing the mare naked, pegging the stallion hard while he grimaced with closed eyes. He looked at it as detatched as he could, working out the size of the dildo. Not bad, but not much. Bigger than the rabbit though.

He hated that that simple fact made him feel so fucking jealous and angry.

"I know that mare."

The mouse smiled. "Yes, thought you would. Sarah Vickers-Wright, daughter of..."

The rabbit sighed. "Daughter of Reginald Vickers-Wright, Chief justice of the supreme court."

The rabbit downed his scotch in one gulp.

"Colt, you may just be even more useful than you know."

Taking Care of Business: Chapter 4 - Straight Studs in Need

Cory blinked under the harsh lighting. He held a hand up to block it enough so he could see. The wolf gave him a kindly smile and nodded his head. "Yeah, takes a bit of getting used to matey. But you will." The stallion didn't think that would be...

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Personal Training

I blame it on the badger. That was really how it started, the stupid fucking badger. He mixed up the dates for the humanities faculty meeting at school, and just when I thought I was consigned to an evening discussing the ever declining standards of...

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It's a Horse Thing

The two coaches looked at each other with a long suffering frown. They hadn't even got around to addressing the group yet and things were already going pear shaped. It wouldn't have been so bad, except they had predicted this before it happened, over a...

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