Personal Training

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Another one I had for a while, posting it finally. Slightly different kink for me, my first time I think, and very hot and porny.


The school football coach comes home to see more than he was bargaining on. His son getting some very personal coaching from the wolf's own star football player, a colt called Brad.

But the colt has his own agenda too.


If you fap and dont fave, I will cast a horse curse on you and you will forever find Donald Trump the only thing that gets you aroused. So there. Why take the chance? Make SoFurry great again.

I blame it on the badger. That was really how it started, the stupid fucking badger. He mixed up the dates for the humanities faculty meeting at school, and just when I thought I was consigned to an evening discussing the ever declining standards of our pathetic educational institution and fighting off more calls for socially inclusive content, I was reprieved. I was so happy, at the time, that I almost burst into song and kissed the uptight pantheress who took year twelve Psychology and Politics and used the word 'patriarchy' a lot. Probably just as well I refrained; I would probably have been maced.

It also meant I could have a nice quiet night at home, or as much as my hellspawn wolfcub Grant would allow. He was supposed to be using the evening to catch up on homework with his current best buddy, though I had an inkling they were not the best combination from an academic prospect. I had introduced the big colt to my cub more as an exercise in bringing the shy wolf out of himself. He took after his mother way too much, God rest her soul, and some time around the always bubbly shire colt might help. He needed to be more assertive, more I control. Less of a dweeb, if I was being honest.

Brad was my star player, and as much as he could be a shit, I knew he was the man, or the horse, for the job. Coaching football gave me a chance to see into the character of the guys, and something about the shire colt was entirely magnetic. Coaching footy was also a hell of a lot more enjoyable than ramming Geography into reluctant minds. That colt had such amazing charm, even a few of the female faculty seemed besotted. I thought he should be able to inspire my lacklustre offspring, maybe make him a man.

If only my cub hadn't insisted on playing fucking soccer. Soccer, of all the sports. It wasn't even rugby.

I parked outside our house, remembering the garage had been turned into a workout room for my son. It had been Brad's idea; and so I had to go along with it as I had put the hard word on him in the first place to spend time with my boy. I just wished his ideas didn't take such a toll on the duco of my car.

Deciding to see how the two of them were doing, I walked along the outside of the garage and peeked in the open window. At first it seemed normal enough. My cub was on his back on the bench, his arms up holding a barbell. It had more weight on it than I expected, I was pleased to see. In fact, as I watched, I realised they were both mostly naked, both guys wearing only training shorts. And my cub had definitely put on some bulk.

The colt seemed to agree, just as Grant put down the bar with a grunt and let out a mammoth sigh.

"Doing great Grant. You can do an extra thirty pounds since we have been going, and your chest looks awesome. Way too good for soccer."

My wolf seemed pleased, even though he was too exhausted to lift off the bench. He lay back instead, panting, his tongue lolling sideways, but I could see his proud grin. He did look great, now that I had time to look him over properly. Bigger pecs, nicely bulging biceps, and I could see his abdominals finally, if not a six pack then a solid four under his grey/brown fur. Not bad...I had to agree with Brad, my boy should try out for the football team if he could keep this up...

"Now it's time for your reward, just like I promised."

The colt was sitting on the end of the bench, hands resting on my son's thighs to hold him down on the bench while he completed the set. I gave a little shudder at what that reward might be, knowing the reputation of Brad as a bit of a party fiend. If he had brought any alcohol I was going to skin the bastard alive...or anything more illicit.

In hindsight, it probably would have been better if he had pulled out a bong.


As I watched, not quite believing what I was seeing, the colt ran his fingertips up and down my boy's thighs, making them flex and relax flex and relax. I saw Grant's tail swishing excitedly, and heard a soft thud, and realised my own tail was going in sympathy, slapping into the weatherboards of the garage wall. My sensitive muzzle caught the scent of teenage sweat, then something else, more potent.


One colt hand slid up higher, and over the bulge in Grant's shorts. My boy's sighs and groans were deep and heartfelt, and he arched his back pushing his groin into the questing colt hand. The bulge grew, and twitched.

"Do you want your reward Granty?"

" know I do..."

"Well, you earned it mate."

Fingers slid under the waistband of a sweatstained pair of shorts, and slowly inched them down, and I realised a little appalled that my boy had gone commando. They caught on the eager bulk of my son's cock, but not for long, as a dextrous pair of colt fingers unhooked them and slid them down to under Grant's scrotum.

I should have turned away then, I knew. But I couldn't look away. I wondered what my boy looked like down there, and I was getting a pretty good look. His red raw cock throbbed in the air now, hard, flat against his belly, and his balls rolled in their swollen sac with the shorts pushing them up invitingly against the base of his cock. And as I continued to watch, the colt went to work, hand on my boy's sheath, and slowly slid it back and forward, masturbating the wolf, until I saw the swollen beginnings of a knot appear.

"Ohfuck ohfuck ohfuck."

My boy was a vocal lover it seemed. Every touch by the cocky horse seemed to drive him into fresh exclamations of need.

"That's it Granty...let's see that nice fat knot of yours."

I had to agree with the horse, before I realised what I was thinking and bit my lip in self denial. And other things.

The colt slowly jacked his mate, and Grant's dripping cocktip gave him plenty of lube to work with. The shiny surface of my son's cock responded, slick, hungry, throbbing in pleasure. I was a little disappointed to see he was longer than me, though not as thick yet, and I definitely had the bigger knot. Still, it was impressive for eighteen, and he might have some growth left in him.

Oh God I'm examining my boy's erection and loving it...fuck...fuck...fuck...


The colt leant over a bit now, still jacking, the slick sounds of masturbation loud enough to reach my hiding spot at the window. But that wasn't enough for Brad it seemed. His muzzle bent forward, seeking out one fat nipple and suckling. Grant's eyes went wide and his tail went crazy, and he arched his back again pushing against the colt who worked his cock faster and faster.


I saw it all as if in slow motion. The twitch of my boy's cocktip, as a colt hand slid down over his knot. The wide open urethra, the muscles all popped and straining, the bite of horse teeth on a sensitive nip, and then there was cum everywhere and Grant's balls jerked and danced with his sac drawn up tight and he shot off over and over all over his belly and chest and even some shots going over the colt's black coat.

Brad sat back while my boy lay there panting again. More exercise, but not quite the same. I realised a fraction late that I was panting too, and I bit my lip again to avoid giving the game away. A strong scent hit me, and I looked down to see a splash of cum on the wall in front of me. My cum...and my paw was wrapped round my cock, which was every bit as red and swollen as my son's.


Brad ran two fingers along Grant's belly, making the wolf's abdominals clench and flutter. His hand remained on the now spent cock, coaxing it back to life, and he played with the big pool of teenage cum on offer before bringing his fingertips to a colt muzzle and suckling.

Grant watched it with an expression of total need. And I was sure mine was pretty similar.

"Very it's my turn Granty..."

The colt was businesslike now, reaching for my son's ankles, lifting them high over his shoulders. I watched, conscious I should be stopping this, but my cock said otherwise. My cock was in control, as was Grant's I could see, and it throbbed in full erection again as the colt did what he wanted.

And what he wanted appeared to be making my son naked and ready for...well...

Fingers slid under fabric again, and this time Brad pulled them all the way up and off. He sat with my boy's paws over his shoulders and a look of slight apprehension on the young wolf's eyes, but also a lot of lust. And at that age, I knew lust always won.

"I'll be gentle..."

Well, I had to give him that I suppose...

First he played with Grant's scrotum. Just feather light touches, drawing lots of groans and whimpers, then rougher squeezes. His other hand was back stroking the length of one very red wolfcock, the knot now prominent, and I watched it fascinated as the erotic scene played on. Then colt fingers slid under wolf scrotum and I knew what was coming next.

"Ahhh!'s still sore after last time..."

Well, that answered that...

"Don't worry Granty. I will be gentle. But I know your little pucker needs me...I can feel it..."

Grant seemed to suddenly go into spasm before relaxing with a shuddering sigh, and I saw colt forearm muscles flexing rhythmically. I couldn't see but I knew what it meant; he was fingering my boy's ass. Deep too, it looked.

"Nice of you to cum so much Granty...makes it easy."


I whimpered too, as soft as I could. The sound of my son's pleading went straight to my cock for some reason. A light sighing sound, full of need and hormones. I remembered sighs like that. I just never thought I would hear them from Grant.

The colt suddenly slid his fingers out and gripped the wolf's ankles. Pushing now, he doubled my boy up, his hindpaws near his muzzle, opening up one very vulnerable teenage wolf anus. I saw it then, a little red and puffy, winking as Brad stretched his legs wide, and then a colt muzzle bent forward and all I could hear were screams and moans and begging and the lewd sounds of lapping as a colt tongue took my boy's ass.

"Oh God...please use lube..."

"Awww isn't my tongue enough Granty?"

"Please, I'm still sore..."

The colt relented, to his credit. But then he suddenly stood and walked in my direction. I hastily hid behind the wall, my cock straining, heart threatening to burst from my chest. I heard a sniffing sound, and a whinny, but the sound of retreating hoofsteps made me relax finally.

I peeked round the edge of the window again.

Brad had Grant's legs around his flanks now, paws crossed behind his back. And he was naked too, the same magnificent naked young stallion I had seen in the gym many many times. And tried to ignore, until the dead of the night when I couldn't hold it any longer and wanked off remembering the play of water on his body in the showers.

He was also hard. His horsehood looked huge; I had never seen him like this, only sometimes dropped just a little in the shower when his flare would peek from the lips of his heavy sheath. Now I saw the full glory of an erect stallion as he slicked up his erection with a tube of lube.

"There...satisfied Granty?"



He bent his muzzle forward in a kiss, and my son relaxed into it, just as the tip of that horsecock slid under his tail and a pair of muscled colt buttocks flexed.

The moans were back, lost in the kiss, and they continued all through a long patient entry. He took it all, I was perversely proud to see, right to the hilt. Brad bent over him, wrapping my son in his arms, and I got the perfect view then, one horse ass with tail lifted high, pucker winking, balls heavy as they slapped into my boy's taint, and the sight of one long thick horsecock disappearing into my boy's terribly stretched anus.


Watching a stallion mate was always an experience. But this...well...

Eventually he leaned back and I saw him with his hand on my boy's cock jacking in time with his strokes. Brad had his head to one side, tongue lolling, eyes glazed, and one hesitant paw reached for his own left nipple and squeezed. The stallion seemed to appreciate it.

"Oh yeah...such a good slut Granty..."

The colt rolled his hips into it now, harder, faster, and I could see my son's cock twitch again and knew what was coming. A second flood of wolf seed splattered his chest, one streak reaching his chin, and then the young stallion lay his head back and let out a whinny. I saw his tail flag hard and then the grunts of a stallion in orgasm came to my ears and I shot again, spraying the wall in thick liquid shame.

I bolted for my car and drove in circles for two hours before coming home. Grant was doing homework with the colt next to him on the kitchen table. I got a winning smile from Brad, and a wink that made my fur tingle, and a shy wave from my boy. I ordered pizza for us, ignoring the surprise from my cub who wasn't used to me allowing such unhealthy food, and went straight to the fridge. The first beer didn't even touch the sides.

I had no real sleep at all that night, replaying it in my head. And when it did come, it made things worse.

My first time, in highschool. With that fucking stud Jason...


I had blocked it out for so long and so well, but now it was back with a vengeance.

The colt looked so good. He always looked good. And after training, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Every muscle seemed to bulge, especially that one. He even liked letting his cock drop and swung it round jokingly, telling everyone he had the biggest cock in school. I had to agree with him; and I knew I wanted to touch it, as much as that thought shocked me.

Then one night after training, when we had cleaned up, the coach asked us to sort out the equipment room for him so the Vice Principal stopped giving him grief. And we agreed, easily enough. I was an obliging wolf. Jason's motives were more mixed.

Alone in that room, we sweated and strained, then sat down together. Jason offered me a cigarette, and I tried hard not to shake. I could smell his musky scent, the tang of teenage stallion and fresh cum and sheath. And then he reached behind a shelf and pulled out a stack of magazines.

My eyes lit up.

"Didn't want someone else finding my stash."

They were porn mags. And seriously kinky ones. With everything on show...

"Fuck that's awesome..."

He had turned to a page with a well hung shire stud mounting a wolfess while another wolf sucked on the stud's ass. I almost shot off there and then. My cock strained seeking escape.

Then I realised he had his hand inside his shorts, jacking slowly. He gave me a sly wink, and a nod.

"Pull it out if you like..."

I followed his lead. That was what I told myself; I was just following his lead. The trouble was, I wasn't looking at the porn. I was looking at him, at his cock, at the flare winking and swelling and the shaft all pink and black and the fat medial and those balls, those beautiful balls...

"You want to do stuff with me, don't you..."


"It's ok mate. I've seen you in the showers checking me out. I don't mind. Touch it if you want..."

My own cock was forgotten now. I could, and did, jack it every night. This however...


My own voice surprised me. The low sighing moan as my fingers wrapped round my first cock. And it felt so hard, and so hot. I slid my fingers up experimentally, and my claws hit the flare.

"Hissssssss....take it easy mate. No claws there..."


"Going to have to make it up to me. Get your muzzle down there."

I obeyed. I wanted to obey. I nuzzled his sac, the scent of stallion musk so overpowering. Then let my tongue out for a tentative lick. He tasted so good...and suddenly I was lapping at his balls and his hand was rubbing my headfur. Then he gripped my ear and pulled me to his tip.

" a good pup..."

I loved the sound of his whinny of satisfaction almost as much as the taste and feel of stud cock in my muzzle. I wanted to be good for him, so good, and I went as far as I could, but couldn't go past his medial. Still, he seemed to appreciate it, and his soft 'yes!' when I cupped his balls and squeezed told me I was on the right track. He started lifting his hips off the floor, fucking into my muzzle, and I took it as best I could, while jacking my own needy cock as fast as I ever could with my shorts around my ankles.

"Ohh yeah...coming...coming..."

That was all the warning I got, then a flood of stallion cum hit my throat and I choked. I lost most of it, there was so fucking much, hot and thick and rich, and it went everywhere. When he pushed me off, he was still hard, and I was too, even though I had cum all over the place as well.

"Not bad...not bad..."

He reached for me then and I felt another guy's hand on my cock for the first time. Then he made me howl, as a fingertip slid up my ass crack and touched my pucker.

"Now it's time for the best of all mate."

He bent me over an exercise ball, my ass high, tail wrapped round his wrist, our combined spunk for lube. It hurt. Then it didn't. Then I came again as he bottomed out in my guts and the burn turned to a desperate ache.


When I woke, I was covered in cum, and my body ached from thrashing about so much. I felt terrible, as I always did on little sleep these days, my head throbbing and throat like it had been sandpapered.

I was in a bad mood all the way to school, and Grant seemed worried but sensible enough not to push me. I hoped my students would be as sensible.

But of course, a certain colt was never sensible.

Football training was a nightmare, the squad seemed to be determined to piss me off. I gave them as many extra laps and pushups and situps as I could, but eventually the colt pushed me way too far.

"Brad! If you want to stay on this fucking team, get moving! Ten laps full pace, now! The rest of you losers, hit the showers! I'm done with you cunts!"

I ignored his ears, those insolent annoying ears, and his pout, and his eyes flashing in defiance. But he obeyed, and the rest of the team headed for the rooms. They were gone by the time the colt got back, and I heard him showering alone.

Heading for the showers, I prepared to chew him out. Instead, I could only watch as he showered, ignoring me studiously, his hands rubbing soap all over than disturbingly beautiful body. Black coat, where Jason was a chestnut, but they had the same build. Muscles, lean, powerful. And a fat low hanging sac...

And then I noticed Brad had let himself drop, and was soaping up his length.

"Fucking hell!"

"Just keeping good hygiene coach..."

But his cocky grin told me he was taking the piss. And I hated that my bulge was obvious through my sweats. I caught him staring at it with eyes twinkling and started swearing.

"See me in my office Brad!" I barked and stormed out, sitting at my desk fuming. And I was still hard.

The arrogant shit waltzed in a good ten minutes later. He was towelling off his mane, shirtless, wearing only a jockstrap. And grinning.

"Wanted to see me coach?"

"Yes! Stand there and don't say anything you idiot."

"Awwww...didn't you see enough of me last night coach?"

I was struck dumb. My muzzle opened, and nothing came out.

As I watched, he lifted his head and closed his eyes. His nostrils flared and he sucked in a big lungful of air. Then he sighed a contented sigh.

"Yeah, that's what I remember. Yesterday after school, when I was with Grant. And then after...I checked outside the garage. Nice big puddle of cum there..."

"What the fuck are you talking about Bradley..."

"Same scent as you are giving off now. With your pants all nice and wet with"

I looked down. He was right. My groin was wet, obviously wet. I reached for a clipboard and pulled it in front of my crotch but it only made him giggle.

"Did you like watching me fuck your son?"

"You leave him alone!"

"Fair enough. After all, he isn't the one I really want."

I was struck dumb again. All I could do was watch as the young stallion walked casually over to me, and slid off his jockstrap. His stallionhood sprung from the deep enticing lips of his sheath, the pink flare just as I remembered, the shaft every bit as enticing. He handed me his jock.

"Something for you coach. I know you've been watching..."

"How the fuck..." those horses. Those fucking horses. It was Jason all over again.

It was as if he read my mind, as well as my cock. "We know, coach. A horse always knows when a wolf is watching. And what to do with them."

"You stay away from my son!"

"Pity. He has such a hot ass. But still..."

It was there, right in front of me. It swayed upwards, slapping his belly, and the perfect six pack of his abdomen clenched as it hit home. I watched in awe.

"Go on...touch it..."

"No..." it came out as a strangled gasp.

"Touch it!"


He reached for my paw. I somehow failed to resist. He closed my fingers on his stallionhood. It felt so good, so good...

I had never done it again after Jason. Convincing myself it was wrong, I went out with a pretty wolfess who had a crush on me, and got married. I had been faithful, though my body ached for more. And now this...fucking colts.

"That's it coach...that's it..."

I was jacking him, my grip tight on his cock, working my fingers round his shaft as I slid my palm up to his flare and down. Unable to resist I cupped his balls, feeling their weight. He nuzzled my neck, and whispered in my ear.

"You are so hot daddy wolf. So hot..."

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" it seemed I was as vocal as my boy after all.

Under the guidance of his firm hand, I came round to the front of my desk, and sank to my knees. Under his guidance, I took him into my muzzle and tasted stallion, hot rich stallion. My muzzle went wild, suckling down his length as he laughed at my eagerness, and I worked his balls as hard as I dared. I felt the trickle of precum on the back of my throat and prepared for it, but instead he pulled out.


In a trance I obeyed, shaking, and he pushed me back until I fell onto my own desk. He reached down and lifted my ankles, and I looked up at the ceiling trying to pretend this wasn't happening. But he wouldn't let me, bending over to press his muzzle on mine.

"If you saw everything, you know this is how I like it."

I felt him against me, and then he kissed, and then I roared into his kiss.

He took me dry, precum and my spit for lube only. It hurt so much, but he humped into me as I writhed against him and he bit my lips and his tongue ravaged my throat. Then I felt his hand on my cock and he pulled back and his muzzle left mine and I bit my lips to stifle a cry expecting the next thrust to hurt like a fucker.

"So tight. Tighter than your son, coach. I knew you would be hotter. Such a hot daddy wolf..."

He had just the flare inside me, pulsing with life. And I watched as he reached down to stroke his own shaft while he jacked my aching cock in time with his own strokes.

"Better not cum till I do coach..."

I moaned, and gritted my teeth, as he moved his hips and just edged the flare inside me a little, a bare inch in and out that drove me wild. Then I felt the flare throb and saw his muscles stand out in perfect bunches and heard the whinny of his orgasm like I remembered it when he was inside my cub. I felt it then, a gush of warm stallion seen, deep inside me, leaking from my stretched hole all over the desk. Then I shot, my cum splattering my muzzle as I groaned.

Then he slammed in to the hilt and I bit down on his nipple to stifle a scream.

"Ohhhfuck. Yeah harder coach."

I felt my incisor slice through the flesh of his nipple, and he just fucked me harder, my paws pointing to the ceiling, his hips slapping my ass, his blood filling my throat. It tasted sweet, tangy, so beautiful...his whole body moved into the fuck, a flowing motion of pure power and sex. I was pummelled, and taken completely. My hole strained, unable to take any more, his balls slapping my ass so hard it sounded like pistol shots in the echo chamber of my office.

His head rested on my chest, and I stroked his mane, then he bit my shoulder and I cried out and so did he and I got my second load of teenage stallion seed planted deep in my aching hole.

When he pulled out, he wiped his cock on his jock and threw it at me with a grin. I couldn't stand, and collapsed on my desk breathless and unable to think.

"You are one hot fuck coach."

I had presence of mind enough for one last word.

"Stay away from Grant. Do you hear?"

He just grinned. "Whatever you say coach."


We had agreed to meet again. My tailhole had been aching ever since that night, tingling, and I found myself fingering my hole when I jacked off. And my nights were a torment of erotic dreams, Jason, Brad, Jason...both at once...Grant...

That was the most disturbing, waking me at 5 a.m. sweating like a pig to throw off jizz soaked blankets. Grant looked worried as I mumbled through breakfast, but there was no way he could know the truth. For that at least I was grateful.

But the thought lingered. The touch of his cock...ahh it looked so fine, so hard. And the taste...

By the end of the day I was a nervous wreck. I waited for the colt, grateful at least that Grant would be at soccer training till at least 6:30. I would have time to enjoy and then get back to normal before grant got home and he could do his homework with his mate, blameless and all above board.

The cocky shit left his bike in the garage and immediately pulled me into an embrace. I felt his muzzle, and the touch of his hand groping me through my sweatpants.

"Did you wear them like you promised?"

I nodded. I was wearing his jock, like he insisted. I had touched myself on the lunch break, unable to resist the need, and before I could stop it, I came into the embrace of his jock. His hand slid under the waistband of my pants and he stroked, as if to confirm I wasn't lying.

"Such a good slut..."

Yes, it seemed I was.

He had me stripped but stayed in his own uniform. Then he led me to the bedroom. On all fours I was his, and he bent to my ass and gave me the first rimming of my life while I tasted his jock stuffed in my muzzle and bathed in the taste and scent of his crotch and my own jizz. I howled into the gag, feeling his tongue all over my taint, on my pucker, then the rough pressure of his tongue and suddenly he was inside me eating me out and I howled again my cock dripping into the bedspread like a firehose and he reached under me to jack my sheath as my knot swelled into his hand.

Then he was over me, his chest on my back, and I felt his tip on me.

"You want it coach?"

I managed to let the jock drop to the pillow and begged in a hoarse whisper. "Lube. Please."

"Hehe. Pussy like your boy. Ok."

He had it in his school shorts, the cocky cunt. One big tube of it, and I turned my head to watch expecting him to slick up his cock, but instead he had a different idea. He let a long stream of clear liquid coat his fingers, then slid them into me as I winced and grunted, the sudden spreading of my still sore ass uncomfortable. Then he hit my prostate and I relaxed and moaned and pushed back wanting more.

He had three fingers deep inside me in the end, spreading my hole, stretching, coating me with fluid, making me ready and so fucking hot. When I stopped begging and just whimpered, he pulled down his shorts just enough to release his cock and lined up with my quivering hole. When he took me it felt incredible almost from the beginning, and even his medial didn't hurt too much as it spread my ring that extra little bit that makes stallions so hot, and he rested his balls on my ass.

"So hot daddy your boy, your ass feels just like his, so tight, you even squeeze just like he does, fuck you both feel so good..."

His dirty talk made me tremble, remembering the sight of it, and I reached for my cock to find his hand there already. He slapped me away and instead I gripped the bedclothes, my claws digging holes in cotton.

"Did you love watching me fuck your boy?"

I couldn't deny it. "Yes..."

"Did you love watching his hard cock cum all over while I fucked him?"

"Oh God yes..."

"Did you hear him scream when I filled him?"

"Oh fuck so hot..."

"Do you think he is bigger than you coach? Do you think his cock would feel as good as mine?"

"Oh fuck..."

"Maybe you should ask him. What do you think Grant?"

I froze, my ass on fire, my cock aching on the brink. I heard it then, the sound of sniffles.

Looking to the side, I saw my boy in the doorway, staring at us. And his cock tented out his training shorts, an obvious wet patch growing at the point where his cocktip tried to break through the fabric.

"Soccer training was cancelled, didn't I tell you coach?"

All I could do was look at Grant, then the colt thrust again, and I screamed.

"He is hot Granty. But so are you. Why can't I have you both, hey coach?"

"Oh fuck...AHHHH!"

The stud slammed his flare into my prostate. I melted. My body shook. I pushed back, all the time watching Grant watch me. He was trying not to cry, but he was also jacking off, his hand inside his shorts moving jerkily over the hot length I remembered.

"Come here Grant."

I whimpered when he obeyed the colt. He padded over to us, eyes wide. Brad reached for his paw and brought it to my groin. I felt the heat of my son's paw on my length. His fingers closed on my girth, and stroked.

"See...bigger than him, aren't you Grant."

My son smiled then, just as the colt pulled him into a kiss.

With my muzzle buried in the pillow, I gave myself to it. The colt began to fuck again, all the while kissing my boy. And Grant never stopped stroking me, his palm closing on my cockhead just as I loved it, when I was close to the end. Rubbing right on the head, demanding, and I was begging, howling, and the colt was fucking into me so hard and then it happened, I came all over Grant's paw just as the colt unloaded into my guts and filled me with hot stallion milk.

I was turned onto my back afterwards, watching them kiss, the colt fondling my son's cock as he stripped him. Then the bastard got that glint in his eye, and he motioned to my cub.

"Sit on his muzzle...I want him to get you ready..."

I wanted to resist. But instead I just moaned, as my boy lowered his pert ass onto my muzzle and spread his cheeks. I slid my tongue out, tasting, licking the sweat off his perineum, then his balls, then his pucker...all puffy still, like mine would be, from a serious stallion fucking. He moaned when I licked that ring, and again when I spread it with my tongue and I tasted his funky depths just as I felt my ankles lifted again and the bulk of a young stallion kneeling between my legs and the kiss of a flare coated in cum against my raw hole.

"Now watch him take me Granty..."

I cried out, the sensation making my son's anus clench on my tongue. It felt so good, so good. The long slow strokes started, touching that spot inside me, and I rammed my tongue deeper and deeper into Grant's hole. And then I felt warm breath on my cock. And then a tongue...a rough, wolf tongue.

Yeah, I blamed it on that badger.

"Such a hot slut..."

Two wolves grunted an affirmative, but both had their muzzles too occupied for a proper response. I bathed in the scent of raw teenage wolf musk, and felt the rough feel of a tongue on my knot, and fingers sliding under my sheath to play in my own pool of musk. I guess Grant had learned to assert himself a little, after all.

The colt's voice seemed to come from far away, but I still heard it. All the way to my cock.

"Oh by the way uncle Jason says hi."

It's a Horse Thing

The two coaches looked at each other with a long suffering frown. They hadn't even got around to addressing the group yet and things were already going pear shaped. It wouldn't have been so bad, except they had predicted this before it happened, over a...

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_So did these hooves in ancient time, walk upon England's mountains green, and was the holy lamb of God, on England's pleasant pastures seen?_ The song echoed round my head as the miles of sand went past. Perhaps I had seen _Chariots of Fire_one...

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Taking Care of Business: Chapter 2 - Net Present Value

It was still raining come Tuesday morning, which made the rabbit feel on edge. He always felt like his fur was standing up when it rained, it made him uncomfortable and more angry bunny than usual. He had almost been tempted to beat the everloving shit...

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