Praxeum High School

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#2 of Aboard The Praxeum

A teacher aboard the Praxeum is more than a little put off that her students dont care about history. Hell, most of them just want to learn how to fly the ship or program the computers or get in each others pants! Mara Equinas cannot stand the fact that none of these kids care where they came from and more than one of them will probably receive their diplomas with round bellies beneath their caps and gowns. But there is one student she hasn't lost faith in.


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The bell rang loudly, interrupting the history lesson with an unsympathetic blare. The students all logged out of their lesson pads and leapt to their feet. Half of them probably didn't even hear the weekend's homework assignment called out over the loud shouts of hormonal teens. Miss Mara Equinas harrumphed and rolled her eyes.

Slowly, she settled in the seat behind her desk and pulled up a datafile containing the day's tests that she had administered the class. As she read over the abysmal evidence that most of the students in the class didn't seem to know nor care what Earth was or why it was important to the crew of the Praxeum, the teenagers began to file out of the classroom. Her blue eyes looked up at each of them as they filed out the door.

More than one of them had their paws over another. She sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose. How many of those young studs was going to walk up on stage at the end of the year big and round with some frisky bitch's pup?

There was one in particular she knew she could count on. A lithe little bunny was the last one left in the classroom. Little Laura Lagamor. The little bunny carefully tucking her pad holographic projector into her knapsack, warily watching the much larger students of her class rush out of the room.

Laura was the top of her class. She got good marks in everything. Half the time, Mara just gave her 'A's without checking her work. It was a waste of time anyway. Laura was rarely wrong. The girl knew her stuff.

She was also shy and timid, and often tried to melt into her seat whenever Mara called on her to answer a question the rest of her classmates couldn't seem to grasp. On the rest of the ship, Laura was alone whenever Mara saw her. The little bunny didn't seem to have any friends. It saddened Mara to see the girl so isolated from everyone around her, but she never got the opportunity to find out why.

Setting her datapad atop her desk, Mara quirked a brow and folded her golden-furred hands atop her desk. She opened her mouth to try to get Laura's attention, intent on finally learning what kept the small girl from trying to make friends, even with the other smarter students in her class.

In a blur of motion, the young rabbit rushed out the door. Mara blinked and reached out as if to catch her, but the girl's white button-down shirt and gray skirt, the standard school uniform, were already well out of reach and rushing out the door.

Mar's brow furrowed and her pointed ears drooped lightly. Next time. Slowly she settled back into her seat and plucked up her datapad. Putting Laura out of her mind, she went back to grading tests. As expected, the results saddened her.

After she had finished grading, she made her way out of the semi-deserted classroom section of the school wing and clip-clopped into the gym locker room. As expected, it was empty and quiet. She went to a locker at the end, where she kept her workout clothes, and disrobed. In no time flat she had removed her frilly black blouse and matching skirt and was pulling a small pink tank top over her breast.

She pulled the fabric taut over the swells of her modest chest and tugged her short-shorts up her firm thighs. The shorts were tight enough that they, like her top, left very little to the imagination, but she never wore these clothes when there was the risk of students seeing her. Still, she had the distinct impression that many of the fertile young males, and some of the females for that matter, had snuck a peak or two at her when she was exercising.

The thought excited her, but it was fleeting today. Four students had passed her latest test. Many of them, she knew, saw history as a useless subject. History didn't keep the ship running. History didn't program the food replicators. History didn't maintain security on the mostly-docile vessel. What was the point, they argued.

Mara bowed her head and stare down at the light golden fur of her exposed belly and legs. They were right, of course. History was not necessary to keep the ship running. But she had tried to press its importance. How could they know where they were going if they didn't know where they'd been?

Her hooves carried her up onto the quarter-mile track that circled the hoverball field and she looked up and around slowly. Even these sports had their place on the Praxeum. Now, of course, the stands were empty. The goal posts were silent, and the synthetic grass bare.

She started to jog around the track, her mind wandering. Her students excelled at other things. They would make fine engineers. Fantastic scout pilots. Some of them might even be officers someday, in charge of full departments of crewmembers that oversaw and ran ship's operations. There would always be plenty of people to catalogue and remember the history of their people and the dying planet they had left behind so many generations before.

Content that their past would not be forgotten and her mood sufficiently heightened, Mara completed her eighth (or was it ninth?) lap around the hoverball field and made her way back into the locker room. Her fit, golden furred body glistened and her chocolate mane stuck to her neck and back.

When entered the locker room, her ears perked. Someone was using the showers. Her eyes darted around. All of the lockers were closed, but there was a small white uniform shirt and gray skirt on one of the benches in the center of the room. Laying on top of the pile of fabric was a portable holoprojector attached to a wide elastic band that looked long enough it could have wrapped twice around her own waist.

She knew she should just change and leave before whomever it was came out to find her looking very un-teacher-like, but curiosity carried her to the doorway that led to the showers. She pressed herself against the wall and took a deep, steadying breath. Just a peak to see who it was. She leaned over and slipped her head around the doorframe.

Her eyes widened and her jaw hit the floor. Through the hot steam filling the long communal shower, she could clearly make out the small, slender frame of her brightest student. Laura's hands were stretched upward and bent back to massage the back of her own head. Her pale fur stuck to her body, leaving little to Mara's imagination.

Her bare back, fluffy tail, and wide hips were the least surprise to the historian's eyes. Mara saw the distinct swell of the rabbit girl's breast in profile through the thick steam. Beneath her bust was the most startling of all. Laura's belly bulged outward obscenely. It looked like the bunny had swallowed a half dozen hoverballs!

Mara glanced over her shoulder long enough to see the discarded clothes on the locker room bench. So that was what the holoprojector was for. Laura was hiding her pregnancy. And she was doing a better job at it than Mara was at hiding her arousal. Her hard nipples were straining against her tight top and her sheathe had thickened and from within her cock had begun to emerge.

Her shorts felt tight. Too tight. Carefully, she hooked her thumbs in the band and pulled them down enough for her cock to slip free into the hot, damp air. She should go, she knew. Quickly change and leave before she embarrassed Laura.

Her already large eyes strained wider as Laura's hands slid down her own shoulders and over her breast. The teenager cupped the heavy swell of her boobs and let her head roll on her shoulders. Her hands ventured lower over the globe of her tummy. She explored her own belly with one hand while the other slipped between her legs to her slit. She traced her fingers around her barely hidden nether lips and moaned deeply.

If she wasn't aroused before, Mara certainly was now! Her eyes were glued to the bunny girl's hands, watching the teen caress and please herself in the school shower! No longer was she content just pulling her shorts over her growing arousal. Now, as it bobbed against her taut belly, Mara slipped the elastic band of her shorts over her throbbing phallus and down her thighs to the floor. She gingerly stepped out of the fabric then reached up to pull her top off as well.

Finally as naked as the bunny girl she was watching, Mara's hands went to her body. One hand curled around her cock and began slowly stroking from tip to balls. Her other hand cupped her small breast against her palm and squeezed gently. She chewed on her lower lip and bit back a moan as she watched a pair of digits slip into Laura's folds.

The bunny gave a small, soft moan and gently rocked her hips against her own fingers. Mara saw her testicles and sheathe shift against the slender wrist they were pressed against, but Laura ignored that part of her anatomy. She seemed much more intent on her pussy and breasts.

Mara's envious eyes watched the bunny girl's little tail quiver and she curled her fingers tighter around her length. As she stroked over her median ring, she gave a small gasp.

Laura's long ears perked and both of them stood as still as statues.

Slowly, Laura turned her head and her eyes widened. She gasped and her long ears curled down over her muzzle. "Miss Equinas!"

She couldn't imagine how it looked to the poor girl. Her teacher standing behind her, cock in hand watching her masturbate, seeing her most closely guarded secret. Mara only knew she should have left when she'd seen the pile of clothes. This was a mistake she could have, and should have avoided and she would have to live with that for the rest of her life. But there was one thing she couldn't pass off. Laura's fingers were still slowly thrusting into her wet body.

Mara felt her hooves carry her into the hot shower and quivered as the water soaked her short fur and ran down her sweat-covered body. She stopped in front of Laura and hesitantly reached out to gently set her palms against the taut surface of her student's belly. The life within shifted, rolling beneath her palms as if reeling with the knowledge the secret had been discovered.

"How long?" she asked softly as her hands glided over the wet fur covering the teen's gravid expanse.

Laura's ears slowly uncurled, slowly lifting up over her head once again. "Seven months," she said in a small, meek voice.

"Seven months?" Mara echoed. Her brow creased and she tried to do the math. "First weeks of school?"

Laura hesitantly nodded. "Yes. I am hoping they'll wait until I graduate. I don't want to go into labor in the middle of class. Or sitting in the auditorium."

That was understandable! But why try to hide it at all? Certainly, she wasn't the first teenager to get pregnant in her senior year. "Who is the mother?"

She instantly regretted the question. Mara could see pain lance through the girl's eyes for a moment and she wished she hadn't asked.

"Their mother," Laura said, lifting her hands to her own pale belly, "is my mother." The young bunny paused for a moment, her hands slowly caressing the expanse of her belly. "It was after school. We had only been in session for a few weeks and I was starting to go into heat. Mother was already in heat and rutting bad, too. She'd had a long day at the replication center and was tired. When she smelled me, she came to check on me.

"I was getting ready for bed when she came into my room. I guess the air scrubbers couldn't keep up with how much smell I was putting off because she had only just stepped inside when her pupils dilated and her skirt bulged. Before I knew it, she was naked. I was naked. She was between my legs. It hurt, but I didn't care. She was thrusting into me. Fast. Her boobs were on mine. She was kissing me.

"She held my hands and held them up over my head, like this:" Laura lifted her hands from her belly and held them over her head, her elbows bent and her wrists just above the tips of her ears. "I wanted to hug her, but she was lacing our fingers together and I didn't want that to stop. So I wrapped my legs around her. She came in me but just kept going. I was glad she kept going. It felt so good, I never wanted it to stop."

Mara stared dumbstruck down at the girl the entire time she told her story. She had never heard the timid young woman speak so much the entire time she had been in high school! This was much more than all of the other things she'd heard her student say combined!

Laura's hands pressed atop her own caught her attention and Mara stared down at where her hands were sandwiched between the taut, wet belly and the girl's gentle hands.

"It went on for a week. Every day I came home and she'd mate with me. Sometimes she was on top, sometimes I was. Other times she bent me over the bed or made me sit on all fours while she came in me." Laura lifted her pleading eyes upward and Mara's heart melted. "After that week, Mother made me promise never to tell anyone what happened. When I missed my period, she got me a holoprojector and made me promise to keep it secret. You can't tell anyone, Miss Equinas!"

Mara nodded, wanting nothing more than to sooth the girl's fears. "I won't tell," she promised. "You really should find somewhere else to masturbate though." She smirked and glanced over her shoulder at the empty locker room doorway.

"I know," Laura conceded. "I just feel so awkward doing it at home. I know Mother and I mated, but it still feels weird playing with myself when she's around, and more knowing Father could catch me! And I'm just so... eager?"

Mara smirked and nodded, glancing down at her cock throbbing against her own belly. She stepped forward, pressing the stiff appendage firmly between their tummies. "Horny," she corrected.

"Yeah. Mother wont mate with me anymore. I think she's afraid she'll put even more kits in me."

Mara's remark was again cut short when Laura started to grind her belly against her stiff cock. She gasped and inadvertently thrust her hips against the girl's bulging belly.

"You've already found out my secret, Miss Equinas," Laura whined. "Do you think... I mean, would it be wrong? I'm pregnant. You're aroused." The bunny girl whimpered and shook her head as she struggled with the moral implications. Mara genuinely felt sorry for her.

"I'll be gentle." She took her student's hand and led her out of the shower. The sensor shut the water off as they moved out into the locker room and Mara turned to face her star student. Carefully, she helped Laura settle her heavy body on the wide bench and lay down on her back.

"You know," she continued as she stared down at the round bunny, "I thought you were going to be the one person in the class who didn't get knocked up by the end of the year."

Laura's ears drooped and she sighed. "I'm sorry I let you down."

Mara smirked and shook her head. She carefully knelt on the floor at the end of the bench where Laura's hips hung slightly over and eased her legs apart. "It happens. What matters is that you haven't let it affect your grades," she said, leaning down to gently kiss along the girl's belly. Again she felt the kits inside shift beneath her muzzle.

She swished her soaked tail and hummed thoughtfully. "When I was your age, I had a crush on a hoverball player. He was the quarterback for the school's alpha team. Hot young orca bull." She grinned and let her hands glide up over Laura's belly to explore her milk-laden breast. She cupped the girl's heavy swells against her palms and sighed dreamily.

"I was a cheerleader back then. He'd always blow the cheer squad a kiss whenever the offence took the field, but I knew he was blowing them to me. After the championship win, I pulled him out of the crowd and snuck him into one of the empty classrooms." Mara smiled and reached down to grip her arousal with one hand. She rubbed the tip of her length up and down Laura's slit and moaned softly. "I pinned him up against the door. Bent him over the teacher's desk. Almost got caught by security, but we didn't. when he graduated, he looked a lot like you do now."

Her heart lifted when she saw Laura's eyes light up and her ears perk. "Was it Coach Whiley?"

Mara giggled and nodded. "The very same. I put a baby in his belly and he turned out alright."

She pressed herself forward and chewed on her lower lip. The bunny's nethers didn't seem to want to let her in! Finally, she felt Laura's folds spread around her tip and she gasped. "You're so tight!" she said as a vice-like grip surrounded her length. Afraid that if she stopped she wouldn't be able to push in any more, or worse would be pushed out, she eased herself steadily deeper.

"Z.C.," Mara said as her median ring slipped into Laura's squeezing body. "Where are you putting all of it?" She hadn't bottomed out yet and the legs wrapped around her waist were only pulling her deeper!

Her only response was a deep moan. Laura had lifted her hands up over her head and clutched desperately at the bench beneath her. Her chest heaved with every little squeak and needy whine. "You're so huge!" she cried out. "Mother never got this deeEEEEEEP!"

Mara must have brushed something deep inside because Laura lifted her hips off the bench and squealed loudly as her insides squeezed her cock almost painfully! Mara arched her back as a rush of heat squirted out of Laura's body and soaked her front! She couldn't help herself. She grabbed the bunny's belly and pulled herself forward sharply!

Their hips slapped together and another wave of pleasure rushed out of the girl's bucking form. Unable to hold back any more, Mara started to thrust into the tight body writhing beneath her. Her heavy, swinging orbs slapped lewdly against Laura's rump with every sharp thrust into the student's eager pussy.

Her vision was a blur the world for her consisted only of the heavy teenager moaning and squealing beneath her. She felt the kits shifting beneath her palms with every thrust. She blinked as much sense into her eyes as she could and stared down at Laura. Her belly thrust up against her palms every time the young girl bucked her hips against the cock thrusting into her. Her breast bounced and swayed hypnotically each time their hips collided and her brown eyes, glossed over with unbridled lust, stared unblinking up at her in wanton need.

"So tight!" Mara cried out. "Z.C., you're so tight! Gonna make me cum soon!"

"Cum in me!" Laura squealed and arched her back as her body shuddered.

"Gonna fill you up!" the mare promised. "Gonna fill you so full, you'll be birthing foals for the rest of your life!"

"DO IT!" the bunny screamed as another spray of hot pleasure splashed against Mara's groin and abs.

The girl's convulsing body squeezed and milked at Mara's cock almost desperately, starved for what only Mara could give her! Tumbling over the edge, the fit mare forced her hips tightly against Laura's undulating body and whinnied loudly. She felt her heavy balls tighten against her groin and her cock began to flare out deep inside the rabbit's gravid body.

With nowhere to go, her heat rushed along the length of her cock and burst around the tight seal of Laura's tight pussy stretched around her girth, coating their lower bodies in hot seed. Mara felt herself reach down and catch as much of her own cum in her palms as she could. One hand pushed the hot cream up past her own winking folds, fucking her own cum into her body while the other smeared it over Laura's sheathe and balls.

As Laura, panting and spent, started to sit up, Mara lifted her hand from the bunny's growing cock and wagged a finger at her. "Oh, we're not done." She slowly pulled herself out and both women gasped as cool air hit their sensitive, soaked flesh. She carefully straddled the rabbit girl's stiff cock and lowered her dripping, cum-smeared slit onto the throbbing rod.

Mara felt herself spread around the bunny's much smaller cock and groaned as their hips pressed tightly together. Her heavy balls nestled against the girl's heavy middle and her cock drooled the last spurts of her seed onto the top of the pale furred globe. "In fact, we're just getting started."

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