Hello Clarice

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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Xeno-zoologists are on their way to their next assignment! It's a long journey and research must be done, reports filled out, and chores completed. For Assistant Mink, a routine feeding and inspection with his favorite specimen gets interesting when he finds a large gash in her hide.


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They had one rule: no disturbing the ecosystems of the planets or moons they visited. They were completely nonintrusive, disturbing as little as possible. Xeno-zoologists Doctor Kenny Lincoln and his assistant and very best friend Mink were very passionate about their work studying alien life in all its forms. The last thing they wanted to do was upset nature's delicate balance by landing on a delicate patch of grass that was the primary source of food for a naturally endangered species!

But taking live specimens from thriving populaces was not even the least bit detrimental to the ecosystem at large. Kenny had argued with Terence Howey, a doctor of temporal mechanics who had come to one of the Federation's largest conferences about the matter.

"Taking one member of a large pack consisting of dozens of individuals is not going to hurt the planet," Kenny said, running a hand over the spotted golden fur between his rounded ears. "Especially if it's a member of the middling class, neither alpha nor omega in the clan."

"But you don't know," Doctor Howey pled, adjusting his goggle-like glasses atop his nose, "if that member will one day challenge the alpha for control of the pack. Or through generations of breeding give rise to one who drastically alters the history of the planet! The raptor hen you had on stage, for example." The mole rested his elbow in the crook of his opposite arm and curled his fingers up under the grey fur of his chin.

"What about her?" Kenny asked, quirking a brow. He had hoped his assistant would rescue him sooner. He cast his golden eyes over the crowd, searching for the collie. Mink was nowhere in sight, though.

"Previous argument aside, let's say that, hypothetically, she dies in a swamp. Her body begins to decompose and that decomposition feeds small microbes in the water that had been about to die. Instead, the colony thrives and multiplies and over the course of evolution, mutates and matures into a sentient species that spreads over the surface of the world!" The mole's lids narrowed behind his thick glasses and he held up a finger. "But you took her off of the planet, didn't you? Now she will not die, her body will not nourish a dying colony of microbes, and that species will never exist!"

"Hypothetically," Kenny said.

"Hypothetically, you have committed a pre-emptive genocide of a species before they have ever come into existence!"

"Perhaps," Kenny said, spotting Mink's bouncing ears on the other side of a half-wall divider separating the main lobby from the food court. "I suppose we'll never know. Will you excuse me?" Without waiting for an answer or rebuttal, Kenny slipped away, eager to reunite with Mink and the drink the young collie had been sent to fetch.

But that had been months ago. Now, their ship hurtled through space at superluminal speed. Other than that conversation, the conference had been fun but it was time to get back to work and their new destination was a desert world just outside of Federation territory that had been marked with a hazard buoy due to the starship-sized worms that lived beneath the surface of the hot sand. He and Mink were going to take one of their shuttles and survey the sands from a safe distance up. But they were still several days out. Right now, Kenny was relaxing on the bridge after going over a report about the sand worms for the umpteenth time. Mink? Mink was tending to the animals, feeding them and making sure the self-cleaning cages weren't malfunctioning.

Humming to himself, Kenny reached up and flipped the security monitor onto his station. Ah, there was Mink. Tending to the raptor hen at that moment. Feeding her a bucket of meat.

* * * * *

"How's my beautiful girl today?" The collie called as he leaned against the bars of her large cage. His brown eyes twinkled as he swung the bucket in his right hand idly at his side. The raptor, Clarice as he had been calling her, stared at him patiently, her head swaying this way and that in time with the bucket's gentle swaying.

The raptor was surprisingly docile. She had been a little aggravated at first, but who wouldn't after being torn away from your home and pack makes like she had? But after he had given her food, she had calmed. He stayed with her for hours after that. Or maybe it was days? She never looked away from him. Having fed her, Mink knew he had earned her trust. And staying so nearby and not harming her, she had grown more used to him.

In her eyes, he was her alpha and Doctor Lincoln her beta. She challenged Kenny often, but never questioned Mink's orders. He knew he had her fully loyalty. So it was without any trepidations whatsoever that he reached up and keyed open the cage door.

She rushed forward and nosed at the bucket, but he held it behind him and called out to her "Ah-ah-ah! No! Not yet!" He held up a hand and pushed her nose away. "Back! Over there!" He pointed to the far corner and her eyes turned to look.

She turned her head to look and gave a questioning cackle before her slitted eyes turned back on him.

"No!" He said, waggling his finger at her. "Over there! You gotta work for your supper!"

She huffed and gave a loud -CAW!- before she strode heavily to the corner. She turned to face him and huffed again, her large curved claws tapping impatiently on the duranium deckplate.

"Don't you tap your foot at me!" he said, stepping into the cage. He closed the door and leaned back on it. He reached into the bucket and plucked a big chunk of meat from within. He wrinkled his nose at it and started to swing it about. "You did very good at the conference yesterday!" he reminded her, but she didn't hear him. Her entire focus was on the meat swinging this way and that in his hand.

"Everyone loved you! Well, more accurately the questions you raised." He tossed the meat up into the air and caught it in his hand. She pranced in place, cackling impatiently.

"How did your species develop? How come you are identical to the velociraptors on our world? Were you transplanted? Did you evolve naturally? Why, why, why? So many 'why's!" he continued, tossing the meat up and catching it again.

Clarice huffed and her brow ridges furrowed over her golden orbs.

"Don't talk back to me!" Mink said and tossed the meat at her.

She leapt forward and snapped her jaws onto the meat, chomping several times before she threw her head back and swallowed it. She pranced in place, cackling excitedly. He just stared at her and she gave a whining -CAW!-

He stared at the wet fur on his hand and thought about brushing his palm against his blue coveralls, but decided against it. He was just going to hold more of the meat anyway. He reached into the bucket and pulled out another piece of similar size. "More?"

She cackled and ducked her head quickly twice before staring intently at the meat again. She'd seen him nodding and had begun mimicking his movements weeks ago.

"Oh. Alright then!" he tossed the piece at her and she again snatched it out of the air and swallowed, and the one that followed quickly after it! He set down the bucket and pulled the largest chunk of meat out. It was heavy and he'd nearly had to hold it in both hands. Precariously balancing it in one palm, he strode forward and reached out to brush his dry palm against Clarice's snout.

"You're such a good girl. Good, pretty girl." He leaned forward and kissed her nose. She huffed, staring straight at the meat he held just out of reach.

"Bit impatient, though!" He smiled and kissed her snout again. She was always his favorite. They'd gotten so close. It was hard to think of her as an animal anymore. She was highly intelligent. She had emotional awareness and displayed them as clearly as any person. While he couldn't understand any of it, he and Kenny had discovered that the noises and sounds her species made were a form of complex communication. Either too complex or too primitive for the universal translator, which one they weren't sure.

He kissed her snout again and nuzzled his cheek against her own. "Fine," he said and turned to drop the meat heavily onto the floor. "There ya go."

She yipped excitedly and leaned down to tear at the flesh with her teeth and a clawed foot.

Mink smiled and pressed himself against her warm flank, allowing his palm to stretch out over the chocolate scales there, mottled with turquoise and blues along her spine. He looked back at her feathered head and smiled. His favorite girl!

He watched her, sliding along her flank to the base of her tail that whipped about from side to side excitedly. He examined her body, looking over every inch for any sorts of bruises or serrations. It was part of his routine. Feed the animals and check their physical health.

Something immediately caught his eye. Beneath her tail, there was a long gash of flesh, an angry red contrast to her brown body! He gasped and ducked beneath her tail to see what had happened. He was both relieved and taken aback to find her vent puffy and dripping. He looked between her legs at the chunk of meat that was very nearly gone.

Slowly, he lifted his hand near her vent and groaned. The heat radiating off of her was scalding! He licked his lips and hummed thoughtfully. "Are you in heat, beautiful girl?" he asked.

She swallowed the last of her meat and turned her head to stare at him between her legs. She hissed softly then widened her stance. She gave another soft cackle and swung her tail to the side then was quite still. When he didn't do anything, she cackled and gave a -CAW!-

He stared into her slitted eyes for a few moments then looked back to her vent again. She was obviously presenting. A female in heat giving herself to her alpha. He was at a loss, really. It wasn't exactly morally accepted in the Federation for people to mate with their feral counterparts. But they had left Federation space earlier that morning.

Tentatively, he lifted his hand toward her vent again and traced his fingers around the puffy, damp flesh there. His reptilian lover hissed and quivered from the tip of her tail up to her predatory grin.

"Like that?" he asked and dipped a finger into her long gash, then another. Her hot insides clamped down over his digits, drawing him deeper. He smiled and wiggled his fingers, eliciting another quiver from her.

He gently pushed his fingers into her again and again, first at the top of her vent, then the bottom. There was plenty of room, wasn't there? How large were the drakes? He withdrew his hand from her body, much to her audible chagrin, and unzipped his coveralls. He pulled his arms free and let the sleeves and jacket portion hang loosely about his waist. His arm then bare, he reached up to her once again.

He pressed two fingers into her, then two more. Finally his hand sunk into her vent and she squeezed tightly against his limb. Her body quaked and she softly cackled as he pushed his hand deep, deep into her belly.

His wrist disappeared past her puffy flesh and her body sucked hungrily at him for more. His forearm, then his elbow disappeared into her. As the thick join slipped past her folds, he felt his fingertips press against something deep inside of her, a tight little ring that he could work a finger into if he tried.

He tickled at the ring for several moments. Each time he pressed his finger into the small hole, she would quake and -CAW!- at him. More than once, she took a step back and rocked her hips against his elbow. He'd had to scoot himself back to keep his balance and avoid hurting himself or God forbid, hurt her.

Her hips rocked to and fro with a quickening pace as he pulled his elbow out of her then pushed it back in. Every time he pushed his join into her tight body, she would cackle and rocked back to force his finger past that ring deep inside.

Her body quaked and quivered, shaking almost violently as he explored the ring of flesh deep inside. The more he toyed with her, the looser that ring got until he could fit two fingers through the donut.

After a series of quick -CAW! CAW! CAW!- sounds, he decided to go for broke. She really liked it when he pushed his fingers into what he assumed was the entrance to her egg chamber. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself against the duranium floor and pushed hard into her. His elbow disappeared into her body and his arm sank deep. He pushed his fist through the ring of her egg chamber and felt his knuckles press against firm flesh inside. His shoulder seated firmly against her vent and she threw her head back. She gave several loud cackles and a deafening hoot as her body squeezed tightly against him, pulling against his arm from his shoulder to his fist rhythmically.

"Sorry beautiful," he mourned. "I've got no cum to give you."

Or do I?

He waited for her almost painful orgasm to subside and release his arm before he pulled his soaking wet arm out of her. He stepped back and groaned at the dripping fur matted against his limb. He thought he would be more disgusted, but it was nothing a shower couldn't fix, right? He looked back at her and smiled.

She had laid her cheek against the cool floor of her cage and was staring at him. Her maw hung open as she panted, catching her breath from the orgasm he'd given her. But she was still hunched over, her tail still pressed to the side. He had a sneaking suspicion she understood.

Throwing caution to the wind, he shoved his coveralls down to his footpaws and stepped out of the blue fabric, leaving himself quite naked. Already his cock had slipped free of its furry sheathe and was throbbing, eager and ready to plunge into the exotic female presenting herself to him.

"You're a bit tall for me," he said then snatched the bucket. He stared at it, then the vent winking enticingly at him. "But this should do the trick. Maybe." He turned the bucket over and scooted it beneath her hind end. After he stepped up onto the metal bucket, he smiled. He was just the right height now!

"Are you ready for me, beautiful?" he asked as he set his hands against her hips and rocked himself forward to press the tip of his pink doggy dick against her hot vent.

She gave a short, strangled cackle and bobbed her head against the deck where it rested.

"Alright then," he said then rocked his hips forward. He expected it to be, as was colloquially known, like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Instead, he was pleasantly surprised to find her hot flesh squeezing tightly against him from all directions.

He moaned deeply and pressed himself fully into her until his hips were flush with her rough scales. Her body squeezed and pulled at him. He gave an apologetic smile and shook his head. "I don't have any more to give you, beautiful Clarice."

He drew his hips back then eased forward again. He only pushed into her twice when she called out -CAW!-


Clarice bobbed her head.

He smiled and squeezed her hips tightly. Alright then. He started to buck his hips against her, filling the cage with the audible -slap! slap! slap!- of his hips against her own. He grunted and moaned deeply. Every time he forced his cock into the tight squeeze of her vent, he was sure she was going to pull all of him into her by his dick!

Her body shook beneath his hands. A tremor ran through her every time his swelling knot pushed past her vent. "Almost there!" he assured her breathlessly. "Gonna put some puppies in your egg chamber!"

While he knew that was biologically impossible, he didn't care. He wished it was. She was his favorite, a person in her own right. She wasn't just some dumb animal anymore.

His knot popped into her one more time and her body clamped down hard against him, refusing to let go. He groaned and rocked against her with short, quick thrusts. "Almost there!" he called out. "Almost there!"

He leaned over her, pressing his chest and belly against her rough mottled spine as his balls tightened against his sheathe. He clutched desperately at her flanks as he felt himself dump thick ropes of his hot cum into her. Her muscles rippled along her canal again, drawing his seed deep into her belly where it belonged.

His eyes clamped shut and in his mind's eye, he imagined her pulling his cum deep into her egg chamber and closing up. He moaned deeply as another thick rope of his jizz rushed into her to join the wads already nestled deep in her egg chamber.

He imagined his little swimmers rushing in all directions, searching for their quarry. He saw the little tadpoles find the translucent orbs and force their way inside. In a timelapse only that existed only in his imagination, he saw the eggs harden and grow, filling her and making her belly swell outward with an enormous clutch. She'd lay them in her cage. He would be with her every moment until the last egg nestled with its clutch mates.

As the blood returned to his brain and reality began to replace the daydream, he realized she was laying awkwardly on her belly, panting heavily beneath him as he laid atop her form, his cock still held snuggle inside of her. He pushed himself up and tried to pull away, but she cackled firmly and squeezed tightly against his knot, forcing one last drop out of his shaft.

"Alright!" he said, resettling against her spine. "Alright, I'm not going anywhere. My beautiful Clarice."

"You know I should put this on report," a deep purr called nearby.

Mink and Clarice lifted their heads quickly at the same time, turning to peer at the cheetah standing on the other side of the cage bars, his barbed cock in hand and a generous puddle on the floor at his feet.

"S-sorry, Kenny," Mink said, blushing deeply beneath his fur. "She was in heat and-..."

"But since we left Federation space three and a half hours ago," the doctor continued, "I really don't see the need." He smirked and winked. "Besides, from the look of things, no harm was done. Hell, if your muttering is any indication, we might have a new species to study soon!"

Mink blushed deeply again and turned to look down at Clarice's taut sides. "Don't think that's gonna happen, but..." he looked sadly up at his friend and boss. "Don't tease."

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Hello Clarice - Preview

They had one rule: no disturbing the ecosystems of the planets or moons they visited. They were completely nonintrusive, disturbing as little as possible. Xeno-zoologists Doctor Kenny Lincoln and his assistant and very best friend Mink were very...

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