Flamefeathers-Recovery - Preview

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#8 of Flamefeathers

Alcmene is safely back in the Doujin, the colossal tower that houses the Wardens. She had been assigned to domestic duties until she recovers from her traumatic ordeal and put under the watchful eye of a Rikei, a spiritual healer. Recovery is rarely an easy road and this one proves no different.


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I would like to thank everyone who's shown their support so far! You guys are awesome and are the reason I do this!

"Nothing will change," they had said. "You are still a Warden."

She had stood before the protectorate, still swollen and round from her sister's rescue and the night following her escape. She wasn't as heavy as she had been, but it still showed. Her belly still sloshed if she'd moved to quickly, or turned to fast.

"You will have to remain here. At the Doujin. Until your condition has passed and you are able to resume your duties to the people of Aslennor," the enormous golden dragon Arkndrndrran. Told her. But that was over two months ago. She was still there. How was she to know, how was any of them to know, that her 'condition' had taken root, that the seed that had not been absorbed by her body had quickened in her belly?

She had confided with the Rikei, a healer of the spirit, who had been assigned to her named Brighid. She told her everything. Giving herself to the centaurs in exchange for her sister's freedom. The day long rape at the hands of the centaur males of the village. Hiding in the barn after her escape. Watching the centaurs take the family instead of her while she waited, to afraid to move.

She told Brighid about the centaur she had seduced after Manawyhn had found her. She couldn't remember his name. It hurt her deeply to realize, to see so plainly that she had been so addled by lust that she cared little about who it was, only that they plunge into her body. Brighid assured her that it was not of her own mind, that centaur seed was said to have an aphrodisiac in it in order to make the females they capture more willing.

Alcmene sighed heavily where she leaned against the door frame of an empty stall in the Doujin's expansive stables. She rubbed at the globe of her belly and shook her head from side to side. She had certainly been more willing. Sex itself wasn't against Warden tenants, but the attachment of relationships, be that of lovers or a mother and child could be dangerous. A Warden was expected to remain objective, no matter what.

A relationship, or Goddess forbid a child, was a clear and present danger to that objectivity.

Alcmene closed her eyes and stepped into the stall with a rake. Now, she couldn't go on assignment, she couldn't sit in on disputes or negotiations. She had been depreciated to cleaning the stables. All because of her own lusts.

Centaur seed is very potent. She knew that before the entire ordeal. She saw how potent it was when she saw her sister's naked body being violated by her captors. And yet she still gave herself to them in exchange. She would again, if she had to.

But to further ensure that it bore fruit, she'd given herself to an innocent stud who had only wanted to turn in for the night, masturbate away his frustrations, and sleep peacefully. Brighid, like any good Rikei, tried to assure her that it wasn't her fault. She'd done the right thing, getting Amphinome out of the village without bloodshed. The incident in the port town's stable was not her fault. She was not of her right mind, Brighid said. She was under the influence of simple chemistry. Imbibing and aphrodisiac was bound to make someone irrationally lustful.

And it did. It still did, in fact. Alcmene was always hungry for more. She had lewd thoughts she knew she shouldn't have. She sized up every male she saw like a lion eying a piece of meat. She imagined their cocks, how large they could be. What their hands would feel like on her growing boobs. Their lips against her own.

She quivered, feeling a heat growing in her groin. Brighid told her to fight the desire. Center herself and her emotions. She couldn't let her emotions rule her. It was the most basic teaching in the Doujin. Emotions clouded one's objectivity. Before one could master their magic, their fencing, their archery, one had to master themselves.

And she was losing the battle in a most obvious way. She chewed on her bottom lip and inhaled deeply before slowly letting it out. There were a number of breathing exercises to help oneself find peace amidst the storm of emotions in any given situation. But it was never easy. Especially for a Warden.

Brighid had put her on stable duty herself. She said being around the very object of her desires and mastering herself in the face of such temptation was the quickest way to recovery from her condition.

That word again. Her condition. It was always a condition wasn't it? The Wardens, in all of their wisdom and power, were so very afraid to speak of what she couldn't hide. She was pregnant. She had a newfound desire for equestrian phalluses. She had lost everything that it was that made her a Warden. Her condition was utter failure brought on by being fucked silly by a merciless, lustful warlord who had used her only to further his own race.

And he succeeded. With his success came her failure. It was the gift that kept on giving. What had Brighid called it? A feedback loop. Nessus had impregnated her and in doing so, caused Alcmene to lose control of her emotional center. Having lost control of herself, she was constantly remembering the cause of said loss. In remember where it all began, it caused her to lose more control. And the cycle continues.

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