Flamefeathers - Recovery

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#9 of Flamefeathers

Alcmene is safely back in the Doujin, the colossal tower that houses the Wardens. She had been assigned to domestic duties until she recovers from her traumatic ordeal and put under the watchful eye of a Rikei, a spiritual healer. Recovery is rarely an easy road and this one proves no different.


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"Nothing will change," they had said. "You are still a Warden."

She had stood before the protectorate, still swollen and round from her sister's rescue and the night following her escape. She wasn't as heavy as she had been, but it still showed. Her belly still sloshed if she'd moved to quickly, or turned to fast.

"You will have to remain here. At the Doujin. Until your condition has passed and you are able to resume your duties to the people of Aslennor," the enormous golden dragon Arkndrndrran. Told her. But that was over two months ago. She was still there. How was she to know, how was any of them to know, that her 'condition' had taken root, that the seed that had not been absorbed by her body had quickened in her belly?

She had confided with the Rikei, a healer of the spirit, who had been assigned to her named Brighid. She told her everything. Giving herself to the centaurs in exchange for her sister's freedom. The day long rape at the hands of the centaur males of the village. Hiding in the barn after her escape. Watching the centaurs take the family instead of her while she waited, to afraid to move.

She told Brighid about the centaur she had seduced after Manawyhn had found her. She couldn't remember his name. It hurt her deeply to realize, to see so plainly that she had been so addled by lust that she cared little about who it was, only that they plunge into her body. Brighid assured her that it was not of her own mind, that centaur seed was said to have an aphrodisiac in it in order to make the females they capture more willing.

Alcmene sighed heavily where she leaned against the door frame of an empty stall in the Doujin's expansive stables. She rubbed at the globe of her belly and shook her head from side to side. She had certainly been more willing. Sex itself wasn't against Warden tenants, but the attachment of relationships, be that of lovers or a mother and child could be dangerous. A Warden was expected to remain objective, no matter what.

A relationship, or Goddess forbid a child, was a clear and present danger to that objectivity.

Alcmene closed her eyes and stepped into the stall with a rake. Now, she couldn't go on assignment, she couldn't sit in on disputes or negotiations. She had been depreciated to cleaning the stables. All because of her own lusts.

Centaur seed is very potent. She knew that before the entire ordeal. She saw how potent it was when she saw her sister's naked body being violated by her captors. And yet she still gave herself to them in exchange. She would again, if she had to.

But to further ensure that it bore fruit, she'd given herself to an innocent stud who had only wanted to turn in for the night, masturbate away his frustrations, and sleep peacefully. Brighid, like any good Rikei, tried to assure her that it wasn't her fault. She'd done the right thing, getting Amphinome out of the village without bloodshed. The incident in the port town's stable was not her fault. She was not of her right mind, Brighid said. She was under the influence of simple chemistry. Imbibing and aphrodisiac was bound to make someone irrationally lustful.

And it did. It still did, in fact. Alcmene was always hungry for more. She had lewd thoughts she knew she shouldn't have. She sized up every male she saw like a lion eying a piece of meat. She imagined their cocks, how large they could be. What their hands would feel like on her growing boobs. Their lips against her own.

She quivered, feeling a heat growing in her groin. Brighid told her to fight the desire. Center herself and her emotions. She couldn't let her emotions rule her. It was the most basic teaching in the Doujin. Emotions clouded one's objectivity. Before one could master their magic, their fencing, their archery, one had to master themselves.

And she was losing the battle in a most obvious way. She chewed on her bottom lip and inhaled deeply before slowly letting it out. There were a number of breathing exercises to help oneself find peace amidst the storm of emotions in any given situation. But it was never easy. Especially for a Warden.

Brighid had put her on stable duty herself. She said being around the very object of her desires and mastering herself in the face of such temptation was the quickest way to recovery from her condition.

That word again. Her condition. It was always a condition wasn't it? The Wardens, in all of their wisdom and power, were so very afraid to speak of what she couldn't hide. She was pregnant. She had a newfound desire for equestrian phalluses. She had lost everything that it was that made her a Warden. Her condition was utter failure brought on by being fucked silly by a merciless, lustful warlord who had used her only to further his own race.

And he succeeded. With his success came her failure. It was the gift that kept on giving. What had Brighid called it? A feedback loop. Nessus had impregnated her and in doing so, caused Alcmene to lose control of her emotional center. Having lost control of herself, she was constantly remembering the cause of said loss. In remember where it all began, it caused her to lose more control. And the cycle continues.

That is not to say progress hadn't been made. Alcmene at first had explored the bodies of the steeds left in the stables when no one was looking. She'd kneel beneath Soleus's white Pegasus after she'd brought him oats for supper. She was apprehensive at first, sure she'd be caught any moment by the ever watchful Rikei. But Brighid didn't appear to scold her and drag her away by her ear.

Her hands glided over the big white beast's belly as he ate, exploring his firm barrel before her hands darted down to his sheathe and ample testicles. She explored those great orbs until his length slipped free of its sheathe. She caressed it, coaxing it to full hardness. She had desperately wanted to bend over and plunge it deep into her belly, but the fear for her baby's safety and the fear of being caught stayed her hand. Instead, she'd stroked him until he came, covering her breasts and belly with thick, white cream.

It was guilt more than any scolding words that made her stop. Her Rikei was counting on her to maintain herself. The Doujin was counting on her. Stroking the steeds to climax gave way to 'accidentally' brushing against their sheathes and sacks while she groomed them. Even that eventually faded away. She still lusted for the contact, the smell and taste of hot cum coating her body or filling her mouth. The difference was now, she maintained enough control not to do anything about it.

But it was hard.

Satisfied she had spread enough fresh hay over the floor of the stall, she hefted her rake over her shoulder and walked out. That was it for the day. Now, she'd go upstairs to her chambers and soak in a hot bath. Let the steam carry her stress and worry away and-...

A loud whiny caught her ears and she turned sharply to stare down the walkway of the second level she stood upon. No other Wardens were nearby, but a scuffle of hooves against the hay covered floor several stalls down demanded attention from someone! If the only someone available was a heavily pregnant angel, then so be it!

Cradling her belly, Alcmene jogged to the stall and cast one last glance around, hopeful someone else had taken notice. The only other Warden nearby was far across the circular stable, cleaning another empty stall on the third level.

Chewing on her lower lip, she turned and reached to pull the stall door open. A small red ribbon tied into a bow over the latch stayed her hand. Oh. That meant that there were two steeds within for the very reason of breeding. The red ribbon meant they were not to be disturbed.

But she so wanted to disturb them. Alcmene pressed her thighs together and gave a soft whimper. How dearly she wished it was her inside that stall, bent over a bale of hay with her legs spread wide, her stud's weight pressing heavily onto her back as he plunged deep into her belly.

She fit a finger between her teeth and bit down. She knew she should leave. Her shift was over. She should go home. Go take a hot bath. Get something to eat.

Before she could help herself, she had leaned her rake against the wall and pulled a stool over to the stall door. Carefully, she lifted her heavy body up onto the stool and peered over the top of the door.

The sight inside took her breath away, replacing it with a lustful moan. Soleus's Pegasus, the object of her desire on her first day in the stables, had mounted another white Pegasus mare. At first it was hard to see where one stopped and the other began but as she watched them, Alcmene had slowly started to pick out whose body parts belonged to whom.

The easiest parts, of course, were the long, thick horse cock plunging into the mare's winking slit. Alcmene watched with rapt attention as the stud plunged every inch of succulent meat into the mare before drawing nearly completely out. Then he'd plunge back into her quickly, without mercy or consideration for anything but his own pleasure.

The mare's hind legs were spread wide, braced against the heavy weight of the large stud ploughing into her body. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but Alcmene would swear she saw the mare rocking back eagerly against the stud's every quick thrust.

Mere moments after she had peaked over the top of the door, the two Pegasi stopped moving. The large stallion pressed his hips tightly against the mare and was still. His tail flagged, giving the angel a clear view of his enormous white-furred orbs flexing up against his hips.

A moment later, the enormous horse cock slipped free of the quivering mare and her body gushed with the copious white cream that had nowhere to go but out. Alcmene's knees buckled as she watched the thick seed ooze out of the mare's winking slit. She gave an audible moan and squeezed her thighs together. Goddess, she wanted to feel that again!

NO! That was the foal growing in her belly talking! She was a Warden! She was above such carnal desires as that! She couldn't let them rule her!

She hopped down from the stool, nearly stumbling to the ground as her top-heavy body threatened to pull her off balance. She jogged from the stable as fast as her swollen ankles would carry her. She rushed to the stairwell that circled against the outer wall of the tower and rushed up and up and up. One floor, ten, fifty. Finally she came to the floor that held her private chambers and stopped.

Panting, she pressed her palm against the wall for support while her other hand cradled her belly. Normally, she would have had no issues with that many steps, but now? Even pregnant, she reminded herself, it was an impressive feat most non-Wardens would gawk at. But her exhaustion was the last thing on her mind. Her feet carried her down the corridor quickly, but her mind's eye only saw the Pegasus mare's dripping slit.

She came to her door and fumbled with the knob. She gave a frustrated whine but finally managed to push the hard wood door open. She rushed inside and slammed the door behind her. Her hands tugged at her red robes, struggling to free herself from their confines. She tugged the metallic fabric over her head and dropped to the floor. She turned and let her weight fall onto the edge of her large bed and hooked her thumbs beneath her undergarments.

With some effort, she pushed her panties to the floor and kicked them away. She let her heavy body fall backward onto the soft, warm blankets covering her bed and reached an arm around the swell of her belly.

She plunged a pair of fingers into her eager folds and started searching for that spot deep inside that had brought her to countless unwanted orgasms in the village, and countless more the night of her return to civilization. She knew it was in there, that spot that would send lightning lancing throughout her body and make her toes curl, but the only thing to have found it in the past was a thick, pulsing centaur penis.

She gave another whine and arched her back as she forced most of her hand into her body, searching eagerly as her other hand cupped her laden breast. She chewed on her lip and imagined it wasn't her hand, but Soleus's steed plunging into her nethers. She closed her eyes and imagined the large Pegasus looming over her.

His barrel was just above her own round belly. His front hooves pressed into the bedding on either side of her head. She heard him huff as his cock fell from its sheathe. She could feel herself reach out and grasp the warm meat, stroking him to his full arousal. When he was ready, the long rod would flex and pull out of her hand to slap lewdly against the stallion's own underbelly.

She gave a moan and inhaled the imagined scent of his arousal and pretended she felt a drip of hot precum land on her tummy and slide slowly down the side. In her mind, she guided the pegasus's eager cock to her waiting pussy. Her imaginary lover plunged into her the instant she felt her folds give way to his impressive girth.

She arched her back as her fingers brushed something deep inside. It wasn't the spot, but it was close. She desperately rubbed and thrust her fingers against her sensitive flesh, trying to regain that fleeting orgasmic pleasure before it vanished. She moaned and bit her lip, shaking her head in frustration. She had been so close!

Soleus's Pegasus would have had no problem bringing her to orgasm. She knew he was strong, powerful, and smart. Most pegasi were. He would know what she liked. The large stallion would rock his hips forward as quickly as he entered her, pushing his horse cock somewhere deep inside. Alcmene wasn't honestly sure where it all went, but she wanted to regain the feeling of her belly feeling fuller than it had ever been, wanted to feel huge fuzzy orbs nestled against her thighs and rump.

That feeling wouldn't last long, she knew. The Pegasus would pull his hips back and she would feel herself releasing him slowly. She would feel empty, like there was a great void deep inside of her belly but her stud wouldn't let the feeling linger. He'd rock forward again, filling her almost violently with his cock once again, intent on breeding her like the mare in the stable.

"Fill me up," she released her bottom lip long enough to whisper. "Put your foal in me." Her hand ventured away from her breast and pressed tightly against the ample swell of her tummy. Inside, she felt her baby shift its great weight. Her body rocked against her will, shifting from the right to the left slowly as the foal resettled. "Yes, that's your colt in there," she whispered to her imaginary lover.

She imagined she could feel the top of her belly brush against the soft, velvet-like underbelly of the great Pegasus thrusting into her body. She arched her back, trying to press more fully into the illusionary stallion. Her hand plunged deeper into herself until she felt her nethers slowly close around her wrist, threatening to swallow her forearm if she could only just bend around that far.

She thrust her hand into herself faster and harder as she felt the pressure inside building. In her mind, the pegasus's horse cock began to flare outward. His spongy head expanded against her deepest barrier and she felt him press his belly against her own. His balls nestled against her soaking rump as his cock seated deep in her womb.

"Fill me, please!" she pled loudly to nonexistent ears. "Cum in me now!"

Her toes began to curl and deep inside, her fingers curled into a fist. As her hand's girth expanded and her tunnel stretched to accommodate it, something lit in her belly and erupted outward as intensely as it had when she'd been fucked by the centaurs.

Her eyes shot open and her back arched violently as she came. Her hips bucked up against a nonexistent cock that she imagined was filling her womb with so much cum that it swelled outward to, coincidently, the size of a moderately developed foal.

She gasped and breathed heavily as colors swam before her eyes. She squeaked lightly and whined as she pulled her hand out of her body. Her muscles gripped her fist, trying to pull her deeper in an unrelenting attempt not to let go of the girth deep within. When her hand slipped free, she gasped again and another small wave of pleasure washed over her.

Her heart hammered in her chest and she chewed on her lip slowly. She was still so lustful, still so out of control of her desire for more. Her hands pressed against her belly as the foal within shifted again. She caressed the swell and offered a small smile. Part of her hated the thing growing inside of her, hated what it represented, but a far larger part of her was growing quite attached to the little guy. He was hers, no matter his origins.

Still, she truly hoped after she gave birth to the suddenly active foal that she would not be so eager to let anything with a dick enter her imagination and fuck her silly.

"But this is progress, isn't it?" she asked no one in particular as she lifted her head to stare at her glistening hand. "Frigging myself instead of going into the stall is steps down the correct path, right?" She sighed and let her head fall back onto the bedding.

"Whatever the case, I need a bath now." She sat up and looked down between her legs at the soaked fabric beneath her. "And a new set of bed sheets."

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Flamefeathers-Recovery - Preview

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