Twilight Eros chapter 40

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#40 of Twilight Eros

Warning: This chapter contains incest, voyeurism, and sloppy seconds

Part two of the book party. Kit and Spec get it on again. Also it seems Scotty and Cindy are having some fun of their own in the break room. Glad I broke up the party into two chapters. Otherwise I have no clue how long it would have been to write and post.

Thanks to IB: ScottyKat for proof reading and use of Scotty.IB: joshp1 for use of Kit and Josh

and zenia for the TE thumbnail

Chapter 40

(Warning: See info box for list of kinks)

Scotty walked about the basement floor as he sipped from his cup. He spotted Spec sitting on a couch with a can of Crimson Ram in hand. He took a seat next to him as the wolf took a sip from the can.

"How you holding up Spec?"

"Well considering I just had sex with twin Siamese cats, not bad. I just need a pick me up."

Spec finished the rest of his can with an exhale of relief as Scotty nodded in approval.

"How about you Scotty, are you having a good time?"

"I'm having fun. Haven't done anything yet but me and Luna might find a corner in a bit. Oh, a heads up. That cute fox, Kit. She said she wants to have a round with you too."

Spec looked off and let out an almost silent whimper as he turned to the smiling skunk.

"Do me a favor Scotty. If you get the chance, have a round with Cindy too. I don't know if I can handle four women in one night."

Scotty chuckled and patted the wolf on the shoulder as he stood up.

"Sure thing Spec. Don't over do it, okay? Last thing we need is for our master of ceremonies to pass out on us."

"How did I become master of ceremonies?" he thought to himself as he went to get a bottle of water. He looked around and stretched before walking the floor again. The party had been going for a couple of hours and everyone seemed content when he heard a shy voice from behind him.

"Hello Spec."

He turned around to see Kit in her naughty school girl outfit. She smiled as she could tell he approved as she noticed him looking her body over. The wolf started at her feet with her Mary Jane shoes and slowly panned his view up along the length of her white, thigh high stockings. Her crotch and waist were covered by an almost too short, black and white, plaid skirt. Lastly, the white button up short sleeve shirt that was tied up just under her breast, which in turn pushed up her cleavage.

"Do you like my outfit Spec?"

He nodded silently as a soft grin formed from his lips.

"It's very fitting for you Kit. Are you and Josh having a good time?"

She nodded while looking away, slightly embarrassed by the fact her boss was looking at her.

"Me and Josh are having a good time. It just still a little weird to be around so many people having sex, while dressed like this. Usually by now Angie would be giving me a hard time, saying I'm becoming more of a slut every day."

Spec lifted Kit's face up by the chin and smiled at her.

"Don't listen to Angie Kit. You are not a slut unless you want to be. She's just jealous she doesn't look as cute as you in that outfit. Or the fact her tits are smaller then yours."

Kit couldn't help but laugh at the last part as a sense of ease washed over her. Once the giggles were out of her system she leaned in and whispered to him.

"Would you mind if we went some where a little more private?"

"I don't mind, but what about Josh?"

"He knows I'm going to spend some time with you. Besides he said something about watching a show these Siamese cat twins are doing or something."

Spec blinked and looked up as he noticed a few people were gathered in small semi circle. Among them was Josh, looking down at the center of the area.

"Man, those girls keep busy."

"What was that Spec?"

"Never mind Kit. Come this way. There is a curtained off area we can go to."

Spec guided the red fox past a few people to the the area he mentioned. It wasn't off limits but the party was small enough that most people didn't notice it. There were a few pillows for sitting or any other activity one could think of. The pair sat down as Kit set her magazine to the side.

"So what can I do for you Kit?"

To his surprised she lunged forward, kissing him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He was barely able to hold himself up as the kiss continued for a moment before she pulled back.

"I wanted to thank you Spec. Angie and Vicky have been giving me so much grief for what I've been doing with you and Josh that it's been driving me nuts. It gets to the point I have to tell myself 'I aint a slut.' just to get to bed at night. But here at this party, I can be myself and no one questions me or calls me names."

Spec smiled as he could tell she was happy. He reached out to caress her cheek with his hand.

"No worries Kit. I'm glad I can be of some help."

Kit looked away, a bit embarrassed as she lifted up her skirt.

"I kinda also want to show you my appreciation, if you know what I mean. I talked to your sister and she said you like this kind of thing."

"I think its safe to say everyone here likes sex Kit."

"Not that. She told me that you like sloppy seconds and well, Josh already came inside me earlier..."

As she lifted her skirt up higher, he could see a large wet spot on the front of her white, cotton panties. He swallowed as that was one of his fetishes. Kit could see the look in his eyes as she change her position to be on all fours, presenting to Spec. She tempted him further by wiggling her ass at him.

"Well, I guess it would be rude to keep you waiting Kit."

"Do me a favor Spec. Just for tonight, please call me Chrissy."

He wasn't sure why she had made that request but he knew by the expression on her face that it would make her happy as he reached over and slid her panties off, leaving a semen trail from her crotch.

"No problem Chrissy. Brace your self."

He wasted little time as he was already semi hard from hearing the fact she had a cream pie inside of her already. He took hold of his cock firmly and stroked it until it was fully erect. He pressed his cock's head against her dripping pussy, letting her know he was about to penetrate her. She bit her lower lip in anticipation just as he push into her. He could feel Josh's cum still inside of her as he started to slowly thrust his hips in and out of her.

The sensation of another man's cum didn't bother him as he bent forward so that his chest was now against her back. He reached for her shirt and untied it to expose her full breast as they now swung freely, back and forth with her body as the wolf continued to fuck her doggy style. He cupped them in his hands and gave them a firm squeeze as he massaged her breasts. He still couldn't believe how big she was as he increased the tempo at which his hips were thrusting.

"How is it Chrissy? You like it like this, or do you want me to go faster?"

Her attention was torn as she tried to look at the pictures in her magazine and answer him at the same time. She gave up on the magazine as she looked up moaning.

"Do it harder Spec, fuck me nice and hard!"

He kissed her neck and did as instructed as he went as hard and as fast as he could. The sound of their bodies connecting with one another became louder as both were now moaning. Spec couldn't take it as this would be his third time cumming in just a few hours. He went all out as he took the fox by the waist, thrusting his hips in full force.

"Damn Chrissy, I'm gonna cum!"

"Do it Spec fill me up!"

He took her words like a command and quickly released his cum inside of her. He called out her name again as both of them went limp and laid on their sides. As they caught their breath they could hear people clapping and cheering. Upon looking up, they saw a few of the party guest decided to watch them as well, including Josh. Kit let out a nervous laugh as she was still a bit embarrassed that other people were watching.

"Guess it was a good thing I told you to call me Chrissy, eh Spec? By the way, you aren't going to tell anyone about this right?"

Spec smiled and sat up and braced himself on the knees of his spread legs. He smiled at Kit and reached out to rub her back.

"Don't worry Kit. What happens down here, stays down here.

** ** ** ** **

"Why did Spec call Kit Chrissy?" Cindy asked Scotty as she walked with him through out the basement floor.

"Don't know why but she didn't seem to mind. Maybe you can ask him later."

"I'll do that. So what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Well Spec asked if I could help him out by having a go with you. He's worried he might be over doing it tonight."

Cindy chuckled as she leaned against him.

"Well he has had a few rounds tonight. I'll go easy on him later but I'm still having my fun with him. But it has been awhile since you and me have had some fun together."

She slipped a finger through his robe to rub his nipple with her finger tip. She pinched it and guided him upstairs to the shop floor. No one else was up there as they made their way to the break room.

"I thought Spec said no one was suppose to be up here once the party started."

Cindy smiled as she sat on the break table and spread her legs.

"I'm sure Spec will let us have some fun by ourselves up here. If not, I'll talk to him about it later. Now come here."

She beckoned him with her finger as Scotty loosened his rob's belt. Cindy did the same as they embraced each other in their arms and kissed. Scotty guided her down onto her back as he fondled her breasts. She let out muffled moans as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She kept him close as she reached down to stroke his cock.

"You don't want a book or anything Cindy?"

She shook her head as she concentrated on the tip of his cock.

"Don't need or want one right now. I just need my sexy kitty skunk cousin."

Scotty grinned before kissing her again. She moved her hand to the base of his cock and guided him into her pussy. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as Scotty slid the length of his cock into his cousin. Cindy laid back on the table as he lifted her legs up over his shoulders. The power of his thrusting would have broken the break room table if it wasn't so sturdy.

Cindy lost track of how long Scotty was fucking her. He kept a constant tempo as Cindy was inching closer to climax. She let out a continuous moan that was muffled as she pushed her body up to kiss her cousin. She leaned in closer to whisper into his ear.

"Fill me up Scotty, I'm so close."

"Don't hold back on my account Cindy"

She smiled as she placed her hands on his shoulder for support and loosened her legs from around Scotty's waist. He slowed his pace but increased his thrust force as they both were close to cumming. Their breathing was heavy as both started to moan, softly at first, they both grew over time as the cousins came at the same time. Cindy stuck her legs straight out, shaking as her orgasm flowed though out her body. Scotty held his cock in place until he was done releasing his semen. He slowly pulled out as his cock was still half erect.

The two looked at each other as their breathing slowly returned to normal. The moment was interrupted when someone suddenly whistled at them. They both looked to the break room door way to see Luna standing, playing with her collar.

"Shame on you skunks, having this much fun with out me. Especially you Scotty."

He chuckled as he scratched his head.

"Would you believe I was doing your brother a favor?"

"Yes, I would dear Scotty."

She walked over and kissed him as she reached down to stroke the underside of his cock.

"Besides, I know you have at least one more for me."

He smiled silently and kissed her again. Cindy was pleased to see the couple as she grabbed some paper towels to clean her crotch and the table. Luna pulled away long enough from kissing Scotty to relay a message.

"By the way Cindy. Spec is looking for you. I think he wants to talk to you about wrapping things up downstairs. We'll be downstairs to help make sure all the guess make it out safely... In a little bit."

Luna gave off a seductive growl as she pawed at Scotty's chest. He smiled and took her by the waist.

"We may have to clean this break room table again."

** ** ** ** **

The party wrap up was a success as everyone changed and made their way out the side door of the basement. Thankfully there wasn't much mess to clean up except a few empty bottles and some stray cups. Spec, Cindy, Scotty, and Luna were all pretty tired and yawning when they tied up the last trash bag.

"That was fun. Thank you again for doing this for me Spec."

Cindy kissed Spec on the cheek as they cuddled. Luna let out a cheesy "aw" as they all made their way up to the apartment with Spec leading the way.

"Thanks for helping with the clean up Scotty. Do you and Luna want to stay here tonight to get some rest?"

The couple nodded as Spec opened the apartment door.

"Oh, if you all have donations from guest just leave it on the kitchen counter. I'll figure out what to do with it later. Also first dibs in the shower."

"You don't mind if I share that shower with you, do you Spec?" Cindy asked, looking cute as ever. Luna and Scotty just smiled, knowing the wolf wouldn't resist. Spec smiled as he took Cindy's hand and guided her to the bathroom.

"Oh before I forget, everyone leave their robes with me. I'll take them to Zenia for cleaning later."

** ** ** ** **

After Cindy and Spec finished with the shower, Luna and Scotty took their turn. Spec laid out naked on the bed as Cindy joined him. She cuddled up next to him while running a finger across his chest.

"How you doing big boy?"

"Tired. Going to be sleeping good tonight."

"Especially with two skunks and your sister in the same bed?"

Spec laughed as he put his head back on the pillow.

"yeah, that will be nice. Speaking of, are we still going to have a go?"

She smiled as she put her head down on his chest.

"I think you've had enough for tonight. Get some sleep and we can have a go tomorrow."

Twilight Eros Chapter 41

Chapter 41 The morning after the party was spent sleeping in. Fortunately for Spec and Cindy the shop was closed and the only clean up needed was to remove the trash bags from the basement. Spec laid in his bed between Cindy and Scotty, much to his...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 39

Chapter 39 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) It was the morning of the party and Spec was a bit nervousness. He skipped his coffee that day to keep from getting an upset stomach. Cindy came to him with the final check list and a kiss on the...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Cindy's alarm went off on her phone as she reached to silence it. It was her day to open the shop as she reached over to bring Spec's body close to her's. "What time is it?" "Don't worry about that Spec. You enjoy your day off and leave...

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