Twilight Eros Chapter 39

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#39 of Twilight Eros

Warning: this chapter contains incest, oral, sixty nine, snowballing and a naked brown bear.

If that bear is gay or not, I don't know. It's open to speculation

It's finally here, the party! And we have a slight nod to the story's title.

A lot is going on in this chapter. So much so I had to break it up into another chapter. That's right this is only part one of the book party.

I'd like to thank the following people.

graymuzzle for allowing the use of his Siamese cat twins, Felicia and Felicity.IB: joshp1 for for allowing me use of his characters, Kit and Josh.IB: ScottyKat for proof reading and use of his character.

And zenia for the TE icon.

Hope you all come back for part two.

Chapter 39

(Warning: See info box for list of kinks)

It was the morning of the party and Spec was a bit nervousness. He skipped his coffee that day to keep from getting an upset stomach. Cindy came to him with the final check list and a kiss on the cheek.

"How you feeling big boy?"

"I'll be better once this gets started and we have an idea of how many people are going to show up. Do you have a final count for guest?"

"Taking into account people bringing guest we are looking at between ten to fifteen people. That's including you, me, Luna and Scotty, Kit, her guest, and my best friend."

"That's not so bad. How will we know who is here for the party and who isn't?"

"When the party guest come they are instructed to find either you or me and say they are here for 'Twilight Eros'. Then we show them to the basement where they can change and store their bags."

He was impressed with how she organized everything so efficiently as he looked over the check list.

"So if they want books to use they have to buy them in advance or bring them with them, right?"

She nodded her head as she took the list back.

"We'll do book and bag checks before they go downstairs. No one is allowed back upstairs in the store area. If they would like to smoke they can go to the roof with the elevator and walk up the stairs but I'm pretty sure none of our guest tonight smoke."

"I doubt I'll be smoking tonight so we should be fine."

"Okay, I just have to tell Scotty and Luna when they get here so they know what to do also."

"Well I feel better now. If you excuse me for a second dear Cindy, I'm going to get some coffee."

** ** ** ** **

As the store was about to close Spec and Cindy took turns cleaning up the store as guest started to arrive. Between them working the store floor and Scotty and Luna monitoring the party guest downstairs, things ran smoothly. Kit was the last to arrive right before closing with a male red fox. Spec greeted them as he locked up the front door.

"Hello Kit, and I assume this is your boyfriend?"

Kit could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as she started to blush. She was not used to anyone besides Angie saying she had a boyfriend.

"Hi Spec, and yes. This is my boyfriend, Josh."

She gestured towards Josh who waved and extended his hand out to shake.

"Hi, I'm Josh. You must be the boss I've heard about."

"Good things I hope. Nice to meet you Josh. Well we are about to start. If you two go downstairs, Scotty or Luna will show you where you can change. Me and Cindy will be down there in a little bit to address everyone before we start."

The two foxes nodded as they went downstairs. Spec gave one last sigh as he looked around. Everything was in order upstairs. The only thing left to do was change into his robe.

** ** ** ** **

Spec and Cindy met up with Scotty and Luna at the foot of the stairs. The four of them, all wearing their wolf pack robes and the ladies with their collars. The four of them looked at each other as Spec took a few deep breaths to ready himself. After one last big exhale, Spec looked up and said "Let's do this guys." before walking to the middle of the basement floor.

"If I can have everyone's attention, I'd like to thank you all for coming. We are all here to have fun but we do have to set some ground rules. Please be respectful of others and their wishes. If they do not want to spend time with you, please don't press the issue. If you have the urge to smoke you can ride the elevator to the top floor and smoke on the roof. There are signs to direct you. Other then that if you have any issues or concerns just look for anyone of us four wearing this style of robe."

He took a break to motion to his robe and the other three so people knew who to look for.

"Also if you'd like a drink there is a simple bar over against that wall with mixers, cups and ice. If you'd like, donations are appreciated. Feel free to give it to Luna, Scotty, Cindy or myself. But enough of that. Please, enjoy yourselves."

The crowd cheered before they started to mingle. Some went directly to the mini bar against the wall as Spec took another deep breath. Cindy hugged and kissed him on the cheek as he whispered into his ear.

"You did great big boy. You feeling okay?"

"I'll be fine after a drink or two. Did you see Kit's boyfriend?"

"I did, and he's cute. Good for her."

They both chuckled before Spec looked around the basement. He took in his surroundings as he noticed the various clothing everyone was wearing. It ranged from casual street cloths, simple underwear, to erotic fetish wear. One thought stood out in his mind as he held his lady skunk close to him.

"Hey, where is your friend? Is she here?"

"Yeah, she came in earlier. Knowing her, she is in a corner somewhere getting used everything. She can be shy when it comes to people she's never met before."

He let out a curious hum as he looked to the mini bar.

"Well you let me know if you find her. I'm going to get a drink and mingle."

"Okay big boy. Save a round for me and my book."

She spanked him on his ass cheek as he walked away. A brown bear hooted at the sight as he held a hard back in one hand and his cock in the other. Spec was still getting used to everything himself, but was glad people were enjoying themselves. There was a lot of empty space as the basement was a little larger in area then the store floor. They could have easily had more people attend but he was happy with the turn out. It wasn't out of control and they had enough supplies. He started to pour himself a rum and cola with lime juice when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.

"Are you Spec, the owner?"

Spec looked back to see see a female Siamese cat smiling at him. She was wearing a red Chinese cheongsam style dress. He looked her over, noticing her hem was super short as it barely covered her rear. She also had a rather large chest window which showed off her cleavage nicely.

"Yes I am. What can I do for you?"

"Well we'd just like to thank you for having this party. We were so excited to come after Cindy told us about it."

"Wait, we?"

"Yes, we."

Spec turned to see another Siamese cat behind him. She was identical to the first save her dress was blue instead of read. Dumbfounded, he looked between the two cats as they giggled at the confused wolf. The on in the red dress spoke first.

"I'm Felicia and this is my twin sister, Felicity."

"A pleasure to meet you both."

Spec couldn't help but stare as he took a sip of his drink. Felicia walked up to Spec as she put a hand on his chest.

"I wanted to give you a donation but I need you to take it from me."

"Wait, what do you mean? Why cant you just give it it me?"

She smiled as she lifted the front of her dress. The corner of a bill stuck out from the fabric of her panties. She leaned in to whisper into the wolfs ear.

"If you'd like, I could still give it to you personally."

He stood speechless as he continued to look at her crotch. Felicity giggled at her sister's teasing. Felicia took Spec's hand and guided it down to her panties. Spec took the bill in his finger tips out of instinct as Felicia moved his hand up to his nose. He could smell her potent scent soaked onto the bill as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Save a turn for me and Felicity Spec."

The twins walked off as Felicity blew a kiss towards the still stunned wolf. Spec eventually pocketed the bill as he went back to the bar.

"I'm going to need an energy drink if I'm going to last the night."

** ** ** ** **

Scotty sat next to Luna as she talked to the bear that hooted at Spec and Cindy earlier. She was mentioning the prospects of doing a photo shoot. He seemed interested as he walked away to freshen up his drink. Scotty leaned up and kissed Luna as they reclined into the back of the couch.

"Hey Scotty, when did Spec and Cindy get these couches down here?"

"I'm not sure Luna. But considering how much space they have to work with down here, who knows how much stuff they have hidden."

"That's true."

Luna took a sip of her drink as a red fox in a black and white plaid skirt and tied up white button up shirt walked up holding a copy of Fox Fitness. Luna looked up to recognize Kit, who was smiling back at her while waving her fingers.

"Look who it is, Kit all dolled up like a good little school girl."

"Hi Luna, hello Scotty. How are things going?"

"We're fine. This isn't exactly me and Scotty's thing but it's nice to mingle. Maybe we'll do something a little later on."

"What about you Kit? Cindy said you brought your boyfriend."

She nodded at Scotty as she pointed to another red fox pouring himself a drink.

"He's over there, his name is Josh. I think he's a little overwhelmed but we are having fun. I'm just a little nervous about later tonight."

"What are you nervous about?" Scotty asked as he sipped from his drink.

"Well... Josh knows me and Spec slept together before. I kind of want to do something with him tonight as a thank you for everything."

Luna lifted an eyebrow in a similar way that Spec does when he is curious about something. Kit continued as she lifted her Fox Fitness to her chest.

"Spec's always been nice and never called me a slut for enjoying sex. It's just weird seeing so many strangers who are doing the same thing as me but no one is judging me, unlike my so called friend."

Luna smiled as she could tell Kit was actually enjoying herself. She thought of something as she motioned for Kit to come closer.

"If you really want to blow my brothers mind I know something you can do for him that would drive him nuts. Josh can even help you out."

Kit leaned in as Luna started to whisper into her ear. Scotty watched with curiosity as Kit's facial expressions started to change.

** ** ** ** **

Cindy was being sneaky as she spotted a young red fox leaning against a wall, keeping to herself. The skunk was able to get right next to her before poking her in the side which caused the fox to jump with a soft squeak. Cindy laughed as she put her hands on the other girl's shoulders to calm her down.

"Relax Estelle, it's only me."

"Don't do that Cindy. You know how I am around people I've never met before."

"I'm sorry, you just looked too cute standing here all by yourself. I couldn't help it. So, you having fun? Hook up with anyone yet?"

Estelle released a nervous laugh as she looked away from her friend. Cindy just smiled as she pulled her in close for a one armed hug.

"Don't sweat it. I'm just glad you came. Although you might be over dressed considering."

Cindy looked over her outfit which consisted of a dark dress and blue sweater. Estelle adjusted her glasses as she pouted.

"I happen to like how I'm dressed Cindy. Besides, that other fox is just wearing a tee shirt and jeans."

She pointed out Josh who was making himself a drink at the mini bar before she continued to speak.

"You're just mad I'm cuter then you. But I have to admit, that is a comfy looking robe."

Cindy grinned as she did a semi turn showing it off.

"I know right? The fabric is so light too. Hey, come with me and I'll introduce you to some people."

Cindy started to guide the fox through the crowd towards a couch. Cindy could see Scotty and Luna sitting on it as they were talking to Kit. Estelle suddenly pulled back stopping Cindy, who turned back to her.

"Hey Cindy, I'm kind of thirsty so I'm going to make myself a drink okay? I'll catch up with you in a sec."

"Oh, okay Estelle. Catch you in a bit, have fun."

** ** ** ** **

Spec was walking around the basement, making sure everyone was doing fine. Spec also kept an eye out for Cindy as they were separated a bit earlier. His attention was diverted when a par of arms wrapped around his neck. At first he assumed it was Cindy being playful but quickly realized it wasn't when he saw the fur to be dark brown. He looked behind to see the smiling face of one of the Siamese cat twins.

"Hello again Felicia."

"You remembered. But how do you know I'm not Felicity?"

"Well for one you are wearing the red dress. Second, your perfume gives you away."

"Thank you." She said as she turned her head while flipping her hair back. She took him by the hand led him through the basement floor to an area where Felicity and Cindy were talking. Felicia had a note book with a mechanical pencil attached to it.

"Hi Spec. I see you've meet Felicia and Felicity here."

"That would be an understatement. Nice to see you again Felicity, are you enjoying yourself?"

She nodded as her sister sat next to her. Cindy drew the wolf's attention by kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh Spec, I hate to tell you this but my friend had to leave. She said it was getting late and she had plans in the morning but wouldn't say what."

"Well I'm sure I'll have a chance to meet her eventually Cindy."

Spec noticed the twins were whispering to each other behind their raised hands. He didn't have long wonder about the topic of the private conversation as Cindy whispered into his ear.

"They want to play with you Spec. I told them I want to watch."

Before he had a chance to respond, he found Felicia standing over him with paper back romance novel in hand. Cindy moved part of the wolf's robe out of the way, exposing his half erect cock as the Siamese cat carefully took a seat in his lap. Felicity opened her note book and began writing as her sister spoke.

"You know Spec, I used to be illiterate. It wasn't until I was much older that one of my teachers figured it out and helped me over come it. His method was very 'hands on', to say the least."

Spec was paying attention to Felicia's words as he looked off to the side to see Felicity grinning as she continued to write. Cindy was slowly stroking herself under her robe as she was taking deep breaths from along the edge of the book she had with her.

"Of course I had to share my secret with Felicity. Before we knew it, she was writing erotic stories and I was reading them. It is quite a sexual experience to have."

"I can imagine."

"Well Spec, you don't have to imagine."

Felicia slowly undid the top buttons of her dress, slowly exposing her breast. She changed her sitting position to a side saddle style. She moved one of Spec's hands to cup her breast as she lifted her book up.

"You have both of us right here to play with."

Felicia started to read her novel, leaving Spec to do as he pleased. He could feel her heart rate increase as he slowly started to massage her chest. She let out soft moans as she turned the page of her paperback. Cindy smiled at the sight as she began to finger herself deeper then before. Felicity did her best to focus on writing but it was obvious she was becoming aroused as she kept rubbing her legs together.

It wasn't long before Spec's arousal was obvious to Felicia, as she felt the top of his cock brushing up under her leg. She paused from her reading to once again change her position. Her back to him now, she teased the wolf as she stroked his cock with her wet pussy lips as she tried to continue reading. The heat coming from her crotch was too much to bare. He removed one hand from her body to grip the base of his cock to guide it into Felicia. Both Felicia and Cindy set their books down as it was becoming to difficult to concentrate. Felicity was barely able to continue to write as she used the corner of her note book to tease her crotch while she wrote.

Felicity began rocking back and forth against Spec's crotch as he took hold of her waist for support. Cindy couldn't wait by the sidelines any longer as she crawled over to Felicia and began kissing her while playing with her chest. Felicia bit her lower lip as she curled her tail over Spec's face. Felicity was a her limit as she put her note book down and went between her sister's and Spec's legs. She licked along his exposed shaft and her sister's clit, causing both of them to moan louder then before. Felicia clenched her pussy as she reached out to play with Cindy's nipples as she continued to kiss the Skunk.

Felicity saw the effect her tongue had on both of them. She smiled as she went directly for Spec's ball sack. Once both of the wolf's testicles were in her mouth, she played with them, moving them back and forth with her tongue. The sensation was intense as Spec had to let go of of Felicia's waist to grip the couch for support. It wasn't long before the combined efforts of the twins made the wolf spray his thick cum into Felicia.

Felicia panted as she slid off of Spec's cock with his cum still dripping from her pussy. Felicity looked a bit disappointed at Spec's semi limp cock now.

"No fair Felicia, I want my turn too."

Cindy Smiled as she blow on Spec's cock, sending chills along his body.

"Don't worry about that Felicity. If I know my big boy here, he'll be ready for you in just a minute."

Cindy took Spec's cock in hand as she slowly licked his tip, tasting the mix of his cum and the cat's pussy juice. Cindy slowly took more and more of Spec's shaft into her mouth, ensuring she licked it clean as it grew erect again. Not wanting the fun to pause, Felicia took Felicity's hand and brought her close. The twins started kissing as Felicia undid the buttons on her sisters blue dress to expose her chest. Felicia guided her sister down onto her back before mounting her in a sixty nine position. She hovers her pussy, still dripping with cum, over Felicity's face. Felicity gripped her sister's ass cheeks, pulling her hips down as she lapped at the fluids dripping from Felicia's pussy.

Cindy finished her blow job and motioned for Felicity to come over. She was about to wipe her lips but Felicia stopped her.

"Wait a second sis. Do you think Spec will still kiss you with all that mixed flavor on your lips?"

All three females turned to him wondering what he would do. They did not have to wait long to find out as he quickly leaned in to kiss Felicity on the lips. Cindy and Felicia let out a low "ooh" as Felicity was laid out on her back. Felicity was a sexual creature but she was no where near as aggressive as her sister. She let Spec direct her body as she was penetrated in a a missionary position. Spec was slow to start as he gauged Felicity's reactions and adjusting accordingly.

Felicia stroked her still wet pussy as she watched her sister. Cindy didn't want to be left out of the loop as she moved over Felicity, presenting her wet pussy. The cat quickly started to lick the skunk while being fucked by Spec. The three formed a triangle as Spec and Cindy began kissing each other. Felicia continued to masturbate as she enjoyed the show that her sister was the center of.

Spec whispered something into Cindy's ear. With a smile and nod, the skunk removed herself from the trio as Spec quickened his pace. Felicity's moans became louder and faster in response as she started to play with her own breast. She wrapped her legs around the wolf's hips to keep him from pulling back too far as Spec started to grunt. Cindy knew Spec was going to cum soon. Sure enough, a few more powerful thrust and the wolf let out a mix between a howl and a moan as he filled Felicity with his cum.

He pulled back slowly, his cock still tingling as he panted to catch his breath. Felicia helped her sister up and cuddled her as both twins smiled at Spec. Felicia leaned forward to speak to Spec after his breathing started to return to normal.

"Thanks for showing a couple of sisters a great time."

"Yeah Spec, you were wonderful. Hopefully we can do this again some time."

Spec nodded as he tried to sit up. Cindy came over and had a seat next to him.

"How you holding up big boy?"

"Well Cindy, this has been an interesting night to say the least."

"The nights not over yet. I still want a round with you to myself."

Spec looked at her smiling. In his mind however, he was thinking, "I'm going to need a few energy drinks to survive this night."

Twilight Eros chapter 40

Chapter 40 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Scotty walked about the basement floor as he sipped from his cup. He spotted Spec sitting on a couch with a can of Crimson Ram in hand. He took a seat next to him as the wolf took a sip from the...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 38

Chapter 38 Cindy's alarm went off on her phone as she reached to silence it. It was her day to open the shop as she reached over to bring Spec's body close to her's. "What time is it?" "Don't worry about that Spec. You enjoy your day off and leave...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 37

Chapter 37 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Luna sat at her computer, air brushing the latest photos for Wolf Pack magazine. She smiled as the models for this month needed little work beyond simple light manipulation of highlights. She...

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