Twilight Eros Chapter 38

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#38 of Twilight Eros

We have a little recap as Spec tells Gwen about what has been going on since they last spoke.

We also find out why he hasn't let Angie jump his bones yet.

Kit and Angie belong to IB: joshp1

Dr Gwen Mason belongs to IB: Norithics and is used with his permission

Thanks to IB: ScottyKat for proof reading and zenia for the TE thumbnail

Chapter 38

Cindy's alarm went off on her phone as she reached to silence it. It was her day to open the shop as she reached over to bring Spec's body close to her's.

"What time is it?"

"Don't worry about that Spec. You enjoy your day off and leave the store to me."

"I was asking because I have a session with my therapist today, remember?"

"Don't worry, you have plenty of time before you have to be there. Want me to make you something to eat or some coffee?"

"No thanks, I'm going to sleep a little more if you don't mind though."

"Okay, you stay in bed while I get ready for work."

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and a cuddle before sliding out from under the sheets. She made her way to the bathroom where she got ready.

** ** ** ** **

The day was off to a decent start as the regulars came in for their weekly and monthly pick ups of magazines and the odd book here and there. Things were a little slow while Kit was working the register. Cindy took the down time to follow up on the invitation they offered her earlier.

"Hey Kit, have you had a chance to think about our offer for the party?"

"Well I've thought about it and I think I kinda want to go. When is it again?"

"It's this Saturday. You are working in the morning so you can get ready before coming over here or change here later. Think you'd want to invite a friend?"

"Well I do sorta have a boyfriend that might be interested in coming. Don't know if he'd into sniffing books though."

Cindy stopped herself from laughing out loud as a customer approached the counter.

"Well try to let me know by tomorrow so we can get the proper supplies. If he just wants to come I'm sure no one will mind."

She waited for Kit to finish checking out the customer before finishing her thought.

"Just make sure your boyfriend keeps an open mind and is respectful of others."

Kit smiled at Cindy's comment.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure he wont be any trouble if he comes."

** ** ** ** **

Spec didn't have to wait long to see Dr. Mason as he was instructed to enter her office a few minutes after checking in. He was a bit surprised to see her posing in front of mirror in a child sized business suit.

"Got an important meeting you need to go to later Ms. Mason?"

"As a matter of fact I do. I have a seminar I need to attend tomorrow and I want to look professional."

Spec nodded as he looked over the young skunk's outfit.

"The heels work on you Gwen."

"Aw, thank you Spec. So how have you been since our last session?"

"It's been pretty good actually. After talking to you, me and my sister sat down with our respective lovers and told them everything about our family's name and business."

Gwen took out her note pad and pen to take notes as she sat in her chair. She removed her suit's top to help prevent it from wrinkling.

"How did they react to that?"

"Well there was some shock to say the least. The biggest item of concern was really what everyone should call me."

She giggled a little imagining what that conversation might have been like.

"Did you decide on a set name?"

"Kind of. We agreed at work it would be best to just keep calling me Spec as not to confuse the other workers. In private I'm okay with either Spec or Spencer. It's funny though cause my sister started calling me junior again to get on my nerves."

"Why does that bother you? Junior can be a cute name."

"I guess, but Luna knows I used to be teased about it in school. It gets an easy rise out of me but after awhile I tend to forget it is even an issue and she stops."

"But what do you personally like to be addressed as, Spec or Spencer?" she asked as she made more notes.

"I guess I really don't have a preference at this point. I mean, I am not ashamed of my name but I still want to be my own man and not just my father's son. When it comes to my lovers, I know they don't see me in that light so I don't really care what they call me."

"But what about a cute little girl like me?"

Spec laughed as Gwen made puppy dog eyes at him, setting her note pad down.

"Well if you keep making faces like that at me you can call me what ever you want."

Both laughed as Gwen composed herself again.

"For now I will continue to call you Spec. But this is good progress. You are getting comfortable with yourself around others."

"Well at least with Cindy and Scotty. Me and my sister are going to take them to meet our parents soon. Others I'm still working on."

Gwen looked at the wolf curiously at his last comment.

"Did anything else happen since our last session you'd like to talk about?"

"Well there is one other thing. I slept with another one of my employees. It got weird because she is best friends with her roommate who has been trying to have sex with me for the last year. The roommate found out and got it into her friends head that I seduced her so I could sleep with the roommate and that I was trying to kill her. I'm sorry if that was confusing but I didn't want to name any names."

Gwen chuckled as Spec tried to catch his breath.

"It's okay, I got the general idea of what happened. And Cindy is okay with this I assume?"

"Yeah, she is. It was the same employee who was afraid of wolves and suggested I sleep with her to help her get over it. Needless to say she doesn't seem to have that issue anymore."

"But how do you feel about sleeping with her?"

"I'm actually fine with it too. I mean Cindy gave me permission and I told her it happened the very next day. The only real backlash was her friend finding out but as far as I know that issue has been resolved as well."

Gwen smiled as she made another note for herself. When she was finished she opened her desk drawer and took out a small cookie jar with what looked like mini chocolate chip cookies. She took a couple for herself before offering Spec some. He took a couple also with a simple "Thanks".

"Well It seems you have made quiet a few steps forward since our first session. Although I'm sure there are a few things you would like to talk about."

Spec paused with one of the cookies between his lips as he thought to himself. He wasn't trying to find things to talk about but Gwen was right as he took a bite and proceeded to chew before swallowing.

"Our newest employee, she has been trying to sleep with me for the past year, give or take. It's not like she is unattractive or anything but there is something about her that makes me not want to sleep with her at all. That in turn for some reason just make her try harder."

"Is this the friend and roommate of the employee that you did sleep with?"

Spec nodded as he spread his body out along the chase lounge. He put one hand behind his head while tapping his fingers against his chest with the other.

"She is. Honestly the only reason I even considered hiring her was because she had just lost her job and Kit asked me to. She's a good worker despite joking around a bit to much once in awhile but it's nothing I'd fire her over. She's great with the customers after all."

"And who is Kit?"

"Her roommate."

He shut his eyes tight and made a hissing sound as he sucked air in through his clenched teethed. Gwen smiled and reassured him things would be okay.

"You don't have to worry Spec, I'm not taking down anyone's name."

"I appreciate it. Well might as well go all out then. The person I'm talking about is Angie, Kit's friend and roommate."

"What do you think about Angie besides being a co worker? Like say for example, a friend or lover?"

Spec let out a puff of air as he thought about the question.

"Well as a friend I'm sure she'd be fun to have around parties or hang out with. She's always been social from what Kit has told me. The only thing that would be of concern would be at one point she was a whore. Not professionally, but she did take money and favors for sex from what I understand."

"And that upsets you?"

He sat up thinking about it for a moment before answering.

"I'm not sure to be honest. I mean the way she acts, it doesn't surprise me but at the same time I don't know enough about her to make a decision. When she's been talked to she always straightens up so it's not like she's incapable of doing honest work."

Gwen pressed the back end of her pen against her lip as she listened to him. She was curious to learn more about Angie but knew that would require her to actually visit her office in person.

"From what I am hearing it seems like you don't have any issues with her as a person. Why is it you think you don't want to have sex with her?"

Spec rotated his neck as he thought about what was really bothering him. He looked up and sighed before laying back down.

"The way she pushed to sleep with me so hard reminded me of when I was younger. It was like how girls knew my last name was Silvermane and they would get close to me to try and get into Wolf Pack or use me for money."

Gwen nodded as she continued to take notes while listening. Spec needed a minute to gather himself before he could continue.

"What made it worse with Angie was the fact she had no clue who I was. I was just some guy that works at a book store. Why did she want to jump my bones so much? I guess there was part of me that was still paranoid she was just out for my money or something."

"Do you still feel like that is the case Spec?"

"Well to be honest it is kind of a crap shoot at this point. From what Kit has told me she's been whoring herself since late in High School till recently. I know she doesn't know my real name so I doubt she's after my money. Really at this point I still wont have sex with her because it's become like second nature to deny her advances. I also think Kit might secretly like the fact I sleep with her and not Angie."

Gwen raised an eyebrow as she swore she heard a similar plot some where in a day time soap opera.

"Well I would certainly like to meet these co workers of yours at some point. They all sound like very interesting people."

"Think you'd give us a group rate if we made back to back day appointments?"

Both laughed at the joke for a moment before Gwen could comment.

"I don't think I can do that Spec but I would like to suggest you try something with Angie."

"What would that be?"

"I would like you to try and spend some time with Angie as a friend outside of work. See how you both interact in a casual environment. If nothing else you'll be able to see what she is like in a semi private setting."

"Or it might lead to something else like it did with Kit."

"What do you mean?"

"Well with Kit I never planned on sleeping with her. It happened during that bad storm last week when Kit chased down some shoplifters that tried to make off with a high end erotic book. She got it back but was caught in the down pour with no rain poncho or umbrella. I didn't want her to walk home in the rain so I invited her to spend the night while I washed and dried her cloths for her. She found some weed my sister left for me as a gift and one thing lead to another. After getting some pizza we were relaxed and got close and before I knew it we started kissing each other."

Gwen hummed curiously as she made more notes about what she just heard.

"If you don't mind me asking, how often do you smoke?"

"Well cigars I maybe smoke one or two a week. Weed I smoke sometimes to relax with my dad or sister. Maybe once twice a month if that."

Gwen nodded as she wrote something down.

"That's good. Well I can see your concern Spec but I still suggest you try it out. If you are both in a public place I'm sure Angie will not be tempted to try and make any moves on you."

"From what Kit has told me, being in public might not hinder her that much."

Gwen paused and looked at Spec motionless for a moment. It was clear the gears were turning in the young skunks head as she reached into her desk again and pulled out a business card.

"I'd still like for you to try if you feel comfortable Spec. Also I would really like to talk to her if she is willing to come see me. If you don't mind, can you give her my card and ask her to give me a call if she feels like talking? First session is free."

Spec looked at the card before looking back at Gwen.

"I'm not sure who I'm more concerned for right now, you or Angie."

Gwen smiled, looking even more adorable then before.

"Don't worry about me Spec, I am a professional after all."

** ** ** ** **

Cindy sat at the check out counter waiting for customers. She was double checking her RSVP list for the party while making notes for what supplies she'll need for drinks and possible snacks. Angie came in on her day off to see how things were going with everyone.

"Hey boss lady, whatcha up to?"

"Hi Angie. I'm just checking up on something me and Spec are doing this weekend after work."

"Anything fun?"

"I certainly hope it will be."

Spec entered through the front door humming to himself. He walked directly towards the check out counter smiling at Cindy.

"Hello my sexy skunk love."

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek causing her to giggle. Angie smirked as she watched the two. Spec noticed her as he leaned against the counter while fishing through his pockets.

"Hey Angie. Strange thing happened while I was at my therapist. You came up and she asked me to give you her card. She said she'd like to talk to you about a free first session."

He handed her Gwen's business card. She looked it over before putting it in her purse.

"Thanks Spec. So how was your day?"

"It was okay. Hey Angie, if you are free do you want to get lunch at Burrito Chime with me?"

Angie's eyes started to grow as she was bouncing slightly on her feet. Spec sighed and shook his head slightly.

"It's not a date Angie. We are just getting lunch."


Spec let out a low grumble and turned to Cindy.

"You want me to bring you back anything?"

"I'll have the 3 soft taco combo with a lemonade. Thanks sweetie."

Spec and Angie walked down to Burrito Chime in silence. Upon entering the establishment, Angie looked over the menu as Spec placed his order to go. He waited a moment for Angie to make up her mind so they could put everything in one order. Angie decided on the nacho tray, burrito, and a soda. As they two waited for their food Angie tried to give Spec money for her portion.

"No, this one is on me Angie."

"Thanks Spec. So what are you and Cindy doing this weekend?"

Spec paused for a moment trying to figure out what to say.

"We are just going have a book party this weekend after work. Maybe some dinner and drinks depending how we feel. Listen Angie I want to talk to you about something."

She looked at him with lowered ears. She was worried he was about to fire her or something over the recent incident with Kit.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want you to stop giving Kit a hard time about what she does with me."

"Wait, why just me? What about Vicky? She does it too!"

"Who's Vicky? That doesn't matter Angie, we are taking about you. If that is too much to ask at least stop at work okay? If you can do that I'll turn a blind eye when or if you two fool around in the break room. Just don't let it interfere with your work duties okay?"

Angie's ears perked up again as she couldn't believe what her boss was saying.

"Wait, you are okay with that now? What did Kit do to you to make you agree to this?"

Spec gave her a look as he sipped his drink through his straw. She knew now was not the time for jokes as she played it off and had a drink of her own.

"Look Angie, therapy has been a good thing for me. Considering the life style I have been leading it would be hypocritical of me to deny others a way to enjoy their sex life."

"Well what about me? You still want to have sex with me but you are denying yourself."

Spec growled, exposing his teeth as he looked down.


He sighed and took a few deep breaths before looking at her.

"Angie, you are a very attractive vixen but for the millionth time, I don't want to have sex with you."

He took another drink as he was exhausted by the constant suggestion that he wanted to sleep with the gray fox.

"Then why did you sleep with Kit if you don't want to sleep with me."

Spec sighed as he refilled his drink.

"Angie, I slept with Kit out of set of unique circumstances. And to be honest if you didn't try to pressure me into having sex with you I would most likely be more inclined to actually do it. I like you as a friend and maybe down the line if you control yourself we might sleep together. That is a big 'might' but there is a chance."

Their order number was called as Spec gathered two of the three bags of food. Angie grabbed the last one as she thought to herself, "I knew it, he wants me. Time to put the moves on him again.". Before the two left the store Spec stopped and faced Angie.

"One last thing Angie. Even if we hang out with each other at or outside work that doesn't mean you can put the moves on me. Just let what happens happen and lay off Kit okay?"

Spec exited the establishment first as Angie stood there for a moment confused.

"How did he know what I was thinking?"

** ** ** ** **

Spec and Angie entered Twilight books with food in hand. Cindy was on the floor with Jen as Kit sat behind the register, checking out customers. Cindy saw the wolf as she turned to Jen to let her know she was going on her lunch break. She followed Spec into the break room as Spec separated their orders.

"Here you go Cindy, three soft tacos and your lemonade. You can also have some of my nachos if you'd like."

"Thank you Spec. Oh, I have some good news. Kit is coming and might bring a friend with her. Also my best friend is going to come so you'll get a chance to meet her."

"Cool. That actually reminds me, I need to ask Kit who Vicky is."

"Why is that?"

"Well I was talking to Angie about easing up on Kit at work and she said 'Vicky does it too', but I never heard Kit mention anyone named Vicky before."

She reached for some of Spec's nachos as he started on his burrito. Try as she might, she could not think of anyone mentioning a Vicky before.

"So, Kit's going to bring a friend?"

"Not entirely sure. But she is coming for sure."

"Sounds good."

The two finished their lunch as Cindy returned to work on the floor. Curiosity got the better of Spec as he went over to the check out counter where Angie was eating her lunch while talking to Kit. Spec didn't mind so much as He and Jon would do the same thing when it wasn't busy. As much as he wanted to ask about Kit's party guest he didn't dare while Angie was so close.

"Hey Kit, mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure Spec, what's up?"

"Who is Vicky?"

Kit titled her head a bit confused as to why he would ask that.

"She's my little sister, why do you ask?"

He looked to Angie who as in the middle of eating her nachos. Kit also turned to face her friend, giving her a look. Angie could feel her body heat raising as she swallowed her bite.

"Don't look at me Kit, I have no clue why he's asking you about her."

Spec moaned as he looked down. Kit knew Angie long enough to tell she did something.

"What did she do now Spec?"

Twilight Eros Chapter 39

Chapter 39 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) It was the morning of the party and Spec was a bit nervousness. He skipped his coffee that day to keep from getting an upset stomach. Cindy came to him with the final check list and a kiss on the...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 37

Chapter 37 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Luna sat at her computer, air brushing the latest photos for Wolf Pack magazine. She smiled as the models for this month needed little work beyond simple light manipulation of highlights. She...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 36

Chapter 36 (See info box for list of kinks) Spec rubbed his temples as Cindy handed him his coffee mug. He thanked her before taking a sip and facing his two vixen employees. "Okay, let's try this again. Who is going to tell me what is going on with...

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