
Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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In the small river side city of Arkham, and ancient evil will be disturbed. Will anyone be able to stop it? or will it make it's first move to take the throne of the world.

The sun shined brightly over a city that laid fixated on a great river, the city was old, one of the oldest in the country in fact, the city of Arkham. Few building are new here, built closely together as was the custom, it's streets originally built for horse and carriage but have since been refitted for cars, but some of the oldest streets and alleys where still hard to navigate. A beautiful girl walked down the side walk approaching a large building, the largest in the centre of the northern half of the city. Dr. Ellen Stroder was a tall yet curvy lizard with shoulder length dark red hair that covered half of her face. She was dressed in a short skirt that revealed her long naked legs, and a tight sweater with a low cut v-line that advertised the impressive cleavage of her large breasts. Her tail swayed with her round soft ass as she walked, her high heels clicking on the sidewalk.

She gripped tightly under one arm a collection of books as she turned up a wide case of stairs that led to a series of impressing and tall glass doors above was a stone carving with black letters etched into it. ~ Arkham Museum of Ancient Cultures~ a new addition to the great Miskatonic University. She walked inside opening one of the glass doors and was greeted by two figures. "Doctor! The new shipment just came in this morning, a large create." Robby a squirrel with glasses and blonde short hair, he was wearing a plain shirt with jeans, not very professional the lizard thought, but they were interns, not professionals. "Yes, and the diggers in middle east said they found it under the ruins of Babylonian temples, they say their test say it could be older then Sumeria, older then the oldest known civilizations!" Betty was standing next to him, a cat who dressed conservatively to hid her figure, she had short black hair which stuck out from her white fur, she was shy about everything, except old things it seemed.

Dr. Stroder smiled "Well that IS something to get excited about, what is it?" They looked at each other. "We don't know....... They refused to open it because of the markings, it's like Sumerian, very old. Old enough to the point it could barely be translated." Robby said adjusting his glasses. "Something about a warning and a curse upon the world, as you can imagine the superstitious just packed it up and sent it over, just to be safe I'm sure." The cat chimed in. "Can we open it!?" The beautiful lizard smiled. "Well, it's not every day we get something like this in here, i suppose you can stick around to help later on." The two frowned. "But classes." Dr. Stroder bobbed her head back and fourth. "Well I'm done with school." She said with a devilish smile. "Tell you what, you can be here when i examine whatever it is tomorrow, i will keep it very hush hush so nobody buts in on your credits."

Betty lunged forward and hugged the beautiful lizard which caught her off guard forcing her to take a step back. "Thank you Dr. Stroder." Robby said, who was better at holding back his excitement. The white cat release her from her embrace. "Thanks Doctor." She said with a blush on her face. "No problem, you two better get going, we all have work to do." The two younger furies smiled and nodded.

Dr. Stroder opened the door to her office, as she turned on the light it revealed a desk surrounded with shelves occupied with artifacts and even some bones that looked to be remains of animal and people alike, untrained eyes can't tell in this world, book cases lined the walls with volumes on civilizations and reference material, after all time and space is expansive and she can't know all. She carelessly dropped the books she was carrying onto her desk and took a deep breath as she looked around her office then her reddish lizard eyes settled on a pair of double doors, flanked on each side with book cases. "hrm...." She walked up to them and pushed them apart entering a dark room, she felt around the left side and found the light switch which she flicked. As the light beamed on a pair of over hanging lamps turned on and shined down onto a large crate in the middle of the tiled floor beside other crates, this large one new and she surmised it was the delivered artifact.

The room was still dark, with only two lights illuminating everything, soon after she plunged a pry bar into the top of the crate giving it as much heft as she could as she heard the nails creak and give. After prying in different spots she soon popped the front panel from the large crate watching hay and other packing material spill from the large box. "Well what do we have here." she said to herself, standing in front of the opening it was still filled with packing debris. Looking around first she squatted, opening her legs just enough to hike her short skirt up revealing a pair of silken purple panties. "ok then, where are you?" She was whispering as if looking for a small animal. She cleared the hay and packing material and suddenly opened her mouth in surprise as she uncovered a large stone box, gilded in silver and possessed writing all over it. Some symbols large which resembles runes to ward off evil spirits but it was the smaller ones that interested her more, the ones that seemed to tell a story.

As the sun dipped below the tree line of the mountains that dotted around the city of Arkham as night time light started to flicker on across the old domiciles and streets. Deep in the Museum a single light could be seen from a closed office door. Dr. Stroder was at her desk with several books opened, and pictures of the stone box which her beautiful eyes darted back and fourth on as she was scribbling something on paper. The books were of old paper on old languages, some on Babylonian, some on Sumerian, another of theoretical languages used before the dawn of city building.

"Here lies, Goth-fordath-chtele. Younger offspring of H'chtelegoth, the great tentacled one, Dark god, among the old ones." She paused thinking. "The old ones...." She looked at the pictures then back at the books. "No, not lies.........imprisoned?" She looked towards the open double doors, into the dimly light room where the stone box laid still in the wood crate. "Too odd to be sarcophagus.....what are you?" She stood and walked over to it, the darkness giving her some creeping feelings about all the artifacts in the room. "I know, a long lost king, an evil one at that, they killed you and stuffed you in a box." She smiled to herself. Just then she started hearing a thumbing noise, not directly against the stone but inside, almost like a heart beat, she didn't believe it but as she stepped closer it seemed to get more intense as if drawn to her presence.

"What the fuck?" She was scared, but something powerful drew her to it. She started to walk forward, beams of light crossing her naked legs as she suddenly pressed up against the stone, her large breasts squishing making her cleavage pop from the top of her sweater. She turned and picked up the pry bar from the floor and quickly release a puff of air from her purple coloured lips as it made her red hair in front of her face flutter. She started to breath heavy drawn by the noise as she thrust the sharp metal rod and broke the silver clasps at the top of the stone box. Just as she realized what she did she stepped back throwing the pry bar aside as the front of the stone box fell, opening the cursed entombment. Dust plumed from the innards of the darkness as the beating could be heard louder a gargling noise then emitted from the black holes.

The beautiful lizard was terrified now, unable to run but was again drawn to the beating drum of some unknown, which override her thoughts. Suddenly she heard slithering as something, or things slapped against the stone walls of the box. In fear she held her hands together against her chest, her arms cradling her large curvy tits, soon dark appendages started to wiggle out of the darkness and toward her. Her mind snapped back to her as she turned.

Dr. Shroder screamed running for the door, the tentacles lashed after her. They quickly wrapped around her green tale and pulled her to a dead stop, forcing her to fall forward. The lizard looked back in terror as she watched the throbbing trunk like mass grow cracking the wood of the crate, cock shaped tentacles slapped about slithering out of it's confinement. A series of eyes opened along the thick shaft peering at her with animated movement. She scream again as she was pulled towards to the frighting spectre as more cocks slithered around her, grabbing her long naked legs and arms, she could feel the slim secreted from the appendages. One of the tentacles wrapped around her waist and slithered up her sweater, feeling it push in between her large breasts and soon the head popped from her cleavage. Dr. Shroder tried screaming for help but was muffled by the large cock pushed into her mouth, and started thrusting between her purple coloured lips, it was so thick she couldn't help but press her tongue against the tentacle cock.

The lizard was lifted into the air supported by the thick cocks, the ones wrapped around her toned thighs forced her to spread her legs, her short skirted lifted from the movement revealing a matching coloured purple panties. Some of the tentacles' cock tips soon split open like a flower revealing small suction like mouths that drooled, they lashed onto her short skirt and sweater ripping them from her curvacious form, her large tits bounced, barely held by her purple bra, her dark green nipples partial showing. The tentacles soon grabbed a hold of her bra, pulling down, making her cleavage sandwich the thick tentacle that was still throbbing within her soft mounds. The bra snapped making her big tits bounced out, her dark green nipples quickly assaulted by the drooling sucking mouths as the flower like forms attached themselves to her soft large breasts and started sucking on her nipples.

Dr. Shroder was filled with heat and lust, she stopped resisting second before taking the tentacle in her mouth in one hand and sucked the creature's cock willingly. The voluptuous lizard laid on her back in mid air, suspended by the thick tentacle cocks entangled with her and caressing her curves. The creature now known as Goth-fordath-chtele released a gurgling yet high pitched scream from a soft looking gap at the base of its thick shaft under the multitude of wondering eyes. A tentacle slithered down her panties aiming for the wet spot and pushing into her, making her moan with pleasure with the cock in her mouth, the tentacle twisted and flexed forcing the panties to ripped from her body and fall to the lab floor. Dr. Shroder moaned with pleasure as the big dick fucked her pussy, making her body bounced back and forth in the air, her big tits heaved with her, still being suckled by the other tentacles.

She screamed again feeling something thick push into her ass, she blushed with feelings of ecstasy and lust as the tentacles fucked her ass and pussy with increasing speed, forcing her big tits to bounce excitingly. She could feel the tentacle cocks throbbing and started stroking a pair of cocks in her hands on each side, her fingers sliding up and down across the thick veins as she rocked almost violently, moaning in pleasure she had never felt before now. Soon her mouth was filled with warm cream as the various tentacles started to cum, she swallowed as much as she could but was to much as it squirted from her lips with the pressure, the cocks in her hands came on her tits and down her soft belly, she arched her back screaming as she felt the warm jizz fill her ass and pussy as it spilled from these holes. She hit the floor as one final tentacle shot a stream of cum across her face. She convulsed as she had an orgasm but unable to scream only gargled cum.

A tentacle wrapped around one of her legs as it pulled her naked body into the box, a gargling squeal could be heard from down the hallway, but nobody was their to hear it. The next night the interns returned, they opened the tall glass door and walked into the great hall of the museum, it was longer then it was wide. Lined with Corinthian columns supporting a vaulted ceiling with sky lights, the walls were lined with glass cases containing ancient things, pots and jewelry alike. Books of old times written in old times across the world. Down the centre were even larger glass cases, containing larger artifacts. One with a displayed mummy from the land of pyramids and a chariot used in wars long forgotten.

"I am so freakin excited about this, the first true uncovering with us!" The timidly dressed white cat said with excitement rarely shown outside of this building. "Yes, it will look good on us wont it, but really can't wait to get out there, to make the discoveries myself. Ya know?" The squirrel responded. Robby and Betty made their way to the back of the great hall where a large series of steps could be seen, they were circular in nature covered by long black curtains, a spot that was used to unveil new findings to the public. They turned a corner down a dark hallway that was lined with doors, split in the middle with public washrooms. As they chatted they walked toward the only door with light beaming from a single small window and from under the door. Robby opened the door and let his friend through as they laughed about something said on the other side. "Doctor! We're here!" The cat announced loudly only to stop as the two looked in aw.

The beautiful lizard was writing something on a chalk board, in fact the room was filled with boards with strange writings over them, with no order, rhyme or reason to them. Papers were covering the floor with this same strange writing that was found on the stone box from the deserts of the middle east. She turned revealing herself, she was tightly wrapped in a lab coat that stopped above her knees, her naked legs could still be seen ending in her high heeled shoes. Her dark red hair was a mess, her face and eyes looked strained with concentration. "What do you want!, what are you doing here!" Dr. Stroder asked in quick succession. The two interns looked at each other in confusion. "The artifact? We are here to help you with it, remember?" Her scared looking eyes darted to the closed double doors then back to them. "Right......the artifact.....look...i don't need any help." As she said this her head jerked to looked at the doors again as if she heard something. "But what about our credits?! We need this Dr. Stroder!" The young cat seemed upset.

The beautiful lizard blew from her mouth dislodging messed hair from her eyes. " need it." "Right!" Robby insisted with his friend. She walked over to her desk and sat against it, her tail whipping about nervously. "Does anyone know your here? Did anyone see you?" She was talking fast as if protecting something and again the two interns looked at each other in confusion. "We don't think so." She nodded licking her lips. "Good, because you need this, it's the only way.....only way to help god." Again the squirrel and cat looked at each other. "Late night doc?" The lizard smiled, the lab coat was tight, doing little to hide the curves of her large breasts. "'s the only makes sense now." She briskly stood up and walked for the double doors, as she pushed them open the two followed. The dim lights flickered on barely lighting the room, the two stood in aw as they saw the opened crate and the stone box inside with an open side. They could hear and see something moving inside as it wiggling things protruded from the blackness.

It was larger then when Dr. Stroder first saw the creature known as Goth-fordath-chtele. This made her smile. "Don't be scared, he only wants to teach you something, it is HIS will!" She said more calmly then she seemed. "Dr. Stroder what the fuck is that thing!"

The interns gasped in horror as they saw the creature in great light as it slugged its way from the shadows and Dr. Shroder walked up beside the ancient imprisonment her high heels clicking on the tile floor. The lizard removed her lab coat, letting it drop to the floor revealing her curvy naked body, her large breasts making the two blush, her long red hair hanging over half her face in a mess as she smiled. "You see i know what this is all about, i figured out the hard way, but god is patient, and he needs new disciples to spread his lustful and glorious love. Betty screamed only to draw the creature's attention, a tentacle wrapping around her waist and one shooting into her mouth muffling her scream, Robby watched as the cat was pulled away from him. The squirrel turned and ran for the door hearing a slither behind him, just as he reached the door he felt something wrap around his ankle and slither up his leg. He blushed feeling his pants bulge feeling a sensation of pleasure, as his pants ripped he gasped seeing a tentacle wrapped around his cock.

Robby grabbed the tentacle to fight back and looked behind him, seeing more tentacles on their way, behind them he saw Betty her cloths ripped to pieces as she looked at him in terror, she was on all fours, her round soft ass in the air, a thick tentacle fucked her mouth, she moaned a muffled moan of pleasure as tentacle fucked her pussy. Dr. Shroder watched on with an evil smiled as she played with her big tits, caressing her nipples with her tongue, bringer her lips to them to suck upon them. Robby felt the tentacle slither more extending itself, up his leg, around his cock as the cock head opened revealing the drooling sucking mouth and quickly latched itself onto the tip of Robby's big dick, he gasped again feeling the pleasure. The squirrel blushed unable to stop the tentacle from sucking his cock as the drooling mouth slid up and own his thick shaft he could feel his cock grow hard inside the tentacle, it was warm and moist.

Soon the tentacles wrapped around the squirrel and pulled him back to the dark creature. "Nooooooo!" Tentacles slithered and throbbed as they slapped about. Moans of pleasure filled the lab, Dr. Stroder moaned as she moved up and down, her wet pussy riding a thick tentacle, her high heels firmly planted on the floor as a tentacle wrapped around her waist and up between her big tits, which she pushed together, she moved her head up and down as she sucked the thick cock given to her. Betty lay on the floor on her side, one leg held in the air a slithering tentacles fucked her ass and pussy. The cat's soft tits bounced up and down until a tentacle did a figure eight around them, flowering and started rapidly sucking on her tits, she held a thick tentacle in her hand, sucking the big cock on the end. Her naked body bounced as the tentacles fucked her faster, slithering around her long legs and up her belly, all touching was sensational.

Robby moaned through a blushing expression on his face, as he was suspended in the air, thick cock tentacles spreading his legs as one fucked his ass. The first tentacle was still their pleasuring him, wrapped around the base of his cock, slipping up and down sucking his big dick, the squirrel's arms were tide behind his back as he rolled his tongue around the thick cock in his mouth, he moved his head back and forth taking it down his throat. The tentacles fucked the three faster, making their naked bodies bounce and heave as they screamed with pleasure, Robby was the first to go as the squirrel arched his back and came inside the sucking tentacle as the one in his mouth pulled out from between his lips as it shot cum onto his blushed face, he extended his tongue in a long moan as he felt his ass being filled.

The cat screamed as streams of cum shot onto her naked body, the warm cream oozing from her ass and pussy, merging together over the tentacles and onto the floor. Dr. Stroder smiled, her nose and lips covered in cum as she stroked the thick dick in her hand. The fluid dripping down between her high heels. "Yes god, we can have more, for your glory."

"God only gets stronger with those who love him Betty." The three sat naked on the floor of Dr. Stroder office, the double doors closed again. "But i never felt so free, i don't want to share that! You know how i used to be, now...." The white cat laid on her back stretching running her hands up her naked soft body, cupping her breasts before running her fingers up her neck. "I know how you feel, i felt that too, but the only way it get better if there are more to share the love." The beautiful lizard insisted. Running her own fingers across Betty's naked legs. Robby could only sit in silence as he gazed over his friend naked body, then looked over to the good doctor's big tits, tantalized by her dark green nipples. "I.....i think...i have an idea!" Dr. Stroder looked over to him with a smile. "A grand showing, like we always do with something new." Dr. Stroder beamed a large smile at the squirrel. "Well that is a grand idea little one, we will share god's love with everyone." The two smiled back at her then looked at the closed double doors, all hearing the thumping of the beating call that draws all to it.

That weekend a grand opening was planned and many were invited in the hundreds, as the sun setted on the city of Arkham once again, the two interns stood at each side of the tall glass doors with placid smiles on their faces as a throng of people made their way into the Arkham museum of ancient cultures. "I hear the good doctor has discovered something even older then the oldest civilization, if this is true it will mean great revenue for the city." The mayor spoke to the young cat. Betty smiled. She was dressed more liberal then before, her cleavage showing through a loosely buttoned up shirt and short skirt, her hair a mess. She looked up at the lion, a date on his arm was a beautiful zebra, her tight dress hugged her large breasts, a gold necklace draped across her cleavage. "Oh, it is divine!" The young cat came back with a simple answer. Robby watched the beautiful and the rich pass him, a black panther with his date, a cheetah wearing a dress that wrapped around her body like a snake, leaving holes, revealing her belly and under cleavage. A pair of dogs, a Sheppard and his date, a dalmatian with a short black dress. A pair of birds stopped in front of the squirrel, they looked like they were sisters, in fact he knew them from school. " Can you give us a little heads up on whats going on, we are like, missing a great party for this." "yeah stupid rents." They clucked at each other. Suddenly two more birds walked up behind them, their parents. Their mother was wearing a long white sparkling dress that feathered out at the back, her impressive cleavage dwarfing her daughters. Robby smiled. "Only god knows. Please enjoy the displays."

The two interns looked at each other through the passing crows as some two hundred and fifty people were invited to the grand showing of an unknown exhibit. The large group of people filed into the museum chatting and laughing as one would expect at such a large gathering. They paired off looking thought the exhibits, pointing at the glassed wonders of the world and read the descriptions. They gathered around cocktail tables and a long table covered with food and drink. Soon the great hall of the building was filled with it's Corinthian columns and vaulted ceiling. Banners covered the walls showing graphics from different times and countries, displays for lost civilizations and cities. Robby manned a bar handing out free drinks as the gathering continued for about an hour before the beautiful lizard Dr. Ellen Stroder walked through the large crowed. She was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her large breasts, revealing her cleavage and any and all the sexual curves of her body. She mingled with guests as she slowly made her way to the front of the great hall. She slowly walked up the circular stairs and stepped behind a podium tapping the microphone.

This drew everyone's attention to the sexy green figure slightly above them. "Good evening everyone, i hope everyone has enjoyed themselves so far, i assure you it will only get better. Surrounding you are some of the greatest finds the Miskatonic University has gathered, and yet they pale in comparison to the find we are about to reveal tonight!" Everyone clapped at this, the room was filled with people that fancied themselves interesting and cultured. "You people here represent this fine cities wealthy and social elite and deserve to experience this find first hand, you shan't regret this when it is over." Dr. Stroder smiled and walked over to the large rope that when she pulled it, the black satin drapes parted in a fanciful manner revealing something that nobody in the room expected, and fear immediately crawled across the room.

The large crowed gasped as the drapes were pulled away revealing the great god Goth-fordath-chtele, larger then ever seen before, a massive a thick trunk that shot up into a thick shaft, veins throbbing along the sides culminating into a dick shaped head, teaming with bumps and tiny tickling tentacles. A multitude of eyes, seemingly hundreds of them looked out from the lower part of the shaft, at the base it spread out, growing thicker, fortified by a forest of cock shaped tentacles, thick and wiggling. A soft gasping mouth that opened side to side as the creature unleashed a gurgling high pitched scream that caused everyone to scream and started running for the exits. Betty was quick to punch a number into a key pad as steel bars shut across the doors and windows. The guests where panicked as they pressed against the sealed exits, even scattering to try other doors.

Thousands of the tentacles shot out in all directions wrapping around screaming people and pulling them away. A deer screamed as a tentacle wrap around her naked legs forcing her to the ground, she screamed again as she was pulled, dragged across the floor. A cat held desperately onto his wife's hands as she was suspended in the air, her dress hanging revealing her panties, as he felt another tentacle wrap around his neck and pull him away. A pair of couples ran down a dark corridor of the museum as tentacles slithered after them. One of the girls fell as the three looked back seeing her scream as she was pulled back down the hallway. The rest ducked into a room slamming the door shut. "That was my girlfriend, fuck!" Suddenly they heard the door crack. "Wait!" The door split in two as the tentacles swarmed them pulling them back out screaming. A black dress dropped down a pair of sexy long scaled legs and down around a pair of high heels. The naked Dr. Stroder clapped and smiled as she watched tentacles snatching up dozens of screaming converts, some pulled across the floor closer to their new god, other suspended in the air, as cloths and shoes started to fall from the sky.

The three birds huddled in the corner pressed against a marble wall. " your father, where is your father!?" The mother felt something slithering up her dress, she gasped at the slimy feeling against her soft feathers, as a cock pushed through her cleavage and squirmed into her awaiting mouth, her daughters screamed as she was pulled into the throng of tentacles and bodies. The tentacles shot towards the daughters as one wrapped around her naked legs and up her dress, the other wrapping around the neck of the other, pushing into her mouth as they were pulled away to follow the fate of their mother. A couple ran into a bathroom, as the dog barred the door with his body, the giraffe stumbled in her heels as she turned hearing the wood of the door crack. Tentacles burst through wrapping around the screaming dog. "Hide!, get out!" The giraffe screamed and ducked into a bathroom stale quickly locking the door.

She could hear the dog's screams grow faint as if leaving the room. She panted hard as she pressed her ear against the door, her firm round ass sticking out just a little as she leaned up against the door. "oh my god, oh my god." Two tentacles slithered from under the stale wall as one flowered and went up her short dress. Her eyes widen as she felt something grab her panties and pulled them down, then suddenly something pushed into her pussy making her blush and cry out. The lion mayor struggled with the tentacles wrapping around him as he tried to hold onto his date, the gorgeous zebra was being pulled away from him into the air. Suddenly he blushed feeling pleasure as the zebra screamed, a cock popped out of her cleavage and pushed into her mouth. The lion lost the battle as she was pulled into the air. A tentacle wrapped around his neck and pressed against his refused lips as he looked down, a tentacles was already sucking his big dick.

people screamed as cloths were ripped or removed with ease, tentacles slithered all over to attach themselves to anyone they could find. a tentacle plunged into a nice rack of cleavage and pulled the dress apart making the big tits bounced out. An open tentacle suckled on a pussy, tantalizing the clit, then pulled back, reforming into a cock and pushing into the moaning girl. A tentacle spiralled around a hard cock of a grunting guy as the head arched over to another, open and sucking him off. Dr. Stroder walked naked through a garden of naked bodies being pleasured by the thousands of tentacles that looked like a field of plants, up high there was even more, naked moaning guys and girls hanging in the air as if they were fruit on a tree. The sounds of screams subsided and where replaced by orchestral moans of pleasure, moans of acceptance and willingness, squeals for more, pleading, more in the pussy, more in the ass.

She looked to one side, seeing bouncing moaning girls, long sexy legs spread, or in the air as the tentacles filled their ass and pussies. Soft breasts jiggling about as the girls moaned with pleasure. She saw the mayor, the lion on one side moaning, a tentacle firmly in his grasp as he ran his tongue up and down the squirming member. The lion pumping his hips, willingly fucking the tentacle's sucker with his hard cock, the sucker slipping and sliding up and down his thick shaft. A tentacle slithered up his leg and pushed into his ass, fucking him making him moan gripping the tentacle in his hands harder. The gorgeous zebra was seen in the middle of a stream of tentacles and moaning people, crouching low with her legs open, a tentacle wrapped around her waist and down her front curling up into her pussy as another fucked her ass, they rhythmically pumped quickly in and out like pistons making her body gyrate faster, she squealed with pleasure as her big tits bounced quickly up and down.

The lizard licked her lips seeing two guys, a pair of studly horses, on their knees bend over facing each other. Tentacles wrapped and slithered around their bodies as they fucked their asses. One tentacle was curled around the hard cock of one horse, flowered and sucking on the tip, the tentacle's drool dripping down the horse's shaft. The other horse's big dick was being completely devoured by a tentacle, as the slithering fiend sucked right down to the base. Between the two equestrians wiggled a tentacle as they both gripped it, one licking along the shaft, as the other ran circles around the cock tip with his tongue before taking it into his mouth, sucking it. Dr. Stroder felt a trickle of something on her head as she looked up she saw that she was standing right under the trio of bird girls, the voluptuous mother and her daughters.

The mother was swarmed with tentacles, thrusting into her mouth, wrapped around her big tits as the heads sucked on her nipples. Wrapped around her waist and around one leg lifting it up giving access to two more that fucked her pussy and ass. The one daughter was in the air as if laying face down, her legs spread as a tentacle fucked her pussy, her body bobbing back and fourth as a tentacle wrapped around one of her soft breasts. She held one in her hand sucking on it. The second daughter was hanging upside down, her legs spread as she was fucked by a pair of tentacles, she screamed with pleasure as her soft breasts dangled, her hard nipples bobbing towards the floor. "Is this not amazing!" The lizard heard and looked towards her two interns, they had stripped naked like her and watched with glee the demonic orgy of hundreds of squealing, moaning furries. "It truly is.....god's will be done."

Dr. Stroder looked about. "Shall we join the festivities?" She asked rhetorically to her disciples. They both smiled as they raised their hands. Tentacles slithered down wrapping around the two and lifting them into the moaning and gasping orgy above. The curvy lizard simply walked casually into a throng of naked people and tentacles and dropped to her knees as tentacles curled around her sexual form, around her big tits and up into her welcoming mouth as she let the sex vines take her into the moaning orgy. The beast known as Goth-fordath-chtele gurgled and shrieked growing even larger as it fed off of the pleasure of the hundreds of moaning and squealing sex addicts. All around the great hall naked bodies writhed and bounced as tentacles fucked them. A beautiful tigress with golden braided hair and a diamond necklace moaned with pleasure riding two thick cocks, cupping one breast in her hand as the other bounced up and down. She suddenly lurched forward finding a stray tentacle to grab onto as she put the cock in her mouth and started moving her head sucking on it, her soft ass bouncing in the air as the tentacles continued moving inside her.

A rabbit groaned, wrapped in the tentacles holding two close to his face as he passed between them, taking them in his mouth, a tentacle curled around his thigh, as the open tip moved up and down sucking his hard cock, the drool dripping down his balls. A dalmatian bounced back and forth on all fours as a tentacle thrust into his ass, another firmly latched onto his big dick between his legs, grasping a tentacle with both hands he sucked the cock, until it pulled out from between his lips and shot streams of cum into his mouth and onto his blushed face. A blushing doe screamed in orgasm as she stroked two cocks as they came on her face. Two tentacles fucked a squealing girl with increased strength, rapidly thrusting into her warm love holes until the one in her glistening pussy filled her with a warm cream, the one in her ass squeezed out and shot its cum across her soft round ass cheeks.

In the air a doberman wrapped in tentacles, his legs spread bouncing about, the tentacle in his ass fucked faster causing him to moan with pleasure, the tentacle sucking his dick bobbed with his member as he moved in the air. Soon he felt a rush filling him as cum dripped from his ass, making him cry out and cumming inside the sucking tentacle. The museum hall was at the peak of sexual excitement, thousands of tentacles slithering, caressing, sucking and thrusting with hundreds of girls and guys, moaning in pleasure, squealing in lust, groaning in orgasm, the hundreds pleading for more, more tentacles, more cock, more suckers, more cum. The beast known as Goth-fordath-chtele drove them horny and mad with lust.

The hundreds in the orgy was loud and hot as tentacles shot streams of cum into the air like fountains. Cum started to drip down from the eighty or so girls and guys suspended in the air orgy, onto the garden of sex below. Cum shot and dripped onto bouncing tits, across blushed faces, filling asses and mouths. A pair of girls found themselves surrounded by the slithering things sprayed with cum as they let out an organismic scream. The giant orgy died down with fainting moans and please for more as the hundreds of party goers now all on the marble floor covered in the beast's hot cum, soft cum covered tits pressed together as girls made soft cooing noises, guys spooning still shaking from the violent orgasms. A lone dog was on his knees, gripping a thick tentacle, fucking it with his hard cock as he thrust faster moaning finally cumming into the sucking appendage, before falling back into a bed of naked girls. The last one standing was the lizard Dr. Stroder herself, squirming with tentacles as they held her legs apart, fucking her ass and pussy, one wrapped around her torso, and cradling her large bouncing tits as sucking tentacles pulled and pleasured her hard dark green nipples. She screamed with pleasure as she bounced close to the ground, stroking two cocks with her hands.

Suddenly all the tentacles around her unleashed streams of their hot cream, filling her love holes, squirting across her belly, her large tits and up her face, one deliberately shoot a stream into her welcoming mouth.

The sun slowly started to peak up over the horizon bathing the city of Arkham in its dim light. The doors to the Arkham museum opened producing the throng of party goers as they came, in a stumble drunken like state, but in tattered and ripped cloths. The lion mayor in a ripped tux walked up to Dr. Stroder who was wearing her tight black dress, her naked legs long ending in a pair of high heels. "Well you will get the full support of the mayor's office young lady, i look forward to your next sermon, i even know a few people who could benefit from it." The lizard smiled placing a hand on his shoulder. "I encourage all to spread the word of god." His beautiful date stumbled up in a ripped dress, carrying her high heels walking in her bare feet. " That was wondrous, thank you so much!" She wrapped her arms around the doctor, there large breasts pressing together as they shared a kiss, their tongues caressing.

The two parted as they looked at the mayor who had a big smile on his face. "I hope to see you again Mr. Mayor." Dr. Stroder ran her fingers under his chin before turning to walk back into the museum. She walked through the tainted great hall of ancient artifacts, glass cases were smashed, some ripped cloths were strewn about, too badly damaged to be recovered. Dried fluids covered everything, staining the glass covering priceless artifacts that seemed to hold less value now, artifacts of a now forgotten time, of her life and others. She walked up the marble stairs her high heels clicking on the floor, echoing in the now empty hall. She pushed the large black drapes aside to let her pass through as she heard the heavy breathing and gurgling of the immense creature that once held sway over her fears, but now her love. She looked up and gazed into his multitude of eyes and foresting tentacles and smiled behind her hanging dark red hair that covered half of her beautiful face as she smiled at Goth-fordath-chtele son of H'chtelegoth the great tentacled one of the old ones. "God's will."

The end?

Day of the Sex Zombies part 3 FINAL

The doctors Jenner pored over their information frantically, after loosing B-9 they lost their eyes to the outside world. "What the hell was that thing!? And where the hell is it going!?" They stopped suddenly hearing a series of thumps outside their...

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Day of the Sex Zombies part 2

Several days later, night once again fell on a refugee like camp, a section of a small town fenced off with all sorts of barriers, ranging from chain link fencing to cement blocks. Hundreds of the horny ghouls pressed against the walls and fencing...

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Day of the Sex Zombies part 1

Ash lay on the couch in a small room peering through slightly open eyes at a T.V. That was running news programs. Everything that has happened in the past couple years, the plague that has swept across the Americas....nothing could stop it....and all...

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