Day of the Sex Zombies part 3 FINAL

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#13 of Sex Zombies

Im Sorry this took so long, a lot of little problems collecting into one long ass wait. I tried not to leave any cliff hangers this time around cuz i really think this is going to be the last one. I mean, i need to do something creativlly new, and i need to start drawing again.

The doctors Jenner pored over their information frantically, after loosing B-9 they lost their eyes to the outside world. "What the hell was that thing!? And where the hell is it going!?" They stopped suddenly hearing a series of thumps outside their armoured truck. The heavy foot falls drew closer as they grew silent, trying to avoid being detected, they looked at each other as they stopped. The two looked at each other, and just as Kyle opened his mouth to say something, the truck was violently rocked, pushed from the outside hard forcing it to role over onto its back. The male otter looked around regaining his senses looking over at his sister. "Shit, i think they know we are in here!" He watched as the back of the truck buckled as a large creature ripped the hatch off.

Kyle watched in horror as tentacles wiggled inside and wrapped around his sister and pull her out as she screamed. "Shanna no!" Just as his sisters disappeared another figure appeared, a tall, blonde grey cat looking at him with hungry smile on her lips. He shifted his body until he was on his feet and made for the front of the truck, looking up he reached for the passenger side door. The door popped open as Kyle using his puny strength to pull himself up and out of reach of the smiling grey cat. Shanna screamed as she felt the tentacle cocks ripe her cloths off, and wiggle, caressing her body. Rolling around and squeezing her breasts. The tips of the tentacles flick at her nipples. The otter blushed and moaned out loud as she felt one of the slippery forms, push into her, as two other forced her legs apart.

Shanna moaned with pleasure, being prepped already with her brother as the large cock rapidly fucked her easily, her tits bouncing with the thrusts into her. Kyle looked around and groan seeing his sister being ravaged by the large creature. "Stop! You bastard!" He threw a rock a Kraken's head who only look back and snarled at him. Soon he felt a hand grab his foot, looking down seeing Dr. Keller looking back at him. He leaped off the armoured truck and ran for ruins, looking to hide from his attackers. Kraken ran his tongue along his sharp teeth, as his tentacle slipped out of Shanna's pussy and pulled her in, as he took her by the hips pushing one of his big dicks into her. Kraken drooled and moved his hips hard fucking the otter as she screamed with pleasure, her tits bounced harder up and down. The otter bit her lip and cried out with pleasure as she squeezed her breast over come with the pleasure.

Kyle slipped on a brick hurting his ankle as he lay on the broken ground as the grey cat, hunting him. He closed his eyes as tears rolled down his cheek, as he heard his sister moaning with pleasure, then he looked through a break in the wall as Dr. Keller walked by. Kraken howled fucked his prey harder, making the otter's breasts bounced wildly until he bucked hard a few more times before unloading inside her, a flow of hot cum dripping from her pussy onto the ground between Kraken's feet.

Shanna rolled her eyes into the back of her head as she slowly passed in bliss as she gave out her last breath. Kraken let her go and sniffed at the large armoured truck on its side. He then sniffed the air and started thumping away in a seemingly undetermined direction. Dr. Keller cranked her neck to see her powerful creation stroll away, giving up on her prey she followed Kraken's nose with the promise of more pleasures.

A dirt faced Kyle poked his head out from the debris and looked about seeing the ash and bone littered ruins of the city, his turned over truck and his sister, naked, in ripped cloths on the ground. "Oh, Shanna, i promise, i will avenge you!" He said with a tear rolling down his cheek, just then he suddenly heard rocks moving off to the side. "Damn, more of them!" He picked up a brick and held it close to his chest. "Boss!? Is that you?" The otter shook his head in disbelief. "B-9! Is that you!?" "Who wants to know?" Kyle exhaled hearing the come back. He dropped the brick and walked over to the source of the sound, finding the upper half of his creation. "C.H.E.L! Are you ok!?" The fox bot rolled over onto her back, showing the massive rip that bisected her.

"It's, just a scratch." Just as she said this a pile of wet wires and glowing tubes spilled from her abdomen. "Where is that big bastard! I have some unfinished business with him!" "Im sorry B-9, it's gone, got Shanna!" He started to cry in front of C.H.E.L. The fox bot laid there not knowing what to do, he then stopped. "Do you trust me B-9? "Of coarse." She responded. "I can't carry your body back, so i'm going to have to take what's important, and we WILL have our revenge." He shoved his hand up C.H.E.L's torso making her giggle. "Hey, they tickles!" The he ruffly jerked his arm out pulling B-9's power source from her chest. A serious look crossed her face. "Hey......thaaaaaaanks forrrrrr drrrropin.....buuuuuuuuuuuuuuy......" Her last words as she shut down, now another dead object in the city, lifeless as the manikins in the store close to them.

The otter finished packing a back pack and whipped his nose on his lab and stopped hearing a faint moan behind him, he slowly turns seeing his sister looking back at him with faded dead eyes. He slowly walked towards him, wiggling her hips as she moaned, a looking of sexual hunger on her face. "Im sorry." He said with a whimper as he started running away from her, and out of the city.

Ash, Terry, Bill and Davy sat around a round table in the entertainment room hunched over and talked at a whisper. "There is an entrance to an old mine in sector 6 of this base, i say we go, find our way to the surface, and get the hell out of here." Ash said looking at the guys around him. " The soldiers look like they are about snap, i don't intent to be here when that happens." They sat silently for a moment." The panther nodded. "Agreed, but we have to consider something, the helicopter can take us, but their is a weight issue. We leave gear to carry people, or leave people behind." "Not including the soldiers." Bill finished Davy's problem. "Wait, why the hell are we going through the mine when we can just take the lift right up to the pad, and bolt." Terry scratched his head. "Because the lift sets off the alarm and they will be after us before we can complete pre-flight and load everything." The old dog hit the wolf in the head with an empty bottle of booze, only lightly.

Just as The group was talking Lena was walking down the hall to meet them, and just as the turned the cover an arm wrapped around her head cover her mouth. "hhhrrrmmm...." She tried to say something. "Ssshhhhh..... I hope your friends know that i can hear everything that goes on in this base, I always knew you civis were against me, now i know." Captain Rose held her close, but before Lena could throw in any moves she felt a sharp sting in her lower back. "Right in the liver, nice and slow." The bunny smiled as she let the snow leopard hit the floor, sliding off the blade, covered in blood in Rose's hand.

The soldiers bust into the entertainment room arms with rifles forcing the four to stand in surprise as they were corralled against the wall. Rose walked in dragging Lena, a trail of blood following them as she pushed her against the wall closest to the door. "Alright listen up!" Ash spoted her friend and tried standing. "What the fuck!" She was forced down as she was in in the face with the butt of a rifle. "She said listen up!" We are leaving this place, it's that simple. Davy your flyin." Rose said with a smile. "There isn't enough room on the chopper for us." She shook her head, annoyed at the game, they all knew what was going down. "We're not all going." Davy shook his head. "Then fuck you!" He cried out as he was crack across the face with Rose's Revolver handle. Ash tried to stand again only finding herself looking down the barrel of an M4.

"Don't make me ask twice love." The bunny said cocking her head to one side. The panther winced as blood rolled down his face. "Bitch....." "Not what i wanted to hear." Suddenly a loud bang rang through the room as Bill's body dropped forward in front of Rose's smoking gun and everyone watching, she proceeded to put another bullet in his back, making everyone jump, even the soldiers, this shit just got real. "See....." In one motion she pointed her gun at a pissed off Ash and cocked the hammer back. "I don't like to be turned down." She said as if speaking to Ash and Davy at the same time. "I always get what i want." Just as she was about to pull the trigger Davy cried out. "Alright, alright please....." Rose raised her gun arm. "I'll take you.....I"ll take you, more....please."

Davy looked at Ash and Terry with a bloody face. "I'm sorry." Ash looked around to see if she could do something only having her eyes settle on Lena. Sweating and breathing fast against the wall. For a moment they locked eyes and Lena gave a stern node to the lioness, one she could only return. They had been together long enough to formulate plans in silence and this one was understood. "Well that was easy, you took a chance." Rose leaned down and tossed a napkin on the panther's face. "Clean yourself up." "Boss! Can we keep this one with us, you said we can have a fuck toy." The one soldier pointed at Ash. Rose folded her arms. "I don't know boys, you think you can break her?" They three soldiers cheered as if accepting the challenge. Just as the bunny said this her eye caught the door, as she looked at the blood stain against the wall. "Oh fuck where did the other bitch go!"

The soldiers looked about the room. "She's gone you idiots! You stay and make sure they don't go anywhere, you two with me." She stormed out the door with two of the three soldiers and started cursing down the hall way. The threesome looked through the facility frantically, there was no telling what she could be doing to screw up Rose's plans. "Damn, she can move good for a wounded bitch." One of the soldiers said. "Shut it and keep loo--" She was cut off by the sounds of an alarm going off, as yellow light flashed on the walls. "That's the lift!" Without another word the three ran for the only source of the problem.

The soldier guarding the three remaining civilians started to look worried, the alarms sounding was the sound of the lift being used. Maybe they were leaving him, he knew their wasn't a lot of room on the helicopter, but he had the pilot. He looked over to the door and quickly back to the three. Ash noticed his worrisome expression and shifted her legs. "Maybe their taking their chances, leavin." "Hey shut up!" He said with shaky voice. He once again looked over to the door, which was his last mistake, the soldier was caught by surprise as his rifle was taken by the lioness and gave yelp as he struggled with the powerful woman only finding himself in a strong headlock as he dropped his rifle. "Ah...what the fu--" "Davy, you and Terry get to the armoury, load up, we are leaving!" She watched the two get up and make for the door as Terry stopped. "I'll be right behind you, go." She assured the wolf. As soon as they were alone, he loosed her grip on the soldier who started to breath easier. "I'm sorry, but i can't take the chance."

The soldier's eyes grew wide as he felt several sharp penetrations in his neck. Ash squeezed her claws into a fist in his neck and jerk her arms to one side ripping his throat out. The soldier collapsed onto the ground with a sickening amount of blood spilling from his wound. The lioness watched with a bloody claw as the soldier died in front of her. She slowly walked out of the "entertainment" room, shutting of the lights as she made her way to follow her companions. Outside the bunker the sun was hot as it was high in the sky, the mob of sex zombies pushed against the chain link fence. Before them stood the weakening snow leopard, her eyes were closed as she breathed deeply the warm air, her bloody hand pressed against her wound. She was sweating hard as she felt herself getting more tired, she simply wanted to sleep.

Lena took a deep breath and pulled the thick chain off the gate and started running away, the gate in the fence slid open as the sex zombies poured through in a torrent, following the snow leopard as she staggered towards the lift. The zombie mob shuffled and gave chase after the snow leopard, as she made it with difficulty to the lift before collapsing. Lena gripped the control box and looked over her shoulder as the mob descended on her from three sides. Down below Rose and her two henchmen made it to the receiving room. "Shit! She's gone." The one eyed bunny said looking up the lift. One of the soldiers ran over to the switch board and ran his fingers through the ripped and frayed wires. "Uh, boss.....we can't get out of here."

"What are you talking about?" She said jerking her head around. "That bitch! The one you gutted, she wrecked the control switch! The only other way to get the lift is the control box on the platform." "Well can't you fix it?" The other soldier chimed in. "Fix what? She ripped its guts out, I'm not an electrician." Captain Rose watched her two henchmen argue over the busted control panel, but the argument was cut short by the wailing noise of the alarm, the yellow lights around the room started to spin and flash as the lift started to descend. Rose pulled her large revolver as the other soldiers watched as the large platform crawled down into sight. The one eyed bunny's eye widened as she realized what was happening, as she watched a large mob of sex zombies clustered together on the platform, moaning and clawing to get at something in the middle of the lift.

Suddenly bodies started to fall down the hole left by the absent lift, the three watched in horror as they trickled down hitting the lift, and the cement floor underneath. Rose started walking backwards, having sudden flash backs of her experiences fighting the creatures. "Holy shit!" One of the soldiers said as he watched their leader run for the door. They ran after her only to find the large metal door slamming shut in front of them. "Rose! bitch!, open up!" They pounded on the door as they looked back, the lift hit the ground as the army of the horny dead slowly creep in their direction moaning with hunger. "Back up." One soldier said to the other, levelling his rifle on the door lock. He open fired as the rattling noise filled the room, barely over the sounds of moans. They both booted the door forcing it open as they made it through, with the ghouls right on their heels.

Ash, Terry and Davy made their way down one of the many hallways of the underground facility, armed with rifles. "The mine entrance is at the back of the base, if we can back track on the surface to get the chopper, that will be a bonus. However we DO need to get up their, this place will be like a giant coffin soon enough." "How can you possible know this." Terry said looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was following them. "I just do." Ash answered. Just as they came to a cross section hallway they spotted Captain Rose at the end of one hall. Ash grit her teeth and didn't hesitate to open fire with her rifle, unloading full auto down the hall. Terry and Davy soon followed her example as the bunny dived behind heavy metal drums pushed up against the wall of the hall. "Stop firing you idiots this is gas! It will blow."

As she finished saying this she heard something role and scrap against the floor, as she looked a grenade stopped beside her. The one eyed bunny smashed through a near by door cursing as a concussive explosion wrecked the hallway. The explosion was soon magnified by the gasoline as the hall burst into flames. "Did we get her!?" Terry called out. "I don't know, but we have to keep moving." The three watched the blaze for a moment and continued down the hall. Outside the trees cracked and waved as the large beast Kraken stomped through the woods and happened upon the open fence with ghouls walked through. Dr. Keller walked up beside him and urged him on as he licked his teeth followed the other zombies' lead. Not far from them the bushes rustled as an otter popped his head up looking around. "OK, this is worse then i thought it was." Kyle tried stepping out only to trip falling on his face, he was wearing a backpack that looked heavy as it pressed against his back.

He scrambled to his feet and looked around to see if any ghouls heard him. "I have GOT to get back to my lab."

Captain Rose wondered through the dark halls of the underground base, she only noticed now how much of the base that wasn't being used by the survivors. She stopped, hearing the faint moaning of the sex zombies through the vent over her head. The one eyed bunny drew her gun and pressed herself against the wall, she felt pain on one side her ribs, she thought probably from the grenade. Some place else one of the last soldiers ran from the mob chasing him down. He turned and open fired, the first line of zombies reflex from the gun shots as he passed the gun back and forth, gunshots ringing in the small space. "Get back! Get back you mother fuckers!" The soldier was loosing his nerve, he wasn't aiming for any vital parts, just spraying bullets as the ghouls drew closer on mass.

"Hehehehe, shit!, fuck you all!" He shot off more round and turned on his heels bursting into a dusty door. He slammed it shut behind him and moved a heavy box to block it, just in time to hear the pounding of hands on the other side of the door. He was breathing heavy and laughed. "Im not going to die in the pit!" Looking around he saw that the room was incomplete, a large hole in the wall leading to the main hallway, lucky it seemed none of the ghouls found it yet. "I gotta get--" He suddenly heard a scraping in the dark, and as he looked a blonde hair beauty stepped out of the shadows. Dr. Keller smiled seductively. "Shit!, die bitch!" He levelled his rifle and pulled the trigger, only hearing a click, the soldier's eyes widened as he realized he was out of ammo.

"Shit!...Shit!" Just then he saw another one in the corner of his eye, and as he turned his head saw it was his companion, in the dark. "Dude, blast her! Cap her ass!" "Uuuuhhhhh." all he could say in return as the soldier heard heavy thuds as an even larger form emerged from the shadows. White glowing eyes pierced through the shadows as the soldier saw his companion hanging in the air, his cloths ripped, he was bound and squeezed with tentacles. "Oh....holy shit....." He said under his breath. The one eyed rabbit continued down abandoned hallways trying to figure out where the moans were coming from when she suddenly stopped hearing a blood curdling scream from a distant room. "How the fuck did this shit get so bad, so fast!" She found herself in a small room that looked like an old generator room, the moans of the undead could be heard more clearly, they were close, but weren't aware of her.

However it seems she thought this too soon as a lone figure stood at the mouth of an ajar door. The form seemed familiar, but masked by the back light. "You!, I'm surprised you made it this long." The figure stumbled forward as if wounded, her feet scraping alone the cement floor as if weak, and as soon as she got close enough to Rose she lifted her face into the light revealing a white eyed Lena, almost naked as Rose took a step back. "Of coarse, you.......didn't.....make it." Lena raised her arms and moaned as she lunged at Rose dodging the snow leopard but just barely as the cat caught the bunny by the legs. Captain Rose yelled out kicking her legs as she fired off three rounds, two missing Lena and the third plugging her in the collar, jarring her to let go. The one eyed bunny tried to get up, but Lena's hand was still grasping her pants, causing them to rip down the leg.

The one eyed bunny made for the door, hearing the moans behind her, and in front. She figure she will have to run for in before the others would catch up. However it was to late, she grabbed the frame of the door just in time to see a mob of ghouls on the other side. Her eyed widened and she started to scream as hands clawed and grabbed at her. She could feel them pull her in, as her fingers gripped the door before giving and she was sucked into the mob of sex crazed ghouls. "Nnn....No!...Nooooooo!"

She continued to fire off rounds until she felt her gun pulled from her hand, as the hands grasping her, ripped her cloths off, pulling open her shirt letting her breasts bounce out, as hands squeezed them, tongues licking her nipples. The bunny blushed as savage lips suckled on her tits, she could feel the rest of her uniform being ripped from her body as she was forced to the ground. A dozen cocks pressed against her body, squishing into her breasts and rubbing the warm meats against her face. She screamed out, her mind racing back to her first attack, where she lost her eye. Her scream was muffled when one of the cocks pushed into her mouth forcing her to suck on it. Rose blushed as she felt herself get hot as the cocks pressed and caress her soft body, she found dicks in her hands which she instinctively started stroking.

She moaned as she felt her legs being pulled apart, as a pair of fingers pushed into her, she rolled her eyed in pleasure as she felt someone licking her pussy, her feeling of terror were slowly being replaced with pleasure as tongues and warm cocks pressed against and pleasured her. The bunny's one eye opened wide as she felt something thick push into her, as one of the sex crazed ghouls lifted her by the hips and started fucking her. She could feel the cock slid inside her making her breasts bounce as she screamed out with pleasure, before getting another big dick in her mouth. The cock in her mouth unloaded, cumming down her throat. She choked as she pulled her head back only to have more cum squirt onto her face as the hungry beast unloaded months or even years of pent up sexual urges on this one villainess turned victim.

The others soon followed suit and started showering the hot bunny with warm cum. Captain Rose screamed, half in terror and half with pleasure, she soon found herself in a new position, her fine round ass bouncing up and down as she rides the big dick inside her, fresh cocks in her mouth and pressing against her soft body, hands grasping her breasts. The thick cocks pumped harder and faster, making pleasure and heat shoot through her hot bouncing body. The new cock in her mouth throbbed and shot hot cum in her mouth. Grunts and moans echoed around the submitted bunny as jets of cum shot off as being close to the action was enough to satisfy some of the ghouls. The bunny's round ass bounced faster as it slapped against the ghoul attacker as she arced her back, the thick cock slipped out of her mouth as she screamed with pleasure as she orgasm. Captain Rose's scream of lust echoed almost louder then the zombies' moaning chorus.

Terry stopped for a moment to listen. "What the hell was that!?" Ash walked passed him, resting her rifle on her shoulder. "Karma."

Back in the Jenner lab, Kyle work at his bench, when a seemingly exhausted Frankenstein leaned against the table next to him, she was lightly draped in a lab coat, hiding her naked form underneath. She seemed like she was struggling to stand. "Kyle stopped." Are you alright? I'm surprised you didn't turn." She looked up at him. "'s just my hips, they feel so weak; but i guess i know my experiment works now." Kyle stopped again. "Huh, im surprised you got anywhere, well good for you." Frankenstein twisted her face in annoyance. "Thanks, what the hell are you working on anyways." She pressed trying to recover from her assaults. "The hordes outside have broken in somehow, also, there is some sort of new creature out there, its massive. It wrecked my work and killed my beloved Shanna." He pulled something out his bag, a mechanical device hooked up to another, a smaller glowing one. "What is this!" Frankenstein asked. "A brain."

As the trio made their way through the dark tunnels, the sounds of moaning could be heard seemingly all around them. "We need to get the fuck out of here." Davy said with nervous look on his face. "Don't worry, i wont let anything happen to you, just keep going, we can get up and out through the old mine." Ash pressed him on. Suddenly they stopped hearing a loud crash in front of them as the witnessed one of the far doors being smashed in, ripped from its hinges as a pair of sex ghouls hit the wall. "What the fuck is this now?" Ash stopped readying her rifle. A large beast squeezed himself through the whole in the wall and turned his head looking at the small group. They all watched in aw as the creature produced its tentacles and bellowed violently at them.

It only took Ash a second to react, turning to her left and lifting a shutter door to a storage room. "Get in now." Terry and Davy followed her command and ducked under the shutter, she followed letting the door drop. "We need to find something to fight that thing with, we need to get down that hall. Terry picked up a flair gun, and as he examined it his eyes refocused on a canister of gas on a shelf. "Ashley! I think i got an idea...." Terry poured gas into two buckets. "I saw this in an old movie once." Nails pierced through the metal shutter door, it lifted letting the light from the hall pour into the dark room.

The massive form of Kraken could be seen in silhouette, his tentacles waving and wiggling, the light cutting through the dusty air like lasers. Kraken growled seeing new pray. "Now!" Terry yelled out. Davy heaved the bucket of gas, dousing the large creature with the liquid, the young wolf took aim with the flair gun. "Burn mother fucker!" Pulling the trigger a loud pop echoed in the dark room as a red spark shot towards Kraken. The large creature howled as he burst into flames, waves of fire spread from the impact point, across his body. Kraken screamed as he went up in smoke, Ash capitalized on this and tossed her bucket of gas, enraging the walking bonfire. Kraken howled taken aback by the resistance as he fell backwards into the hall again, the shutter door left bent open. Ash drew her rifle and opened up on the large creature, as shots rang out Kraken grunted feeling the bullets hit him in the chest to little effect.

Terry was the first the charge forward screaming with a broken mop handle thrusting it right through the massive croc's stomach pinning him to the wall. The lioness followed suit drawing her Survival knife, taking a turn and side thrusting the blade into the Kraken's eye making him cry out. The creatures tentacles looked like as if they were going to encase the two to pull them off of him. Davy stepped in with his gurkha knife; screaming, slicing and chopping the tentacles down to stumps. A combination of blood and jizz squirted about as the smouldering creature pushed himself off the wall and smacked the young wolf off of him.

"Get back!" Ash produced a hand grenade as her Coup de grace, screaming her battle cry and with a force, practise over the years she punched into the spear wound going right into the massive creature, blood flowing down her arm. With a second yell she kicked Kraken in the leg and drew herself out, bringing only the pin. She leaped on top of Terry and Davy ducked back into the supply room as Kraken roared followed by a sudden and defining explosion, blood and smoke scattered everywhere as the massive creature fell over, a good chunk of his side missing. Ash slowly got up from the young wolf, his face wedged in the lioness' breasts. "Is everyone alright?!" She called out. "Im fine!" Davy stepped past the burn heap that is Kraken. "Mmrrrmmphpphhh." Terry tried to respond.

Ash help Terry up as they looked back, seeing the large creature clench his clawed fist, opening his glowing eyes. "We need to get to the chopper now!" The three started down the hall again as the massive creature slowly rose growling. The trio made it to a door, opening it finding a mob of sex zombies behind it. Terry kicked the door closed. "Wrong one, keep going!" They found another that was less populated and ran past the seemingly oblivious ghouls, moaning as they saw the living run past them. After what seemed like hours of running they finally made it to an old area of facility that led to a mine.

Davy grabbed a near by pry bar and started working the old door as Ash and Terry stood guard, reloading and cocking their weapons. Moaning could be heard from the distance, as the sex zombies started slowly trickling into the chamber, Ash was the first to fire. Terry followed her example filling in the gaps, both calling their targets as the ghouls came in, and dropped from gun fire. Soon the torrent of sex crazed creatures increased, there was no time to reload, as Ash led go of her rifle, letting it hang from her body holster, and drew her handgun and knife.

The black panther struggled with the door, planting a foot against the wall to get more leverage he grunted feeling the rusted heap give, but only slightly. Terry started to panic, pulling the trigger faster, not calling his targets. "Come on man, we are getting way to popular back here." Terry called back to Davy. "I.....I'm Trying!" A thunderous charge could be heard where the sex ghouls were streaming from when suddenly the entire frame of the door and some cement flew as Kraken smashed into the room with a roar, sex zombies flying in all directions. In their minds it seemed as if in slow motions, seeing the massive creature burst into the chamber, half burned, the hole in his side, shrinking, his tentacles forming cocks once again. "Holy fucking shit!" Terry yelled going full auto on Kraken, Ash was more precise, shooting at his tentacles and eyes.

She spotted a canister of oxygen, using what she though was her last bullet she fired, causing an explosion that rocked the chamber and frying the sex zombies. Davy coughed and waved his hand in front of his face to clear the smoke. "The hell guys, trying to kill me?" Ash stretched coughing. "Terry help him, we need this door open." Just as she said this tentacles wrapped around her and pulled her from her defencing position as she cried out. "Ashley, NO!" Terry tried to fire but was out of ammo. The tentacles slithered around her body, squeezing her breasts as Kraken almost seemed to chuckle. "Hey! You let her go you big jerk!" Kraken looked back seeing a tall and beautiful horned naked fox, she seemed like the being he fought before, only slightly different colours and the number ten stencilled on the right side of her belly.

Standing beside her was the otter scientist, Kyle. "You guys know each other, so i assume we can skip the introduction, take him down C.H.E.L!" "Yes boss!" The new version of the sultry gynoid jumped, punching Kraken hard, connecting with the creature's jaw, the massive croc was lifted from his feet and sent flying into and through the rusted door, which was now cleared with a large crash

Davy and Terry rushed to Ash's rescue, finding her freeing herself from the dazed creature. "Forget me! Just run passed him, we need to get through this mine and out of here!" The lioness called out as she started running. "Lets move boys!" Terry and Davy were amazed at how little the creature fazed her, they tip toed passed Kraken dodging the still wiggling tentacles, just as the creature started to stir. "Shit! Shit!" "In coming!" A feminine voice echoed from above, as they looked the lithium haired beauty darted down from above smashing into Kraken from above. Letting the men escape. "Heh heh, round two you giant bastard!" Kyle yelled out, with fists clenched."

"C.H.E.L will make you pay, I will make you pay! This is for Shanna!" Dr. Keller slowly walked up behind the otter, her hips wiggles back and forth as she walked with a smile on her lips. Just as she was about of grab Kyle from behind a hand grabbed her shoulder, turning her around bringing her face to face with Frankenstein, buttoned up in her lab coat, the only thing covering her nakedness. "Hello sister!" Dr. Keller hist, making Kyle turn around seeing the two grey cats struggle. "Get out of here you fool, escape with the others, i will deal with this one!" The otter stepped back, watching the fighting. "Go!" Kyle, scared of getting snagged by one of the undead creatures decided to run and catch up with the others.

The otter scientist ran passed the heap of wiggling tentacles as his creation landed blow after blow, knocking Kraken on his heels. The great croc's head slamming against the rock wall twice from the force of the punches. C.H.E.L. Grabbed a pair of tentacles and heaved the roaring creature, throwing him into the other wall. "I really hope you remember me big guy, because i remember you! This time, your little mistress can't help you." The horned beauty said while shoulder driving Kraken into the stone wall, making the partially built hall crack and crumble with such power. Kraken howled in frustration trying to wrap his tentacles around the fox bot, with little success as the gynoid back flipped out of reach, while kicking the croc in the head. "In so close a space, i have the advantage big boy." C.H.E.L. Said as she stretched in an almost impossible way to plant a powerful kick to Kraken's head, driving it into the rock wall.

This impact to the skull made Kraken fall to the ground, leaning against the wall.

C.H.E.L Sat delicately on the croc's abs and leaned in. "Now there is nothing in my way, i intend to finish what i started." She leaned in and kissed the burned and scarred face of the croc, who seemed to become enthralled with the lithium hair goddess, with out Dr. Keller holding him back. Kraken's tongue thrust like a snake into C.H.E.L's mouth which she willingly sucked on, drool dripping down her chin. Kraken gripped her soft round ass, squeezing as he drove his tongue into her mouth, the tongue soon slithered down, letting her moaning lightly as his tongue wiggled and licked her large tits, tentacles slowly wrapping around the fox bot. Dr. Keller finally got the upper hand over her sister and forced her onto her back. "This isn't going to work! I beat you in the lab Amber!"

Dr. Keller took little interest in what she had to say and pulled her lab coat open, letting her large breasts bounce out. Dr. Keller pressed her lips against her sister's and shared a passionate kiss, their tongues mingled. The zombie cat pulled her tongue out and started gyrating making their tits massage each other, Frankenstein blushed feeling her nipples harden with excitement. Dr. Keller ran a hand down her tummy, opening her lab coat all the way, and started playing with her soft pussy making her moan with pleasure. C.H.E.L moaned a muffled moan as she bobbed her head up and down sucking one of Kraken's thick cocks, holding the other, stroking it as the big croc let loose his tongue in the bot's pussy. Kraken's tentacles wiggled and caressed up and down her soft body.

C.H.E.L pulled the big dick out of her mouth, a line of drool connecting her lips to the tip of his cock. "Is this all you got, i know you wanna unleash on me." The fox bot didn't know if Kraken could understand her, but it took that less attention on his double dicks to cox him onto the attack. The tentacles squeezed around her body lifting her into the air, she blushed as she found herself in an exposed position, facing down her large breasts hanging under her, her legs spread before Kraken as he sat up. The large creature pushed his big cocks into her, one in her love hole, the other in her ass, tentacles wrapped around and squeezed her tits as another plunged into her warm mouth.

The large croc grabbed onto her hips and started fucking the fox bot hard and deep as drool dripped out of his mouth. Frankenstein found herself on all fours, her round ass in the air as her evil sister fingered her from behind, rapidly moving her fingers, lightly rubbing her G-spot. She pressed her breasts against the floor and moaned with pleasure. "Damn it! I totally hate you for this. Aaaahhh." Dr. Keller pressed her breasts against Frankenstein's back as she leaned against her licking her lips, moving her fingers faster and faster. Kraken howled as he fucked the screaming C.H.E.L faster, his tentacles rapidly filling as many holes as they could find, wrapping and squeezing her tits. Soon the giant creature grunted, as his double cocks and tentacles throbbed.

The monster croc howled as it's many cocks erupt in a wave of cum, the tento-cocks not fucking something shot streams of jizz onto her soft artificial skin. C.H.E.L rolled her eyed as she let out a muffled deep moan of pleasure as she felt the hot cream scatter across her body. Her body grew hot as her horns glowed a sharp red, feeling the pleasure build in her body. Kraken felt this, turned on even more he continued fucking, pleased that he could continue with this new, and strange female. The cocks in her mouth, ass, pussy and between her tits thrust and fucked the fox bot gained speed again. Soon enough C.H.E.L was ready to climax and as she arced her back in pleasure a powerful burst of energy emerged from her chest, which holds her power core.

It happened so fast Kraken couldn't even feel it coming, as his body was burned away to a bright ash and amber fluttering in the tunnel's breezy atmosphere. The once thickish cum bubbled and burned away. The red light glowed off of the sweaty fur of Frankenstein as she moaned with pleasure as her sister fingered her wet pussy, Dr. Keller bit Frankenstein's ear as she felt the wet juices flow down her hand, dripping onto the floor. Frankenstein arced her back, suddenly letting loose a trickle of juice as she moaned with pleasure, a deep blush on her face. Soon she fell to the ground, as Dr. Keller smiled, looking down on her latest victim, licking the pussy juice from her fingers.

Dr. Keller smiled villainously, as if she was aware of her target the whole time. Suddenly she reeled as she felt a hand across her face as her sister slapped her. "Bitch! What did i just say!? Just then Frankenstein looked up seeing the shadowy figure of a smiling C.H.E.L behind Dr. Keller, she proceeded to pluck the naked cat off of Frankenstein and with a yelp from the sex zombie, pitch her into the roof of the half finished tunnel, making rocked collapse as she landed on the ground. "Well that was a sexy fight." Frankenstein just frowned at her. "Just help me up and stop grinning moronically like that damn it!"

As the fox bot helped the naked scientist up they heard a scraping noise, turning they say a deformed Kraken crawling from the pile of glowing ashes. He was covered in burns, large chunks of his face missing, as Kraken emerged from the ash pile it was revealed he only had one arm (or what was left of it.), and he dragged himself across the floor. Instead of howling he gurgled and coughed up ash from his exposed hole. "Christ all mighty, what does it take to kill you!" Frankenstein called out to the unreceptive beast. C.H.E.L clucked her tongue, almost in pity as a zombified Captain Rose walked up beside the pair, her big revolver dangling from her finger. She moaned with a blush on her face as she almost tripped on her ripped cloths.

"Oh hey! Thanks!" C.H.E.L took the gun and pushed the white eyed bunny to the ground, as she moaned again." C.H.E.L sauntered over to the deformed mass that was once the powerful Kraken, and pinned him to the ground with her foot, and putting the barrel of the gun to his head. As Kraken coughed up more ash trying to attack but losing his balance from using his only arm, C.H.E.L. narrowed her eyes and spoke with a very raspy eastwoody voice. "Thanks for Dropping by." The last Kraken could see was the bright light of the muzzle flash and it was finally over.

The last and most powerful of the gunshots ringed through the almost destroyed hall, causing a subtle rumble coming from the ceiling, as dirt and rocks fell. "Ok time to go, come on stupid." The naked grey cat danced pasted the bodies and started making for the exit, followed by the bouncing and smiling fox bot. Dr. Keller looked up slightly and tried to rise only to be pummelled by falling rocks as thick dust filled the whole hall and chamber.

The engine of the chopper turned and made an increasing noise as it warmed up to a speed that allowed flight. Ash and Terry knelled evenly away from the chopper and fired at the incoming undead, the lioness looked back seeing Davy holding a paper against his window. ("Time to go, now!") She put her hand on the wolf's shoulder. "Lets get the fuck outa here." "But what about..." He was stopped feeling the lioness squeezed his shoulder with her hand. As the two with the otter scientist Kyle Jenner piled into the chopper it started to lift off leaving a large army of sex zombie behind as they looked up at their escaping prey.

As dust protruded from the near mine entrance the two naked women stumbled out just seeing the chopper climbing into the air. "Fuck! Their going to leave without us." Terry looked down seeing the two. "Look! They made it! Go down!" Davy shook his head. "woods are too dense near the mine, can't set dow--" Davy watched in disbelief as the robot leaped at the chopper with the grey cat in her arms. Landing in the choppers sled with amazing accuracy causing the whole vehicle to rotate out of control as alarms sounded. "Shit! Shit! Fuck! May day fuck!" Davy was just able to get the chopper back under control as Terry opened the side panel to let the girls in.

"Oh, my god! We all most died right there! Damn it Jenner! What the hell is wrong with your toy." The otter didn't respond just clung the seat with big eyes breathing hard. The the door finally shut Ash leaned forward to talk to Davy. "Where to now?" Davy shrugged. "It will have to close with the added weight." "Are you calling us fat!" C.H.E.L said playfully as the naked women sat in Terry lap, their breasts pressing against his face. "you ok in their Terry!" Ash said with a smile. Terry said nothing.

Terry felt the sun on his face as he slowly woke from his nap, he could hear the flowing water as he sat up looking around. "Over here with that!" A finally clothed C.H.E.L was carrying a large tree as she helped the scientists build a new home away from home. The wolf walked up to Davy who was running checks on the chopper and a large stack of crates full of food and supplies that they gathered. "Island secure?" Davy nodded. "looks like it, will do a few more pass overs to make sure." Terry looked around again. "Where is Ash?" "Said something about checking out that river more in land."

Terry crackled through the pine woods as he made his way up to a river they came across when they first landed on this island. The island was actuality apart of a get away resort, encircled by rivers and lakes, and forests and mountains beyond that. Terry came upon the river but saw nothing, and just as he was about to turn Ash broke through the water, naked, spraying water droplets as she surfaced. Just then they locked eyes as Terry blushed and turned around. "Sorry, sooooo sorry, please don't punch me!" Ash ran her hand through her blonde hair and turned her back, using one arm to cover her breasts. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well if your going to come in, then do so, don't just stand their gawking like a child."

Terry's ears perked, he wasn't sure he was still sleeping; it wouldn't have been the first time, but this seemed like his chance, his dream come true. The wolf stumbled to remove his cloths as he jumped into the river making a big splash. Ash winced at the splashed. "Hey, quit screwing around." "Alright then." She heard him close. "How about this then." He wrapped his arms around her and cupped her breasts, he started squeezing them, and running her nipples between his fingers. Ash looked over her shoulder seeing the wolf hard at work, pressing up against her lush body as he kissed her neck. "Your such a horn dog." She said before moaning with pleasure as she felt him tug on her hard nipples as he started licking her neck.

Soon Terry pulled Ash out of the water, all the while licked, and caressing her body. They laid on the ground as Terry went to town, suckling her breasts as he ran a hand down her body, and firmly started messaging her pussy, feeling the warmth between her thighs. Only the thought of doing things to the lioness was enough to get the wolf hard, as his large dick rubbed against her, she blushed and rolled over onto him forcing him onto his back. She looked down at him. "You have no idea how weird this is for me, your still that little guy, groping every tit he sees." Terry smiled and snickered. "Well, i think i'v grown." The lioness directed his cock into her as she slowly sat on him, letting the thick cock squeeze inside. "I'll say!"

Terry's mind flooded with so many emotions and feeling, finally, after so many long years of looking, he's in!" The lioness closed her eyes and smiled as she started to ride his cock, her tits bounced up and down in front her. Terry groaned feeling the hotness engulf his dick, and the juices started dripping, making the fucking easier. Soon he reached and took her by her hips feeling her soft yet firm ass slap against his body. Ash started moaning with pleasure as she stood right out, her soft tits bouncing faster as she rode dick faster. Terry started pushing back, fucking her in rhythm with the lioness' bounces.

He ran up one of his hands and squeezed one of the lioness' bouncing breasts. Terry quickly sat up and laid a kiss on Ash, which she happily returned, their tongues mingling. Suddenly he pushed her onto her back, making her moan out as she hit the ground, he didn't loose any pace as he fucked her, holding her legs apart. He pumped his hips harder making her tits bounce faster as she moaned with pleasure, running a finger across her lips. "Stop! Stop, your going to fast!" The wolf sweat as he moaned he leaned forward, forcing her feet up in the air as he fucked her from atop. The lioness moaned loudly feeling the big dick fuck her deeper.

Ash raised her arms over her head as she screamed with lust, the wolf felt her pussy squeeze his man meat as she arced her back, her orgasm hitting her hard. Terry fucked harder and faster enforcing Ash's orgasm as he moaned, soon sitting up fast, his big dick slipping out of her pussy as he came, shoot hot cum up her belly and across her breasts. Terry's tongue hung from his mouth as he panted, the lioness, sweaty and breathing hard smiled with a blush. "Fuckin, horn dog." Terry smiled and kissed her again, their tongue playfully licking each other. "But i'm your horn dog right." Ash kissed him again. "Hrm.... thats right." Suddenly they heard a rust in the bush and C.H.E.L popped her head out. "Ha! I thought i heard sexy making."

"C.H.E.L get the hell out of here!" the fox bot just scooted up beside Ash as she tried to sit up, and grabbing her breasts and started playing with them. "I wanna have fun too, please pretty please.!" "Terry down just stand there gawking, get her off me! Hey, hey! That tickled, damn it tin tits! Hahahaha uuuuhhhhhh heeey!" Ash's voice could be heard echoing above the trees as birds scattered into the air into the sun.


Day of the Sex Zombies part 2

Several days later, night once again fell on a refugee like camp, a section of a small town fenced off with all sorts of barriers, ranging from chain link fencing to cement blocks. Hundreds of the horny ghouls pressed against the walls and fencing...

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Day of the Sex Zombies part 1

Ash lay on the couch in a small room peering through slightly open eyes at a T.V. That was running news programs. Everything that has happened in the past couple years, the plague that has swept across the Americas....nothing could stop it....and all...

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

Barbra slowly opened her eyes, an image of a fuzzy face slowly materialized into the face of a young wolf. "Oh...ooh..Ash she's awake." He called out not minding the horse's ears as she closed her eyes again at the sound of Terry's voice. Barbra sat...

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