Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#10 of Sex Zombies

Barbra slowly opened her eyes, an image of a fuzzy face slowly materialized into the face of a young wolf. "Oh...ooh..Ash she's awake." He called out not minding the horse's ears as she closed her eyes again at the sound of Terry's voice. Barbra sat up, looking around she noted everything was dark, save for a fire crackling in the fire place. The lioness from before came over to her from the window and knelled down by the couch. "Are you alright?" Barbra looked around again trying to see out of the dark windows. "What happened, whats going on? Who are you people?!"

"Calm down, we're friendly. What is the last thing you remember?" Barbra shuffled around planting her hooves to the floor. " I was being chased by some brute, i.....i was in the cemetery with Johnny and....oh my god Johnny, did he come back? Is he hear." Ash looked up at Lena for a second and then shook her head. "We have to go find him!" Lena placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look, if he is still out there, I don't think he made it." Barbra's face twisted in sudden anger. "What the fuck are you talking about, i have to go find him." Ash bit her bottom lip and took the horse by the wrist and took her to the window where she was standing.

Barbra peered out of the window lightly pushing the shade aside seeing several dark figures slowly lumbering up the drive way. Both male and female they shuffled in their torn cloths, some starting to make it up the small hill leading up to the front of the house. One leaning back slightly from the incline revealing a shining knife sticking out of its ribs. Nick appeared in the door way to the dinning room. "They are on this side too." The small group made their way to the dinning room windows seeing even more of the wandering creatures. "Their not heading straight for us, its like they don't know that we are in here." Nick said with a whisper.

"The gun shots told them that someone is here, it will only be a matter of time before they catch on." Ash put a hamper on any optimism. "We should stay away from the windows and keep the light to a minimum." Lena added to the conversation. "Man, i wanna know what makes them so dangerous, i mean some of those girls are really hot, and those eyes, i like me some freaky." Nick said leaning against the side of the window. "Yeah man, that's what I'm talking about." Terry said with a big smile on his little face. The girls just rolled their eyes in annoyance and dispersed.

Ash brought the young wolf with her and guided him to the couch in front of the fire, he was showing signs of fatigue. "Come on kiddo, get some sleep, you will need your strength if we need to bolt." Terry yawned and laid on the couch. "But I'm not tired." He said in a weak form of resistance.

Terry watched Ash the beautiful lioness sit on the fur rug on the floor in front of the fire as he yawned and narrowed his eyes tired. Ash gazed at the fire when Lena walked up closer to the fire joined the lioness on the fur spread in front of the fire. "How are you holding out there Ms.lioness" The snow leopard smiled and tilted her head. The lioness looked into Lena's eyes and the two shared a smile. "If you ever need anything...." Lena was going to say something before Ash leaned in and kissed the snow leopard. Surprised but more then willing Lena closed her eyes and returned the kiss. The two kissed and lightly moaned as they parted lips and started sharing their tongues, after several minutes of enjoyment Ash sat up on as Lena leaned in and ran her hands up the lioness' hard belly and started squeezing her large breasts through her tank top.

Then ran her hands back down lifting her shirt letting those nice large breasts bounce out to play. Like a savage the snow leopard started snacking on Ash's fine tits, suckling and run her tongue in circles around her hard nipples. The lioness pushed Lena onto her back and looked down at her like a predator reaching down and seductively unbuttoning her uniform, pulling her breasts out. Ash laid beside her and pushed her hand down her pants and started licking the snow leopards nipples while softly rubbing against her pussy lips through her panties making Lena moan lightly.

The snow leopard submitted to the seductress by spreading her legs giving her lover more room to pleasure her as they shared another hot kiss. After playing with each other, getting each other hot and horny for a little something more. The girls took a breaks to start taking off their cloths throwing them about. Ash pushed Lena onto her back again pulling her panties off, the snow leopard lifting her feet into the air feeling the silky fabric slid up her legs. Ash murred and dived in between the snow leopards thighs and started licking away at her soft pussy lips making her moan out louder.

Lena bit her lip and spread her legs again as the lioness ploughed deeper into her moist love hole, feeling the hot tongue prob inside her softness and lick up playing with her clit. Lena used her hands to squeeze her own breasts as the moaned out with pleasure, as she curled her toes with delight. Ash gave the leopard pussy a few more laps before pushing her middle into her, reaching in and rubbing her G-spot as she continued flicking the clit with her tongue. This made the snow leopard purr and moan with pleasure as jolts of ecstasy shot through her body. After Lena got wet and hot the girls changed it up with Ash on all fours with her round soft ass in the air. Lena pressed her muzzle against the lioness soft pussy lips and started returning the favour as she ran her tongue across her womanhood and thrust it deep inside.

Ash gripped the fur rug as she started to moan with pleasure, the snow leopard pushing her muzzle against the soft flesh of the Lioness, eating her out as if eating a sweet piece of fruit. Lena curled her tongue inside the lioness as she shook her head rapidly causing her moan out loud with pleasure. The snow leopard continued this until she pulled her head back and pushed a pair of fingers into that moist pussy and started fingering Ash, starting out fast without any mercy. Ash pressed her breasts against the fur rug, the hairs tickling her hard nipples as her round ass was pushed into the air as the fingers were pushed into her up to the knuckle.

Soon after the girls got hot and horny enough they changed it up again, now face to face they spread their legs and pressed against each other. Their moist warm pussies pressed together as they blushed and looked into each others eyes. The girls started moving their hips as they bumped and grind their woman hoods together causing them to moan with pleasure, making them curl their toes into the fur rug. The fire snapped and flickered as the warm light bathed their hard nipples and bouncing breasts.

Ash closed her eyes as she pushed harder into the wet pussy against her's and bit her hip, the pleasure was just so that it wasn't enough and the girls moved their hips harder and faster to increase it. The girls moaned louder as the pleasure increased inch by inch. Lena leaned forward pressing her breasts against the lioness and they kissed again, their tongues curled and licked as they continued to move their hips only increasing their hotness. They broke their kiss to let out more moans as their lust climbed to its greatest height. They arched their back together as they bumped and rubbed faster, Ash harder then Lena also pusher her onto her back with the force of her hips.

Soon enough the girls started to cum, feeling the flow of their juices against the sensitive pussy lips as they shuttered and moaned riding their orgasm. As their sexual high started to come down they closed together again and shared a more light kiss gazing into each others eyes. "Hrm...that was great." They heard from across the room. Ash and Lena hugged each other pressed their tits together as they looked at smiling equestrian beauty. "Can i join you girls for some fun." She said with a bashful look on her face, using her thumbs to pull her dress down revealing her large breasts. Ash and Lena just smiled. "Of coarse." Lena said. "The more the merrier." Ash finished.

Terry laid on the couch with a stupid grin across his face and drool dripped from his lip, he snorted a little as he rolled onto his back sound asleep, dreaming of hot lesbian action. "Holy crap!" Lena leaned over the couch looking at the wolf's stiff tent. "Boys got some spunk in him." Ash just shook her head and placed a blanket over him. "Yeah i guess he is at that age." "Tell me about it, if he were a little bigger i might be inclined to uh...." Ash just folder her arms standing. "That's funny, you don't look like a cougar." The snow leopard smile with a finger in the air. "THAT miss, is a racial stereotype. Besides, that have it right, the young ones are the best." The girls just chuckled as Terry mumbled in his sleep. "yeah yeah....just like that....oh so sweet."

They looked down at him for a few more second before Lena put a hand on Ash's shoulder. "Come on, i got something to show you." The lioness nodded and followed her up the stairs. The snow leopard looked down at Barbra as they went up. "I'm going to show her the TV." She said as the horse nodded and walked over to a window to stand on guard. The two made their way up the stairs and into a bedroom. Inside was a large flat screen TV. "Nice, but I have seen one before." The snow leopard just frowned. "Witty."

She took the remote into her hand and turned it on, already the volume was low and she switched the the news channel. A sweaty and distressed looking bear appeared on the screen, behind him was a map of the tri-state area, across it was red markers labels with names of cities or towns. " That the wild attacks and sexual assaults across the tri-state area started a week ago, some say as early as the Sheppard nuclear attack, which seem to be at the epicentre of all the strange attacks." The girls sat on the bed watching the news unfold before them, only now realizing the scope of what is happening.

"And now if you are just tuning in, the reports that have come in are NOT the results of mass hysteria as what was first believed. First eye witness accounts of this grizzly development came from people who were understandably frightened and almost incoherent. Officials and news men at first discounted those eye witness' as being, beyond belief, however the reports persisted. Medical examinations of some of the victims have boar out the facts that they have been indeed been sexed to death." The news man stopped for a moment and looked to the side reaching over and bringing in a fresh sheet of paper.

"Sorry folks i didn't mean to stop but we have some new information, the latest disclosure report from national civil defence headquarters in Washington. It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of rape. A wide range of reports from over fifty cities and towns across the tri-state area, that the unburied dead are coming back to life and seeking living victims. It is.......hard for us here to believe what we are reporting to you, but it does seem to be a fact." Just then Barbra walked in with an inquisitive look on her face. "Hey, what are you guys do....." "Sssshhhh" She was interrupted by the others as she tuned into what they were watching.

"When this emergency first began." The bear news caster continued. " Television and radio was advising people to stay inside behind locked doors for safety. Well that situation has now changed, we can now report a definite coarse of action for you. Civil defence units have been organized to provide rescue stations with food, water, shelter, medical supplies and armed protection by national guardsmen. Please stay tuned for the list of local rescue station in your area, this list will be repeated and updated throughout our news coverage. Look for the station nearest you."

The two cats looked at the horse and they all frowned at each other. "This is nuts, i thought Clydesdale was the only place hit, but this is way bigger then i thought it was." Ash crossed her arms a deep feeling of being surrounded creeping into her mind. Now Barbra joined the girls on the bed as they continued to watch. "Girls look, i sciencey type guy." The bear news caster was now sitting next to a small rabbit with thick glasses and slicked back hair, he had never gotten laid in his entire life Ash thought to herself. "And you say you have had a chance to study one of these creatures?" The news caster pressed with a question.

"hrm....indeed, this poor woman was brought into my lab a few hours ago, from what the paramedics had told us that she was a victim of the current horrors happening now and she had seemly died shortly after the police wrestled her attacker off of her." "Oh dear" The news caster punctuated the rabbit's sentence. "Oh yes yes, but if that wasn't shocking enough, my assistant and i were in the middle of performing the autopsy of the poor girl to determine what happened, when suddenly she opened her eyes and started moving around the table." "I hope nobody was hurt!?" The bear asked. Ash and the others started to noticed people from the news room starting to stand in the shot now, listening in on what this small buck toothed scientist had to say.

"No....fortunately we had the girl strapped down, we were at first terrified that we misdiagnosed her and started operating on her while she was still alive!" "And was she?" The news caster pressed. " No....after checking the vitals, she reality, medically deceased." "The bear looked at his notes before continuing. "And what can make this happen....i do the dead get up and walk." The rabbit took a deep breath. "From what i have been able to determine from the specimen's blood, there appears to be a chemical compound that is continuously revitalizing the deceased system, who or what made this....we simply don't know."

"Now professor, almost all...if not all reports of ghouls that have come in, describe them as extreme sexual predators, why is this? What do you have to say about their behaviour?" The short rabbit simply smiled and shook his head. "On that i can only speculate. It stands to reason that if they have limited brain function then the most basic instincts still thrive somewhere in the burnt out computer that is their minds. Acts and desires that govern every living thing still seems to exist within them, in this case the desire to perform the reproductive act appears to be the strongest, why...i can't say. Maybe they long for the warm touch we all crave at times."

" Now, how would you tell people to deal with this situation if they find themselves facing a potential sex ghoul?" "The body must be burned immediately, the change can happen anywhere from between a few hours to a few seconds, depending on a variety of factors." The news caster looked stocked. "That doesn't give people a lot of time to make funeral arrangements." "No, no, the bereaved will have to make due without the dubious comfort of a funeral and incinerate the body as soon as possible, this is important for all people to do, to help curb the spread of these sex ghouls."

Down stairs the lizard Nick looked up the stair well hearing the muffle of the TV then looked over at the wolf boy sleeping on the coach. He heard some rustling and moaning outside as some of the sex zombies wondered aimlessly about, he made his way into a sowing room where he looked out the window. The clash of warm and cold air hit hard and a fog lightly enveloped the farm house. Nick squinted his eyes as he tried to see through the fog, his eyes focused on a shadow slowly approaching the window he was at. The shadow started to take form in the form a naked cat, slowly wiggling her hips as she walked all seductively towards the bewildered lizard. The zombie Dr. Keller walked up to the window with the lizard staring right back at her, he had his shotgun lowered but he didn't seem all that interested in shooting her.

Nick licked his lips and lushes looking cat, only a thin piece of glass separating her from his dick. "How your a good looking one." He said. Keller, who seemed smarter then the others played it cool, she tilted her head as if telling him she didn't hear him, she ran her hands up and belly and cupped her large breasts running her fingers across her hard nipples and slowly up her slender soft neck. Sending signals to the interested lizard, as if saying. -Well, are you interested?- Nick looked into the other room seeing if anyone was watching him, he walked over and closed the door to the room and went back to the window, finding the sexy blonde even closer.

"Your nowhere near as menacing as the others seem to be." Again, Keller cocked her head. Without thinking Nick opened the window. "I said your nowhere near as menacing as the others seem to be." The white eyed Keller gave a little smile and leaned in kissing the lizard. Nick put his shotgun to the side and reached out to squeeze those large soft breasts as he pushed his tongue into the cat's mouth. "Oh man, those are so NICE!" Keller then started to crawl into the window when Nick took her by her shoulders. "Well alright, but you gotta leave after, i never had a sweet piece of ass like you before."

Keller just purred and crawled through the window, suddenly Nick fell back and Keller fell on top of him. The two started kissing as the lizard cupped and squeezed her soft ass, she purred and played with his tongue with hers as she started ripping away at his police uniform. "Oh man, your so wild, you freaky girls are way better then those fucked up guys." He said as the sexy grey cat licked his chest and went down further unbuckling his belt. She used her slender feminine fingers to pull his excited dick out of his pants and started licking up his shaft. Nicked rolled his eyes into the back of his head. "Best.....fucking.......apocalypse....ever!" It didn't take long for his cock to get hard as Keller rolled her tongue around the head before taking the man meat into her mouth.

She started sucking his cock bouncing her head up and down as he put his hand on her head and bit his lip. Nick continued to pet the cat before sitting up and running his hands down her back side. "Come on, let me at it! I want that sweet piece...." The white eyed Keller raised her head and licked her lips. Keller moaned a little as she was pushed onto her side, she stretched out spreading her legs, one leg in the air as Nick rubbed his hard dick against Keller's eternally moist pussy lips making that kitty pur.

The sound gave Nick the go ahead and he slowly pushed himself into her, making her moan lightly. Nick quickly looked over at the door to see if anyone heard then he went back to business, pushing his cock in as deep as it could and started to move his hips. Keller started moaning as the lizard fucked her, her large breasts stared to bounced as he fucked her faster getting more comfortable inside her. Soon his big dick started moving with ease as the juices started to drip onto the floor, Nick grunted feeling the pleasure of being inside such a nice tight pussy. He leaned forward and started lick and suck on the cat's nipples while pumping his thick cock into her. "Grrr, you like that don't you, tell me you like it!" He threw out his cheesiest porn dialogue, Keller just purred back at him and moaned a little louder even blushing from the pleasure.

Nick closed his eyes as his brain started to flood with desires and thoughts of hot sex, sweat rolled down his brow, But this did little to stop him from pumping into her with everything he had. He even started to grunt as the pleasure surged up his body. In the next room Terry woke with the sound of heavy breathing and soft moans as he sat up and look at the closed door. "Uh oh." The lizard took Keller by both her legs now, fucking the cat harder, now slapping against her soft skin making her moan out with pleasure, and him with her.

"Oh no....I'm...I'm gonna cum, i should stop!" Nick tried to pull out so he could last a little longer only to have The cat's powerful legs wrap around his hips, pulling him in closer. "Wh...wait, I'm not going to last if i keep going." He spoke as if trying to reason with the white eyed cat, but Keller started moving her own hips forcing him to keep fucking. Nick nuzzled into the gray cat's large breasts. Nick just rolled his eyes into the back of his head as he moaned, suddenly bucking his hips as he started to cum, hot cream spilling onto the floor as the lizard bucked with ever jolt of pleasure. Just as he rode his pleasure down a suddenly pain started to fill his chest as he got dizzy and struggled to breath as if she was choking him.

It wasn't until the very end did Nick truly felt in trouble and he wanted to call out, only gasping, he clawed at the floor until he stopped moving all together. Keller curled her lips into a creepy smile as she laid on the floor for a short time petting the lizards head. Barbra made he way down the stairs only at the bottom noticing the young wolf standing on the couch staring at a closed door. ".....whats going on?" Terry just pointed to the door with a look of terror on his face. Ash and Lena followed behind shortly. "Something happened where is your friend." The horse looked up at the other cop. The snow leopard pulled her handgun and made her way to the closed door.

She slowly opened it with her weapon at the ready, and she opened her mouth at what she say. Her former parted laying half naked on the floor with a gray cat at the window, helping more white eyed fiends into the small room. "Oh shit!" She quickly slam the door shut. "We need to board this up fast, they know we're here!" Just as she finished that sentence she could feel the pounding of fists on the other side along with groans and moans as the zombies tried to force their way in through the door.

Ash quickly picked up a baseball bat from the wall, it was what appeared to be some sports memorabilia, she quickly checked the front door. Just then a zombie dog slapped his face against the window by the front door, he had a horny look and started licking the window. Ash just frowned and swung hard, with a loud crash she broke the window and the zombie dog croaked as shares of glass found themselves in its eyes and face. The creature fell backwards and Ash looked over her shoulder. "Terry, get into the basement now!"

Barbra quickly corrected her. "No, go up stairs and pull down the attic stairs, we can hid up there." "Actually that is a better idea." Lena chimed in struggling with the door. Terry jumped over the couch and ran up the stairs. Suddenly a hand broke through the door guarded by Lena and she backed away. The hand probed around looking for someone or something to grab. Lena raised her gun and open fired, lodging several bullets into the arm, making it recoil back through the hold. "Die you mother fuckers!" She open fired again punching holes into the door hearing the groans of the undead on the other side.

The gun shots were punctuated by the ringing of the empty shells hitting the floor and wall. "God damn it, that is loud." Ash's ears where pinned back, suddenly another zombie appeared at her window. "Rrrrrroooooowwwww." It snarled. "Shut the fuck up!" She swung again braking its face. Barbra holding hands overs her hears looked around seeing if there was anything she could do, she slowly backed up against one of the windows and slowly turned to see anything. Through the fog she squinted and with sudden speed a hand banged against the window. She turned. "Their trying to get in over here too, we should run!"

Several hands broke through the glass and grabbed Barbra's arms and dress, screaming she looked back seeing her husband johnny, with those same white eyes as the others. "Johnny!?...Johnny no!" The hands started to pull her out of the house as she screamed. "Johnny why are you doing this!?" Barbra felt herself at the mercy of several grasping and clawing hands. She screamed as they tore the top of her dress away, to get at her soft breasts. Wild tongues licked away at her dark nipples as the creatures started sucking on her tits. The white eyed Johnny continuing ripping away at his former wife's cloths, tearing the rest of the dress off and removing her panties with one swift jerk.

A female zombie dove her muzzle between the equine's thighs, licking at her soft pussy lips. Barbra blushed and gave out a moan of pleasure as the crowed around her enveloped and devoured her in lust. As the mob forced her to the ground Barbra screamed as she felt her husbands big black cock drive into her soft pussy as the others around her pawed, licked and poked at her with their own dicks. She started grabbing at them with her hands and jerking them off, even taking one into her mouth. The mob aimed to pleasure every inch of her, getting a piece of action where ever they could. Barbra moaned with pleasure as the awkward assault turn into pleasure and excitement.

Pleasure jolted through her body as her zombie husband, with his long tongue hung from his slack jaw continued to drill into her hot pussy as her juices started to squirt with every thrust of the large dick inside her. More of the zombies started to get greedy as they started to push and fight over who got to fuck her mouth. Lena peered out the window with her gun at the ready only seeing a large mob in the fog and Barbra's muffled screams....or moans. She fired her last bullet into the fog before changing clips. "Damn, fall back to the stairs!" Ash didn't blink twice at the command and ran for the stairs with a zombie coming in through the window she was guarding.

Lena made it half way up the stairs before turning to open fire again, zombies tried to make it up the stairs only to be stopped by the flying .45's knocking them off their feet and into the mob, tripping them up. She turned quickly and ran again quickly finding the attic stairs and making it up, with the stairs being pulled up in short order. The zombies made it up to the second floor growling and moaning finding an empty hall. They proceeded to fan out and smash through the various doors on a raid looking for the survivors. Keller slowly walked up the stairs with the sounds of smashing and ripping as the others ransacked the place in a horny fury, one even tripped breaking through the banister falling back down to the first floor with a loud thud.

Keller finished licking her fingers as if finishing a fine meal, she watched the others and seemed more calm too, she just then slowly looked up to the ceiling. She didn't give any sign that she noticed anything only staring for a long time then turned and started walking back down the stairs. Up in the attic the snow leopard breathed heavy through her mouth as she had her gun at the ready, pointing down at the hidden pull out stairs. "Are they going to find us?" Terry whispered clinging to Ash. "I hope not, i got six rounds left." Lena whispered back.

Over the night the moon rose and fell as the sounds of groans and moans filled the night air, and slowly started to go off in the distance. The faint scratching from down below could still be hear. In the middle of the night gunshots rang out in the night air, as distant homes were invaded. Hours later the sun started to rise and shine on the moist dew soaked landscape, Terry kicked and whined a little, like the young tend to do. Soon his eyes shot open as he startled himself but he couldn't sit up. Looking he found himself between the lioness and the snow leopard, on each side they cuddled up to him, he finally felt like he was getting what was his, with their breasts pressing against him.

The he just remembered where he was. "Ladies, wake up, i think they are gone." Lena slowly opened her eyes only then realizing how close she was to the others. She quickly shot up with gun in hand. "I.......i don't hear anything?" She looked over seeing the sleeping lioness. "Ash......Ash!.....Ashley!" The lioness just rolled over. "I don't wanna go to school today, fuck off." Lena just shook her head and nudged her. Ash shot up with bat in hand and swung hitting the attic floor. "Fuck....what, what?!" Lena bit her lip thinking the noise would for sure attract zombies to them now.

After waiting a few very long minutes Lena and Ash waited for a fresh attack, but nothing happened. The snow leopard slowly let down the pull out stairs to the attic and letting hit the floor of the second story with a light thud. Again she waited with gun at the ready and again, nothing. The three of them slowly made their way down stairs as quietly as possible. The house looked like a tornado blew through it, everything was smashed or ripped, glass broken and furniture over turned. Ash walked into the bedroom where the TV was still on, it was knocked back with a huge crack down the left side, the colour was bleeding but the she could still make out what was on.

The same bear news caster was still on the air, his suit and tie was a mess as he sat at a disorganized desk. "The....infection continues to spread up the east coast, the state of emergency has grown beyond what was the tri-state area. New York city officials have ordered the closing of all bridges and tunnels to Manhattan island, leaving many to speculate how serious the government seems to think this is." He stopped for a moment and looked to the side once again. "This just in, we have just received a video from the news broadcasting in Los Angeles where it seems, that the sex ghouls have some how spread to the second most populated city in the country."

The screen changed from the news broadcaster to a video, a female skunk in a suit holding a channel 14 microphone stood on a street with people running around and a fire burning behind her. " Just hours ago, a plane from the east coast crash landed at the Los Angeles airport, fire and rescue arrived to tend to the victims, when these same people emerged from the wreckage and attacked the first responders. Their strange behaviour is shocking as they sexually attack anyone in their path!" She was shoved as another woman ran by. "Their coming get out of the way!" The skunkete ran her fingers through her hair to compose herself.

"What is even more shocking is that their victims, seems to have joined them in this blatant display of copy cat rioting and mass rape." The camera man panned to the side as screams could be heard behind her. A defenceless squirrel forced to bend over an expensive looking car as her expensive high rise dress was ripped apart. "Come on, move!" The skunkete reporter ran up to the attacker, who was now pumping his big dick into the moaning girl. "Hey, hey! We have you on TV sir, why are you doing this!? Is this some sort of act of rebellion!" Just then another white eyed zombie grabbed the skunkete, she screamed hitting him with her microphone as he ripped her top open showing her bouncing breasts to the camera.

"Help me you idiot!" She screamed as she fell to the street, her camera man dropped the camera as he ran, leaving the picture of the cloths being ripped from the screaming skunkete. Lena walked into the bed room shaking her head. "Nick is gone, his guns were on the floor, in fact everyone is gone, i don't see anyone else around the farm." "look at this, its spreading" Ash pointed to the broken TV. The video changed to a ragged looking dog, his cloths were torn. "Just over 24 hours ago a plane crash landed at the Los Angeles airport, and all hell has broken loose, what was once a small number of raping......zombies! Has turned into an army that has devoured most of the city with their chaos and sexual perversion!"

"The Hollywood Police and what is left of the LAPD has formed a new defensive perimeter around the Hollywood hills and the heights." Pillars of smoke rise from the Los Angeles skyline behind the bewildered reporter, as gun fire crackled in the background. "I...i don't know if this is getting out, but LA is a war zone, whatever you do, stay away from LA at all costs, it is lost, we are all lost......hunny i love you." The video stopped as the screen cut back to the bear news caster and other just staring with shock. "Well.....i....don't know what to..." He fumbled around with his papers.

Ash's foot came down on the screen finally turning it off. "Son of a bitch! If i ever get my hands on who started this, they will suffer!" Lena passed the handgun to her after cocking the shotgun. "Lets worry about getting someplace safe first." Ash looked at the gun then back at her new partner. "Right, where do we go?" Lena smiled. "My dad was a militia man, now that we are out of the city, we head west for the Appalachian Mountains, there should be plenty of places to stop and get supplies and there will be plenty of room up there to get lost. If any of the those fuckers tried to chase us up those hills, we go first blood on their ass."

Ash smiled back. "OK.....lets do this." Just then Terry walked in. "I don't mean to sound like a kid, but i am REALLY who is making me breakfast!?" The girls looked at each other with a look of annoyance on their faces. The three walked out of the house looking around as the sun was still low in the sky, each one with back pack they found and an Eggo in their mouths. Lena looked over to Ash. "Ready?" She held her shotgun. "Ready?" Ash looked at Terry hold her handgun. Terry looked at them both with the box of Eggo's in his hand. "Ready!, i was born ready." The three started to walk down the drive way keeping an eye out, it was for the sounds of the birds in the sky.

"So, I'm sorry for all that hitting on you before Ash, after what i saw you and Lena doin, i get it.....i get it." "Terry, what the fuck are you talking about?"


Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 1

Los Angeles Airport Control Tower "O.k, O.K! Calm down lady, I still don't really understand what your going on about. Where is your plane coming from and what is your problem so I can contact the appropriate authorities." The control tower...

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Gypsy Curse Plus part 3

Episode 3 The door slowly opened and his dad poked his head in seeing his son under some bulky looking blankets. "Um.....i need you to go to the store for me while I'm at work." He looked around the room seeing a pair of panties on the floor...

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Gypsy Curse: plus! part 2

Episode 2 Ricky sat in the small room before the principles office, everyone feared him, the big bull dog. Ricky was only imagining what would happen to him, once his parents found out. His train of thought was interrupted by the tapping of the...

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