Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#9 of Sex Zombies

Los Angeles Airport Control Tower

"O.k, O.K! Calm down lady, I still don't really understand what your going on about. Where is your plane coming from and what is your problem so I can contact the appropriate authorities." The control tower operator grasped his head set with a sense of urgency trying to understand the voice of the woman on the other end and the sound of what seemed like loud bangs.

Just Over Los Angeles Airport

A squirrel stewardess braced her broken heeled shoe against the bathroom door as the pounding of fists thump against it, her uniform ripped open from the front as she held an arm over her soft breasts, saving her free hand for the air plane phone. "I'm on flight 69 from Clydesdale, the people on this plane are going nuts...i...i don't know what the fuck is going on! I'm so scared." Outside the bathroom the plane was in chaos, passengers and crew mingling with their faded eyed assailants. The sounds of sex and moans of pleasure filled the recycled air. A raccoon stewardess was pressed against a wall, her uniform ripped to pieces, her leg firmly wrapped around her attacker's hip as he savagely pumped himself into her soft pussy, her juices dripped to the floor as she threw her arms around him as she screamed feeling the thick dick inside her.

In the isle between the seats groups of furs joined together in lust. A dog business woman was thrown down on all fours, her suit ripped open exposing her soft, sexual form, trapped between two attackers. Her pussy filled from behind as she was forced to take in a large cock into her mouth, it took little to convince her to play along, the dog rolled her tongue sucking on the large dick as she moaned feeling the even larger one thrusting into her warm juicy pussy. Not far from them, a white eyed Doe bounced wildly in the lap of her victim moaning with pleasure as she rides and slides on the large dick inside her. The plane orgy continued as the sex in the seats and the isle seem to go on forever, big dicks thrusting into every hole, pussy and ass filled to their utmost. High heeled feet in the air as they bob with the thrusts.

Up in the cockpit the pilot groaned as he leaned back in his chair watch the three white eyed girls suck him off, one was sucking on the tip of his cock, while another was licking his thick shaft, and the third sucked on his balls. The co-pilot held onto the hips of a white eyes stewardess, half naked as she fell and rose on his cock, he moaned with pleasure feeling the pressure of the hot pussy around his man meat. Suddenly the pilot grabbed onto his chair as his cock throbbed, he started to cum in one of the girls mouths, just as she pulled back he shot his hot cum onto their faces, and just as he finished cumming he grasped his chest and fell forward onto his controls making the plan lunge to one side.

Back in the bathroom the squirrel stewardess kept screaming at the people on the other end of the phone until she felt the lunge of the plan, it was just enough to send a heavy set zombie through the plastic door as she screamed underneath it. The attacker regained its understanding of wear it was and smirked a drooling smile as it looked at the defenseless stewardess. She screamed again as the attacker started to rip the rest of her cloths from her, it forced her legs open as it ripped her panties from her body, the attacker rubbed the head of its big dick against her pussy lips making the squirrel shutter. "No stop! Stop now!" then she cried out feeling the attacker push inside of her.

The attacker forced her feet into the air as he started to fuck her with his big cock, the squirrel moaned as her tits started to bounce feeling the large intruder inside her. Suddenly the plan lunged again, this time in the other direction, now the stewardess was on top of the large zombie, she lifted herself up causing great pleasure then felt hands take her hips, another attacker started to push its cock into her asshole. She started the bounce again, her ass and pussy being fucked making her moan with pleasure. More attackers seemed to get attracted to her sounds of lust, and she surrendered to them, taking some cocks into her hands and one into her mouth. The squirrel moaned with pleasure as she sucked, stroked and fucked the big dicks around out. She could feel her orgasm rising in her making her feel more slutty as she drooled feeling the hot cum flow down her throat. She spit the cock out before it could finish letting it jizz onto her face then she turned her head and started sucking another one.

The attacker she was riding started to fondle her breasts, licking and sucking on her hard nipples. This pushed her over the edge as she screams letting her juices flow from her hot pussy. The plane started to come down slowly as it made its mad decent to the air port before striking the ground hard, a loud crash could be heard across the strip as the plane slide along its belly. With a terrifying sound the vehicle crashed into the side of the terminal cause panic to everyone inside, it wasn't long before the fire response team was on the scene.


Just outside Raccoon City.

Ash put on a black tank top that was given to her. "So what the hell are we going to do now?" She said to the driver who seemed to be in charge in the SWAT van. "We try to make it to another city and tell everyone on the way, we need to stop this before it gets out of control." Ash nodded. "I think the time to worry about out of control has already passed....i mean an entire city has fallen." The SWAT van roared passed a drive in movie theatre that was still full of cars. "Hey billy, I'm going out for a smoke." The young female dog said to her fat pig boss. "Yeah, just hurry, when the kids are done boning each other, they are going to want snacks." She waved her hand and slipped out the back door.

The old pig turned on the radio that was sitting on the counter. ( zzzhhheeee Strange occurrences of sexual activity in the area, but we have lost contact with our partner stations inside the city.) He turned the dial. ( zzzzsshhhhee Lolly pop, lolly pop, oh lolly lolly, lolly pop * pop* Bow bow bow bow) He then smiled. "There we are." He went on to sweep the floor, listening to his music not noticing the shadowy figures passing across the windows of the kiosk.

The bobcat yawned as he watched the black and white movie on the big screen in front of all the cars. Army troops yelling and barking orders back and forth. "Shoot it! Shoot it now! Before it gets to the city!" Tanks blast their guns as the shells hit a giant centipede making it screech a horrible noise. As the battle ragged on the movie screen the bobcat looked over at his date, a bluejay watched with content, a bucket of popcorn on her lap. She was wearing a sweater that complemented her curvacious breasts and a short skirt. The bobcat smiled to himself and leaned over, kissing her on the neck making the bluejay coo a little. "Your a bad one Joe." Joe reached around with a hand and cupped a breast continuing to kiss her neck.

That is wear the bluejay drew the line and pushed him away. "Not now, not here!" Joe sank back into his seat. "Damn in Judy, I'm dieing here!" Judy just frowned at him. "We came here to watch a movie." The bobcat looked over at the car beside them seeing a couple make out in their front seat, and looking over to the other side all he say was a pair of female legs, with heels in the air as they rocked back and fourth. " Yeah well we are the only ones watching the movie it seems." He said under his breath. "Hrm?" Judy pressed. "Nothing, I'm going to go get something to drink." The bobcat opened the car door and made his way out only once looking at her girlfriend with a look of frustration.

"Damn" he shut the door and walked off in the direction of the Kiosk behind the lot. Judy put some more popcorn in her mouth as the battle to save Washington from the radioactive centipede continued. Suddenly her door opened. "What, did you forget your wallet aga...." She looked at the figure in her door and suddenly screamed as he piled into the car after her. Joe was close to the Kiosk and he looked around, he started to notice all the rocking cars and slight moans of pleasure with other moans he had never heard before, he continued when he stopped and notice a pair of feet behind the back tires of one of the cars.

As he walked closer he then notice a fine equestrian ass, her moist pussy in plan view. His eyes bugged at what he saw as the strange horse moved her head up and down sucking some guys cock. He watched with a smile on his face as the guy grunted and started to cum in the horse's mouth, which she took with stride drinking it down. Then the guy shook a little like he was freezing and suddenly stopped moving. The bobcat smiled and instinctively just started clapping at the amazing show. Hoping to get her attention and a look at the slutty pony.

The noise caught the attention of the equine beauty as she slowly turned her head, revealing her blank faded eyes and cum lightly dripped form her lips, she almost looked rabid with her ripped cloths. This mad Joe back up a little at the sight of her face it was kinda scary, he backed right up into a pick up truck and suddenly hands started to grab at his neck and shirt. He looked back seeing even more dead eyed girls and in the back of the truck was a number of seemingly dead movie goers, all of whom seemed to have been sexed recently.

The bobcat panicked and tried to tare away from the clawing fingers, causing his shirt to ripe in their death like grasp. As he stumbled away he looked back as the dead eyes people looked on after him but didn't seem to be chasing him. Joe almost made it to the Kiosk when suddenly from around the corner of the small building a small army of moaning dead eyed people came stumbling towards him with their ripped cloths. He slid on he gravel lot to a stop as he watched them reaching out with their hands as they tried to take hold of him.

He turned and ran for the cars again quickly peering into cars to see if he could get help or at least warn people. Every car he passed he found nothing but sex as the cars rocked on their wheels, moans of pleasure coming from slightly open windows. He looked to his left seeing a car with its door ajar a strange figure with his pants down pumping his hips with a long pair of female legs wrapped around his hips. Her soft ass being slapped against by the aggressive fucks. He looked to his right seeing a pair of girls in a car, screaming as a small group of attackers clawed at them from above through their sun roof window.

Joe kept moving but suddenly bumped into a doe who only gripped his ripped shirt. "Help me, please, my friends and I we were attacked!" Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed her, then more as she was dragged away from him, her cloths being ripped as she screamed, her breasts bounced out as the cloths torn, another attacker ripped her panties from her hips as she was forced to the ground her legs forced open, she moaned out as tongues and lips started licking her body, groaning as her soft pussy was licked in front of the bobcat. "He...hey guys, what the fuck are you doing!? Get off of her!" The bobcat felt brave.

The guys stopped licking and pleasuring the doe to look at the source of the noise with their dead eyes and roared at him, like predators defending their food. Then they returned to their business of licking and suckling the crying doe. That is as far as the bobcat's bravery went as he silently apologized to the unknown girl and started running for his car. He made it but before he could open the door he watched in horror as his girlfriend moaned with pleasure with a blush across her face as some dead eyed stranger took her by her hips and pumped into her feathery pussy, Judy's large breasts pressed against the car window.

" me!" She said between fucks as she moaned with pleasure feeling the large dick filling her, the stranger slapped against her soft ass faster as he fucked her harder and faster in front of her boyfriend. Joe bit his lips and watched in horror as some strange creature pleasured his girlfriend, he watched her hard nipples slid along the glass. Her beak knocked against the window as she moaned, the large cock in her feathery pussy pumped into her even faster as the attacker panted his tongue hanging from his mouths.

The attacker took Judy by her wrists forcing her to arch her back, her breasts now bouncing in the air in front of her as she moaned with pleasure. Joe wanted to help but felt helpless himself. "Save me you asshole!" The bird screamed out with her moans. Joe looked behind him hearing some thumps, he saw a pair of white eyed females on the hood and roof of the car beside theirs. They hissed and licked their lips at him. He just looked back at his girlfriend and started to run away. "Oh fuck me!" The girls leaped from the car top and started to stagger after him.

Judy watched in amazement before submitting to the pleasure as she screamed out in lust. Her attacker released her and took her by her thighs forcing her over to her side, the bird's legs were spread wide as she looked over at her attacker with fear, her large breasts heaved wildly as he fucked her on her side. Her attacker grunted as his cock started to throb, she reached down and used her fingers to spread her pussy lips as far as they could go. The bird could feel her orgasm coming to her when suddenly he felt the hot cum of the cock in her started to fill her pussy. This caused her to blush and scream, pushing her over the edge as she came with the zombie.

Back at the kiosk the old pig Billy stocked some bags of chips as his ear lifted to the moans of pleasure outside. "Crap, it must be getting nuts out there.....ah to be young again." He then heard a slam at the back door, someone forcing it open. He grabbed his broom and walked to the back room and opened his mouth in shock as he saw his young employee, the dog's kiosk uniform ripped to shreds, her soft breasts and moist pussy in plain view, and she just stared at him with her dead white eyes and menacing seductive smile.

"My god girl, what happened to you out there!" She simply responded with a faint moan and started to walk towards him. Billy lowered his broom and walked up to her and took her by her shoulders. "Are you alright? what happened, did some boys do this to you?" The zombie dog excepted the embrace and started to lick his face. "Wh..what the hell are you doing!?" She just smiled and slid her hands down his round belly and started to undo his pants. His employee kneel down in front of him and pulled his dick out of his pants and started licking at it. Billy stumbled backwards and fell into a pile of large bagged popcorn. He looked down seeing his lovely employee crawl towards him on all fours and placed herself between his legs, he closed his eyes at the feeling of her touch as she started sucking his cock.

The fat pig felt himself getting harder with every motion as the zombie dog moved her head up and down. The dog rolled her tongue around his hard dick as she sucked him off faster. "Oh damn, I guess you don't need help, but we really shouldn't be doing this, what would your parents think, doing this to an old fart like me!?" Her only response was to press her breasts together to tit fuck his dick as she sucked on the tip. "Uuuhhh, yeah, sure..I'll just relax I guess." The heavy pig could feel the pleasure shooting through him more intensely. "Crap I haven't done this in so damn long." He managed to say before gripping the bag of popcorn and grunted, the pig's cock throbbed before he shuttered, cumming in his employee's mouth.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest as he struggled to breath he leaned back to give his last breath as he stopped cumming. The beautiful dog's ears perked as she heard the bell of the front door and then a voice. "Hello, you gotta help me! Shit is going down out there, I think you should call the cops.!" She finished licking the cum from her lips as she gave the common seductive smile that all the white eyed females give. She slowly made her way past the front desk leaving the dead pig behind.

The bobcat spotted her. "Hey, you gotta call the cops or something, there are these people....and their just....fucking all over the place." As he finished his sentenced he notice this young dog had the same blank eyes and seductive smile as the others he saw through out the drive in lot. " one of them! aren't you?" She just smiled at him and walked towards him with a wiggle in her hips as her ripped cloths hung from her beautiful sexual form. Joe felt her cool hands press against his chest as she leaned forward and licked his lips pressing her breasts against him.

The bobcat pressed against the door as the dog pressed against him. " god....those are so soft!" The zombie dog just made a "gurred" sound and started to licking his lips and pushing her tongue into his mouth. When the kiss broke the bobcat reeled. " are way better then my people...i can't." He reached for the door handle when suddenly the white eyed dog growled and with a quick forceful action started to rip open his pants. Joe froze as his pants split down the zipper. "Wait...w...wait! Uuuhhh." He shuttered as the strange dog started to lick his shaft after pulling his dick out for her to play with it.

Any lack of sexual activity from his girlfriend was now coming back to bit him in the ass as in a matter of seconds he was rock hard. Joe held hard to the door bar but made no attempt to escape as any fear was being washed away by the pleasure. He reached out and placed a hand on the zombie dog's head as she started to bob it back and forth sucking him off. Joe squinted his eyes having a hard time to think as his mind keeps drifting back to his dick being sucked. " warm and slippery! Uhg!" Suddenly the dog girl curled her fingers around his shirt and pulled him down to the floor on top of her.

Joe felt his dick pressing against her soft pussy lips, it was soft and moist and it seemed through instinct he simply pushed himself into the nameless girl making her moan out with pleasure. The white eyed girl wrapped her legs around him making get in nice and deep. Soon Joe was completely enamored with this new girl and started fucking her hard and fast making her moan with delight as he leaned in and licked her neck. Suddenly a shadow cast over the couple and Joe looked up seeing a white eyed Judy, the bird licked her beak. "Oh shit! honey, this isn't what it looks like!" The bob cat said not even stopping his hips making the dog moan.

The white eyed Judy ignored him and came down behind him and started ripping the rest of his cloths off. "Oh is so hot, I can't believe this is happening." The white eyed bird pulled the bobcat off the dog and brought him onto his back as the two girls went down on him, both taking turns sucking his hard cock. Just then the white eyed bird mounted her former boyfriend and Joe bit his lip as he felt the warm feathery pussy enclose around his hard cock and the dog sat on his face.

Joe just rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright, I give, take me girls!" He said before extending his tongue and started licking at the dog's wet pussy, penetrating her soft lips and quickly flicking at her clit making the girls moan with pleasure. The two zombie girls' breasts bounced as they moaned and pleasured themselves on their victim, the white eyed bird bounced faster and faster as she rode the thick cock inside her. "No, no....first time, take it easy on...meeeehhh...meh...aaahh" Joe couldn't contain himself any longer. His hard dick started to throb as the bird continued riding him hard, her tight wet pussy gliding up and down with ease, when suddenly the bobcat moaned out and started to cum inside his former girlfriend, the hot creamed oozed from her feathery pussy lips and down but the the zombie girls continued until he was dead under them.

Another person burst into the kiosk, a dog boy, and stopped seeing the two white eyed girls, licking and sucking the cum off the dick between them. "Holy shit! Its going on in here to, what the fuck is going on here!" The white eyed girls looked up at there next unsuspecting victim, they murred and gave the boy inviting looks, using there fingers in a come hither motion, displaying their breasts for him and opening their legs slightly. The guy looked around started to back away from them and open the door again, just then a hand grabbed him and pulled him outside and as he looked into the white eyes of a very angry looking naked tiger, his dick as hard as rock he whimpered. "I wanna go back in with them." He frowned.

His scream of terror and discomfort echoed across the car lot among other screams and moans of pleasure as the various cars rocked back and forth and semi naked furs walked about in a zombie like daze. The drive in was over run and not many escaped.

The SWAT van continued down the road when the driver looked at his dash, the lizard narrowed his eyes. "uh oh." He said to himself. A female snow leopard in a CPD uniform poked her head up. "What...are you saying we are out of gas, I told you we should have stopped." "I'm not saying that at all." The lizard snapped back. Suddenly the van started to sputter, and lag on the road, the lizard only frowned and looked back. "Ok, now I'm saying it."

The SWAT van rolled to a stop as it pulled over to the side of the road. "Shit." The lizard smacked the steering wheel. Ashley joined the two cops. "Well, now what?" The snow leopard simply shrugged, her badge flashing, her name was Lena. Nick the one driving frowned. "We walk."

Johnny and Barbra walked through the cemetery until they came across their choice grave, the two horses looked at it in silence until Johnny broke it. "You know I don't like coming here, it's even worse at night." Johnny shuttered. "I know, but I didn't get a chance to see my mother this week." Barbra smiled back. "Well.....I'm just saying its bad enough we live near this place.....just creeps me the hell out." Suddenly a figure came from seemingly nowhere and clutched onto Barbra's dress. She screamed a little and Johnny grabbed the attacker and pushed him away. When the two horses looked at the would be attacker they saw a priest in a ripped cloths, one hand over his crotch.

"You have to leave!, their coming....their coming!" The dazed priest started to stagger away from the couple. "Hey man are you O.K.?" Johnny asked with concern. The priest just walked off as if nothing happened. The two horses looked at each other with a funny look. "What the fuck was that about?" Barbra just shook her head. Just as the couple were about to leave suddenly another person came from behind, pushing johnny to the ground and making Barbra once again to scream. "Who are you!?"

A large wolf with a nasty grin on his face and blank white eyes, Barbra look on in horror as the wolf held a throbbing hard cock In one hand. Just before the unknown perve could do anything Johnny jumped on his back and a fight ensued. The wolf growled and flailed about trying to throw the horse off his back and the two fell to the ground among the grave stones. "Johnny!" Barbra felt helpless watching the two fight, she screamed when the wolf popped back up again and reached out, he snatched her dress and ripped it, her large breasts bouncing out.

Just as this happened Johnny grabbed the wolf again and they started to struggle. "Barb...err..get..out of!" Barbra moved back and forth not knowing what to do then started to run away from the two fighting holding her arms over her loose breasts. The wolf and Johnny continued to struggle when they suddenly tripped over each other, the wolf on top of johnny as he fell, head first into a grave stone. The wolf staggered to his feet and started giving chase to the fleeing equestrian beauty.

Barbra ran, never looking back and came across what seemed like a service, she started calling out. " anyone there! Help me!" She ran over to the open grave that seemed to have several chairs around it, turned over and scattered and saw the open coffin rocking. Barbra made her way around seeing a beaver girl riding the cock of some guy in the coffin, her dress was ripped to pieces a black veiled hat covering her face as her tits bouncing as she rode moaning with pleasure. "Oh my god....oh my god! What are you people doing!"

Suddenly the wolf reappeared growling, making Barbra scream again and started running, the wolf only stopped for a moment to watch the sex then started giving chase again.

As Johnny lay unconscious a threesome of woman, a skunkete, a mouse and a cat, slowly skulk up to him, each one wearing a torn black dress, obviously mourners. They surrounded him like ghosts moving their hips all seductive like. Their fingers curled around the fabrics of his cloths as they started to pull and rip at them, causing them to tare from his body. Ripping his shirt open, and started licking his chest, the mouse pulled his pants open and started sucking his large black cock, it grew larger and stiffer the longer she sucked it off. Suddenly Johnny started to come to noticing the girls around him and the blood on his forehead. "Uurrr, holy shit.....i died and gone to heaven."

The mouse got his cock nice and hard and started licking up and down his firm shaft. Johnny bit his lip as he watched the black veiled girls work him over, as the cat joined the mouse and started taking turns sucking his hard cock. A pain rang in his head from the fall and he groaned, partly from pain, and partly from pleasure. "Girls I really think I should be going.....i gotta find." The girls held him down with more force as the skunkete sat on his face rubbing her wet pussy against his nose. "Girl's please...i...i gotta." The three girls feasted on the horse cock together, as the mouse and cat licked up and down his thick shaft while the skunkete sucked on his head.

Johnny moaned with delight almost forgetting about everything that he thought he was supposed to be doing. Soon he just gave up thinking all together and used his hands to splay open the skunkete' ass cheeks and started licking that sweet pussy in his face. He even pushed a pair of fingers into the skunkete to her delight, she moaned with a mouth full of cock as he fingered her licking at her clit. The zombie girls changed it around as the cat leaned against him and sat slowly on his large black cock letting it slowly filling her pussy. So the cat started to bounce and ride his horse cock making them both moan with delight, as the other two girls where on each of his arms kissing and licking at various parts.

"Oh girls, I don't know who the hell you are but this is a dream come true." He leaned in and kissed the mouse and only then noticing the pale white eyes behind their veils. "Wow, what the fuck is with your eyes." Her only response was pushing her tongue into his mouth. The cat zombie continued riding that big cock between her legs as she bounced faster and harder, her soft ass slapping against him as she took it all in, her juicy insides squeezing his thick dick. Johnny moaned and squeezed some ass with his hands as the pleasure consumed his body and thoughts. Soon his cock throbbed and he started bucking his hips fucking the cat pussy more intensely as they both screamed out with pleasure.

The horse bit his bottom lips and arced his back as he started to cum, unleashing his torrent of hot cream into the zombie cat, her pussy quickly filling before it spilled out and down his shaft. For a split second Johnny had a look of ecstasy on his face before going wide eyed feeling his heart flutter, he shook but not to hard under the weight of the three girls before he stopped moving at all. The white eyed girls smiled at each other as more haunting figures started lumbering through the dark grave yard.

Barbra stumbled through the woods still trying to keep the rest of her dress from fall off, looking back but a few times seeing a glimpse of her attacker in a delayed but steady pursuit. She ran her arm across her face wiping the tears from her eyes. She had walked these woods many times before but her frantic mind set seems to change things for her, her left foot gave way as her shoe caught on something and broke, making her fall to the ground in slasher movie fashion. She quickly forced herself up and running again, hearing the heavy foot falls of the wolf behind her.

Finally she broke out of the woods and came across a farm, her home, she kicked her other shoe off and started running even faster across the grass and past the barn, she stopped for a second to look back seeing the large wolf clearing the woods, at least she thought it was him, it was far to dark to tell now. After taking a few deep breaths she ran the final leg to the farmhouse and burst through the back door, slamming it shut behind her. She slid down the door with her back pressed against it and panted hard letting her tattered dress loose. She thought about crying but started to stand as she stumbled through the kitchen into the living room, she walked passed the fireplace and took the phone off the hook.

To her dismay only an irritating noise came across the line. "What the fuck!......" She looked around. "The truck!" She looked around the couch where the couple normal sat. "Oh fuck HE has the keys!" She threw her head back in frustration as if were to give up. Then suddenly she heard a racket outside, someone banging against the back door. She she made her way to the kitchen door and peaked inside, seeing in the window of the back door the large white eyed wolf that followed her here. She soon started to panic, running to the house and calling the cops was her whole plan. The wolf tried to force the door open making Barbra force herself with a burst of courage to run into the kitchen and quickly push the kitchen table against the back door.

The wolf tried to force his way in but to no avail and left the back door, Barbra slowly let go of the table and followed the wolf around the house from the inside, peering through the windows trying to figure out what her attacker is going to do next. The horse suddenly lost sight of him only hearing a crack and the wolf growling. The white eyed wolf pulled Barbra's laundry line down as he ran through it, tearing it down in frustration. Barbra followed him around the house sensing he was going for the front door, she picked up a broom and opened the front door ready to finish him if need be.

She found nothing, relieved but scared not knowing what to do she slowly walked out of the house and down the steps of the front porch contemplating making a run for it. She looked down the slight hill at the front of the house breathing the night air heavily. She suddenly heard a growl and as she turned she swung the broom striking the zombie wolf in the head breaking the broom. She screamed and started running away from the house with a seemingly pissed off white eyed wolf behind yet again.

She made it slightly down the long driveway before falling again, this time she felt like giving up and looked back seeing the wolf shortly behind her ready to pounce when suddenly 3 gunshots rang out knocking the big bad wolf onto his back. Barbra looked up seeing a lioness with a young wolf and two cops with them, the snow leopard holding a handgun. "Are you alright lady?" The young wolf asked, his eyes fixed on the equestrian's ripped dress and exposed breasts. The white eyed wolf growled again and slowly raised himself up again with a snarl. "Nick!" The lizard walked up and cocked a shotgun. "On it!" The shotgun blast was loud blasting the wolf away, his head scattering across the gravel drive way.

"Holy shit!" The young wolf gripped onto the lioness who leaned over the horse. "Are you already, do you live here? We need to get to a phone!" Barbra looked up at her then back at the dead wolf, she looked like she was about to say something then she just passed out, her head collapsing into her arms. Ash, Nick and Lena looked at each other before looking at the house.

End part 1

Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

Barbra slowly opened her eyes, an image of a fuzzy face slowly materialized into the face of a young wolf. "Oh...ooh..Ash she's awake." He called out not minding the horse's ears as she closed her eyes again at the sound of Terry's voice. Barbra sat...

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Gypsy Curse Plus part 3

Episode 3 The door slowly opened and his dad poked his head in seeing his son under some bulky looking blankets. "Um.....i need you to go to the store for me while I'm at work." He looked around the room seeing a pair of panties on the floor...

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Gypsy Curse: plus! part 2

Episode 2 Ricky sat in the small room before the principles office, everyone feared him, the big bull dog. Ricky was only imagining what would happen to him, once his parents found out. His train of thought was interrupted by the tapping of the...

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