Day of the Sex Zombies part 2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#12 of Sex Zombies

part three coming slowly

Several days later, night once again fell on a refugee like camp, a section of a small town fenced off with all sorts of barriers, ranging from chain link fencing to cement blocks. Hundreds of the horny ghouls pressed against the walls and fencing eager to get at the sweet treat held with in, a hundred or so survivors, attempting to carve a living out of nothing. Down near the fence two figures walked along the perimeter, a dog and skunkete. They carried guns and walked along the writhing fence. "So they can't break through this right?" The skunkete questioned with a worried look. "Don't worry about it, i walk these walls all the damn time, once you get comfortable with them, you can even start to have fun." "Fun?" "Oh yeah, sometimes i walk the line naked, poke them with sticks, sing off key. ~Ma mi ma mo, ma mo ma mi.~ "Roooooooowwwwwoooorrrrrr!" The two jumped back hearing the deafening roar they never heard before.

"What the fuck was that!?" The dog looked around in the darkness past the mob of ghouls. "Why are you asking me, your the vet, you tell me!" They took a step back as they heard a series of thuds coming from behind the mob out of the darkness, something large and heavy was coming their way. Soon a looming shadow with glowing eyes could be seen over the gathered zombies. "How many times does this guy show up!" The skunkete started stepping away from the fence. "I...i...i..." Something grabbed the fence and pulled making it buckle. "Shoot it! Shoot it!" They started cracking off shots that seemed to do nothing.

The dog yelled as he felt a tentacle wrap around his gun and arm, the skunkete screamed as he watch his mentor being pulled through the fence making it break completely. She watched in terror as her partner disappeared in the crowed as many of the zombies dog piled on him as he screamed. Kraken led the invasion as the a steady stream of the horny ghouls poured through the gap in the fence. In a panic she opened fire at the attacking zombies only to be grabbed by tentacles and pulled to Kraken, she managed to get off one last shot to his head making him stumble. Kraken regained his balance and with his powerful hands snapped her rifle in two. The skunkete screamed as her cloths were ripped open leaving only shreds handing from her body, blushing she cried out as Kraken squeezed into her. She threw her head back and started moaning as one of the two large cocks started fucking her as an army of the undead swarmed past her, lead my a beautiful blonde, grey cat.

A giraffe's ears perked hearing the gun shots ring in the air. "Hey did you hear that?" He turned to his friend. They both flashed their lights down the dark street seeing nothing at first. "I don't know, maybe target practise?" Their lights suddenly caught the sexy figure of a naked woman walking down the road, Dr. Keller smiled at them as an army of sex zombies stepped into the light behind her as the strolled down the virgin streets, the populous stunned in terror to see them. Screamed filled the streets as zombies burst into homes and buildings attacking people. Claws ripping at clothing as shirts were ripped open, pants torn apart, dresses ripped to shreds. An orgy filled the streets and houses of this once safe haven. Moans of pleasure filled the air, breasts bouncing, tongue lapping and licking at nipples and clits. Lips caressing and sucking cocks, feminine forms rocking back and fourth as they were savagely fucked.

A bunny cried out as she rode a large dick, other holding her down as a cock was shoved in her mouth, she reached over to another rabbit who was held down by a group of white eyed women, only to have Dr. Keller step over him with a sexy smile. Two of her henchwomen jerking and licking his cock, getting him nice and hard. Dr. Keller slowly lowered herself down on the restrained rabbit, she gasped feeling his dick slid into her. She started to ride his cock, her soft round ass tapping against him as the other white eyed women licked and kissed him. "Oh god! Somebody help me!" He cries for help were only drowned out with the sounds of sex, moans of pleasure. Silhouettes of bouncing and fucking people filled the darkened streets.

Glass breaking and wood splintering as houses were broken into as screams and moans came from inside. A pair of breasts pressing up against a window as a sinister figure fucked this woman from behind. A badger ran down the street, dodging grabby fingers and stepping over piles and couples fucking, moaning and panting. He ran his way to the town centre, a large building that still had lights on. As he ran it the large doors were slammed shut with what seemed like what was left of the people that got away. "How could this have happened, it was suppose to be save here!" "Never mind that now, get the door barricaded." "Aaarrrrrrruuuuuuuu!" The panic in the grand hall suddenly stopped when they heard the terrifying roar. "What the hell is that!" "I don't, i saw this....thing! Moving through the streets, it was fucking huge!" The door suddenly cracked, as something large smashed against it.

Another one hit the door and this time it almost split open, people started staking heavy objects in front of the door to weigh it down. This did little to stop and massive arm from smashing through the door. "Rooooooaarr!" With shotgun blasts they drove the large creature away only to hear the Kraken roar in angry. The attack seemed like it calmed down for second, when suddenly something came crashing through the higher window and landed in a dresser smashing it. A male zombie cracked some bones siting up and moaned as it tried to get up, another crash through another window was heard as a female hit the floor moaning. Kraken was now pitching ghouls into the house, soon the large creature continued his assault on the main entrance, smashing the door and forcing his upper body through it, squiggly cock shaped tentacles squirming through holes. "Rooooaaarrrrrraaaaaa!"

The people in the large building were fighting the ghouls and trying to keep Kraken out, A cheetah ran into the other room where a radio was being kept and frantically tried to operate it. "Someone please help us! If someone can hear this, we are a survival settlement off of route 109, we are under attack!" On the other end a lone radio did pick up the signal, but just barely ~sssshhhkkkkk attack!~ Bill just rolled over in his single cot as a scotch bottle hit the floor as the old dog snored a deep sleep.

Captain Rose walked into Frankenstein's lab alone, it was dark but she could still make out the contours of the room with her one good eye. It was full of old and dusty equipment, bubbling glass pots , test tubes and tubes running from one to another. This older grey cat got her nick name well, the bunny felt like she was in an old horror movie set. She started to walk in deeper into the crypt of the "mad" scientist when suddenly she heard a metal rattling to her left, out of the darkness a white eyed bear thrust toward her, only to stop mere inches from her face, the ghoul was being held by a collar that chained him to the wall. The bunny felt back landing on her ass, she wrestled with her gun trying to get it out of it's holster, had the beast not been chained to the wall, it would have been to late.

"Calm yourself captain." The tall grey cat jabbed the bear ghoul with an electric prod, making it jump back and calm down, it descended back into the shadows. Captain Rose breathed heavily, her mind racing back to when she was in the great ghoul battle at the Washington mall. Frankenstein looked down at her, her long beautiful legs exposed from her short skirt and a button up blouse, partly open showing off her cleavage, her high heels clicked on the cement floor as she walked over the the bunny. "It's best you get up, you will catch a cold down there." Captain Rose's face twisted in anger as she got up. "I came here to see what you are doing, that thing should be more secure!" The cat shook her head, her fading blonde hair waving in front of her eyes. "Nothing will hurt you here captain."

The bunny shrugged off her smugness as she followed the cat deeper into a more well light part of the lab. "What the hell is it you do in here, day in and day out?" The grey cat brushed a stack of papers off one table and opened a small leather book, inside were drawings of ghoul anatomy, and notes. "A new drug, that should cancel out the death effects upon orgasm, and hopefully stop the spread of the ghouls with that." The one eyed bunny crossed her arms. "And how do you know this will work?" Frankenstein looked up at a dim light bulb and shrugged. "I don't, i need a test subject, i don't suppose you want to volunteer?" Captain Rose's one eye widened in surprise. "To hell with that, you get your guinea pig someplace else."

"I have been doing tests with my own blood, my drug and the "unknown chemical", so far it seems to work, but....with out a working living test subject, there is no way of knowing how it will work on a large scale." "Tell you what doc, if we ever find a survivor and proves to be useless, you can have them, until then, there is nothing i can do for you." The white eyed bear watched the two two talk, with their back turned to it, it lurched forward and the chain rattled a little until it was tight with tension. The collar around it's neck started to creek and stretch only suddenly snapping. The girls heard the thumping food steps approaching behind them, and just they turned the one eyed bunny was forced to the ground by the large bear. The bunny and bear wrestled as they knocked over tables and test tubes of liquid. The white eyed bear grabbed her military jacket and pulled it open making her breasts bounce, it grinned and started squeezing them with delight on it's face.

Captain Rose blushed and moaned feeling the powerful hands molest her, suddenly the large ghoul shuddered violently and flailed about as a electric prod was pressed into it's spine. It howled and lept rolled off Rose. "Quickly, get the animal snare, i can still save it!" "Fuck that!" The bunny stood, bare breasted pulling her gun, a large revolver. "No!....." Frankenstein's plea was cut short by the loud ring of gun fire, the disabled ghoul soon stopped moving, Rose walked up to it with her gun lowered, firing off two more shots. The one eyed bunny soon turned her attention to the grey cat. "Why do i get the feeling this happened on purpose?" Frankenstein eyed the gun in her hand. "That is just stupid, how do you suppose i released it, and why would i risk my own life." The bunny's one eye narrowed. "You did say you wanted a test subject." The grey cat shifted her weight, as if getting ready to run. "Now your just being paranoid, when was the last time you slept captain?"

Rose holstered her gun and started slowly walking to the door, her breasts bouncing as she walked, keeping a weary eye on the lone figure in the lab. Outside she ran into her men. "What the hell was that? We heard gunfire!" Their captain made little effort to cover herself. "It was nothing......maybe it was everything." She never trusted the scientists before, now she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Ash, Lena and Terry were making their way back from another exploratory mission when they came across the doctors Jenner, driving by in a small flatbed cart with a draped figure laying down on the bed. "Hey, where are you two going?" Terry called out making them stop beside them. "Three!" They could hear from under the blanket. "The hell?" Terry cocked his head. "We got permission from queen tut to finally do some field tests, we have to do it in no man's land though, something about not being a guinea pig or something." Terry poked the blanket with his finger causing the being under it to giggle. "Hehehehe, stop that." "Hey, who is in there?" Shanna leaned against her brother and rubbed his chest. "Nobody is around bro, she can come out." Kyle nodded. " Alright then, come on out B-9. The fox bot slowly sat up letting the blanket fall revealing her beautiful self, making the threesome blush seeing this lustful figure.

"Ashley i am so pleased to see you again!" The fox bot leaned forward and embraced the lioness with a hug and pressed her lips against her's. Lena looked on in shock, Terry simply had a large grin across his face as he watched an old dream come true. "Mmmmm....mmmmmm!" Ash pushed the fox back a little getting the bot's tongue out of her mouth. "Hey come on, back off tin tits!" B-9 giggled again. "Oh you are so humorous!" Ash looked over to Terry, who just sat there with a big smile. "Keep smiling boy, ill bit your ear off." "Sorry, sorry, i mean, come on, that was hot." The wolf side stepped over to the gynoid. "I'm Terry by the way." B-9 smiled. "My name is Chemo Hazard Elimination Life form Beta version Nine" she said why running her fingers through his hair. "Hehehehe, no shit eh." "Ok, that is enough of that." Ash jerked him away. "Indeed." Kyle started the little electric engine again . "We are off to make history!" Lena waved. "Come back alive." The scooter flat bed buzzed and started to move off. C.H.E.L waved at the trio. "Thanks for dropping by!" Her little catch phrase getting softer as the vehicle distanced itself from the three.

"What the hell was that, and how do i fuck it!" Terry said with a smile. "It's not as hard as you might think." Ash said shaking her head. "You mean...." "No, you little pervert, she is just made to be very....very....VERY friendly." They started to walk down the long tunnel when just then three soldiers came by in another electric cart. "Hey T-dog, we need to wrangle some ghouls for Frankenstein's experiments, wanna come help." Terry's ears perked. "Sure...i can.." He stopped hearing a clinking noise, looking over he seeing Lena with two beers. "Sorry guys, i needed else where." "Whatever man, see you on the flip side." The cart buzzed off as Ash eyeballed the two as the laughed and walked off towards the living quarters. Ash made her way to the gym, now wearing short shorts and a tank top, small enough to show her firm belly and hug her large breasts, her nipples poking through the fabric.

Spending some time on the treadmill her breasts bounced as she jogged, beads of sweat building on her face. Breathing hard she pushes herself faster, it only seemed natural to work her powerful lioness body. She suddenly felt a presents in the room with her, she looked over her shoulder seeing one eyed bunny in what was similar attire to her own, she must have come to work out. "Well, fancy meeting you here, i hope I'm not intruding." Ash just kept jogging, there was something about the bunny's attitude towards the others that really bothered her. She didn't have anything against her, but in any given situation, she would not hang out with her. Rose mounted another treadmill and started running with the lioness, she looked over at her and smiled to herself, Ash was taller, well toned.

"You know, if we don't get anywhere with these scientists soon, what would you think about leaving this place?" Ash kept looking forward. "I have thought about this already, this place seems to offer fewer and fewer perks to survival." The lioness dismounted and started wiping her neck with a towel. She suddenly felt a warm form press up against her back, one hand lightly caressing her belly and the other lightly cupping her breast. "You know, i have had my eye on you for some time now, did i ever tell you how i lost my eye." Ash slowly removed the bunny's hand from her soft mound and turned smiling. "No..." Captain Rose ran her hands up and down her sides grabbing a hold of her hips. "I was top side for the whole thing, decided to join the guard just to get a gun in my hands, felt more safe i guess. Got into one of the big battles for DC, was taken down by a ghoul, he tried to shove his cock in my mouth.......he missed. I blacked out from the pain, woke up in a truck leaving the city." Ash listened intensively as the bunny lovingly ran her fingers over her sexual form. "Needless to say, i have lost interest in men as you can imagine."

"Wouldn't that have left you infected?....." The bunny smiled. "yes, but Frankenstein says she is close to fixing it, you know....i will want to wreck the shit out of someone when that happens." Ash smiled and leaned into the bunny's breath. "I would be flattered." She then side stepped and made her way to the exit. "If i like you at all." Captain Rose watched the lioness stroll off as her face slowly twisted to anger. "It is becoming difficult to keep my cool with these people, who do i have to fuck to have a normal life in this day and age!"

The three soldiers made their way down to the corral, outside the sun was hot as they waved the animal snares in the air as they looked over the mob of sex zombies looking to pick out a select few to take in. The corral was a simple two door box attached to the fence, made of wood, it was hastily put together to fill in a hole in the fence. One of the soldiers, a dog stood atop a wood frame that was just above the corral. "Hey come on you stupid shit heads, get over here." The ghouls against the fence didn't move only continuing their attack on the fence, the creatures in the distance looked on, not eager to get close to the corral. The soldier on the wood frame was joined by another. "Time for some bait." They smiled at each other. Unzipping they pulled out their dicks and started making cat calls at the on looking ghouls.

A lone sex zombie, a doe looked at the others, who were still reluctant to go over, she slowly started to walk over to the corral. It's arms stretched out trying to get the prize, soon more joined her as their urges over came what little sense they had, over come. "Come on you pieces of shit, dumb fucks, get over here, i got some meat for yeah." The soldiers watched as the creatures got closer, they soon zipped up and got their animal snares, securing the leather loops around the ghouls necks forcing them into the wood box, as the sex zombies fought back moaning. The soldiers struggled to get them in one at a time as they passed the poles to one another, trying to keep everything under control. The first ghoul out was the doe who fought against the leash, trying to get at one of the soldiers, a second ghoul was brought out, a female leopard in a ripped dress. "Alright then, i think she can make do with the two." The other sex zombies enraged started hammering away at the wood structure with rocks and bricks, getting back their courage.

The doe and leopard became difficult to handle as they got more excited, being on the inside of the fence, where all other ghouls wanted to be. The two white eyed sex zombies fought against the snares. The two soldiers stood across from each other with the ghouls between them. The struggle seemed certain when the old pole holding the leopard snapped, she licked her lips and started going for the soldier across from her. Panicking he dropped his own pole to grab his sub machine gun, as he drew his weapon he started firing a spread of bullets dotting across the doe's back. "What the fuck are you--" the soldier across from him was cut silent as he took rounds across the chest. The doe and leopard looked at the sub machine gun wielding soldier with hunger. "Get the fuck out of there, I'm going for help!" The dog atop the wooden structure leaped down, doing a role and running for the bunker entrance. "No don't leave me, I'm out..IM....OUT!!!" He said as he was tackled by the two white eyed fems.

It didn't take long for reinforcements to come, Captain rose with the last three of her men. "Oh...oohhh, uuuhh, crap!" They came apon the threesome in the grass, the soldier being held down as the two zombies pleasured him. The doe licking up and down his shaft while the leopard sucked his dick. "Help me! Help.....uuuhhhh" The soldier groaned and shot his load into the leopards mouth, she pulled back and let the streams of jizz squirt across her face, the doe got a little taste too. Soon the soldier stopped moving and Rose just pulled her big revolver, as she opened fire the others followed suit and blew the ghouls away, which seemed to enrage the white eyed fiend on the other side of the fence. The one eyed bunny walked up and stood over her men. One shot to death, the other died with a smile on his face. She cocked her revolver and lowered it, slowly pulling the trigger and shooting her man in the head. She turned and looked at her last soldiers and frowned. "This ends today....."

Back underground the soldiers where at the bar with their leader a very angry captain Rose, each drinking to morn the loss of their comrades, a small pile of beer bottles gathering on a large round table the were sitting around. "Stupid boys, stupid crappy poles........stupid zombies!" One of the soldiers said with a slur. "This is the government's fault, why would they leave us out here this alone." "No no, this is societies fault, with its emphases on sex and beauty....." The others just looked at him like he was insane. The semi drunk bunny placed her big revolver on the table. "No, you know who's fault this is. Frankenstein and the other scientists. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be down here, hiding in some hole waiting to die." The soldiers perked up and finally pinning down their invisible enemy. "Yeah! Why do we have to stay here huh?! When was the last time any of us got paid!" One soldier cried out. "I say we muscle our payment out of those nerds, we're not soldiers anymore, we're body guards, nothing more, we deserve somethin!"

The one eyed rabbit smiled. "Gentlemen, if you permit me, if you follow me, i know exactly how i can get you boys paid. The soldiers ears perked at the idea of some sort of reward for risking their lives. "What do you have in mind?"

Frankenstein worked in the dimly lit lab, writing in a her journal, as she examined a test tube of pink liquid, she squinted her eyes. "I think....I'm finished." She said muttering to herself, the rubber end of her pencil against her bottom lip. "All i need is a living test subject, but who in their right mind would have sex with one of those creatures, with an outside chance they might survive?" "What you working on?" Frankenstein quickly looked behind her seeing captain Rose, the one eyed bunny smiled and walked up with her hands behind her back. "I'm working on the same thing i have been working on since i got here, i believe i am getting close, i just need a test subject." The one eyed rabbit placed her hands on the cat's shoulders. "About that, did you know i lost two of my men today trying to wrangle you some ghouls to play with."

Frankenstein seemed unconcerned. "Well, maybe they should lay off the alcohol and they would be able to do their jobs right." Rose gave a fake laugh and ended it by slowly pressing her gun against the grey cat's head. Frankenstein froze at the unprecedented out come, clearing the captain has lost it she thought. "What are you doing captain? Have you been sleeping like i told you t---" She stopped talking feeling the cold steel against her cheek. "I have had enough of your condescending attitude, i think it's about time you give me and my men a little compensation." Frankenstein started to sweat a little. "What are you talking about!?" Captain Rose slowly turned the chair the cat was sitting in around revealing the three soldiers standing there. "Wh...whats going on!?" "This" The one eyed bunny slipped the knife down the cat's cleavage and cut her shirt open, as the buttons popped and fabric ripped, Frankenstein's breasts bounced, and exposed themselves in front of the men.

The grey cat blushed and screamed a little, as Rose pressed her gun against a breast, and using the barrel end to circle her nipple. "What do you say boys, lets call this collected!" The soldiers smiled and chuckled to themselves. Captain Rose shoved hard pushing Frankenstein into the trio of sinister looking soldiers. They each grabbed onto her and started running their hands across her soft body. "You stop this right now! No, don't touch me there!" She said with a blush on her face as the first soldier kissed her pushing his tongue into her mouth making her moan her dissatisfaction into his. The second soldier squeezed her tits and ran his tongue across the puffy mounds, running his tongue around and across her nipples, making them hard. He gleefully play with the cats breasts as he switched from licking to sucking. The third stopped her long legs from kicking as he pulled up her short skirt, using his thumb to slid her panties down her upper legs he nuzzled in between her thighs and started licking her soft pussy lips.

Frankenstein soon lost her will to fight back as her moans of protest were replaced with moans of pleasure, the first soldier pulled his tongue out of her mouth and licked her neck, joining the second soldier in sucking on her breasts. The grey cat was forced to lift one leg as the third soldier pushed fingers into her warm insides, lightly but quickly licking her clit, pussy juice dripped down his hand as he did this. Captain Rose smiled sinister like. "Sounds like your enjoying yourself already prof, must be nice getting your sexual frustrations out, unlike me who can't even touch myself or I'll turn." Frankenstein moaned with pleasure as the boys have at her sexual form, licking, sucking, caressing and fingering. "Please stop this, i will help you, i promise." The rabbit frowned. "Oh don't worry, i know, i know, but I'm going to help you first." She snapped her fingers. "Boys, give her mouth a rest from talkin."

The soldiers ripped her cloths even more as Frankenstein found herself on her knees in her lab, the three soldiers around her. "mmmmrrrrfff.." She tried to say something which was difficult with a hard dick in her mouth, another rubbed against her face and the third in her right hand. The grey cat managed to pull her head back, letting the cock slid out of her mouth, pre-cum and drool dripping down her lips. Licking her lips the other cock with pushed into her mouth as it started fucking her mouth. The soldier in front of her reached down and squeezed her breasts. "Come on prof down leave me out!" The grey cat hesitated only to take two dicks in her mouth as she sucked them both off. While still holding the other in her warm hand stroking it. The soldiers groaned as she spit their hard cocks out to suck on the third.

The one eyed bunny rubbed the back end of her gun against her crotch as she watched. "Such a little slut, it's always the quite ones. Come on boys, she only has one mouth." "Oh shit yeah!" The third soldier stepped around and pushed the grey cat on all fours and rubbed the head of his big dick against her asshole. Frankenstein looked back with a blush on her face. "Don't you dare! You...." "A shat up!" The soldier said as he pushed into her making her scream out. They could tell she has never been fucked there before. "Stop, stop, I'm to educated for this kind of thing." The grey cat said in protest as she was lifted and forced to sit on the large cock. "Yeah, yeah that it!" The second soldier said, kneeling forcing Frankenstein to spread her legs, rubbing his big dick against her moist pussy lips. Soon he pushed into her and the grey cat moaned with pleasure as she felt two large cocks in her, moving and fucking her asshole and pussy. The scientists tits rocked, bouncing up and down as she felt the big dicks thrusting into her warm holes.

Frankenstein opened one eye feeling a warm member slap against her cheek seeing the third hard cock, which she opened her mouth excepting it as she bounced, sucking off the big dick in her mouth. The one eyed bunny smiled watching the four way fuck fest as the grey cat bounced, her hard nipples flicking sweat as drool dripped down her chin, the big dick in her mouth almost down her throat. The soldiers grunted and breathed heavy as the moved their hips, pumping their hard cocks into every hole of the sexy scientist. Frankenstein blushed a deep red, as she moaned a muffled moan of pleasure. "Damn, she's sucking me in! I think I'm cummin!" The soldier fucking her love hole cried out . "No before me you don't!" The soldier under her fucking her ass said thrusting faster making the cat's tits bounce faster. Frankenstein arced her back and squealed with the big dick in her mouth. Frankenstein arced her back and screamed as she came, pussy juice dripping hard down her round ass cheeks and down the hard cock in her ass. The soldiers groaned feeling her tighten up as they fucked faster.

The big dick in her ass throbbed as it pumped hot cum into her, spilling out and leaking down the soldiers dick. She felt a second jet of hot cum fill her pussy as it dripped down, flowing with her juiced down her soft ass. She quickly raised one hand and jerked the hard cock in her mouth off until the soldier grabbed her blonde hair and started to cum in her mouth, the cock popped out of her mouth shooting the hot cream across her face. "Well, well, that proved entertaining, i bet you loved that more then you let on you science slut." Frankenstein looked with a disapproving eyes at the rabbit, jizz scattered across her blushed face. The dim light bulb flickered over a small potted plant, which was kept alive by a small UV lamp, a single leaf fell off. Captain Rose eyed the test tube of pink liquid with the sounds of moaning pleasure in the background. The bunny turned seeing one soldier was still plugging away, Frankenstein naked and on all fours, her breasts bouncing under her as the soldier fucked her, slapping against her soft round ass. The other two were rummaging through the lab with cigars and beers. She lowered herself in front her cum covered face, holding the vile.

"Do you have any more of this stuff, i over heard you saying you were done, maybe if it does." She used a hand to raise the moaning cat's head so they were eye to eye. "We could keep you on as a fuck toy, you know. Earn your keep." "There is more over here boss." One of the soldiers produced a small jar of the same pink liquid. "Good work, have yourself another free round on her!" Frankenstein screamed in lust as the soldier fucked her faster then stopped, pulling out the grey cat fell to her side as cum dripped from her pussy. " can' hasn't....been....tested." She said panting in a weak voice to the eye bunny. Rose snapped her fingers. "Now that you mentioned it, i think i may have a test subject lined up."

Frankenstein moaned a little as she was pulled down the hallway naked, as the group made their way to the Jenner lab. Inside they found a single caged ghoul, pressed up against the bars sniffing and drooling. "Wha.....what are you going to do?" Frankenstein said shaking a little before feeling a pain in her arm as she looked seeing a needle plunged into her with the pink liquid being driven into her. "Ah no! What are you--" "Shut it!" the rabbit grabbed her hard making her cry out. "But you said i could fuck her again." The soldier said winningly. "Don't worry your little head, there are plenty of woman down here, go to the armoury and suit up, we're taking over." The soldiers smiled and ran out of the room. "As for you my pet, i will be back to see if this really works." To Frankenstein's horror she was pushed into the cage, she tried to cover her naked body from their leering white eyes. "Good luck honey!" Captain Rose walked out of the room as the blonde naked cat pressed against the inside of the cage, the white eyed ghoul baring down on her. She let out a scream that filled the Jenner lab.

A burnt out a car was pushed over, as it rolled over onto the sidewalk, revealed a naked metallic horned fox as she walked through a war torn city. B-9 looked around with her goofy smile, as she read the signs, looked through the windows as if she was window shopping. Not to far away was an armoured truck, where Kyle and Shanna monitored C.H.E.L using computers and head sets. "Ok B-9, it is time to test your metal, are you ready for your first field test?" Shanna said, leaning against her brother lovingly. "Wait, we have made contact!" Kyle jumped in his seat a little. B-9 came upon a large group of ghouls going about their existence, wondering as if they still had a life to live. "Heya everybody!" B-9 called out to them, her eyes turning white as she opened her arms in a greeting manner.

The group of sex zombies looked at each other and revelled in their luck as they moaned and charged at the foxy robot. Instead of a loving embrace the lead zombie tackled B-9 to the ground, C.H.E.L simply giggled and fell to the ground embracing her attacker. Soon the whole group was all over her, grabbing at her naked body, hands squeezing her breasts and gliding fingers down her belly. B-9 blushed as a pair of fingers caressed and pushed into her soft pussy. Hands forced her to spread her legs. C.H.E.L gave no resistance as she moaned with pleasure as the group of sex fiends ran their tongues across her body, licking her nipples and lapping at her tits. One sex zombie ran her tongue up her arm pit, across her cheek and pushed it into the fox bot's mouth, moaning and kissing her. B-9 grabbed onto her hair and returned the kissed, blushing as her juices flowed from love hole, the hungry tongues lapping them up.

A male ghoul grabbed the female zombie's hair and pulled her away, directing his hard cock to B-9's lips. C.H.E.L licked her lips and opened her mouth, taking the big dick in as she willingly sucked him off. She moved her head back and forth sucking cock as another ghoul moaned and pushed his cock into her soft warm love hole. B-9 moaned with pleasure as her large tits started bouncing, the big dicks inside her fucked her holes. The pleasure came easy to her, this was what she was build for, as the heat built up, her spine started to glow once again, as energy pulsed up her back. Red electrical arcs started appearing across her horns, the nice warm feeling only making the ghouls around her fuck and lick her faster. Just then, with ease the fox bot arced her back and screamed with her mouth full, a sudden pulse of energy emerged from her body as the sex zombies around her burst into flames, only seconds later being reduced to bones and glowing ashes.

B-9 finished her orgasm as she looked at the other ghouls around her. "That was great, but i want more." She said keeping her legs spread for all to see. The sounds of sex as since alerted even more of the creatures as a small army of them started to gather around the lone sex bot. Completely ignoring the apparent danger the next wave of ghouls attacked and piled onto C.H.E.L as she giggled embracing them. The otters watched on monitors with full sound as B-9 moaned with pleasure, large breasts bouncing as the creatures took their turns fucking her, each one being destroyed in the same manner as before. "This is pretty hot....i mean amazing, they don't seem to have any regard for their own safety. They see the others fall but keep trying to have sex with B-9."

Shanna says keeping her eyes glued to the screens. "It seems that Professor Keller's assessment of their growing intelligent doesn't seem to over power their basic instinct to screw anything living." kyle wrote down some notes. He suddenly stopped feeling a hand rubbing his pants crotch. "Shanna!" He said leaning back with surprise at his sister's actions. "Oh come on, we haven't been bad since this whole thing started. Why don't we take a break and let C.H.E.L collect all the data we need." As she said this he unzipped his pants reached inside playing with his semi-hard in her hand. "If our parents were still alive, they would kill you, again!" Shanna now on her knees looked up at him with his cock out of his pants as she jerked him off. "It takes two to dance bro." She started licking his thick cock, with every touch Kyle grew bigger and harder with excitement. She ran her tongue up and circled the head before puckering her lips around it and started sucking his dick.

Kyle groaned and rested his head on the chair. "Damn it, i haven't felt this since..." His line of thought wondered. "College.." His sister finished it before continuing her blow job. Kyle groaned in agreement and placed a hand on his sister's head as it bobbed in his lap. Shanna slowly unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it open revealing her breasts, she took her hands and pressed her tits together, with the otter's dick between them. Kyle eyed the monitor watching the ghouls exploding with energy as he smiled feeling pleasure shoot up his body. He hadn't felt such pleasure in so long it didn't take long for him to groan loud as his cock throbbed, Shanna felt this stroked him off until he finally shot his load. A stream of white warm cream squirted onto the otter's face. She smiled and licked the cream from her face. "Oh, so soon, poo." Kyle breathed heavy. "Sorry, B-9 makes good porn on the screen...."

Outside B-9 laid in a large pile of bones and ashes as she stretched out and relaxed with a smile on her face. "How many did she.....what!" Shanna jumped up from her knees while buttoning her shirt. "Over nine thousand!" She said with a shocking ton poring over the read outs. "How is that possible in such a short amount of time!?" Kyle smiled. "It turns out our little C.H.E.L is an exhibitionist, this test must have really excited her." Shanna pick up her notes again turning her back to her brother who placed a hand on her ass. "These numbers just seem unreal!" B-9 blew away a puff of ash from her nose and sat up. "Hello? Is it over?" She looked around the seemly dead and vast graveyard of all the ghouls that came to pleasure her.

"Well poo, i still want some fun." Shanna and kyle looked over the data. "I can't believe she beat all the sex zombies in the area. This is better then i thought it would be." Suddenly a loud roar could be heard, both from where C.H.E.L was and from inside the armoured truck where the two otter scientists suddenly stopped. "What was that?" Shanna look up as if looking through the plates of steel. "Look there!" Kyle pointed at one of the monitors seeing large beast of a creature, waving tentacles protruding from its back and arms. It could only be seen in silhouette with its piercing white eyes shooting through the darkness. B-9 sat up and placed a finger on her lower lip. She could feel the large creature's foot falls as they vibrated through the ground, he came closer with every powerful stride, thick tentacles wiggling around him.

"OK B-9 just make your way over to, your weapon should work on it like normal." Kyle said through a mic. B-9 with her trademark smirk walked towards her seemly doomed target. "Hey there big guy, wanna fuck?" The large creature sniffed around seeing all of the scorched ghouls then suddenly thrust his tentacles forward and wrapped them around the fox bot who did little to resist. B-9 bit her lip as the strong tentacle forced her to spread her legs as they wiggled and writhed across her naked body, wrapping around her large breasts and squeezing them, rolling over her nipples with speed, making them hard as she blushed and moan feeling pleasure shoot through her body. Kraken licked his lips as two of his tentacle tips quickly stroked up and down her soft pussy lips and asshole. "My god what is this thing?!" Kyle said typing on a keyboard. "Some sort of mutation i would guess, i never thought anything like this could exist." His sister responded.

The two probing tentacles pushed into the fox bot and started pumping like pistons on a machine as they fucked B-9's pussy and ass. B-9 cried out in pleasure as she curled her toes feeling the thick intruders push and pump deep into her holes. Soon her moans of pleasure were muffled as a thick tentacle squirmed into her mouth fucking her face. Kraken howled at the sky as his tentacle fucked the robot faster, juices dripping onto the ash and bone riddled surface under them. Dr. Keller stood off in the distance watching with an evil smile on her face. Just as Kraken was about to bring to moaning fox bot down onto his double large cocks to get nice and personal, C.H.E.L arced her back, as her back glowed red, arcs of lighting sparked from her horns. Kraken screamed as he was suddenly over come with a strange power, his tentacles burst into flames, turning his face he felt heat scorch half his face and chest.

Kraken dropped the dangerous robot as his tentacles crumbled into ash, B-9 hit the ground and looked up with pretty eyes at the howling, still whole beast. "Uh oh..." Shanna said seeing the weapon didn't seem to work. Kraken stroked his two big dicks getting ready to attack again when suddenly he heard a hiss behind him. He looked seeing the naked grey cat in charge, Dr. Keller with an out stretched arm, wind blowing through her light blonde hair, clenched her fist. Just as Kraken saw this he turned and grabbed the fox bot's ankle, picking her up into the air and smashing her down onto the ground, causing a huge dust up, then whipping her into a near by building. The wall exploded into dust and debris. "B-9 hun, your going to have to get aggressive with this one, take him down, then go down on him!" The lithium haired creation heard in her head.

Wooden stares creeks under the rapid foot falls of the fox bot, as Kraken heard a window crash. Looking up he spots the beautiful form flying at him and connecting a powerful punch to with his face. The shock travelled down his large frame and forced the road to blister under his feet. "Ha ha! Good girl!" Just as Kraken's vision was restored from the hit, the fox bot was under him, landing a double fist on his jaw making the great creature recoil and roar as he fell back under the power of the strike. Kraken quickly recovered slamming his fist on the road and started a charge at the small female, who danced around a lamp pole, like a stripper. "Not this time big guy!" Shifting her weight in mid air the lamp post bent and finally broke, lifting a chunk of cement on the end with it. B-9 swung hard cracking the large croc in the head sending him reeling from his charge as he howled in frustration. The horned beauty continued turning full circle striking again with the large make shift baseball bat, lifting Kraken off his powerful feet and sending him flying into a nearby building smashing a large window and breaking through brick and mortar.

Kraken's white glowing eyes could be seen through the small forest of manikins, wearing dresses behind a sign reading. "End of the world sale." Just as C.H.E.L was getting ready for another attack a partially revived tentacle lashed out and smacked her face and refluxed striking her onto her back. B-9 looked up seeing the monster over her almost faster then she can track, he was not slow it seemed. Soon the sex robot came under attack by a flurry of powerful strikes as Kraken smashed her into the road, fist after fist, punch after punch as the large creature roared triumphantly, punctuating his berserker attack by grabbing her leg. Kraken made a powerful turn and pitched her into a building. B-9 found herself sailing through a brick wall, several dry walls and another brick one. Kraken watched as the small female robot smashed through the entire building, then the next, stopping in a distant third, leaving a trail of debris and smoke in her wake. "B-9 are you ok! Respond!"

Kraken roared a roar that shook the the glass windows of the dead city, only to stop when seeing a car miss him and hit a building, of which the entire front end collapsed due to half the structure missing, filling the street with smoke. "I'm still in this doctor." Kraken snarled looking up seeing a fire truck arcing through the air, and crushed him with a single landing into the smoke filled streets. A small feminine figure followed the large vehicle through the air and landed right beside it. "Come on now, you gotta know I'm tougher then you by now, just lay back and it wont hurt." A tall shadow over came her as the fire truck was stood up and pushed right over onto her. She in turn pushed it aside staggering out from under as a large hand grasped her head, her horns protruding from between his thick fingers. Kraken started punching her gut as she hung like a punching bag, but this did little to stop her, raising her hips she threw her long legs around his neck.

Using her immense mechanical strength she arced her back breaking his arm, throwing her weight to one side forcing him onto his back, finishing the fight by heel dropping on his neck, collapsing his throat. The fox bot stood over him looking down. "Don't worry baby, it will end quick." She said with her cute smile. She leaned in close and stroked one of his big dicks, aiming it for her love hole. Suddenly something struck her on the head knocking her off balance, she looked seeing the hissing Dr. Keller holding a brick. Kraken took the distraction grabbing one leg and one arm with each hand, tentacles wrapping around the fox box's naked body. "Errr, what are you doing!" She said struggling as the large powerful creature pulled and twisted her body. Her torso stretched as her near flexy tough skin started to rip. B-9 tried to fight back, but was silent, which was the most weird thing about this. "No, no, no, no, no, fuck no!" she could hear in her head.

Just as her metallic spin gave in one twist she was pulled in two, her upper body being tossed and smacked against a pile of bricks. "ow, you jack ass!" B-9 called out as white liquid squirted from tubs handing from her now missing lower half, as sparks popped and crackled under her. C.H.E.L coughed up white blood as she rolled her eyes into the back of her head. Dr. Keller stood their watching her creature stand, Kraken's neck growing out back to normal. Kraken stomped the ground and roared another powerful roar. Kyle and Shanna watched in horror as the two sex zombie's walked down the destroyed street in their direction. "Oh no....."

End part 2

Day of the Sex Zombies part 3 FINAL

The doctors Jenner pored over their information frantically, after loosing B-9 they lost their eyes to the outside world. "What the hell was that thing!? And where the hell is it going!?" They stopped suddenly hearing a series of thumps outside their...

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Day of the Sex Zombies part 1

Ash lay on the couch in a small room peering through slightly open eyes at a T.V. That was running news programs. Everything that has happened in the past couple years, the plague that has swept across the Americas....nothing could stop it....and all...

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Invasion of the Sex Zombies part 2

Barbra slowly opened her eyes, an image of a fuzzy face slowly materialized into the face of a young wolf. "Oh...ooh..Ash she's awake." He called out not minding the horse's ears as she closed her eyes again at the sound of Terry's voice. Barbra sat...

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