Stranded (Part 1) [Trade]

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Kystratr Village, Western Veden Isles

15th of August, 5:43 AM

Jaded. Jet-lagged. Dog-tired. Doing everything he could to avoid his taxi driver's eye, the fox gazed down at a black phone screen. Having run out of battery an hour ago, it was going to be dead until Sky could find a socket to charge his phone with. To make matters worse Sky had been sitting in the taxi with nothing to do for an hour, such was the hell of visiting Kystratr: Wallflower of the Western Isles! The place in the middle of fucking nowhere! Sky chuckled at his joke, but shut up when the taxi driver took a glance at him.

The fox would have preferred the bus, but there were literally no buses going into his home village. Nothing, but boats, the occasional taxi and rogue lorry came into the village on a regular basis seeing as how it wasn't on any maps. Furs could see the name everyday, if they were into fish, and not recognize it if they saw the sign, which was a salmon fish with the letters 'K stratr' written over it. No 'y', that had fallen off years ago and the villagers hadn't noticed yet.

His face on his face, Sky stared out the window like a zombie. He had plenty of things to look at:

Darkness. Darkness. Feral sheep? Nope, just a dropped jacket. Darkness. Darkness. Broken streetlight! Darkness...

Sky was almost shocked when light, from the village, beat out the black that had lingered outside of the window for what seemed like forever. It was refreshing to see light. That and he'd traveled an unbelievable amount this past day, mostly in total darkness. Since he himself couldn't drive, the canine had been given a lift to the port by a friend, then he'd caught a boat from Sialas to Revod before finally hailing a taxi. That had been an hour ago and if the taxi driver charged by time rather than miles, he'd be broke; not that this taxi journey wasn't going to sap most of his cash. Fortunately, he'd be able to borrow some money from his parents for his return journey.

"Hey! Fox, you awake back there?" The taxi driver, a boar with more fat on him than a bacon wrapped, stuffed with butter soaked stuffing, and drowned in gravy meatlof, grunted.

"Yeah. Sorry." Sky popped out his earphones and pushed them into his pocket along with his phone, both of which hadn't been working. Silent, the boar held out his forepaw.

"Fifty for the mileage. Sixty six with base pay." The fox barely managed to cough up the cash and, as a rather shitty reward, the boar tossed the canine's suitcases onto the drenched sidewalk. Sky got out and quickly retrieved them. By the time he looked up, the boar was kicking up dust with his wheels as he sped off down the road. He had a good reason to be grumpy, he'd driven out into the middle of nowhere and the pay was shitty.

Sky exhaled deeply, it had been a while since he'd felt butterflies in his stomach. He was back in Kystratr after... three years? Regardless of how long it had actually been, it had been long enough for Sky to forget what the coast was like; feral seagulls howling in the distance, waves crashing on the beach somewhat audible to his sensitive ears and the taste of salt stinging in his nose. It was soothing to the inhabitants of the village, but Sky hated it. No wonder he'd moved out of the sleepy hollow of a village.

He hadn't really left his home village for that reason, there had been other reasons. Perhaps it would be best to detail where he'd lived over the years.

He was born, twenty one years ago, in the village, but moved at four before he started school to go to a big city not too far away. Then, when he was sixteen and his education was finished, he and his family moved back into the village. To them, it was home, but to Sky it was an alien planet. Everything was so... quiet. The cars were old and coughed as they drove, the internet was shit and all of his friends were gone. Well, not all of them.

James was, emphasis on the was, the only fur in the village that didn't bore Sky to death. He was a spotted hyena and, the last time Sky had saw him, he fit perfectly into the category of 'Virile DILF', only without the son and the sex drive. The hyena had an arresting paunch that was, since he was only eighteen at the time, not fully developed and was slowly decreasing in size thanks to all the work he'd been doing. It was shame to see the DILF in him dwindle and die, but Sky said nothing considering that there was a high likely hood of James turning into a stud muffin or a beefcake or a hunk, all three of them Sky would take over a DILF any day, any night. Socially and emotionally, the spotted hyena was rather secretive and repressed; nothing he said seemed to be empowered with strong emotions. Sky preferred the vivacious, fuck everything in sight and party hard type of furs to be his friends, so it was no surprise that they'd been friends for a minimal amount of time.

They'd met because a quick visit back to the village when Sky was eleven and James was twelve. Then they'd spoken online for five years and James had developed feelings for the fox, not that he'd said anything. Finally when Sky came back to the village unwillingly, he'd rage fucked James. Or rather, he'd rage ridden the hyena. It was supposed to be nothing, just as fuck between friends who weren't ashamed to get it off with another guy, but somewhere along the line they'd started dating.

Unfortunately, or fortunately perhaps, Sky had forged an interest in shooting comedy videos and posting them online. Pranks, skits, Q & As... Anything to get views. He'd risen to internet star status in a year, bringing him to seventeen, then had enough watchers to make just above the minimum wage from ad revenue. It was Sky's perfect job. He had fun doing it and didn't have to work hard. But, he knew that he couldn't do much with his videos if he stayed in Kystratr and so, when he was eighteen, he'd packed up and left in the night to James' horror. At first, they tried to maintain a long distance relationship, but as opportunities for videos moved Sky further and further away (eventually to a different continent!) things fell gradually silent between them.

Until recently.

Sky had decided that he wanted to record a trip back to his home village, just a one week long series of videos in which he'd show off his home village and the life he'd abandoned. But, Sky had been presented with one problem: he had no where to stay since his parents were on a cruise and well... The fox would probably burn the house down if they let him stay there alone. He was stuck with no way out. That was until James messaged him. With no other choice, Sky had accepted. Now he was waiting at the outskirts of the village in the rain.

James didn't own a car, so it was no surprise for Sky when the hyena strolled up the road wearing a yellow rain coat. He stood out like a lighthouse's ray because of his height and the garish color he wore. He was a fair bit taller than Sky, the hyena being six foot and Sky being five foot four, so (when he was finally face to face with him) James towered over him.

The hyena huffed as if he were annoyed with Sky and opened an umbrella, placing it over the fox.

"Thanks." Sky smiled, shivering still. He took the umbrella from James when the hyena gestured for him to do so.

"Come on, Skylar." James sighed and took the fox's suitcase then ,without another word, turned around to lead the fox back to his apartment. James had always persisted on calling Sky 'Skylar' rather than his chosen name, it was somewhat annoying for the fox, but it was... good almost to hear James say his name. Even if it was the wrong one.

"So why did you offer to let me stay with you?" The fox asked, skipping along to catch up with the hyena.

"Thought we could be friends again." James grunted with his gruff voice. "Can we?"

"Depends on what you feed me." Sky winked. James raised an eyebrow, rebuking the fox with his eyes. "Hey! No, not like that." He grinned. "Unless..." In an attempt that could be labelled desperate, Sky brushed his forepaw across James thigh and halted the hyena.

"No. Paws off." James caught Sky's forepaw and gave him a rough squeeze. "We shouldn't do anything; It's been years and I know what I want."

"What would that be?"

"A nice fur, not that you're not that, who I can raise a family with. I need somefur who can look after cubs, no offense, but you can't do that."

"Oh, so it's that way." Sky scowled, wrenching his forepaw free of James'.

"No. It's not. I just don't want to be your boyfriend, we can fuck if we're feeling it. But if you want... me properly." He paused and took a deep breath. "You'll have to work your way up again. Like we did the first time." The hyena smiled, "But for now we can make an amity.", he offered his forepaw to shake.

"I have a week, James!" Sky protested and declined the paw shake. "One week to have fun with you and then I have to go back to my normal life, we can forget about everything if we want!"

"So you admit that as soon as you leave again I'm going to be non-existent?! You always fucking do this!" James berated as he rounded a corner, closely followed by Sky who'd become distracted by a glittering piece of jewelry in the window. "Never mind." James huffed. "Forget I said that." And there he went again, back into a shell so that Sky didn't have anything to say about him.

The two arrived at James' apartment above the 'Salty Crab' bar. It wasn't the greatest bar, but it was the best in Kystratr. The food was half decent and if Sky remembered correctly James' father supplied the crabs that used in their special dishes.

"How is your Dad?" Sky asked, seemingly out of the blue. Regardless, James answered.

"Dead. He drowned at sea a few months ago, the boat got torn to pieces, so it must have been a storm." The hyena shrugged as if it, he, didn't matter. Talk about a stoic.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." Sky quickly apologized as flopped down on the massive double bed in the middle of the room; for a crabber, James sure earned a lot! The room resembled a hotel room, only one hundred times less expensive and much dirtier. There were takeout boxes pushed into a corner, dirty plates all over the sink and in it as well as magazines and dirty clothes littering the floor. The hyena didn't apologize, Skylar didn't mind messes anyway.

The fox tried to hide under a pillow, expecting that James was furious and had been faking his relaxed, un-bothered attitude.

"Don't sweat it. How are your folks, Skylar?" The hyena sat down on the side of the bed and began to undress.

"Still on that cruise. Here's to hoping that they don't get hit by a storm, right?" Skylar lifted his head out from under the pillow to catch James glaring at him, he'd gone too far already. "Sorry, man." The fox apologized and went back under his pillow.

There was a huff from James. "Like I said, it doesn't matter. I just, find it hard to laugh like I used to, y'know?"

"Is that what growing up is about?"

"Don't get philosophical with me!" James chuckled and tossed his wife-beater onto Sky's head. The red fox shot up and tore it off, the sharp stench of sea salt mixed with the musk of somefur who'd been working hard all day. Sky blushed when he saw his old friend stripped down to nothing but a pair of tight white briefs and a pair of socks. The hyena removed his socks, but stopped at his underwear. "Sorry." He apologized. "I almost forgot that I'm not alone tonight!"

"It's fine. I wouldn't mind that much." Sky winked.

"Hah! You haven't changed a bit!" James' voice caromed around the room, but didn't strip down to the nude in front of the younger male. Instead, he went into the bathroom and shouted from there: "I'm going to have a shower! You get ready for yours and unpack everything. As for where you're sleeping, you get the bed."

"James! No, I can't take your bed-"

"What!? Sorry, I can't hear you over the shower water!" The hyena grinned to himself as he turned the nozzle all the way, a powerful jet of water sprayed out onto his stripped body. Skylar grumbled a complaint, but let it slide and climbed into bed for a quick nap; unpacking was hard work, so it could wait!

James, meanwhile, concentrated on sluicing for a few minutes; he needed to clear his mind. His minx of an ex-boyfriend was back in town, horny, the hyena himself had a case of blue balls which had been their for the past three years and now they were staying in an apartment together with nothing to do thanks to the rain, so you'd understand why he was so stressed and tormented. The last thing he needed or wanted was a relationship with Skylar again. Sure, the fox could be affectionate and sweet, but James was afraid of being made into a fool when the fox got up and left for the continent again. James couldn't follow and Skylar couldn't stay, so his path was clear enough after five minutes of thinking it through; Skylar wasn't the fur for him. If Sky initiated something, he'd fuck the fox silly, but he wouldn't let it blossom into something romantic. It would be a quick fuck with no strings attached, Sky would be down for that, probably.

Then again, if Sky was interested in him he couldn't break the boy's heart. James frowned, maybe he could convince Sky- The hyena caught himself. It was a foolish idea and cruel to try to force Sky back into his life. Besides, long distance could work.

The hyena washed himself down with shampoo and conditioned his fur before stepping out. He dried with a towel then pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms. Since his fur was naturally kempt, assuming that he'd trimmed, James didn't need to thoroughly comb himself. Looking down, he noticed that his sheath made a slightly conspicuous bulge. Whether this would be a good thing or not, James couldn't tell. Then again, it was probably a good thing since upon seeing it Sky would either ignore it (telling James he wasn't interested in him) or do something so perverse and sexual it would shock a porn star, clearly telling James he was interested in him. That would help put the hyena's mind at ease.

James stepped out and scanned the room, expecting to see Skylar's ass sticking out of a wardrobe. Instead all he saw was a passed out fox, fully dressed on the bed with two packed suitcases still on the floor. This was one of the reasons why James didn't want to get back with the fox.

"SKYLAR!" James barked vehemently causing the fox to snap out of his dreamworld and shoot up.

"Shit!" Sky cussed and, as if James hadn't noticed, tried to unpack a few things. The hyena marched over and tore a suitcase out of the fox's forepaws.

"Go and have your shower! I'll do this myself..." James grumbled. Sky, sulking, but somewhat aroused by having a half-naked muscular hyena boss him about, slipped into the bathroom and started to undress. Sighing, James started to unpack Skylar's suitcases.

He was halfway into the first one when Sky's voice called to him. "James?"

"What is it Skylar?"

"Can I have my shampoo bottle? And my conditioner." He sounded as if he were begging.

"Use mine!" A pause.

"But I'll still need a towel! Plus I don't want to smell like... whatever war smells like."

"Blood, death and despair." James grumbled to himself, tipping out Sky's suitcase to get at his travel sized bottles, which were stashed at the bottom of one of his suitcases. He grabbed a fluffy towel on his way in and then, in anger, flung open the door. Sky squealed and tried to hide his modesty with his forepaws. James stopped in his tracks as his eyes settled on Skylar.

He wasn't anything like James had remembered. Three years had turned him into a sexy fox with a supple body that was hugged by vivid colored furs and a cute, coin purse pair of balls that Sky was failing to hide. And his sodden fur! James felt something growing in his bottoms, there was certainly nothing sexier to James than a soaking wet twink in the nude. Apart from multiple soaking wet twinks in the nude. A blush sprung up on his cute face as he stared down one of the tiles.

"C-can I have my towel?" Sky extended a forepaw and pointed to the rack. In a rush, to hide his cock which was rapidly approaching full mast, James dumped it in the sink instead and left before Sky could complain.

He threw himself onto his bed and glared at the tent he was pitching. Had Sky noticed? Was it too conspicuous? Then again, Skylar had been hiding his own modesty, so maybe he hadn't noticed. Pressing a thumb against it, James suppressed a moan. It had been too long since he'd jerked off, working on his boat kept him busy and even when it was off season he always found something to do related to his vessel. James wrapped a forepaw around his member and gave it a little squeeze, his cock answered with a dribble of pre.

Sky could be a while or Sky could take five minutes, the fox always seemed to do things at different speeds everyday. Either way, James couldn't just stay on the bed beating it off. He did what he always did in his spare time, work. There were bags to unpack, dishes to wash, things to clean... Three minutes dusting would surely take his mind off of the thought of Sky's ass. It flashed back into his mind. Soaked, bouncy and... seven minutes dusting for sure.

An hour later, Skylar emerged from the bathroom with dry fur, a towel wrapped around his waist and smelling of wild berries. Yawning, he wandered into the bedroom to find James laying head first in a pillow. He noticed that his bags were all un-packed and the room was spotless. Skylar frowned,

"James! You didn't need to clean all this up without me. I would have helped, I owe you anyway." He complained as he walked around to wardrobe where he suspected that his clothes... Yep! James had parted his clothes to one side and then had put Skylar's on the empty side. Skylar would have said something, but decided to just be grateful rather than nag the hyena for doing everything for him. Covering himself with a towel, Skylar pulled on a pair of night shorts and turned to ask James a question. Before the words could form on his lips, a loud snore erupted from the hyena. Skylar stopped a giggle, James was out cold. Deciding that his question could wait until the morning, he headed into the living room to sleep on the couch.

The living room was separated from the bedroom by a wall and a door, unlike the kitchen which was open plan with the bedroom. Originally, the bedroom and living room had been the other way around, but for convenience James had swapped the rooms; the hyena rarely went into the living room because of that. Despite this, the room was just as immaculate as the bedroom; there was no litter, no dust, no cobwebs. Skylar huffed a sigh of disappointment, disappointment in himself is that is; he should have hurried up with his shower, he could have helped, he told himself. Skylar found two blankets and a pillow waiting for him on the sofa. In truth, James had put these out for himself and was only sleeping on the bed because he needed to nap. Skylar, assuming that James had given into the fox's demands and was going to sleep on the bed, wrapped himself up in the blankets, lay down on the leather sofa and fell asleep before he even knew it; there was something tranquilizing about being under James' roof.

The Following Morning - 9:49 AM

"Morning." James waved and smiled to Skylar as he left the living room. The hyena, dressed in jeans and a red shirt, stood over the oven cooking what smelt like bacon.

"My back is sore." The fox grumbled and flopped on James' bed, it was comfortable and smelt strongly of the hyena.

"That's what you get for not sleeping on my bed like I told you." James chuckled. "Take a warm shower, I'll drag the TV in and we can watch some horror. Get the tension out of your muscles and into the air." Skylar huffed something about James being a masochist for being terrified as he slumped through the bathroom door. Stifling a laugh, the hyena left the bacon to cook and set out a few plates on the counter.

Skylar left the bathroom to the aroma of well done bacon, eggs, hash browns (which was his favorite part about a full Vedish breakfast), beans and just about everything else somefur could stuff into a Vedish breakfast before it became a feast. Wrapped in his towel, Sky flopped on the bed and watched closely as James spooned beans out onto their plates.

"Mmmm... Now I remember a good thing about this stupid town." He remarked.

"My ass?" The hyena playfully shook his hips, his small tail going with it. Skylar watched it as it wagged, licked his lips then elaborated:

"No, Jane from down the road's cooking. Got something going on with her?" The fox raised an eyebrow, he was just teasing since he knew that James was just as gay as he was.

"She gave me the recipe after I caught a few crabs for her, that's all." James frowned, not exactly catching on to Sky's joke. "That's not an innuendo by the way."

With two full plates of Vedish food, James slipped onto the bed and handed one to Sky along with a knife and fork.

"Thanks! I've been waiting for this." He was about to tuck in when he noticed that he was still wearing nothing but a towel. Looking to James, he asked: "Oh, do you want me to get changed? I bet this is awkward for you." The fox got off the bed, but froze when James spoke.

"Not at all." James gave a friendly smile and raised his forepaw to motion for Sky to sit back down. "Just try not to burn your sheath!" Skylar nodded and gave a smile similar to one that a slave might give their master. The two sat back against the headboard, that was when they noticed they hadn't put a movie on.

"I'll go get the TV!"

"Nope." Sky grabbed James by the forepaw and, somehow, hauled him back to the bed. "Stay! If you go get the TV, I'll take off my towel."

"That sounds like a win win situation to me!" James cachinnated. "Sorry." He added with a blush when he thought about what he said.

"I don't mind. I get worse off some of my fans." The fox chuckled. "Hey, can you take your shirt off please?" The fox was the fur blushing now. "If I'm showing somefur, you should as well."

"Are you sure that you don't have any ulterior motives?" James raised an eyebrow and gave a coy smile as he munched on a triangular piece of toast.

"None at all! Apart from wanting to see your hunky chest." Skylar winked, James was happy to oblige after that. Normally he wouldn't have even worn a short-sleeved shirt, being used to dressing for cold or wet weather, so the small canine was somewhat surprised when the hyena actually took his shirt off. "Oh." A rose blush sprung up on Sky's cheeks, it was so vibrant that James noticed. James ruffled his hair, observing that Sky was trying to find something else to gape at in awe, he boomed:

"It's not rude to stare you know. Come on, I loved it when you used to admire me!"

"First time your admitting it then." Sky stole a peek at James' chest and boy had the hyena been working out! Over the past years he'd gone from chubby to hunky, his pecs bulged in a different way, his biceps even more than those muscles and his six pack was coming along nicely. "Somefur's been hitting the gym." Sky giggled. "You stud muffin."

"It's more from hard work, but I have been to the gym a couple of times in the past three months." James flexed as a joke then jabbed at Sky's belly. "You, on the other forepaw, have definitely been keeping fit." The fox's belly was slim, his entire body was to be fair.

"Ugh, I hate exercise!" Sky laughed. "This is just from dieting and being so wrapped up with work I haven't eaten a good meal in months! This is actually my Vedish breakfast in... well, since I left here!"

"Well if you give me your address, I'll happily send a good few packages full of my cooking your way." James winked and saw that Sky had cleaned his plate. "And by the looks of it, you want me to!"

"I do. But I guess you'll just have to guess my address." Leaning forwards, Sky pecked the hyena on the cheek and watched as he curled up slightly in embarrassment. "Who's blushing now?" With a teasing smile, Sky skipped off the bed and let his towel drop. "Oops!" He laughed, swishing his tail from side to side quickly to keep his pucker and his balls hidden.

"Hubris! But then again I'd be pretty outgoing too if my ass was as bouncy as yours!" The fox nearly jumped a mile when James rocketed out of the bed to slap his ass. Laughing, James took both plates to the kitchen sink. "Who's blushing? You are." James stuck out his tongue and picked up his shirt.

"So what are we doing today?" The canine asked as he started getting dressed, today he was feeling a light pink shirt and a pair of skinny trousers decorated with white anchors.

"Your choice, it is your holiday after all." Sky completed the look with a grey woolly scarf that he wrapped around his neck twice before letting it flop forwards.

"Fashion!" He remarked when he noticed that James was starring. "And how about we go out on your boat?" James eyes lit up, he'd been wanting to show off his boat since Sky got into town.

"Sure!" James beamed. "Come on, where do you want to go?" The hyena was by the door pulling on his boots and jacket before Sky had even thought about answering the question.

"Take me to where you normally fish for crabs!" Sky grinned, it was great to see James in such a good mood for once. The fox grabbed his camera whilst the hyena retrieved the keys to his boat and house.

"Great, but I can't show you how I fish since it's off season and where I fish... well, they have regulations. I can check the waters to see how there doing, go for a swim there and feed the crabs, but I sure as hell can't fish for them until the season starts.

"That's fine." Skylar hid his camera behind his back and quickly followed the hyena out the door and to the port, he knew that James wouldn't approve too much of Sky taking his work with him.

James' crabbing boat was nothing special. After seeing those fishing shows on the TV, Sky was expecting to be brought onto a ship bigger than the titanic. What he actually got was a medium sized boat with a crane protruding from the back which held a large, metal crate. There were dents and scratches all over the red paint job, but James acted as if it were made of diamonds. The fox sat down on wooden chair that James had set out inside the cabin and took in the interior, it was no better than the outside of the boat and looked as if it needed a cleaner. Or maybe a bleach, Skylar corrected when he saw how grimy the edges had become. He had to put his phone into a bag that was tucked into the corner of the cabin.

"Sorry." The hyena chuckled as he entered the cabin. "About the mess and how long it took. I had to put the crabbing equipment away and well... I don't clean that often." James told one lie and one truth. He'd spent a couple of minutes talking to a fishing friend who told him that the waters were looking ill. But that wasn't going to stop him, it was almost as if he needed to show off his boat.

"It's no problem. So long as there are no spiders." The fox shuddered, eight legged, fuzzy monster freaks...

"I can assure you that we are arachnid free." James smirked and gave his friend a reassuring pat on the knee. "Mostly." He winked, that kept Sky rigid and still for a good portion of their journey south.

Kystratr was a successful fishing village for plenty of reasons, hard working residents being a big part, but an even larger part was its situation on the map. Sitting on the Southern coast of the Western isles (which was actually just composed of two islands) gave it access to plentiful schools of fish, crabs and other things. James was the only crabber in the village, seeing as how he had to travel far just to reach a decent crabbing area and even if he did there was no guarantee that he'd be there alone, the industry was surprisingly competitive. Therefore, it was no surprise that the hyena's favorite place was in the middle of solitude. There was nothing but deep blue sea, feral birds and everything on the boat.

"We're here." James announced to Skylar when a visceral feeling told him that he was in the right place. "Any reason you wanted to come out here? You've never been interested in my work before." The hyena looked over his shoulder, trying to make friendly conversation, to see that Sky was fiddling with his camera, which was a deplorable thing to him. His expression dropping, James rumbled: "Oh. So it was a ruse."

A storm began to brew.

"What was a ruse?" Sky brought the camera up with him and trained it on the hyena's furious expression. "Oh get over it." He pressed the film button and the three second count down started. "Don't be such a grump, James!" The hyena scrunched up his fists and turned his back on the fox.

"Hey guys! This is the Nilbog vlog!" He heard the fox introduce himself with a chuckle, James restrained himself from throwing the little hula girl fox he had on his panel. "For once we're not pranking anybody, although if the opportunity comes up, maybe I will. So this is the first day of my week long holiday blog and I am here, in Kystratr... Well. I'm not in the village actually..." Standing up, Skylar took himself outside and showed off the gorgeous view of the sea. "I'm in the middle of the ocean! Woooooooh!" He giggled. The fox moved the camera around with him all three hundred and sixty degrees to show that he was telling the truth, there wasn't a single piece of land in sight. The fox caught black clouds on his footage, but thought nothing of it.

James however, continued staring south and was half tempted to start the boat wrong and get it to splutter out some smoke, give the fox a good scare and what not. Sure it wouldn't be good for his boat, but it would spice up the fox's vlog. An idea came to him, he reached for his kill switch and pulled it out. Time to play a prank. He turned to the fox to tell him that there were a few dangerous waves heading right for them.

"So I'm not here alone since I really can't pilot a boat, I'm here with my friend! James!" The camera turned on the hyena, who glared it down."He's not a talker. So yeah, that's the ex-boyfriend James-"

"YOU TOLD THEM ABOUT US?!" A sudden roar erupted from the hyena and his hula girl was thrown across the boat to splash into the ocean. Everything got darker, it was awfully close

"Man overboard!" Skylar burst out laughing and followed the hula girl with his camera as it sunk, it's fire fur (since the thing was modeled after a fox) slowly being lost to the blue. "Well I guess I should say woman overboard, actually." Sky chuckled and beamed to James, who wasn't laughing. "Was that supposed to be me?" Another thing hurtled across the boat and splashed into the sea, the kill switch. In his rage James forgot what it was and marched over to Sky.

"Hey!" The fox yelped and cradled his camera to his chest as James wrestled him for the device.

"Give that to me!" The hyena, who was taller by a fair amount and weighed more, fell on top of the fox, crushing him against the deck. He let out a strangled cry and struggled underneath him.

"Let me stop recording at least, jeez!" Sky argued and shoved at James from beneath, barely moving the giant. "Hey!" The camera was snatched from his forepaws and using a knee, James held Sky down. The fox pounded against the hyena's stocky leg and whined. "Dude! My job is on that, it costs more than your boat!" The boat yawed violently as if it were angry with Sky's comment. The boat couldn't harm Skylar, but James (who was boiling with anger) could.

Holding the camera between both forepaws, James crushed it like a bug. Plastic remains splattered out like guts onto the fox's shirt. Skylar choked on air and his visage changed, looking more like somefur who'd seen their parents be murdered than somefur who'd had their camera crushed. "JAMES!" Sky wailed and a gust of wind burst out from around them, that caught the hyena's attention.

His head shot up to see the storm clouds and the moment he laid eyes on them, rain poured down onto the both of them. James dropped what he had in his forepaws onto Sky and bolted for his control panel. He quickly started everything and slammed his paw onto the pedal whilst Skylar scrapped up all the remains of his camera and shoved them in a bag sitting in the cabin.

"What's happening!" Skylar demanded to know. James didn't answer him, the hyena was busy not understanding what was going on with his boat. He checked everything quickly, his gear was on, the pedal wire wasn't cut, the kill switch was in... No it wasn't. The horrific memory of him lashing out and throwing the kill switch across the deck shot through his mind. "Shit..." He cussed and darted to the other side of the boat, as if it would be there in the water. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't and was well on its way to sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

"What's going on?" Sky shouted over the noise of fierce winds, the boat shook violently and the fox was blown off his paws. He hit the deck with a cry and immediately curled up, he fell still soon after. James, on the other hand, ran to his cabin, there was a spare hanging on the... Another gust of wind blew and James saw the second kill switch scatter across the deck. He dove with it and his shoulder collided against the side board, but it was under him at least. He caught it in his forepaws and shoved it into the slot, the boat started! Looking over his shoulder, he saw Sky on the floor and immediately realized that he couldn't leave with him sprawled out on the deck, he'd fall off!

"Fucking great." James growled as he sprinted out onto the deck and grabbed the moaning fox by the arms. "Get up!" He ordered as he hauled Sky backwards, a strong gust of wind blew him over. Sky headbutted his crotch and if not for the adrenaline pumping through him, he'd be subdued on the floor as well. The pain hidden from him, he grabbed Sky again and managed to get him inside the cabin. Closing the door, James dove back into his seat and started the boat. Just then, he managed to grasp just how violent the storm was.

The sea in front of him was more like a carpet being shaken, froth soaked the entire sea and lightning struck in the distance. Knowing he was fucked, James turned around and reached for the life jacket behind him; the sea would hopefully be merciful.Being a solo sailor, there was only one life jacket. Out of the corner of the eye he saw Sky, still knocked out.

"Just fucking perfect." James complained to whoever might be listening and rather than wearing it himself, forced it over the fox's head. James stood more of a chance than Sky did without the life jacket, seeing as how the fox was unconscious and couldn't swim particularly well. However, James could; there had been times when he'd had to put on a re-breather and dive to the ocean floor to retrieve a lost net, but then again the sea hadn't ever tried to kill him.

A large cracking noise screamed from out on deck, the first split. Looking out of the small window, James saw it reaching from one side to the other. As he watched, the end of his boat slipped away with a piece of his heart.

If he were a hyena of faith, he probably would have been huddled in a corner praying for his life. Fortunately, he wasn't and spent his time being more practical. He checked the waterproof bag next to him, everything in there was what he needed to survive. Instead of a pair of rosary beads, he held the bag to his chest and linked his arm through Sky's. He hoped that the jacket could float a skinny fox, a hyena built like a tank and a duffel bag full of necessities.

Another groan erupted from beneath the pair and the next thing James knew, he was plunged deep into the ocean underneath his boat. Everything slipped out of his existence as he was pounded from all angles by the waves above him. James had no idea where Sky was, or even if the bag was still on his shoulder. Something, probably a piece of the boat, struck James forehead.

Then there was darkness.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes ^_^

Story, locations © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Characters © avatar?user=370561&character=0&clevel=2 Wip

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