Public Performance [WARNING: Watersports]

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Public Performance

Zere Public Park

23rd of February, 12:53 PM

Vexed, the river otter marched a circuit on the straight gravel path. With his forepaws folded over his waist, he observed passersby.

'Are they judging me?' He asked himself whenever he caught somefur stealing a keek at him. Lukas felt skimpy in his clothes: a pair of black skinny jeans showed off way too much ankle and a tank top that was tight against his form due to its XS size, it also showed off a small section of fur between the bottom of his belly button and the waist band of his jeans. For shoes he wore an old pair of sandals, but at least he didn't wear socks with them. He wouldn't have usually worn something like this, his sense of style wasn't terrible, but Hayley have given him some special requests (which were demands come to think of it) when it came to what he was going to wear for their meeting; the female otter was persistent on not calling it a date.

At striped hyena of around forty years of age stopped and gave Lukas a lewd grin. Lukas could tell that the man was checking him out, he'd probably seen the otter's ass squeezed into denim and had decided to see if the front was just as good. Judging by the way the hyena eyeballed him, he was just as good. If Lukas wasn't meeting somefur, he might have taken the hyena up on his offer.

The disappointed hyena walked off to go find something else to bang. Lukas half-wished he could do the same, not to go and fuck somefur, but rather so that he didn't have to stand in the middle of the park in what felt like see-through clothing. He wouldn't have been so awkward if Hayley had shown up on time. She'd promised him that she'd be at the park for half past, that was twenty three minutes ago. Lukas glanced at his watch, either he was reading the numbers wrong or Hayley wasn't sticking to her promise.

It wouldn't have been so much of a problem if Hayley had chosen to meet on a day when Lukas wasn't in class, but today his bad luck had struck and he'd been cursed with a two hour long lecture in the afternoon as well as a mountain of homework that needed doing. So, if the dark brown otter didn't show herself within the next few minutes, Lukas would go to the student room and spend the rest of his lunch break there. After he'd changed into something comfortable of course.

"Lukas!" A strong, female voice thundered from not so far away. His ears perking, Lukas turned his head quickly to find exactly who he was expecting; he could recognize her just from how sonorous her voice was. One glance assured Lukas that he was right. He could make out her silver hair that bushed out like a small mane from a mile away and her dark fur was a give away as well. Hayley's abnormally long tail was slightly curled up behind her. Lukas shivered in anticipation, the things she could do with that tail were shocking. As if she wasn't already enough of a beacon, her red summer dress stood out like a sore thumb. Lukas could tell that she was holding something up in her forepaw, but he couldn't distinguish what it was. Smiling, Lukas waved and scurried over to her.

The male otter suddenly stopped in front of a park bench, which was occupied by a wolf couple who were too busy playing tongue tennis to notice what was going on.

Hayley boomed: "Sorry! I had to buy these." She held up two pairs of pink, fluffy handcuffs. "They ere on sale and when I saw them, I couldn't help but wonder what they'd look like on our wrists! Now, I know that you prefer to be tied up loosely, but aren't they cute?" The otter insisted, Lukas nodded in agreement; Hayley wouldn't do anything harsh to him for disagreeing, but Lukas knew well enough that he was supposed to answer 'yes.' Lukas tried to keep his blush under control and failed at a record breaking pace; he couldn't believe that she was brandishing them out in the open! He nervously looked at the wolf couple, they hadn't noticed what she wash holding yet and that gave him a few seconds to...

"No. We're not going anywhere." Hayley leaned down and smirked in response, reading him and his intentions. "This is revenge for when you failed to post the picture of your outfit this morning. I was only going to fluster you by making you try them on, but it seems you disobeyed me twice today." She pointed a claw at Lukas' clothing. "I said skimpy and slutty not gay, goth fashion designer." Lukas' tank top, despite revealing all of his skinny arms and leaving him rather cold, showed only the tiniest amount of midriff; Hayley had demanded for Lukas to wear a shirt that showed off at least half of his chest and trousers which displayed most of his legs.

"I- I forgot about the photo!" Lukas held up his forepaws in surrender and tried to explain as Hayley grabbed him by the wrist. "Wait!" He attempted to plead, but Hayley refused to listen. "L-look I can go and buy some short shorts if you want! And I can cut this tank top up, it was cheap!" By the time he'd finished pathetically begging, as Hayley put it, they'd reached the bench. The female otter forcefully shoved Lukas to the concrete floor and stomped a stiletto clad footpaw dangerous close to his crotch. Lukas whimpered and gave Hayley free reign.

The couple on the bench gasped when Lukas hit the concrete and stared in disbelief as Hayley clamped handcuffs around both of his wrists, attaching him to the bench's legs. L

Shooting up, the male wolf complained: "What the hell!?"

"You can't do that in public!" The female added when Hayley reached under her dress to pull off her panties, which she left around one ankle.

"You two were about to get it off in the middle of the park, so if you can we can as well!" Hayley hissed. "Now go fuck in a bush instead you horny dogs!" Sensing that Hayley wasn't somefur they wanted to tangle with, the wolves dashed off down the path.

"Hayley!" Lukas disagreed, one sharp glare from Hayley shut him right up.

"What did you call me?" She growled.

"Hayley..." Lukas answered with a mew. "That's your name isn't it?" He dreaded the idea of not only forgetting her name, but also calling her a completely wrong one.

"Mistress." Hayley corrected him. "Say it."

"Mistress." Lukas repeated, an extra vivid blush coming to his cheeks before he'd finished saying the word. "Mistress." He shuffled about to get comfortable. Seeing Hayley's satisfied expression, he breathed a sigh of relief; he'd been terrified that Hayley was going to be furious.

However, although Hayley wasn't mad, she wasn't going to be any less dominant. Giving Lukas only a few seconds to get over the last shock, she darted down and tore his tank top in two. Lukas managed a gasp before he found his jeans being torn off as well, followed by his socks and his sandals. Hayley tossed them into the nearby lake. Lukas watched with horror as his clothes sunk, leaving him in his orange button up boxers.

"My clothes!"

"You're an otter, you can swim and retrieve them later." Hayley reminded him before taking out her phone and giving the otter a wide smirk. Lukas flinched when the camera light shone brightly into his eyes, blinding him for a second.

"What filter do you want, Lukas?" Hayley inquired, playing with Lukas as they drew a crowd; so far two fursons had stopped to watch and Lukas was yet to notice them. Hayley however, was well aware of their audience and intended to put on a performance for them. "And what about the caption? I'm thinking: 'Found my boy toy for the afternoon! He's a little tied up at the moment.' How does that sound?" Lukas remained silent, clearly stunned by Hayley's practical 'joke.' Hayley chuckled at Lukas' open-mouth expression. "Right, okay. You might get a few calls from furs looking to hook up with you over the next few days now that that photo is out there." Hayley winked before going right back to dominating the otter, mostly so that he didn't see the audience and panic.

As Lukas opened his mouth to speak, Hayley stepped forwards. She towered over the male otter and easily managed to get her crotch directly above him, leaving a good few inches between her crotch and his face. Lukas could see right up her dress and, judging by the way Hayley spread her legs, she wanted him to. Lukas once again tried to speak, wanting to voice that he'd prefer to do this where they wouldn't be seen; he truly was unaware that they had a crowd of two voyeuristic which was steadily growing. In fact, by the time Hayley was comfortably above Lukas, their crowd had grown by three.

"You know..." Hayley spoke, cutting Lukas off before he could talk about his discomfort. "Picking up those lovely handcuffs you have on, which by the way look great on you, meant that I couldn't take a leak. And, seeing as how there are no toilets around here and I don't want to go to the bathroom in a bush like a feral, you're going to help me. Close your eyes and open your mouth!" Hayley squatted further, so that the distance between her pussy and Lukas' face was reduced by quite a bit.

Lukas opened his mouth (not to drink her piss as it came down, but rather to beg her to give him a second to prepare himself mentally) and the first few drops went right into his maw. The otter shut his eyes tight in response and, expecting a torrent, kept his mouth shut. It came into contact with his lips and Lukas felt the hot liquid splatter out like water escaping a sprinkler across his face. Instantly, the strong, sharp and rank smell of piss wafted into his nose. It was strong that he could have sworn that he was tasting it through his nose.

The otter was taken back when he felt it wetting down the fur around his mouth; mostly because Hayley's urine was a new, surprising scent. It was more potent than what he'd grown accustomed to, in both taste (as he'd soon learn) and scent. Not only that, but she kept the stream controlled and slow to tease. She dragged out the marking, only moving slightly to adjust where she soaked the otter. At first it was across his mouth, then up his nose, in his hair and then back again to his mouth.

"Open wide." His mistress barked. As if he were hypnotized by her or perhaps by her musky, irresistible scent, Lukas' mouth opened as wide as possible and soon it was filled with her piss. It had an sharp acidic taste to it, Lukas found that he loved it. The otter greedily gulped it and even pushed himself up further to try to catch it sooner. Hayley, being the tease she was, prevented the otter from drinking his fill by moving down to his chest.

Lukas groaned, disappointed that he'd been cut off so quickly, as he felt warmth spread over his chest. The piss trickled down him, over his belly button and to the waist band of his boxers, some piss found its way to his arms and over his shoulder, but most flooded over his belly to be caught in his fur. Having eliminated his own natural scent, Lukas could smell the she-otter's mark on him. Hayley's flow came to end. She shook her hips to let the final few dribbles escape onto Lukas' face as a final treat.

"There." Hayley chuckled. She retrieved her phone from her bra and took a quick photo of Lukas' face, his fur tainted yellow with her piss. Lukas heard the snap of a camera and opened his eyes. A blush came to his face and he forced himself to look at the concrete, he tried to play it off as if he was trying to keep the piss out of his eyes.

"Hey, Lukas." Hayley grunted, pushing her phone back to where she kept it. The she-otter reached under her dress with her forepaw, using two fingers she spread her pussy and got back in position over the otters face, her skirt blinding the otter.

"Mhh!" Lukas cried out, his voice muffled. He could barely see underneath her dress, but looking up he could make out the shape of her pussy.

Lukas knew what she wanted and he knew what he wanted.

Swallowing whatever doubt he had left, he pushed upwards until his nose was pressed into her coarse silver pubic fur. He rubbed his nose into her pubic fur, inhaling the musk from the source, before hurrying to do his job. His tongue shot out across her pussy, he licked all the way up to her clit then dabbed at it with his tongue causing her to purr.

"Good. Again!" She barked. Lukas' head darted back to where he started, then he repeated until he was used to how she smelt. It was musky and overwhelming, what didn't help was her pubic fur rubbing his nose; it was one hell of a tease. After a few licks, Lukas was so into it he didn't even notice the chatter coming from a few steps away. That is, he didn't notice until Hayley informed him.

"Not to scare you or anything, but we have a rather large audience." Lukas stopped, halfway through a lap. He could have sworn that a single bead of sweat rolled off of his forehead as he waited, trying to figure out if Hayley was lying or not. "Carry on, Lukas! Otherwise I'll throw you to them and see if you like being a service otter!" Lukas knew that Hayley was only joking, but she would probably come up with something nastier as the actual punishment. The otter resumed jabbing his tongue at her clit, only with a greater speed now.

Hayley bit her lower lip, she was really starting to get going. Lukas was good with his tongue, even without his forepaws he was good enough to get her to orgasm incredibly quickly. However, she wasn't about to give Lukas and easy time. Her tail, long and thin, danced about between her legs before she moved it to Lukas' crotch and rubbed across his underwear. Lukas groaned into her pussy, but continued as if his life depending on it. He did his best to endure as Hayley flicked her tail across his tent, causing him to leak more and more pre into the fabric of his underwear. In seconds he was sporting more of a marquee than a tent. If not for his boxers, Hayley would have gotten her tail deep into Lukas' tailhole to truly making him squeal.

"God..." Hayley huffed as she felt Lukas' tongue run over her clit, "If this keeps up I promise to replace those handcuffs with a collar." Lukas didn't get what she was suggesting. "And I'll buy a nice, thick dildo to peg you with as a thank you." Now if that wasn't a bargain, nothing is. Lukas made sure to do just about everything he could with his tongue; he pushed it into her pussy and licked around plenty of times.

The next few minutes were filled with grunted congratulations and moans from Lukas as Hayley toyed with him.

Hayley tried (and failed I might add) to suppress a rather audible moan, similar to what you hear in those exaggerated pornos. Lukas would have liked to add two fingers to compliment his tongue's ministrations, but y'know, he was in handcuffs. The otter's tongue felt tired, so he moved on to just licking her lips and her clit rather than tongue-fucking her; who knew that pushing a tongue back and forth could be such tiring work.

Accompanied by a moan that could put a porn star to shame, an explosion of the same juices that was all around Lukas' muzzle squirted across his face. He carried on going until Hayley stopped panting.

"Sorry Hun. Want more?" Hayley chuckled, pulling off of him as he rubbed her vagina with two fingers. Now that she'd stepped back, Lukas could see the crowd. He recognized a few furs from his university who were keeping their cameras trained on him. Normally, he would have begged to be released now that they'd been discovered, but something told him that Hayley was far from finished with him and a part of him wanted to see it through. After all, for giving Hayley such a good orgasm, he imagined his reward was going to be the greatest thing on the planet.

Huffing, and praying that he wouldn't regret it later, Lukas answered with a stern voice. "Yes, mistress." Peeling his eyes away from the floor, Lukas saw a smug grin spread across Hayley's face.

"Good. I wouldn't have let you go anyway!" She laughed. "Now then... I am rather thankful, it's been a good while since a guy has actually gotten me to come so quickly with his tongue, so I'm wiling to give you a blowjob; assuming that you'll do one more thing for me."

"Anything mistress!" Lukas blurted. What was the worse she could get him to do? She'd already pissed on him and tied him up in public. "What do you want me to do, mistress?"

Silent, Hayley lifted her paw and took her panties off. In one swift movement, she dragged the lacey underwear over Lukas' chest (wetting them with her own piss) then shoved them over Lukas' face. She positioned them so that the wettest part was across Lukas' nose. The otter inhaled deeply, a stale smelling version of Hayley's piss wafted into his nose; he preferred it when it was fresh and would have spoken up if not for the fact that he didn't want to be humiliated publicly by being drenched in a second half-liter of otter piss.

"Wet yourself." Lukas looked up at her with nervous eyes, his eyes darted to Hayley and then back to Hayley. He knew Hayley rather well, he knew that she didn't go back on her decisions and he knew that she hardly made jokes like that, but he waited for a moment to see if she would laugh and tell him that it was indeed, a joke. She didn't.

The otter shuffled about awkwardly on the concrete, he sat with his legs spread apart and took a deep breathe out. Lukas had been ordered to wet himself before, to which he'd given a smile, a tense of his cock and a sigh of relief as warm, 'pleasant' smelling piss soaked through his underwear. However, now that he was being watched by strangers, he found it difficult to release his flow. He grunted in disappointment as he tensed his flaccid cock, knowing that he was being observed by so many furs had unnerved him into going soft. This wasn't so much of a bad thing consider that it was incredibly difficult to pee whilst he was hard.

"Go on, Lukas. You can do it." Hayley egged, watching the otter's underwear closely to see the wetness spread out. Lukas scrunched up his eyes, tensed, scrunched his fists up into balls and...

Lukas sighed in relief, his eyes rolling back in his head as his piss poured out into his underwear. Hayley gave a Cheshire cat smile and watched as Lukas' underwear dampened, the color turning dirty. Lukas was finished in less than a minute. The moment he'd emptied his bladder, he felt his piss-logged underwear (now soaked thoroughly and cloying, yet warm) stick to his body.

Hayley applauded the otter as she knelt down in front of him. She unbuttoned Lukas' underwear, creating a parting in the middle of his underwear, then with two fingers she reached in and moved Lukas' dripping cock so that it hung out of the opening. She refused to waste time waiting for Lukas to get hard and brought herself down to his penis before he could question her. Lukas was still soft, giving her the perfect opportunity to tease him.

Holding his cock with one forepaw, she licked at his overhang with her tongue. Lukas tried to subtly push forwards and suggest that he wanted more than just his overhang licked, Hayley chuckled at his attempts. The otter gradually became hard under his suckling, his foreskin retreating along his glans. He reached full-mast in just under record time, an impressing feat considering that he was red-faced and fully aware that he was being observed.

"Mpmh!" Lukas moaned as Hayley ran her tongue all over Lukas' cock head, cleaning it of fresh piss. Two more licks following the same route saw it free of his musk as well, then three more on top of that had him curled over panting. Hayley understood everything his body said, his twitching, his tongue lolling out of his maw, the stunning amounts of pre he oozed and his eyes rolling back; he was already close to an orgasm. Disappointed (she'd wanted to tease and play with Lukas for at least another fifteen minutes), Hayley rolled Lukas' foreskin back as far as she could then fondled it. She moved it about, twisting it lightly with her fingers before pushing it all the way back until more of his member was revealed. The she-otter mopped up the piss that it had trapped and gave Lukas a few teasing squeezes on his engorged member. In response, Lukas let out a whined groan and twitched between her fingers; Hayley decided she'd paid enough attention to the otter's cock head and not enough to the rest of his special parts.

After hastily freeing Lukas' balls from his underwear, Hayley took one of the otter's small, furry orbs into her mouth and sucked it dry of his piss. It tasted sweet and sickly in her mouth, the scent empowered the tang. Finished, she repeated the process on the other one then sat back for a moment to observe her helpless prey. There was something beautiful about Lukas at that moment, maybe it was the horrified look that came to his eye when he saw the crowd. Then again, Hayley knew that most of Lukas' terror was feigned; he was loving every moment of this. Yes he wasn't an exhibitionist and would have preferred to be dominated indoors or out of sight, but the tiny amounts of fear he felt came from the rush and risk of being arrested.

The male otter watched as the brown otter wrapped one forepaw behind his balls and lifted them slightly. He twitched as Hayley ran her tongue over his balls, teasing him further. If she had continued to suck his cock, he would have blown his load already. Part of him hated that it was dragging on for longer, but another part of him was crying for Hayley to go slower and nudge him into a powerful orgasm that would cripple him for a minutes. His toes curled as her tongue flicked away from him, brushing over the bottom of his sensitive cock. With her other forepaw, Hayley pushed him back against the bench roughly and gave a growl that commanded him to remain still. Out of fear of being denied an orgasm, Lukas obeyed and tipped his head back in anticipation as he submitted all control of the situation to Hayley.

Next on Hayley's hit list was his shaft. It being average length and girth, it would be no challenge for Hayley to swallow him, but where was the fun in doing it the vanilla way? She could lick him, lap at him, curl her tongue around him and do plenty more cruel pleasurable things to him as she demonstrated to him the very meaning of fem-dom. Going from base to tip, Hayley pushed her tongue strongly against Lukas' cock; he tensed and it jerked back each time he felt the wetness.

"Gah..." Lukas moaned, "Can..." It was hard for Lukas to speak, mostly because Hayley was now gripping his cock roughly in one tight forepaw. "Can we hurry this along?" He pleaded.

"Where are you manners?" Hayley glared at up at him with her

"Please?" He added with a whimper.

"And?" The male otter remained silent, unsure what to reply with. "Mistress." Hayley growled, reminding him.

"Please can we hurry this up, mistress!" Lukas corrected himself, this time around adding desperation as well as words. "I have school stuff to do."

"If it's a lecture or a class your friends can give you the notes. If its homework, you can do it tonight. If its a test, you can climb under you professors desk and convince them to give you a good grade regardless. Do you understand that you're not leaving until I say you are?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Heed me, Lukas, if you whine once more I'll see to it that we do this on live television instead." Hayley threatened. As unbelievable as it sounded, Lukas knew that she wasn't joking; she probably had a few friends in high places that could cause a station to... accidentally air a live feed of their sexual explorations. Lukas didn't even want to think about the fallout that would cause for him.

Hayley gave Lukas' shaft a few more kisses before she decided to fully expose the otter's body, the smell of otter piss was getting old anyway. She tugged off Lukas' underwear, causing him to yelp in surprise. Rather than throwing them in the lake, tearing them in half or shoving them on Lukas as if he were a drying rack or a coat hanger, Hayley turned to her audience.

"Anyfur want these? They're free." She laughed, but stopped out of astonishment when a hyena with a beer gut. Lukas watched in horror as the hyena who'd oogled him took them away, sniffing them. Lukas was relieved that he hadn't chosen to wear his favorite pair. Now that they were out of the picture, Hayley had complete access to the otter's body, as did the cameras and onlookers. Where as Lukas' lighter chest furs were tainted yellow, those around his crotch were stained yellow. A strong scent of otter piss, smelling as if it had just left his bladder, filled the air. This was no surprise as Lukas had been holding his bladder in since this morning.

Unlike the watchers, Hayley didn't just stand and stare fondling herself, she got her muzzle back between his legs and slipped his cock (which was still rock hard) into her maw. Lukas' tail spasmed suddenly as her mouth clasped around his member, catching Hayley's eye. Lukas watched with dread, knowing that the sudden movement had given Hayley an idea. She re-positioned him with her forepaws, so that the bench dug into his shoulder blades and his ass was exposed, his pucker blinking at her. Her long tail, which had previously been resting behind, moved to caress Lukas' pucker, which had gone untouched for long enough in Hayley's opinion.

"Have you touched yourself later?" Hayley asked, taking a moment away from sucking him to focus on worming her tail inside of him.

"No, mistress."

"Has anything been up there?"

"Not even a finger." Lukas lied, he'd been finger-fucking himself in the toilets for a good few minutes before heading out. Hayley stabbed at him with her tail, an inch or two darted inside of him causing him to gasp.

"I don't like liars." She growled, forcing more up into him.

"How did you know?" He tensed, trying to ignore the slight pain he felt; without the two packets of lube he'd used a half hour ago, he would have felt much more.

"You just told me." Hayley smirked. Lukas cursed himself, he probably should have seen that coming. "Don't worry though, I don't enjoy breaking my toys." Hayley continued pushing her tail into Lukas until she'd gotten at least six inches in, she made sure to avoid Lukas' prostate. Electricity ran through Lukas' body as she slowly dragged her tail out, then pushed it back in at the same excruciating speed. When she'd gotten the six inches back into him again, she pulled it back and leaned forwards to continue her blowjob.

This time, she was much more relentless, but don't let that fool you, Hayley still avoided Lukas' more sensitive spots.

She bobbed her head forwards all the way, taking in all of Lukas' cock before she withdrew and did so again. Her forepaws held Lukas' thighs up, so that he couldn't escape her tail or her maw by twisting. A dirty idea came to here and she pushed the otter up further, he gasped as the sight of the top of the bench filled his view. He felt Hayley's tail quickly leave him, soon to be replaced by her tongue slapping against his stretched out to tailhole. She slathered it with her spittle and curled her tongue up to get at the inside of his rim. However, before he could get off to the feeling he was back down in the position she'd had him in a few moments ago.

Without a second long break, Hayley's tail shot back into Lukas' tailhole and her paw clasped around his cock again. The change this time was that she wasn't at all slow or mercifully about tail fucking him. It was in and out like a cat burglar.

_In, out, in, out, in, out, _

Her tail moved like a fencer's sword._ _

Thrust, twist, withdraw, thrust, twist, withdraw, deep thrust...

Lukas gave a squeal of ecstasy as Hayley's tail went much deeper than before, striking across his prostate then back across it. Then again and again and again... She did so with such speed, Lukas slipped into a state of bliss and everything apart from Hayley vaporized in his mind. He felt as if he were floating when she finally tipped him over the edge. Or at least, he thought that she'd put him in the edge.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Lukas heard Hayley holler as he bucked his hips forwards into what he thought was her awaiting maw. He opened his eyes to see that he was thrusting at air and than what he'd thought to be his cum shot was only a particularly voluminous jet of pre, a warning that he was going to blow his load imminently. Lukas tried to force himself into an orgasm be waving his member about, this didn't help at all.

He heard Hayley continue: "Should I let Lukas here come? Or should I leave him to fantasize." An unintelligible roar erupted from the crowd, Hayley did what she wanted; it wasn't as if she would have listened to the crowd anyway. Anyfur who wanted to appose her decision could try, but they'd probably find themselves tied up in a similar situation to Lukas. Through-out her short speech, Lukas had been trying to force himself to go flaccid to no avail. Nothing he could think of turned him off, not even the thought of being thrown in prison!

Her stilettos clopped on the ground as she walked closer to the otter. She leaned down, after stomping her heel just in front of Lukas' dick, and took Lukas cock in her forepaw. He managed to twitch once before she pumped him for his seed. It burst free with a howl from the male otter just a few seconds after she'd said it. It shot back against his chest, splattering over his furs. Some went as high as his muzzle where as the last few squirts dribbled across his member. Hayley released the otter's member and bowed to her audience.

"Thank you for attending our... public performance." She smirked as some of the crowd dispersed, the rest staying behind to take pictures.

Lukas leaned back, forgetting about where he was due to his afterglow and the thrill of blowing his load. Hayley unlocked one of Lukas' cuffs and retrieved it before adjusting her dress to appear more presentable. She stepped back from the otter, then dropped the key relatively close to him.

"You dropped something on accident, mistress." Lukas responded with a smirk.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did, it's right there." Lukas frowned in confusion, she had blatantly dropped a key; the entire park must have heard the clatter as it hit the ground!

"I didn't drop it on accident." Hayley corrected him. "You need to get it yourself if you want your freedom." The she-otter turned away from him. "I expect you at my apartment for five tonight in formal attire, we're going out for a meal. I'll also want my underwear, the key and handcuffs back. Don't be late or else you'll learn the definition of punishment."

Lukas watched, stunned, as Hayley walked away.

"But what about the police? I could be arrested!" He cried to her back. Hayley laughed and dismissed him with a wave.

"You'd better hope they're gay and horny then!"

Lukas quickly tried to fish for the key with his paw, but found it was out of his reach. He was at everyfur's mercy.

Luckily for him, the hyena from earlier who had stolen his underwear stepped forwards to help the otter and himself.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes ^_^

Story, location © Kalebthecat

Hayley And Lukas © Kalebthecat

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