'You're A Cute One' - Strawberry Scented (2/3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Strawberry Scented

Edden Public Park

18th of December, 9:01 PM

An air of tense tranquility hung over the quiet pond side. The only things piercing the silence was the white noise of crickets humming from across the pool. My sharp, feline eyes could pick out those minuscule bugs among the assortment of Typha and reeds. A frog vaulted out of the reeds and performed a cannonball into the pool, disturbing the mucky water. I lost sight of it as it swam into the murky depths. Scanning the brown waters I found an enormous carp instead; my cat instincts told me to pounce, but doing so would mean that I would abandon Thompson.

Not that I cared too much about leaving the Akita, I hadn't even changed my clothes for our meet up. Most of my mind told me to be unattractive in the presence of the Akita, that way he wouldn't want me.

"So you're just going to ignore me for a while because I was a minute later?" Thompson raised his voice and an eyebrow to further express his gripe. I must admit that my logic was rather uncanny and I had no reason to put Thompson through it, aside from feeling the need to be hostile towards the Akita.

Thompson had arrived a minute ago and, when I didn't howl at him, came to rest on the soft bed of fairly dry grass further up the bank. Had there been any rocks around, I would have thrown them at his stupid face and called him all sorts of cubish names; I'm glad that the park gardener had deprived me of all my rocks. Yawning, I didn't even face the Akita; hell! I didn't even address him until the minute was up.

My bare paws dangling just above the water, I rotated my head to look over my shoulder. I gave a condescending look; a signal to permit him to beg forgiveness.

"I'm very sorry for being late, Xavier." Thompson huffed in apology and bowed as he stood; at least he'd remembered some of the manners I'd taught him. The first thing I'd told Thompson was that if we were to be a couple he would have to act sophisticated and that he would treat me with the same respect he'd give to the king of Veden.

"Don't use my first name!" I rebuked, he should have known that it was improper to use a furson's last name when you were no more than acquaintances with them. Thompson sighed, but fortunately he was willing to put up with my bullshit.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Tsukino; I sincerely hope that you can forgive me and my mistakes." He kept his uncomfortable bowing position until I swiveled around and clicked my fingers like a Lord ordering wine from his butler Mocking Thompson, I sniggered:

"Congratulations! You remembered my last name." I didn't plan on giving Thompson a second of a break, I fully believed that he deserved nothing more than hatred. If he repented, apologized and made up for everything he'd done I would be much kinder to him, but I was sure with myself that I'd never forgive him for what had happened. "Can you recall anything else about me?"

The Akita gave a proud smile: "Your last name means moon field! Which is ironic because you dislike the moon and you hate being out in open spaces."

"It's called Agoraphobia, dog, and it's not a joke." Even though I knew that Thompson meant no offence, I crossed my arms in fake annoyance.

"I have a name too, you know? Would it kill you to say it for once?" Copying me, Thompson crossed his arms and pouted like he used to when we dated before; I must admit that I love Thompson's pout face and his pouty voice; I'd give the world to see it one last time.

"Yes and I think that it's Treahearn." I had the urge to pretend to choke on it, as if the word burnt my tongue, but doing so would only make Thompson rush to my side to 'save' me: which in turn would make Alsek and Humber rush to his side and drown him in the pond for assaulting me.

"It is. Congrats. I'm surprised that you even know it; you always seemed too narcissistic to care about others. "Thompson smirked, then dropped his expression. "I didn't mean to be sarcastic please don't hate me! Ahh... What am I saying?" Thompson's eyes drooped in their sockets. "You already hate me with a passion, don't you?" His eyes filled with a small sense of hope, he prayed that I'd correct him and say that I still loved him with all my heart. I wished that I did, maybe the outcome of our relationship would have been different. Better, perhaps.

"Of course I don't love you! You know that I live to fit in with crowds." Looking back, that was probably a really bitchy thing to say. Then again, I'd grown accustomed to Thompson being desensitized to my insults, which only stands to prove that i was the worst and most abusive boyfriend ever. this one, however, caught him. There was a moment or two of silence before it was broken by his audible sniffling.

Stubbornly, I made a noise of disapproval and turned my head to at the dirty waters.

"Cry all you want, I won't take it back! I hate you, everyfur hates you and everyfur will hate you for the rest of your miserable life! go and die if you want to get away from it all!" At this point, Thompson burst out; tears streamed down his face in waterfalls.

"Stop joking with me, dog! I know that you only want my attention." I was 100% sure that Thompson was trying to pull my strings , so that I'd comfort him, which I wouldn't do even if his family died. I felt that it was necessary to share that with him.

"I'm not going to give you attention, I wouldn't even if you entire family had passed away in a lovely fireball!" Somehow, Thompson wailed louder and harder. So much for the tough frat boy he used to be, That Thompson would have given me necrosis in my arm for piping up about his family.

"Oh go away Thompson! Stop being an attention whore! If you want attention that badly maybe you should go to your scholarship! Or how about Daddy? That's why you call your father, isn't it?"

For the final time, Thompson's crying got louder. I was surprised that no fur came running into the bushes to check that he wasn't being raped or killed. "What's wrong, can't you remember Daddy's number? Or is it gone from-"

"XAVI, STOP!" Either Alsek of Humber bellowed as they thundered into the clearing. Astonished by their sudden entrance, I whipped my head to see the duo marching towards me. They split, Humber going to comfort the bawling Akita whilst Alsek marched right up to me and slapped me a cross the cheek. before I could complain, he prodded a finger against my nose and gave me a severe scowl.

"I'd say that you've gone far enough with your rant! Can't you see that he's crying like he's just been shot?!" Alsek continued. I glanced at my ex-boyfriend to see him curled up in Huber's arms like a large man baby, sobbing into the polar bear's jumper as if he'd just had his heart crushed. To me, he looked pathetic.

"there, there." Humber hummed to the Akita who dries his eyes, but doing so stung his eyes and made him cry more. Hearing Humber speak to Thompson as if he weren't a monster hurt me, he was supposed to be on my side!

"So?" I scoffed. "He ruined me!" I was determined to prove to Alsek that he was defending the guilty party, but I couldn't see that I was in the wrong.

"And you ruined him, your parents ruined him!" Alsek claimed, Humber (having quelled Thompson's crying for the moment) nodded in confirmation.

"How have I ruined him?"

"Well." Alsek, crossing his arms, stepped back. he turned on finger over and made an imaginary listo n it. "You: broke his heart, got him sent to prison for three months, ruined his chances of every playing for an official team and almost got him thrown out of university! Then they only let him back in becaue we were losing too many varisty games! Regarldess of that, Thompson had to catch up to three months of school work!"

"So? I lost more time than that along with my tail!"

"Xavier, stop making this about you! I swear to God that you-" Alsek raised his voice to scream at me, finally losing his temper with me after years of enduring me.

"Alsek! Tell him what his parents did." Humber barked, snapping Alsek out of the moment and probably saving the both of his from a small fight.

"Right... Right." Alsek cleared his throat. "They claimed that Thompson had attempted to strangle you. Do you know what that would do to his sentence? Life in prison. Then, when that didn't work, they tried to have him re-sentenced. Only this time, it was because they were sure that it was sexual assault."

"Well clearly that didn't work, so why does it matter?" I shrugged, dismissing the fact.

"Because, they didn't want it to work. All they, your parents, wanted was for Thompson and his family to run out of money hiring and keeping a lawyer. His family is broke."

"So? They can build their wealth back up."

"But none of them wants to. Want to know why?"

"Because they want to freeload of benefits and scholarships?" I joked. Alsek, who normally like to laugh at jokes like that, scowled.

"Thompson's Dad is dead, because they couldn't pay for the medication he needed." I froze and, if not for my stone cold heart and stubborn nature, I would have burst out crying in sorrow. Thompson's Dad had been a good man, generous and best of all: kind to me. It was a shame and a great sadness for everyfur that he'd passed, including me.

I opened my mouth to say something: "If you say 'so', I will murder you!" Alsek screamed, stopping a paw on the ground. I closed my mouth.

"Since when are you guys taking his side?" Was what I said instead, not wanting to admit to defeat yet.

"We're taking his side right now because of what you just said! Yes, you didn't know, but you should have stopped. You know that Thompson doesn't cry!" That was true, in the many months I'd known the dog he hadn't cried a single tear.

"Well I had a lot of anger to get off my chest." I huffed.

"Ugh! You're so difficult when you're like this! Why can't you accept that you're in the wrong here?!"

"Because I'm not! He broke my tail!"

"Alsek! Xavier!" Humber roared. "Both of you, stop arguing. You're back at square one and this will carry on until one of you passes out from exhaustion."

I had the audacity to shout back: "Shut up fat ass!"

"Xavier!" Alsek cried in shock.

"You too skeletor!" I quipped at the other polar bear.

Xavier knew that I'd slipped up and so did Thompson, but as Humber psyched himself up to pummel me, I stood tall and smirked. I estimate that there were... four or less seconds between me insulting Alsek and Humber lifting me up into the air by the scruff of my work shirt.

"No! No! No! Please!" I pleaded, dangling in the air as he glared at me with his light, polar blue eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!" The bear, silent, placed me back down on the ground and gave me a calm smile as he leaned towards me, invading my personal space. Humber put a forepaw on my neck, rolling his thumb over the front of it.

Softly, he explained: "I don't care if you call me a fairy or a brute, or a dumb ass or a fag. But, there are two things you don't say around me. You don't mention my weight and you don't insult my boyfriend. Got it?"

"Got it!" I pathetically whined, trembling in my boots.

"Good." Humber smiled and sat down on the grass next to Thompson who was slowly recovering. He'd managed to quell the flow of tears for good now as well as the sniffling, but his eyes were stained red. "Come here and apologize to Thompson."

Reluctantly, but wanting to appease Humber, I sat as far away to Thompson as Humber would allow then mumbled: "Sorry."

"What was that?" Thompson boomed with a slight chuckle. The bastard.

"I'm sorry." I said a little bit louder. "And don't ask me to say it louder, I hate cliches like that."

"I know. And we always have to have it your way, don't we?" Thompson digged.

"Shut up." I giggled.

All fell silent in the clearing, there was only Thompson and me in my perfect world.

"Am I allowed to put my arm around you?" He asked, shuffling closer to me.

"Am I allowed to put my head on your shoulder?"

"Of course." He replied, slipping an arm over my shoulder and yanking me closer so that I had my head on his stocky shoulders. That was when I noticed he was wearing a denim jacket and jeans, I had to say something.

"Your fashion sense is appalling still."

"Good. Because when we go to the movies on Sunday, you're going to help me pick something nice to wear."

"Oh, I'd love to... But I promised to go with Humber and Alsek."

"We are right here you know." Humber chuckled, his own arm around Alsek's waist as the smaller bear nestled himself in his boyfriend's lap.

"Yeah! And he already knows, we told him and he's coming with us!" Alsek added, happy to see that the two of his were getting along to a certain degree. The tension in the air as well as the hatred between Thompson and I was already gone and all it took was a death threat with a bucket load of tears!

"They didn't, did they?" I questioned, sighing. I should have known better, why else would Thompson had brought up the movies so soon? He'd never been interested on taking me out on dates, it had always been me dragging him around as an arm accessory.

"They did. Fortunately though, it's couples night this Sunday. So, we'll get a discount since the owners really like seeing people in love. The downside is that they'll only be playing romances." Thompson delineated.

"That won't be too bad if I have you three to laugh with." I smiled.

"Humber will be busy kissing me, so you've only got Thompson to talk with." Alsek smirked. "In fact, can we trust you two alone for a while? I want an ice cream from that twenty four seven shop around the corner."

"Of course, general! I'll keep this cat safe and sound for when you return!" Thompson saluted jovially, squeezing me with his forepaw.

"Please hurry." I quipped. We all perked up in laughter as the polar bear couple left the clearing.

"So..." Thompson said, wasting no time to talk to me in private. "Is there anything you want to get off your chest?"

"No. You've had it worse than me. I'm sorry for what I said." I apologized as Thompson ran a forepaw over my brown ear, jangling my various piercings. He leaned in and nibbled the lowest part on my air. With a soft, low voice he said:

"Don't say that, your problems are important. What happened to you after I broke your tail?"

"I got necrosis, got put in hospital, stayed there for months recovering and went through a few months of horrible thoughts because of my tail loss. Then I got back to university, found that all my stuff in my dorm room had been cleared out to make way for another guy who was paying more and that no fur on campus was kind to me anymore. I guess that kind of happens when you lose your big, muscular protector."

"I'm very sorry that I wasn't there to look after you. I'm here now though." Thompson could hardly let go of me, his forepaws had explored every inch of my back and my belly.

"It's alright. I had Humber, remember?" I grinned; Thompson knew full well that Humber and I had gotten it on several times already; sometimes whilst Thompson and I were a couple!

"Yeah, but everyfur in our university didn't mess with you because they respected me, not because they feared me."

"Are you saying that furs don't respect Humber?" I raised an eyebrow with a giggle.

"Oh err, no. I mean, like, they fear him more than they respect him. He is a giant, Herculean polar bear after all."

I flopped against the Akita, nuzzling his fuzzy neck furs. "I have no idea why I'm letting you back in." I said, putting a forepaw on his knee.

"Because I'm a handsome devil who's too attractive for you to resist?"

"Nah... I think I'm coming back just for the sex." Thompson gave me an angry look, but broke it with a chuckle and kissed the end of my nose.

"So... What are we going to do about that? How long should we wait?"

"Second date at least for you to take my cherry." I winked.

"Xavier you've banged at least three guys, you're no virgin."

"Yeah, but... Well, my romantic cherry is still there! I'm pretending that we've never done it before, I want a clean slate."

"Me too. So that settles it, you and I have never seen each other naked. I can't wait for the first time." Thompson winked back to me, I slapped the top of his head and giggled at him.

"Aww! You too make such a cute couple!" Alsek emerged from the bushes, pushing his way back into the clearing. Blushing, I pulled my head away from Thompson's neck.

"Weren't you two going to get ice cream?" I avoided the two polar bear's gaze as I spoke, embarrassed. I felt Thompson slip an arm around my waist.

"Nope, we wanted you two to kiss and make up." Humber confessed.

"I swear that you didn't want us to get back together."

"That was before we spoke to Thompson, why do you think he was late?" Humber revealed, I glared at the Akita.

"What?!" He laughed. "Don't I have to get close to your friends before I can get close to you?"

"Yes. I suppose that you do."

"Did it work?"

"With perfect success." I smiled, standing up to free myself from Thompson's loose grip. "But I have to go now."

"That's alright. I'm guessing that it's the curfew your Dad set?" Thompson asked, I nodded in response and stepped forwards to hug him. He towered over me, I had to get on my tip toes just to put my arms in the right place. "I can give you a lift if you'd like." He offered.

"No. My Dad would kill you if any of you showed up at the house." Thompson, Alsek and Humber laughed. "I'm being serious guys! My Dad hates all three of you for being 'corrupting fags.'"

"Too bad that you're already tainted." Alsek grinned and stepped forwards to join in on the hug. Thompson put an arm between us and Alsek before he could.

"Wait, let me kiss him first." He demanded and puckered his lips for me, tilting his head to side as well.

"Thompson! It's been like, ten minutes since we got together!" I complained. "You should wait until Monday morning before you get that kiss!

"Anything for you Xavier." Thompson promised me and allowed Alsek to hug me goodbye.

"Can I get a kiss?" The polar bear taunted Thompson with a smile as he kissed me on the lips.

"And that was your last one! I have a boyfriend now after all." I winked to Thompson as I broke the kiss, he grinned and stuck his tongue out at Alsek. Humber, probably feeling left out, stepped forwards and threw his arms around my waist to lift me up to his face. Leaving me no time to catch my breath, he smashed his lips into mine to make a quick statement.

"Yeah yeah, we get it Humber! You're the best kisser here." Alsek giggled, probably becoming jealous that his boyfriend was kissing his best friend. I could tell that Thompson was getting restless as well when the kiss dragged on, he huffed and took a few steps closer to us. Humber dropped me after a moment, messed up my head furs and then leaned down to kiss Alsek on the cheek.

"Hey! Why don't you kiss me like you kissed him?" Alsek pouted and dug his elbow into his boyfriend's belly.

"Later." Humber winked flirtatiously and scooped Alsek up into his arms.

"Well, bye then guys." I gave Thompson a quick flash of a hug and then scurried away in embarrassment as if we'd only started dating. Alsek and Humber laughed behind me, mocking my shyness. I managed a glance at the trio as I left, Thompson smiled and waved goodbye to me. It felt wonderful to have that nervous, but warm feeling fluttering in my belly again.

Sunday Morning

I'll be truthful here, sex with a single, hunky polar bear feels amazing. Sex with two polar bears, the second being a gifted twink and cock-sucker, is heavenly.

I wasn't even given a chance to relax before the two pounced for me. Humber, with his big arms, pinned me, squeezed me and teased me as he lay on top. He was a gentle furson and did his best not to crush me under his weight. Around five seconds of having Humber groping me got me rearing to go. I got onto my side, so that I could see Alsek (who was licking his lips in delight at the thought of a threesome), and squealed in pain when Humber sunk into me. The moment Humber got his cock head into me, Alsek was going down on mine. He wrapped his warm, velvety muzzle around my pride and sucked until I came; which was only one or two minutes thanks to their ministrations Admittedly, by the end, every last joule of energy had been drained from me.

Shaking, I muttered with mussed fur and hair: "Thank you..." Alsek swallowed and slid back up over the sheets to press up against me.

"Whatever happened to you being faithful to Thompson?" He jested, giving my shoulder a friendly shove.

"Shut up!" I laughed. "Thompson knows that I'll carry on having sex with you two for as long as I can. He's just going to have to get used to it."

"Yeah, but did you really have to tell him that I give better than handjobs than him?" Humber cachinnated. "You'll ruin your relationship if you keep that up."

"I don't think that I care."

"Come on, Xavi, we know that you love him! As soon as he's in your sight, you get giddy and soppy." Alsek teased, then climbed out of bed. "Let's go have a shower." He suggested. "We can leave the hulk here to relax a while longer."

"Oh no you! I can't leave you until I've pounded you into oblivion as well." Humber growled, shot out of bed and slammed the smaller polar bear against the wall. Alsek screamed into Humber's chest furs, his cries of shock and pleasure muffled by the bear's figure.

"You can go and have a bath Xavier, kick back and relax for a while." Humber ordered me, attempting to look innocent as he pushed Alsek's head downwards. Honestly, those two were the most sexual and horny polar bears I'd ever met.

Trying to block out the sounds of those two making love, I slipped into the bathroom and ran myself a bath. I added strawberry scented bubbles then lined up the strawberry scented shampoos and conditioners on the side of the bath; Humber, Alsek and I were all addicted to the sweet smell of strawberries. The three of us used to get strawberry picking as cubs, but not together since we hadn't even known of each other's existence back then. Unfortunately, the strawberry fields we'd grown up around had all been replaced by various other crops; which I guess is better than them being flattened by urban buildings. Nevertheless, I would have given anything to go strawberry picking one last time before I was old and cranky.

As the rose pink bubbles bubbled up and escaped the tub, I turned off the water and slipped into the warm pool. "Ahhh..." I sighed and splashed myself with water. As a cub, I loved spreading bubbles all over myself as if they were an armor. Thinking of more memories of my cubhood, I became neck deep in the water and relaxation. I was so deep I failed to notice the roar of Thompson's Harley outside.

The Akita already had a key to the polar bear's home, he was welcome anytime after all because he was my boyfriend

As I continued rubbing my entire body, Thompson slipped into the room and leaned against the wall as he watched. He could have been observing me for dozens of minutes by time I opened my eyes and saw him. Thompson had been there so long he'd striped naked, giving me a lovely sight of his sheath and balls. I quickly told myself that I didn't need it and that boning him before the first date would be too slutty! Our eyes met, I blushed and scooted over for the large Akita. The tub was large enough for the both of us, it was the size of a double bed after all! Regardless of this, when Thompson was comfortable, I clambered on to his lap and rested against him.

Thompson swished his forepaws through the water and purred peacefully. "This water is lovely." He commented. "So is view." I felt a forepaw cheekily squeeze one of my ass cheeks. I gasped after a particular rough squeeze; Thompson's groping hurt in the god way. Adjusting my position so that Thompson had more access to my body, I asked:

"The bubbles aren't blocking your view are they?"

"As if anything could hide that bubble butt of yours." Was Thompson's smart remark. Before he bruised my butt purple, Thompson released me and instead stroked up my back. Soothed, I murred like a kitten as a rippled went through my body to send me into an almost hypnotic state. Thompson opened his mouth to say something, but saw that I was enjoying myself remarkably. Satisfied by the knowledge that I was in heaven, Thompson cracked open a bottle of shampoo and began lathering my fur with the foam.

An hour and a half later I was completely washed, Thompson too. We climbed out of the bath together, dried each other and combed out our furs with each other too. It was fun to be able to feel Thompson's body, especially his cock. it had only been a quick touch, under the bubbles, but I could tell that the Akita was still packing; it made my own dick swell in its sheath. When we were finished, we parted ways; Thompson headed downstairs to retrieve the clothes he'd brought with him whilst I fetched my clothes from the polar bear's bedroom.

I soon discovered that Alsek and Humber possessed an incredible amount of stamina. Assuming that the two of them would be finished with their sex, I opened the bedroom to find Alsek pinned to the wall as Humber pounded a polar bear sized hole into it. Humber spotted me and, without taking a second long break, bellowed over Alsek's whining and bleating. "You want to join in?" Looking at the scene, it did look rather fun; both of them were caked in their own seed and it looked as if they'd bathed in the stuff. However, I reminded them that we had a movie to see.

"Shit!" Humber cussed under his breath, the polar bear gave it to Alsek hard and in a minute they'd both came for what could have been the tenth or twelfth time. Both dashed to the bathroom to clean up

I pulled the covers over the bed; not that it helped to hide the stink! The entire room smelt of polar bear musk, Humber's was so potent that I was sure it was clinging to me as I moved about. Fortunately, neither of the two had splashed cum onto my clothes. I pulled my white shirt over my head followed by my pink sweatshirt with text on the center that I'd never read a word of before. Just as I went to tug my jeans on, Thompson spoke from behind me.

"Eugh!" He complained. "Those two really make a stench, don't they?" Thompson pressed up to me from behind, lewdly grabbing my crotch and nuzzling the side of my neck. "You smell much better..." He purred then sniffed. "Mhh... Strawberries. It makes me want to gobble you up."

"Stop it, Tommy!" I giggled and freed myself. "It's been, what, three days and you're already getting sexual?"

"I just don't want to waste time beating around the bush." Thompson answered and started to hang the clothes he'd brought with him on the door as I finished dressing myself. Turning around, I found out that Thompson's sense of style had improved greatly. I saw two flannel shirts of different colors, a leather jacket, shirts with more different colors on them along with strange graphics on them, jeans and shorts. Frowning, I marched over to Thompson's collection of garments and pulled out a pair of white, thin shorts.

"Basketball shorts in the winter? Really?" I raised an eyebrow and tossed them to the floor. Thompson, highly entertained by my criticism, took a seat in a wicker chair and watched me burn through all of his clothes. "Is this oil? Is this supposed to be here?" I mocked, holding up a flannel shirt. "And these jeans, torn jeans are out of season!" I carried on hacking away at Thompson's clothes until , In the end, all that was left which I hadn't insulted was a pair of skinny jeans that the Akita would barely fit into.

"You want me to go shirtless?" Thompson chuckled, not that he was protesting.

"I want you to get some descent tops." Sighing in disappointment, I pulled out the flannel shirt from before and held it against Thompson's chest. "I guess that it will be fine if you wear a t-shirt under it." I shrugged and thrust both that, the jeans and a black t-shirt against Thompson. "Get changed into these."

"Do I not get a say in what I wear?" The Akita chuckled.

"You get to choose your own underwear at least." I beamed and took his seat, so that I could stare at his butt whilst he changed. I swear that Thompson was flexing and tensing it for me as he slipped into his clothes. Now that he was actually wearing the flannel, the oil stained design didn't look too bad. In fact, I'd say it suited him. Still, it would be somewhat painful to let Thompson go out looking like a gay mechanic.

"How do you want to look? Fluffy gay hipster boyfriend or fashionable gangsta?" I inquired as I dug around in Humber's wardrobe for accessorizes.

"Can't I go for sophisticated business man?"

"You're wearing flannel Thompson; sophisticated went out the window a while back." I smirked. "So what will it be?"

"Let's see the first... first." I groaned, that was bad enough to be a pun right?

From the Humber's wardrobe I found a belt, a cream woolen scarf and aviator shades. After putting them on, Thompson looked in the mirror and immediately disagreed. "Why would I wear shades in the winter? And this belt isn't doing shit. I look like a fuckboy."

"You look fashionable." I retorted. When Thompson glared at me as if to say 'I'm not going out like this!' I reconsidered and got the accessorizes for the second option, which was actually only a green bandanna. I tied the thing around Thompson's neck, then got on my knees to tug down his jeans until at least half of his white boxer shorts could be seen.

"You're going down on me already?" Thompson chuckled. "I thought you wanted to wait until after the second date!"

"Shush you!" I laughed, slapped his thigh and then came back up. "You look handsome."

"And intimidating. If you wore something less fashionable, I think that furs wouldn't know we were dating." Thompson took my hand and kissed it. "Not that I'm complaining, I want everyfur to know that you're mine."

"You know, for a guy who claims that he owns his boyfriend, you take a lot of shit from me." I put my forepaws on my hips and smirked at him.

"I like letting you think that you're in control." Thompson responded jovially before he scooped me up by the waist to nibble at my nose.

"Hey!" Staring into Thompson's eyes as he lifted me into air, I tried to bite the end of my nose. Playfully, I returned a few nips and even managed to catch his ear with one.

"Come on you two! We're going to be late!" Humber bellowed from downstairs. Giggling like cubs, Thompson and I stopped playing for the moment. Downstairs, we packed a bag full of sweets and money, we planned on going to a restaurant afterwards, but we'd still need a snack for the movie. Thompson, Alsek and I were probably going to get pissed out of our minds, but Humber (being the 'mom friend' in our group) planned on staying sober despite the fact that they were catching a taxi.

Beep! Beep!

"Come on then you three." Humber beckoned as he stood up and retrieved the bag. The polar bear was dressed in another Christmas sweater as was Alsek, this time they matched. Dorks.

"Come on, Xavier." Thompson smiled, taking my forepaw to help me up from my seat. I could see that he was blushing under his fur, but despite this he squeezed my forepaw and carried on holding it until we piled into the taxi. Thompson, Alsek and I squished up next to each other in the back as Humber got into the front passenger seat.

"X-star cinema please." Humber politely said and without a single word, the driver was off. Feeling awkward, we stayed silent for the entire journey, but Thompson couldn't keep his forepaws away from mine for a second; he was back to holding them as soon as he was sure the driver wasn't looking our way. When we arrived at the cinema, Humber and Alsek went ahead to secure us some seats whilst Thompson and I bought the food. The plan was initially that I would be, as a thank you to three of them, but Thompson's boyfriend mode clicked on just as we were about to pay. The Akita slid a fifty onto the counter and then dropped the change into my pocket.

"You didn't have to." I complained as we walked to the Screen Four.

"I wanted to though and can we please not do every romantic trope in the book?" Thompson smirked.

"Sorry, but I just don't approve because I'm the rich fur and I should-"

"You don't approve of anything." Thompson laughed. I turned my nose up at the dog for a moment, but by the time we sat down in our seats (at the very back of the theater) and everyfur in our group had their food, I was all over him with small kisses. As we waited for the movie to start, plenty of furs piled in. All of them were couples, not a single one of them was a gay couple. It didn't matter though, at least I knew that no guy would be eyeing up my Thompson.

"Speaking of romantic tropes..." Thompson continued, trying to start the conversation from earlier again. "How many do you think will be in this movie?"

"Seven at least." I stressed.

"Want to bet on it?"

"What's the bet?"

"A fiver and whoever wins the bet leads our first real kiss." How could I resist? Hell, I was willing to lose if it meant seeing dominant Thompson again; I had always loved the deep, husky voice he put on and the way he handled me.

"It's a deal."

"I'm betting ten." Thompson said with a confident smirk.

When the title of the movie rolled across the screen, I knew that I'd lost the bet. Thompson had seen this movie a hundred times already and he was addicted to memorizing movies. I could see his lips moving in the dark to mimic or predict what the actors on screen were about to say, it was fascinating. At the hour mark of the film, Thompson had won his bet.

"You win." I told him with a sigh. "But no fair you-" Before I could say anything, Thompson pressed a piece of salted popcorn into my mouth. I opened wide for him and ate it, I wasn't going to be the fur to complain about being fed. The two of us spent more time looking at each other than we did watching the film. Thompson was busy feeding me more and more popcorn, 'to fatten me up so that he could make me into a pie later' was his response when I asked him why I was getting all the popcorn.

Sometime close to the end of the film, I heard passionate making out sounds coming from my left. I looked over to see Humber and Alsek wrestling each other with their tongue's. "Don't get any ideas, our first kiss is going to be much better than that." Thompson winked, leaning over as he fed me the last piece of popcorn. I felt horribly guilty and greedy for eating it all without giving any to Thompson, but my guilt fizzled away when Thompson started feeding my sugary sweets.

When the film finished, we had three hours left until our dinner reservation and (feeling annoyed that Thompson hadn't made out with me yet) I proposed that we watch another film. I purposely chose an R rated film, which was guaranteed to have something saucy in it that would get Thompson to kiss me like an alpha claiming a bitch. The three of them filled up on snacks and then walked into the movie blind, which wasn't such a bad thing considering how much of a kick they got from seeing a few characters go at it halfway through the film. Better yet, it was gay sex and more or less soft core porn.

I beamed over to Alsek and Humber, only to find that those two lover birds were going at it already. Alsek had his head nestled between Humber's thick thighs and soft slapping sounds escaped occasionally. Humber and I had done that once, with Alsek watching with a big smirk on his face. Hell, the smaller polar bear had almost exposed the whole ordeal by tugging me over to give him some attention the moment I'd finished with Humber. However, judging by the way Alsek took his sweet time on Humber's cock, I guessed that those two weren't inviting others to join in.

Thompson nudged me. "You could have told me this was going to have gay sex in it, I could have brought a cucumber for you." He teased, slipping a forepaw under both of my shirts to get at my belly. He pinched and pulled at my flesh, clearly desperate to galvanize me into sucking him off.

"Thompson! No, what if we get caught?" I worried as the Akita shuffled in his seat.

"That's not what I'm trying to do." He chuckled, showing me that he was instead only adjusting his jeans. "But I do want something." Thompson smirked and gave me bedroom eyes. He leaned in, held me by the chin and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was chaste at the first, he pulled back after a second only to go right back in, this time for more fire. His head tilting to the side, his tongue escaped to lick at my lips which opened to allow him full access. I practically melted into him as he started to push his tongue as far as he could go, batting mine aside as he did. Better yet, he held me by the shirt collar and only released me when he was satisfied that my saliva had been temporarily replaced by his. Blushing, I panted and suddenly felt rather hot under my collar. I reached over in my seat to hold his forepaw and stayed silent, rather taken back in a pleasant way about what had happened.

We emerged from the screening with plenty of different facial expressions. Humber had a glazed look in his eyes, I was still blushing, Thompson was much more confident and even went as far as groping my ass in front of other furs and Alsek could only giggle at his boyfriend. Hoping into a taxi, we moved on to the restaurant where I can honestly say that Alsek and I got royally smashed.

At midnight, if that, the four of us returned to the polar bear's home with the two of us barely able to stand. Thompson helped me to sit on the couch and by the time I was sitting down, Alsek had already freed himself of his trousers. Alsek yawned and tugged off his underwear as well. He got on all fours and shook his ass in an tantalizing way.

"Come on big bear!" He hiccuped.

"No." Humber grunted.

"Aww! You'll fuck me, right Thompson?" Alsek grinned to my boyfriend and stalked closer to him.

"You're drunk, so no." Thompson did however stroke Alsek's face furs and allow him to suck on his finger for a moment or two.

"You'll fuck me though won't you baby?" I gave a drunken burp, trying to join in on Alsek's game.

"You're just as drunk as he is and no matter how sexy you are, it's a no." Thompson responded.

"Fine." I crossed my arms, pouting.

The four of us rested in the living room for a minute or two; somewhere along the line, Alsek passed out into a deep sleep. Chuckling, Humber cradled his boyfriend to his chest and carried him upstairs to leave. Thompson and I, or rather just Thompson, took that as our cue to leave.

"Come on, Xavi." Thompson yawned. "Would you be able to hold on to me whilst I drive?"

"Yeah..." I answered. Sluggishly, I got to my paws and dragged myself after Thompson who herded me like a sheep. For my own safety, he helped me up onto his motorbike and put me in front of him so that I wouldn't fall off. I was small enough for him to see over me, so it was no big deal. Thompson climbed on behind me and drove slowly, mostly because he was too tired to react quickly enough to sharp bends.

We arrived at my house no later than 1:30, which for my father was late enough. As Thompson helped me up the drive, my father met us at the top and immediately scolded the both of us with a look of anger and fury. For a moment, he stayed silent; seeing Thompson had stunned him, he had no idea what to shout at me for first.

Thompson tried to make a deal with my father, to no avail. "He's tired, he's drunk. We haven't done anything. Let him sleep before you-" It was no surprise that my father screamed at him, all of the men in my family were cold hearted bastards. Not only that, but we held grudges like no fur else could.


"DAD!" I bellowed, pushing my way past the chubby old man. In my drunk state of mind I didn't follow that up with anything, hell I didn't even comment on the fact that he was in nothing but his underwear.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" My father grabbed me by the collar, hauled me back where he could see me and scolded me. "What are you doing with this freak?"

"Mr. Tsukino..." Thompson tried to speak.

"Shut up!" My father hissed, silencing him. "Now answer my question Xavier-Nelson."

"We were out together as friends." I almost told him that we'd been out dating and had very nearly fucked; the idea of his son fucking somefur who'd ruined the family name would put him in an early grave. He'd probably disown me on top of that.

"You expect me to believe that?" At this point, I'd had enough. Grunting, I took Thompson's forepaw and tried to drag him into the house several times. With each attempt, my father pushed me back and attempted to scold me about something new. If I'd been sober, I wouldn't have put up with his bullshit for longer than a minute. But, my drunk self carried on going until I'd boiled up enough rage to pop.

In a swift movement, I slapped my father across the face. Well, I say it was a slap, but it was more like a punch. Nevertheless, whatever it was, he hit the floor and I ran laughing with Thompson in tow.

"Xavier!" Thompson cried in shock as I dragged him back to his motorbike. As he tried to comprehended what I'd just done, I pulled on a helmet and turned the keys in Thompson's ignition. "Xavier, no! You're drunk and you don't even know how to drive a motorbike." Thompson tried to protest as he got onto the seat behind me. He put his forepaws over the handle bars and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Just to the end of the road!" I slurred. "I want to go."

"Fine." Thompson sighed, understanding that I really did need and want to leave my father.

That was the biggest and last mistake of my life.

Thanks For Reading!

As always, please tell me if you spot any mistakes! There will probably be plenty. If you enjoyed this story why not leave a vote and a favorite to show it? Or, if you're interested in what else I'm writing, why not watch?

Story, characters and locations © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

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