A Little (Magic) Help

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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A Little (Magic) Help

Over The Rainbow Bar, Fait

8th of April, 10:22 PM

The wolf whistled to himself as he trotted down the street. He was free from work for two days and three nights, giving him plenty of time to search the local bars for anyfur he'd like to bed. It had never been too difficult for Crisp to pick somefur up for a one night stand, thanks to his wolfish charm, but recently the prey in the bars had been uptight. He could hunt the furson down, flirt with them until they nuzzled up to him, then finally get a forepaw onto their ass for a cheeky squeeze, but at the last hurdle something always seemed to come up. Sometimes they turned out straight, sometimes they had somewhere to be and at other times they were seeing somefur else. Despite his previous bad luck, Crisp could tell that tonight was going to be different. Nothing was that different from the previous nights, Crisp had neglected bringing a wing man for fear that they'd snap up the guy before he could, but he had a gut feeling that he could trust.

As he thought over his plan for tonight, he noticed a shine that pierced the night from the ground. Curious, he leaned forwards and plucked up the shining beacon. It was a coin with the only engraving being a four leaf clover, how strange. It appeared to be made of solid gold and was therefore probably worth enough for Crisp to quit his job and live off of the earnings from selling it. Crisp laughed at the idea of getting rich off of a coin he found in the street, it was probably just some cheap, common collector's item from a game that some cub had dropped. Despite this, a force compelled him to slip the coin into his short's.

Crisp wasn't wrong in his previous assumptions, tonight was different. Normally he'd have to wade through hundreds of guys to find the right one, or at least somefur who looked like the right one, but tonight he was being given a raft to get right to the real spoils. Sitting at the bar, alone for some strange reason, was a cute cheetah. His glasses were pushed right against his face and his skinny jeans really highlighted that pert butt. His tail remained limp behind him, clearly his night wasn't going so well... Crisp decided to play the gentlemen and bounded right over to the feline.

"How's it going?" He raised his forepaw to wave and smiled warmly, making sure not to show his sharp teeth.

"Oh. Hi. It's not going great." The cheetah blushed and smiled back. Unlike all the other guys Crisp usually flirted with, the cheetah gazed at him, waiting for his next words instead of taking the reins.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Boyfriend issues." Crisp's eyes lit up, he had a chance with this guy then. "He's been making me wait three weeks for sex, then this afternoon he turns around and calls off the relationship. So here I am with blue balls, trying to forget about it with a drink. I just got here."

"Me too, it explains why you're not surrounded by guys." Crisp smirked, the cheetah caught his compliment and returned one.

"I could say the same about you."

"Would you mind if I bought you something?" Most suspected that Crisp planned on spiking the drink or getting them drunk at this point (which he wouldn't), but the cheetah just grinned with glee and replied:

"Of course I wouldn't! By all means do, remember I'm here to forget things so get me something strong!"

"Bartender!" Crisp called, turning his attention away from the cheetah for only a second.

Crisp sat down next to the feline and took in all of his features. His slim frame suggested that he hit the gym regularly, he definitely worked on keeping his belly flat and his butt bouncy. This guy was a real catch. Crisp was tempted to ask the cheetah to lift up his sweat shirt, just to see how in shape the feline really was. The cheetah giggled, catching Crisp staring below the bar.

"I hope you're not planning on bedding me before the first date." He coyly simpered. Crisp, who would have normally been tongue-tied in this situation, knew exactly what to say.

"So when can I?" He blurted it, the words not his own. His own expression dropped, shocked with himself that he'd just abruptly asked somefur he barely knew to fuck.

"And without even knowing my name!" The cheetah laughed.

The bartender, a boar with a gruff voice, approached them. "Drink or food?"

"Drink, please." Crisp answered, the cheetah slapped him on the arm as if to say, 'Let me pay!', but Crisp refused.

"And what would you like?"

"A pint of beer for me and..." Crisp turned to the cheetah, as lucky as he was to have caught the cheetah's eye, he wasn't so lucky that he could read

minds. "And vodka for the cat. Should I pay now?" Crisp asked.

"When your drink arrives." The boar answered and trotted away.

"I'm Kyle." The feline offered his forepaw, Crisp shook it. In the heat of the moment, another idea came to Crisp. He bent down and kissed the back of the cheetah's forepaw.

"Crisp." He replied with a slight bow. Kyle was rather impressed.

"The perfect name for a wolf who looks so delicious." Crisp chuckled and Kyle did is best not to burst out laughing at his own joke.

"Speaking of delicious, would you like anything to eat with your drink?" Crisp said all of this, despite knowing he didn't have the money to buy two drinks and food.

"Actually, no... My new boyfriend at home is cooking tonight, I wouldn't want to spoil my dinner." Kyle smiled ear to ear at the wolf, who could only respond with: "Oh." Kyle burst out into laughter.

The cheetah nearly fell off of his stool with laughter. "I'm joking! I'm joking!" He cried out. "I'm single, I promise! I wouldn't hit on somefur if I had a boyfriend." This time, it was Kyle's turn to have the color drain from his face. It quickly returned as a blush. "Did I say that out loud?" The cheetah squeaked, distracting himself by looking at a rowdy couple of lads on the other side of the bar.

"Don't worry, I'm glad we're on the same page." Crisp leaned closer to whisper that into the cheetah's ear. Kyle's grin returned and, if not for their arriving drinks, would have kissed the wolf right then.

"Here you are, sirs." A cheerful fox announced, approaching with a skip. He set Kyle's down on the table. But as he turned to set Crisp's down in front of him, he toppled over onto the carpeted floor, spilling the drink!

"Oh my god, are you alright?" Kyle shot up to peer over the bar at the fox, who got back up with a spring and laughed it off.

"I'm so sorry! I just slipped, but nothing's broken. Look, I'm pretty sure that I just broke the drinks in five minutes policy without failure, so... You, Mr. wolf, get yours for free!" The fox was surprisingly happy to announce this. "But you don't." The fox frowned at the cheetah, extending a forepaw to collect the cash from him. Just as Kyle reached into his pocket to pay the exorbitant price, Crisp set a twenty down in the fox's forepaw. "Thank you. I'll go and make you another drink, sir." The canine hollered for somefur to clean up his mess as he retreated to the other side of the bar.

"You didn't have to." Kyle smiled. "But thank you." The cheetah reached over to a glass container and plucked out two plastic straws, he plopped them into the drink. "Here, share with me." He slid the drink into the middle of them and spun one around to Crisp.

"I couldn't!" The wolf protested. "Plus, drinking vodka through a plastic straw?"

"But you bought it! And yeah, I like being cubish." Kyle laughed. "Could you at least have a small sip?"

"I guess that wouldn't hurt." Crisp shrugged, putting the straw in his mouth. He took a small sip, so small that the liquid barely went down. "You didn't slip me a pill did you?" Crisp asked.

"You're questioning me, but you drank some anyway?" Kyle leaned forwards and drank a larger glug. "But I suppose that if there is something in this drink, we'll pass out together."

"Romantic." Crisp chuckled and carried on sipping at the drink.

Over the drink, Kyle hummed: "Say, where do you think would be the best place to pass out?"

"Behind a locked door, in my home." Crisp answered suspiciously. "And you?"

"Same answer. Although I don't think going home wasted to my parents is the best idea." The cheetah started fumbling around with a napkin, tearing holes into it with his claws.

"I guess not. But you could always come to mine." The wolf suggested.

"Now who's the predator?" Kyle laughed, gazing into Crisp's eyes. "Not that I mind."

"Seriously, if you're ever smashed out of your mind and you're passing my apartment, come visit me." Crisp urged.

"Thank you!" Kyle's forepaw wandered to the wolf's leg, just his knee for the moment. Seeing it as a friendly gesture, Crisp took no notice. "What about when I'm sober?" The cheetah continued. "That way I'll be able to have a decent conversation with you."

"If you'd like." The two were so caught up in each other's eyes, they didn't notice that their drink was finished and Crisp failed to see that Kyle's forepaw was creeping up to his shorts zipper. Crisp, noticing that he'd been silent for too long told the cheetah his address.

"Well how about tomorrow next week? I'll drop by your house, you take me out to some fancy restaurant and then we can go back to yours." Kyle's forepaw had reached his inner thigh, it was warm and his paw pads were soft to the touch unlike a feline's usual rough pads.

"But it would only be the first date." Crisp frowned, his usual morals temporally overwhelming the supernatural force that had so far turned him into such a player.

"This isn't a date right now?" Kyle stroked back and forth, easing out whatever nerves Crisp had. "You know my name, you've bought me a drink and you are flirting with me Mr. wolf, so why isn't it one?" Kyle whined, getting very close to the wolf's face. Crisp felt his zipper being brought down, but something inside of him allowed it to happen; he stayed silent.

A forepaw pressed against Crisp's underwear, feeling up his cock. Kyle groped him, getting a feel for the girth and length of the wolf's cock. It was impressive and the cheetah could tell that it was enough to satisfy him. The wolf moaned and waited, praying that Kyle would- The cheetah reached through the opening of his red briefs and directly groped his throbbing cock.

"Your dick feels so big..." Kyle whispered. "Keep talking like this isn't happening." He added.

"I just... I didn't think you'd want to call this a date." Crisp blushed, flattered by the cheetah's words. His erection grew in his briefs, constricted by the fabric and straining against it as well as Kyle's forepaw, which was beginning to squeeze his length between two fingers.

"If I had lube you'd be coming by now." The cheetah confidently said, finding Crisp's cock head and rubbing it. Pre dribbled out of his tip, soaking the fabric and turning him on. He loved the idea of being seen, especially if i resulted in a confrontation. "And for the record, this has been the best thing I've done in a long time. I hope you'll top it next week."

Kyle suddenly got up from his chair, making the wolf dart to close up his shorts. The cheetah grabbed Crisp by his shirt gave him a passionate kiss on the neck, it was over in a second. Crisp, stunned by how quickly everything had happened, didn't say a word and could only watch as his date left the bar, waving his ass. The wolf would have followed him, but just as he went to charge after the tease, somefur called him.

"Mr. Wolf? Your drink." Crisp turned to see the bartender, offering a glass of lemonade.

"Thanks." He answered and sat back down. Crisp drank in silence, waiting to see if Kyle would come back. About halfway through draining the glass, Crisp noticed something on Kyle's seat. It was the napkin he'd been shredding, the holes looked strangely like... No! They were numbers. Hurriedly, Crisp grabbed the paper from the velvet and tried to read it. The cheetah had left his phone number.

Crisp rushed back home in a taxi after finishing his drink, the paper held tight and carefully in his forepaws so that he didn't rip it. As soon as he entered his apartment, he wrote down Kyle's number and reached across to the phone in order to booty call the cheetah. That was when he noticed the time, midnight.

Blushing, he put down his phone. Kyle would probably be tucked up in bed by now, thinking about him hopefully. That didn't exactly help Crisp's libido, which had been spiked by Kyle's touches. He had hoped for phone sex, or to at least have the cheetah talk to him for a few minutes. Crisp would have to settle for second best, watching cheetah porn.

Cheetah porn isn't exactly hard to come across when you look in the right places and Crisp knew exactly where to go. He typed the web address into his search bar and his screen was filled with tantalizing images of nude, masculine, feminine, cadaverous, chubby and muscular furs filled his screen. He filtered by 'cheetah', 'feminine' and 'male' so that his screen only showed pictures resembling Kyle. It wasn't difficult for Crisp to replace the faces of those on the screen with Kyle's. As a few videos loaded, Crisp stripped down to the nude and fetched his lube bottle.

By the time he returned to the computer, a five minute long video of a cheetah stroking himself had loaded. Crisp kicked back as his cock hardened, he started the video and reached a forepaw down between his legs to fondle himself.

In a mater of minutes, Crisp had burned through several videos and was relatively close to blowing his load. But, when he looked at his clock he noticed that the time read: '7:00.' In shock, he blinked twice and rubbed his eyes to see if he was just imagining things. Just as the clock snapped back to the real time, Crisp heard a somefur rummaging in his apartment.

They were close, probably in the kitchen or moving down the hallway to look for spoils. Not wanting to risk a fight with them, Crisp tried to dive out of his chair and hide, but found himself paralyzed in his seat. Panicking, he helplessly remained in his seat until the furson in his apartment entered the room.

Crisp was surprised to see that the 'furson' who had broken into his apartment wasn't a furson at all. They were human-like in appearance, with a great ginger beard on their chin and bushy eyebrows. A human?

They were much shorter than the wolf, almost humorously small in their green suit and top hat. If Crisp was able to do so, he would have burst out laughing at the dressed up midget. Crisp's intent to laugh fizzled out when several more entered the room, some coming through the open window and from under his bed. One retrieved the golden coin from his short's pockets and that was when it hit Crisp. Seeing their sign next to them, Crisp knew that these men were leprechauns. Crisp would have broken out into sweat, who wouldn't be terrified if a myth suddenly burst into their bedroom and paralyzed them in their chair, catching them with their pants around their ankles?

When the golden coin had been taken back, two leprechauns carrying green shoes that had been polished so much they shined from the light of Crisp's computer screen (or perhaps they were actually glowing) approached him menacingly. Crisp tried to growl in warning as the tiny men forced the apparel onto Crisp's paws, but couldn't. The shoes, despite appearing to be intended for a five or a ten year old, fit him perfectly. As soon as they were on him, the laces tied up and tightened to an unbelievable level. Not a moment after the shoes had been fitted, green and white striped extended from them and quickly grew into thigh highs. Crisp glared at them in shock, mostly because he couldn't look anywhere else.

The two leprechauns stepped away and Crisp felt an electric jolt crash through his body. Not a moment after the lightning bolted through him, the leprechaun who appeared to be their leader waggled his finger. As he moved it back and forth, Crisp's paws moved with it! His heels clicked three times and in the blink of an eye his erection sprang up, tall and proud. Blushing violently, he tried to beg for his dignity, but (as if the leprechaun could read his mind) the creature decided to humiliate him just that little bit more.

When the leprechaun waggled his finger again, he seemed to do it with a bit more grace and coordination. A second later, he understood why. His paws turned out into their shoes, then in and then back to a neutral position. Crisp, seeing as how he had control of his arms, reached down and grabbed his shins to try to stop himself from dancing. He didn't know why he'd gotten control of his arms, but not his voice and his legs, all he was interested in was preventing the dance. A leprechaun behind him lifted up his tail and jabbed at his pucker. Eyes bulging out of their sockets, Crisp's head shot around and bared his teeth with a silent snarl. The leprechaun chuckled calmly, but backed off.

Crisp's paws lifted off of the ground as he stood on his tip toes, then suddenly dropped back down on his heels; a clicking sound echoed through his apartment. He faced his laptop and saw that the leprechauns were opening up a live-streaming service, terrified of having his naked body put out there, Crisp tried to cover his erection as the camera clicked on. On the screen, he saw it capturing everything from his face to the shoes. The leprechauns however, didn't show up.

Two leprechauns approached him, evidently not happy with his modesty. They were surprisingly strong as they forced Crisp to open his arms wide and stand tall, showing off his erection. Another jolt of electricity coursed through his system, which Crisp was beginning to recognize as the feeling of magic, and the wolf feared the worst. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the leprechaun in charge making jerking motions with his hands. Then Crisp felt it. A tight, tingling grip encasing his length whilst moving up and down very quickly... Another blast of electricity ripped through him, but it felt nothing like magic. Before Crisp knew it, his cock spasmed and spurted his seed up into the air. With a look of horror, Crisp watched as it rose up then splattered onto the camera. More came and each time Crisp bucked his hips into the orgasm, moaning.

It lasted for a minute, thick cum came out in burst after burst for what seemed like an hour to the wolf. When it ended, his boner throbbed painfully and refused to go soft. The leprechauns also didn't plan on going soft for the wolf.

The two leprechauns holding his arms lifted him up higher, and Crisp's legs began flailing around beneath him. He recognized it as tap, only without the tapping considering that he was suspended in the air. Nevertheless, it was mortifying as the camera caught all of his movements. The two magical creatures dropped and Crisp continued his dance on the ground. He spun and tapped the ground with his paws, this time his arms became involved and seemed to move in time with his paws. The wolf tried to stop himself, but found that the leprechauns had completely taken control of him. A false, Cheshire cat grin replaced Crisp's worried looks and suddenly his dance came to a halt.

A second later, he sprung up again with a new one.

Crisp heard the music in his head before he took up the starting position, waltz.

A leprechaun, who had grown to be Crisp's height, stepped up and the wolf found himself grinding his erection against the creature's crotch. The warmth and the leprechaun's beard rubbing against his muzzle sure didn't help him at all. Fortunately, it was only for a brief few seconds as Crisp stepped back and the dance began

His left paw went forwards, then his right went to the side before his left joined it and finally he stepped back. Then again and again and again... After what seemed like an eon he started spinning, moving around his space. He became dizzy, nauseous as well, and his vision started getting blurry at the edges. Yet, the leprechauns forced him to continue dancing.

He switched styles constantly, going from tango to break dance, even line dance! Soon his paws started tapping on the floor again, he was back at the tap dance. Drenched in sweat and with the whole room dark, Crisp prayed that this signaled the end. When he started moving sideways, towards his bed, Crisp's prayers were answered. An explosion of magic erupted all over him and he collapsed on to his chest, face down ass up. He blacked out a few moments later, the camera still rolling.

Crisp awoke exhausted in the morning, but he could feel that his erection had finally gone. The shoes and stockings however, hadn't. He clawed at them, trying to peel off the knee high socks, but he couldn't get a claw under them and scratching at them only dulled his claws. He hoped he'd have better look with the shoes and tried to force them off by kicking the heel of one. That only gave him a sore ankle. Then he booted the wall, if he couldn't get out of bed, he'd have to break them! He felt nothing and assumed that the shoes didn't either. Crisp thought of what he could do: flamethrower? Saw? Bomb? Vice? Gnaw off his leg? That last one was probably too extreme, he labelled it as the last resort.

The wolf paced around his room, how had this all happened? His memory was foggy in places, but he could remember leprechauns, a cheetah- Kyle! Crisp physically jumped as he remembered everything, the video, the coin- THE VIDEO! Diving for his computer, Crisp slammed the off button for the stream and saw the watcher count: 100,000. He made a strangled sound and felt his chest tighten. How many of those furs did he know? Would he walk out on the street and get recognized? Crisp checked the comments.

"Nice ass, wolfy boy!" - XXX_Bigdaddy0_XXX

"I can fap to this!" - Bigblueskunk

"Wow. Err... Cute?" - RockstarXOX

"Shake it for me!" - XXX_Bigdaddy0_XXX

He had to stop there before things got any weirder.

Turning off his laptop, Crisp held his head in his forepaws and groaned. Assuming that no fur he knew had seen the stream, he was still screwed considering that he couldn't get the shoes or the socks off. Then there was the matter of whether or not the leprechauns were finished with him and Kyle was probably waiting on that phone call. Exhaling deeply, Crisp picked up his mobile and found the scrap of paper he'd scribbled Kyle's number on.

Punching in the digits, he put the phone to his ear and waited.

"Hello, who is this?" The cheetah asked, sounding suspicious. There was the noise of a shower running in the background.

"Crisp. The wolf from the bar?"

"Oh! You!" Kyle giggled. "I've been waiting to hear of you. I was just about to hop in the shower, wish you could be here." Crisp pictured the feline winking. "Forgive me, it's just that you've gotten me pretty riled up for a fuck, y'know?" Crisp blushed, sure Kyle had groped him in the bar, but he'd never expected him to be so forwards and blunt!

"Y-yeah... I, err... I jerked off to you I guess." Crisp admitted, though technically he hadn't actually since he'd been interrupted.

"Oh, that's hot. How about I touch you instead next time?" Crisp's cock started getting hard.

"I wouldn't say no to that." Crisp growled down the phone and instinct took over. "Next week, at eight o'clock, Ivian Spices, Be there or I'll have to sniff you out. You can do it from under the table, or we can sit in a stall and you can give me a handjob whilst we order."

"I'll be there, but what are we going to do after the meal?"

"I remember you asking to come to my place, but if you're that desperate I'll let you fuck me over the table." Kyle giggled.

"Sounds good, but... Let's do it at your place, I'd rather not have anyfur interrupting me."

"Great-" The cheetah hung up on Crisp, a buzzing noise filled the wolf's ear. The tease. Crisp chuckled and set his phone down, he snapped back into reality and realized that he still had the shoes to deal with. With haste, he dove right back into trying to get the shoes off.

He spent all of Saturday and Sunday trying to get the shoes off with his forepaws, he hit them off every surface and didn't leave the house for both days.

Then Monday came and the wolf had to go to work. With quick thinking, he painted the shoes black (which actually worked!), pulled on his uniform which fortunately covered the thigh high socks and headed out. Monday went smoothly and he found that the shoes benefited him greatly. He whizzed around the aisles, stocking shelves faster than anyfur else could and burned through all of his tasks. Yet, when he was finished, he sprung back up onto his paws and helped out at the checkouts. He scanned and bagged items faster than his co-workers and eventually got called into his boss' office. Crisp got promoted right there and a hefty amount of cash was thrust into his forepaws that would easily pay for the restaurant he planned on taking Kyle to.

Tuesday, however, was a different story. Although he was promoted, Crisp still had to work the checkouts, so he was in public view constantly, that was going to work against him. Halfway through his shift, a customer approached his check out: a little old lady.

"Hello!" Crisp smiled warmly and noticed that she had nothing in her shopping basket. Crisp opened his mouth to speak, but a jolt of electricity ran through him. Magic. Terrified, Crisp watched helpless as the old lady transformed in front of his eyes. She went form a harmless, ancient tigress to an even smaller, ginger leprechaun.

"Thought you could beat us, eh?" He spoke with a thick Irish accent and leaned over the counter. Somehow no fur else saw him. "Thought it was a good idea to mess up our shoes?" With a click of his fingers, the black paint dribbled off of the shoes and their vibrant green was revealed to Crisp's horror. "Thought you'd get away with wearing trousers?" Another click and Crisp's trousers completely disappeared, showing off his red and white briefs. The wolf gulped and hoped that, since no fur else could see the leprechaun, no fur would see him.

"So did you like the shoes? We were thinking that it would be nice to let you have their benefits, thought you might be fair and let us get a laugh! But no, you had to ruin it!" He hissed at Crisp. "So, here's your punishment. We're going to get a kick out of getting you fired, in a fun way of course. If you don't run out of here right now, we won't ruin your date! We'll be your wing men, how's that?" Crisp nodded, mostly out of fear. That and he imagined if he turned up to the date without trousers and wearing the shoes, he wouldn't get away with it for long.

The leprechaun beamed and skipped off, Crisp's nightmare began.

The rest of the day was filled with Crisp suddenly popping a boner which, thanks to him being out of his trousers, were very visible at the worst of times, silly blunders with his words which were somewhat hilarious to everyfur but Crisp, random and sudden dances, singing, his laces tied together to make him trip and worst of all, putting his legs up onto the small conveyor belt to show off the shoes and socks. Each time, Crisp blushed fiercely and begged for his customer's apologies. Somehow, he wasn't fired that day.

Wednesday, however was a different story. He got into work, without his trousers still might I add, and was instantly called over by his boss who fired him on the spot. Crisp's response was to dance, all around the office, all around the store and then down off the street. The wolf got into his home and locked his doors, hoping that the police weren't going to come knocking.

Thursday, Crisp had had enough of the shoes and put a saw to them. By Thursday night, ten different saws lay broken on Crisp's bathroom floor and the shoes weren't even dented.

On Friday, Crisp remembered the coin and he wasted no time getting rid of it. He took it all the way to the local incinerator, smashed it up, then tossed it in. That would surely solve his problems.

On Saturday, he sprung out of bed and was horrified to see that the shoes and the stockings weren't gone. If anything they felt tighter as did Crisp's chest. He felt nervous, what would Kyle say? He was sure that the cheetah wouldn't be attracted to him anymore anyway, it had been a week and they hadn't even texted each other! Crisp didn't even know if the date was still on. As if his thoughts could be heard by the cheetah, Crisp's phone lit up the moment he thought about the date.

It was a text from Kyle, reading:

_"See you tonight, you big bad wolf. ;)" _ Crisp got the feeling that he was going to enjoy the night.

8:00 PM

The wolf arrived at the restaurant on the dot, what luck! His taxi seemed to have sped up after Crisp mentioned that they were going to be late, he made sure to pay the driver a little bit extra as a thank you. As Crisp walked towards the restaurant, he spotted Kyle getting out of taxi. He was next to the feline in a flash, helping him out of the cab.

Both him and Kyle were dressed in fancy, black dinner suits. The cheetah didn't notice the wolf's shoes as he was busy looking into his eyes.

"Hey." Kyle smiled slightly after a few seconds of silent. "I- missed you." He admitted with a smirk, Crisp slipped his arms around Kyle's hips and pulled him close.

"Missed you too." He let himself lick the end of the cheetah's nose, which made him giggle and press up against the wolf.

"I've been looking forwards to this, I was half-expecting you to cancel on me I must admit. No other guy has ever actually treated me to dinner." Kyle admitted.

"Well I'm glad to be the first, it's an honor to take your dinner cherry." Kyle blushed at Crisp's comment. "Come on, let's go get dinner." The wolf led Kyle by the forepaw, who seemed more than happy to be turning heads when they walked into the doors of 'Ivian Spices.' Crisp had apparently struck gold with his timing, the restaurant was basically empty and they managed to get the best seats in the house; in front of a large window over looking the city. At night, with all of the lights in the city shining different colors, the view was magnificent.

"Thank you." Kyle beamed as he slid into his chair and was tucked in by the wolf. "Aren't we a gentleman?" The wolf felt inclined to bow. Laughter burst out of the cheetah, the wolf looked up with a frown.

"What's funny?"

"Don't play me for a fool!" The feline grinned ear to ear. "How did you do that?" Crisp saw that Kyle was pointing at his legs. Looking down, Crisp realized that his trousers legs had scrunched up all the way to his thighs to show off his stripy, green stockings and the shoes. Blushing, Crisp pushed them down and kept his cool appearance.

"A magician never reveals his tricks." Crisp gave a false chuckle as he took his seat, anxiously looking around at the same time to try and spot the leprechaun. He saw nothing, but he knew that the leprechauns could disguise themselves, so they could be anyfur.

"And what were those shoes?" Kyle asked, leaning forwards. "Are you just really enthusiastic about St. Patrick's day?"

"Yes." Crisp answered. "It's a fun holiday."

"Whatever you say, Crisp." Kyle smirked.

"Welcome, sirs!" A waitress, a tigress around the same size of Kyle chirped to get their attention. "What starter may I get for you today?" The cheetah quickly scanned the menu, a look of confusion came to his face.

"I'm sorry, I've never been here so I don't know what I'd like. Crisp what's good?" The wolf chuckled in response, he had no idea either.

"Er... two Spiced Ivian Chickens I guess." He answered, feeling drawn to them. He hoped that the leprechauns weren't playing a prank on them.

"Of course. And your mains? We like to prepare and cook them whilst you are eating your starters here at Ivian Spices." The feline smiled.

"Makes sense. Should I avoid curries, Crisp? "The cheetah winked to Crisp who grinned.

"You can have a curry. But I'd say the Turkey Biryani is the best choice." Kyle took his word for it.

"So that's two servings of Spiced Ivian Chickens and two Turkey Biryanis?" She asked for conformation.

"Yes, please." Crisp answered. "Can we order drinks as well?"

"Yes. What will it be?"

"A bottle of red wine please, something good, but not too strong; one of us might be driving tonight." Crisp winked to Kyle, who giggled and blushed.

"You'll be driving for sure." Crisp was surprised that the waitress didn't catch on to what they were saying.

"Thank you, I'll return with your bottle soon." The tigress hurried off towards the kitchen, leaving the two alone again.

"Sure you can pay for everything?" Kyle chuckled and tapped his shoes against Crisp's. "Or did you spend all your money on these shoes?" The wolf didn't take offense,

"I can pay." He slapped the promotion money he'd gotten onto the desk. "I can buy us an escort too if you'd like to make it a threesome." He winked.

"No thanks, maybe we can get other furs involved when we get to the fifth date. For now, I'd just like it to be me and you."

"Fine be me, though if you have a twin or a clone-" Kyle reached across the table to playfully slap the wolf on the head.

"Stop it you! So how's the weather where you live..."

The two started banal talk, about weather, TV and everything in between. It was nothing special, but between the compliments they shared every now and then and the glasses of wine, it was good fun to chat. Their starters arrived and that was when Crisp spotted a man, wearing only green on the other side of the restaurant. The furson who had just delivered their food transformed into a leprechaun and winked, the wolf was immediately put off from his food. Regardless, he chewed a bit just to make it seem to Kyle that he was alright.

Seconds after seeing the leprechaun, Crisp felt something stirring in his nethers. There was a jolt of electricity and the wolf sat up right suddenly, then slumped back down to his original position. His eyes darted about, but the leprechaun was nowhere to be seen. Had that been a warning shot? Crisp continued eating, stopping to chat with Kyle after he swallowed. Three swallows later and Crisp understood what the leprechaun had done to him.

His cock rubbed against the fabric of his briefs, pleasuring him to great lengths. Crisp bit his lower lip, the leprechaun had made him sensitive. Very sensitive. He couldn't move an inch without moving his cock to strike against his underwear and doing that it felt like his cock was being tossed off by somefur. It was good and if he was at home, he'd be moving about all over the place to get himself off, but he was at a fancy restaurant and no doubt having orgasm would get him and Kyle thrown out. So he kept his movement to a minimum and tried to do everything he could not to move too much. The leprechaun noticed this and devised a cunning, humiliating plan.

Kyle's fork somehow dropped out of his forepaw to clatter on the carpet and bounce over to Crisp.

"Oh! Could you get that for me Crisp?" Kyle asked, looking under the table at the cutlery. "It's by your chair." The wolf broke out into a sweat, but went down slowly to get the fork. Kyle remarked:

"Talk about a tent." Crisp blushed and picked up Kyle's fork. "Oh my god!" Kyle gasped as a jolt shot through the wolf. Crisp felt his cock spasm, then his briefs dampen and stick to his fur. The cum soaked through his briefs and into his trousers, leaving a conspicuous wet patch for the cheetah to see. Crisp could smell his musk thick in the air around him and in seconds Kyle could as well. The cheetah licked his lips and slipped his shoes off as Crisp put the fork back.

The feline, with his paws, rubbed Crisp's erection (which despite having came, was still rock hard) and watched with glee as Crisp groaned.

"I didn't know that I was so hot I could get somefur to come just by looking at them!" Kyle giggled as he moved a paw down to rub Crisp's balls. Overtaken by pleasure, Crisp could only groan.

"Your food sirs!" The two turned their heads to the side to see their tigress waiter approaching, main courses in her forepaws.

"Thank you!" Kyle exclaimed and quickly moved his starter plate out of the way. Crisp put his head down to do the same.


Both lovers were startled by a noise that pierced their ear drums and shattered all around the restaurant, both thought that a window had smashed or somefur outside had crashed their car; they soon realized that their waitress had dropped the plates. Their food was scattered over the expensive carpet and all the two could do was gawp.

"I'm sorry, sirs!" The waitress smiled, as if this wasn't a problem. "How about you get your meal for free? I'll go and get the kitchen to prepare your dishes again." Then she was off.

Kyle broke the silence first with a giggle which soon broke into a laugh. Crisp laughed too, between getting free dinner and somehow impressing the cheetah with a premature orgasm, he was sure that the leprechauns were helping him.

Two hours later, they'd chowed down on their main course and dessert. Neither of them were tipsy, but they took a cab back to Crisp's apartment anyway. When the door was unlocked, Kyle barged past and stood in the middle of the living room. He slid his trousers off and grinned: "Let's fuck already!" An instant later, Crisp's clothes pinged off into thin air and Kyle burst out in laughter.

"What the fuck! How do you do this stuff?" Kyle flopped down on the couch as he got his shirt and blazer off. "And why are you still wearing all that?" Kyle complained, gesturing to the wolf's socks, briefs and shoes, but didn't seem too bothered over all. "We're fucking for god's sake, you can't do it with your shoes on!" Crisp though of an excuse quickly.

"Sorry, I'm raising money for charity." He chuckled. "I keep these shoes on for a week, a hefty sum of money gets donated to a charity of my choosing."

"That's a sweet cause." The cheetah slipped out of his underwear and tossed them off towards the kitchen before rolling on to his back to look at the wolf. "Hurry up!" He barked. "Oh, do you have lube?"

Crisp's briefs suddenly felt heavy, he prayed that his cock wasn't growing. He reached into his underwear and pulled out a bottle of lube.

"Bullshit. Where did that come from?" Kyle giggled. "Never mind, just lube up and stick it in before I get bored!" Grinning, Crisp stepped out of his briefs and wasted no time. He used a good amount of lube and practically dived for the cheetah.

"Mhh..." Kyle groaned as Crisp pressed down on him. "Don't even think about fingering me, I was doing it myself in the taxi." He winked.

"Fine by me." Crisp got onto his knees and lifted Kyle's legs up slightly, so that he could see the feline's pucker. Lining up his cock, he took it slowly. The cheetah was tight, really tight and Crisp figured that it was the leprechauns rewarding him for amusing them. He pushed forwards and got his cock head inside with only a small gasp from Kyle. The cheetah shuffled about and moaned when Crisp continued driving forwards.

In thirty seconds he had about half of his cock in, but could go no further seeing as how the cheetah was tensing.

"God, I'm sorry! I guess I didn't do it enough, I'm not normally this tight I promise!" Kyle blushed, seeing the strain on Crisp's face as he pulled his cock back to drive it forwards.

"It's fine, feels great!" Crisp grunted and shoved his hips forwards, suddenly going balls deep. Kyle let out an even louder moan.

"God!" He gasped and let his arms hang off the arm of the sofa above his head. "Hah, I guess you've done this before?"

"You're guessing too much." Crisp chuckled and leaned forwards to kiss Kyle before he started humping against him, bringing his hips back only to thrust forwards again and again. With each swing, his balls swung forwards to slap against Kyle and soon they went from talking to moaning, groaning, panting and grunting. Crisp got into a rhythm quickly and when he was sure that he was hitting Kyle's prostate with each thrust, judging by how Kyle's facial expression twisted with pleasure, he reached forwards and put a forepaw on the cheetah's cock.

Kyle opened an eye to see what was happening and winced when Crisp moved a lubed up forepaw down his length. "Shit I'm sensitive..." Kyle moaned and lifted his legs up further to put them on Crisp's shoulders. "No..." He whined. "Just fuck me, I'm close already." He put his head to the side and bit into a throw pillow, telling Crisp that now was the time to go hard and fast.

Pounding into the cheetah, Crisp held onto Kyle's legs and quickened the pace.

"Mfmph." Crisp grunted, he could feel his orgasm building too. "Early warning, think about I'm about to blow too." Crisp tried to suppress the feeling and the moment he did it was as if his seed had magically disappeared. He knew that it was still there, but the pressure that had been building up dissipated. Crisp humped into the cheetah faster and with more power, knowing that Kyle was only seconds away from coming forepaws free. He was right.

Kyle exhaled sharply and let out a girly whine as his cock tensed, it spurted out his white, feline seed over his chest in thick, long cum strands. "Yes!" He threw his head back and bucked into the orgasm, getting it all the way up to his chin. The moment Kyle stopped coming, Crisp started. He dumped his jizz deep inside of Kyle, spurting it out in long, sticky ropes that reached much further than Kyle's previous partners cum had. It warmed the cheetah and with a giggle he relaxed. By the time Crisp pulled out, Kyle was fast asleep.

He looked adorable in his sleep and, not wanting to disturb him, Crisp got up slowly and crept into the bathroom to clean up. Kyle's trousers were on the floor, he noted that for later. As he wiped off his cock, he saw a leprechaun in the mirror. His heart stopped. He twitched his tail, just to see if the creature had frozen him and was about to make him do something. He hadn't and when the leprechaun just stood there menacingly, Crisp spoke:

"What do you want?" He asked with a hushed voice.

"I could really go for a beer." The supernatural being grinned. "Came to congratulate you! The boys got a quick out of you this week, but it's err... Time we took the shoes back, you know? Magic shoes are pretty hard to come by! I mean, sure we've got magic everything, but I've always liked the shoes." Crisp bit his lip, he imagined that this time was probably going to come soon, but he wanted it to carry on just that extra bit longer.

"Sorry." He interrupted the leprechaun who was blabbering on. "But could I keep them?" The wolf half expected to be turned into a clover or whatever it is that leprechauns do when they're angry, but was just as terrified when the leprechaun started laughing.

"Pardon?! You want to keep the shoes?"

"Yeah... They're useful." Crisp answered. "I mean err, I'd like to be able to take them off since I can't wear them forever, but they're cool!" The leprechaun grinned at him.

"And what's in it for us?"

"Err..." Crisp hadn't actually thought about it, he didn't expect to get this far. "I'll dance for you?" The leprechaun didn't look to happy.

"Sure, sure... But." He chuckled. "Every year on the week that it is St. Patrick's day, we take control of you. Only at night though and we promise not to do anything reckless, if you count streaking as reckless." The leprechaun's laughter caromed off of the walls. "Deal?" He held out a hand to shake. Crisp thought for a moment, then settled on an answer.

"Deal." He took the creature's forepaw and when he blinked, the little man was gone.

Crisp strolled out to cuddle up next to Kyle and went to slip off his shoes off. A thought crossed his mind, he kept them on and climbed onto the sofa next to Kyle. He wriggled under the cheetah and tapped the his heels together. As soon as he did, the cheetah's boner sprung up. Crisp reached out to give the feline a handjob in his sleep. Thinking, he clicked his heels together again and felt his forepaw tingling as if static had built up in it. Bring his forepaw to Kyle's cock, the feline twitched in his sleep as his length began tingling; Crisp chuckled, with magic like this, sex was going to be a lot of fun.

Behind him in the bathroom, the leprechaun slipped the golden coin into Kyle's trousers.

Thanks For Reading!

Crisp © :iconFriskeCrisp:

Other characters, locations and story © Kalebthecat

'You're A Cute One' - Strawberry Cheesecake (1/3)

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