Business With More Than A Smile

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Business With More Than A Smile

Jade Smile Resort, South East Ezil

17th of December, 3:00 PM

Sizzling concrete, singeing furs and scorching sands, Ezil's Summer sun blazed in all of its fiery glory. Everyfur came to the South East of Ezil close to Christmas time for its other-worldly heat and sunshine. However for those who lived in Ezil, the sun wasn't that spectacular. Yes it was better than being snowed in or have icicles hanging from their noses, but after a month or so the draw backs to living in a tropical environment manifested. Sun burn, heat rash and becoming dehydrated quickly wasn't a bother at all anymore since every resident had learnt to use sun screen and drink water, but the endless sweating? That got under everyfur's skin.

This was especially apparent for the terribly unfortunate raccoon who was stuck in an itchy, chunky blazer, a white shirt that hugged too closely to his chubby frame and tight 'slacks.' Luckily, the AC unit was situated above his head, so at least he wasn't going to burst out into flames suddenly. However, the AC unit didn't completely cure the sweating problem considering that it wasn't powerful or expensive. That and it couldn't solve the itchiness of his shirt or the way his briefs rode up his as crack whenever he shifted his weight. He hid is discomfort with a sparky smile, a spring in his step and sparkling eyes; after all, 'Doing business with a sunny smile and much more!' was the company's policy.

"Good afternoon!" Daniel, though his staff badge read 'Danny' because it was 'more friendly,' exclaimed, his lips bent in a forced smile. "How may I serve you today?" Word choice was everything if Daniel wanted to excel at his job, not to mention attitude, tone, punctuality, formality, posture... The list had seemed endless when Daniel's boss had thrust it into his forepaws some years ago. Seeking approval from his employer, Daniel had powered through the list in less than a night and proceeded to perform excellently in every category. Despite this, the gray and black raccoon was still waiting on that promotion. Fearing that he'd lose his boss' approval, Daniel would never ask for one.

With his forepaws folded politely over his trousers, Daniel fixed his gaze on the family of cheetahs in front of him. There was one set of adults, two miserable teenagers and three giggling cubs who ran around their parent's legs. "We're the Kellan family. We booked a large family room?" The woman with her designer, leather handbag between her legs, stated coldly. "Please give me a moment, madame whilst I find your room." Daniel responded, bowed quickly and punched the name into his computer. In truth, he was really checking if they were lieing or not. The Kellan family popped up, complete with room information. "Sign these please and I can give you your keys." Daniel chirped, handing a stack of forms over the desk. The wife took one pen, the husband the other. Together, they powered through without reading a word. They pushed the papers together and gave them to Daniel, who signed where necessary before filing them under his desk. "Your room is number four on the 8th floor. Have a nice week!" The wife snatched the keys from Daniel's forepaw, muttered a thank you and walked away with her family muttering about wasted time.

The day was figuratively Kellan family after Kellan family. By the end of his shift (at 10:00), Daniel had handed out rooms to hundreds of furs who'd each had a shitty day thanks to the numerous strikes happening within the transport industry. Taxis, trains, car hiring services and buses had all grinded to a halt over the horrific road conditions along with the many other workers who had to brave the dangerous mountains and their killer, winding turns... Fortunately for Daniel, he didn't have to risk his life on the road because he lived in the hotel. So, when his shift ended, Daniel could saunter to the elevator and catch a ride up to the top floor where all the other staff residents lived.

Daniel kept an alarm on his desk, so that he knew when to leave work on time. By chance, it sounded an awful lot like a fire alarm. It was also loud. Very loud. On top of this? Every window in the entire reception was wide open. As soon as the clock struck ten, Daniel's alarm screamed. Everyfur in the area was sprinting to the door, screaming bloody murder before Daniel could correct his mistake. Embarrassed and worried that he was about to become the most hated fur in the hotel, Daniel grabbed his alarm and fled the scene.

The elevator was waiting for him at the end of a corridor. Taking it as a sign of good things to come, Daniel looked to the future and tried to forget that he'd just caused mass panic.

Opening the door to his room, Dan called out: "Vance?" There was no response. Dan closed the door and crept in further. Clicking on the lights, Dan suddenly chirped and delight and dropped his alarm clock (which had stopped wailing a few moments ago) to hurl himself on to bed, on to the dog. "Dan!" The naked German Shepherd howled with laughter as the raccoon pelted him with kisses and nuzzled his grizzled, hairy chest.

"Had a good day?" The dog inquired when Dan buried his head into a large patch of fur below the man's neck to inhale his scent. "Same old grind." Dan replied with a huff, pulling out of his fur and straddling Vance's belly. "But at least I get to come home to this!" The raccoon grinned wildly and was rewarded with having his head furs fussed. "Did just ask me if I had a good day coaching a cub's sport team?" Vance laughed and kissed his lover on the lips when he saw the raccoon frown. "It was stressful and annoying, since they didn't do anything right yet again, but like you said: coming home to this everyday makes it worth going gray faster." Blushing, Dan commented: "I don't think that your fur is going gray any faster." "There's the boy I fell in love with." Dan collapsed back onto the dog to kiss every inch of his six pack and bulging biceps. When the raccoon finished, Vance quickly stripped him of all of his clothes; tossing them into a pile at the side of the bed.

"Umm..." Dan giggled as Vance began to fondle and jiggle the raccoon's belly, ignoring his cock for the moment. "So... Are you..." Dan seized up and stopped speaking for a second out of anxiety. "What, don't you think that you're going to be up to it tonight?" "No, I'm in the mood." Dan promised. "It's just that... my.. I'm sorry, Vance. I get all giddy talking about it." "Your buttplug? This thing?" Vance reached behind the raccoon and gave the plastic which was lodged inside of Dan's tailhole a sharp push, the raccoon gasped.

"Do you want me to take it out for you? Thank you for keeping it in all day long, it makes me happy to think that you'll do anything I ask. Turn around now." Resting on the bed, Dan turned and lowered his face to the quilts, ass raised. He shuddered as the plug was polled from him. It came out with a lewd pop, followed by a trickle of cum from last night. Dan felt it running out of him and whimpered when Vance wiped it up and onto the sheets.. "I'm sorry, I was going to clean it up!" "Shush... I think that it's hot." The German Shepherd treated himself to some of his own cum, before feeding the rest to Dan. "Looks like your reserves are running dry." Vance commented when cum no longer trickled from Dan's tailhole. "I guess that we'll have to replenish it all somehow."

"But I'm all sweaty!" Dan protested. "I mean... I'll have sex with you if you want, it's just that I smell bad." "That's no problem to me. But we can have a shower if you'd like." "What would you like? I'll be happy with anything you chose." Dan smiled, voluntarily wagging his ringed tail behind him. Vance seized it with his forepaw and twirled it around with his forepaw. "Dan, do you want to have a shower with me? Or do you want to have sex right now?" "Why don't we do both? That way we both are happy... right? You like shower sex don't you?" Dan questioned. "So servile." Vance chuckled as he stroked Dan's tail, "And yes, I love shower sex." Dan jumped from his bed and dashed to the shower.

Not a minute later, he was facing the torrent of warm water as it ran through his long hair and fluffy body fur. Before he knew it, Vance was running his forepaws through his fur. "Thank you..." Dan groaned as the German Shepherd tweaked his nipples. "Anything to make you happy." Vance growled back and worked the shampoo into the raccoon's fur. He massaged the raccoon's chubby belly, rubbing his forepaws closer to the raccoon's dick. Dan leaned back onto him and giggled in approval.

"I'll get you clean first, then I'm going to make you scream..." Made giddy by Vance's words, Dan leaned over and rested a forepaw on the shower wall. Dan looked over his shoulder at the dog to find that he was showing pink, his sheath bulged slightly and his breath was heavier than usual. Just seeing the raccoon naked and wet was enough to get him horny. Dan wagged his tail and jiggled his ass, shaking off beads of water. Despite it being difficult (especially because of his bestial libido) Vance managed to thoroughly wash Dan without taking him up on his offer to fuck. Well, kind of. About halfway into washing the raccoon's lower half, Vance's fingers may have slipped into his tailhole to keep the raccoon raunchy.

When they were finished, Dan's body smelt of roses and his hair covered his eyes. Pushing it back, Vance leaned in close and whispered: "Lube me up. Get against the wall. Enjoy yourself." Vance gave simple commands like this all the time, that way Dan didn't get all confused or worried about whether or not he was doing things correctly. Without balking, Dan leaped from the shower and into the bedroom to grab a bottle of lube as well as a canine dildo.

Dan lubed up Vance's cock back in the shower seeing as how Vance never did it himself and assumed a hunched over position in the shower. Vance turned on the shower, pelting Dan's curved back with warm water. The raccoon relaxed under the rays and his eyes shut tight as he braced for the German Shepherd's red rocket. Water flowed between his ass cheeks, his pucker seemed to loosen thanks to the warmth. Reaching back to hold Vance's butt, Dan whimpered to let Vance know that he was ready. Dan's desperation inspired Vance to drive his cock forwards without mercy for the raccoon's tailhole. Dan giggled in ecstasy as Vance guided his cock all the way into him.

"Yes!" The raccoon cried out loudly as he felt the knot push against his pucker. "Please knot me..." Vance chuckled and didn't give the raccoon an answer. "Please!" He continued to whine as the knot teased him, opening him more and more with every passing second. "PLEEASE!" He screamed. Cruelly, Vance pulled back as far as he could until only the tip of his cock was resting on the very inside of Dan's tailhole. The raccoon groaned in annoyance, but couldn't complain when Vance growled dominantly.

"Ready to get fucked?" "Yes! Please fuck me hard!" Dan chirped, the entire hotel could probably hear his cries and his begs from through the air vents. They probably didn't appreciate it."I love having your cock in me! Fuck me, please!" The German Shepherd grinned as he began pumping his cock in and out of Dan at a slow place, bringing the raccoon to make noisy moans and ear-splitting howls of pleasure whenever his prostate was rubbed in the right way.

He was on cloud-nine thanks to the lube he'd used. It was a special type, one that tingled the more it was touched. So when Vance was driving his cock in and out of the raccoon, heartlessly pounding the clerk's pucker blue, the tingling sensation was out of control. The feeling consumed Dan's tailhole, burning over his prostate and making him moan whenever the feeling suddenly perked. The lube was scented like dog musk, so when Dan rubbed some onto his nose he could imagine what Vance's cock smelt like. It was intoxicating, it brought his erect cock to twitch below him.

"FASTER!" Dan begged, stomping his paws into the puddles of water at the bottom of the shower. Vance was quick to obey and was smacking his hips against Dan's at an impressive rate. The raccoon's tongue came out of his mouth, his body arched perfectly and all he could think about was Vance's cock. He kept his body still, so that Vance could keep his thrusts rapid. Dan was reduced to a sequence of moans and cries that were muffled by one forepaw for a minute. When Dan grew jaded of the feeling of being fucked so quickly, he ripped his forepaw away from his mouth and ordered:

"HARDER!" And Vance obeyed. Now his thrusts became powerful rather than fast. His knot inched inside of Dan's tailhole with each buck of his hips, but pulled back before he knotted the whimpering, excited raccoon to plow his ass again and again. Despite the fact that his prostate hurt and his tailhole was certainly discolored by the rough sex, and Dan knew this, the raccoon wanted more. He craved it and would do so until he'd had hours and hours of sex with the dog.

"KNOT ME!" Dan demanded, no longer begging, at the top of his lungs. "NAGH!" He noised as the German Shepherd drove his knot directly inside of him. About halfway into the final thrust, Dan realized that he hadn't used enough lube, but a primal urge inside of him prevented him from telling Vance to stop. The German Shepherd knotted him with a lewd 'Pop' and a scream from Dan. Upon being knotted, Dan curled over with beads of what was either sweat or shower water rolling over his forehead and a glazed look in his eyes. He firmly squeezed Vance's ass once. The German Shepherd's cock exploded inside of him, spraying cum deep inside of him. It splattered against his walls, spreading their musk and marking the raccoon. "Ohhh... FUCK YES!" Dan moaned, the sound penetrating through the hotel walls. Dan's noises were rewarded with an frustrated pounding on the wall, coming from his neighbors. Blushing, Dan looked to Vance who seemed to have an answer for everything.

"Let's go to the bedroom, I'd say we're finished for the night." Dan nodded. When the German Shepherd pulled out, Dan grabbed his butt-plug from stand and shoved it in with another cry. Fortunately, his neighbors either didn't hear this or had grown tired of telling Dan to shut it. Dan skittered off into his bedroom undisturbed by the feeling of having a toy lodged in his anus. As he waited for Vance to clamber into bed, Dan searched his room for the book he was reading (titled 'The Man In Your Dreams') as well as his favorite collar and the combs he needed for grooming.

When he settled down on the bed, Vance quickly combed out the raccoon's neck furs and smiled to him. "There, now how about we get your collar on?" Dan got his collar on without Vance's help, he made sure that it wasn't too tight and handed the leash to Vance. Vance tied it around the bed post. "Wouldn't want you escaping, would I?" The German Shepherd grinned and started to comb out the rest of Dan's body along with his hair. By the time he was finished, the naked, chubby raccoon looked beautiful with his neat, fluffy and soft fur. Smiling, Dan grabbed his book and flipped to the last page he was reading.

"Andrea? I love you..." Mr. Archer confessed. "Please don't leave." The naked German Shepherd begged from the bed. "Oh... Vance..." Andrea blushed, her feline tail curling behind her. "I'd love to stay as well, but you know that my father will worry if I don't return by midday." "Who cares how he feels? I love you." Vance Archer said again, he patted his bed. "Come join me, I know how to make you feel better about all this." Unbuttoning her top, Andrea let it fall to the floor. She rushed forwards and dived onto the rich fur's bed. Fondling her...

With a huff, Dan folded the edge of the page again and tossed it to the floor annoyed. He hated how not only was Vance Archer a fictional character, but also as straight as an arrow. Yes, he could imagine the German Shepherd in all his glory (his own forepaws and the canine toy he'd dubbed 'Vance' helped him do so) but nothing could really compare to having a real man take him.

He'd had sex before, several times actually, but never with a canine or any furson who possessed a knotted cock. The process of being knotted, Dan had been told, was extremely painful and that canine toys were different from real cocks because their knots were always squishy to help with removal. Dan wondered how it would actually be, his toys hurt like hell and equine's with their foot long monsters as well as feline's with their sharp barbs could bring him to the edge of passing out, but at least they never got stuck inside of him. And so Dan lay back down in his bed, imaging Vance Archer and his canine cock, his honeyed words along with his money bags that filled vaults.

These thoughts became too much for Dan quickly, he rolled over onto a nearby pillow and took it with him as he rolled back. With the pillow on top of him, it transformed into Vance's muscular, nude body. The imaginary dog pinned him to the bed with large forepaws and gripped his collar's leash.

"Ready to come?" He growled, giving the raccoon's pole a flick. Dan whimpered as he flicked himself. "Y-yes." He responded to his imagination. He reached out with his forepaws to the night stand, grabbed a candy red ball gag and pretended to give it to Vance. The German Shepherd stuffed the gag into Dan's mouth, tied it at the back of his head and ordered. "Moan for me! I want to hear you begging for more in your gag." Two fingers tweaked his nipple, twisting it between his digits and making him shut one eye to lose himself more to the feeling. "Mhh! Mhh!" "What was that slut?" Dan imagined Vance growling to him, Dan yanked the ball gag from his mouth and shouted: "I love you sir! P-please fuck my ass!"

Imagining that it was Vance's, Dan retrieved the knotted dildo he called Vance from the floor and brought his legs up as close to the head board as possible. Between his legs, he pictured Vance gripping his massive cock and poking the raccoon's tailhole with it. Dan teased his taint with the toy. He didn't bother with lube as his tailhole was already stretched from wearing the buttplug all day long as well as the previous fuck. The head went in without a struggle as did the rest, gliding down until the knot bumped against his tailhole. "FUCK!" Dan screeched as he felt the knot penetrate him slightly, his tailhole clamped down on the toy as he continued to pound his tailhole senseless with the squishy toy he'd bought after he'd fallen in love with Vance Archer.

Dan spat into his other forepaw, maw hanging wide open and tail swishing, then jerked his cock to the feeling of his tailhole being stuffed. In a perfect world, Vance would have tied Dan's forepaws to the bedposts and wouldn't need to touch the raccoon's cock to make him come. Instead of touching his cock, Vance's forepaws would be focusing on tweaking his nipples, rubbing his forepaws or fondling his ball sacks. In his mind, a dark red shirt had suddenly appeared on Vance's chest and his jeans were just under his knees as if the two had just randomly started going at it rather than working their way through foreplay. Dan's moaning grew louder as well as strokes when he felt the knot begin to force its way in. To Dan, the foreplay was reading about how good Vance was in bed or about his bulging muscles and his-

"OI! SHUT THE FUCK UP IN THERE!" Somefur shouted from the next room over. Blushing, Dan silenced himself with the gag, but didn't stop masturbating until the canine dildo knotted him. Dan bit down on his lower lip, almost drawing blood, as the knot popped inside of him with a lewd squelch. Dropping his legs, both of his forepaws bolted to his cock to squeeze down on it as he drew closer to orgasm. The cum came rushing from his cock moments later, spraying out onto his belly and splashing to his forepaws. He released his cock and flopped back onto the bed, ready to sleep. He drifted on the edge of slip for minutes, picturing Vance settling into bed next to him and wrapping an arm around his chest.

"Carlsberg! Carlsberg are you in there?!" The tiger's, his boss', shouting came from outside his door. Daniel shot out of bed, not remembering the cum that stained his chest furs, his own nudity or the toy inside of his tailhole. "Open the bloody door!" The servile mind of Daniel took the man's words as 'Open this door wide, so I can see you!" So of course, Daniel threw the door open wide and waited for his boss' next instructions.

The feline's jaw feel agape, "Daniel!" His boss averted his eyes and staggered backwards, deeply disturbed by seeing one of his workers naked, post-masturbation and with a collar around his neck. The color drained from Daniel's face. Grabbing a nearby towel he covered his modesty. "Ss-orry!" Daniel apologized as he returned to the door.

"That's... better." His boss did his best to look at Daniel's eyes rather than his body as he spoke. As the tiger somewhat surveyed him, Daniel returned the look. His boss was the model for all DILFS, to put it blatantly. He was divorced, with two kids, rich, had plenty of body fur, a leonine growl, strong arms as well as forepaws, a libido that was not sated by masturbation alone and finally a need to breed something warm, living and moaning rather than a fleshlight. The icing on the cake, was how fat his dick was. Daniel had heard rumors of the tiger's almost equine length and his legendary girth. He was certain that accompanying such a monstrous cock would be hefty balls and a potent, masculine musk.

"Daniel?" His boss coughed to get his attention. "Sorry, what were you saying?" Daniel blushed as he escaped his imaginary world in which he could get fucked by his boss and get away with it. "We've been getting a lot of complaints about you. Some more recent ones just came in about noise coming for your room which is keeping at least two families up. This is the last straw."

Daniel caught on quickly. "You-you're firing me?!" Daniel squealed. "B-but I do my job right, don't I?!" With an agitated huff, the tiger listed: "You set off the fire alarm in the night, seem to agitate the customers with your cheery attitude and have kept some of our higher paying customers awake with what they described as... sexual noises. You are not doing your job correctly." The tiger scowled. Daniel knew that he'd deeply disappointed the tiger. "P-please don't fire me! I'll do anything, I-I'll be quiet and work longer hours! You can move me to the basement too if if you want!" Daniel's voice reverberated through the corridor, probably waking residents on mass.

"Daniel, even if we did that we'd still have a problem..." The tiger shook his head, tired. You enjoy 'The Man In Your Dreams,' don't you?" "Yes, I read it all the time" Daniel admitted, finding no shame in seeing reading as fun. "Well from what we've been told, enjoy is an understatement." The tiger coughed into a handkerchief that he produced from one of his suit's pockets. "We've had reports of you calling Vance Archer's name sexually, referring to him as Sir, Master and sometimes Daddy." Daniel broke out into an even wilder blush, but his heart sunk in his chest. He didn't know how to feel, ashamed, disgraced, embarrassed or all three at once. "I'm sorry..." Daniel went to call the tiger in front of him 'Sir', but seeing it as too sexual he stopped speaking for the moment.

"Sorry isn't enough at the moment. The German Shepherd that the character was based off is coming to stay in our hotel, he's on his way now." His voice picked up as he spoke and a proud smile came to his face. As you can imagine, I can't allow potential... risks to our name, his health, my money and his stay in the hotel." He explained. "So if I leave now,I can come back when he's gone?" Daniel's eyes lit up, seeing a little bit of hope despite the fact that his boss was literally throwing him out without any previous warnings. "No. He wants to live here, like you do." Daniel's heart dropped, hope diminishing to horrifying levels in the blink of an eye, but not so far that he wouldn't plead: "What if just avoid him?" The tiger didn't have the time or patience for pathetic begging, "No Daniel" He said sternly.

"Report to my office at twelve in the afternoon. We need to work over legal documents and what not. Make sure that you've showered and have packed everything." "O-okay..." Tears came to Daniel's eyes, he couldn't believe this was happening. "Don't cry Daniel. You won't get my sympathy. Now get some rest and stay quiet, the only reason I'm allowing you to stay one more night is because you've brought me a lot of money in the past." His boss parted with those words, heading down the corridor humming a tune to himself.

Sniffling, Daniel carefully shut his door and flopped into bed. Vance didn't bother him for the whole night or in the morning.

12:00 PM The Following Day

As you can imagine, Dan's morning had been miserable. He'd sulked in the shower, taking his time to wash all of his fur as if scrubbing at himself would erase his disastrous mistakes. Accidentally, Dan had missed breakfast which was incredibly rare for the raccoon. His curtains remained drawn as he attempted to finish his favorite book, he was unsuccessful in this as he was too distracted by the impending, possibly dark future he faced. Before he knew it, it was time for him to report to his boss' office for the final time. His fur washed and his bags packed, Dan slumped his way towards the room which was located on the ground floor.

"You're late. Carlsberg." The tiger chastised, pushing a pocket watch back into his blazer, safe against his breast. "I'm very sorry, sir." Dan bowed, his one and only suitcase which was packed with everything he had to his name, nestled in front of him. Dan's boss didn't plan on wasting time with the raccoon, he was only participating in this long and often drawn out process because he didn't want a law suit on his desk. Not that Dan would press, but the owner of the Jade Smile Resort wasn't one to take chances.

Yawning, the tiger ordered: "Sign your name at the bottom of each page with your right forepaw, please." He rested his head in his forepaw as Dan flicked through the pages. With each signing he grew more and more depressed until he reached the final page, signing on the dotted line would mean that he was officially fired on the basis of a poor job performance as well as banned from the hotel for disturbing the peace.

It wasn't difficult to imagine his father's disappointment in him should he return home, fired from his job. Dan knew that it would almost be impossible to get a job now that he'd been fired, then again there weren't exactly many jobs going back in Veden anyway. His lower lip trembled as he placed his pen down on the desk and stepped backwards.

"All done?" His boss asked, looking over the desk to see the papers. He wasn't exactly happy to see that Dan was refusing. "CARLSBERG!" The tiger bellowed, "SIGN THE GODDAMN-" His head shot up to glare at the raccoon. The feline gasped and changed his tone to one of shock and disgust: _"Carlsberg!" _ He wretched, averting his eyes and covering them for double protection. The raccoon had yanked down the front of his jogging bottoms and underwear, revealing his penis.

"Please! I really want this job back!" Danny begged, yanking off his jogging bottoms so that he wasn't tempted to cover up his modesty. He kicked the clothes as far as he could. "Carlsberg! Remove yourself from the office-" "No! Give me my job back! I need it!" Danny gave orders to the tiger, perhaps for the first time in forever. His graphic tee-shirt that read _'Oh snap.' (_spoken by a chibi crocodile ) was perfect for the moment. Danny crawled under the desk and tried his luck at removing his boss' underwear.

Fortunately for Danny and his desperate attempt, the tiger hadn't been able to score in the club and his kids were staying at his home, preventing him from dropping his pants and fucking his forepaws. This had left him pent up, frustrated and eager to blow his load. So, when Danny was offering to help him with just that, he didn't put up too much of a fight. Actually, he didn't fight at all.

"Make it quick then!" The tiger hissed, helping Danny by removing his belt and dropping it to the floor along with his suit trousers. "I want a blowjob, got it?" "Will I get my job back?" "We'll see." His boss grunted, somewhat annoyed with Danny's suggestions, but horny enough not to refuse entirely.

Danny, shirt pulled up to reveal his nipples, tried his luck at removing the feline's underwear. "Don't even think about, suck me off through my shorts you whore." Wanting to make a new and better impression on his boss, Danny didn't even think about refusing. He cheerfully agreed with an 'Okay!' and, with his forepaws, guided the shaft of his boss' cock out of its cave and bent forwards to suck on it.

Sticking out his tongue, he gave the tip an unsure lap which left his boss shutting his eyes to fully experience the feeling of having a raccoon's mouth, which was twice as young as his own, closed around his musky tiger manhood. Fortunately for Danny, the tiger's cock was no larger than six inches with an average girth which made Danny feel somewhat better about his own endowment. Of course, he wasn't going to get a chance to flaunt it as his boss had no intention of bending over. What he was contemplating however, was skull fucking the raccoon; just to let him know that (although the raccoon more or less gotten his job back upon agreeing to this) he was in charge.

Danny let his tongue slide lower. His short tongue covered at least a third of his boss's cock before the member was entering his open mouth. Danny continued, the barbs pricking his mouth, but not preventing him from taking the cock further and further into his mouth until he could feel it plunging into his dark throat. Danny loved giving blowjobs to guys, having them cum in his mouth and letting them use him as cock sleeve, so (as you can imagine) he was no beginner when it came to deep throating. Almost expertly, he took every inch of his boss' cock into his throat and continued sucking until his boss' cock was coated in saliva. Then, he pulled back with trails of spittle leading from the tip to his mouth.

"Who told you to stop?" His boss grumbled. "I just thought that you'd like me to rub your balls for a minute or two..." The raccoon explained shyly, previously the raccoon had kept his forepaws tucked between his legs and was beginning to feel the itch that told him to spend his forepaws on a more... productive task. Reaching forwards with a forepaw to fondle the sack through the fabric of the shorts, he giggled and looked up at his boss with gleeful eyes. "I said to be quick about this." His boss growled, leaning on his elbow as he glared at Danny who's happiness faltered for a brief moment. "I-it won't take long, I promise! I mean... I have a job to get back to, don't I?"

The tiger grunted, annoyed that he was negotiating now, but at least they were sticking to the company policy. "You'll be allowed to say in my hotel if I come. Then, I'm going to speak to your co-workers. If we don't like you as a collective, you'll be leaving." His boss explained, the terms didn't sound as if they were in his favor. Then again, it wasn't as if getting a pent up guy to come was difficult; Danny had his ways to win himself another fuck out of whomever he was sleeping with before they inevitably went their separate way.

Suddenly, the tiger sighed: "You'd better know what you're doing." His boss opened up the slit in his silk boxers. His balls came free along with a wave of musk.

Danny went giddy and dived into that sack like a bee on a flower. He nuzzled between the hairy orbs, his forepaws cupping them tightly (but not so tightly as to hurt or injure) as if they were a precious gem. His lips opened and closed on the soft sack, making out with those lovely pendulums until he could take it no more.

His mouth clasping around the tigerhood again, he bobbed up, still fondling those tiger balls, to lick along the sheath and the bottom of his boss' cock. When he reached the head, he opened his mouth again for the second time to swallow the sweet treat. Wasting not a second, he was down at the tiger's sheath and suckling like the desperate whore the tiger wanted him to be.

Accidentally, Danny may have edged the tiger by pulling off of him to fondle his cock and pay appreciation to it "OH FUCK NO YOU DON'T!" His boss roared, possibly alerting the entire floor. "TWO FUCKING YEARS! YOU ARE NOT EDGING ME YOU LITTLE FUCKER!" He continued, grabbing Danny by the back off his head and pulling back to a) move his spiny chair out of the way and b) bring Danny with him.

Danny gagged on his boss' cock as it went into his mouth awkwardly. Before Danny could adjust and suck to his heart's content, his boss was bucking in and out of his mouth. Tiger balls slapped into his chin, musk filling his nose and forcing him to constantly gag or splutter around the member. As I mentioned before, the tiger was already on edge and by the time his balls connected with Danny's chin for the fourth or fifth time they emptied their salty, but delicious cum into the raccoon's throat.

His eyes lolling, Danny attempted to swallow all of the cum, but opened his mouth when it became too much to be handle. Long drabs of that sticky tiger cum dribbled out over his chin and stuck to the roof of his mouth to his tongue like a salty spider web. "Thank you!" He felt obliged to say as he drank down what was left in his mouth. "Thank you, thank you!" He squealed and cleaned it from his chin, plopping it straight into his mouth to devour. Danny was about to ask for the papers to be destroyed when he heard his boss started bellowing again.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU IN HERE FOR HUH? YOU LITTLE VOYEURISTIC SHIT!" He screamed at the door and tossed a pencil. Laughter came with the sound of a pencil clattering against the floor. "Yo! Yo!" The furson complained. "I just needed some jerk material." Danny knew who it was.

Sam McDonald was his name and he was perhaps the lewdest, dirtiest rabbit to ever exist. He looked like a sub, but was more dominant and more of a top than anyfur Danny had ever met. Although it wasn't his official job (for he was a receptionist like Danny) he saw to the needs of the masculine, gay and muscular furs who stayed at the hotel with... well, his dick. Think your a top? Chances are Sam will convert you to the lovely life of cock loving in a minute or too. Say you're straight? Now your his personal pet project, he'd loved to turn you into a servile gay submissive. Taken a celibate oath? Kiss that promise goodbye. What I'm trying to say is, Sam was a sexual predator and he was damn good at it. The boss didn't know this, but Danny did so he wasn't afraid of the sandy colored rabbit. In fact, he wanted to see just how good Sam was in bed himself.

Walking around the desk, Danny bent over and swished his tailhole. "The boss says I have to get my co-workers approval, otherwise I'm not going to get hired again." The raccoon explained, using his forepaws to show off his tight-ish tailhole. In a blink, Sam was naked; he flaunted toned muscles, a lovely ten inch cock that was so heavy it sagged down despite being erect and a devilish grin. "This has been coming your way for a long time..." He chuckled giving his cock a stroke.

"Do you mind boss?" Sam laughed and offered his phone to the tiger, who's jaw hung open. "I'm streaming this to our co-workers, they're loving this shit." Danny blushed, his boss not so much. He was about to fire the rabbit on the spot, but then the words made sense. He was being blackmailed into this. "Fine." The tiger took the camera and walked around to get a good look at Danny's ass, which was about to get ruined. "There's lube in the top drawer." He grumbled, not too happy that what should have been his lay was about to get ploughed by another man, one of his workers nonetheless. "Thanks a lot, Danny's going to need it."

Sam reached over the desk, keeping one forepaw on Danny's firm ass at all times, and retrieved the bottle. "I doubt you need loosening you big slut." Sam chuckled as he lathered up his cock. Giving the raccoon's ass one firm squeeze, he pushed one cheek to the side and observed his plunder for a moment. Danny appeared to have a glorious tight hole, which was definitely going to be all lovely and warm inside. Sam wasted no time discovering just how sweet Danny's tailhole could be.

Sam used a forepaw to guide his cock up to the raccoon's ring, which tensed at the feeling of a cold, slippery member against it. "You'll regret that." Sam whispered his warning before he drew his hips back and slammed it home. "Crap!" Danny cried out in pain as he was split open by the thick tool, his grip on the wooden desk was so strong it would certainly leave marks in the wood. Their boss stood at the side, trying to get a good shot of Sam's cock as it was engulfed by the raccoon's pucker. The tiger couldn't deny that he was enjoying the show himself, so why not make it better for everyfur?

"You like that raccoon-boy?" Sam growled as his cock slid further and further into Danny. The raccoon could only manage a submissive whimper as his tailhole was assaulted from behind. "Oh!" He suddenly cried out, his cock which was erect beneath him, spurting pre onto the desk. Danny could tell exactly why he was loosing control of his cock and why it was continually gushing out pre which was hanging from the tip of his cock, stretching to the floor like a rope ladder; the rabbit was making sure to rub his cock back and forth other Danny's prostate without so much as the smallest interval between the strokes. It was driving him wild. He was sure that if the rabbit didn't hurry up and jerk him off, he'd go completely insane. Unfortunately for him, Sam didn't have the slightest intention of touching Danny's cock.

After a minute or so, Sam hilted out against Danny's pucker. He grumbled in annoyance and pulled his cock free to slap against Danny's pucker. "Rest a knee on the desk, let's do this quickly before the rest of the hotel's system goes to shit because everyfur's too busy getting their rocks off." Danny did as instructed, bringing his right knee up to rest on some important looking documents. Their boss either didn't notice or didn't care. Danny's cock rested on the wood of the desk uncomfortably, but it was better than having it banging against the edge of the desk every time Sam pumped into him.

The rabbit plugged Danny's hole back up with his cock, gave it a few light thrusts to make sure that Danny hadn't tightened back up and then got straight back into claiming Danny as his bitch. Before changing position, Sam hadn't really been able to fuck Danny at a good pace, but now he could get right up against the hunched over raccoon's bubble butt and pound it into submission. Which was exactly what he did. In a few seconds, Sam's hips were grinding into Danny's and the raccoon was pushing back onto him with small whimpers. Sam rested his forepaws on Danny's sides, just under his arm pits and leaned forwards as far as he could.

"Do you want it hard, fast or fast and hard?" Sam asked, grinning ear to ear. "I just want to come!" Danny moaned, almost saying it as an order. "Fast and hard it is." Sam chuckled, going right into pounding Danny senseless. "Oh and don't worry, I'm enough of a gentlemen to make you come first." Before Danny could even say a word of protest, Sam's cock was driving back into him as if he were powered by electricity. Danny's tongue lolled out of his mouth and his pants filled the room. His cock ached below him, begging for a forepaw or a maw to close around it and tip over the edge. What made it worse was that Sam often stopped to adjust the way he thrust, whether he was stopping on the edge of Dan's orgasm on purpose or by accident didn't matter; any more of it would reduce Dan to a whining aphrodisiac who'd eschew all of his limits just for his orgasm.

"God that's hot." The rabbit continued as Danny's continued panting echoed off of the walls, somefur must have surely been hearing them go at it by now. If they came to watch, Sam would just offer them a place in Dan's tailhole. But only after he'd left it a sloppy mess.

Sam pulled out for what seemed like the hundredth time to change his angle. Danny cracked. "Just hurry up and make me come! What do you want from me? A blowjob? I'll do it!" Danny offered, swishing his tail back and forth in a tantalizing way. "We'll get to what else I want, what the hotel wants from you, in a minute." Sam hissed, frustrated that Danny had snapped at him. "Now be a good slut and shush yourself whilst I lube myself up more, I can't fuck you the way I deserve." Dan grabbed the lube bottle from the desk and pushed it into Sam's forepaws, he knew that he wouldn't be able to stand another minute on the edge of his orgasm.

Sam squeezed out half of the remaining lube onto his cock, spread it with his forepaw and then slapped some of it onto Danny's tailhole. He used his fingers to smear it over the inside of his rim, but didn't go any further than that. Leaving both forepaws wet and slippery, he re-assumed his position over Danny, but this time wrapped a forepaw around the raccoon's meager cock.

Rather then hilting out against Danny's pucker first, Sam was thrusting in an out a blinding pace from the get go. His pendulous balls swung low to slap against Danny's, which were tight against his crotch. Danny knew that he'd blow his load even without the assistance of Sam's forepaw, but a part of him knew he'd regret it later if he didn't get a handjob from the rabbit; apparently Sam was an expert with his fingers. The rumors weren't a lie.

As soon as Danny guided Sam's forepaw to his cock, the rabbit was jerking him off as if they didn't have a second to waste. "AH-" Danny tried to cry out, but Sam's furry forepaw was stuffed into his to keep him from crying out. All Danny could do was look between his legs at his cock which throbbed like a sore thumb.

Adroitly, Sam ran his forepaw over the raccoon's cock, head to sheath and back again, with such tightness Danny was unable to move his member. His maleness twitched and spasmed each time it leaked a rather copious glob of pre, but aside from that Danny had no control over it. He couldn't even flop it about.

Danny tried to say: "I'm going to come!" but Sam's fingers still pinned his tongue. Instead, all he could do was make alarmed noises and tighten his tailhole around Sam's cock. The rabbit took this as his sign and moved his dexterous fingers up to the head of Danny's cock to finish him off. Pinching, he rubbed back and forth over the raccoon's tip then, just as Danny was about to come, released his fingers. The raccoon was furious and grabbed for his cock to force himself to orgasm, but before he could reach his chalice it spasmed once more and lifted slightly. Danny knew what that meant. Moments later it shot it's sticky seed over the desk and the documents. Danny doubled over, the first jet crippling him.

Sam folded over the raccoon as he focused on his orgasm. Danny's sudden tightness, which felt almost virginal, gave Sam the sensation he needed to blow his load. He pounded Danny's tailhole once more and shot his thick wad inside of the raccoon. He let out a growl and sunk his teeth into the raccoon's shoulder to make him tighten up even more. Sam carried on fucking the raccoon until his orgasm was finished, only then did he release Dan.

The raccoon sunk to the floor, his ass stinging and leaking its contents onto the floor. He remained there, resting his head against the wood for a moment.

Hearing movement, Danny looked up to see his boss resting on the desk, paws free of his shoes dangling above him. Sam joined him on the desk having turned off his phone and the broadcast, he too shook his naked paws just above his head.

"Let's come to an agreement about your job." His boss grunted, sounding out of his depth like a cub joining high school. Whatever he was doing, Sam was making him do it. "Lick our paws." Sam butted in, thrusting his right one down onto Danny's face. The raccoon's tongue shot out of his mouth to lick the rabbit's rough paw pads. Sam slapped the tiger's thigh and he put his paw forwards. Danny cupped the bottom of their heels and switched to the tiger's. He ran his tongue between the tiger's pads, eagerly waiting to hear the negotiations.

"You can still do your usual job, same pay, you get your room back and the food will still be free." The tiger continued as Sam rubbed his paw on the side of Danny's face, drying his paw pads in his fur. "So I get my job back as normal?" Danny beamed, pulling his tongue away from the tiger's paw. The absence of his boss' paw was replaced by Sam's, shoved into his mouth.

"Yeah. Shut the fuck up." The rabbit grunted. "It won't be back to normal, because normal is what got you fired. Do you want to get your co-workers approval?" Danny was allowed to have his mouth back for the moment, so that he could speak. "Yes. I do."

Spit strands hung from Sam's paw, the rabbit scooped them up and shoved them into Danny's mouth to keep him quiet. "Good. You, come to the staff room every time you have a break from now on. Strip down and wait on the coffee table. Every now and then, somefur might want to de-stress. That's what you're for now." The tiger hadn't agreed to this. "I am not having a sex toy raccoon on-" "And before work you come down to our boss' office and he gets to fuck you first." Sam added, the tiger chuckled and leaned back; he couldn't argue with those terms.

"Do you know what time it is Danny?" His boss asked. "1:30 PM. It's your break." The feline laughed and stood up from the desk to bundle up Danny's clothes whilst the raccoon was occupied with sucking on Sam's fingers. The tiger tossed them out of the room. "Get going!" He barked, snapping the raccoon out of his reverie. Danny darted away from Sam, but balked when he saw that his clothes were out of the door. The tiger whistled once and Danny, without any hesitation, bolted out of the door towards the staff room.

Thanks For Reading!

As always, please tell me if you spot any mistakes! ^)^

Story, all characters except for Daniel Carlsberg, locations © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Daniel Carlsberg © avatar?user=370561&character=0&clevel=2 Wip

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