Monster Under The Cover

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Monster Under The Cover

Patina Woods, Veden

11:56 PM, 2nd Of March

"Do you know why I agreed to follow you into the woods in the middle of the night? Because I don't." Juice huffed, glumly trudging along behind the not-so-confident cat who only continued to march forwards in order to convince Juice that he knew exactly where he was going.

"Because! It's a birthday present." Jinx answered.

"This is the worst birthday present. Oh... wait." Juice smirked. "Is my birthday present the view of your ass squeezed into your skinny jeans? Because if it is, this isn't such a bad birthday present." Jinx rolled his eyes and grinned.

"No, I'm going to surprise you when we get to where we need to go."

"Which is where?"

"Not too far from here." Jinx promised. In truth, there wasn't a particular place for them to be going to. Jinx just planned on getting Juice out in the wilderness, so that they wouldn't be disturbed.

"Look, why don't I just climb a tree and find out where we are?" Juice suggested. "All you have to do is tell me what I'm looking for."

"No deal. I'm sure that we're almost there anyway."

"Again, what is and where is 'there?!" Juice threw up his arms in complaint, coming to a halt.

"Somewhere." Jinx smirked, making the wolf growl in anger. Fortunately, the wolf carried on following Jinx when he noticed that the cat hadn't stopped.

Eventually they came to a clearing. "I told you'd we'd get here sooner or later!" Jinx laughed, lying. "Drop the bags, Juice. We can set up camp here." Juice happily dropped his burden onto the dry grass, he wasn't going to complain about that. However, he was rather surprised that they were going to be camping for the night.

"We're camping? I thought that this was a birthday present." Juice frowned, he didn't really think that the cat had it in him to stay in the middle of a forest will bugs, darkness and noises for a whole night.

"Remember when I said that I knew where I was going? Well that was a lie, or at least I can't see where I'm going in the middle of the night."

"I have things to do tomorrow, you know that right?"

"Yes I know. But consider this an early birthday present." Jinx smiled as he started to unpack his bag (which Juice had been carrying.)

"Next time, I'll take cash." Juice smirked.

He settled down on the grass next to Jinx and started to un pack his own bag. Taking the lead, Juice said,"Right I'll pitch the tents-"

"Tent." Jinx interrupted with an awkward cough. "We only have one." Juice balked for a second, he could have sworn that he'd told Jinx to pack two tents.

"What happened to it? Did you drop it somewhere?" Juice grabbed Jinx's bag and tore things from it, food, water, a phone and several other things.

"I didn't pack it." Jinx shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Why not?!"

"I wanted to share a tent with you."

"But we both won't fit in mine!" Juice howled, annoyed by the cat's foolish excuse.

"Looks like I'll have to sleep on top of you then." Jinx winked, Juice caught the cat's intentions.

"Oh I see!" The wolf chuckled. "But how about we get things done first?"

"What could be more important or fun than sex?" Jinx stalked a little closer to Juice, walking on all fours with his tail swaying behind him.

"Not freezing to death?" Juice raised an eyebrow. "Now go and get some dry wood for the fire, I'll show you how to make one."

Slightly annoyed about being shot down, Jinx got to his feet and walked away into the forest without another word. Juice chuckled as he watched the cat skip away, he doubted that the cat would find enough wood, let alone dry wood. To Juice's surprise, the black cat came back carrying plenty in his arms after he'd just finished pitching the tent. "Well done."

"I'll try to take that as a compliment." Jinx yawned, dropped his load and slumped on the grass in front of the tent.

"You do know that the tent is right there, don't you?" Juice asked as he scooped up the wood and carried it to where he was going to make the fire. Jinx waved his forepaw, expressing that he was too tired to even drag himself into the dark green tent.

With his forepaws, he dug into the ground and removed everything from roots to leaves. By the time he was finished it was about three inches deep and free of debris. "Jinx did you get any rocks by any chance?" Juice asked as he came back to the tent to find a certain kit within in his bag.

"No. Do you want me to go and get some?"

"I've already got some." From his bag, Juice produced a woven carrier bag containing several essential items.

"You were carrying a bag full of rocks?" Jinx laughed as he got to his feet and walked after Juice.

"They're for containing the fire." With the rocks, Juice created a circle around the pit and stepped back to observe his work. Now he turned his attention the sticks and after sorting them into four categories by length. Finally, he added all of his kindling to the fire pit in a pyramid formation. He lit it and crouched by the fire. "I have bacon in my bag, bring it here so that I can cook it." Juice ordered. Jinx brought the bacon to him and watched closely as the fire grew in size and intensity.

"Please don't give me food poisoning." Jinx grinned.

In less than an hour they were sitting around the fire on two logs that Juice had dragged up for them, chewing on their strips of bacon. "You know..." Jinx said between bites. "You're a great leader." The cat complimented, swallowing the first of his strips and licking his lips.

"Thanks." Juice smiled. "I tend to get like this when I'm working with idiots." He winked, jesting at the feline.

"Is this about me leaving my tent at home?" Jinx smirked. "Because if you're trying to get revenge there are plenty of other ways to do that."

"Like what? Leave your shoes out in the rain, seal you in the tent, hide your clothes up a tree and chase you around the forest?"

"That last one doesn't sound too bad, so long as we're naked." Jinx finished the last part of his bacon and kicked back for a minute. Juice took his time eating his, watching the fire crackle and listening to the feral owls hoot in the darkness.

Minutes after finishing eating, the two found themselves snuggled up on a log sharing stories. It was interesting to hear about the others life, to talk about the little things that bothered or mattered to them. When Jinx yawned loudly, Juice patted him on the head and said: "I'd say that it's time we got some sleep."

"Since when do you have any authority over me?"

"Since you got us lost in a forest." Juice stood and fetched two pales of water. He poured them onto the dying fire, making it hiss at him as it shrunk further until nothing remained but ashes and a smokey smell. Jinx wasted some time standing up, he stopped to stretch and yawn as he trotted back to his tent. In the end, Juice had to take him by the wrist and drag him.

"Oh my! If this was a bedroom I'd say that you were desperate. Oh wait, this is a bedroom." Jinx giggled. "You're such a desperate, horny wolf."

"Says the minx who's been shaking his ass at me all day." Juice rolled his eyes and started to kick off his sportswear which he'd changed into when he'd learnt that his feline friend planned on dragging him through the country side. The wolf changed into a pair of dark green pj bottoms where as Jinx waited for a moment, watching the wolf dress.

When the wolf was tucked happily away in his sleeping bag, Jinx started to undress. The feline started by un-buttoning the front of his jeans at an agonizing pace, yawning as he did. "Jinx, hurry up otherwise we're not sharing the sleeping bag" Juice threatened, his eyes closed tight.

"Aww... Don't you want to see me undress?" Juice shot up. Frowning, he shouted:

"You're not even undressed yet?!" He caught sight of the kitty's striped panties which were gradually being revealed as Jinx slipped off his jeans. "I see how it is." Juice chuckled and got comfortable to enjoy the show. "What's wrong? Is Dakota not giving you it that often anymore?"

"Oh he is, I just want to see if wolves are good in bed or not." Jinx teased, Clambering into the sleeping bag to rub his body up to Juice's. He left his jumper on as well as his socks and panties.

"Trust me, we are."

"Tell me. How long do you normally last for in bed?" Jinx asked, fondling the front of Juice's pj's which were already beginning to tent as his cock pushed at them from beneath.

"Depends on who I'm with. Don't you worry though, you'll come way before I do tonight. Several times if you like reach around."

"The guy who makes me come twice before he does will have to be a miracle worker. Are you sure that you want to embarrass yourself with those claims? You can take it all back, if you beg." With his thumb, Jinx rubbed Juice's cock through the material of his pj's.

"Oh no, I'd say that this is a challenge now. First fur to come loses, we'll decide on the punishment later." Juice licked his bottom lip as he rested his forepaws on the cat's thighs.

"You have yourself a deal, Mr. Loser to be." Jinx smirked and gave Juice's cock a flick. "However how do we figure out who tops and who bottoms? Rock, paper, scissors seems a little inappropriate right now."

"Easy, we wrestle. First one to undress the other gets to top."

"Deal." Jinx smirked.

Together, they wormed their way out of the sleeping and kicked it to the side. They faced each other like two ferals about to fight, eyes locked and tails flicking. Without either of them counting down, Juice flung himself and tackled the cat with incredible speed, knocking the feline to the ground. Jinx squealed, but was silenced quickly by a passionate kiss on the lips. As Juice fought to invade the cat's maw with his tongue, he used his forepaws to strip the cat of his jumper. It was torn from his body in less than a second, much too quick for Jinx to process. By the time he noticed the breeze, his jumper had been tossed into the pile of clothes. Rather than removing Jinx's panties as well to win in one fell stroke, Juice rolled off of him and gave Jinx a fair chance at a victory. Jinx rolled into a crouch and moved faster than Juice expected, but wasn't fast enough when it came to stripping the wolf. Kneeling in front of him, he managed to yank the wolf's pjs down to his knees, only to discover that not only was the wolf crouched to stop him from stealing his clothes, but also the wolf wore boxers underneath.

Smirking and wanting a quick victory over the cat, Juice shoved the cat full force to make him topple backwards. Jinx tried to roll to his paws, but as he went over his legs (more specifically his thighs) were grabbed by Juice. With a smug grin, Juice held Jinx upside for a moment by holding both of his ankles in one forepaw. He then removed one sock at a time and dropped them onto the cat's face. Finally, he split the cat's panties with a claw and threw the two parts aside. As he dropped Jinx back to the floor, he went down with him.

His knees landed on either side of the cat and with his forepaws he pushed Jinx against the ground. Before Jinx could complain about losing or accusing him of cheating for one reason or another, Juice forced a finger into the feline's maw to keep him quiet. To convince the cat not to protest, Juice took a hold of the cat's balls and fondled them with his thumb. Jinx gave a noise, but seemed to sink into the wolf's hold and giggle. He had no idea what to do with his forepaws, but settled for using them to clutch onto the fabric that formed the bottom of the tent.

Juice smothered the cat's balls with his forepaws until he was erect and dripping. The wolf didn't need to look as he tell by smelling the cat's aroused musk and by how the cat whimpered beneath him. Juice thought about doing all sorts of cruel, sexual, dominant things to the cat, like tying him up and tickling him or edging him, but nothing could compare to a good old fashioned sex. Juice teased the cat further by tugging on his balls until he cried out. "Stop itttttttt!" Jinx whined, shuffling about uncomfortably, desperate for much more than having his balls played with. "Hurry up with it! I'll freeze solid if we waste anymore time." The cat grumbled.

"No need to be impatient." Juice smirked and got off of the cat to kneel at his twitching paws.

Juice tugged down the front of his pajamas, freeing his swollen cock. Jinx, looking between his legs at the preparing wolf, licked his lips hungrily and swished his tails in anticipation. Retrieving a bottle of lube from a bag, he squeezed a portion into a forepaw and rubbed his fingers over the blob until they were slick. He poked one finger at the cat's hole, rubbing it to relax his pucker. "Mhh... Stop teasing me!" Jinx mumbled and would have pushed back against the wolf's finger if he hadn't answered his beg. Juice's single finger turned to two, he pushed both inside until his knuckle met the cat's rim. "FUCK!" Jinx squealed as the wolf's knuckle pounded against him. He squirmed, trying to adjust to the sudden intrusion.

"Next time... Work them in, alright?"

"Fine, but I'm just trying to save time. It's not like your that tight."

"I'll... try not to be offended by that." Jinx giggled. The wolf removed his fingers, the slime like lube leaving a trail that went all the way from inside the cat to his forepaw. It was broken by Juice slathering that lube all over his cock.

"Somefur's eager!" Jinx commented with a smug grin, Juice planned on wiping that grin off of his face before he could make another smart remark. In an ideal world, Juice would have spent more time preparing the kitty for the time of his life, but Jinx was right: spending too much time in the cold would drain their libido.

Juice instructed the cat to get on his forepaws and knees, facing away from him. Jinx obeyed, wagging his ass he waited for the wolf to clamber on top of him.

"What, you like doggy style?" Jinx chuckled. "Typical wolf." Juice admitted that he'd failed in his quest to wipe the grin from Jinx's face before he made another witty joke, but he could settle for making his face contort into a visage of pleasure without silencing him entirely. After all, it was funny to hear Jinx try to remain in control whilst he bottomed.

"On your forepaws and knees? Typical slut." Juice laughed and positioned himself over the cat. He lowered himself onto his furs rubbed into the cat's sharp back fur.

"Not doing foreplay? Typical... guy."

"That one sucked. A lot like you in two ways." Jinx grumbled, Juice had one more point to chalk up under his name now. And soon, he'd gain another for making Jinx come before he did.

Juice pushed forwards with his cock, splitting Jinx's pucker open for the second time with much ease since he'd been loosened up. "Mhhh!" He grunted as his cock sunk until all six inches with his four inch knot pressed against the cat's pucker.

"So slow... So boring!" Jinx managed to get that one in, which riled the wolf and got him seeing red in the corner of his eyes. Juice clutched the cat's sides and lowered his muzzle until it nudged the cat's head, more importantly his shoulder. "Tired? Don't worry, we can stop any time- FUCK!" Jinx screamed as Juice sunk his teeth into his shoulder and pushed forwards to knot him prematurely. It went in with a lewd pop and another yelp from the submissive cat.

Jinx's posture faltered, he collapsed with Juice on top of him, knot still buried. "Ooo... Oww... I'll stop insulting you then... Shit." Jinx cussed as he reached back with his forepaws to pull his cheeks apart. "Get that thing out of me before you swell up too much and get stuck!" Juice chuckled and kept his knot exactly where it was, he knew what the kitty wanted and the kitty was going to get just that.

With his knot growing and expanding to open up Jinx's tailhole even more, Juice humped and humped in the cat. His cock grinned against the feline's prostate, making him groan beneath him with his face buried into the taut fabric of the tent. The cat's melody changed quickly. "Oooo! Keep it in there!" He begged earnestly, helpless beneath Juice.

"I knew you wanted my knot deep down!" The wolf growled and pushed his cock in as far as he could, releasing his spunk without a single warning. Jinx yelped in surprise and wriggled as the wolf's cum spurted deep into him. With no way to exit, thanks to the wolf's fat knot, the cum had no choice but to go deeper and deeper until Jinx could have sworn that it was sloshing around in his gut.

Not exactly exhausted, but certainly growing sleepy, Juice relaxed and nuzzled the cat's neck. "Night, night." He mused, rolling over so that he could fondle the cat's nipples whilst he drifted into a sleep.

"Hell no!" Jinx complained. "Where's my orgasm?"

"Just jerk off or something. It's not my fault you didn't come, most do when they get knotted."

"Well most furs need to learn how to take a knot!" The cat frowned. "Touch me!"

"In the morning." Juice dismissed, putting his head to the side. "You have forepaws anyway."

"Yes-but... Erggh... Fine! But I'm going to get my revenge one way or another." Jinx promised, doing his best to get comfortable whilst he was still tied with Juice.

"You do that. You do that." Juice laughed, not believing for a second that Jinx had any means to enact vengeance.

They fell asleep, sweaty bodies mashed together keeping one another warm despite the night's chill that was finding ways to bother them, within the hour. By midnight, Jinx was back awake to find Juice's knot deflated (freeing him) and a trickle of canine cum staining his leg furs. He was pent up, made frustrated due to his denied orgasm and in his rage, cunning. Sly. Able. Resourceful.

Grabbing a hoodie, socks, a flashlight and the secret map he'd kept hidden from Juice, Jinx slunk out into the night heading towards the cave he'd been so desperate to find.

1:03 AM, 1 Hour After Jinx's Departure

Cold. Alone. Confused. Juice woke up. He was cold, of course, because he'd slept without anything covering him. He was alone because Jinx was no where to be found and confused because of this. He knew that cat well, Jinx was a loner, but a coward, so there was no way he'd go out into the night alone. Worse yet, the cat's phone was still in his trouser pocket and there was no note. When Juice saw that some of Jinx's clothes were missing, but not his trousers, the wolf suspected that the cat may have slipped out for the bathroom. This made him relax, for seven minutes most.

Time passed and when Juice heard a roar in the distance, that was in no way a feral's, he shot out of sleep and was fumbling around the tent to get dressed. There was no way he was going to leave Jinx out there with whatever that thing was! Within a minute, he had his white jacket on with his black shorts. Were he not in a rush, he would have bandaged his legs for that extra support, but he didn't have time.

Juice hit the ground running and was following Jinx's familiar scent without a thought. That was a lie. He could have very well been following the scent of his own cum, which was surprisingly potent in its smell! Regardless of what he was following, its source was probably faint by now and far away. The wolf was so focused on finding Jinx, he didn't see the tendril at his paws.

It tripped his with ease, but his quick reflexes allowed him to land in a handstand and then jumped to his paws before his attacker could hit him. Turning on his heel, he raised his fists and tried to see through the darkness to find what he'd tripped on. Looking at the forest floor, he saw nothing. But he hadn't expected to. Focusing, he surveyed the trees on the side of the path, checking for rustling or paw prints. He also used the quiet moment to take in his surroundings: the trees roots didn't appear to be set too far underground, making it easy to pick up the trees, there was a collection of boulders, perfect for hurling, just in front of him and of course, the night's hug near blinded him.

After what felt like an age of silence, noise pierced the night from behind Juice. He twisted around and launched himself towards the rocks. Landing, he scooped the largest up and hurled it. A squelching noise came from within the bushes followed by the same roar he'd heard earlier, much closer now. Juice assumed that what he'd hit was the culprit for tripping him up. The wolf walked closer and pushed the shrubbery aside to find some kind of limb, the color of jam laying on the ground with the bolder pinning it down. It was slim and the width of one finger. This part of it appeared to be the end of it, judging by how it thinned out like the top of a cone. It's slender form writhed under the weight of the boulder, as if it were trying to withdraw. It was a tentacle. The tendril snaked back into the forest darkness, it would certainly lead towards it's owner. Just as Juice set off to follow the trail, something burst out of the bushes behind him.

In a split second, he turned and rolled, dodging the second tentacle. But not the third. By the time his forepaws touched the ground again, the third was blasting towards him to grab at his waist.

It coiled around him, then lifted him above the treeline. "Shit!" Juice cussed and tried to break free of it's grasp, it was surprisingly strong. Just as he went to bring his fist down on it, another grabbed his wrist and yanked it back to prevent him from harming it. Not a second later, another took a hold of his other arm and did the same time. Then his ankles were clutched by two more tentacles in a similar matter.

He could still struggle to a certain degree though and Juice refused to give him, even though all he could do was flail and strain the tendrils. Unfortunately for him, the monster caught onto his intentions not a moment after he'd thought of it himself. More tentacles coiled up around his elbows, armpits, biceps, thighs, breast area and neck. Now he was truly restrained, only able to wriggle and protest mentally.

The tentacles lowered him back to the ground, they brought him to the pathway and kept him restrained for a moment. Out of the shadows, a familiar face appeared. It was Jinx with his hoodie pulled down to his knees and socks keeping his toes warm. He smiled cheerfully and in his arms carried a large black tome which was worn with age, open to a page. From that page extended several tentacles, the same color and the same type as those that were holding the wolf. Juice opened his mouth to speak, but Jinx flicked a finger in his direction and another two tendrils burst out of the page to wrap around Juice's muzzle to keep him silently and obediently waiting.

"Happy birthday!" The cat cheered, smiling like an idiot. "I know that I should have waited until you woke up to give you this present, but I was too excited to wait. That and I wanted some revenge for earlier." Jinx set the tome down on the ground and settled behind it. "You're probably not enjoying it too much right now, but give it a few minutes and you'll be begging for more." The feline rolled up the hem of his hoodie, revealing his sheath and cock. His member was covered in an ominously glowing gel that encased all of it. "Let me explain what this is." Jinx hummed as he pulled on the gel. It stuck to his fingers, but whatever was lost from the cocoon was replaced in a matter of seconds.

"This thing..." He prodded the gel again. "Is a miniature portal, which is connected to the tome which is connected to the tentacles. They feel something, the tome feels something, my dick feels something." The cat giggled. "But, when I come these tentacles will come as well. But I guess the tome will as well?" He happily announced as if it were his master plan. "Plus maybe I used a couple of other spells to make myself a little bit more pent up and unresponsive, it wouldn't be that much of a birthday present if I came too quickly or too little, would it?" Juice muttered something into the tentacle, making it vibrate. "Oh! That felt good..." Jinx purred. "Could you do that again please?" Juice refused, if he'd been able to he would have bitten the tentacle instead. "Fine then, if you're not going to play nice I won't either." Jinx scooped a fair amount of the gel, slathered other his tailhole as a lubricant and started fingering himself. With his spare forepaw, he clicked his fingers and the tentacles set to work, putting on a show for Jinx with the gray wolf as the main attraction.

"Now I'm not convinced you're going to be good and let me get away with this without a fight..." Jinx frowned, watching the wolf struggle as the tentacles that trapped him grew in length and homed in on their targets. "So!" Juice clicked his fingers again and watched with glee as another tentacles extended from the pages. This one was different from the rest, it ended with a dark purple orb that had a soft, captivating glow to it. Juice found himself gazing at the thing as it approached him, then he realized what it was. slamming his eyes shut, Juice tried to force his head away to avoid being hypnotized. Jinx tutted in frustration and kept the orb going until it was pressed up against Juice's face. But still, from behind, his eyelids he could see the glow, although his efforts weakened the effect of the light, he couldn't hold out for ever. In less than five minutes, Juice opened his eyes wide and stopped all of his resistance. His normally red and green eyes glowed the same color as the orb now. In triumph, Jinx recalled the orb and left it close to his side for the moment.

Next, even more tentacles emerged to clog up the space. Pretty soon the forest path would end up as a wire of purple tentacles with moaning coming from it's heart. These tentacles were clawed, for hooking things and yanking them off. "Now be good and let me undress you. I can't have fun with you if you're dressed." They hooked into the band of Juice's shorts as well his underwear and pulled them down, they fell off onto the ground. Jinx stopped for a moment, wondering whether or not he'd like to completely strip the wolf. At that moment, his shirt hung open showing off his slim belly which was a rather agreeable sight and Jinx was sure that his shirt was hiding an even tastier sight, but he had always loved the idea of witnessing a guy keep his shirt on whilst he had sex. He had no idea why he was attracted to such a sight, he just was. And if he was, Juice was too!

"Do you want to take your shirt off?" The cat purred, curling his toes at the feeling of his own finger as it explored him.the tentacles restricting Juice's speech uncoiled, leaving their slime in his fur. One moved on to caress his back, wetting down the fur as it did, and the other remained on stand by, hovering next to his muzzle. "No, sir." Juice responded without tone his voice. "Mhh..." Jinx rumbled in response. "I love hearing you say that." Jinx had never been the greatest or the most enthusiastic dominant, but having the magic tome in his forepaws had certainly awoken his previously dormant dominant side.

"Keep on saying 'Sir' until you can't anymore." Jinx ordered. Juice started speaking: "'Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir...'" This repeated word echoed off of the trees, at least until Jinx had stroked his ego enough. Willing it in his mid, the tentacle that had been waiting at the side of Juice's muzzle moved forwards until it was angled perfectly. As Juice said his next word, he tentacle shot forwards and plunged into his mouth. The wolf continued speaking around it, until that tentacle began bloating. It grew and grew, transforming to have the girth of a small fist. In less than a minute, Juice's muzzle was filled to the point were it ached to have such a large thing in his maw. Following his orders, Juice stopped repeating himself.

As potent as the hypnotism had been, it was unable to suppress the wolf's natural reactions. He gagged on the tentacles as they moved back and forth, but lower down on his body his red rocket was sliding out of his sheath. Jinx licked his lips at the thoughts of all the naughty things he could do when the wolf became fully aroused. But in the meanwhile, he planned on focusing on his own pleasure. Deflating the tentacle in Juice's mouth to a more bearable size, Jinx gave the order: "Give the tentacle a blowjob!" Jinx barked, mad with his power. Obediently, Juice suckled as he was unable to bob his head back and forth or use his forepaws thanks to the other tentacles.

Jinx giggled and leaned back further, not bothering to watch, but rather to imagine and feel what the scene was like. The tentacles constricting Juice extended in length to grope all of his body, making his form slick with slime. Essentially, Jinx was rubbing his cock into Juice's fur. Therefore, the cat's musk was worked into Juice's gray furs. He'd need at least two showers to get that stench out of his fur.

The tentacle holding Juice's neck released him, immediately the wolf began bobbing his head back and forth. With each movement ,the tentacle would go as far as Juice's throat before the wolf brought it back to be resting just inside his lips. Pre leaked out of the lance-like tentacle's head, the wolf greedily swallowed all of it. Jinx knew that he wouldn't blow his load for a good few minutes, but when the wolf began twisting his head around the tentacle, the cat decided to do something else with the wolf.

Leaving Juice to continue sucking the tentacle, Jinx had the wolf lifted into the air and his legs spread to give him access to the wolf's tight tailhole. Jinx ran a tentacle over the pucker, lubing it up with slime that would easily allow him to get just about anything reasonable into the wolf's ass. Jinx started off with one, which made a beeline right for the wolf's pucker. The wolf jumped slightly, opening his eyes in shock, as the tentacle slipped directly into him and carried on up as far as it could go. When the tendril slid backwards, leaving a trail of its goo, Juice closed his eyes peacefully and continued his task.

Jinx purposely had the tentacle stop and curve above Juice's prostate to stimulate the pleasure nut, forcing the wolf to full mast. The wolf's cock had already been leaking copious amounts of pre before the prostate massage, but now (as his knot popped out of the fuzzy, musky cave) there was a constant stream (and occasional squirt) of the liquid. To make Juice's cock shine like a gold coin, Jinx was tempted to use a dry tentacle to spread pre all over the wolf's cock rather than just in a line below his meatus but he had other plans for the wolf's cock; plans he intended on putting into play when he'd gotten at least three tentacles in the wolf's tailhole. Fortunately for Juice and Jinx's desires, it wouldn't be long until this happened.

The tentacle pumping in and out of the wolf was joined by one more. The wolf, who had tightened around the tentacle, squealed out in delight as he was pushed apart further by the tendril. He pulled faces that expressed pain, excitement then bliss. Whilst the first tendril had traveled all the way up into Juice, this one stopped at Juice's prostate and curled at the end. It spread back and forth to massage the canine where it counted, it was no surprise that he was attempting to rock back onto the two invaders. The third was much more of a shock to him. It curled around the two already inside and continued coiling like a spring all the way along the tendrils, then stopped below where they sharpened off into their points. Because of this, Juice's tailhole was near-stretched to it's limits and the tentacle, as it moved back and forth, rubbed all four of his walls. What caught Jinx's eye was a large spray, a shower almost, of wolf pre flying into the air to come splattering down close to him.

"Oh my..." Jinx giggled. "Somefur must really need their cock touched." Juice groaned is response onto the tentacle in his mouth, causing Jinx to rumble and quickly reward the wolf with a few teasing strokes. Electric ran up the wolf's spine as one tendril dashed over his member. He twitched, quivered and very nearly lost focus from his task. Jinx sent another few touches rolling down the wolf's cock, never stopping or properly giving him a handjob. They were too fast for Juice to get much pleasure out of them either, all they were was a couple of teasing pokes. At least, they were until Juice let out a loud moan as once prodded his cock sharply.

"Fine, fine..." Jinx spoke to himself and quickened the pace. Now, five or so tentacles tips ran over his cock at the same time to tickle his chalice. When they reached his sheath, two went down further to wrap around his balls whilst the rest came off to travel back up to his tip where they began their journey again. Jinx squeezed the wolf's balls with the two tentacles, straining them and causing the steady flow of pre coming from the wolf to grow stronger. Jinx slowly added more and more tentacles to the wolf's cock, in the end he didn't have a single second to recover from the laps the tentacles made over his cock. When a small amount, no more than ten decimeters of it, of wolf seed leaked from his Jinx grinned in victory and used his tentacles to snake around Juice's cock. They caused Juice's tip to appear stripey once they'd gotten into formation, it was hard for Juice not to notice them as they constricted around his cock, knot and all.

Generously, Jinx freed Juice from his duty of sucking on the tentacle in his mouth and halted the movements of the tentacles in Juice's ass. For a moment, the wolf thought that he was being denied his orgasm. That was before the tentacles coiled around his member started rhythmically squeezing. Juice gasped in shock and looked down to see his cock pulsing and swelling up as the tentacles squeezed. With each squeeze, more pre mixed with actual cum leaked from the slit until the pressure and pleasure was too much. Juice tipped his head back in ecstasy and tensed as a large volume of his seed erupted from his cock to splatter over his belly, chest and neck. It lasted for a moment or so. Then, before Juice even had time to say "Thank you" the tentacles were back in his mouth and back to pumping his ass. Only this time, those around his cock started twisting about the flesh to keep him hard. Juice groaned, it wouldn't be long until he came again thanks to those tentacles. Then he realized, Jinx planned on milking him for every last drop of cum he could make.

Juice had regained some of his own mind a few minutes ago, but still had no control over his actions. He was powerless to stop the tentacles doing as Jinx pleased with him. In fact, he was powerless to stop his own body from doing things.

Jinx released the tentacles binding Juice's forepaws. "Don't you think it's rude not to repay somefur when they help you out?" Jinx questioned.

"Yes, it is rather rude!" Juice spluttered around the tentacle in his mouth.

"Well then, can you give my friends a few handjobs?" Jinx extended two tentacles up to Juice's forepaws and watched eagerly as the wolf reached out to them. "Good... How about I do something for you" A third kind of tentacle extended from the pages of the book, this one ending in some kind of suction cup made of gel. It slathered over Juice's cock and began sucking away like a pump.

Not distracted at all by everything going on, Juice ran both of his forepaws over the slippery members he'd been presented with causing Jinx to giggle beneath him. The tentacles pulsed in his forepaws and began leaking a gel a slime which Juice spread all over the tendrils until they shined under the moonlight. As he jerked them off, the tentacles peeled back to reveal another member which was being protected by the squishy part of the tentacles. Releasing one, Juice reached out curiously and touched it. Jinx gasped and his tongue escaped from his mouth, "Don't do that!" Jinx blushed, he clearly wanted Juice to do it again. The wolf pulled the tentacles' foreskin back further and, now leaving the second tentacle to it's own devices, wrapped his now unoccupied forepaw around the much more sensitive member and began jerking it with his lubed forepaw.

"Oh god!" Jinx cried out and ordered the tentacle that Juice was ignoring to snake around the wolf's paw and use that to get off. Jinx rubbed it between and over Juice's rough paw pads, soaking them with purple-ish slime. In he was in heaven as the fur between the pads tickled them and the rough texture rubbed him in all the right places, it wasn't long before the cat blew his load.

Suddenly without warning, Jinx adjusted the positions of all of his tentacles: the one around Juice's paws coiled around his legs and aimed its meatus at the wolf's legs, the one in Juice's mouth pulled free and lined up with Juice's open maw, two pulled free from his tailhole then one aimed for his butt whilst the other aimed at his back, the one in his forepaws wriggled free to attack his belly and what was left randomly shot Jinx's load when it came.

A moment after, Jinx grabbed his cock with both forepaws through the gel and groaned. He bucked into his hips and Juice watched as the cat's voluminous load blew it into the gel then disappeared as if by magic. Juice would have carried on watching the cat (who carried on coming for a good few minutes), but a thick wad of cum jetted from the tentacle in front of his face splashing cum all over his face furs. It jerked about, but managed to control itself and spray a large amount into Juice's mouth before going wild again and hitting his face in just about every place possible. The thickest tentacle bulged up, stretching Juice's tailhole before it let out a torrent of seed which slushed around in Juice's tailhole as it was blasted deep inside of him; so far that his stomach bulged slightly!

Upon feeling the explosion of an orgasm inside of his belly, Juice noticed that all of the tentacles were spurting Jinx's cum onto him. It covered his back in mere seconds and very soon it was nearly impossible to tell that the wolf was white underneath the liter of cum Jinx was pumping out. The tentacles around Juice's cock managed to force an orgasm out of him by squeezing, it came leaking out of Juice's meatus to slide over his member.

When Jinx had emptied himself of all of his cum, the tentacles lowered Juice slowly before retreating into the pages of the book. It shut close and Juice was snapped out of his hypnotized state.

For a moment, Juice remained still; shocked most likely. But, after a few seconds, he started moving about to survey the scene. By looking at Jinx panting on the ground, the book and it's markings as well as smelling the cat seed on him, he figured out what had happened rather quickly; Jinx had used black magic for revenge. Scowling, Juice charged over to the cat and loomed over him.

"Explain yourself!" He demanded angrily.

"Happy birthday!" Jinx burst out laughing at the wolf's snarl before yawning rather loudly. Juice caved in and laughed as well:

"What did you do exactly?"

"Oh, I just used that book to give you the best birthday present ever! There are a few 'monsters' under the cover" Jinx grinned. "I hope you don't mind me hypnotizing you."

"I enjoyed it, so yeah I don't mind. That and you saved yourself from too much of a harsh punishment." Juice stretched out and, using magic, cleaned his fur of Jinx's cum and changed into his usual clothes.

The black cat carped, "Aww, you smelt like lovely! Why did you have to go and ruin it?"

"Because, I don't want to ruin the pages by covering the words with cum, now do I?" Juice smirked. "Besides, we're about to use it." Juice picked up the helpless cat and slung him over his shoulder.

"Hey! I need to go put that back." Jinx said as he heard Juice scanning some of the pages. Juice summarized that it was a book filled with spells designed to enhance sex.

"But isn't it my birthday present?" Juice grinned, eyeing a spell that could shrink down anthros and objects. "I want to have a bit more fun with it before the sun comes up."


"What is it?"

"Go to page 251. How about we start with that one?"

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spotted any mistakes! ^_^

Story, Jinx, location © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

Juice © avatar?user=375756&character=0&clevel=2 JuiceWolf96

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