The Reluctant Incubus, #4

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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This is another adventure of our unfortunate little friend since the Demoness had gotten a hold of him and changed him into the very wretched, but still basically good, creature he is now. Its Yiffy so be warned, NO kiddies! My stuff is Copyrighted now too so no plagiarism please. If you want to use it just ask, I don't mind sharing at all as long as I get credit for my stuff. I'm not selfish or egocentric.

The Reluctant Incubus, #4

By William W. Kelso

I woke to another night of my endless torment. With a tired sigh I finished waking up and stretched until the kinks were out of my body. Clicking my jaws together I moved over to the exit from the partially collapsed abandoned factory I had used for my roost the last couple of days. Settling down to watch the last of the fading light I stretched my bat like wings and shook them a couple of times to help warm them up as they were a little stiff. If you haven't already guess I'm not human, and haven't been for a long time. I was stupid and never should have done what I did and let my Mistress enslave me. Even I didn't deserve what happened to me as a result. My Mistress Vulva, a powerful Demoness, had raped my body and soul and replaced part of my soul with part of her own. After that I could not remain human and had become a creature of Hell myself. It was my own fault for being so stupid. I am one of the most wretched of minor demons. She made me into an Incubus, a sexual vampire. But I wasn't a pure Incubus. Those are beautiful human like creatures that pick their own partners when they feed and can walk the world of man. On the other hand I am a creature of the night as I dare not show myself to any others except when they summon me. I am a bastard Incubus that was created instead of being born as one. There is nothing human left about me. I'm a beastial monster combining the physical features of many different animals, part bat, lizard, goat, and others. I am a hideous and twisted thing and I hate what I am with what's left of my soul. I cannot even talk except with great difficulty, and my clawed hands are too clumsy to hold a pen or pencil. I have to feed on animals by having intercourse with them as I drain their life force away. After some time I had found that I could keep from killing them if I only coupled with them three times at the most, anymore and they became weak and died if I serviced them six times in a row. I would literally fuck them to death. But that was not the true horror I have to inflict and endure to survive. I am drawn to human women with dark sexual desires, the more perverse the stronger their call to me. They summon me with their darkest needs and nightmares and I have no choice but to respond as does any demon that is summoned. I cannot resist those calls no matter how I try because animals do not satisfy me for long, I must have human partners as well. I need them to live, if what I am has a life. When I respond to a summoning I take on the form of the woman's darkest sexual nightmares and desires. It is the only time I can change from my true form. I then spend a night fulfilling those desires. They may think I am in control of what is happening to them, but they are the true masters for it is they who called me. I have to give them what they crave no matter what it is. I could drain them and leave them as hollow dead shells, but I cannot stand the thought of taking a life despite what I am. I am a demonic thing, but there is enough of my human soul still left that I care about others. It is my one way of rebelling against my lot. But I also know that my human soul is slowly fading and the beast is becoming more powerful, slowly but surely until nothing else will remain but the mindless lust.

It was entirely dark now, so I sprang from the gaping window of the factory and took wing in search of my nights prey. I had slowly been working my farther up the State of New Jersey and was entering a more remote area. I could only stay in an area as long as I was able to find plenty of animals and the required human female at least once a month to keep me fed. Not every woman had the power to summon me, so I was often forced to look long and hard for my next "lover". Fortunately I was able to sense the call from quite a distance. But it had only been about a week since my last night fulfilling the dark desires of my last lover, and I would not have to do it again for some time. So tonight I was just seeking animals to satisfy my lesser needs.

As I flapped over the pines and wetlands I began to realize just how remote the area really was. Houses were few and far between and there were not very many roads or built up areas at all. Where am I exactly? I thought. I may have to find another area to hunt in if I don't find a farm or wild animals soon. It had already been almost an hour and I hadn't spotted any potential prey yet even with my night sight and binocular vision. Finally just as I was about to change direction I spotted a larger more prosperous farm and swooped down to take a look. I landed on the peak of the largest barn and carefully surveyed the place. A dog barked and I gave a low subliminal hiss and it whined and shut up. I have no fear of animals as they are all subservient to one such as I. Then a faint breeze brought the scent of what I was looking for. Goats! My favorite because I was also part Goat and they could accommodate me better than most. But before I fed I needed a drink. I do not eat any solid food as it would only make me sick but I did have to drink to replenish body fluids. The full moon shown down with a bright light, at least to my very sensitive eyes, and as I bent over a watering trough I saw my reflection in the water.

I stared with my expressionless reptilian eyes at the thing staring back at me. It had a long narrow muzzle with a mouth full of fangs over which a forked tongue lolled as it licked at the thick drool dripping from them. The muzzle was covered with a mixture of fine scales and coarse black hairs, and ended in a beak like nose. Two goat like horns hugged the sides of its head and large bat like ears jutted up. The most horrible feature perhaps were the eyes which were set far apart to allow for a full range of 360 vision. They were soulless reptilian eyes with nothing human left in them. With a squeal of revulsion I reached up and covered my face with my clawed hands. "Nuuuu," I moaned as I held my head in my hands. I could not even stand to look at myself. With an angry hiss I plunged my muzzle into the water to break up the hideous reflection and sucked up water until I was full. I hated what I was and the sight of my own body filled me with revulsion. I was an abomination of nature and did not belong in this world. Sobbing I prayed to my Mistress to come and take me back with her to Hell where I belonged. Softly I mumbled in the closest thing I could to human speech. "Puhleeez Mitruss, Urr, puhleezz don lev mee hear, ah aam soo lonely, puhleez I luv u, grwwl". My warped and twisted body and mind truly did love my Mistress as only she could bring me what relief I could find from my horrible existence. I could only be truly happy at her side, and in her own way I think she did care for me.

Finally, tears still dripping down the side of my horrible face, I turned to seek out the Goats I had smelled. They were in a large pen in back of the barn. I would have preferred they be in a field farther from the house, but I would most likely detect any human who approached before they saw me. Plus things could get vocal when I started feeding off of them and I didn't want to attract attention. I can't be hurt or killed because of what I am, but I can feel pain and getting shot hurts like a SOB. I had once been shot in the face point blank with a shotgun and had fled screaming in agony. It had taken several days for my eyes to heal and I had been blind the whole time. I did not want to experience anything like that again. Despite what I am my sense of self preservation is quite strong. For me wanting to go to Hell did not mean dying, it just meant going to the only place something like me could call home.

I hopped to the top of the corral fence then hopped down among the goats. Finding a suitable nanny goat I mounted her with no foreplay of any kind. This was sex for the purpose of feeding, there was no real desire or love making involved. I had no choice but to enjoy the act of course as I am a creature of sexual pleasure as it is how I live, but this was very different from what I gave the human females who summon me. I gave a soft hiss of pleasure as my aching erection penetrated her and she gave a soft bleat of surprise and pleasure of her own. She did not struggle as one of my powers is no animal can deny my attentions. I humped her with steady powerful strokes and sighed as I felt her life essence began to flow into me. It felt so good, tasted so good. This was one of the few things that made my life bearable at times. I took my time enjoying the first feeding of the night, and from her sounds the goat enjoyed it as much as I did. I only coupled with her three times so I wouldn't permanently damage or kill her. If I had serviced her six times she would have died. It usually took about ten goats to satisfy me in one night but often it was more. I became so engrossed in the dual pleasures of sex and feeding that I never saw the young boy until he shone a powerful light in my face.

Instantly my eyes snapped shut from the pain and with a shriek I dismounted from the goat and flew blindly upward and right through the door into the hayloft in the barn. I tumbled through the hay kicking and snarling as I clawed at my eyes and growled and chittered in anger. I was mad more at myself then the boy for not paying attention and detecting him which I should have been able to do with my keen senses and/or mind. I cannot read minds, but I can sense their emotions. In a really bad mood now I looked around and realized where I had ended up, and the only exit I could see was the same window I had flown in through. And I could hear more voices in the barn yard now. Great, I thought, just great! I moved closer to the window and listened.

"Paw, Paw! It flew in the barn window! It was after the goats, but I chased it away! It was horrible!"

An older voice replied, "Billy, what the heck are you talking about? It's late and you should be in bed boy! What're you doing out here anyway!"

"Paw, I heard the goats making weird noises and come to check on them. I thought it was a Ram at first, but then it jumped up and flew away!"

"Boy, what the hell do you mean by "It", what are you talkin about, you ain't making any sense. Ain't no Rams that can fly." said the father.

"Paw, it weren't no goat, it was the Jersey Devil, Honest to God! It looked at me and its eyes glowed, then it screamed and flew into the barn!"

"Sid, did you see anything?" I heard the father ask someone else. Another young voice answered,

"No Paw, but I did hear a horrible scream and something was bouncing around in the loft and making horrible noises right enough. Maybe Billy really did see something."

"More likely a dream from of them trashy monster movies you boys like, but something did happen and the animals are all riled up now. Sid, you run and get my rifle and some more flashlights. If there's some critter up there we might need them."

"Oh crap, I thought, time to go! I hopped to the window and launched myself into the night sky with a loud shriek and climbed for altitude to get out of rifle range as quickly as possible. As I lifted into the night sky I heard the boys and man all yelling at one another.

"Paw! Paw! Look I told you so!" yelled Billy.

"God help us you was right boy!" the man replied.

"What is that Paw?" the other boy said.

"Like Billy said we done just saw the Jersey Devil, sure enough! God awful ugly critter ain't it!"

As I flapped away my feelings were hurt as I heard him call an ugly critter, but I knew he was right as I was a hideous monstrosity. I longed to try and just talk to somebody, anybody, and tell them what had happened to me. But my own revulsion at what I was and the beast's instincts to flee from any contact made that impossible. No, I would most likely never talk to a human again. But why did they call me a Jersey Devil? I'd certainly never been here before, so why did it seem like they knew what I was? The name was familiar for some reason, but I couldn't quite remember where I'd heard it as my human memory was spotty. For instance I have no idea what my human name had been. To make matters worse I had only fed on four goats before being so rudely interrupted, and I still needed to satisfy my hunger with at least six more "partners". And it was looking increasingly more desolate as I flapped my way over the trees. If I didn't find any more prey tonight I would be so crazed by tomorrow night I would most likely lose control of the beast and fuck the next night's partners to death.

For awhile longer I flapped along high over the forest. It was a beautiful moonlit night with a few scattered clouds. One of the only joys of what I had become was the power of flight. I could almost enjoy myself as I flew through the air. Finally I saw a small farm next to the road I was following and hopefully I swooped down and flaring my wings. I came to a light landing on the open road as the trees were too dense. Quickly I scrambled for the safety of the trees but then stopped as I saw an old faded billboard in the moonlight. It said "Welcome to Leeds Point, New Jersey, Home of the Jersey Devil" and it had a drawing of a creature on it. I stood and looked up at the drawing and thought, it kind of looks like me except for the antlers and hooves. How strange, there can't be two things like me, can there? It had never even occurred to me there might be more demonic things like me running around the countryside. But it stood to reason if my Mistress had created me then why not others like myself? And if she could then other Demoness and Demons could also make creatures as well. I had never encountered any sign of that before now, but as I stood there staring and turning my head from side to side and sideways I couldn't help but feel a little better as maybe I wasn't alone. "Urrrrr?" I said, and reached up and gently touched the faded drawing with one of my claws and then touched my own face. "Urrrr? Grrrkkk?"

With a final look I turned and scampered into the forest. It was a strangely empty place as I heard very few of the usual nighttime sounds like toads or insects. It was a little creepy even to something like me. I approached the farm house carefully and could tell it was occupied as I could sense three human minds inside. I skirted the house and moved towards the out buildings. The barn was empty much to my disappointment. I was about to leave when I caught the scent of sheep and goats. Following my nose I traced the scent down a well beaten trail into the woods. At the end of it I found a large fenced in clearing with several animals in it, goats and sheep. There were a couple were Rams but that didn't bother me as I had no fear of them and they were no threat. Happily I hopped over the fence and quickly moved to the first sheep and with a grunt of pleasure I mounted her and started to feed again. I tilted my head back with my eyes closed and squealed in pleasure as I serviced the sheep. Oh it did feel so good to me. I had been interrupted in mid feeding by that stupid kid and for me it was like having to stop right in the middle of ejaculating as I had been joined to the goat in more than a physical way. Her life essence had been attached to my own as I fed and tearing away without finishing was horribly painful for me. But now I could soothe that pain and recover.

It takes me about half an hour to mount and service one goat three times, or sometimes longer if I feel like it. So it must have been about three hours later as I had just mounted the seventh sheep. I had my head thrown back again as I grunted and moaned in pain and pleasure as I thrust into her eager sex when I suddenly noticed something large fly across the face of the moon! With a surprised snap I shut my jaws and bit my tongue. I reached up and held my muzzle with my hands and squealed in pain even as I kept servicing the sheep. "OWWW!" that hurt! As quickly as I could I finished copulating with the ewe, giving a soft grunt of pleasure as an orgasms rocked me and the sheep at the same time. By now my tongue had already healed, but I wasn't concerned with that.

What had I just seen crossing the moon?? It had looked too big to be a bird or owl or something, and had looked bat like to me. I was good at telling the size of something even from very far away, and it had been big. I hopped up on the fence and scanned the sky with my binocular vision, but there was nothing. Maybe I had imagined it? Then from far away I suddenly heard a faint wailing cry, a cry of loneliness and pain. Before I could help myself I answered the cry with one of my own, a long drawn out shriek of loneliness and pain of my own as I wailed into the night with my head thrown back and my eyes closed. Then I cocked my head and carefully listened.

And again came the wailing cry, still faint but clearer! This time it had a questioning hopeful sound to it. Throwing back my head I answered again and then with a loud shriek I launched myself into the air, desperate to find the source of that call. It called to me as nothing else ever had before. With powerful flaps I gained altitude and didn't even notice the people from the farm house who had been awakened by my loud wails as they pointed at me and shouted as I flapped over their house. I shrieked again, and again I was answered with a similar call. I flew through the night sky as fast as I could, my tongue lolling out my mouth as drool splattered from my lips but I didn't care. I wailed and shrieked again and again and was answered every time! And slowly the cries got louder and nearer and my hopes soared for the first time in almost a hundred years. Please, I thought, oh please!

I gave another loud wail and it was answered instantly from somewhere very close by. Slowly and carefully I scanned the ground and spotted a small clearing in the dense trees. With another shriek I flew down and came to a landing in the center of the clearing. Folding my wings I looked around and caught a scent I had never smelled before. To a human or most animals it would have been an unnatural stench, but to me it was as sweet and pure as perfume. Eagerly I looked around and finally saw a darker shadow under the trees and two eyes that reflected the light like my own. I hopped a little closer and said "Urrrrr? Grrrrkk?" and clacked my jaws together. It made no move so I approached a little closer. "Trrrrlll?" I said. Keeping myself as low to the ground as I could to show I wasn't aggressive I hopped a little closer and gave a soft wail. My wail was answered by the figure with a soft warbling sound, and it stepped out into the moonlight. I cocked my head and turned it sideways as I looked at a thing just like me! There were differences but there was no mistaking it for what it was. We recognized one another for what we were instantly. Hellkind know their own.

I crouched with my tail whipping slowly back and forth as it hesitantly came closer and gave an inquiring "Cooorrll?" Then with a grunt I lifted my head up as I caught a better taste of its scent and realized it was FEMALE! Not an Incubus like me, but a Succubus! And wasn't that intriguing and interesting? At my loud rude grunt she had run back into the trees, but turned to face me again. Again I lowered my head and gave another soft wail and clacked my jaws keeping my head turned and lowered to show I was submissive. With a soft hiss she came out of the trees again and slowly approached. As she got nearer I slowly raised my head and took a better look at her.

She was different in some ways but there was no mistaking we were the same kind of wretched beasts. Whereas I had bird or reptilian like legs she had the hind legs of a goat, and like mine her tail was reptile but hers split in two at the tip. Her arms and hands were almost the same as my own, fairly short with large powerful hands and sharp claws or talons. She had a long neck like me but while my head more resembled a cross between a goat and a lizard hers was more horse like and had actual antlers like a male deer. She had bat like ears and fangs like my own but also two large tusks as well. As I looked at her she spread her wings and refolded them and I saw they were the same as my own. The only other difference was she had much more body hair then I did and had long mane like hair falling down her back and shoulders. Her fur was black and brown. My own hair was black and fairly thin, scattered and very coarse. To me she was the most incredibly beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I gave out a soft hopeful warble letting her know I wanted to be friends. She turned her head and cocked it sideways for a few seconds and I knew she was taking in my own scent. Then she lowered her head and warbled back with a soft "Trrrrrlll" and I knew she liked and accepted me. I felt so happy.

She was taller then I was while standing upright as she did not have a bird or raptor like body like I did. My stance was more forward leaning and it was hard for me to rear and stand up. As she came even closer I raised my head and gave another soft warble and said "Urrrrrr? Chitkkkk?" She answered with her own soft wail and said "Urrrk Trrlll?" and bending over a little she rubbed her muzzle against mine and greeted me by rubbing her musky scent on my nose and taking in my own musk as well. I closed my eyes and moaned at the lovely touch, softy "Chrrrring" as she caressed my snout with hers. Then I started to cry as I knew I was no longer alone and crouching down I held my head in my hands and wailed in joy. She crouched down and took me in her embrace and wailed too. We held each other for a long time under the light of the moon taking comfort from one another's touch, our mournful cries rising into the night sky. I had my face buried in her coarse sweet smelling fur while she nuzzled the back of my head and made a soft cooing sound. I could feel her own tears dripping on my exposed scales. Two damned souls finally finding a little comfort and acceptance.

Finally we pulled away from one another and just looked into each other's eyes. She had expressionless reptilian eyes like my own, the eyes of all Demonkin. But as mine were brown hers were more of a green. I thought they were beautiful. I reached up and gently stroked her muzzle and she turned her head and pressed against my hand with a happy hissing sound. Remembering I could still talk after a fashion , but not knowing if she would understand me or not, I said "Urrr arr bootful" and then shyly lowered my head. She didn't answer but I knew she had understood me. I raised my head and again she rubbed her muzzle against mine, but for a slower longer period this time. I felt my tail whipping back and forth in delight and returned the caress with one of my own, clasping her hands in my own as we nuzzled and kissed in our own way. It must have looked ridiculous and macabre to see two such hideous demonic creatures being tender and gentle with one another. We were both oblivious to anything else and wouldn't have cared anyway. Our whole world at that time was limited to one another. Finally we weren't alone anymore and that was all that mattered.

Slowly our caresses became more intimate and frenzied as we nuzzled and kissed by opening our jaws and clasping them together so our tongues could caress and explore each other's tongue and mouth. I gently rubbed her body with my clawed hands and was surprised to find she had breasts under the thick coarse fur. I ran my claws through her fur until it was groomed a little better and could see large nipples poking through the fur. With a soft hiss I pressed my muzzle to her chest and began to tongue and lick her nipples and they grew hard under my gentle attentions. She held the back of my head and made little keening noises. I raised my head back up and looked into her eyes again for a few seconds and began to nuzzle and kiss her again as I gently kneaded her breasts, being careful with my claws. She rubbed my back and stroked the sides of my head as we both warbled and trilled in pleasure. By this time I had become fully rampant and with a soft hiss she reached down and gently stroked my penis. I gave a guttural moan of pleasure at her touch and she bent over and put her head between my legs and wrapping her long forked tongue around my shaft she began to suck and stroke me while fondling my testicles with her hands. I grasped the mane on the back of her head and one antler with my own hands, my head thrown back with my tongue lolling out of the corner of my mouth as I gave soft squeals of ecstasy.

Suddenly she gave a deep guttural moan and pulled away from me. Spinning around she dropped onto all fours and lifted her tail for me. With a soft growl I pressed my nuzzle against her sex and sucked in the heady scent of her musk and it drove me into a frenzy of lust I had never felt before. There was no more time for foreplay as our need was just too great. I mounted her with a scream of pure ecstasy and she bucked and bellowed under my thrusts as I penetrated her to the hilt. She was wet and ready and my huge erection slid in and out of her as she took in every inch and gripped and stroked it with her powerful lips, and in addition to her outer lips I could feel at least three more sets of lips inside of her vagina! It was so incredibly erotic and gave such incredible pleasure that I writhed and screamed in agonizing pain and pleasure at the same time as I pounded into her harder and faster. Despite being what I was and how I have to feed it was almost like the very first time and I realized that it was because I WANTED to mate with her. It was the first time since I had serviced my Mistress that I was still in the form of my own wretched body. We were in charge for once, neither driven by hunger or being summoned by a human "lover".

With a growl I leaned forward and gently bit the back of her heck and held her as our pace reached a new level as we slammed into one another in increasing desperation. I thought I would explode with each stroke but our release didn't come for quite a while longer. We ground together as our moans and bellows of lust filled the clearing. Finally I roared and screamed through my muzzle as, still grasping her neck with my jaws, an unbelievable orgasm wracked my entire body. Groaning I shuddered as my seed poured deep inside or her and her incredible multiple lips hugged and caressed my penis the whole time I was ejaculating. She threw her own head back and shrieked and wailed in agonizing ecstasy of her own.

She collapsed under me with a sobbing moan and I let go of her neck and rolled off to lie beside her in the soft grass. She rolled over and I laid my head on her chest and hugged her to me as she gently stroked my head and nuzzled my neck making a soft rumbling noise deep in her throat. I realized that for the first time in almost a hundred years I had not taken any life force from a lover, nor had she taken any from me. For the first time in all those years I had true normal sex as it was with one of my own kind that was immune to my powers as I was immune to hers, or as close to it as two damned creatures could.

We lay there spent and exhausted and totally happy. We nuzzled and hugged gently kissing and exploring one another. I rubbed my muzzle in her fur and snuffled enjoying her, to me, sweet heady scent. She rubbed the bristly fur on my head and back and traced the curve of my horns with her claws making a little clicking sound. I did not think she was weird or ugly in any way as I was totally and completed infatuated and in love. She was the most lovely thing I had ever seen. She seemed to find me handsome and desirable as well much to my amazement as I still thought I was hideous, not beautiful like her. But as they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and we had eyes for only one another.

Too soon the sun began to rise and I knew we needed to find a roost for the day. It was way too far to return to the old factory, but I had spent the day in tree's or dense brush more than once. I would wrap myself in my wings as I perched on a branch to shield my eyes from the sun. She realized the need as well so we both got up and moved into the still dark woods. She walked daintily on her hooves and I hopped alongside as we held hands. I saw several suitable trees but since she kept walking deeper into the woods I followed her without question. She knew the area and probably all the good roosting places.

Soon we came to an overgrown clearing and on one side were the remains of a large collapsed house. I followed her around to the back of the house and she pulled aside a tangle of vines to reveal heavy wooden doors leading to the cellar of the house. As we entered the door I noticed the vines had been very carefully woven to conceal the door so it would have been invisible if you hadn't known it was there. We walked, or in my case hopped, down some stone stairs and into a rather large cellar. To a human it would have been dark and gloomy but to us it was as bright as day. It was well built from large stones with a flagstone floor. There was one main room and two smaller ones on one side. There was old trash and remnants of furniture scattered around along with other junk.

One of the rooms contained some old racks of wine or ale bottles and a couple of falling apart kegs. I picked up one bottle and looking at it I gave it a good shake. The cork popped out and hit me on the nose as it sprayed the liquid right in my face at which I squealed and threw the still spraying bottle across the room with a snarl of anger. I stood there muttering and wiping the stinging fluid out of my eyes. I heard a strange "Hs-hs-hsss" sound and looking up I saw she was leaning against one of the support pillars, bent over and laughing. I guess I did looking pretty stupid standing there drenched in wine or whatever the horrible stuff was and I started to laugh to, "Urrrk, Hsss, Urrrk!" It was the first time I had laughed in almost a hundred years and I had forgotten it felt so good.

Finally we recovered and she led me over to the other room, the only one with a door. The room was a nest of sorts. There was an ancient long collapsed bed piled with several mattresses and all kinds of blankets and quilts, some fairly new and others mere rags. It looked very comfortable and reeked of her musk which made it a delightful place to sleep as far as I was concerned. I'm sure a human would have gagged at the smell, but I wasn't a human. Almost shyly she sat down on the pile of bedding and waited for me to join her. With a happy grunt I squatted next to her as I really can't sit the way my body is shaped. I reached up with my head and gently nuzzled and licked her ear while I held her hand. She made that lovely cooing sound and sighed happily.

I reached up and gently taking her muzzle I turned her head so we could look directly at one another. Working my mouth and tongue I said "Woo R Uuu?" She understood the question, but unlike myself she was incapable of any form of legible speech though she tried, giving guttural grunts and mews until she finally gave up with a sad moan. Getting up she moved over to stand under one of the massive beams that supported the roof and pointed at something. I followed her and looked where she was pointing and could clearly see the date "1755" carved in the beam. I did some quick math, almost 300 years!

Then it hit me, she had been here then! That could only mean she had been like this for this whole time. I had been changed less than a hundred years ago and I could only imagine in horror what it much have been like to be like this and alone for almost 300 years! I realized she was digging through a pile of junk in the corner of the room, and walking over to me she handed me a copy of a very old newspaper. The headline read "Jersey Devil Terrorizes Local Farmers". I looked and there were other newspapers with similar headlines in the pile. 300 years! I thought. All alone.

I looked at her with tears running down my face. To be alone all that time, and I thought my own existence had been miserable! I hopped forward and hugged her as hard as I could with my head pressed against her neck as sobs wracked my body because I knew how horrible those long years must have been. She was a little surprised but held me in her own gentle embrace. Finally I raised my head and said as best I could "Uuu ill neaavr bee alun agin, I luv U." She tenderly nuzzled my snout and started to cry too as she realized I would never leave her and that she would never be alone again. We know we will always have each other now, whether here or in Hell.

We're still there today living in that old cellar in the house where she was born so long ago. At night we hunt and feed on animals to sustain ourselves, but we have never needed to find human partners again as for whatever reason our own love and intense lovemaking have freed us from that need. As I lay next to her in our nest with my wing protectively spread over her sleeping form I was happy as I had found a mate and a home. I am no longer tormented by the horrible nightmares and I no longer beg my Mistress to come for me for I am perfectly content where I am.



The Reluctant Incubus, Part #3.

This is another adventure of our unfortunate little friend since the Demoness got a hold of him and changed him into the very wretched, but still basically good, creature he is now. It's Yiffy so be warned, NO kiddies! My stuff is Copyrighted now too...

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The Black Goat

Friends fellow Yiffers. This story is pretty Yiffy, more so then I usually write, so if you are easily offended please DON'T read it! I have no real idea why I wrote it, the idea just came to me. And no kiddies as I don't want to warp your...

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Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc., Nanny 676

Friends, this one is Yiffy. If you don't like that kind of stuff then please Don't offend yourself by reading it. And of course, NO kiddies under the Age of 17 please! Exotic Pets and Companions Co., Inc. Nanny 676 By William W. Kelso ...

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