Finding Tama

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The sequel to Finding Kula and Finding Nala is out! Enjoy everyone!

Tama let loose with a good long stretch, her fur bristling down her back to the end of her tail as she let loose with a good yawn. Set upright, she surveyed The Pride Lands from the peak of the ramp on Pride Rock. The sun was a fair bit over the horizon, breakfast well and finished but once again she was disappointed to see her friends were not around. Nala, Kula, Chumvi, Tojo and Malka were often away with each other, leaving Tama alone to herself. She would occasionally see Malka off training his claws on roots and trees with swipes and strikes but the other four were almost always absent after breakfast. Sighing she sauntered down the ramp, preparing for another droll and dreary day when the squeak of a hyena caught her attention. Glancing to her left, she could see Scar disciplining a trio of them near a small hole in Pride Rock.

"Will you three buffoons just get in there!" He bellowed.

"But Scar, we can't fit!" Banzai protested, being followed up with an awkward laugh from Edd.

"Scar, there's just no way we can squeeze down there." Shenzi agreed.

"Hmm, perhaps if we were to trim down him, he could slide within in sections." Scar smiled to Edd. Tama just remained in the distance, casually observing the events. "Well I suppose this venture is just another folly, if the rats wish to scurry within the depths, let them." Scar was almost ready to dismiss until his eye caught the sight of Tama nearby. "Or perhaps we should be using a rat of our own." He smiled. "You! Come here!" Scar ordered.

"Uh, ok." Tama hesitantly replied. Shenzi and Banzai joined in escorting her to Scar's side.

"Listen well, I'd like you to scurry into this little crevice and advise any stray cubs that these depths are off limits." Scar decreed. Tama gave her arm a quick scratch and perked up with a brow.


"Head in and punt out anyone hiding. Kings orders." Shenzi simplified for her.

"Oh, well why didn't he say that?" Tama snickered. Pressing her head inside, she started to wiggle her way in. Scar watched her backside with a smile as it wriggled to and fro, then suddenly vanishing as she entered inside. Slitting his eyes he turned to the trio.

"Go and assist the hunting parties, I don't want to hear any excuses from Sarabi today."

"We're on it boss!" Banzai saluted, rushing off into the savannah. Scar gave a little chuckle to himself and riled up his shoulders.

"I on the other hand, have a far more intriguing prey before me." Tama finally crawled her way into the larger den, hitting the ground inside with a good thud before taking in the sight before her. Tojo and Kula were cuddled together, hiding inside in each other's arms.

"What are you doing?" Tama asked, picking herself up and dusting herself off.

"Shh!" Kula hushed. "We're hiding from Scar."

"Big jerk has been giving us weird looks all day." Tojo threw in.

"It's not even noon." Tama commented.

"Please, just say you didn't see us." Kula urged, softly pounding the ground before her friend. Tama rolled her eyes sighed.

"Fine. But jeez you guys, stop hiding all the time. I'm getting sick of having no one to play with."

"Ok, deal." Kula agreed." Tama shook paws with both her and Kula before climbing back through the cave. Scar was waiting, keeping his usual scowl as she fumbled her way out.

"Well?" He demanded lightly. Tama dusted herself off again and shook out her fur.

"Empty. There were a few caves in there, betcha they snuck out of one." Scar suddenly recalled that there were multiple exits as well and slapped his head.

"Drat, I should have known. Come, we should investigate this right away." He insisted, aiming toward the rear of Pride Rock.

"Why? They're already gone." Tama tried to argue.

"Are you ignoring an order from your king?" Scar glanced back.

"Yes, sire. Right away sire." She half-heartedly agreed. Rounding toward the back, they found the other exit, a little more narrow of an entrance but still just small enough for a cub to sneak out.

"Take a quick glance in there; tell me if you pick up a scent."He instructed.

"K." Taking to her orders, she pushed her head inside and peered within. Scar slowly crept closer and closer until he was almost set on top of her. Tama pulled her head out, bumping into Scar's belly in the process. "Oof, sorry. Nah nothing."

"Well that's a shame." He dismissed. Reaching down he ran his paw over Tama's little tufted head and locked her in eye to eye. "You see, Tama I have certain expectations of my fellow lions and lionesses. I need to be ensured of their cooperation." Tama could feel a chill run down her spine, each stroke down her head and back was neither comforting nor welcome.


"Yes." He smiled, placing her on her back, her legs askew to either side of Scar's belly. Slowly he began running his finger down her chest, between her budding tits before finding a halt between her legs. "You see, I expect my lionesses especially to serve me in their most, effective way."

"Stop, what are you doing?" Tama tried to cry out, the fear stripping her voice away. Scar pushed on her virgin entry with his finger; Tama gasped and retracted her legs briefly before trying to push on his belly.

"I've been denied this pleasure once before. Long have I desired to envelop myself in the flesh of a cub." Scar stated softly, pushing in and nearly penetrating Tama with his finger. "I've procreated every lioness save for the few that withered cunt deems herself protectorate. But I shall be denied this pleasure no more." Scar laughed under his breath, bringing his throbbing member to bare between Tama's legs. "Now do us both a favor, for I have little desire to breed a dead cub. Scream or cry out for help though and I will be forced to settle."

"No." She whimpered. "What are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." He assured her. His tip gliding low, it parted her lips and began to stretch them. Tama's once virgin pussy blossomed wide to accommodate Scar's pulsing cock. He could only delve in to the tip of his sheath, but even this was enough to pull a stammer from the fiend. Tama covered her mouth and cried into her paws, Scar was a large, painful intrusion into a part of her body she never knew could be invaded. "Oh my." Scar winced, his leg shaking a little. "This is much more tight than I had anticipated."

"Ohohoo, stop it!" She cried out at last. Scar muffled her muzzle with his paw and glared down.

"I said be quiet!" he hushed. "I am your king, and you will do what I tell you!" Pressing himself just a little deeper. His tip was pushing hard enough that her womb compressed just a bit. Scar slowly withdrew before pressing back in once again, a gentle rocking motion that bumped her head against the rock. It was difficult, extremely tight but sure enough he was mating her.

He took hold of her belly to really get the friction of her flesh working. He couldn't work her as rampantly as he could a full grown lioness, but the tip of his dick was aiming down into her vault. Tama closed her eyes, her folds burning with this painful intrusion that fed into the immense pressure within. The pain washed out any pleasure the sensitive walls would normally grasp. Scar was embracing every moment, offering only apathy to the cub's pains he chose to simply relish his exploitation of the cub. Glancing down he watched his glistening cock nearly pop with each withdrawal before pressing back inside, the lips curling in their struggle to engulf him.

The climax crept up on him, building through his legs before his balls contracted and began to pump. His tip buried in as far as he could began to spurt hot gouts of seed into the young cub. Tama could feel each jet as it rifled in, everything about this to her was foreign and painful but for Scar it was pure bliss. His seed ejected passed her lips in audible spurts to the ground, spilling onto her tail and splashing onto his belly. As the orgasm subsided, he kept himself locked inside his new toy and laughed softly. "Well now, let's see if this loosened you up some."

"Please just stop." Tama stammered, covering her eyes. Scar ignored her plea and tried to press his flesh further within. It gained little more than an ease of movement, her walls coated with seed, but without a doubt the young cub was stretched to her limits. Scar continued to blindly press himself into Tama's sore little body, lost in the ecstasy of his newest conquest.

His reveling would be short lived, as an abrupt snare of his scruff tossed him to the ground and forcefully ejected him from Tama's body as she cried out in pain. Scar, befuddled by the sudden attack opened his eyes to greet three angry lionesses. Sarabi, Sarafina and Naima were staring the king down with fangs bared.

"You pig suckling son of a bitch." Sarafina spat.

"You've got a real fucking nerve, Scar." Naima chimed in. Sarabi remained quiet as Scar turned his attention to her.

"What now, Sarabi, no little barb to hurl at me as well?" She offered one up in the only way she could see fit. With a good hard stomp from her hind leg, she flattened Scar's testicles. Reeling in pain, he bellowed out a gut wrenching roar. Sarafina shut his mouth and growled down as Sarabi leaned in.

"I warned you once already." She whispered. Turning away from him, she gave her attention to the sobbing cub on the ground and licked her nose. "Baby it'll be ok. I'll take care of you." She comforted, kissing Tama's neck and belly. "Girls?" She glanced back. Naima and Sarafina smiled awaiting her instruction. "Fix him." Scar looked into the lionesses eyes in horror.

"Now wait a moment you two, bare in mind I am your king. Now I can set this right and- AUGH!" Scar cried out as Sarafina took his injured sack into her mouth and clenched tight. Sarabi took hold of Tama's scruff and carried her away from the scene, while the girls dealt with correcting Scar's behavior.

Striding across the fading grass of The Pride Lands, Sarabi brought Tama to the watering hole. Malka was already strewn out relaxing under the sun, Sarabi dipped the cub into the pool and began to bath her.

"Hey Tama!" He waved, but she didn't reply. Sarabi smiled to the boy and replied.

"Give her a moment, child. She needs a good bath and a moment to collect herself."

"Yes m'lady Sarabi." He politely acknowledged and went back to relaxing near the shore. Sarabi scooped up water with her paw and ran it down the young cubs back before bathing it clean with her tongue. She would give the same treatment to her sides and belly, before bringing a good amount of attention to her face. Tama stayed quiet the entire time, watching her reflection ripple in the water. She didn't understand what had just happened to her; just the pain between her legs slowly ebbing away with Sarabi's loving attention. Setting herself down in the water, she pulled Tama in for a quiet talk.

"Is your delicate area still tender?" She whispered softly. Tama slowly nodded and brushed up against Sarabi's cheek. "It might feel that way for a bit. The water will help, it's cool and will sooth your body."


"Mmm." Sarabi moaned, kissing her cheek. "It'll be ok, baby. After my girls are done with him, Scar will know your pain two fold. He'll never come for you in that way again."

"I don't understand." Tama whispered.

"Shhh, do not worry. I know you like to be strong and independent since your mother is no longer with us. But I think it's best if you stay with me for a while." She suggested.

"With you?"

"I would love the pleasure of a cub at my side. If anytime you feel the need for some warmth while you sleep, know that my arms are open to you." Tama smiled finally and wiped at her cheek.

"That sounds good."

"That's good. Stay here a while and rest in the water. Let it clean and sooth your body." She insisted, kissing her cheek. "Malka, would be so kind as to keep Tama company?"

"Oh! Sure m'lady!" He happily agreed.

"The poor dear has been through a rather trying event. Be kind to her, no rough-housing. Rouse her spirits if you can."

"Uhh, ok." Malka smiled rather dopily.

"Wonderful. I'll see about Nala and the others as well. I think it best for you to stay in large groups." Malka bounded into the water and nestled in beside Tama.

"So, whatcha wanna play?"

"I'm not up for any games right now, Malka." Tama huffed, batting the water.

"Oh." Malka turned away briefly. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"Try to forget what happened."

"Well what happened?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Tama brushed off.

"Try me." Malka challenged with a grin. Tama took her time before answering him but as she twirled her paw in the water she began.

"Scar, he attacked me."

"Attacked you? But, I don't see any cuts or anything." Malka replied.

"He stuck his thing inside me. The thing between his legs." Tama shied away.

"He what!!" Malka growled, riling himself up. "I'll kill him for that, I'll tear his head off and stuff it up his butt, I'll-"

"Some of the lionesses saved me, Sarabi and Nala's mom and Kula's mom. They said they were gonna thrash him."

"Good!" Malka huffed, stomping the water. "No one hurts my friend and gets away with it."

"Like you could take him on." Tama smiled. "You lost to Chumvi in that last match, remember?"

"So what?" Malka shrugged off. "If it was for you, I'd do it."

"For me?"

"Of course! I'm gonna be the bravest lion in the kingdom you know?" Malka touted, prancing in front of Tama. But after seeing her rather unimpressed face he was swift to bring himself back to earth. "I mean, if I don't stick up for you and my friends, how can I call myself a lion?"

"Thanks." Tama complimented settling herself back down with a groan. Malka rushed to her side and huddled in close.

"Hey, you ok?"

"It just aches." She assured him. Malka took a hold of her paw and snuggled in nice and close. The sudden action took her by surprise, Malka always seemed the more boastful and prideful type. It was a nice change to see him concerned just for her. Pressing her cheek next to his, she settled in for a bit, her rump firmly submerged while her chin rest on the shore.

Tama didn't even notice that she had passed out. The sun was already passed noon when she found herself still at the watering hole and nestled in beside Malka. Fluttering her eyes, she watched as he etched the sand with his claw, the water just ebbing beneath his little drawing.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, snaring his attention. Malka smiled and greeted his friend.

"Hey, you're up. Just drawin in the sand."

"What are you drawing?" She asked softly.

"Heh. I remember the last time I went to see Rafiki, when I got sick with those sniffles. I saw this drawing up on the tree. It was something he did when Simba was born." Tama gave the drawing a little more attention and could make out a head, ears and body. Malka had just started scratching in the legs and tail when he continued. "I know it's stupid, but sometimes when I draw this. I kind of think he can see it you know. Wherever he is, he knows I remember him."

"You cared about him a lot huh?"

"He was my brother." Malka smiled, putting the finishing touches on the tail. "That's why I feel like; I gotta get strong enough to beat Scar. Simba won't get to be king and this kingdom needs someone brave like he was. So that's what I'm gonna do. I'll carry on his spirit, bring down Scar and be the next king in his honor."

"Is that why you always talk big." Tama smiled, throwing up her brow.

"Har-har." He smiled back.

"Well I think it's a cool dream. I hope it comes true."

"Tama!!" Sarafina called out.

"Oh! Hi Sarafina!"

"Hey baby, we're going out on the hunt in a few. Be home for dinner ok? Sarabi is expecting you!"

"Ok!!" Tama called back.

"You feeling any better?"

"Yeah actually! The water is helping a lot!"

"Wonderful, Malka stick with her for a bit more. I'm bringing Nala and Chumvi back in soon too."

"Got it!" He replied as Sarafina made a dash for the open savannah.

"Nala and Chumvi are out here?" Tama posed to Malka.

"They swung by earlier but you were still asleep. They told me how bad Scar got it for attacking you."

"What did he get?"

"Oh ho boy." Malka rubbed his paws together in delight. "He got sent to Rafiki to get his balls fixed up. Apparently the girls wrecked him, Rafiki warned him too if he attacks ANY of us ever again, he's gonna lose his rank as king. Scar didn't know there were rules against that kind of stuff, so now he has to discuss every decision, even hunts with Sarabi before he can do anything."

"Ha, perfect." Tama squealed with delight. "That jerk deserves it, big time."

"Is your butt feeling any better?" He questioned lightly. Tama gave her rump a few twists and turns, getting a feel for any aches or pains.

"Feels ok, lemme take a look." She stated, raising herself out of the water. She hoisted her leg up toward her head and examined her little folds. Giving it a few quick licks she was relieved to find almost no pain or tenderness in the area. It seemed the cool water had really done the job. "Huh not bad." Malka was bashfully glancing at her privates and then immediately down into the water. Tama smiled seeing the sudden burst of shyness from her friend and decided to east the situation. "Wanna take a look inside for me; see if it looks red or anything?"

"Uhh." Malka stammered.

"It's ok." She assured him. "You were nice enough to stay with me while I healed up, if there's anyone I trust with this besides Sarafina and Sarabi, it's you."

"Oh ok." He smiled, rubbing his neck. Lowering his muzzle down, he examined the folds and with his paw gently tugged them open. A slight flash of pink was visible along with a tiny slit of a hole but aside from that, it didn't seem irritated or bleeding. "Yeah, looks ok. Want me to lick it to be safe?" Tama could feel the blood rush to her cheeks offering only a little hesitation before allowing him to go ahead.

The first few strokes caused her breath to catch in her throat. He was being so gentle and yet the warm sensation from his tongue was sending tingles down her spine. He grew a touch more bold, his tongue parting her lips even more to delve deeper inside. Tama was really starting to pant now. It was such an odd shift from the experience before. Scar was brutal, ripping his cock through her body. But Malka's gentle licks were soothing, exciting and deeply pleasing. Raising his head up, he licked his lips and asked. "Feels good?"

"Keep going." She whispered, her eyes barely open.

"That good huh? Ok!" Malka excitedly agreed. With no hesitation he delved down on his friend as she fell back on the shore, tossing her legs aside so her friend could work. Malka took to cradling her thighs in his paws, licking her soft pussy. His focus stayed there for a while before grazing his tongue over the one hole Scar hadn't defiled. Shifting up along her inner thigh and moving down to her tits. Tama was really enjoying herself now, clasping her chest and moaning with delight as Malka bathed and aroused her. Satisfied with his work, he rose to his feet and let a quick laugh escape. "There, safe to say you're feeling better."

"Oh yeah." Tama moaned, stacking her legs to the side. "It's so weird."

"What is?" Malka asked, striding over top of his friend.

"When Scar put his thing in me it hurt so bad down there. Now you go down there and lick me like crazy and it's like, the best feeling ever. How is that even possible?" She wondered aloud, looking into Malka's eyes.

"Hmm, maybe its cause Scar's a jerk. Or maybe cause he's a grown up and way too big to be putting his thing inside you." Malka suggested.

"Hmm, makes sense. So what, if you put it in me it would feel different?" Malka was already erect, but the suggestion coming from Tama so boldly threw him off.

"You want me to do that!?"

"Well, if you don't wanna it's ok. I'll admit it's a bit scary, it hurt really bad before." She confessed turning away for a moment.

"What if I go slow?" Malka offered, leaning in a little closer. Tama smiled and rubbed Malka's cheek.

"You promise you'll be gentle?"

"Yeah." He whispered, moving in toward her muzzle.

"Ok." She whispered back. Tama propped up her legs and let Malka lower himself down. She could feel his stiff little member grazing along her rump. It nearly slipped into her pucker, but a swift shot up brought it near the folds of her vagina. Within just a few incessant thrusts, he managed to find his mark and penetrated Tama.

Malka's eyes bloomed wide as he found himself sinking deep inside Tama's pussy. Her walls rasping around him, squeezing him tight as his tip sunk to her vault. Tama could feel every inch, as well as the press of his sack against her rump. Malka had truly buried his full length inside. They took a moment to take in the new sensations, but Malka took to meeting her eye to eye and asked right away.

"Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" Tama heard the words but they seemed almost muffled. It was a sudden rush of panic that washed over her at first, but seeing the warmth in Malka's eyes, the gentle touch from his paws brought her back down to earth. "Tama? Should I take it out?" He insisted. Tama gave a quick squeeze on her friend inside her causing him to suddenly gasp. There was no pain, no ache or burning this time. He was a perfect fit inside her and she swiftly switched from fear to excitement.

"Don't you dare." She giggled, rubbing his arm. "Come on, move it around a little." Malka slowly retracted and then pressed himself back in. The young cub shuddered beneath his breath with each push inside. His legs rattled, uneasy but managing to keep a slow yet steady pace. The last of Tama's fears began drifting away as she closed her eyes, embracing her new and much more accommodating mate. His tip could kiss the end of her vault without stretching it sore, teasing the entrance to her womb.

As if on instinct, Malka bowed down and planted a kiss on Tama. For a moment her eyes swung open but sealed up again to return the favor. Everything about this felt much more right, warm and most of all pleasurable. Malka had begun to steady himself off and was picking up the pace. The folds of her entrance began to tingle, sending a rush down along the inside of her pussy as Malka eagerly stroked it. Her legs wrapped tighter around him, taking to clenching her walls against him to squeeze every drop of this new pleasure from him.

Breaking from each other's lips the cubs began panting. Malka could feel something welling up within his loins as Tama entire body began to tingle. His pace grew frantic, feeding the climax for the two as it rapidly built up. Tama gripped him tight while Malka pushed his cock in deep. In near perfect harmony Malka ejaculated with the first rip from Tama's orgasm. The spastic convulsions pulled the seed from her mate, filling her pussy and soaking the balls that pressed tight against her body. Malka could barely keep himself steady; he had no idea something could feel this intense.

As the climax's subsided, the two took a moment to catch their breath. Malka smiled, letting a soft laugh escape.

"That was awesome."

"It was." Tama agreed, wriggling beneath her mate.

"So, was it better than Scar?" He chuckled. Tama rolled her eyes and playfully batted his cheek.

"A double dose of claws to my face is better than Scar." Malka just laughed it off and slowly withdrew from Tama's body. His seed soaked sheath dripping as it dangled over her rump. Pulling back he surveyed his work with pride, giving her pussy a quick lick.

"Tastes funny." He winced. Turning his attention to the hole below, he mounted up on Tama again and smiled. "Hey, did he ever put his thing in your other hole?"

"What?! No!" She laughed, ruffling his ears.

"Well before he gets the chance to, want me to try it?" Malka offered with a devilish grin.

"You really think he would?"

"It's Scar."

"Point taken." She agreed. "Ok, but if it hurts you had better pull out."

"Alright." Malka consented. Bringing his cock to life once more he swept over the seed soaked rump and tried his best to aim low. He grazed over her pucker again and again, but was failing to find the angle to push inside. Tama rolled her eyes once again and butted him off her.

"Here, try it this way." She suggested, rolling herself on her belly she tossed her tail aside and let him try again. The mark now was a lot easier to find as Malka only needed to push beneath her tail. It was hard to do, his cock arcing from the tight entry, but sure enough thanks to some lubricant from his own see, he was able to penetrate inside. Tama moaned, this intrusion was definitely more painful than the last. She gave it a moment; since it made sense from Scar mating her for the first time was painful on the intrusion as well. Malka was able to bring himself almost fully inside, but Tama's ass had its limits and was far less accommodating than her pussy.

In steady movements he began to mate it, the seed easing the process a fair bit. Tama tried her best to adjust but it was really hard. It wasn't as painful, but the pressure was pretty intense and there was little pleasure coming from it.

"Oh gosh, it's so tight!" Malka stammered. Tama could see he was really enjoying it so allowed him to continue. Her feelings for him had really begun to change, valuing his pleasure over her own. Malka began to thrust quite a bit more, Tama pressing his cock with each push into her ass. She even found the muscles to clench up on him, sending the young cub over the edge.

Malka was panting loud in her ears, she was too tight for him and it was setting him off fast. Groaning and tossing to and fro he unleashed a second torrent, spilling his seed down into her depths. She could feel each pulse shudder through her, eventually expelling Malka's cock as a few jets splashed on her rump and hind legs. Malka was really panting now, his eyes slit as his weight was resting on her back. With a devious grin she tossed him off, sending him on his back, his feet dangling near the water.

"Little tired huh handsome?" She joked. Malka just smiled, his tongue hanging out he couldn't verbally answer. Tama looked down as his sheath and sack, seeing the hair frayed and feathered. "Well we can't go to dinner with you looking like that." She stepped over him and lowered her rump near his face while she pryed apart his legs. Taking his sheath into her mouth, she began to suck and lick clean her mate. Malka still exhausted took a few licks to her rump between pants for air. Tama continued bathing him, playfully cradling his balls and licking around them and up his shaft.

Malka was finally able to focus on cleaning her and Tama simply moaned and enjoyed it as she took in his sheath once more. Suckling down, she could feel a slight hint of the flesh that had penetrated her but it couldn't come forth anymore. Malka was still young and needed to build up his stamina. Giving one good suck and slow withdrawal, Malka's sheath popped from her mouth. Taking in his scent she understood now why it was so easy for her to mate with him. Looking back she could see Malka was pretty well done cleaning her, rising up she spun around and settled on top of him, taking his paw and wrapping it around her. "You wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Definitely. Especially if we can do this again."

"Mmhmm." She cooed, rubbing his cheek. Leaning down she stole another kiss and giggled under her breath.

"Hey sexy!" Nala exclaimed. Tama and Malka were stunned to see that she had snuck up on them. Chumvi, Tojo and Kula joined her as well, finally catching up to Nala.

"Uh, Nala! When did you-" Tama stammered through.

"Relax, I figured you two would get frisky after we busted these love birds." Nala cut in.

"Hey!" Kula exclaimed.

"You're one to talk, Nala." Tojo threw in.

"That's right, who did we spot riding Chumvi?" Kula chimed in. Nala washed her ear with her paw and cleared her throat. Chumvi just laughed and nuzzled Nala before heading over to Malka.

"So we're all paired off. Good. Now that we got ourselves some mates we won't have to worry about who'll be the next queen." Chumvi stated.

"Is everything about becoming king?" Malka retorted.

"One of us will be, and believe me that's a good thing. The six of us stick together, we can do anything." Chumvi replied happily.

"Well, I'm just happy to be with Tama." Malka replied, kissing her cheek.

"She'll be your queen, Nala will be mine and Tojo will be Kula's" Chumvi joked.

"Har har." Tojo sarcastically laughed.

"We should get back." Nala stated. "Momma should be done getting food for us, and Tama are you ok. I mean from like earlier?" She asked leaning in close.

"It was scary, but now thanks to Malka I feel a lot better." She replied. Nala leaned in for a quick kiss on Tama's cheek.

"I felt so bad, we've all been off doing our own thing. We should have stuck by you. I'm so sorry." Nala whimpered, bowing her head. Tama nuzzled her friend, as Kula, Tojo, Chumvi and Malka jumped in to join the huddle of affection.

"We'll stick together?" Tama whispered.

"Yeah, that way we can stay safe." Nala agreed.

"That mean we gonna, you know. Together?" Chumvi suggested shyly.

"Keep it between your legs." Nala cracked with a smile. "But yeah, if we do get all physical, we should definitely stay together for that too."

"I'm keeping Kula!" Tojo firmly stated, as the two of them wrapped up each other.

"Tama and I are together too." Malka joined in, wrapping a paw over her as she nuzzled him.

"Of course, but what do you guys say we all have a little fun tomorrow with our girls?" Chumvi offered.

"Awesome." Malka agreed.

"We'll find a place for all of us to be together." Nala stated with a smile. "That way, if we all get lost. We'll always be able to find each other."

We Are Brothers.

Pride Rock stood quiet and still in the late evening air. Hardly a whisper of wind, the clear night sky overhead decorated with stars as the moon veiled itself in the darkness. While Mufasa and Sarabi were nestled together, their son nestled in their...

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Nuka's endeavor.

Nuka was stretched out upon the dusty and barren deserts of the outlands. The cracked earth crunching and crumbling between his shoulders, while he struggled to find a comfortable groove to settle in to. In the distance behind him, he could hear Vitani...

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Playing with your food.

"Did you get it!?" Nala whispered to Simba. He arrived carrying a halved melon with a strange fluid inside. Placing it down before Nala, she rubbed her paws with delight. "Too easy. Rafiki was asleep." He whispered back with a devious little chuckle....

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