Playing with your food.

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((((((((((((((((((( Graphic Content Warning!!! ))))))))))))))))))))))

Warning: Story contains scenes of mild violence, rape and even a little gore. Reader Discretion is strongly advised.

Simba and Nala are causing too much mischief together in the Pride Lands, so Sarabi and Sarafina decide to show their cubs some hunting techniques.

Requested by: Anon

Written by me! XD Silverwolf626

"Did you get it!?" Nala whispered to Simba. He arrived carrying a halved melon with a strange fluid inside. Placing it down before Nala, she rubbed her paws with delight.

"Too easy. Rafiki was asleep." He whispered back with a devious little chuckle. Nala dipped the tip of her paw in the strange orange fluid and rubbed it between her fingers.

"So sticky, it's perfect." She quietly laughed.

"He'll never see it coming. Come on!" Simba insisted, snatching up the melon he guided the way out of their secret den beneath pride rock. With the sunset behind them, they crept their way over to a tree nearby. Zazu had been making a habit of resting there after his afternoon rounds. Nala carefully plucked long strands of grass along the way, bundling them with her mouth as they approached the tree.

They gave each other one more nod before steadily and stealth-fully ascending the tree. It was a fairly tall acacia, plenty of thick branches but with generous gripping options for the two cubs. Simba struggled near the top, but as Nala set down the strands of grass, she helped her accomplice reach the top.

"Phew, you weigh a ton, Simba." Nala cracked with a smile.

"Yeah yeah, really funny." Simba sneered right back. Laying his body flat, he crept his way through the leaves and sure enough, spotted Zazu fast asleep on his perch facing Pride Rock. "Lay it out." He ever so softly whispered. Nala took to her queue and started to lay out the grass on the branch in a nice even row. She took the melon as well, setting it nearby and gave Simba a tap on the hind leg to show she was ready. Raising his paw, they started their count down.

"3, 2, 1." They whispered in unison. Snagging a startled Zazu by his tail feathers, Simba planted the bird into the melon backside first.

"What in the-" Zazu tried to call out, but Nala was quick to pick him up and start rolling him in the grass. "Ack! You two!? What are you doing! What is the meaning of this!?" He cried out as Simba joined in, insuring the grass was sticking nice and evenly along his body. In a flurry of feathers and fragments of grass, the two took a step back and admired their work. Zazu was now quite lavishly decorated in a grass skirt.

"Suits ya." Simba remarked.

"Brings out his eyes." Nala agreed stroking her chin. Glancing to each other for just a moment the cubs fell over, erupting into laughter. Zazu shook out his wings, the sticky paste like substance dangling from his feathers.

"You two, are going to be in so much trouble when your parents find out!" He fumed, stomping about the tree in a vain attempt to shake the grass skirt off.

"Good luck with that, banana beak!" Simba carried on, rolling about with laughter. Zazu plucked a blade of grass from his head with a scowl.

"That's Mr. Banana..." he trailed off, seeing the cubs fleeing down the tree. "Beak.." he finished in dismay.

Zazu eventually found his way down the tree and out into the savannah. Aimed toward Pride Rock, he caught the attention of Scar who seemed to be heading back toward his home.

"Well now don't you look, exotic." Scar quipped with a deviant little smile.

"Those two young ruffians. Going to take me hours to scrub this out."

"It does beg the question, what other seasonings and garnishes might help improve your flavor?" He chuckled.

"Don't even think about it! Mufasa would thrash you thoroughly if you dare touch his majordomo!" Zazu refuted while putting a little distance between himself and Scar.

"Oh now Zazu, don't be so defensive. You know you're welcome to stop by for a quick bite at anytime."

"I'll pass on that offer." He firmly dismissed. Zazu hobbled up Pride Rock, a few of the lionesses giggling at the sight of him. Sarabi and Mufasa were set inside, kissing and cuddling with each other. Mufasa was first to greet him with a bewildered expression.

"Well that's certainly a new look." Mufasa proclaimed with a quick laugh.

"Care of your son and his future mate." Zazu explained with another shake of his feathers. Sarabi covered her face and sighed.

"Oh dear, another prank."

"How did he manage to get you this time?" Mufasa inquired.

"Snuck into my tree, plastered me in this horrendous goop as Nala rolled me in the grass." Mufasa burst out laughing but was repaid a small swat from his wife.

"It's not funny, my love." She corrected right away.

"Oh Sarabi, they're just cubs." He tried to assure her.

"But this is the third prank this week they have pulled." Sarabi insisted. "Perhaps we should speak with Rafiki about this matter."

"Tomorrow?" Mufasa plead.

"No, we should go now before he settles for the night."

"Very well." Mufasa agreed. "Sarafina, fetch Simba and Nala and bring them home for the night. Sarabi and I will sort this out with Rafiki and return home."

"Yes sire."

Sarabi and Mufasa traveled together to Rafiki's tree. Giggling and sharing in pranks they had pulled as cubs. Even a few of Mufasa's more recent endeavors.

"Rafiki my old friend!" Mufasa cried out. "May we have a moment of your time?" Sure enough, within a few seconds came a rustling in the tree. Mufasa could hear a soft humming coming from behind. Twirling Mufasa's tail, the old monkey was laid across his back, a most content look on his face.

"Is a moment all you need?" He joked lightly. Mufasa felt a soft rush of laughter hit him.

"Come now, we need to speak with you." In a whisk, he presented himself before Mufasa and Sarabi with a polite bow.

"What may I do for you tonight?"

"Simba and Nala have been pulling a few too many pranks this week." Sarabi began.

"I was wondering where my acacia resin went." Rafiki pondered.

"It's on Zazu's backside." Mufasa answered with a smile. Chuckling Rafiki covered his face with his palm.

"Oh dear."

"Aside from punishing them, there's not much I can think of doing. I can't figure out why they are acting out like this." Sarabi stated.

"The future king and his bride to be, pulling pranks on Zazu aloof in a tree. Such a thing unheard of." Rafiki playfully rhymed

"This is serious." Sarabi continued to plead.

"So am I." He insisted, patting Sarabi's head. "The young are being left to their own devices too much, me thinks. Perhaps a little more time with their parents would be of aid."

"Nala has been begging Sarafina for hunting lessons." Sarabi agreed.

"It could do the future king some good to spend a little time with his mother and father. There is much he could learn from the two of you." Rafiki suggested pacing over to meet Mufasa face to face. "Not just their pappy's prominent pranking prowess."

"I haven't pulled a prank like that in years." Mufasa brushed off.

"Months." Sarabi corrected.

"Hehehehe, come now. Surely there is something the two of you can do?"

"Well, I have been meaning to take him on the same walk my father once did with me. Show him the kingdom, help him to understand the great circle of life." Mufasa suggested.

"I wouldn't mind teaching him some hunting skills as well. He may be king some day, but it would do him good to learn what kind of effort goes into getting his food." Sarabi threw in.

"Sounds like a solid plan." Rafiki agreed.

"I'll take Simba out tomorrow evening and get him to help fetch dinner."

"I suppose I'll take him in the morning." Mufasa sighed.

"Mufasa, tomorrow you must tend to the cheetah's complaints about hyena's near the border again. Two of their girls are coming into heat; they will not take well to be dismissed." Rafiki reminded him.

"Oh right, drat. I suppose I shall take him the following morning."

"Sounds good my love." Sarabi agreed kissing his cheek. "Come, let's head home. Rafiki, thank you for your counsel." She bowed politely.

"As always, you are most welcome." Rafiki bowed right back.

"Nala." Sarafina softly whispered. Nala moaned and rolled herself over and covered her ears. "Nala baby." She cooed again. "Time to get up."

"I don't wanna." Nala moaned. Sarafina snatched her by the tail and somersaulted her over. "Oof." She huffed, her tail draped over her head. "Momma, I wanna sleep."

"Nala, our queen has suggested that you begin training on becoming a huntress. Or was I mistaken in assuming you wanted to learn that?"

"I do!" Nala shot up right away.

"Shh, my girl. Our hunting party is rising now. We drink, stretch out and I'll go over some basic techniques with you. Then we'll track down whatever food we can."

Nala eagerly followed her mother out of the den and into the open savannah. A cool short gust of morning wind brushing through her fur as the sun slowly crept over the horizon. Sarafina lead the way out to the game grails. She took two other lionesses in tow, along with her daughter. Nala could hardly contain her excitement; she had never truly been out on the hunt before.

"Momma? What kind of food are we looking for, do we get to pick?" She asked shyly.

"Relax my girl; we will see what game is up and about." Sarafina advised her. It wouldn't be long before they tracked a herd of Zebra, grazing on the lush grass. "Alright, listen carefully Nala. The girls are going to move into position, staying low to the ground and downwind of our quarry. You keep low and mind each step, glide through the grass and set each paw down with ease. Never stomp the ground, embrace it, truly feel it beneath your paws. Draw a slow breath before you lunge."

"Cool." Nala whispered, stroking her claws on the earth.

"Good. If you mount the beast, use your weight to topple him over. If you are lucky enough to catch the front, snare its throat and dig deep with your claws. Just always be mindful, they can fight back, bring it to a swift end or you'll risk injuring yourself or other girls." Sarafina explained.

"Momma, I think we're going." Nala pointed out urgently. Sarafina surveyed the area carefully; sure enough her daughter was right. It seemed the herd had stayed mostly clumped together save for two stray groups. One further away, a trio of zebra attempting to mate a single mare. Another, a female close by with a young colt.

"Good. Nala, be ready. Try to take the colt if you can, I will join the girls in bringing down the adult." Sarafina instructed.

"Ok." Nala agreed and settled in low to the ground. The wind still howled, carrying with it the sounds of the zebra grazing and foal's playing. Yet in a crack like thunder, the lionesses bolted from their cover and charged. The herd snapped in response and fled from the hungry lionesses in a surging sea of black and white. The adult they were honing in on and colt were shadowing the group in the rear, helpless to their fate to come. Sarafina pounced the back of the beast, she kicked violently but lost her balance as a result. The girls swarmed around, grasping at any flesh she would show. The colt stopped cold but with Nala hot on its tail, he watched his mother was taken down. Her body faded into the grass as the girls took their grip on her throat and legs.

"No!" he cried out at the sight, as Nala revealed herself to the colt.

"Gotcha!" She proclaimed, standing ready before him. The colt fell on his backside, trying to back-pedal away, only to find a rock blocking his escape. Nala smiled as she approached but became distracted as the colt revealed his flailing penis. The chase must have got his blood pumping, standing erect between his legs while panting before Nala.

"Don't hurt me." He pleaded.

"Hmm." Nala pondered a moment.

"Nala!" Sarafina called out, still struggling with the adult. "Deal with him and come help us!"

"Just a minute!" Nala cried back. "I wanna see something here."

"What are you.... What are you gonna do!" He nervously stammered.

"Hey, relax." She insisted, approaching him cautiously. She reached down and took hold of the tip of his shaft, sliding her paw down the length.

"What are you!?" He cried again.

"I said relax, I just wanna take a look at you. Least I'm not eating you, right?" She assured him once more. "Can I take a look? If you play nice, I might just play nice too."

"Mean it? Like, you won't eat me?" The young colt inquired. Nala continued stroking the meat before her. Caressing the tip first then moving down to the medial ring. He was hard, long and his pulse was flashing through the meat. He was bigger than any of the lions she had seen.

"If you play nice, maybe." Nala agreed, her paw caressing the tip once again. The young colt stammered at the touch, a slow leak of fluid coming from the tip. With a soft hum, she enveloped the tip of his meat into her mouth. The salty taste of his precum and flesh teasing her tongue. The colt felt of wash of fear hit him, staring down at the lion sucking on his most tender of areas.

"Don't bite!" He plead. Nala just smiled and carried on, stroking his shaft while bathing his tip in her mouth. She took in as much as she could, gagging even when the tip would find the back of her throat. The colt just sat there in a daze, panting while Nala toyed with him.

She could feel a dampness of her own building up, its first few drops seeping from her folds. The idea hit like a flash, a sudden need, a rush of pure excitement. She wanted to feel it inside her, deep inside. Spitting up his cock she swung around and flung her tail up high. "Think you can fit it in?" The colt just sat there, baffled by the request.

"Uhhh." He trailed off.

"Well if you don't wanna play." Nala pouted. "I could call momma-"

"No, no I'll play, I'll play. Uhh, the bottom hole?" He inquired, picking himself up. Nala smiled back to him and offered her approval. The colt stepped over, lining himself up as best he could. Nala could feel him pressing up between her legs. He slid lower and lower until the tip of his cock was pressing on her thighs. Wriggling a little, she guided the tip toward her leaking folds.

The colt was uneasy, but started to press inward. Nala's pussy bloomed open, slowly but surely he was sinking in. His cock flexing and arcing as it struggled to push its way inside. Nala felt as though he was going to split her apart, worried her curiosity had gotten the better of her. The colt eased back, giving her a moment to adapt before pressing in again. His tip was swelling, finding her vault with ease as the zebra's throbbing flesh continued to pour in. His medial ring slipping passed her folds; he realized he could penetrate no further. Nala was struggling to contain the length he had injected inside her.

"So, big!" She moaned, embracing every inch of his shaft.

"Ugh, it's so tight!" He shuddered. Steadily he started withdrawing and pushing back in. Each time Nala felt her insides stretch as she jolted forward from the force of each thrust. The mix of pain and pleasure was akin to a dire itch being satisfied with a good scratch. With the new intrusion in her body, Nala was discovering muscles she had never known. Squeezing on the young colt as best she could as he fucked her.

"What in the world is that girl doing!?" Sarafina thought aloud. She caught sight of her daughter and the colt mounted on top. In a spastic squeal of pain, the zebra mother started kicking frantically as one of the girls tried to tear open her stomach.

"Sarafina! Bite now! Worry later!" The one girl cried out. Sarafina growled and snapped down on the mother's neck and rung it tight.

"Oh wow." Nala moaned, trembling as she pawed and kneaded the ground beneath her. "It feels so weird."

"In a, good way?" The colt questioned between pants.

"Like, it hurts but in a really good way." She replied. Nala even began rocking back, trying to get as much of the colt into her body as possible. The tip of his dick pressed hard against her womb, fearing it would give way and suck him even deeper inside. Nala's breath caught in her throat, she had never felt anything quite this intense, each time she pushed against the colt she moaned and howled with untold pleasure.

"I like this game!" The colt chuckled. With that he took the incentive and started taking her harder, his length pushing the threshold of her precum soaked walls beyond her limits. Nala's legs were trembling from a mix of pain and pleasure, a tear even rolling down her cheek. Gasping for air, Nala felt something new building within. Making her body shudder with fear and joy as it surged her lower body.

"Ahh, Ahhh, Ahh!! AHH!!" She cried as her pussy began convulsing on the colt's young flesh. He felt every spasm as it rasped his cock tight within her. Nala mewed and clawed at the ground, her ears falling back, losing herself to her climax. Riding her out, the young colt felt her body relax further, welcoming the chance to bury his meat deeper inside.

With the adult dead, Sarafina returned her attention to her daughter. Her cub panting heavily as the colt rode her once untouched pussy.

"What exactly did you teach her about hunting, Sarafina?!" One of the lionesses professed.

"I didn't! Ugh!" Sarafina fumed, slapping her head. Wiping the blood from her mouth on her arm she sniffled and continued observing. "I certainly didn't tell her to do that!"

"We've all thought about it at some point." The taller lioness spoke up. "I mean come on, our males are nice but they're not anywhere near that big."

"Dirty minded girl." The first girl laughed off. "Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer to be mounted by someone I can breed with, you know what I'm saying?"

"Well she's not gonna breed with her breakfast, let me tell you that!" Sarafina stated firm. "You two sit tight, I'm gonna deal with this mess." She said as Sarafina started moving toward her daughter.

"Sit tight nothing, I'm hungry." The tall lioness refuted, lunging down to tear open her meal.

"Oh gosh, something's happening." The colt moaned, frantically pounding at Nala's pussy. Panting loudly overtop her, he could feel his own climax building within. The tip of his cock pressed so deep inside began to open as the jets of cum readied their release. With one final push, he jammed himself deep within and threw his head up. Unbeknownst to him, Sarafina was there to catch the swing and snared his throat. His first few jets shot hard, flooding her vault and spilling deep into her womb. The colt gagged and gasped as Sarafina kept him suspended over her body. Nala moaned and wailed, squeezing tight on the colts flesh to milk every last drop from his body. But as her eyes opened, she became suddenly aware of the shadow standing tall over her, as the wash of sperm filled her within. Growling Sarafina snapped the colt's neck, blood rushed down from her bite while his climax still spilling inside for a few seconds more, before his flesh fell limp.

His tip spilled with a gush of hot white fluid, while Sarafina dropped the dead colt on her daughter.

"Oof!" She huffed, feeling his weight bury all but her head. Nala gazed up, slightly embarrassed at being caught by her mother.

"Are you quite done playing with your food?" She asked with no loss of sarcasm.

"Yes, mother." Nala responded hiding her face. Sarafina picked up the body and cast it on its side.

"That is not, how you hunt my girl. I expect more from you in the future, do you understand?" She scolded firmly.

"Ok momma, I'm sorry."

"Good. Now eat up. You've neglected your hunting lesson enough; you shouldn't waste a perfectly good meal." Sarafina stated. Swinging back toward the larger zebra kill, she decided to tend to her own meal and let her daughter enjoy hers. Nala looked down at the colt and smiled.

"Thanks for the ride, now let's see how it tastes." Parting his legs, she took the limp and seed soaked meat into her mouth and started chewing. The strange, slimy taste was foreign to her but enjoyable enough to continue devouring the rest. She licked the soft sack that was now left dangling alone from his body and began to chew on it. Severing it from his body, she could taste the remaining seed they stored and smiled. With a hole made, she was free to dig in deep to the tender and warm meat within.

"But mom! Why do I have to learn to hunt?" Simba protested, pacing about within Pride Rock.

"Calm down, Simba." Mufasa consoled him. "It's important to learn what our lionesses do for us."

"Nala went out on the hunt with her mother this morning as well." Sarabi threw in. "Perhaps you don't mind being a little behind in learning about our kingdom than her?"

"She went out?!" Simba exclaimed, his eyes growing wide with excitement. Snapping to the back of the den he could see Nala giggling as she watched her friend.

"Was a blast, Simba." She remarked.

"Fine, I'm gonna learn too." Simba finally consented.

"Good, we should depart as soon as possible. Girls?" Sarabi called back. A trio of lionesses rose to their feet and stretched out.

"We're ready my queen." The one in front nodded.

"Excellent. Let's be on the move. Simba, on my back. The game trail we travel to is far from here."

"Be safe my love." Mufasa whispered as Simba climbed up on her back. Sarabi leaned in for a kiss and with a soft moan and good smack of her lips she smiled at her mate.

"Always my love."

"Bleh!" Simba spat up, spilling out his tongue. Mufasa laughed softly, ruffling his son's head.

"Knock em dead, kido." Mufasa praised, as Sarabi lead the hunting party out of Pride Rock.

Out on the savannah, Sarabi took the lead and headed south. Crossing the river and out into the open grasslands of the pride lands. Simba's gaze wondered off toward the setting sun, the clouds giving a warm red glow seemingly caressing the sun as it descended. It was most soothing, the air still warm from the afternoon gliding over him, until Sarabi had at last settled on her location. Simba slid off his mother's body and shook out his fur, his gaze turning to the group of prey just a bit off in the distance. Sarabi had already lowered herself down, the other huntresses following suit.

"Stay low my baby, and approach with soft footing." She advised. Simba playfully lowered his rump and took stride alongside his mother. The girls started to form a parameter around the prey they had been tracking. Simba took the chance to peak over the grass, spotting a trio of gazelle nearby. They had separated from the herd for a rather unusual reason. To Simba, he couldn't particularly understand why, but the larger male was mounted atop the back of the female. Getting a little closer look, he could see the penis from the buck slip from the doe's body.

"Huh." Simba pondered, scratching his head. He could feel a strange weight build between his legs. Glancing down, he noticed his own erection peeking out from his sheath. Grasping it with his paw, he stroked for a moment, feeling a warm tingle come from the touch. "Cool."

"Simba." Sarabi whispered harshly. "Focus." Simba returned his attention to the trio of gazelle. The stag eventually wandered off, but the female was still there with a little female fawn in tow. Simba couldn't stop thinking about the sight of the stag mounted atop of the female. He wasn't sure how to compose his thoughts, but turned to his mother and asked.

"Mom, can we uh. Can we hunt the gazelle?"

"Child, we are hunting the gazelle." She briefly explained, awaiting the girls to get into position.

"Yeah, and that's good. But I was kind of wondering." He carried on. Sarabi gave her cub more direct attention. "See, I kinda wanna try what they were doing. You know, where the boy was like. He was on top of her? Can I try that with the little one? She's my size, right?"

"Simba, I." Sarabi stammered, looking to the doe and her fawn. "I'm not sure."

"Please mom? I mean, if I'm safe and all." Simba carried on nervously, scratching at his arm.

"Well." Sarabi trailed off. It was a most peculiar suggestion for sure to come from Simba, but glancing down she could see the erection that had stirred the desires to begin with. It was unusual to want to mate with prey, but perhaps the practice would aid in breeding with Nala in the future."This is not a common request, Simba. But so long as you don't endanger yourself, I see no harm in it. I will flush the young one to you, catch her and take her down. I expect you to still perform your duty as a hunter today, you understand?"

"Yes, mama!" The cub eagerly bounded.

"Shhh." She hushed pressing down on his backside. "This is going to be, strange to explain to the girls. Now Simba, just remember. Stay low, get in a position to ambush and take her down. The lionesses and I will handle the adult. Finish your little practice, and then eat. If you're still hungry, you can join us. We must bring a leg back to your father though."

"Got it mama." Simba agreed. Sarabi crept in closer and closer as Simba strayed off to the left, ready to take his ambush to the fawn. In a snap of growls and roars, Sarabi and girls charged the gazelle female. She tried to bolt away but they had closed off any escape. One of the lionesses caught her mouth first and swung her head to the ground. Sarabi took hold of one of the legs and bit in deep, prying it up to prevent her from kicking while the other two took aim for the neck. The fawn tried to rush off from the horrific sight, only to be tackled by Simba.

"Ack!" She screamed, as Simba and the fawn tumbled over and over.

"Gotcha!" he proclaimed, biting down on her back.

"Get off me, get off!" She pleaded, struggling to get to her feet with the weight of the lion cub on her back.

"Nuh uh. We're gonna try something new here first." Simba insisted, pinning her down.

"What are you-" She shivered, as her gaze turned to her mother. The lionesses were already choking her out, the life slipping from her eyes. "No! Stop it! Leave her alone!" Simba took advantage of the fawn's distraction and started to search for the opening between her legs. His penis slid in between, flying high up into her tail and back down between her thighs.

"Where is it?" Simba pondered aloud, keeping his claws dug hard into the fawn.

"Stop it, what are you doing back there?!" She protested.

"I saw what your mother was doing with that male. I wanna try it." Simba explained, still seeking her entrance.

"What?" the fawn nervously stammered as Simba pushed her neck down again. The young gazelle made the mistake of raising her rump just that little bit too high. In a flick of his tip, he caught on her lips and pushed. She felt them part, taking in the young cubs cock right to the hilt. "Ahh!! Stop!" She cried out. Simba couldn't respond, the sensations washing over him were strange and thrilling. He wasn't just learning to hunt; he was learning something completely new about himself. Almost instinctually he began moving in and out, slipping along the soft flesh of the gazelle's vaginal walls.

"Oh wow." He moaned, feeling his meat slick in and out. Each time bringing another rush through his body, lightly trembling with pleasure. He took one good press, bringing his sack to bear against her body and putting on as much strength as he could muster. He wanted to be inside as deep as possible.

"Get off me." The fawn stammered, slowly rising to her feet. Simba wasn't about to let this new sensation escape. Struggling to her feet, Simba raked in deep with his claws and sunk his fangs to the back of her neck. Crying out in pain, she staggered and fell back to her prone position and he began truly taking her. Pushing his flesh in rapid and deep. His bright pink shaft was glistening in a coat of the gazelles abundant fluids. "Stop it! It hurts!" She cried out once more, but Simba ignored her cries.

The girls looked up one by one to see Simba mounted atop the fawn. The shock hit them enough to ignore the fresh kill below them.

"What is he doing?!" One of the girls spoke up.

"What does it look like?" Another replied.

"Just, why!? Sarabi, what's going on?" She demanded.

"It was a strange request, but Simba asked to take her." Sarabi uneasily explained.

"Well, get him off her. Shouldn't he be "Practicing" with Nala?" She barked.

"Do not condescend to me, girl. My son's desires may be unusual, but he is harming no lion in this manner." Sarabi tried to explain.

"Sorry my queen. But to be honest, the game may not like the idea of their future king raping their young."

"I am not letting this become a habit. But some practice for any male can be helpful. Leave him be." Sarabi insisted.

Simba kept his grip tight on the fawn, still ferociously pounding away at her young pussy. She kept trying to fight him off, shaking and wriggling under the young lion, but this only heightened his pleasure. Every clinch, every movement was exciting; shooting tingles throughout his entire body. Urinating, she tried to expel his cock from her body, but what little she had wasn't enough to deter him, in fact the new fluids heightened the pleasure further. She started to slow her attempt to escape the young lion as the blood began to seep down her body from his claws and fangs.

"What's... Happening." Simba cried out, his legs starting to tremble. The juices from her body were saturating Simba's sack, even making a fairly audible squish with each push. He couldn't figure out if they were from pleasure, or from the vain attempt to urinate him out. She made one more attempt to escape from under Simba's grasp, swinging her head up to raise her front legs. Simba released the back of her neck only to catch the front. He bit down hard and moaned with pleasure. The fawn started to grow frantic, unable to breath in Simba's grasp. It wouldn't be much longer though, Simba could feel something welling up within his body. With a firm push inside and biting down hard; his young cock came alive and spilled his young seed deep into her body. His tip flicking wildly as gush after gush of hot sperm was ejected into the fawn.

Gasping for air, she could no longer fight. He was filling her to the breach with the last breaths of air escaping. His torrent slowed with every little droplet from his flesh expelled, the gazelle fell limp in his grasp and perished. He dropped her neck and began panting audibly. His cock still buried deep inside, he waited for it to retract. As it withdrew, a flurry of bubbling seed came with it, spilling onto the ground.

"Simba!" Sarabi called out to her exhausted son. "Remember what I said, waste nothing."

"Yes mama." Simba agreed. With a sniffle, he wiped his nose and ceased his panting. Prying apart her legs, he took a look at the area he was so vigorously mating. Spreading her open, he could see the pink flesh within, still dribbling his seed from her body. "Haha, cool. That was fun." He smiled. Wrapping his mouth over her pussy, he gnawed and chewed at her flesh, the taste of his own seed spurting into his mouth as he devoured his prey from the bottom up.

Sarabi deposited the meal for her mate before him and leaned down for another kiss.

"Satisfied?" She asked softly, grooming his mane with her paw.

"It's lovely my dear, thank you." He praised.

"There was something, odd that happened with Simba." Sarabi stated, interrupting Mufasa's meal.


"Simba asked to; mate the fawn of the prey we killed. I do not understand why. I was thinking we should sit down with him and discuss proper mating." Sarabi suggested.

"That is an odd situation my love, but." He paused looking down upon his meal. "After sundown, he's your cub." He glanced up with a smile. Sarabi chuckled lightly and batted his head.

"You are hopeless my love, very well I will speak with him about this."

"Bring Nala in for the talk as well. Sarafina mentioned a similar instance with her." Mufasa offered up, taking a bite into his dinner.

"Oh? Very well, I will speak with her too. Sarafina? A moment of your time?" Sarabi requested. Sarafina was bathing her daughter but agreed to the request of her queen. She was actually eager to address the issue she had with Nala earlier in the day.

Putting a little distance between them and the den, they parked at the base of Pride Rock to talk.

"I had a strange issue with Simba today." Sarabi began.

"Tell me about it, you won't believe what I caught Nala doing." Sarafina sighed.


"She... gosh how do I explain." Sarafina moaned, covering her face. "I told her how to bring down the prey this morning. But instead, she felt content to let this zebra colt mount her. I was so embarrassed; I bet half the pride thinks I encourage her to do these things."

"Goodness! Simba had a similar issue as well." Sarabi gasped.

"What happened?"

"He saw a pair of gazelle mating, and pleaded to have a fawn to practice on."

"Seriously!?" Sarafina exclaimed.

"Yes, this is most peculiar. Perhaps we waited too long to address courtship." Sarabi pondered.

"Doubtful, most of us weren't told until we were a year old. They're still just cubs!"

"But most self-aware it seems." Sarabi countered. "We should address this with them right away."

"Agreed." Sarafina approved. "I'll go fetch those two." Within a few moments, Sarafina arrived with the two cubs in tow. Taking a spot across from Simba and Nala, Sarabi cleared her throat.

"I'm sure you two are aware of why we brought you out here today."

"Uhh, kinda?" Nala shied away a little.

"Is it because of, that thing?" Simba spoke up.

"Yes, both you and Nala had rather, unusual encounters today." Sarabi finished.

"We don't want this to become a common practice." Sarafina reinforced.

"I already said sorry, mama." Nala protested. "I mean, it did feel good."

"Oh, you did it as well?"

"Zebra." Nala chuckled. "He was really big, was so good."

"I caught and did it with a gazelle. Brought her down all on my own." Simba touted.

"Oh please." Nala blew off.

"Enough." Sarabi cut in. "These practices are not meant for prey, they are food. Not our mates."

"If anything, you two should look to each other for such needs." Sarafina suggested.

"What?!" They both exclaimed, looking to one another in disgust.

" Gross! I can't do that with her, she's my friend!" Simba refuted.

"Simba would be lucky if he could pin me, let alone mount me."

"I can totally take you down!" Simba challenged with a smile.

"Wanna bet?"

"That's quite enough." Sarafina interrupted once more. "Listen, if you won't "Practice" with each other, than understand we will not be letting you practice with prey either."

"It's a rather poor habit to become involved in." Sarabi agreed.

"But mama, it was fun!" Simba pleaded.

"This is final, Simba. Now go back inside." Simba and Nala hung their heads and slowly treaded back up into Pride Rock. "I do hope they can sort this out on their own."

"Needless to say, I'll be monitoring Nala's hunts more carefully." Sarafina agreed.

"Perhaps time is all they need, and a little more of our guidance and patience."

"Still, I suppose I can understand a little." Sarafina plead.


"Tell me you never thought about a nice big zebra that way?" Sarafina suggested with a smile.

"We were both so adventurous once." Sarabi smiled, bobbing her head. Sarafina laughed and nuzzled heads with her friend, as they settled back in for the night within Pride Rock.

Finding Kula

Kula, Tama and Nala strolled along the dimming grass of the Pride Lands, aiming toward their friends who had gathered near "The Ring." Chumvi, Malka and Tojo had arranged a set of stones in a misshaped circle within the open savannah. Behind them, the...

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Wolves of Summer

Wolves of Summer At the first light of dawn, the air spoke her name. The first day of summer, late June once again. I traveled the old path, marched sure along the stream, long have I waited this sight to be seen. Placed at her feet, a flowering...

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Simba's Legacy

"But mama!" the young cub pleaded gazing up into his mothers eyes. Suri scowled down on her son. "It is not up for discussion, Zuberi. You stay with the others until you are old enough to hunt!" She reinforced firmly. Zuberi withdrew, hanging his head...

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