Nuka's endeavor.

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Nuka, frustrated with how he's being treated by the outsiders catches a break when he snares up Kiara. Will he finally prove his mother proud? Or will he screw it up like always?

Heheh, yes, the break is over.

(Grammar issues may appear. Feel free to post them in a PM. ones posted in comments will be deleted once they are fixed. Thank you!)

Nuka was stretched out upon the dusty and barren deserts of the outlands. The cracked earth crunching and crumbling between his shoulders, while he struggled to find a comfortable groove to settle in to. In the distance behind him, he could hear Vitani and Kovu training in grappling techniques. Their grunts and shouts were adding a distraction to his uncomfortable bed. Groaning, Nuka flopped to his side and curled into himself, extending a paw down between his legs to scratch at the termites biting at his thighs. His fur brushing against his own genitals, he seamlessly began rubbing at his own sheath. It wasn't an uncommon sight to find Nuka amusing himself, he was poor at concealing it.

He never noticed Zira encroaching behind him, the usual scowl on her face. Swatting his backside, she snapped his attention to her with a shriek.

"AHH! Oh! Mother, hi! Uh. I had another itch from the termites." He rambled through.

"Silence, my foolish boy. Why aren't you watching your brother and sister like I had ordered?"

"They're fine. I can hear them."

"Yet you could not hear me approaching from behind." She reinforced. Nuka's face contorted in shame, trying to hide his eyes from his mother. "Well then, why don't you go patrol the border for a while? Make yourself useful if you're not going to tend to your brother and sister."

"Yes mother." Nuka inched away.

"And do the scented world a favor and bathe yourself! You come back smelling like dead rats and I'll strip your fur to rid the smell." Nuka hustled off toward the river, eager to escape his mothers scorn.

Nuka scouted out a spot that seemed safe from the crocodiles. Submersing himself, he scrubbed at his arms and legs, embracing the relief from the termites and soaking his budding mane and head in the water. Lying down, he let the water envelop his ears, listening to the soft hum of the streams flow. Against the earth he could hear his heart beat, it was a subtle, tranquil moment. Something he was not privy to often at home.

After a good soak, he rose and let the water rush off of his body. Moving off to the shallows, he felt the cold rush of wind brush over his sheath and balls. Suddenly aware of his previous activity, he settled down with a shallow inch of water between his legs and began massaging himself again. Rubbing his balls and gently stroking his sheath.

"Ahh, I needed this." He smiled, gazing up into the air. "Mmmm" he moaned still pleasing himself, fantasizing about some of the more attractive lionesses in his pride. "Oh yeah girls, that's it. Just give it a nice little lick or two, oh yeah." He whispered to himself. Stroking more and more rapidly, he could feel himself priming up for a good release. Biting his lip he seemed ready to go until a giggling voice reached his ear.

"What are you doing down there?" The young feminine voice called. Nuka threw up a brow, his eyes darting toward the top of the prideland side of the stream.

"None of your beeswax, cub!" Nuka fired out angrily. He somewhat recognized the cub, having only seen her from a distance before and from Kovu's descriptions he surmised it was Kiara.

"That musta been soooome itch." Kiara giggled, rolling onto her back.

"That's a fine and dandy way of putting it." Nuka brushed off, swatting lightly at the water. "What do you want, Pridelander."

"I was hoping to spot Kovu."

"What's your daddy think of that, huh missy?"

"Daddy's busy with king stuff, so he left me with Timon and Pumbaa." Kiara replied, finding her belly again. "But I gotta say, it's getting easier and easier to ditch those two."

"How's that?" Nuka wondered.

"They like to argue. Easier to get the slip on them when they do."

"Huh." Nuka dismissed shaking out his fur. "Well beat it ya termite."

"Hey, where you going?!" She playfully pleaded.

"I gotta patrol the border for Pridelanders." Nuka stated, trying to wander off.

"Aren't I a Pridelander?" She smiled. Nuka stopped flat, stupefied at his own realization.

"Hey, shut it you!" He swung back around

"Come on! Hey, maybe you can bring Kovu to me so we can play."

"Why would I do that?!" He exclaimed.

"Please!" Kiara begged, breaking out her wide eyed face. Nuka was un-phased; Kovu had often tried similar things as a cub, as well as Vitani. Still, an idea had hit him. Maybe if he could lure her to a cave within the outlands and let his mother know he captured Kiara, she might view him a lot more favorably. The rewards of such an act were awash in his eyes. Food, lionesses and praise from his mother. It was just too sweet of a treat.

"Ok, tell ya what. Why don't I bring ya here to the outlands? Somewhere I can stash ya so the girls don't hurt you. I'll bring Kovu out here to play with you for a while, and in exchange you bring me some food tonight." Nuka proposed. Kiara's ears bloomed out as she pounced to her feet.


"Yeah, but I want something GOOD!" He reinforced.

"Ho yeah, we're having zebra tonight. Mom always catches too many. I can bring ya a whole leg if you want it!"

"Deal!" Nuka agreed. Kiara bounded down, splashing playfully into the water and swimming over to Nuka's side. "Come on, I know a good place to sneak ya."

"Hehehe, k!"

Leading Kiara to one of the empty dens near the outland borders, he settled her inside and grinned.

"Ok, you stay here. This place was abandoned after mother deemed it "Strategically unsound" or whatever." He explained.

"Ok, and Oh! Tell Kovu I wanna play tag this time. If he wants to play fight, that can go second."

"Uhh sure." Nuka half-heartedly agreed. Speeding off toward home, the images of his glory still prancing about in his head, he couldn't wait to till mother about his little prize.

Arriving home, he bounded toward his mother whom met him with yet another scowl.

"Mother! You won't believe what I did!" He proudly touted and throwing up a salute.

"Abandoned your duties once again, I see." Zira growled low.

"What?!" Nuka's jaw slacked. "No! I-"

"Nuka, how many times do I have to tell you? When I assign you to a task, I expect it done fully or not at all!"

"But mother! I captured Kiara! She's in the far outpost den!" Nuka pleaded, his voice cracking.

"Yeah sure." One of the lionesses perked up. "And I'm the queen of Pride Rock."

"You can't catch a cold Nuka." Another shot in.

"That wretch Simba is no doubt keeping a much closer eye on his daughter. I'm not so foolish to believe this tall tale of yours." Zira agreed.

"Please mother! I really do have her captured!"

"Then bring back her corpse." Zira smiled. Nuka's face melted in disbelief.

"B-b-but I thought."

"Come now, brave Nuka. If this is no jest, then you can return with proof. Her head, her coat, I don't care. If you truly have Kiara, dispose of her."

"I-I-I don't know." Nuka stammered.

"I knew it." Zira returned to her scowl. "I grow sick of your bluster, Nuka. Go back to the border and do your job. You can entertain your little fantasies later, seems you do little else better." She ordered. Many of the girls nearby snickered and laughed.

"Yes, mother." Nuka sighed hanging his head. The girls erupted into a more pronounced uproar, laughing as he walked on.



"Go do something right for once, Nuka."

Nuka drudged his way back to cave he had tucked Kiara away into. Disappointed with the reaction from his mother and pride, he entered inside and slumped against the walls and slid down. Kiara wandered over and shyly asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Nuka perked up, as if suddenly aware of the cub's presence. "Oh, right. Kovu's not coming."

"Awww. I wanted to play." Kiara whined, flopping from her backside to her back. "That's no fun." Nuka glanced low on the cub, seeing her ripe little folds protrude while the cub's legs were sprawled out to either side. A warm tingle, trickled its way down his spine as a devilish idea began to blossom in his mind.

"Yeah, sure." He whispered, distracted by Kiara.

"Well, guess our deals off then." Kiara sighed, rising to her feet. Nuka's eyes went wild as he rushed for the door and blocked it.

"Oh no, missy. You're not going anywhere."

"What?! Hey, let me go!" Kiara protested.

"I can't." Nuka insisted.

"Why not!"

"Well... Uh." Nuka scrambled for an answer. "Cause, I have orders from mother." He admitted.

"What? You told Zira I'm here!?" Kiara protested.

"Well, mother dragged it out of me. That's why Kovu isn't coming. And well, since mother hates you and Simba. She's ordered me to.... Get rid of you." He half truthfully explained.

"You.." Kiara stammered, pacing back to the end of the den. "You're gonna kill me?"

"That's my job." Nuka answered, settling back down.

"No! Please you can't! I'll do anything, just don't kill me!" She rampantly begged. Kiara folded her ears bag and hid her face in her paws.

"Anything?" Nuka smiled, seeing an opportunity to exploit his little captive.

"Uh-huh." Kiara mumbled. Nuka still wearing his smile strolled over and began petting the cub's back.

"There there, don't cry. I'll let you go if you do exactly what I tell you." Nuka insisted.

"Really?" Kiara glanced to him, throwing up an ear.

"Sure. See I'm kinda feeling down about a few things back home. I could use some, cheering up." He suggested.

"Oh! I can help with that." Kiara smiled. "I'm really good at cheering others up! I can tell jokes, I know some great stories, I make lots of funny faces and Pumbaa showed me some cool tricks on how to f-"

"That's not what I had in mind." Nuka cut off, slamming his paw over Kiara's mouth. Kiara giggled, spitting up a little bit through Nuka's paw. "Remember what happened down at the stream, hmm?"

"Huh, you were scratching yourself." Kiara lightly recalled.

"Yeah." Nuka chuckled, parting his legs and exposing himself to the cub. Her eyes fixated on the object before her. The sheath sitting snug upon its scruffy looking balls. "This gets itchy, but in a more, interesting way."

"Uh. What do you mean? Isn't that where you go pee?" Kiara pondered.

"Oh it can do more than that." Nuka loosed another chuckle before taking a stroke of his sheath. "Now, why don't you go ahead and rub it a little. But no claws! I knock your block clean off if you scratch me down there too hard."

"Ok, and then you'll let me go?" She questioned, raising her brow.

"We'll see. Like I said. I need some cheering up. Once I'm all nice and relaxed, you can mosey on out." Kiara was unsure how honest he was being, he had already backed out of one deal. But Nuka was a fair size larger than her and not in any position to really argue with the adolescent lion.

Grasping his sheath, she took slow motions up and down much to Nuka's delight. Wearing a smile, she enjoyed the tickle of his fur running through her paws. Pressing down on his sack, she tightened her grip on each upstroke as a bulge began to well inside.

The tip broke through as Kiara's eyes bloomed at the sight. His sheath was throbbing and with each jolt it seemed to extend further and further out. A cone like tip giving way to a hearty chunk of glistening pink flesh. Her paw took hold of its length, feeling Nuka's pulse. It was hard, a bit rough but apparently quite sensitive. Nuka shuddered with delight as the cub handled his shaft, stroking her back in an effort to coax her cooperation further.

"Feels good, huh?" Nuka suggested, lightly pushing her muzzle closer to it. "Bet it tastes even better."

"Wha? Put it in my mouth?" Kiara exclaimed.

"Suck on it, unless of course you want me to follow up on mother's orders." Nuka threatened. He had no real intention of killing her, but needed Kiara to believe it. The tip brushed along her lips but Kiara refused the first pass. When Nuka's pushes became more insistent, she complied and cringed as it passed over her lips and into her mouth. The salty taste hit her right away, almost spewing it up as a result. But after a few moments it faded, and the tasteless but firm meat in her mouth became more manageable.

Kiara began sucking as instructed. Taking into her muzzle his shaft to the tip of his sheath. It was all she could contain without hurting herself. Nuka stroked her head, continuing to encourage the illicit behavior. He may not have had her hide to prove her capture, but the future queen of the pride lands was sucking him off. This was prize enough for him. Kiara's sucking and rolling of his flesh was forcing a response from Nuka's body. He could feel it priming up right away, knowing full well what was to come. Spastic contractions took hold between his legs, converting his testicles and sheath into a soft cannon. Within moments, he was inseminating Kiara's mouth.

It came on suddenly, spurts of cum forcefully ejected from his body. Kiara coughed up, dropping the flesh from her mouth as Nuka's seed spilled from her lips. Nuka kept going, shooting a few more streams onto her head, cheeks and chest. Nuka halted his torrent in time for Kiara to finish her fit of coughing. Wiping her cheek and chest as strands of semi-clear fluid dangled between her paw and body.

"Eww! Gross, what is this!?" She cried.

"Relax small fry. It's nothing that will hurt you. Just means you were doing it right, pleasing me down there." Nuka explained.

"Is it pee? I swear if you pee'd on me."

"It's not pee. Something way better, but let's not worry about that part right now. You're doing your job right, that's what counts. Now, why don't we both get a little something outta it this time?" He suggested, grasping the cub's chin in his paw. He admired the mess he made, relishing the fact he was getting to do this with Kovu's little playmate.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Turn around." Nuka instructed, guiding the little cub. Kiara felt her rump rise a little and her legs spread just a little. She was unsure of what was to come next. Nuka brought himself between her legs, brushing through her fur searching for her pussy. Kiara shuddered, the image of his meat circling so low on her body. Rolling onto her back in protest, she started to fight him off.

"No! This feels weird!"

"Hey, cool that tude missy." Nuka fired back, lowering his paw onto her chest. "Remember the deal, you do as I say and I'll let ya go."

"But what are you gonna do to me?" She pleaded nervously.

"Just relax, it might sting a little at first it'll start to feel really good once it's good and in there." He explained. Kiara still seemed quite shaken and Nuka knew he needed at least some cooperation from the cub. Sighing he assured her one more time. "I'll go slow, ok!?"

"Ok." Kiara submitted, staying straddled on her back. Nuka aimed low and grazed across her folds. Watching as Nuka tried to press within, only to flick out and run across her belly. His meat was nice and slick from a combination of Kiara's saliva and Nuka's own seed. Aiming low again, he caught inside and gave one good push. Kiara's body opened up, swallowing the tip as her eyes bloomed wide. It stung just as he warned, made worse by his incessant attempts to delve deeper. Grasping her chest and biting her lip, the cub whimpered as Nuka buried all he could inside. Her once virgin lips barely taking him in passed the sheath.

"Oh yeah." Nuka shuddered, grasped tightly within Kiara's body. Hot walls clamped down firm in a vain attempt to prevent further intrusion. He made cautious movements in and out, getting a feel for the cub's body. Nuka had at last clenched a mate, a temporary one perhaps, but it was more than sufficient for him. Kiara did the best she could to rest her feet on either side of Nuka's skinny body. Straddled wide, it was the only adjustment she could make to accommodate this new intrusion.

Nuka took hold of the cub with one paw, gently pushing her down as he delved in. Sinking in just a little deeper each time. Kiara could feel him pressing hard on the entryway to her womb and each time the pain was being swapped with pleasure. Gasping and mewling she squeezed on him, a poor attempt to flush him out. It succeeded only in bringing Nuka to a climax.

His instincts overtook, grunting and growling he began to release into Kiara's body. Hot spurts of his adolescent seed pumping inside, filling what little gaps there were. Squirting from her entrance, the excess began to escape. Drizzling the ground and filling the air with the scent of his seed. Nuka leaned in harder, still pumping away. Kiara's last barrier broke as Nuka's seed began spilling into her womb. He had filled her little body to about half of its tolerance before starting to slow. His flesh instinctually retreating from Kiara, the last droplets falling from his sheath.

Kiara and Nuka panted, neither of them opening their eyes. Kiara rolled to her side and felt it immediately. A wash of the strange fluid buried somewhere deep between her legs. Bubbled of it ebbing from her stretched pussy, the pink flesh just hidden beneath.

"That was, weird." Kiara panted, turning to Nuka.

"Weird but, so good." Nuka agreed. "You know, it only gets better hey?"

"Better?" She questioned to him. Nuka smiled at this new, more willing playmate. Picking her up, he propped her back on her belly and manoeuvred himself between her legs again.

"Here, let's try it this way." Nuka insisted. With little trouble drawing his weapon he began to search for Kiara's pussy. Waiting patiently, Kiara closed her eyes and folded her ears back, bracing for the painful part she knew was coming. Much to her surprise, as Nuka entered and stretched her once again, the pain was minimal. Nuka even found himself buried in further than before. Bringing his balls almost to rest between the cubs hind legs.

Nuka's thrusts were less gentle this time, shoving the little cub forward with each push. Her walls were more welcoming and accommodating after the first bout, yet each thrust had an audible spurt. Seed from his previous endeavor came squirting from her folds, spraying his balls and staining the ground beneath them. Nuka took hold of the little cub by her belly, once again using her to stroke himself as Kiara mewed with a mix of pain and pleasure. Nuka's penis was growing ever more coarse with the lubricants slipping away.

She wouldn't have to wait long for a replacement for them. Nuka gave several muffled groans of pleasure before his member came alive once more. Pressed in deep, his tip arcing hard against her cervix he released once more. Hot seed gushing within, coating her sore pussy with seed. Nuka kept the pressure on, buried into the hilt he filled the little cub to her limit. Her womb giving way again and taking in what the slender flesh could not. Thick gushes of seed spilling in, contributing to the deposit from before. Kiara wailed and moaned, tearing the ground with her claws, feeling her belly begin to swell. It was too overwhelming for her.

Withdrawing, Nuka's flesh was soaked with seed. Kiara leaking in spurts down her legs and belly. She was exhausted, laying on the ground, unable to actualize what had been happening to her. Her eyes were closed, her breathing heavy. Nuka examined her carefully, but sure enough the cub was physically fine. Within moments though, she slipped into slumber in a desperate attempt to recover her energy. Nuka was still hard and primed; an advantage to adolescents was his stamina. He was always ready to mate, even if his partner was not.

Raising her tail, he admired the only hole he had not violated on the cub. Satisfied with the lubricants on his erect cock, he brought the cub in close and aimed higher this time. Kiara gasped in her sleep while Nuka attempted to penetrate her. This entry was much less forgiving and harder to pry open. Pushing on the little entry, he managed a sliver of his flesh within first. A gentle ebb back and push forward found him delving in deeper. Her pucker was a very different lay, spastic, exceedingly tight and almost painful for Nuka to mate.

Delving in as far as he could, he began to settle into a steady pace. Kiara shuddered and cried out softly with each press inside. Though still unconscious, she was still somewhat wary of the pain. It was luck she wasn't aware enough to embrace it in its entirety.

Nuka kept his grip on Kiara's tail fast, using it to pull her body down with each push inside her. She was so very tight, Nuka felt as though he was trying to split a stone. His cock arcing on occasion, unable to manage a clinch from the young cub.

Finally he buried enough to conceal his shaft to the tip of his sheath. Kiara clenching and fidgeting below him sent him into a state of pure bliss. He could feel her heartbeat through his cock, each contraction crushed him and each moan only egged him to attempt a deeper push. An image in his mind of withdrawing his shaft to find it flat was often coming to mind. He couldn't restrain it for much longer.

With one gentle push, his balls began to twitch and ejected their contents once more. This time with an aim of filling the cubs back end. Nuka felt half a dozen jets spurt hard within before something rather unexpected happened. He had become lubricated enough that with one good clench, Kiara expelled his meat. His cock still firing shot thick jet after jet at her tail end, up along her back and down her thighs. Nuka dropped her tail and fell on his back in delight. Though he was drained enough for now. Though he knew his stamina would prevail, he felt he was pushing his luck. Simba, Nala or even his mother would come searching soon. Though he had no intent of killing his new toy, he needed to discard her.

Snaring her scruff, he brought her down to the river where she first found him. Dropping her in the water with a cannon ball like splash, Kiara awoke batting the water.

"Ahh!! What the." She cried out.

"Relax, I figured you'd wanna clean up after all that." Nuka explained. Kiara shook out her fur and reached behind to pat her backside. Seed had began flowing from her fur, creating streaks in the water that ebbed down the stream.

"What did you do to me?" Kiara demanded lightly.

"Nothing you gotta worry about till you're a lot older. Sides, you did your job, I'm just holding up my end." He explained, hitting her with a light splash. Kiara wiped her face and smiled.

"Mean I'm free to go?"

"Yeah, you're free." He agreed, turning away from the cub a little.

"Phew, that's a relief."

"Make sure you clean up, don't want your daddy to know you were playing in the outlands, do ya?" Nuka advised, shooting an eye behind him.

"Good idea!" Kiara agreed, eagerly bathing herself.

"Good, I'm gonna head back then. And by the way?" Nuka swung around with a smile to the cub. Kiara glanced up, throwing an ear toward him. "Feel free to get, "Captured" again." Kiara scratched her head, puzzled by the suggestion. With a soft cackle he started toward his home. "I could use some, cheering up. Anytime."

Playing with your food.

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