How Much The Family Loves Gumball Watterson

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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Gumball wants his mother and sister to love him. While he finds a way, he gets more love than expected.

Gumball Watterson was fuming in the school library. He ended up making his mom and sister very angry by causing a tiny accident. Of course the tiny accident sent Darwin and his dad to the hospital, but that wasn't HIS fault. They didn't move out of the way of the car in time. The car didn't back up any faster than 40 miles an hour and they clearly could have avoided getting run over if they were just paying attention. Sheesh.

Gumball sighed. His family probably didn't even love him anymore. Why would they? Bobert was sitting next to him at the computer absorbing some information from the internet like he always does. Gumball looked at him and realized he could help. If anyone would know how to make your family love you again, it would be a robot. They know everything. He tapped his metal shoulder.

"Hey Bobert? I have a question."

"What is it Gumball?" monotonously replied Bobert as he turned his head 90 degrees swiftly.

"My parents don't love me anymore." explained Gumball. "Is there any way I could make them love me again?" Bobert blinks as he checks his databases of knowledge and then the internet. After a few seconds he finishes his quick research.

"Well, according to scientific studies, love is just a series of chemicals and electronic signals to the brain." explained Bobert. "If one could make the proper formula and synthesize it into a spray, they could easily cause anyone near them to love them again." he prints out instructions. Gumball looks at them.'

"Thanks Bobert!" he runs off.

"But if you're referring to just familial love by itself, then the formula would be even a more simple--Gumball?"

Gumball ran to the chemistry classroom. The teacher was sitting there reading a newspaper.

"Hey Mr. Powers can I use the centrifuge to make a love chemical then synthesize it into an aerosol using the array of tools and ingredients in the classroom?" quickly asked Gumball with a grin.

"Sure just clean up." said the teacher as he turned a page. Gumball grabbed several chemicals and laid them out onto the table. Wait a minute he's no chemistry expert either. What if he messes up? Suddenly Bobert rushes into there.

"Gumball you didn't let me finish!" warned Bobert, "You shouldn't make this formula because--" he was suddenly cut off. Gumball rolled his eyes and pressed the reboot button on him. He shut down then turned back on and blinked. "Hey Gumball." he waved, having lost his recent memories.

"Hey Bobert could you help me make this?" he gives him the instructions.

"Sure thing Gumball!" replied Bobert as he grabbed the chemicals and began working. After an hour they completed the process and Gumball now had an aerosol can full of the love formula. All he needed to do was spray it on himself and his family wouldn't hate him anymore and love him again. He cleaned up the lab and ran out.

"Thanks Mr. Powers!" he called from the distance on the way out of the school. The teacher merely flipped another page. Gumball quickly ran home. Outside the door he sprayed himself and walked in.

"Mom?...Anais?..." he quietly called as he slowly walked in. He then saw them sitting on the couch ignoring him. Nicole Watterson rolled her eyes and muttered something to herself. He walked in front of them awkwardly and hoped the spray worked. "I-I'm really sorry...I just want you two to love me again..."

"Gumball. What you did isn't unforgivable," said the mother, "But it'll be a long time." Anais nodded her head in agreement. Gumball sighed then began to walk upstairs. When he walked behind the couch the scent of the formula was picked up by the girls and they suddenly turned around.

"You know what..." said Nicole, "We're sorry. We were too harsh..."

"We'd to anything to make it up to you." said Anais with a smile. Gumball thought to himself. Anything? Was the formula that powerful? Probably not. But he might as well try.

"Hmmmph." he storms upstairs then once upstairs in his room sprayed half of the can on himself.

"Wait!" called the girls as they ran after him. They inhaled the formula in his room and unknowingly made them very susceptible to Gumball's wishes.

"We meant it." said Nicole, "We want to prove that we still love you. We'll do anything for you. No questions asked."

"Show me you love me." demanded Gumball. "In fact, be my slaves for the day to prove it." He crossed his arms. Both girls fluttered their eyelashes and smiled with looks of flirtation and gratefulness. Gumball's eyes widened. It worked! Nicole Watterson suddenly took her shirt and then Anais' shirt off. They both kept stripping while giving Gumball the same look of smug lust. Gumball got a boner and grinned. He then quickly dropped his pants and stood up.

"Allow me Master~" cooed Anais as she got on her knees and place her muzzle on his ball sack. Gumball blushed and then Anais licked along his cock to the tip. She then sucked him smoothly and Gumball moaned. Nicole walked to Gumball's side and got on her knees, bringing her breasts closer to him. She held them up as if an offering. Gumball grinned and began feeling them.

"These are amazing~" said Gumball as he was mesmerized by them. He then panted and came down Anais' throat.

"Thank you Master~" said Anais as she licked her lips.

"Mom, spread your legs." commanded Gumball.

"Yes, Master." obediently replied Nicole as she laid down and did so. Gumball got into position and grabbed her knees for support as his cock was right outside her opening. He was going to know what sex was like. Finally! He drooled at her body and then slipped his cock inside slowly. He moaned and shuddered at the new feeling. The warm, silky wet slip n slide was all that was on his mind as he sped up. The instinct of the animal within him took over as he drowned in his own bliss.

"Master~" moaned Nicole while panting. Anais then made out with her, which excited Gumball. He then couldn't hold it in anymore and moaned as he released a shot of warm cum inside her womb. His mother then actually came soon after, which surprised Gumball. Maybe the formula had something to do with it. He then sat back and panted. "Th-thank you Master~"

"Good sluts like you deserve it." chuckled Gumball. That night he had a lot of fun trying various positions and such with his family, He was glad the formula worked and hoped it wouldn't ever wear off. Now all he needed was an amnesia formula in case it does.

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