The Tales of Pharaoh Anubis: Chapter 1: Landing

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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Fao Rogan was flying his spacecraft at nearly the speed of light. He just made the biggest heist of his life after raiding his home planet's museum. It was an ancient artifact of his people that could control the minds of primates. A long time ago his jackal race enslaved primate peoples to help build giant monuments. The slavery eventually ended and the amulet was stored in a museum for thousands of years. He stole it to sell it on another planet to earn a lot of money so he could buy a nice home far away from his planet. As he kept flying, he noticed a police ship behind him.

"Damn it!" he grunted as he sped up. The police car sped up similarly and the chase was on. They flew past a gas giant planet with a weird red spot then suddenly arrived in an asteroid field. "Here we go..." Suddenly his ship's communication radio was hacked.

"Attention Fao Rogan!" called the policeman. "Surrender your vehicle or we will fire!" Fao rolled his eyes then swerved around several asteroids. The ships swerved past several asteroids and the police ship began firing. A few asteroids were broken and scattered, adding to the stakes. Fao suddnely twirled past several debris asteroids then under a larger one before flying away. The police car tried to follow but crashed into the larger asteroid. Fao fistpumped and laughed.

"No one is gonna stop me." bragged Fao. A beep suddenly went off and he instinctively checked his fuel gauge. He was running low and there wasn't a filling station near by. He'd have to find another source of fuel naturally on a nearby planet. He passed by a redish planet that was much smaller than the previous gas giant. It wouldn't be warm enough for him and he didn't see anything to indicate life. After a bit more flying he saw a blue and green planet with swirls of white clouds. "Perfect. Water and vegetation." Suddenly the beeping began again.

"C'mon don't force me to crash into the planet..." groaned Fao as he pressed several buttons. The gravity of the planet suddenly began sucking the ship closer and closer. As he sped up further and further as gravity took its course around his burning ship. As soon as he was able he parachuted out of his spaceship with the artifact he stole. His ship crashed into a large body of water but the winds drifted him to what appeared to be a desert. "Damn it I don't want a desert." But as he kept floating down, he noticed that there was a giant river flowing through the desert with some green along the banks.

"Maybe it won't be as bad." he landed and stood on the sand. "'s really warm but not nearly as bad as the deserts on my home planet. Now the river was this way." he walked, hoping to find something. He reached the banks of the massive river. It was an impressive sight to watch all of this water give life to this part of the desert. From his viewpoint in space this desert took a huge chunk of the continent. As he sipped the river for a drink he then noticed a city ahead. It looks like there was life here after all. Maybe he could get some help? He realized that perhaps help wouldn't come. The villages looked primitive compared to his own civilization. Not capable of space craft. Walking into the town he noticed the inhabitants were some sort of bald upright ape. They were all staring at him and murmuring.

"Interesting language." muttered Fao. He took out an earpiece and put it in his ear. After pressing a button suddenly the natives were understood.

"I-it can't be..." uttered one in awe.

"This is a sign!" proclaimed another, "The gods are coming to make sure our Pharaoh Akhenaten removes his blasphemous sun deity Aten and restores the true pantheon!" A few cheer.

<<They think I'm a God?>> thought Fao. He looked around and saw a statue of a creature that had a body of...whatever these natives were, and the head of a jackal, like his own species. He is depicted with several humans bowing as there is some sort of measuring device with a feather on it. An odd ceremony of some sorts. He looked back and saw the crowd bow before him. He then smiled. Perhaps he could enjoy some time here.

"All hail Anubis!" called one. The crowd echoed the chant: "All hail Anubis!" Fao smiled. Time to become this Anubis fellow and have some fun.

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