The Ultra-Sexual World Chapter 1: High School

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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At Campton High School, Mr. Harry is teaching a standard biology class. Despite the world having many anthropomorphic animals as sentient beings, anatomy was largely the same. So a lesson over anatomy and such wasn't that difficult. Canines, Felines, Bovines, Cervines, and so on. Different yet the same when it came to basic functions including the need for food, water, and sex. I was always a fan of science and found this stuff interesting.

"As you all know, when it comes to sex, it is one of the most simple, common, and important social aspects we all have as sentient beings." said Mr. Harry as he showed some diagrams of genitalia on the slideshow. "You probably fucked one of your friends on the way here. Everyone does it nearly everyday. Yet believe it or not just like eating such a common activity is vital to all of our species as an ecosystem. We evolved to find sex more pleasurable than most organisms and to do it more often to promote our species' populations. Of course as we all know, you can only get pregnant the day a female drops an egg, which is every full moon." Ah yes, the full moon. The one day no one had sex accept for adult couples who wanted children.

"The constant sex helps promote this by making all partners willing to mate anyone." continued the teacher. "Naturally our bodies have protection against things going wrong. So an egg will only accept sperm from those with at least 66% different genetic material in terms of chromosomes. This keeps diversity alive and is why you all have fucked a family member for fun without suddenly getting a sibling suddenly." A few chuckle. "Heck, some of you fucked your pets because we all evolved to find sex so enjoyable, ESPECIALLY the females. That's why most girls will practically never say no to sex. Not to mention males get really pent up." A few more chuckles break out. Basically, females are sluts thanks to evolution. You can order them around practically and they'd never refuse you unless you were violent or they were somehow needing to meet a deadline of some kind.

"From a young age you engage in sex. Your parents teach you. Your siblings and friends fuck you. All of this sex makes having children no big deal. Of course we did also evolve to gain love, but that's even more complicated." The bell rings and everyone heads out. "Remember your homework from chapter 7 is due tomorrow!"

I walked into the hallway to join the massive flow of students on their way home. Unfortunately I don't have a car yet so I have to wait for my mom to pick me up. However, there was always a fun orgy going on in there after school. I saw my best friend Katie and grabbed her ass before caressing it gently.

"Hey Matt~" she kissed me. "Wanna fuck?"

"You know I do." I gladly replied as I unzipped my pants. I felt all over her body and she didn't resist. Like the teacher said: they evolved to want it and love it. She moaned softly when I lifted her shirt and licked her nipples. She grew wet quickly and I slipped my cock inside her. It was nice and tight like always. Every guy has a preference for the type of pussy they like but I'm a tight guy all the way. But I won't complain if I get a slightly bigger one. A slip-n-slide pussy has its merits.

"You always are a good fuck Matt~" moaned Katie as she kissed me again. A random girl participating in the orgy grabbed Katie and made out with her. I always loved french kissing a lot. It was beautiful in a way. I sped up and eventually came inside her. I panted and pulled out. The random kid fucking the girl who joined in tapped my shoulder.

"Hey your girl's pretty got mind if I have her blow me?" he asked politely.

"Sure! Mind if I do the same to yours?"

"Go ahead dude." The wolf lustfully grinned and had Katie lick the tip of his cock. Then he pushed her head all the way and she blushed. Then Katie closed her eyes and passionately moved back and forth. The wolf shuddered in delight. "W-wow she's good~" I took the wolf's former partner and had her blow me too. She wasn't as passionate as Katie but a great one nonetheless. I moaned and came down her throat when finished and then I got a text from my mom telling me she was here. I made out with Katie real quick.

"See you later Katie!"

"See you Matt!--oh gosh fuck me harder dude~~" she went back to moaning. I pulled up my pants then walked out to the car. School was out and it was time to head home.

The Ultra-Sexual World Chapter 2: Elementary School

I woke up and yawned. Friday: time for the last day of the school week. I turned to see my naked older sister sleeping next to me. She was 21, making her 4 years older than me. But that didn't make our fuck sessions less amazing. When I was little she...

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