Resolution Fulfilled

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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A college couple fulfill their new years resolution in an odd way

A Resolution Fulfilled

-Here Be Porn involving transformation, transgender and m/m sex. If this does not interest you or you are underage, go away. Otherwise enjoy.

College is expensive.

Between her busy classes, overbearing instructors, expensive meals, and the harried, convoluted schedule Samantha was exhausted. That last biology midterm had slaughtered her, rendering her mind nothing more than thick mush as spring break moved closer. Just a few more days and she'd have nothing to do but sleep.

She groaned as she stretched her lanky frame from the chair, saving the paper on the computer in front of her as she tried to let her mind step away from the bullshit overwrought analysis that the professor wanted until she could regurgitate more of the preening that he wanted. Standing and reaching for the compact fridge under the bed a buzzing made her jump.

The phone buried atop the desk wiggled and chimed somewhere, leading to a flurry of papers sliding off to the floor before she could find the offending electronic box and grab it just as it chimed again, the message notification scrolling across its face as she scowled at it, selecting it and letting the phone read the message back to her.

"Samantha, we're gonna go to the casino Friday. I got a special visit at the gym for to help beta test something the university's been helping design and they threw in a free overnight stay for us. We need the time off. Love ya."

They had talked about it, but apparently Nathan had taken charge and gone and done it. The new metabolite and vitamin blend and machinery were supposed to be amazing. Nathan had helped the design teams with some concerns about the software so they had offered him the ability to use the new equipment free of charge...well...beta test it.

Samantha shrugged, expecting that the new year's resolution to improve their body was on Nathan's mind as well and that it wouldn't hurt to start early. It wasn't like folks were trying to push her into the pool crying "Be Free, Willy" but she could be a lot better.

Three days later...

"Come on, babe. We promised each other." Nathan mocked her as he helped her out of the car, a bit of anxiety having grown in her mind over the past few days. The lack of food hadn't helped at all.

"But I haven't eaten anything but ramen all week. You need protein to work out." He smiled at her weak protests.

"I got us the premier package. It's guaranteed to change our lives. Their premium supplements are guaranteed to improve your physical condition. And it's just a start. We'll keep going until we're both happy..."

She smiled with a playful huff. He was right and she needed to do this. If this was all true maybe it would be a new turning point.

As the pair walked inside the gym, the quickly recirculated air caught them by surprise. They had expected the standard smell of dry and sweaty air run round and round through air conditioners and fans but only the soft scent of lilacs in the dry air caught their attention. Rounding the corner to the receptionist, Samantha stepped back with a start at the spotted fanger seated at the receptionist deck.

"It's ok, Sammy. Rachel's a great gal. She's been our contact and offered to run the systems on one of their off days so we had the entire place to ourselves. Plus we get a free room and $1000 each to the casino next door. They're gonna be merging the two soon."

At the sound of her name, the two rounded ears wiggled, the head swiveling from the computer before her as she broke into a fangy feline grin. "Nathan! Glad to see you. " She smiled and rushed to him, wrapping in him a hug as her rough yet bubbly voice grated at Samantha's ears before she turned toward her. "You must be Samantha. Nathan's been talking you up so much. To hear him talk you'd think you were the next Pasteur or Salk."

Samantha shook the fanger's paw, not completely sure how to take the feel of the pawpads and claws brushing against her hand as the hybrid shook her hand.

"He apparently lies a lot." She smiled demurely, her eyes darting at Nathan dangerously. "He never told me he was working with a leopard."

"Cheetah actually. Long story. But ya. I got my Piled high a few years ago. Been with Clemborne since then and loved it. Nathan's been a great guy to bounce ideas off. Bright as hell and once in a while random as fuck."

Samantha was surprised. For the bubbly personality the cheetah would never have struck her as a doctor. Never mind one assigned to a brand new research project and tuned in with everything enough to be trusted with the whole shebang on a beta test.


"Thanks. I'll be a bad kitty and tell you a secret..." She smiled mischievously. "The board already has your records from school...they are considering a full offer for med school for you."


"Yep. Finish up your classes and it's all paid with a job on the other end."

Dollar signs almost flashed in Sam's eyes as she nodded, the hidden camera catching it and relaying it back into the central room in the casino. A gloved hand tapped a console screen as it saw the glee, knowing they had her.

"Well...enough of the small talk. You're here to try and work out and we'll make sure you do well. Like anywhere else here's a waiver for you. Basically says you release us from liability if you are injured. There is a red button on all the machines that will summon me if you have any issues and please stop if anything hurts. Also have a second one for you, Samantha. Basically it's a prelim promissory and NDA. Since this is all pretty new, we ask that you give us first crack at you for scholarships and employment after school." Her smile grew a hair predatory. "It's a great deal. I did and wish I had never thought twice about it."

The pair signed silently, Samantha almost dancing from side to side as she saw some of her worries evaporating from her mind."

"Ms. Rodgers, the room to the left ahead has your machines. The room to the right will be for Mr. Williams."

"Private rooms?"

"We have a system to maximize your first visit. It will find the best method of training you and define a training regimen better than any personal trainer. We have a full array of the most modern training equipment for later. Also, please take these. They are designed to be the most effective supplement designed for the training market. With these even if you have not eaten for a week you can get fit and have more useful energy."

The pair took and swallowed the offered pills and water before a quick kiss between the pair was followed by the clank of two doors closing as they headed into the rooms.

A tall combination weight machine took up the center of the room, a small bank of lockers opposite the machine as a red light flashed green, a voice echoing through the well lit and ventilated room.

"Good evening Ms. Samantha Rodgers. I am XR8. I am designed to give you a detailed workout plan so that you can most effectively get into better shape. From my sensors you weigh 104.545454 kilograms and are 165.1 cm tall. I will use this information in order to determine your most effective exercise regimen.

" can tell my weight?"

"Yes, Ms. Rogers. I am designed as a fully autonomous system that can evaluate all relevant criteria. There is a change of clothing for you in the locker room against the wall. Please change."

"But I already have workout clothing."

"This is more effective and you agreed to follow all commands from this unit in your release of liability. Please change into the clothing within the locker."

Samantha huffed , annoyed as she walked toward the locker in the corner, the door creaking open under her hands, pulling out the stretchy fabric pile and laying it on the weight machine bench next to her. The pile looked clean and fresh, probably unused. She pulled out her shirt off, the tee landing against the wall before she pulled on the loose fitting top.

"The nanotech fibers in the clothing will allow you to interface with the machines. It lets us directly read your body's growth and reaction and lets me tailor your workout."

The loose fabric brushed over her bra, the tank top almost hanging off her shoulders as her short brown hair brushed against the back of her neck.

"I don't think it fits well."

"We apologize for the ill fitting test clothing. The provided clothing will still properly interface with your body and my sensors. We are still working on the fashion aspects."

She shrugged and bent down, untying her shoes. If they were alright with it, it was worth the check coming after it was all done...especially if it worked like they said it would. Soon after the shoes and socks were tossed onto the floor, her fingers slid down her shorts and panties, quickly pulling up the loose fitting shorts that had been provided before pulling on the socks and shoes provided.

She rose unsteadily to her feet, stumbling for her first few steps before she got used to the different gait.

"The shoes will feel a bit odd. They are designed to interface with the weight machine and allow you to use muscle groups that you would not typically use. Please take a seat on the machine. The headphones will guide you through the test."

Samantha simply nodded and shrugged, making her way across the room to the imposing machine in the corner, sitting and sliding against the padded seat, the coolness of the leather quickly warming from her body heat as she reached up, pulling the headset from its cradle and slipping it over her ears.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to Clemborne Industries XR8 workout assistant. Please grasp the silver section of the bar."

A slight hum played through her ears, barely audible but enough that it caught her ear. The audio must be just a little bit off. But she could deal with it for a bit until she could get back to using her own pop music to keep her tempo up. Just one time.

Samantha reached up, wrapping her hands around the cool metal of the large crossbar. The cool air blew across her as she slowly pushed up and down, the machine controlling the weight and effort as it served to loosen up muscles with simple repetitive motion. Her arms warmed up with the motion, the bar clanking up and down on its track as the bar moved just slightly out of her reach, making her stretch just a bit, heady warmth flooding her muscles as she did so.

As Samantha pressed the bar up and down, her chest heaved as she stretched, each press of the bar reaching a little bit farther until the machine started to press back against each of her presses. With each press, she felt a little bit more and more force until each and every extension of her arms was met with the machine pressing back hard, her arms burning with the exertion as she felt the heat of her body as it worked.

What she didn't recognize was that as she pressed the bar up, grunting softly on each upstroke, her arms were thickening, muscles crying for bloodflow and its nutrients and growing as her body heated up. Each upstroke sent a thrust of warmth through her as her body took every ounce of the blood pumped out by the growing heart and took the nutrients from it, her muscles growing thicker as her arms pressed up and out.

Each grunt grew deeper and more explosive as her chest barreled out, the machine increasing the load as it did. Heavy muscles pressed out across her chest and arms, replacing that thin feminine frame with something that looked more at home on a stereotypical gym rat. The formerly loose fabric was matted with her sweat as it pressed against her body, the material outlining newly bulging shoulders and pectorals on her chest as her shoulders held the tank top straps tight against her. She moaned as the machine slowed her down.

"Exercise plan one complete. Congratulations. Please step off the equipment so it may configure for your second exercise set."

As she stepped off, Samantha swayed, in part from her specialized footwear, but also because her center of balance felt off. Almost like it was higher. Her hands ran down her body, feeling the solid muscle that had pressed from her body.

"That wasn't there before" She moved her hand to her face, surprised by how much deeper her voice sounded.

"The pills you took, along with the exercise regime of this piece of equipment are designed to rapidly metabolize fat into muscle and connective tissue. This is the expected result of the first part of the body transformation."

The pairs of eyes watching from the cctv camera glimmered in mirth as Samantha appeared to have accepted the given answer. It was...partially true.

As Samantha stood beside the machine, the bench pulled back into the machine, the bar raising up into a standing position.

"Please step under the bar and grip the two outer grip locations illuminated in red. Stand up straight on the two spots red lit spots on the floor beneath the machine." Samantha moved to the machine, standing on the two red LED lights on the floor that had lit up with the voice's orders. "We have calculated your appropriate stance while evaluating your exercise program."

The machine lowered the bar to her shoulders, her body falling into a squat stance almost effortlessly.

"Keep this posture and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor." Samantha did so, feeling the bar's weight mostly controlled by the machine as her thighs stretched as she started back into the machine's commands.

As the machine pressed down, Samantha felt her thighs start burning. Each downswing of the machine drove the weight onto her shoulders, the weight evening out after the first few presses as she pressed the bar, her thighs burning as she did so, the blood rushing through her body with every pulse of her heart, delivering the nutrients and special ingredients of the pills she had taken through her body, her thighs and quads soaking up the compounds with relish as they pressed against her skin. The pale flesh pushed out, definition rapidly growing as she pressed the bar.

Thick veins pulsed as her body adjusted, her legs and hips trying to match the chest and abdomen already apparent on her changing frame as the bar slowly raised higher as her legs elongated, pushing her growing frame even higher as bones grew, thickening to match burgeoning muscles that pressed at her skin, the exercise and supplements rapidly pushing her body past her limits. Heavy pants and unfeminine grunts fled her lips as she hefted the bar against the machine, pressing it back as the shorts on her legs grew tighter, the tops of the shoes on her feet feeling tighter as she pressed.

"Congratulations. You are halfway there, Sam." Samantha jumped a bit as the machine called her by name. "Please lay down in the indicated position with your knees up and feet on the ground."

The floor under the machine lit up, the red glow showing a human form, arms over its head and preparing for a crunch. Sam groaned, stretching as the heat and pain of the workout and the tingling sensation of the powder filled her body, the feeling and tingling strange but not entirely bad.

But 1000 dollars and a vacation...

And all of the carefully designed and defined messages deep within the buzzing noise in her ears.

Sam lay down, taking the position indicated as she felt sweat heavy on her body, the tangy smell of sweat just barely hidden from the air by the rapid recirculation in the room, keeping the smells down to a minimum. The quick moving air did its best to evaporate the beads of sweat covering her as she raised her arms above her head, not noticing the increased length of the stubble starting to press out of her tan skin.

"And one...Two...Three...Four..."

Sam lifted her body in time to the count, sitting forward until her chest touched her knees and laying herself back down. With a grunt each time, she pressed harder and further with each one, the tingling sensation that had graced her body before moving to her chest and making itself well known. With each rep she managed to reach closer and closer to her knees, abs growing and gaining definition as all the fat drained away, the powerful muscles marking their place as they clenched, easily lifting her bulkier and heavier upper body as the flesh on her chest faded away.

Heavy C cup breasts faded into powerful pectoral muscles as she pressed herself against her thighs. Each crunch taking away just a little bit of the two most apparent designators of her femininity as she grew, adding extra inches to her frame, a powerful body taking shape as her teeth clenched in deep grunts and growls as she lifted her upper body. As she changed, the machine changed parameters slightly, detecting the change in her scent as it took in the air around it as it ran from her, the pungent scent of her heavy, heady sweat quickly whisked away from her once feminine body.

As two heavy breasts pulled back into her chest and her abs burned and breath caught in her throat behind changing vocal cords, Sam missed her legs spreading apart slightly as the burning already filling her body spread throughout her groin. The heat and tingling centered on her clitoris, rapidly engorging the organ before pressing it longer and thicker as the pills continued their work.

Each repetition felt easier as Sam continued, testosterone starting to circulate throughout her body, supplementing the supplements already flooding her body with potent masculine hormones designed to speed up the growth of male muscle. Two netherlips sealed themselves up rapidly before pushing away, ovaries descending rapidly into the external sack that the former labia made, churning hot and ready inside the warm wet recess as a thick male cock pressed out, clitoral hood covering the shaft in tough foreskin as the hard rod grew longer, pressing against the spandex shorts and leaving wet stains at the leaking head as she completed the third set of exercises for the set.

As her count reached into the triple digits, the machine slowed its count, the body beneath it almost at the state at which it was designed to complete the workout but there was just one more item for it to repair, or rather improve.

"Please stand in front of the machine and prepare for a short aerobic session."

"Damn. Still not done." Sam huffed, the tingling and odd sensations across her body sending confusion through her mind as she...or in reality and by now her mind, he moved in front of the machine, hidden sensors flicking lights from red to green as he reached the proper position.

"Stop there, Sam. One hundred and fifty jumping jacks. Please focus on the flashing light in front of your head. This will be the final part of the session before the cool down phase."

Sam groaned as he caught sight of the light.


"No more." Sam groaned as he caught his breath from the situps, but getting no reply from the infernal machine that had not only sent him out of breath but had changed his entire body and existence.


As a series of quick flashes came from the machine, Sam started to jump, the outfit relatively tight against him but still stretching as he moved, almost unnoticeable but still able to confuse his mind from the sensations coming from his chest and between his legs as he exercised.

Each jack drove his internal temperature higher, pushing his tongue to press out of his mouth into a pant as flat molars pushed out, quickly replaced by sharp canine teeth, his maw starting to press forward into his vision as it grew. The scents of the room slowly sharpened as his ears began to catch more of the slight hum coming from the headset over his head as he huffed, his ears shifting toward the top of his head, the headset slipping around his head before catching a more comfortable position as his hair quickly fell out...only to be replaced by something a bit softer but much more numerous.

Tan fur pressed out of his skin, coating his head in a coat of thick fuzz as he panted, his fingernails darkening and elongating into powerful claws, small pads gracing his hands as fur coated his thick muscles. The fur caught much of the sweat still being produced by his body, holding it closer to him as his warmth surrounded him as fur covered his upper body, inching down with each jack.

It only took a while for a pressure to make itself known at the base of his spine, pressing out and growing rapidly as it covered itself in thick black and tan fur. Beneath the tank top, black and tan fur pressed out and filled every inch of the top, defining every thick muscle against the top as fur spread down. The brand new cock that graced his groin was quickly covered as the foreskin shifted and furred, covering the reddening shaft as already large balls grew larger, the seed within thick and hot.

But the murmuring in his ears would never allow that thick seed to impregnate a woman. The murmuring dove deep into Sam's mind, delving deep into the psyche and twisting it ever so slightly as it did. The magic orders deep within the procedure bent and broke the malleable grey matter just as the supplements did the physical body. Within Sam's mind, the body he now held was right. It was what he should have. He remembered being some human monkey woman once upon a time. He remembered everything that had happened but loved it. It had been his decision to come in and apply for that position. They'd pay for his entire medical schooling...all for some simple training and even well paying standing around. Why wouldn't he have said yes...especially if it included becoming such a stud.

Thoughts, dreams, preferences and definitions flew out of his mind as the programming from the machine pressed deeply as his paws filled the athletic shoes beneath him, his mind rapidly catching up with his upgraded body. The burn of the workout ached throughout his body as he smiled a fangfilled grin.

"That actually felt pretty good." Sam smiled as he stretched, seeming as if he had done this dozens of times before. New muscles popped and burned as he moved them, the feeling of strength and dominance flooding him. He knew he was better than he had been.

Much better.

Sam smiled as he finished stretching, taking the cup of water offered by the machine and downing it in one gulp. Striding to the mirror, he fired off a fangy, cocky grin, seeing the shepherd in the mirror match him. The potent scent of a male dog in the prime of his life wafted off his fur into his nose, overpowering the air circulation and filtration in the room. Each molecule of the scent drove him wild, causing the already generous bulge in his training pants to grow larger and start pressing out in his first erection.

"Nothing like the scent of a sexy stud dog of a man." He grinned as he pressed the tip of his muzzle into the sweat stained pit of his training shirt. Each breath was full of the musky stench of his well trained and worked body and each breath was heaven. The dog grew harder and harder with each breath until his ears perked at the sound of a door opening, and soft footfalls announcing a new audience.

As the dog looked up, green eyes caught the cornflower blue orbs of the jet black cat that stood across from him. The panther's eyes were locked on his powerful gaze as the shepherd moved closer, eyes taking in the sight of the lithe cat.

Roaming eyes covered the pair as the two eyed each other. One searched up and down the hills and valleys of the canine muscle searching for any remnant of the girl that had once stood where a proud, completely male dog now did. Meanwhile that same dog's gaze roved around the lithe panther. Sleek black fur covered a thin body, hiding the athletic muscle beneath as the long tail batted about behind him. A slight scent of sweat played across the feline but the dog smiled as he knew the cat would reek of a real man soon.

"Well, well. Kitty wants to play?" He smirked as he saw the tip of a feline cock peeking out.

Not that it would be used.

"Samantha?" The cat asked, somewhat flabbergasted at the changed girl who simply grinned and shook his head in the negative.

"Nah. Sam. Do I look like a Samantha?" The dog smirked as he wrapped a meaty paw around his furred sack, squeezing gently and lifting his package with a gentle thrust of his hips. He was really starting to enjoy this.

And he wanted more.

He grinned as he strode closer, licking his lips until he was looking down at the cat from a foot above him...and easily wearing an additional hundred pounds of muscle. The cat was his lesser.

He smiled as he saw the cat's tail shake as he drew closer, his paw wrapping through the fur on the scruff of the feline's neck.

"I think I'm more of a Sam now. Don't you?" With a grin, the dog pulled the cats head beneath an upraised arm. The cold wet nose of the cat buried itself deep in the thick, musky fur no longer hidden there as the dog held him there. "Breathe me in and tell me if I'm some lil bitch...pup" The dog spat as he held the cat under his arm.

Each breath the cat took filled his more sensitive nose with the pungent scent of dog...potent, horny, male dog. Nathan's eyes filled with darkness as he breathed in the stench of the male that had hold of him as his cock betrayed him even more than it already had, pushing from the dark pubes in his groin to mark his need for the male currently manhandling him, his own mind still malleable into being a proper toy for the dog.

Thoroughly marked, a shove pulled the cat from that pungent pit and pressed him to the ground on his knees. With nary a show of restraint from the dog or the cat, the panther's paws shot to the dog's groin, pulling the training shorts down and slipping the band under the hefty canine testicles. The look on the cat's eyes was enough to show that the dog's instincts were right.

"Well looks like we're gonna change our dynamic in the bedroom, pussyboy." He flexed as his other paw pressed the cat's face against his pendulous balls. "You're gonna be my little pussycat, aren't you?" The dog smirked as he leaned the cat's head up, his thick shaft well within the panther's view as he gazed up at his formerly submissive and acquiescent girlfriend.

"Yes...Daddy." The cat wasn't completely on board with the change yet...but he had done well enough that he was pliable.

"Good pussycat." The dog smirked. "Now...make your daddy howl." He growled as the cat's breath caressed over the red cock proudly standing from his new groin. He managed to hold back the desire to simply slam into the cat's maw as the cat lapped his way up the shaft, the rough tongue caressing the throbbing masculinity and one paw teasing the heavy canine testicles that would soon be slapping heavily against his maw as if weighing them.

The cat's mouth pressed down, the cock spreading him just a bit wide, eyes growing in surprise as a heavy paw held the cat in place, leaving no option but for the panther to swallow the entirety of the canine cock...or at least to keep going. Breathing through his nose, the panther tried his best to deep throat that canine shaft, finally swallowing and reaching the knot as the pungent canine musk filled his nostrils and made his own shaft throb as hot pre dribbled down his throat.

"Damn...that feels fucking good." The dog growled in his deep, heavy voice as his claws traced through feline headfur. Sam smiled as he looked down, the wide eyes, fear and reverence filling them sent another shock through his new loins. A hot flood of more pre filled the cat's maw as Sam whined, the newfound pleasure heavy in his head as his mind was flooded by emotions. Confusion turned to joy which turned to lust.

The canine slowly pulled back, his cock pulling out of the feline's maw before it stopped, the tip just atop the tongue and drooling its flavorful pre across feline tastebuds and cleaning hairs brushing the slick, sensitive skin sending even more sensations up the dog's spine.

"Fuck" The dog breathed.

With a series of hard, humping thrusts, the cat's maw was brutalized. Each thrust drove deep and true, the cat's mind awash in a sea of new scents, tastes, and sensations as he kept up, trying his best to please the dog assaulting his maw. Draped over the side of his muzzle, Sam's tongue panted in pleasure, drool dripping as pre flooded the cat, rapidly growing thicker before the cat had a revelation.

With one paw, the cat grabbed at Sam's throbbing knot, sending a rush of pleasure into his mind...and a rush of hot, wet seed into the cat's maw. Sam's paw wrapped around his mate's head, holding his cock inside the mouth.

"Swallow it, bitchboy." Sam grinned evilly as he saw the bulge of the cat's cheeks and his eyes lock on his, the cat hesitating for just a moment before the seed went into his stomach.

"Good boy." Sam smiled as he pulled out, a spurt bursting over the cat's muzzle that was only exacerbated as Sam ran the drooling appendage across the cat's face, marking him with his seed. Pushing the cat to his back, Sam smiled as a powerful paw pulled the spandex shorts from his legs, baring his entire lower body as he straddled the cat.

"Time for a real treat." He growled happily. "I've heard about this and had always wondered. Now to find out."

Sam grinned evilly as two hard asscheeks pressed against the cat's maw, his paws digging into the hard muscle of the two globes pressing against as the pungent scent of sweaty male filled the cat's nose. One paw wrapped around the still hard and drooling cock at the panther's groin as he pressed against him, hot, canine flesh parting to allow the cat's nose to press against the puckered ass of the dog.

"Taste a real man, pup." Sam's barking chuckle was the final straw for him. Any remnants of the straight, reserved Nathan disappeared as he dove into his new role as a feline bitch for a stud dog. That rough tongue drove a loud bark from Sam as it teased around his winking pucker, the cat huffing as much of the scent surrounding him as he could as his clawed paws dug into the tight, virgin ass of the dominant dog atop him.

Sam reveled in the feelings of the tongue swiping around his ass, once in a while delving between the winking muscles and spearing into him as claws dug deep into him, pulling the cat further into his ass as he reveled in the tastes and scents being offered and the cat's cock stiffening as he dove deeper, each lick driving him wilder and deeper into his new mindset.

"Deeper, pussycat. Deeper!" Sam growled as he ground against the cat's maw, feeling that tongue slipping through his clenching sphincter as the cat moaned against his ass, the vibrations sending his hard cock into overdrive before he stood, the cat lapping at his lips and whiskers as if he wanted even more.

"There'll be even more of that." Sam grinned evilly as his hand squeezed at the cat's cock, causing an eruption of hot seed over his black furred groin. "But I'm not satisfied with you yet...pussy. Now on all fours."


"Shut it, pup. All fours now." Sam growled, ears down and his visage ready to strike and do whatever he wanted to the recalcitrant feline. "You're my little bitch now. This is payback for all those little white lies."

Sam growled as the cat continued to ignore him, fear but just a little resilience in his eyes. "Looks like I'll need to retrain this little pussycat." He growls and smiles as he grabs the back of Nelson's neck with one massive paw and the base of the flitting tail with the other. Digging his claws into the cat's throat and pulling his tail high, the dog got his bitch into the proper position. "There we go."

That thick, canine spear teased between the panther's cheeks, searing pre drooling into the cat before the tip started slipping deeper as Sam slowly pressed forward into the warmth of the cat. Letting go of the tail, one paw dug deeply into the cat's hips, claws grabbing purchase as Sam reveled in his changed body...and his changed status in the relationship. With a slow and steady thrust the thick spear now attached to his body penetrated his bitch.

Hot flesh wrapped around the rigid cock as the dog pressed himself farther and farther into his former boyfriend and into his new pup. Sam grunted with each inch that passed, new sensations and endorphins flooding his brain as he relished the feeling of taking his very own bitch boy.

"So fucking tight...So fucking hot." He panted and pressed, not realizing he had let go of Nathan's neck, but the cat wasn't going anywhere.

Claws out, Nathan rooted his new body in place, taking advantage of his lithe and athletic frame to give Sam a solid target as he felt the hot spire in his ass pressing against something. Something that just made him drip and need more.


"What, Pup? Was that an order?" Sam barked back, barely restrained from simply slamming forward and filling the cat up to his new knot. The sensations were new and driving him wild as he pressed hard and deep into the bitch beneath him.

"Harder...Harder Daddy." Nathan lost himself into the pleasure. The rush of need and pleasure from that hard rod spearing his prostate broke down the last wall of resistance to the magic and chemicals that had so changed both their bodies. Sam's teeth dug deep into Nathan's ears and neck, coppery blood staining his gleaming teeth as he bit down on his bitch, thrusting hard and fast as the male beneath him yowled, obviously enjoying the thick canine cock spearing his greedy ass.

"Good boy." The canine growled as he hammered the cat's ass, each thrust just a little different and finding a different spot in Nathan's feline ass as it shifted just a wee bit with each thrust. The tight canal welcomed him each time, tight and gripping as his pre spurted into that hot tunnel. "Damn, you're fucking tight." His growl echoed through Nathan's scruff as his hips hammered, flashes of pleasure flying thru his mind as he bottomed out, his new knot slamming into his bitch's boycunt.

"Harder, sir. Faster!" The panther called out as he was hammered, canine claws digging into feline flesh as he begged for more from his master.

Each thrust sent the canine higher and higher, Sam's need driving him to thrust harder and harder into the poor feline under him as his sensitive knot was ready to press deep and lock him into his bitch. With one final howl, the shepherd howled as he locked into his yowling feline bitch, the need of the black furred kitty driving him wild as hot seed erupted from him for the first time.

"Yes Yes Yes." The yowls and whines of his feline bitch filled his ears as hot canine seed filled the black furred kitty. The thick knot in the cat's tight ass swelled, locking the shepherd's groin to him as he hammered that ass, instinct overruling rational thought as it just felt too good.

"Deeper, daddy." Nathan's begging was loud and insistent as hot seed filled his ass, the programming fully integrated in his mind as his ass was hammered by the rough shepherd currently locking his arms around his body and holding him close as he was full of thick canine cock and seed.

"Such a good pup."

The words echoed in Nathan's ears as the world darkened.

Six weeks later.

Sam leaned against the wall, his heavy body supported as he bulged against the tee shirt the casino had him wearing. Thankfully the bulge beneath his black jeans was covered by the jock needed to minimize the mountain his cock presented as he watched his panther swing himself around the pole.

It had only been a few weeks since he had started as a guard at the casino, but what a fun few weeks. With the scholarship and tutors he was acing all his classes. And he had a great income, all for simply watching and helping fine tune new techniques and the occasional unwilling guinea pig. And for that job, not only did he get the chance to manhandle the random drunk or pissed off patron, but he could watch his bitch gyrate around a pole for the elation of dozens of others and then hammer him hard to make sure that his desire was just as significant as it was before he started his day.

Poor panther's ass was probably sore on half his routines.

As he saw Nathan leaving the pole, Sam moved toward the side of the room, heading toward the back of the room.

Poor bitch would be real needy.

A Different Kinda Birthday Party

A/N - It was a certain pussycat's birthday recently and I figured he needed a party. So I stole his club and made him one. Roland, Gruffy, and the Buttonhole Club belong...

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Hide and Seek

Another short Vignette for a wolf's favorite holiday - Howloween Again this includes the characters from Preying on the Past and Two Worlds Collide. Spoilers do exist. * * * "Thomas!" I call out, searching the room. The cool autumn air filtered...

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Sarah's First Bondage

This is part of my Preying on the Past and Two World Collides storylines. Just a little vignette that I thought of today for some humor...or something else. Appropriate for all ages...but shrekish humor. Also this was put together in about 30 min and...

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