A Different Kinda Birthday Party

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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A/N - It was a certain pussycat's birthday recently and I figured he needed a party. So I stole his club and made him one. Roland, Gruffy, and the Buttonhole Club belong toavatar?user=39198&character=0&clevel=2 Gruffy .

The air in the dark club was fresh and clear for now, only the mingling scents of the dozen or so furs milling around playing thru the air. The doors were still closed, waiting to be flanked by the stout bouncers currently milling near the stage as a special show was prepared for the start of the evening. A splash of whisky rounded out the multitude of alcohols sitting atop the tray on the freshly mopped bartop.

"Hey, curlybutt. Do your job!" The gruff voice of the bartender called out, his rough voice bouncing off the walls as he put the bottle of Jack back on the shelf, the leather bulldog harness creaking as the supple black material stretched and bunched across his white furred chest.

"Sorry, Roland." The tiger grinned as the jockstrap clad husky picked up the tray, moving toward the clusters of furs, passing out the ordered shots. His tail hiked teasingly as it swayed behind him, the round globes of his ass swaying teasingly at the tiger, his own cock stirring in his sheath, beneath his own jockstrap, pressing insistently against the material to make it as tight fitting as the leather harness hugging his muscular chest. Pouring his own quick shot of Jack, he tossed it down his muzzle quickly, growling as the liquor burned its way down his throat as the lights in the club dimmed.

"About time!"

The tiger stepped from behind the bar, his tail following jauntily behind him from between his chaps as he stood at the back of the throng of furs. Club VIPS and employees crowded tight against the stage, waiting impatiently for tonight's preopening show.

Instrumental music played through the air, growing and growing in intensity as the lights dimmed and each second ticked by with the stage empty before the crowd. A yelp and purr would bounce thru the air every so often as an employee or VIP got up close and personal with another, the thick scent of male musk starting to fill the club, a scent that would only grow that evening.

With a crash and bang, the audio was sent to the stops, heavy, screaming guitar and drums filling the air. It was a marked contrast to the techno dance beat that filled the dance floor most night, but the intensity roared up as it happened. Furs started moving even more, some of the crowd jumping to the beat as a couple thru up devil horns to the beat as the stage lights started to flash to the beat, illuminating the stainless cart sitting right atop it, hopefully full of toys for these furs to watch get used.

The music quieted a bit as a ruffle of the curtain drew attention to the stage, the energy of the crowd growing even more as they watched, waiting for the fun.

"Let me hear you scream, Buttonhole!" The loud, guff voice boomed over the speakers before the wolf burst onto the stage. It wasn't his first time, but the gasp that came over the crowd would have made a newcomer think twice about that.



The crowd erupted as the on again off again guest dom of the club strode onstage,

He was clothed this time...well, moreso than the last few times.

The wolf clapped his paws above him to the beat as the crowd screamed loud. Heavy leather boots thudded along the stage to the beat, his jeans filled with his prime meat, muscles pressing against the denim as he walked, his groin well defined as his tail swayed behind him, wagging as he tried to psych up the audience. His leather jacket went flying with one throw, landing in one of the boots against the wall, the leather X harness covering his chest showcasing each muscle on his chest under his thick black fur as the wolf moved.

More than a few of the crowd there had had their face buried in that musky fur, or under those arms as the wolf enjoyed them, but tonight...he was just the master of ceremonies.

"Jacob, get out of there. Otherwise no treat for you!" The wolf smirked, his fangs gleaming in the spotlight as the second light flashed over to the booth where his jacket had landed. The fox that had scooted under the table jumped at the attention, slipping out, his tail held high and something bulging a bit between his lower cheeks as he cheekily licked his lips as he moved back into the makeshift mosh pit.

"I'd tell you to hit him, but he'd like it." The wolf smirked as the music died down, another rustle coming from the side of the stage as he motioned for the crowd to simmer down. "We have a little pussy here that has gotten a year older today. But what does that mean?"

"Birthday spankings!" The crowd called out, the voices echoing across the room as the wolf grinned.

"Make 'im scream, Alpha!"

"Exxxaaaaactly. But we've got a special treat for him." The wolf smiled as he paced the stage, picking a paddle off the cart and slapping the heavy wood and leather implement against his palm with each step, the heavy tool's slap echoing over the muffled music as the wolf paced the stage before a ruffle of the curtains drew attention to the side of the stage.

A well used...or more appropriately well abused leather bondage horse nosed out onto the stage, slipping out of the side and heading for center stage where a set of pins sat to lock it down. Behind the horse, a lithe cheetah pushed, decked in his own leather...although he was a lot more...explicit than the wolf. The cheetah's bell dingled with each step he made, his tail waving behind him as his thin hips swayed with each step. His tight ass was framed by the tight leather chaps wrapped around his thighs, the leash hanging from his collar unclaimed for now as he padded toward the stage center, his ankles wrapped in leather stockings but his bare paws and claws clicking on the wooden stage floor.

With a clack, the bondage horse locked in place, the cheetah pacing around it to make certain that the horse was fully locked down.

"Sit down kitty boy!'

"Shake that ass, pussycat!"

"Wrong pussycat, folks." Aaron chuckled as the cheetah finished his rounds, a churr escaping his maw as he brushed against the leather wolf playfully. The wolf let out a growl, his paw shooting south to wrap around the cheetah's supple cheek and squeeze. The spotted cat jumped in surprise as the wolf moved closer, the hidden mike picking up his growls as he crept closer. "Don't start what I can't finish in time, pussyboy."

The wolf chuckled, grabbing the cheetah's leash in a paw and clipping the end to a D-ring on his harness.

"You're getting these folks al worked up for the wrong show." He chuckled as another round of grins and grunts worked thru the crowd. He smirked as he clipped the lead to another, holding the cat against him, his face pressed into his thick, black fur. "But here is the star of the first act of this show."

A striped form was pushed out of the door, the lithe tiger stumbling at the thrust, his face covered with a black, rubber hood that locked him down, preventing him from seeing or smelling a single thing other than his own sweat plastering his fur under the rubber. His body was wrapped in the same rubber, this kind a clear, milky sorta coloration, allowing his stripes to be seen by the audience. A tight, thick leather collar and muzzle was wrapped around his head, a smaller, brown paw wrapped tight around the black leather, holding him and guiding him as hard clacks followed.

There was a bit of a gasp from the club as the figure behind the tiger made it all the way outside the curtain. It was not typical for the two shapes that led the way to be seen in the club, never mind be performing on that stage.

Those two heavy breasts led the way, wrapped in tight black leather to accentuate her curves. The leather corset wrapped around her, holding tight to her hourglass figure as she licked her lips at the sight ahead of her, her emerald eyes playing across the crowd gathered in front of them as she led the cat toward the horse, her thigh high leather boots intentionally clopping with each step, their heels emphasizing her legs as her tail followed her, brown with a black top, held proudly tall, much as the larger black wolf sharing the stage with her as the cheetah nuzzled under his arm.

"Why's there a cunt?" There were a few furs shaking their head angrily at the intrusion into 'their' space, notably a horse and deer at the front, all decked out in tight, short, brightly colored shorts and mesh tank tops with a couple glow sticks hanging off, lending a soft glow to the room around them. Everyone guessed they were friends of friends of one of the VIPs or employees...although no one was willing to accept the pair as theirs.

Two growls echoed out, one slightly higher in pitch than the other as the two wolves took affront. A couple of the nearby bouncers knew of the brown furred wolfess and turned toward the heckler. But before the two could move, the tiger was shoved toward Aaron who quickly caught the cat in the paw currently unoccupied by pussy.

The clop of hard rubber on wood announced the landing of the agitated wolfess onto the dance floor, the two hecklers, her paws wrapping around the collars of the two of them an yanking them close enough together and to her that their heads bounced against each other as her eyes bored into theirs.

"First, if you need to call something at me, I'd suggest Mistress. Second, we figured it would be fitting for our pussycat to be serviced by a pussy. Third, it's your lucky day. Birthday boy comes before I try out my new act. Need a pair of dumbasses to test the new electrostimulator out on." With a push, the pair went back, getting caught by a burly shepherd and horse that normally did roving security as she hoisted herself back onto the stage, taking the tiger back from a leering Aaron.

"Damn you're a feisty bitch."

"Shut up before I have you eat me while I deal with this pussycat."

The black wolf licked his lips suggestively. "Well, there is that break in the schedule in a few hours..." He smirked as his paw ruffled the headfur of the cheetah currently nibbling around his nipple. "But let's get that pussycat started."

"But I'm gonna go have my fun with my own pussycat and enjoy the show. Tess and Gruffy here will have a blast and give you a great show. Now, come, bitch." Aaron unclipped the cheetah a bit, leaving the leash in his hand as he hopped off stage, heading through the crowd with the cat in tow as he headed for the booth.

"Well, lookit that, the bitch is back." Tess' silky voice echoed through the club as she held onto the cat with one hand, pressing him to his knees as her hands wrapped around the rubber mask, pulling it off with a jerk. The lean tiger's eyes widened in shock as not only was his head craned up to look at his mistress, but he was also looking past those shapely tits, a view that he seldom encountered, preferring to have a piece of meat between his lips as opposed to sinking his tongue into slippery flesh...at least on that side of the hips.

The gag in the tiger's mouth prevented any speech as the wolfess' hands rummaged across the stainless toy cart. "Not this...nah...That's too easy...Aaaahhh." Her hands lifted up a stainless plug from the table. Large enough that the tiger would definitely feel it, unless he was spending all his free time under equines.

"Let's do that too." Her evil chuckle made some of the furs stand up on the necks of the mob in the dance floor, their eyes riveted on the tiger and wolf playing on stage. She slipped the plug down her cleavage, leaving just enough to be visible, shuddering at the cold metal against her sensitive flesh as her own groin twitched at the sensation and pleasure of what this tiger would be made to do for her. As she finished that, she pulled the cock cage off the tray.

Her paw dipped lower, warm paw wrapping around the tiger's rubber encased groin and rubbing gently, feeling him hard, the spines even peeking thru the rubber before her claws dug deep, tearing furrows in the material and leaving her own stripes on the tiger as she freed that thick, feline cock.

"Looks like pussycat's all worked up. Can't allow that." She chuckled as her paw ran up and down the tiger's shaft, the ice concealed in it shrinking the tiger's cock until it was perfect for the cage in her paw. "There we go. All nice and protected." The lock of the cage was slipped on, radio triggered by her voice speaking certain code words or the tiger using his own safe phrase. Slapping the tiger's balls gently but gently, the wolfess knelt before the tiger, keeping his head below her so that he had to look up at his mistress.

Tess unstrapped the tiger's gag, tossing it on the tray as she made a 'ssh' motion to the tiger as she did so, her paw moving to her leather wrapped tits, the flash of stainless visible inside and on the monitor from the fur catching the action on HD video.

"Get your toy, pussycat." She chuckled as she pressed the tiger's head toward her bosom, his nose huffing at the fur and sensitive skin there. That raspy tongue dug against her, trying to reach his toy, but slipping against the smooth, polished surface as he tried to grasp it, a whimper escaping his mouth as he tried for a moment or two before he managed to get his lips around it.

"Good pussycat." Her voice dripped with sarcasm and honey as she repositioned the toy in the tiger's maw. "Now suckle like a good kitten." She smirked evilly as the tiger suckled on the plug like a kitten nursing from his mother as her other paw reached onto the table, getting the squeeze bottle full of lube.

"Take it like a good little bitch boy!"

"Kitten really likes it!"

The crowd was getting anxious and antsy, grins spreading across muzzles as their boss' boss was manhandled and treated as a little cub for their pleasure. Paws moved to grope asses and cocks, some grinding against the guy in front. Tongues swept over muzzles, almost able to taste the stainless plug, some of the dirtier ones almost tasting their ass after they had pulled it out. An ass or two clenched down on their own toys, hidden in that pleasurable passage that their daddies wouldn't let them take out, or their cocks locked down with someone else holding the key.

"Good little kitty. Now give." Tess held her paw under the tiger's mouth, lube already glistening on the black pads and ready to wipe down the toy. With a whine the tiger spat it out, the toy falling neatly into her palm before the schlick schlick of a wet paw running over the shaft filled the air as she made sure the toy was all nicely prepared for the tiger's needy ass. Her tail swayed behind her ass as she moved behind the kneeling tiger, wiping her lubed paw across the tiger's fur and along his tail before she grabbed his jock, pulling with a yank.

"Up, bitch!" Her growl made him jump as he tried to scramble to his feet, his tail lashing in her paw as she set the plug down on the cart before grabbing his collar and manhandling him to the bondage horse. With a thud the lithe tiger was pressed into the leather and metal frame, his arms secured quickly to the padded restraints, very little motion allowed to them as the wolfess grabbed the tiger's hips and frame, pulling them up and hearing the horse clack into position where the tiger was facing down just a bit, his ass at the perfect height for the wolfess' hips and hands.

With a yank on the tiger's tail, the wolfess revealed his tight, white accented rosebud, the horse operating the camera zooming in on the winking hole as the wolfess teased around it with the tip of the stainless plug, the light playing across the surface of the steel.

"Such a lovely ass." She chuckled as her free paw grabbed a pawful of ass before slapping it playfully, seeing the tail swat at her as she did so."Uh uh uh. Naughty pussycat. Keep quiet for mistress."

The tiger whined, expecting pain from a smack, but was greeted by a pressure under his tail and a flash of cold as the steel toy was pressed against him, teasing its way in and out as the wolf played, her paw twisting and pressing it, each thrust just a bit deeper before one final, slow push pressed the toy deep into his bowels, pressing deep inside him against that pleasurable nut deep inside, the tiger stifling a whimper of pleasure.

"Good pup."

The wolfess stepped over toward the cart, her paws playing over the toys and tools arrayed as she hmm'ed and huh'd as she thought of what the most effective tool would be, wrapping her paw around a wooden paddle.

"Little pussycat needs his birthday spankings to start out the night. Who's with me?"

Some hoots and hollars and claps called out from the furs on the floor.

Tess lifted the paddle, slapping it into her other paw, the slaps echoing across the room before she called out again.

"Who's with me?"

This time, the whole crowd erupted, barking, howling and roaring as she moved toward the backside of the tiger, the camera horse focusing the camera on the tiger's ass, the picture showing his hole winking and teasing as his tail teased around, pulling and flexing on that plug and sending pangs of pleasure as it worked around his ass.

"Good little pussycat" Came Tess' purring growl as she slapped the paddle against her pawpads, her smile bearing her fanged grin in pleasure as she rubbed her thighs together, leering at the tiger ass bared for the pleasure of the crowd and her.

"Make him roar!"

"He's a tiger, boys, not a lion." Tess smirked as she teased the tiger's taut cheeks with the paddle, running the polished wood thru the fur, the white and orange strands parting around the tip as it traced around the tiger's taut buns. "Such a pretty ass."



The crowd roared out as the paddle struck hard, the slap echoing through the club as the wolfess stole a glance at the crowd, a few of them groping and teasing at their coworkers and the invited VIPs. They were already enjoying the night...and it was only gonna get better.


"Two! Ah ah ah" She cried as the tiger let out a yelp, the wolfess quickly tapping his muzzle with the paddle. "Quiet, pussycat."

"Three! And Four" Her paddle sang twice more, slapping the tiger's globes. Each slap sent a thrill through the tiger as his ass clenched on that plug, driving him wild as he bit his lips, trying to stifle each cry of mixed pain and pleasure that flooded his nerves with each slap.


The crowd screamed as the paddle sang, the scent of randy males...and one very aroused female filtered through the room, more than a few gaggles of men pressing against each other, toying with asses and cocks as they watched the ass and show on stage as in one of the booths, a cheetah sat on the floor, lapping at the heavy leather boot of the lupine MC, the wolf staring and teasing his cock, remembering his own fun with this bitch.

"Six! Seven! Eight!" The tiger screamed again as the paddle slaps sped up, the wolfess varying her speeds as she played with her prey before he screamed, leaning down toward his ear. "Well it looks like pussycat cannot take instructions." Her mike caught the whispered comment.

"Hit him harder!"

"No! Faster!"

"None of the above." The wolfess smirked as she turned toward the cart, pulling a black velvet bag and leather strap from it and smirking as she sauntered toward the front of the whimpering tiger, running her claws thru his fur and pressing just hard enough for the tiger's tail to curl with painful pleasure as each step clopped toward his head.

She removed the muzzle, fiddling with it and the piece of leather until she pulled something thick and crimson red from the velvet bag.

"This will keep you quiet...Hope you enjoy" She slid the canine dildo into the tiger's maw, her taste thick on it as the bulbous end stuck out from his mouth. "Don't worry. I cleaned it after the last boy I spread wide open on that, kitten. Just got the taste of your mistress." She chuckled as the tiger suckled, trying to appease the mistress that had his ass in her hands. His mouth was full of her earthy taste, his nose filling with the scent of her cunt juices that had dried on the strap-on currently filling his suckling maw.

It may not have been as good as a real cock filling his mouth, but it worked.

"Nine! Ten!"

Two more slaps rang out, the tiger choking on the strap-on in his maw as the wolfess's slaps played upon the already cherry red skin, each slap sending a pang of pain racing down his spine as he clenched, each clench pushing the plug into his prostate, sending a surge of pleasure alongside the pain racing up his spine and a whimper from his maw around the rubber cock.

His own cock pressed against its plastic cage, pre dribbling gently from the tip and matting the fur as his own scent started to percolate off the stage.

"Kitty likes." The wolfess smirked as she continued paddling, harder and faster.

"Fifteen. Sixteen!" Her paw stopped after the sixteenth hit, the opposite paw teasing the sore buns of the wolf, her finger slipping between the clefts of manmuscle and teasing that pink muscle. Her claw tapped at the plug, drawing whines and whimpers from the tiger's maw as he realized he was stuck, unable to cum or even grow fully hard as his cock slapped against the hard plastic cage that encased him.

"Awww...does pussycat want to cum?" Tess cooed, drawing howls and guffaws from the crowd assembled before her. The tiger nodded as she moved to the front of him, each clop of her booted pawsteps matched by a slap of the paddle as she moved to the front of the tiger, quickly unclipping and pulling out the rubber cock and pressing it against her own cunt, the rounded end slipping inside, a little protrusion playing against her hard nub as she moaned in pleasure. "Kitty better make mistress happy. If my pussy doesn't cum, neither does this one." She smirked as she slapped him again. "Seventeen"

The tiger gasped and yowled as the wolfess teased her paws around his rounded ass, pulling at the plug before, with a quick grasp, she pulled it free, that ass gaping wide for just a moment before closing...just long enough for the wolfess to move and slam her hips forward, slamming that thick, red, faux cock deep into his ass, the knot bouncing between those muscled globes, the wolfess letting out her own primal howl as she bottomed out.

"Eighteen" Another thrust slammed deep as she got into her rhythm, bottoming out and then giving a hard slap to the bulbous asscheek of the tiger as her claws dug into his hips, grabbing purchase as she hammered him, slow enough that the crowd's cheers and catcalls filled the room with each thrust, the tiger and wolfess' ears flicking at each sound as the scent of the tiger's need filled her nose and her own need started to fill and infect the male dominated room.

"Twenty one!" She called out, growling as she peaked, just on the edge of her own orgasm as the tiger writhed in the restraints, his own cock hard and needy, dribbling but unable to go all the way.

"Soon, bitch." She growled as she hammered him three more times, slapping him each time, tossing the paddle aside for her clawed paw, letting her claws rake the tiger's ass.

"Release" The cock cage detached, falling to the floor with an overlooked clatter as the wolfess' hammering of the tiger's ass and the clamor of the crowd vied for attention as the tiger's cock grew harder almost instantaneously, his scent lost in the scent of the wolfess dominating him and the crowd of musky males dominating the room.

"Twenty six!" The wolfess slammed her hips forward, the knot slamming into the tiger's ass as the wolfess howled her orgasm to the crowd, her howl met by numerous others as her sensitive nose caught the sense of semen from the crowd behind her as the tiger ahead of her convulsed in her grip as she clenched down on his hips with her claws, his tail slapping around as his seed covered his white furred belly.

It took a few moments for the wolfess to pant down her high as the crowd cheered and jeered at her and her pet for the moment. She smiled as she slipped her strap on out of her abused sex, delving a finger inside to play along her not yet fully abused walls as she turned to look over the crowd.

"But wait! There's more" She called out, raising her hands as music raised again, drawing most of the crowd to their feet...although one or two had to be held up by the males behind them...some by arms tweaking hard nipples, and others by a more southerly appendage.

The curtain behind the wolfess moved, a tall, beefy tiger daddy emerging proudly. His body was bare, except for the tight, shining black leather that stood out against his powerful pecs and the bulging red nylon jockstrap around his hips as his tail lashed around him.

The wolfess smiled before she spoke, slapping the as of the tiger before her, a wet slap answering as her own fluids had coated his ass. "May I introduce our little kitty's brother....Gruffy. Gonna be a night full of fun." She winked. "I know I'll be watching nearby." She smiled as she hopped off stage, merging into the jumping pit of writhing males, taking deep breaths of their scents as she prowled.

The night had only just begun.

Hide and Seek

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Sarah's First Bondage

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One Little Card

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