Hide and Seek

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Michael's worst fear

Another short Vignette for a wolf's favorite holiday - Howloween

Again this includes the characters from Preying on the Past and Two Worlds Collide. Spoilers do exist.

"Thomas!" I call out, searching the room. The cool autumn air filtered thru the windows as the curtains fluttered in the cold breeze, casting fluttering shadows of the light of the crescent moon. I could feel my heart leaping into my chest, thundering and speeding up as my mind flashed through everything that could go wrong.

"Thomas, Where are you?" I called again, worry creeping into my voice. I could usually hear him yip when I called for him. My ears pushed out, twitching atop my head and swiveling for every decibel of sound that bounced through the house.

Had I left the cellar door open? "No. I closed it when I took the trash out." I was muttering softly, each thought escaping my mouth as my lengthening tongue lapped nervously across darkening lips, my teeth sharpening as I raced from the kitchen, the water still pouring from the sink, hot steam mingling with the cool air.

My pulse raced as I felt my face shifting, my nose quickly darkening as my wolf exploded from my body, fear pouring from my pores as each possible worry caught up to me. It was too much. I could smell myself, my mate, and Thomas filling the air of the house.

I ran through the list of the different places a wayward pup could get into. "Cabinets...no, those are locked up and out of reach."My paw brushed against my hips as I mused. "Pistols are in the safe...rifle's are in the safe...So that's good. Where could he be?"

My claws pressed against the leather of my boots as I moved between rooms.

I ducked my head under the desk, not seeing that little brown ball of fur curled up like he would from time to time. The dog's bed was unmolested; the mutt probably sprawled across my bed as usual.

The thundering of my heartbeat pounded through my body as I tore into the other rooms, the smell of the candles and vegetable flesh negating my Lycan sense of smell , the sounds filtering through the open windows in the kitchen as I stepped over the trio of jack-o-lanterns ready to go out on the porch, slapping the handle on the sink closed, hearing the hissing water stop as I looked around.

All other avenues exhausted, I head toward the cellar, poking my head under the bathroom sink on my way, still no sight of the wayward pup. I hear the thud of the front door, a soft chuckle greeting my ears as I head toward the front room, seeing my mate standing over the three pumpkins ready to go outside.

"Lose something, Mike?" I can hear her ask softly.

"Yeah. Thomas is gone."

"You sure?" She grins as she smirks and motions me closer, the top of the largest jack-o-lantern open and something catching my eyes as I move closer, a flash of dark fur sitting in the shadows of the orange flesh as I hear the soft chuffing.

I smirk as I pant softly, my inner wolf fully unleashed again, fur rubbing against fabric that I had not thought to shed as my wolf had come forward at the behest of my fear. I leaned closer to my mate, taking a deep breath of her innate scent, the potent scent of a wolf bitch hiding in it as I gently nuzzled her as we smiled down at our pup.

"Definitely your pup...He wants all my fur to be grey."

Sarah's First Bondage

This is part of my Preying on the Past and Two World Collides storylines. Just a little vignette that I thought of today for some humor...or something else. Appropriate for all ages...but shrekish humor. Also this was put together in about 30 min and...

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One Little Card

Hey all, I'm trying to push to write at least 500 words a night to speed up. I may be throwing a few little vignettes in too here and there. This story is one that I got the idea from...

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Preying on the Past Ch. 8 - The Ace on the Table

.A/N -Well...only three months this time. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 8 - The Ace on the Table** "When truth is buried underground it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows...

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