One Little Card

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Sometimes you get more than you asked for

Hey all, I'm trying to push to write at least 500 words a night to speed up. I may be throwing a few little vignettes in too here and there.

This story is one that I got the idea from avatar?user=39198&character=0&clevel=2 Gruffy that he had put out fishing for commission sponsors...before he reeled in quite a bit of my funds.

Here be Males fornicating with males, sex toys, and angry animals and domination. Don't read if illegal.

Otherwise, Enjoy.

One Little Card

The dark, cold night wrapped around the dark suited figure, his sneakers splashing through the puddles littering the ground, staining his jeans with the water as the heavy overcoat kept the chill from his pale skin. His gloved hands fidgeted with the small square of paper in his hand, each movement down the darkened street sent a soft shudder of pain through his body, reminding him of each smack of that domme's crop from last night.

Chris just couldn't stand it. He just didn't get the satisfaction out of it anymore. His dommes did well, but even as she had been whipping his back raw, a tight cage sending sheer pain up his body as his sack moved against the barbs, it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

She had given him that little card after their last encounter, his body bruised and bloody on the concrete floor, his seed still trapped within him as he just could not get going. He wanted a thrill, and she had promised him that by broadening his horizons, he could get just that.

Aaron Blackwell.

That is all that was written on the front of that small piece of paper, the scrollwork above and below noticeable but not too impressive. Tasteful would be the best word for it, he thought as turned the card over and over in his hands. Just a simple anonymous email address on the back. Not what he would have expected from what his former mistress had called the man she went to when she wanted a master...If she was made to submit to him, what was he?

The dark streets moved by, the buildings beside the cold and windy road not some sort of house like where he went to see Mistress Tess, filled with a dungeon fit to tie him down and make him almost nothing, but a series of warehouses, of offices and vacant studios. His muddy brown eyes darted around, searching through the darkness as they wondered whether this was some sort of game by Mistress Tess, or whether he was being set up to be mugged in the dead, deserted streets, not even a truck trundling down the road upon which he walked, his eyes searching the faded numbers on the buildings beside the road.

1701 Worthington St.

There it was. Staring at him was the address that email had told him to go to, and that was the number staring on the sign directly ahead of him. Just as he had been told to expect, the street level office had the key in the front door slot, dim lights showing from under the solid core steel door that separated the street from whatever lay inside. Twisting the key and with a ginger stap and heavy push, he headed inside, opening the door with a heavy, screeching tug as he moved inside.

The air was heavy, the air conditioning moving and filtering the air, but a presence still filled it, something that he could not place. He saw small fliers dotting the chairs near the door, the front panel image of a fanger catching his eye. It was not something he would ever do, those crazy people that got animals mixed up in their bodies. While on paper they were the same as humans, he, and the vast majority of other people would just as soon spit on those beasts as tell them the time of day. They were not real men, just animals.

Wondering what he had gotten into, Chris turned around to head back toward the front door before he heard the sharp clacking of stiletto heels following him, his body turning as he looked around seeing nothing before a sharp slap to the side of his chest made him jump, his unprepared body pushed into a chair where he came eye to eye with a smaller, oriental looking woman, clad in skintight red leather that clutched every curve, her straight black hair tied up neatly behind her as her leather gloved hand swatted him again with a stinging crop that even through the heavy overcoat was noticeable.

"Sit down, slave." Her high pitched voice grated at his ears, but as he was pressed into the chair, he felt her crop slapping upside his head as a clipboard was thrust into his hands. "Master Blackwell is waiting for you." She grinned an evil grin. "He has quite the night planned for you, but first you must sign these waivers. Master Blackwell is not gentle and will hurt. Hopefully you are not a little pussy."

The snicker that followed that sentence was dark and foreboding, and should have warned him that he would regret this, but he flipped through the mountain of paperwork, initialing and signing, his eyes glancing over the verbiage, reading but not truly understanding it. It all seemed the same boilerplate that all of his pay for play dommes had made him sign, standard legalese to cover their asses.

On that thought, he let his mind wander just a bit, his own asshole clenching in a bit of fear. The name on that card wasn't this woman's, and he just could not see Mistress Tess being dominated by another female, especially one as demure as the pint sized harpie in front of her, her green eyes roving up and down his body, sizing him up, watching his reactions to gauge him. He had never let a male play with him...well, never more than when the water polo team in junior high had used his mouth to satisfy their urges, that first day he had learned he loved being taken advantage of, being made someone else's toy.

With a forceful pull, the clipboard was yanked from his hands as he signed the last page, butterflies dancing about his stomach as he just could not place what was so off-putting to him about this whole scenario. How would this be any different than the last few dozen times he was used by a domme.

"Master Blackwell will see you through those doors." Came her high, cackling voice as she moved toward the desk in the corner, barely enough light to see to his failing eyes.

"Will I have somewhere to put my glasses?"

"There are lockers in the space between this room and the playroom. Place all breakables in there...your clothing..." She chuckled as she saw the pack full of spare clothing he had brought, a requirement that he realized meant would make this all interesting, and perhaps messy as he stood up, the bag swaying from his shoulder, still damp from the drizzle outside. "Put your spare clothing in there. He expects to see you fully clothed when you walk into his playroom."

A fearsome grin played across her face, forbidden knowledge dancing behind those dark eyes as she licked her ruby covered lips as she undoubtedly thought of what would happen behind those closed, insulated double doors. Her eyes glittered with glee as he stood, a bit of trepidation filling his body and mind as he slowly strode toward those doors.

"Go in there slave. Go meet your master." She just could not wait for master to make this simpering, whelp into his personal fuck toy. The thoughts of what she knew he would do to the pup setting a burning sea ablaze between her legs as she smirked behind him, seeing that he had signed all of the pages. Hopefully she would be able to play with the new toy herself...soon.

As his steps thudded across the floor, Chris moved closer toward those double doors, the messenger bag hanging loosely from his shoulder as he pushed the deceivingly heavy grey doors open, nothing more than a small locker standing against the off white walls filling the room, a bare bulb flickering over his head as he placed the bag in the locker, a deep breath filling his lungs to steady him. That same odd trepidation that he had felt since he entered the office covered him. It was like some primal siren deep inside him that he just could not grasp.

With a shuddering breath, he shook his hands, feeling his fingers smack against each other as he tried to shake the nerves out of him, an old standby that he had used for years to get the tension out of his body. He sighed softly, hoping against how he felt that it had worked and he did not look as nervous as he felt. He had never been great at meeting people, but...this was different.

Pressing his hand against the door, he felt the cool air as he pushed the door open, his eyes blinking as he looked inside. A trio of lights on the ceiling illuminated the central area, nothing more than a weight bench, a box, and a bed marring the concrete floor. The light quickly died out as it went to the sides, an inky blackness lurking at the sides of the room, the walls hidden from his eyes as he moved closer to the center before the door slammed shut, the metallic click of the latch echoing through the room.

"Show yourself to me, bitch."

Chris' eyes flew around the room, those muddy brown orbs searching for the source of the deep, gruff voice. Each degree that he searched, his eyes caught only darkness. A hint of motion here and there but nothing more.

"Come on, bitch. Or do you want me to force you to do it?"

The sound of the voice pierced his ears, the voice gruff, aggressive and deep. It was like nothing he had listened to before. A knot grew in his throat, his voice catching as heavy steps echoed around him, the room seeming to get smaller and smaller as he stumbled his way toward the center of the room.

"Good bitch." The words came almost as a growl, the voice booming around the room. Chris's eyes peered around the room, searching for the source of it. A sense of fear flashed through him, something primal and deep within him.

"How does it feel, prey?"

"What...who...where are you?" He cried out, his voice cracking as those searching brown orbs delved into the dark, trying to find a hint of the voice toying with him from the deep, surrounding darkness.

"My little bitch sent you to me, didn't she?" That booming chuckle echoed around him as he peered into the darkness. "Such a good girl. I've tamed her well." The sneer was dripping into the voice as it teased. "So you want to be put into your place?"

"Yes...sir" The words stuttered from his mouth. He needed to try, but something stayed unsteady in his mind, but that voice was tiny compared to the voice booming from the shadows.

"You're going to enjoy the next day, prey." The voice chuckled. "I own you."

"Sir...the whole day? I mean-"

"You will call me alpha, prey!" Boomed the deep voice as it chuckled, the voice taking on a deeper, growlier tone.

"No...You can't be!" He spat. He refused to deal with these fangers. They were stupid enough to get themselves permanently made into these fucking creatures. His eyes flew around the room, his body moving toward the door before a heavy weight slammed into his side. His world shifted sideways, the concrete floor rising up to slam into him, his vision flashing white and a train roaring past his ears, each breath of air seeming thicker and harder to take in as his vision darkened for just a moment.

A sharp sting of pain flooded his body as his eyes swam in the darkness, the light stinging his eyes as they opened, a heavy weight pinning him to the floor, pinpricks of sharp pain on his arms and what had to be a knee pressed into the small of his back as his face pushed against the cold, unrelenting concrete. A rustle of movement sounded behind him as he grunted, breath avoiding his gaping mouth as he tried and failed to suck in air.

"I can't be what? Your alpha?" Hot, wet air blew over his ear as whatever was atop him whispered into his ear, the pungent carnivorous odor finding its way to his nose as something flat and wet slurped across the back of his neck before short, chuffing breaths filled his captor's senses with the fear that he was undoubtedly giving off. There was just one thing.

"You like this." It chuckled as it sniffed, moving around so that he could breath, his chest heaving, almost trying to pull all the air in the world into it at once. With that air came a pungent, almost feral male scent, igniting some part of his mind in fear and dread as he felt cool claws tracing his skin. His cock throbbed from the attention, pressing insistently between his briefs and his groin, the hard floor pressing it uncomfortably into his skin as he was pinned by such a powerful male creature.

He shook his head. He didn't want this...He wanted a human master, not an animal, not a fanger. "No, sir..."

That tongue came back, a wet trail running along the back of his neck, the licks interspersed with a rumbling growl that came not as a sound but an earthquake rolling through the heavy chest covering his back as it pinned him to the floor. "Don't lie to your Alpha, prey. I can smell it. You're fucking leaking at being my prey." That growling chuckle echoed in his ear as he was pressed into the floor.


A rough jerk pushed him into the lit area, his eyes blinking from the light as he was manhandled to his knees. A rough grip on his hair locked his vision onto a single plane no matter how hard he tried to move his head. As his head was pressed down, his vision was filled with a pair of heavy, black leather boots, scuffed and mussed topped with a pair of blue jeans atop it. The thick, canine scent from before filled his nose as he felt his head manhandled by the beast, claws pressing into his scalp as he was held against the concrete floor. His eyes roved over the custom made boots and jeans as the beast held him down.

"You will do as your alpha wishes. You are nothing to me, and will be nothing unless I will it. You understand that, prey?" The beast barked. His paw nodded the prey's head, even before his prey could answer, the motion silencing the man as he heard the metallic sound of a zipper slipping open. "You belong to me, prey."

The possessive growl echoed throughout the office, as the thick canine scent filling the man's nose was supplanted with a thick, pungent stench of ammonia that flooded his nose, his body shuddering and coughing at the heady scent as a hot stream covered his shoulders, wetting down his shirt as he was marked. His cock throbbed within his thighs, pre dripping as he felt this male treating him as just nothing but a tool.


The wolf snarled happily as the stream petered out, the man reeking of his mark as he moved his prey's head up, letting his prey's eyes see his alpha in his full glory.

As the wolf tilted his head up, the man's eyes passed over those open jeans, seeing the thick black fur covering a thick, animal sheath, straw colored rivulets still dripping from the fur at the mouth. His gaze was pulled still upwards, eyes roving over a set of cut abdominals, the furry muscles jumping softly as they were framed by the soft leather of the jacket framing them. His eyes kept getting pulled higher, past the well worn, scratched harness crisscrossing his built chest before that broad, male muzzle met his view, full of sharp and gleaming teeth as the wolf's amber eyes locked onto his prey's muddy brown ones.

The wolf smiled, his dark nose sniffing the air as his prey reeked of him. "You're gonna love this. Now first, prove to me who your alpha is?"

"How sir?"

"Clean my boots."


The wolf's paw wraps through the man's hair, jerking him to the ground, his chest slamming into the floor as the wolf sat on the bench, one boot pressing into his prey's back as the second is pushed against his face, the man's tongue peeking out from his lips, the slight sheen of saliva glistening on that boot. The man shuddered at the taste, but his cock still throbbed, the weight on his back and the sour taste in his mouth driving him harder.

"You can do better, prey." The wolf's growling voice pierced his defenses, the combination of the pungent scent, the powerful body, and the aggressive actions lit something deep within his prey. His tongue snaked out, the saliva darkening the boot leather to a glistening sheen as he spat and lapped. The insistent paw pressing him against that boot as he took in the heavy leather scent as the wolf tossed the jacket to the side, a growling chuckle escaping his maw as he switched the position of his boots, pinning the man to the floor with his spit slickened boot, the man's tongue attacking his master's covering until both boots shone with the spit of his new prey.

"Good job, prey. Perhaps you deserve a treat..." The wolf's dark chuckle and snarl echoed through the room as he pulled Chris back to his knees, his sheath bared to the world as he jerked the man's head, the wolf's snarling maw filling his view as spittle flecked his face. "Take off my nice, clean boots, bitch. Don't want to mess them up."

The grinning smirk split the wolf's face as the man's hands unzipped the side zippers on the wolf's boots, the boot coming off as the wolf's paws splayed on the floor. His claws clicked as he bent down, picking one of the boots and putting it aside as his new bitch pulled the second boot off, the wolf's paw wrapping around the man's head, his paw pressing the man into the open end of one of those boots.

He grinned as the man spasmed in his grip, trying to wiggle out of his powerful grasp as all he could breathe was the wolf's heady, thick scent. The wolf's paw slipped down to his waist, his paw unbuttoning his jeans as he shook his hips, the jean falling quickly down his powerful legs, quickly stepping out of them with one foot, the other kicking it to the side, the pendulous sack swaying between his legs before they bounced against his furry thigh as he pulled the man from his boot, kicking them aside with a swipe of a heavy paw.

"Got a good whiff of alpha, pup?" He smirked as his paw jerked the man's head before he could speak, nodding it again before he jerked the man to his knees, his paw holding the man's head against his sheath, that hot, musky fur pressing against him, a soft gag escaping his lips as the wolf pressed him against his thick, full sheath.

A proud snarl escaped the wolf's maw as his hips ground against the man in his grip, each motion sliding a different portion of his sheath against the man in his grasp. Rivulets of the wolf's urine marked the man's face and hair, even intruding on his gaping mouth. The man's maw was full of the wolf's heady scent, the man's mind filing it away as he was used by the wolf whose thighs were pressed tightly against the sides of his face, whose heavy balls bounced against his chin with each thrust as the scent grew heavier and thicker as he grew more aroused, the grinding even more aggressive, the wolf's claws drawing blood as a thick, blood red rod grew thicker, peeking out of his sheath and rubbing it's wet exterior across his face, the slimy, musky fluid marking the man even more than the wolf already had.

"Mmmm...Gonna get a real taste of your alpha, pup! But first..." The wolf's growl made the man's response catch in his throat before he felt that heat pressing against him, sliming across his face.

Before the man could even think, he felt that burning tip slide between his lips, the potent taste electrifying his taste buds as his nose was buried in the male's thick, pungent fur as he gagged as the thick rod stretched his lips, the taste thick on his tongue as the pointed tip speared past his gag reflex, the wolf's snarl growing more and more pleasurable as the man's throat wrapped around his throbbing rod, potent pre dripping from his tip as he pulled back, the salty fluid dripping onto the man's tongue as the wolf started his hammering.

"Just....Take....your.....alpha, bitch." The wolf's growls and snarls grew as his instincts grew more powerful, driving him deeper and deeper into his lust. That hard rod hammered deep into the man's maw, the hot, wet pre covering his mouth as that rod hammered him, driving all sense of time from his mind as he was used.

He was a toy to this wolf, nothing more.

The man moaned around the makeshift pacifier, each thrust eliciting a growl from the wolf as those claws dug into his scalp. He had never wanted to see one of these fangers up close, never mind being taken like some sort of bitch by one of feel the inhuman sensation of soft fur pressing against his skin, the scent of the beast...pungent and male...powerful and dominating, filling his mind with the need to breath in this beast as his taste danced along his tongue.

The wolf's need had risen as he saw the man falling under his spell, the wonders of the male pheromones that had come with his new, bestial body driving the man beneath him to suckle gently, that tongue playing along the underside of his pulsing cock, the sensations driving him higher as he felt the male nuzzling against him as he hammered. His powerful body had not tired, the muscles built for stamina and strength, chiseled and built by the therapy to make him what he needed to be.

An alpha male.

As the man's eyes widened, the base of the wolf's cock bulged in his mouth, two large hemispheres expanding, locking the cock within the male's lips, the wolf's hips and arms a blur as he hammered the man's maw, his cock jumping before the loud howl echoed throughout the room, bouncing off the concrete walls and windows.

The man's eyes grew wide and unseeing as he felt hot, salty heat fill his mouth, searing his tastebuds as he breathed in nothing but this wolf's pheromones, a growing section of his mind reveling in the treatment as that flood of salty seed filled his mouth. His Adam's apple bobbed furiously as he tried to swallow it down, spurts of it escaping at pressure from his lips, matting the sweaty wolf's crotch.

The wolf panted and snarled as he erupted, each spurt of hot maleness that filled his bitch sent his mind reeling as that mouth and tongue suckled, trying to draw every drop of seed that he could produce. His body humped and ground, feeling the hands off the male beneath him wrapping around his hands around him, one hand migrating around his front. It rubbed his hard abs, trailing fingers through the thick fur that covered the hard muscles before moving to tease the skin of his sheath and play with his heavy, dangling balls as they pushed that thick, hot, white cream into the man's mouth. That other hand ran over the wolf's tight ass, playing with the heavy tail that stood proud behind the wolf as he took his bitch.

The man could not believe just what he had in his hands...such a powerful creature. Usually it took tools and toys to make him someone's plaything, but tonight...for this male...this had only taken his body and his voice. He breathed deeply as he felt the flood of cum slowing to a trickle, still drizzling into his mouth and flooding it with the taste of this male, the salty, gamey taste completely unlike what the sweeter, feminine honey that he had gotten from his previous dommes. But he liked it.

The wolf panted his way down from his high, each breath accompanied with a pet of his bitch's head, his claws tracing through the blood matted hair as his knot grew smaller, the man's suckling and grinding teeth slowing his softening as they ground against him. His pleasured growls and snarls echoed thru the room before with a pop he pulled free of the man's maw, his hot, white seed flying through the air, splashing over his pet's face as he marked him even more as his bitch.

"There we go, bitch." The wolf grinned as one powerful arm wrapped around his bitch's chest, jerking the male into the air, a quick toss throwing him onto the weight bench, his breath exploding from his chest as it hits the bench. The wolf quickly pulled him to his knees, his paw fishing in the box beneath the bench, pulling out a silver circle. The wolf's paw quickly went to work on the man's waning erection, his rough paws rubbing against the man's sensitive skin, before switching and running the soft fur of the back of his paws up and down his prey's cock, feeling it growing harder.

The wolf's paw worked that cock quickly, expertly pushing and cajoling his prey back to full hardness as he growled into his prey's ear, feeling that cock jump and grow with each growl before he slipped that cold, steel ring around his prey's cock, feeling it jump in his grasp before he pressed himself against his prey. That powerful snarl echoed through the prey's ear as the wolf's paws pushed his prey's wrists into the bindings at the base of the bench, the leather straps wrapping tightly and locking his prey in his grasp.

"I...Own...You...Bitch" The wolf growled in his ear as with one powerful paw his prey's slacks were torn from his body and thrown into the darkness. The wolf's paws wrapped around the man's hips, claws digging deep into his flesh as the wolf held his ass high.

"Perfect position to submit to your alpha, bitch." The growl echoed throughout the man's head, reminding him of just how he was owned by that wolf...His alpha He could feel each motion of his alpha's paw as it played over his bared ass, cool, sharp points of pressure teasing across his ass as he clenched, a little bit nervous before he felt one of those paws leaving his ass.

The wolf slipped his paws back onto the male's ass, grinning at the gasp as he spread those two cheeks, revealing that untouched hole. He grinned and smirked as he pressed his hips to that opened ass, the tip of his hard, red cock drooling transparent pre that followed in its wake as he ground against his bitch's tight hole.

"Get you all nice and wet, bitch." The wolf smirked as he pressed against her, the burning heat of that rod flying through his prey's mind, the heat on the taboo orifice driving the blood to his face as he struggled against his restraints. "Not going anywhere, bitch." The wolf's growl echoed closely in the male's ear as his hips pressed forward, the pointed head of his cock spearing through that tight hole, the man clenching as a quiet scream echoed through the air, a burning sensation flying up this nerves as they attacked his brain.


"Shut up, prey." The snarled order was punctuated with another scream as the wolf's hips pistoned forward, the thick cock piercing another inch deeper into his prey's hot tunnel. The wolf snarled happily and lustily as his warm fur covered his prey's back, his teeth worrying its neck, gripping deep every so often as those potent hips slammed forward, pulling himself deeper and deeper into the heat. His throaty growls filled the room as his hips pushed in and out of that tight ass, the screams shifting slowly into lusty moans.

Chris could only moan as he felt himself being violated by this wolf, his body trying to fight the wolf's intrusion, but each clench and squeeze only excited the wolf more, that hot and piercing cock driving deep into him as he felt something different.

He felt full...


The wolf hammered at that tight ass, smiling as he could smell the scent of fear and nervousness disappear from his prey, his arousal filling his nose as his teeth sank deep, his claws digging into his prey's thighs as rivulets of blood teased his maw with that coppery taste and dripped down his prey's pale thighs.

With each pant, the wolf's barely engorged knot pounded against his prey's ass. Each pant and each bite drove him wild as he hammered the new prey, hearing each pleasure filled moan, tasting the sharp taste of his prey's blood, smelling the slight scent of the human's arousal mixing with his own heady musk as he felt that knot grow and lock deep within the male, his body rapidly humping in short, hard strokes as he felt his pleasure growing higher and higher. Each panting breath grew shorter and shorter as his hot breath wafted over his prey before his hips slammed hard and deep, his prey definitely going to be sore and maybe even bruised the next day as a proud howl rattled the building.

Chris' eyes shot open as his alpha hilted, that hard knot growing larger and locking him even more than it already had before an indescribably hot flood of wetness filled his ass, his alpha's potent seed flooding his ass as his ears were filled with the sound of his alpha's howl.

The alpha wrapped his jaws at his prey's shoulder and neck, biting deeply as the echoes of his howl died out in the concrete room, each spurt of that potent masculinity deep inside him matched with a nip to his shoulder or a huff in his ear as he smiled. He could not remember ever being this hard...feeling this good.

Alpha smiled as his virile flood slowed, the warmth and tightness feeling amazing wrapped around his deeply knotted cock as his paw wrapped around his prey's rock hard, leaking cock. The ring made certain that he wasn't going to come yet as the wolf played with those dangling balls. Chris could only moan and whimper at the feeling of those cool, sharp claws playing over his overfull balls as leathery, rough pawpads ran through the sparse hair covering them, squeezing gently at first, and then not so gently.

"Beg me for it, bitch..."He jumped at the whisper in his ear before those sharp teeth nipped, eliciting a gasp from his lips, a moan following as those dangling orbs got squeezed again.


The smack of the paw against his neck drew a cry as the second paw wrapped tight around those balls, the heat and pressure eliciting a moan to follow that cry into the air.

"Alpha, please let me cum"

A snarl greeted his ears as he moaned as he was squeezed again, just a dribble of clear pre dripping from that hard cock as he tried to wrest his hips from the wolf's powerful paws and deeply embedded cock to grind himself against the bench before he felt something release his hands.

"You'll learn."

The rough voice of his alpha caught Chris' attention before he felt his hands released from the restraints, an arm wrapping around his chest, jerking him up from the bench as he gasped, a shot of pleasure shooting up his spine as he was pressed deeper onto the wolf's pleasurable spire as he felt himself carried back into the darkness.

All Chris knew was that he was moving down the stairs and through the darkness as he felt the cock deep in his ass soften, alpha's knot softening until he felt himself pulled off that cock, the slick of dripping fluids filling the room as he was pressed to his knees in the darkness, the only useful sense his nose as heat and musk were pressed close to him as his alpha's paw wrapped through his hair, holding against that warm, wet, musky fur. His tongue snuck out, his mind hoping that he could prove to his alpha that he was worthy of cumming as he tested not only the wolf's pungent musk and salty seed, but a different taste that must have been himself.

Aaron snarled happily as he ground against his prey, that tongue running up and down his retreating cock, trying to capture each and every drop of the delectable nectar that covered that blood red spire. As that cock retreated into that plump sheath, his tongue moved quickly to the fur covering that sheath until it was well covered in his prey's saliva, the taste of seed and need gone, the only remaining taste that of his alpha.

The wolf's paw slid down, sliding down the smooth skin of his prey and tracing down his sides before cupping his pent up balls, that damnable ring holding him at bay.

"You exist to service alpha, don't you, bitch?" The wolf smirked as he squeezed, his sheath plumping just a bit as he did so, feeling the man bury his head in his groin.

"Yes, Sir. Alpha...Alpha deserves all of my attention. Alpha....alpha, please let me cum.

With a quick jerk, the wolf's paw pulled the ring from his bitch's cock. The weak scent of that human cum filling the air as Chris' moan filled the small room. A thud and a shudder from elsewhere in the room broke the relative quiet before Chris felt himself being pushed back and down by Alpha's paw on his head.

"I'll be back for you, bitch. You got another 23 hours with me." A whimper echoed through the room. "Oh, Aggie. I'll be back later...I have another engagement before you can have another taste of me." Chris' jaw dropped as he heard the happy whine from the creature

No sooner had that whine echoed around, a clang resounded throughout the room, his eyes finally adjusting to the dim light as he saw the shape of that wolf, of his alpha, stepping out of the room and closing the door as he looked to his side.

There, peering through the cage bars was another one of those fangers, but this one looked different. As it moved and sniffed at the air, obviously favoring where the stain from Chris' eruption, Chris could see the muzzle around its slender jaws, the vulpine shape apparent beneath the silvery grey fur. Every few moments, he could see the creature shudder and whimper, but he could not see the cause until he saw the wire running from beneath the creature's tail, his paws tied together with soft leather strapping so he could not remove whatever the wire was attached to as it made him occasionally whimper, or the spiked...cage on the creature's cock.

For whatever trepidation he had had coming in here...Now Chris could only wonder. Why was he not as cared for as that fox? What would he need to do for that kind of life?

In one of the dark offices, a pair of eyes grinned into one of the multiple HD camera feeds, reveling in the enhanced video in front of her as her hands were buried between her legs. That had been quite the show...even if he had been nicer than normal.

"I see you enjoyed, my little bitch?" The dark, chuckling voice and potent scent caught her attention, but instead of trying to cover up, she pushed herself back from the desk, her legs splayed wide.

"I did, alpha...but..."


A gleam flashed through her eyes as she looked at the looming black furred male that grinned down at her, his arms crossed over his built, inhuman chest.

"I wanna go for it."

The wolf's eyes caught hers as he smiled a canine grin.

"You're going to make a marvelous bitch, Tess."

Preying on the Past Ch. 8 - The Ace on the Table

.A/N -Well...only three months this time. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 8 - The Ace on the Table** "When truth is buried underground it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows...

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Preying on the Past Ch. 7 - Lycan Roulette

A/N -I am not doing good at the get shit out on a regular basis thing, am I. Sorry. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 7 - Lycan Roulette** "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." - Confucious **Miami,...

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