An Unexpected Intruder

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Sometimes you never know who is around you

Alright, here we go. Took a bit longer than I thought but this is one of the more...esoteric and sex driven pieces I have ever posted. Does include nonconsensual, both pseudo and real. Not really a huge factor in the story but it is in there. This story includes sexual activities of a mature nature. If you are too young to read erotica in your locale, go away and read one of my clean stories. All characters fictional, liberties taken, yadda yadda yadda.

It was the one night of the month that I always made certain to put aside. The cool summer breezes that flowed through the township caressed over my heavy body as I thudded down the path, my chest gently heaving in rhythm with my breaths as I took in the cool, fresh air of the forest as I kept my eyes ahead of me, the green spheres concentrating on the body just far enough ahead of me on the winding, dirt path.

My prey for the night.

A flash of white broke the darkness in the the air as my grim lips broke into a grin as my green eyes kept close watch on those swaying full globes ahead of me, the spheres pressing against her black spandex shorts. My tongue swept across my pink lips as I watched her move it, a perfect view for me. Her short brown ponytail bounced behind her as she jogged quietly, a jaunty little country song leaking out of the earbuds into the cool air as that lock of auburn hair swayed to each of her steps as I followed. My own pace matched hers as my own dirt cheap trainers tracked across the trail. The steps beat out a steady tattoo of sound on the rocky dirt path thru the forest.

The trees flowed quickly and quietly by as we wove further and further down the trail, the trees growing denser and taller as we went deeper into the forest. A light sheen of sweat coated our bodies as we heated up, my eyes latched onto her ass as it swayed with each step as I swallowed hard as a flash of amber momentarily conquered my emerald eyes betraying my true nature as I stepped up my pace, moving closer as I took short breaths of the cool air, her scent floating thru the air as I saw her approaching a blind corner in the trail that bordered a small clearing in the woods.

That tight ass was gonna be a fun time tonight. She had curves in all the right places and a well built body that strained her tight yellow tank top. Was always fun to have prey that fought back. Made sure I got the fun of the hunt the whole time. A smirk broke my face as my teeth started to ache, the moon above us gazing down on us. It was almost time.

I smirked as I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket, my teeth starting to lengthen, the canines pushing into sharp fangs as my nose darkened, taking in sharp huffs of the air, testing and rolling each scent thru my mind as I grinned, feeling my ears starting to twitch their way up my head as we rounded the bend before I made my move.

With a burst of speed, I slammed into her back, my momentum carrying the two of us into the soft, wet grass, skidding thru the dirt as my hand clamped over her mouth as she wiggled in my grasp, my other arm pinning one of her arms with the other pinned beneath her. 'Perfect hit' I thought as I buried my nose in the nape of her neck, breathing in the lovely scent of my trapped bitch and her fear.

"You smell delicious, bitch." I smirked as I ran my tongue along her neck, tasting the salty treat of her sweat against my tongue as I felt her screaming into my hand, my chest starting to grow stronger and thicker as I felt her worming against me, my whole weight atop her as I tasted and breathed in the stark scent of fear and exertion pouring out of the bitch beneath me as the beast inside me fought its way out as I pinned my prey for the night in my hands.

With a loosening of my hand, I freed my bitch for the night's lips, moving it to wrap tightly around her wrist. It was always more fun to hear them screaming out as I took them as my own, deep in the property...My realm. No one would come out here unless I willed it.

"Let me go, you bastard"

I chuckled as nipped at her neck, my fangs not breaking her skin as my maw pushed forward, reverting to its feral form as my lips thinned and blackened, covering my gleaming fangs from the air. My chest grew quickly, pectorals growing quickly as the already existing black hairs grew coarser and thicker, moving up and down my body slowly as I breathed into her ear.

"No. You're gonna be my bitch for the night." A dark, growling chuckle escaped my black lips as I forced her onto her hands and knees, feeling her struggle against my every move. Just accept it."

"You fucking bastard, let me go, I'll scream!" A sharp buck of her shoulder broke my grip one of her arms, even as my arms grew stronger, muscles growing larger, built for taking down even larger prey than this bitch. A thud echoed through the clearing as I hit the ground, my other hand holding tight as I pulled her atop me, wrapping my free hand around her stomach and holding her hard against me as that thick black fur coursed down my arm, her eyes widening as she saw it flowing down my arm.

"What makes you think I don't want you to scream, bitch?" I growl in her ear, a sharp, bloodless nip her ear as I snarl at her, holding her close to me as I feel the change wash over me, the fur flowing over my arms. My hands griped harder into her body as they shifted, thick leathery paws pushing into her skin as they pushed out, deadly looking black claws rubbing against her wrists as they pushed out from my fingertips."We're the only ones out here. No one can hear you." I rumble quietly in her ear as I lick it.

With a quick jerk I toss her back to the ground, quickly straddling her, my legs growing thicker, built for running as I push her shoulders to the ground. Her hands fly up, punching against my chest. Pretty strong, but I had had worse. I smirked as I looked down at her as my newly released paws grabbed the neck of my red tee shirt, pulling and tearing it asunder as black fur and powerful muscles met the air, an animal musk very evident in the air as I grinned a shit eating canine grin down at her, ears proud as I saw her stop trying to hit my chest, finally realizing my true identity.

"You...You...You're" I smirked as she stuttered.

"Sound it out" I chuckled as I turned my head skyward as my paws erupted from my trainers, my shorts tight against heavy, furred thighs, my thick sheath and pendulous balls pressing against the fabric. A ferocious howl escaped my lupine maw, my eyes locked on the moon above me as a thick, bushy black tail pushed out behind me, tall and proud in the cool air as I reassumed my full lupine form, the bitch trapped beneath me.

"You're a werewolf." She wiggled as I pinned her, sitting on her legs, my knees holding her hips as her strikes against my chest grew to a renewed intensity, her nails trying to dig into my skin but tangling in the thick black fur covering my chest as my howl echoed out across the countryside, signaling that I had caught my bitch. "Let me go! I won't tell."

A deep, dark chuckle escaped my lips as I looked down at her, my paws grabbing the two straps on her tight tank top and pulling, tearing the fabric from her body and tossing the scraps aside, the pieces fluttering in the breeze as they fell to the ground. The heavy weight of my paws bearing the weight of my upper body fell onto her shoulders, pushing her into the ground as my maw followed them, sniffing intently at her tight sports bra, reveling in the delicious feminine scent, tempered and spiced by the smell of her sweat and fear...and the delicious and unmistakable scent of female arousal. "I'll tell you what, bitch..." I smirked as I looked up at her, resting my head on her constrained mounds. "Prove to me you do not want this."

"What? I've been fighting you this whole time...stop raping me!" She almost snarled at me, a hint of falsity adding to the fragrant bouquet my nose was reveling in. "Help!! Someone help me?" I grinned as my paws tied her wrists to each other, binding them tightly, my claws the only thing that would be able to free her...when I decided to.

I smirked evilly as my paws ripped her bra in half, her two deliciously tanned breasts almost exploding into the air, the dampness of her sweat still on them as I bent down, taking a deep breath of her fragrant scent before my long, wet tongue caressed the left one, slowly moving up, the supple surface moving with my tongue as I ran my tongue around those wide, brown nipples, feeling her shudder beneath me.

"I can smell you lying, bitch. You reek of need. I'm gonna take you like your body wants." I gave a rough chuckle as I nipped that nipple, feeling her shudder again beneath me. "Hard...rough...just like the wild beast that is giving you his attention. You need just enjoy it."

I smirked darkly as I moved toward her face, trying to give her puppy dog eyes as I did so...although they don't work well coming from a six and a half foot tall black werewolf as opposed to an itty bitty puppy. Hot canine breath heralded a long, wet tongue lapping across her lips and nose as I tasted the salty sweat on her face, her mouth held closed as I lapped at her lips, whimpering and begging for entrance before that hard muscle pushed against them, spearing inside where it met hers.

Two long, wet muscles fought against each other, vying for dominance in the tight space, but her teeth stayed apart...a good sign. We tangled against each other for a moment as she held her breath before she took a deep breath around my maw, taking my thick canine breath and scent in her breath before she pushed me back with her bound wrists.

"Just let me go. I swear I won't tell."

I grinned down at her as I licked my lips. "Of course you won't." I smirked as I pushed her back to the ground. "But I'm not letting you go just yet. We have lots more fun to come" I grinned evilly as I quickly rotated myself around atop her, my legs and hips pushing her down as my heavy sack bounced against her face as she protested. Heavy paws pushed her thighs down and apart as I chuckled as she screamed beneath me, my furry crotch muffling her as I ground my sheath against her, thick, her nose filling with my pungent male musk. "Breath me in, bitch." I chuckled as I moved my arm, pinning both her legs with it as my other paw grabbed a pawful of her shorts, quickly pulling them off of her hips, only a pair of black cotton panties gracing her, a pungent scent of her urine filling them.

"Scaredy bitch." With a swipe of a clawed paw, those panties meet the rest of her clothes as I saw her bare, furless skin, only a hint of a strip above those sweet netherlips. "You don't need to be afraid of the big bad wolf." A mock growl escaped my lips as my cold nose rubbed against her cunt, sending an involuntary shudder down her spine, her nose burying itself in my heavy,furry sack as it bounced against her, my thick, black furred tail waving gently behind me as I ground down, the fragrant scent of her pussy filling my nose as I took in a deep breath of her scent.

Her bouquet of fear, raw sexuality and need filled my nose as I huffed her in, growling softly before my tongue speared deep, a gasp escaping her lips as I pressed my maw against her temple, growling gently as my nosed pressed against that tiny bud of her clit, causing her to gasp, one of my heavy, pent up balls falling into her mouth, that wet orifice soaking the fur in its warmth. "That's a good bitch. Taste your alpha. But bite and die." I punctuated my latest threat with a growl as I lifted my maw off her most private spot, feeling her tongue slowly, fearfully lick at my sack, tasting the salty, musky fur. "Good bitch" I growled happily as my tongue went back to her soft folds, tasting her sweet nectar as her arousal started to overpower the reek of her fear, her body fighting her mind as I teased and tasted her.

"You taste real good, bitch. Just perfect." I nipped gently at her lips, feeling her jump softly at the bite, moaning around her own mouthful."Gonna make you ready for me." I chuckled as I speared deep, that thick, flat tongue piercing through her barriers like a missile and then splaying her apart to lap at her juices, my nose teasing and rubbing against her clit as I chuffed, sending blasts of hot, wet air across it and sending shudders down her lithe, toned body. I wrapped my thighs around her head, holding her against me as I wormed my body a bit, the rough fur of my abdomen rubbing against her pert breasts and hard nipple, making her moan around me as I did my work on her.

I could feel her loosening up around my tongue, her juices flowing readily into that delicious honeypot as her own tongue played with my pent up testes, driving my need and lust higher and higher, her nose getting full of my own lust, even with that blunt monkey nose. My crimson cock was bobbing free of its sheath and occasionally dripping a dollop of pearlescent pre on her neck as I gently humped. With a final nip and lap across her clit I pulled my tongue from her, lapping at the tasty juices dotting my maw as I picked up my hips from her face, the pop of her pursed lips around my sopping sack audible to my sensitive ears. "That's just the appetizer, bitch. On your knees."

"No." Came the girl's unsure reply as she clenched her legs together. Her eyes met mine, brow furrowed in determination but a hint of delicious confusion danced behind those orbs.

"Bitch, I am giving you a chance. On your knees or I will make you wish you got on them willingly." A snarl echoed from my pussy drenched maw. "You don't have a choice in the matter, but it will affect how it feels."

I growled as she remained on all fours, her body apparently able to resist the pungent pheromones that our kind could produce, especially during this time of year. With a jerk of her shoulder, I pulled her from the ground, jerking her by her shoulder as she screamed again before I slammed her back to the ground, this time on all fours, my heavy body following her to the ground quickly, one arm wrapping around her chest and holding her up as I steadied myself with the other.

"You should have submitted, bitch. Gotten into your rightful place under your alpha male. A deep, growling chuckle escapes my maw as I feel my hard cock tracing small circles against her bare skin, leaving a slimy trail of pre as I rubbed against her. "Now you're gonna pay for your insolence." I growl in her ear as my teeth nibble along the tiny pieces of cartilage. A small stud set into it sent a shock of coldness up my tongue as I huffed at her.

"Get off me, you monster"

"Let me think about that..."

A deep chuckle escaped my maw as I nipped at her neck as I ground against her, her body shuddering beneath me.

"No." I growled softly in her ear as I pressed my hard cock insistently against her wet sex. "Feels like you want it bad." A deep breath ruffled her auburn hair as I took a deep breath full of her sweat tinged scent, the acrid scent of her fear still there but completely overpowered by the sharp, peppery scent of her lust as I bit and nipped at her, driving her deeper into lust. "Smells like you want it bad." Grinding against her, I breathe darkly into her ear. "You want it bad...from the big bad wolf...And I'm gonna give it to you."

That hot, slick wetness of a bitch's ready sex greeted me as I thrust deep into her, my jaws snapping at her neck as she screamed beneath me, feeling my thick cock spreading her open. Her sweet, cries of anger, pain and rage rang through the air as my claws dug deep, rivulets of crimson blood drooling down her tanned sides as I hammered her. "Doesn't if feel good to be treated like my bitch?" A snarl escapes my maw as I lean down, one paw teasing her breast as my other one held us up, my breath teasing her ear as she whimpered helplessly beneath me.

"No." She whimpered, falsity pouring into her scent as I buried my dark, leathery nose in her hair, taking deep breaths of her heated scent.

"I can tell you're lying." My smirk not only covers my maw, but also leaks into my voice as I move my maw to her ear, licking it gently as I press myself forward, my knot pressing against those bare lips, my hips grinding against her as her hot, wet sex suckled on that red spear planted deep into her...into my territory.

"No..."She whimpered as I nipped gently at her ears, drawing a short gasp and spasm with each nip. "Not..." I smiled as I saw her head fall in defeat as she moaned.

Her moan covered the sound of footsteps thudding closer and closer before I was bowled over, my body thumping to the ground as a heavy mass slammed into me. Sharp pain shot thru my body as my shoulder hit the roots crisscrossing the ground in my travels from perching high atop my bitch to lying sprawled on my chest, pain searing through my arm as it was twisted behind me and something shoved into my side, sending me convulsing as searing pain lit up my nervous system.

The stench of ozone filled my nose as I snarled and bucked under that weight, volts spitting through the air as the pain filled me for those first moments, time slowing before I felt the tormenting object withdraw from my side, another, colder object jabbing into me as the weight atop me moved about.

"Don't move...whatever you are."

"Let me up, you bastard." I snarl at the voice, confident that he wasn't aware of my true strength. That little peashooter he had jabbed into my ribs would do nothing. With each breath, I could almost taste the officer's sweat and the unnatural acrid smell of his cologne stung my nose along with the scent of the burnt fur and flesh, but could not overpower that delicious musk that reached my nostrils. His fear filled my senses, but so did her strength.

I wasn't alone.

"I said -"

A resounding clunk rang thru the glen as a shower of wooden shards rained over me, a powerful thump rampaging through my supernaturally strong body as the gun pressed between my ribs went off as he went over, my bitch pulling him off me with her own grey furred paw.

"Well...I guess date night will be a little more crowded this month." I smirk as I feel my own wound mending rapidly as I turn around. "Well, isn't that a lovely sight."

I licked my lips as I saw my bitch fully wolven again, her sterling coat painted in the dappled moonlight shining through the leaves of our hideaway, her amber eyes fierce and angry as a powerful, dominating growl escaped from her maw. Her toeclaws dug into the soft loamy soil as she balanced on her splayed paws, legs apart just enough for me to see her winking pink sex as one paw pushed her ill-fated savior onto all fours, her paws moving to capture those hands, her claws pricking the tops of his hands as she stood atop him. Her free handpaw entwined itself in the man's coffee hair, pulling his gaze to meet her snarling face as I stood behind him. It took a mere moment to disarm him and pull his duty belt off, making him the prey that all these weak, pitiful mammals were without all their tools.

"Don't you hurt my mate, you bastard!" Her piercing, growling snarl was met only by a whimper from him as he tried to get away from her iron grip as my own paws ripped the heavy leather belt from his slacks, my claws digging in mercilessly as her amber eyes bored in on his two sapphire orbs, spread wide in fear at her bared fangs and monstrous visage as the toned little runner that had been being raped when he got there had so quickly and efficiently turned the tables, becoming a monstrous beast of a creature staring down at him.

"Sounds like we were pushing the role play a little too hard, bitch. Someone here wanted to play white knight." I grin as I grab the male's hips with my own black paws, making sure to press my claws in painfully and remind him how perilous his position was. "But this one does have balls...or is too stupid for his own good." I leaned over him, pressing the radio mike to his lips. "Call them off."

"Help! He-"

A quick knee from my bitch shut him up properly, as I chuckled darkly.

"I may be reborn at night, but I wasn't born last night, pig. Do what we say and you'll be rewarded. You ain't got a chance in hell of getting out of this otherwise. Call them off and my bitch and I won't feast on you and your buddies' sweet, sweet meat." I punctuate my threat with a long lick from his neck to his ear, chuffing at the metallic taste of his cologne on my tongue as he coughed at our thick, animal scent as we pressed around him before he sighed in resignation as I again pressed the mike to his chin, my knees pinning his legs and hips as my other paw wrapped around his windpipe, my claws digging in, feeling rivulets of blood drip down them as I reminded him that his entire existence was in my paws.

"Lincoln 56 to Central. 10-79. No contact. Will be 10-14."

Her snarl faded away as I ripped the mike from his shoulder, tossing it with the rest of his toy belt. "Good pup." She cooed in her harsh, rough voice. "You bought us some time..."Her tail swayed behind her as her hips swayed as I saw the wheels in her head spinning. "Now how to use it?" I smirked as our eyes met and I ran my paw down my once again plumping sheath.

"He did say he was on a meal break." I grin as my claw ran down his uniform slacks, teasing against the crack of his ass as I chuckled darkly. "You think he has enough balls for it?"

"He did take on the alpha of these woods..." Came her dark chuckle as she pulled the man's head up to look at her. "Since you were so insistent on getting involved..." She leaned down until her hot, breath washed over his face, her tongue lapping up the side of his face gently, sending shudders down his body before she pushed him down her chest, her fur rubbing up and down his face as she spread her legs. "What better punishment than to please the alphas you interrupted."

I grin at her dark, growling chuckle as that evil glint in her eyes. "Always fun when she looks like that, pig. Even you will like it." I chuckle as my claw pierces those uniform pants, the raw ripping of the fabric echoing throughout the glade as I tore them and the black boxers beneath them open, exposing my new prey to the open air. "Play nice and you get a treat...fight back and I get dinner."

Even with those words, I felt the man in my grasp try and fight before he gasped as my mate and I dug our claws into his flesh, eliciting a scream of pain and that warm, coppery scent of blood starting to flow through the air. With a moan from my bitch, that scream was cut short as his mouth was pressed into my bitch's furry muff, his nose filled with her peppery musk and the pungent remnants of my abortive fuck that he had so rudely interrupted.

"Revel in the attention of your alphas, bitch." I smile as my hard cock peeks from my sheath, the red canine flesh peering angrily into the cooler night air. "But first..." I smirk as the pungent, straw colored stream covered the cop's back, the uniform growing darker as he was marked as the property of the pack...of the alphas...of both of us.

"Aw, don't struggle, bitch." My bitch cooed as her claws dug into his hair as he wiggled beneath us, my clawed paw digging into his hips as that stream coated him in my scent, making certain to soak that winking pink hole between those oversized cheeks...

"Not bad, although it looks like this little piggy could use a few fewer donuts...No worry. That'll get fixed soon." I smirked as I pressed my dribbling cock between those full cheeks. The chiseled tip did its job as it pried deep, built for thrusting and filling a bitch...and for this.

Seeding a new wolf.

"Come on, pup. Make momma proud. Make me cum and you may just leave." My guffaw broke through the grove as my bitch ground against the cop, using his nose to tease her wet and aching clit. "Use that tongue, boy. Prove to me that you're worth keeping alive." I grinned as I moved my other paw to his hips, pressing him further forward into the delectable honeypot as I pushed my hips forward, the thick pre already spurting freely as I saw my bitch riding his face.

As I pressed, I felt that tight ring of muscle pressing against my pointed, drooling tip as my bitch's moans filled the air. With one final thrust, my tip spread him wide, a pained gasp escaping him as my tainted pre slipped into his body for the first time, numbing him as I stayed still for a moment, feeling that muscle clenching and releasing around me as he moaned into my bitch before she jerked him back.

"Keep going, pup. I didn't tell you to stop. You were actually getting the hang of it." She pressed him back to her cunt, her arousal filling my nose, sending my cock throbbing deep inside him as his nose was buried in that sopping, furry muff. "Oh, yeah...Like that, pup."

My paws dug into his hips, that meat on his hips perfect to start to slowly piston deep, feeling that virgin ass spreading wide for that thick, canine meat spelunking deep into that deep, dark, deliciously tight tunnel as I pushed forward until my knot pressed against those wet blue slacks, leaning my maw over him as my bitch did the same, both of us lodged deep into our new packmember. Her tongue teased along the side of my muzzle as I huffed over her face, nipping that tongue gently before my own slithered deep into her mouth. It darted around, a hummingbird searching for every drop of nectar in that sweet, dangerous maw.

Pulling back slowly, I felt that delicious tightness teasing me a bit, spurts of my pre coating that tunnel, a wet squelch escaping into the air as some of it was carried back, matting my black fur down to my groin as my heavy balls swung beneath me, slapping against that ass as I pulled back before slowly pressing back in, feeling the pleasure of breeding a new bitch flooding thru me as that tight, hot tunnel wrapped around me, my mate's moans and gasps telling me that the new pup was doing his job well on her. I couldn't help but chuckle as she squeaked as he ate her, knowing that sound from when I nipped that sweet little bud atop her delicious cunt.

"Good pup. Maybe you do deserve the gift we are giving you." It was always such a rush, especially as they realized that they were your toys. This one had given in faster than most, but he did the job well, that tight ass contracting around my hard cock as my thrusts grew faster and faster.

"Almost there, pup." I could feel my knot hammering his ass, begging to tie deep inside him, slamming and spurting out its pungent pre deep into that winking, convulsing tunnel as I hammered him. Ebony claws dug furrows up and down his body as my bitch and I took our joy out on him, his crimson life drooling from the cuts as he was filled with his superiors, his whole world his alpha pair's cunt and cock.

With a mammoth thrust, my pulsing knot slammed inside, jerking him back and away from my bitch with a wet, gurgling scream at the pain before my bitch grabbed his head, her pink tongue dangling from that dangerous maw as she pressed him back against her dripping cunt, her fur covered in his saliva and her honey. "Not done yet, pup." She snarled as she pulled him back between her legs, moaning as his tongue returned to work as I made sharp, short thrusts, tied deep inside my prey as my tail flailed behind me, the pleasurable fire building and burning through me as his ass clenches on that knot, reminding me of just how deep and tight I am in his no longer virgin ass.

I heard my bitch scream in rapture as she doubtlessly flooded his face with that sweet, tangy honey that is just so much fun to lap up, the true river of milk and honey as she pressed his face against her, riding out her orgasm with the new packmember firmly in her sex, getting the full load of her pleasured flood before his own cock jerked, that thin scent of human seed reaching my nose as he came, gasping into her as I grinned, my mate and I howling to the sky as my floodgates failed, releasing a deluge of my thick seed into that hot, wet ass, a moan escaping his lips as he felt the hot wetness flooding him, the warmth suffusing through him.

The moments went by, hot, wet pleasure encasing all of us in that thick rapture of pleasure as I humped against him, his scent all but obliterated in the glen by my mate and I. My thick knot tied us together in that most intimate of ways and I reveled in each clench of that suckling ass as my knot shrank, eventually pulling free with a squelch. Before my wet, sloppy cock managed to retreat back into my sheath, my paw grabbing it and squeezing one last time, sending a shower of gloopy cum across his back, marking him as one of my pups. A quick swipe finalized that as a streak of cum and blood was wiped across his ass before my cock retreated again into its home.

My mate came around and wrapped her arms around me, her sharp maw nibbling at my flicking ears, perched on the tips of her paws to reach them as we turn to leave.


"You did good, pup. You got in the way, but it was a nice date night for us after all..."

I turn my head over my shoulder and wolfishly smirk at the debauched cop, his blue polyester uniform soaked in my piss and seed, my white cum dribbling from that red, abused asshole that had felt soo good wrapped around my thick knot, a string of my alpha bitch's cum dripping from his astonished lips as he simply goldfished at us.

"Oh, and take the days of the full moon off next month. But wear that uniform back out here. Gonna be a hell of a time..."

Preying on the Past Ch. 7 - Lycan Roulette

A/N -I am not doing good at the get shit out on a regular basis thing, am I. Sorry. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 7 - Lycan Roulette** "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." - Confucious **Miami,...

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 6 Another Day, Another Death

A/N -Guess which part was written after a Bond marathon...Sorry for the delay. I've gotta resketch out the storyboard. Managed to lose it and got some bad block. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 6 - Another Day, Another Death** "Evil...

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Lil' Red Rider

It had first happened five years ago. The start of genetic splicing. It had started out as a medical miracle. Previously unheard of diseases getting cured, blindness cured, a whole new paradigm coming out of medical science. Even in its first year,...

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