Cruel and Unusual

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Welcome to The Reform Institute...where young male offenders learn the true price of their crimes at the hands of the warden, a mare with some very unusual treatments for her unwilling charges.

A slightly more kinky one to enjoy

The mare smiled at the deferential knock on her door. She liked deference; it never failed to make her wet.


She knew who was coming, of course. Nobody would have dared be late.

The door opened, and the little grouping shuffled in wearing wildly varying expressions. The three heavy bulls wearing blue guard's uniforms looked positively radiant. Their feral smiles were matched by the rest of their body language, ears flicking, tails swishing behind. The fourth member of the grouping looked a lot less pleased with himself.

The young stallion had his head down, ears plastered to his skull, chestnut coat dripping with sweat. He shuffled unsteadily thanks to ankle cuffs joined with a length of chain, and his hands were cuffed behind his back. He moved under the influence of two big bull mitts the size of hams, one on each shoulder, that managed to propel a reluctant young horse to his fate.

They stood, waiting. The mare examined the folder in front of her minutely, ignoring them all. She knew these little displays of power were rather pointless, but she enjoyed them anyway. Her guards knew enough to let her be, and the reaction of the inmate was always most instructive.This one stayed mostly silent through a full five minutes. Mostly; she heard his heavy breathing, the odd little nicker, an occasional horsey noise as he shuffled his hooves as much as the restraints allowed. No words though; maybe he had some sense after all.

She looked up suddenly.

"So...Prisoner 1147...Mitchell, S?"

It took him a moment to realise she was talking to him, and his eyes went wide and he stammered.


"Enough. Yes or no will suffice, the only other word I want to hear from you is 'ma'am', do I make myself clear?"


The guard bull to his left applied a truncheon to a sensitive set of young stallion ribs. He remembered a fraction too late.


"Good. So...age nineteen, first arrest age thirteen....tut tut colt...shoplifting, car theft, driving while disqualified, drugs, burglary...quite the rap sheet. You should be in Barwon or St Albans with this record, holed up with hardened criminals. Instead we decided to give you a break, Mitchell. The Reform Institute selects its inmates carefully, and you are perfect..."

The stallion wanted to say something, anything, but he held his tongue for now. The mare smiled indulgently at him.

"Good boy. You are wondering why you are here? Well, I shall tell you. Society has been struggling for some time with how to deal with youth crime. The temptation is to lock young idiots like you up and throw away the key. Unfortunately, sending you to a secure facility with hardened criminals merely teaches you lot skills you find useful on release. Reoffending rates are skyrocketing, and society demands answers."

"We here at the institute developed a program for young male offenders designed to rectify that. You will be locked up, not with hardened older crims, but with your fellow youngsters, still to make that step from petty to serious crime. And you will also be subject to...some unusual treatments."

The stallion swallowed. There had been rumours, whispered in hushed tones amongst the guys he associated with. Nobody believed them really; but now, he broke out in a cold sweat as some of the more outlandish stories began circulating in his head.

The mare watched him with satisfaction, the way he swallowed in a mouth suddenly dry. She knew the rumours; after all, she had started some of them herself. All part of the plan, of course...

Ahhh little colt, if only you knew the half of it...

" is time for your first treatment young stallion."

She nodded to the guards. They liked this part.

"Hey! Wait! You can't...ooof!"

The stallion tried to complain, but there was no sympathy for his plight. The bulls suddenly went to work, pulling the stallion to the floor. He struggled a little, but only briefly, once a guard had applied a truncheon to his stomach. He was too busy gasping for breath.They undid his restraints, which was at least something. But next they did something that terrified the poor teenage stallion. Rough hands efficiently stripped him of his prison issue clothes, jeans, shirt, boxers. He was naked, and humiliated, all the while under the smiling gaze of the warden mare.

She slipped out from behind her desk and trotted to a doorway in the left wall. The guards pulled the stallion to his hooves and followed. The young inmate was now beyond terrified, and his eyes rolled wildly as he was dragged towards the doorway and an uncertain fate.

"I do so hope you will be cooperative prisoner...."

Of course she didn't. That would be no fun at all.

In the adjoining room he found himself confronted by what looked like an oversized dentist's chair. It's true purpose could only be guessed at for now, and he didn't really want to, but it appeared he would learn the truth soon enough. He was manhandled over to the seat, then thrown down on the smooth leather, his naked rump sliding on the covering as he fought against his captors. It was all futile though, and he found himself pinned and helpless in no time.In the rush of adrenaline, he hadn't registered the strange metal attachments raised above the end of the chair.

He knew their purpose now though, as he found his fetlocks suddenly fastened to raised stirrups by sturdy manacles. While two bulls handled his legs, one was dealing with his arms, and he grunted helplessly as his wrists were chained behind the backrest. When they stood back he was firmly held against the infernal chair, covered in a sheen of sweat, and with the unpleasant sensation of cool air invading his ass crack. With his legs up and out, he was uncomfortably exposed, he realised, and the bulls seemed to be admiring his crack and his anxious little rosebud, now clenching in anticipation of God knew what horrors.

The mare stroked his mane, and he looked up at her, terror in every line of his body. She knew the signs, and approved. This one was well on his way already. Still, she had to keep up the game.

"Now young stallion, listen well. You will receive the treatment once a week, at least, while you remain here. How severe the treatment is, and how long it lasts, depends on how cooperative you are and how well you behave in your daily routine here at the Institute."

"'am! I will be good!"

She stroked his chin lovingly, and then patted his head.

Ahh, they were so cute when they begged...

"I know you will Mitchell...I know..."

His eyes widened into saucers as he watched the mare pull a latex glove onto her left hand. He tried not to cry out when he saw her lift a large tube of lubricant to her gloved hand, squeezing out a nice dollop of clear liquid and smearing it across her fingers. She whistled a little tune as she worked, pleased with her efforts. The teenage hood under her squirmed and shook like a leaf, and that was just how she liked them. Especially their first time...

"Now Mitchell, I am going to stroke your little prostate...try to relax..."

"No! Wait!

He felt the slick kiss of fingers on his virgin tailhole. The warden pressed, teasing a little, waiting for his pucker to loosen up. He clamped as tight as he could, but the pressure built and suddenly he felt his ring split wide open as two long fingers invaded his anus.


"Stop struggling prisoner. It will make it worse for you..."

"Oh God...please...stop..."


She stroked his mane with her other hand, soothing the lost stud, but it didn't stop her in her journey up his resisting rectum. She spread her fingers wider, drawing a gasp and making him twitch in the restraints, then she touched the right spot and he gasped.


"There we are. This is your prostate Mitchell. Every time you have your treatment, this is what we will do. Your delightful little tailhole here is going to be spread wide and fingered, right over this spot. I see you have dropped nicely, that's a good colt. Then I am going to take my other hand and do this..."


She gripped his swelling member with delight. A nice length, impressive thickness, a stallion cock to be proud of. The spreading flare looked so inviting, and she stroked it playfully while she pressed against his prostate. The stallion bucked and writhed, and his tip spat a dollop of precum.

" unpleasant this is depends on you. When you come for treatment, I expect you not to fight, not to resist, and to strip on command. If you do, I will only keep you here an hour and not treat you roughly."

"Oh close..."

The stallion registered the words but barely understood them. All he could think of was the feeling in his balls, the impending release of a mountain of colt cum. He hadn't jerked in a while, and he needed to do it at least once a day usually to stay sane. His balls churned, and he felt them draw up tight ready to shoot. As humiliating as it was to be handled this way, he was beginning to get used to it...and it had it's attractions.

Unpleasant? What the fuck did the stupid mare mean about...

Then the feelings stopped. The warden stopped stroking his nut, and let go of his cock. The orgasm died, and his balls ached fit to burst.

"No! Please, let me cum....fuck you bitch, don't stop! AGHHHH!"

One dainty hand gripped his scrotum and squeezed, hard enough to make the stallion see stars. He tried to break his bonds, straining every muscle, then fell panting against the seat, defeated, agonised, and yet horny beyond all reason.

"That is for calling me that name stud. For that you get two hours this time."

He heard the bulls chuckling, and realised too late what he was in for. The soft warm hand gripped his cock again, wilted but still dropped, the long cylinder of pink and black mottled flesh lolling against his belly. Her hand felt so good, gripping him just under the flare, teasing, stroking, and he arched his back feeling the good sensations start to build again.

The mare whispered in his ear.

"Feel good stud? Your tight little tailhole feels like it's enjoying the ride. You are lucky stud...if you were in St Albans, some big muscled guy would already have found this little gift and plundered."

He struggled then, listening to her words. It was his secret fear too, when he was being sentenced. Lost, alone, frightened...

"Yes, you know it too don't you little colt? One day, alone in the laundry...suddenly you see some big guy, maybe a wolf, ex-biker, and a couple of his try to run but they surround you, and suddenly you are bent over a table and one of them shoves his fingers under your tail like this...but a lot less gentle, and you struggle and scream for help even as your cock drops to the floor. Compared to them I am like a gentle lover with your tailhole colt...can't you feel it?"

"Oh God...close...please...."

"And you will learn little colt, or you will stay here..."

"Oh God...please!"

His balls clenched, his cock gave a jerk, and he lay his head back to scream out a whinny of release...but it became a whinny of horror and frustration instead, as once again the beautiful sensations stopped, and he was left agonised on the brink, his cock drooling precum onto his belly fur instead.

He looked at the warden now, suddenly realising his fate.

"Two hours stud..."

He rocked his head from side to side as she stroked his aching balls. Just fingertips, lovingly caressing the taut flesh of his scrotum, while the maddening fingers in his ass danced across his swollen nut.


She bent forward to kiss his chest. Lips sucked a nipple, now swollen and pink. Then she rubbed a fingertip over the nub, drawing fresh whinnies and pressed her muzzle to his ear again.

"We are going to have so much fun with you inside stallion...just you wait. And if you come back here stud, after get this every day..."

His scream was music to her ears.


She sat at her desk again, whistling a little tune. The young stallion had left, and very sorry for himself he was too. Especially when the second part of his treatment became apparent. She had to laugh at the memory of his expression as they fitted the harness to him. She had kept him on edge perfectly for the two hours, savouring his tailhole, his cock, his balls, his nipples, his chest. She found he was especially sensitive on his flanks and on his belly. She had filed that for future reference. She might have to delegate duties to another woman at some stage and it would be good for them to know how to keep this young punk as distracted as possible. She liked doing them herself as much as she could, but logistics made that impractical, and she found plenty of volunteers in the corrective services to do the job.

She had one in mind for this stallion in fact. A lioness, with broad shoulders and a big ass and wicked smile who liked to treat the youngsters rough. She was an expert at using her claws, just enough to mix pain and pleasure, on a testicle, or a cocktip, or sounding some poor studs piss slit. She loved piercing a nipple on the especially difficult ones, suckling their bloody raw nips and then teasing with her incisors. The mare loved watching that; her closed circuit TV system provided a steady serve of hot vision for her entertainment.

Yes...that stallion may need some time with the lioness next...

A knock on the door interrupted her reverie. She looked at the clock. Time for the next one.


She smiled as she watched the little group enter. The contrast to the stallion would be delicious.This time the guards accompanied an experienced prisoner. The bulky wolf always made her feel warm, ever since he first came in a year ago. Now turned twenty, he had spent plenty of time in the gym at the institute, and his muscles bulged under his coat. He was one seriously ripped stud, but from his body language you would never have known it. His ears were flat, tail down, and his eyes hugged the floor. The bulls hadn't even applied restraints.

" good to see you again..."

"Yes ma'am..."

"And it's the end of the month too..."

She saw the wolf swallow. He nodded his head and looked at her, a little pleadingly, a little lost.

Tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

"Y...yes ma'am..."

"So Tony...I see you have been a good pup. Do you want your reward?"

She watched the war inside him. He screwed up his eyes tight, not wanting to say the words, and a tear now dripped down his cheek. His nose twitched, and she could see him trembling all over. The words came out in a whisper.


"Excellent...well, let's do it then shall we?"

She remembered how much he fought her at the start. She had thought he would never relent, and she had gone three hours on him one time, using the biggest dildo she had and the electrodes on his nipples and the tip of his cock in a mixture of anger and frustration. He had bent to her will eventually though, and now he was a model prisoner, and she had reason to believe, would be a model citizen once released. Their recidivism rates were incredibly low, a credit to the program, and she knew it was cases like Tony that sealed the deal with the government. And helped them look the other way at her methods...

The young wolf stud was fastened into the chair. His tail swished nervously, trying to cover up his pink tailhole, already clenching and opening. He knew it was futile, but his body rebelled anyway. As the mare reached into the cupboard and pulled out the dildo though, he couldn't avoid a little whimper.

"There there pup. You have earned some release...don't fight it."

The last act before he was laid down on the infernal seat had at least drawn a sigh of relief. One guard bull had carefully removed the harness, freeing the inmate's genitals. The wolf had stripped happily, as he had been trained to do, but he could not remove the harness, of course, and he had to wait for the bull to help him. The guard had unlocked the clasps with his special key, and then loosened the straps. First the ones that went around the wolf's waist and locked at the base of his tail, then down to the cage locked over his sheath. Finally, they released the tight strap gripping his scrotum.

With the apparatus removed, Tony could become erect, as he did almost instantly. He had been conditioned over the year to do it, whatever his mind thought, his body responded to the absence of the terrible tight binding on his genitals. Now, instead of being only able to peek out of his sheath enough to pee, his red raw cock could expand to full massive erection, throbbing needily against his belly.

The mare nodded in approval at his erect state. She always loved that moment, when one of her studs was freed of his cock cage and harness, his youthful genitals now aching for touch and the longed for release. The young stallion would be just learning his true fate back in his cell, she thought with satisfaction. His first night caged, after two hours teasing on the brink. His balls would be on fire. She had enjoyed watching his pained expression as she squeezed his cock just behind the flare, making him soften and shrivel, then fitted the cock cage and harness to the helpless stud. He tried to harden, his cute cock pressed against the bars of the cock cage, begging for release, still dripping clear precum, and he broke. He fell at her hooves and sobbed, kissing her fetlocks and pleading.

That never failed to make her wet. She was dripping already thanks to the colt as she watched them strap the wolf stud to the chair. Different....she stroked his body leisurely, feeling him react with pleasure and disquiet. Different, and yet similar. Muscles bunched and tight, the stench of need and fear and sweat, musk and the tang of young stud leaking and unsatisfied. The scent of full aching balls always tasted so fine.

This one was thicker and shorter than the equine, but he had such a beautiful knot. She took her time stroking him, before finally rewarding herself with a first glimpse, peeling back his sheath to reveal the red bulb of flesh.

"Hmmm...a bit needy are we Tony? A month since you came...three weekly treatments in between. How many times did you think of sex...I wonder..."

She really didn't need to wonder too much. That was another aspect of the treatment; each inmates cell had a screen, carefully protected behind Perspex. Every night after lights out, each inmate would get beamed right to his cell, a smorgasbord of porn designed based on his personal preferences. The poor lost caged studs would rock back and forward clutching their aching balls while tearing at their cages trying to release a cock burning for attention while their cell filled with the sights and sounds of fucking. Or sometimes, she would send them vision of their treatments, their pleading, begging, cries for mercy.

It seemed cruel, she knew, but sometimes you needed to be cruel to be kind. Just as she would be with the wolf before her.She felt his anus begin to twitch. That was always a sign with Tony, she knew, and with a sigh she stopped stroking his knot and ignored his whimper. His whimpering became louder as she reached for the dildo, but that was to be expected. She had selected an equine model, and reflected with approval how much it looked like the stallion earlier. Tony should love this.

"Now relax have done well, so enjoy your reward..."

The lubricated dildo spread his anus easily, though the wolf still grunted and squealed a little. She eased it into him, a little deeper, a little deeper, then hit the spot. She had felt for his prostate already, the nut so big and swollen, like an apricot. It shouldn't take long.She began thrusting, harder, deeper, as the wolf struggled and groaned and cried out and his cock throbbed and the piss slit opened wide and his eyes rolled in his head and suddenly he let out a wild howl.

He shot for a good minute, emptying his balls all over his chest, his belly, his muzzle. When it was done she patted his head as he lay exhausted and panting in the restraints.

"Good boy. But I think you have at least one more in those balls don't you..."

He was too well trained now to complain as she gripped his cock and stroked. The dildo teased his opening, the lips red and sore, then plunged. He bit his lip but cried out anyway...then the sighs and moans took over.


She was enjoying a small whisky when the final knock of the day came. The summons had sounded casual but her guard knew it required instant obedience, and in any case, such summonses were always a pleasure to obey.

The lioness in the blue uniform stood at attention before her warden. She knew the signs; the whisky, the slight glaze on her boss' eyes, not to mention the scent of mare in heat. She allowed herself a small feline grin, showing off incisors that gleamed.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Marion."

"No trouble at all ma'am."

"We have a new inmate...I fear he may be a handful..."

The lioness smirked knowingly, her tail poised in mid swish. The mare handed her guard a folder, and turned her laptop screen to the feline.

"Quite a delicious handful..."

Marion watched with a twinkle in her eye as the stallion got his first fondling. His rump looked incredible, two mounds of muscle spread wide like a peach, the tailhole fat and crinkled, the testicles two plump round perfect delights and that cock...

"Can I break him a little?"

"Only a little my dear."

"Oh...that's all I will need..."

With a roar the lioness knelt at the warden's hooves. Paws slid up thighs, testing the waters. Slick heat greeted her advance, and a knowing grin and a twinkle as the mare sipped her whisky. The mare lifted her shapely legs, crossing them on the desk, her thighs spread, glistening sex displayed invitingly for her favourite lover.

"You are such a dedicated servant of the people Marion."

"You too my love."

The mare's whinnies were demure, as was appropriate. After all, her orgasm belonged to the people. And to another...

As a rough lioness tongue lapped at her swollen clit, she let out a deep sigh and looked to a small framed picture on her desk. A colt, looking awkward and aloof as they all did at that age. Her she remembered him before the drugs took hold and he ended up in a shootout with a liquor store attendant.

Aching from his loss, and determined to learn from it, she had formulated the Program employed by the Institute. A new approach...and she won approval for her means by a mixture of cajoling and emotional blackmail. Means and ends...means and ends...

She would make sure none of her boys ended up like that now. And if it meant tormenting them beyond reason, that was how it would be. Her pleasure was incidental...though not inconsequential.

One more lick...


She always thought of him when she came. It seemed fitting.


I had noticed them the first day they came; it was impossible not to really. They had a clapped out Volkswagen Kombi camper painted bright pink that coughed and spluttered its way into the parking lot by the beach, before expiring in a cloud of smoke...

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Lost and Found

I remembered the feel of the breeze on my muzzle. That and the sound of the ocean. The waves roared as the onshore wind built and the breakers sounded like the freeway in peak hour, with the occasional cry of a gull like a horn blaring. It was...

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The Bear Necessities

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