
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Life is full of surprises, good and bad. One adventurous colt finds some of both, at the tender mercies of a lioness and a mare. Is he ready for the consequences though?


One I had plugged for the I like to Watch series, but Im keeping it on its own for now. Hope you enjoy. Oh, and this one is f/f and m/f/f so you have been warned.

I had noticed them the first day they came; it was impossible not to really. They had a clapped out Volkswagen Kombi camper painted bright pink that coughed and spluttered its way into the parking lot by the beach, before expiring in a cloud of smoke with a last painful backfire. It seemed to draw breath then, and I turned back to watch the waves and shrugged my shoulders.

I had seen plenty worse over the years. When you lived in a beachside town like this, Summer brought its regular crowd of sun seekers along with the flies, often backpackers in fairly unimpressive transport that expired in the heat. The tow truck was a permanent fixture in town over Summer dealing with the many cries for help.

Still, this one was not your average bunch of tourists it seemed. I heard the rumble of metal as the side door opened reluctantly, then a musical laugh that made my head turn instinctively. There were two girls standing on the hot and tacky ashphalt, lifting their legs alternately to try to keep their poor paws and hooves from the heat as they searched in the back of the camper for their flip flops. One mare, one lioness, both gorgeous.

As only a teenage guy can, I affected bored nonchalance as I scoped them out. Ok, so I perved massively, especially when the mare bent over and I got a view of the perfect mounds of her ass framed in denim shorts. A Palomino with a cute white tail tied with ribbons and a mane of pure gold, she was incredible. The lioness wasn't half bad either, with dark brooding eyes that never seemed to leave the mare.

The two girls finally got their shit into gear and headed in my direction. I prayed to whatever God is the patron deity of horny teenage guys, and it must have worked as they plopped down on the sand next to me and looked out to sea.

I used the cover of my dark sunnies to check them out a bit more. The mare was closest, with the lioness on the far side of her. They were looking out at the breakers, and for now I could perve undisturbed.

Not for long though...

"What's it like out there?"

The mare had noticed me, but thankfully not noticed me noticing her. She gave me a winning smile with plenty of teeth and big blue eyes. The lioness scowled at me instead, and I felt a little tingle in my mane that always comes when a predator looks at me. The mare seemed to notice me getting squeamish, because she gave her friend a little eye roll and returned her thousand watt smile on me. I took a moment to remember the question, which made the lioness finally burst out laughing and made me blush under my coat and mumble.

"Ahhh...bit cold today, and the shore break is shit, and the seaweed is coming in..."

The mare made a sad face, and the lioness looked pleased. She settled on her towel, seemingly determined to stay there, but the mare was made of sterner stuff. She stood up, gave me a wink, and dropped her shorts to the sand.

I was too entranced to not gape. Under the denim she was wearing a tiny red bikini bottom. As I watched, she lost the t-shirt as well, revealing a matching bikini top. Her ample breasts were bursting out of the skimpy fabric, and I swallowed hard and covered my groin to hide a growing erection and watched her ass bounce all the way down to the water.

Remembering I had company still, I turned to glance at the lioness guiltily. It was then that I had the first inkling of what I was up against. Her eyes were watching as fervently as mine, at exactly the same view. And her head went up and down in time to the oscillations of that magnificent mare ass.

"Close your muzzle horsey boy or your drool will drown us both..."

I caught a feral grin and shiny lion teeth, and I turned away mortified. The mare had reached the water now, her hooves churning through the shallows. She let out little squeals at the cold water, but kept on anyway I noticed. When the water was up to her waist she suddenly bobbed a couple of times, gripped her nose, and disappeared beneath the waves.

She came up spluttering and shivering, but she turned and gave us both a triumphant grin and a wave. The only response from my beach companion was a grunt, so I decided to be the sun to her rain cloud. I gave a big thumbs up and a whinny, which got a responding whinny from the water. The herd had spoken, and nothing ole catfeatures could do about it.

Another grunt from the peanut gallery.

Determined to be a bit of a cunt, I trotted to the water, ignoring the fact it was kind of freezing, and waded into the water. It felt better all the way in, I knew, so I dived under the water, surfacing next to the mare and splashing her playfully while she squealed.

"Your friend doesn't like me."

"You are a guy, it's nothing personal."

So I guess I knew. I blushed again, and she patted my mane, and I blushed more.

"Sorry hon..."

"Fine, let me race you to the pier and back at least? If I can't flirt, I can at least show off my muscles..."

"You're on!"

I set my head into the water and went for it, ignoring the burn in my lungs and the way my ears filled with sea water. It took me until I reached the pier and turned round to realise I was in a race by myself, the mare stopped fifty yards away, but watching me with a soft smile. I realised too that I had collected some seaweed in my journey, and pulled it out of my mane just about the time the mare joined me by the pier.

"Well, you did warn me..." she slipped an arm round my midriff. It felt warm, so beautifully warm.

"Yeah...I'm a real gentlecolt..."

My hooves thrashed and I headed back to shore. The lioness was trying to ignore me, reading a book, but I caught her occasional looks and they were not friendly, nor predatory. More the look of someone spying a turd on their towel after a swim. I pulled my towel round my shivering form and tried to dry off. At least I had a sandwich in my bag, and I munched on it and tried not to shake so hard my teeth chattered.

The mare came back on shore, shaking herself on the sand to remove as much water as possible, her mane and tail flicking in a mesmerising sine wave before she lay on her towel. She seemed content though, and didn't dry off, letting the sun dry her coat. I caught sight of her nipples, erect, and swallowed. They looked like two thumbs sticking from her breasts trying to burst through the red fabric...

"Stop staring coltykins or I will bite your head off, and not the one you are currently thinking with..."

That got a whinny, and I realised I needed to head to the bathroom urgently.

When I came back, my companions were arguing. It was conducted in whispers, but obvious all the same. When I arrived, the lioness stood and stormed off, steam coming from her ears. She headed towards the Kombi, and the mare watched her go with red eyes. I felt like such a shit.

"Um...sorry...really, I'm sorry..."

"It wasn't you horse, not really. Just...just something we seem unable to stop fighting about is all..."

"Is there anything I can do?"

She turned to me at last, and the smile was back. She ruffled my mane, which made me scowl a bit, because it reminded me of my mother, but I didn't say anything. That touch felt so good...

"No colt, but it's nice of you to offer..."

"We have a problem."

We both turned to see the lioness. She had returned, and her expression was even more like a slapped arse than before. She bared her fangs and rolled her eyes.

"That useless pile of shit you call a car has died."

We both trotted after her, the mare now troubled, and watched the lioness give the offending vehicle a kick in the tyre. She then swore eloquently, and I filed a couple of her curses for future reference. My best mate loved a good swear.

"What the fuck are we going to do Natalie?"

"How the fuck should I know Sal..."

I probably should have played it safe and told them to call the RACV. But something had clicked inside me, pride, I don't know. I wanted to show them both, but mainly I wanted to be useful for someone. The stupidity of youth I guess, but it is what it is.

"Um...I can probably fix it."

Both girls looked at me, the mare neutral, the lioness openly sceptical.


"My dad...he's a mechanic. He fixes shit, and he taught me..."

"Really..." the sarcasm meter buried the needle, and I swallowed and looked her in the eye. She may think all sorts of things of me, but I wasn't browbeaten that easily, even by an angry sexy lioness.

"Fucking really. Or would you rather get it towed and wait a week for someone to look at it..."

She held up her paws in surrender, and I breathed a sigh inside. Not without a little fear though; now I had to deliver.

In the end it was me and the mare who pushed the battered van to my house, with the lioness driving, the Kombi fitting nicely on the grass beside the cottage. If worst came to worst I could let them stay here, and get onto the garage in the morning. But I wasn't going to be beaten by a Volkswagen.

First though I remembered my manners, and I went inside returning with some beers. The lioness gave me the first smile she had all day, and saluted me with the bottle.

"You aren't bad after all colt...I'm Sally, and the mare you have been ogling all afternoon is Natalie."

"I'm...err...Patrick." Introductions made, I found myself suddenly embarrassed again. I took refuge in action, pulling open the hatch and peering inside. This was not going to be easy.

Thank fuck for the internet. I had access to a complete Volkswagen technical manual, and a lot of help. And dad's tools were mostly where I knew how to find them, though I was pretty sure I might struggle to put them back the same.

Eventually, the culprit was found; a tube in the injection system had come loose. All that backfiring had probably knocked it off over time. After a check and a clean of the sparkplugs I pulled down the hatch and smiled.

"Give it a whirl..."

The lioness gunned the engine, and it spluttered into life. I was rewarded with a hug and a kiss on my neck from the mare. I felt warm all over.

"My hero..."

The lioness cut the engine, and finished off her beer.

"Well, guess we should be getting going..."

I managed to look sad, but in an entirely macho way. It worked, though it made the mare laugh like a hyena.

"Awww we have to go..."

"You could camp here for the night. I could run a lead from the house to the camper, and cook you some grub. I'm good with a BBQ, really..."

Not taking no for an answer, I headed inside before the lioness could say no, and pulled out an extension lead. There appeared to have been another abortive argument, but it ceased when I came out. Maybe I looked so hopeful, or maybe Sally just gave in. She shrugged her shoulders and opened the side door of the Kombi. I must admit I gave a little victory dance, which the mare noticed and seemed to enjoy, her blue eyes sparkling. She tilted her beer to me, and I felt the heat again, right through me to my mane and tail. And my hooves...

"Ahh...burgers ok?"

I managed to get the BBQ going, and pulled everything I had from the fridge. They watched me work, and I felt the heat of the mare's eyes on me as I slapped a heap of vege burgers on the grill and started. The lioness scowled again, and I poked out my tongue, secure for now in her friend's approval.

"Sorry...hope you like vegetarian, but we are an all herbivore household."

"Fine. The things I do for horses..."

The mare looked at her lovingly, and they kissed. Right there, in front of me, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I watched, touched and also tormented. I was horny as fuck, and disappointed as hell. The lioness, unexpectedly, took pity.

"Natalie, you are embarrassing the poor colt...

"No, it's ok, really, I are both really nice, and all..."

"Yeah, I'm a shit little colt, don't lie."

At least she said it with a smile, and I got her a fresh beer to show there were no hard feelings.

The night passed under the stars. I pulled three seats out under the sky, and we drank and talked. They had been together since first year university, and now both were graduating. Sally had a job lined up, Natalie seemed uncertain what to do. There was some undercurrent there, and the lioness shut the conversation down. Then their gaze turned on me, and it was my turn to squirm.

"So tell us about you colt." The lioness seemed the natural leader, and she would do the interrogation.

"Nothing to tell really..."

"You live in a seaside holiday town, your dad is a mechanic, and neither of your parents seem home tonight. You can swim, fix a VW Kombi, and cook really bad vegeburgers..."


"Yes, that was what they tasted like. So, over to you..."

"I'm nothing special..." I managed to mumble, hoping for the response I got. The mare wrapped me in her arms with an awwwww, and I felt all warm and gooey. I managed to deflect most of the questions then, especially when they turned to the question of my parents. The two girls began recounting their exploits instead. They were from Sydney, and travelling round the country. They intended to go right round Australia before they were done, Kombi and God willing.

When they stopped talking and started kissing in earnest I excused myself and headed for bed. Trying not to think about what was going on outside, I slammed my head into the pillow and let the beer take me to the land of nod, cursing the ways God was a rotten bastard. At least I could pride myself on being a gentlecolt I guessed.


When I woke my bedclothes were on the floor, the night air was ruffling my mane, and I had a hummer fit to break my shorts. I was about to head into the kitchen to get a midnight snack when I heard the noises.

They were coming through the window, but muffled. Cries, moans, loud then soft then loud. I tried to pull the pillow over my head but it just made me feel claustrophobic. Instead I threw the offending thing against the wall and cursed.

Then an idea came, one that owed most of it's power to horniness, stupidity, and booze.

Trotting outside as quietly as a slightly tipsy teenage stallion can, I looked round the corner of the cottage at the Kombi. The light was on inside, the back window slightly ajar, and the occupants were inside it seemed. And the noises were coming even louder.

I should have gone back inside I knew, but common sense is for the weak. Instead I felt myself pulled, as if by an invisible hand gripping my cock, which was now poking from the waistband of my boxers. Closer and closer to the promised land...

At last I stood by the open window, and peeked inside.

The mare was laid on her back, head on her side, legs spread. The lioness was kneeling between them, licking away at the reddest wettest pussy I had ever seen. The moans and whinnies echoed around the Kombi, getting louder as Sal gave her lover a kiss on the nipples, then peeled back the hood of her clit, and bent again to her task.


Her moan sounded like honey, dripping on my cock. I bit my lip, watching the erotic reality of two girls who actually loved each other showing it with their bodies. I had watched lesbian porn, of course, but it never looked like this. Or sounded like this. They sounded...

"Ohhhh yesssssssss..."

They sounded so hot.

Then the lioness did something that made my eyes pop out on stalks. She reached beside their makeshift bed, pulling out a sort of harness thing. And attached to that harness was a dildo; an obviously large, equine one.

"Imagine it is that little colt if you like Nat..."

"Oh God..."

My cock shot to full mast then beyond. I realised I was holding my cock, dripping, aching, and my boxers were around my ankles. I didn't care. I needed this, even though I knew it was wrong. I watched the lioness carefully put on the harness, the long flexible stallion cock now shining and dangling from her groin. She knelt between the mare's legs again, kissing her lover with heat as her tail swished rapidly side to side, and then I got to see the long slow entry as she mounted the mare with her strap-on.

" good..."

I had to agree. It was incredible, hearing the wet sounds as the lioness started to slowly fuck her love. A pair of hands appeared, the mare's, and she raked her fingerhooves down Sal's back, rasping through the tight lion coat as Nat began to buck her hips in wild heat.

Then I realised a pair of eyes were looking right at me. The glint of pure blue, and a twinkle, and the mare winked at me. I cursed, and tried to run, but the boxers around my ankles made that kind of difficult, and instead I fell head first into the grass with a wild terrified whinny and smacked my knee into the turf hard enough to see stars.

Before I could recover I heard the sound of the Kombi door sliding open. A paw gripped my mane, and I found I had no choice but to go where that paw led. Into the Kombi...and then the door shut with a slam.


"Owww! Please...I'm sorry!"



I felt a rough paw on my exposed testicles, gripping, squeezing. My eyes went wide in terror, as I watched the twinkle in a pair of enraged lioness eyes. I knew predators shouldn't be trusted.

"Stop it Sal. Really...he meant no harm..."

"Oh really?" I got another squeeze, and I whimpered, feeling claws digging into most sensitive flesh. I was too terrified to move though, for now, and waited for my fate.


"He has a crush on you."

"I like him Sal, you know I do..."

I got an extra squeeze then and made a face at the mare. Though my heart sang, it was not good for my testicles.

"I know you do my love..."

"And...well, he would be perfect..."

My ears perked up now, and I watched the two of them exchange significant looks.

"You can't mean..."

"Think about it. He's tall, strong, handsome. Just look at that big Fresian body and the cute feathering and the dark coat...come on Sally, you yourself talked about his qualities..."

"He is also a perve who like spying on women having sex!"

"Well, I bet we look pretty hot to a teenage colt...don't we Patrick..."

I felt a new touch now, a gentle loving touch from a mare stroking my flare. I let out a whinny then, staring from one to the other wondering which was good cop and which bad. Both were definitely sexy cop.

"It solves the problem Sally. Admit it."

I held up one hand and tried to sound apologetic.

"Ahhh...what problem?"

The lioness gave me a grimace.

"My beautiful mare needs herself a stallion...and it looks like you might be the one little colt. Are you up for that?"

Well, when she put it like that...


A feline muzzle nuzzled up to my ear. My cock threatened to burst just from the anticipation.

"There will be a price little colt...I want something in return."

Then I felt a paw trace the crevice of my ass, and a claw touched my tailhole. I almost shot to my hooves, hitting my head on the roof of the Kombi.

"Sal, you can't!"

"That's the deal. What's it going to be colt?"

The mare pulled me into her arms, away from the attentions of the evil lioness for now. I felt heat all over, especially in my groin, and I knew I would pay the price if it came to it. I had waited too long for this.

My cock slid over her coat, so close to her slick sex. I could almost taste it...

Then I felt hands on my head, pushing gently, and I took the cue. Licking down her belly, I reached her pussy, and began lapping eagerly at her clit.


The mare looked quizzical, as I lifted my muzzle dripping in her excitement.

"Take it easy Patrick. Surely you know how to go down on a girl better than that?"

I tried to hide it, but the reality was all over my muzzle it seemed. A gasp from the lioness showed she got it too.

"Oh no! A virgin?!"

I lay on her chest, waiting to be sent away. The mare stroked my mane, and the lioness stroked my ass. It was strangely comforting, and erotic.

"Well, I guess I had better show you..."

"I thought you needed a stallion."

"I do. And you are perfect beautiful stud. Come do your duty."

I knew I would charge Hell itself for her after that. And with her gentle guidance, and some coaching from an amused lioness, I went to work on her pussy, first licking the outer lips, then sliding fingers in shallow and gentle, before finally lapping at her exposed clit. The lioness played with my balls, just barely touching the underside, and I felt orgasm so near but managed to hold off as I went down on the mare until she suddenly came and pushed my muzzle hard against her and I got a lungfull and a muzzlefull of mare in heat.

She pulled me up by the mane until I was over her, and then gripped my cock and placed the flare at her entrance.

"Now take me stud."

Her lover lay beside us now, watching it all, and I saw her gaze on my cock never flinch even as I slid into the first woman of my life. The feeling was indescribable, warm, wet, tight, and I slid in to the hilt with a long satisfied whinny and lay on her.

"Lean back colt...on your knees..."

The lioness seemed to have elected herself as choreographer of our lovemaking, but I wasn't about to say no. I did what she asked, kneeling before the mare, with her legs over my thighs and her hooves locked behind my rump.

"Now...long and slow..."

I used the roof to balance myself, reaching up to grip the metal and rocking my hips back and forward, back and forward. The two girls were kissing now, hunger and passion in their motions, and cries and moans and the sound of real sex...

"Ugh...ugh...ugh..." fuck I was close. Oh God...

"Stop moving!"

I obeyed, whimpering a little. The lioness watched me thorough angry eyes, her paw tickling down the mares belly to touch my cock.

"If you cum too fast, I will slice this open like a bratwurst...damn, I could go a real sausage right now..."

"No! Please...I'll...ahhhhhhh"

I felt the incredible honey sweet feeling as it built just out of reach, and I tried not to move as the two girls made love. The lioness stroked her lover's clit, and the mare moved her body to the rhythm of their love, and in so doing also rubber her pussy along my cock. I was in agony holding back, my eyes closed in pain as my balls churned.


Then I felt it. The mare's sex all round me, pulsing, squeezing, as she came, and I couldn't hold it. I let out a wild whinny and my tail flagged and I collapsed onto her chest as the world swam and dissolved and shot out my cock. When I came down from the greatest high of my life, I was being kissed by the mare, and the lioness was stroking my ass.

"Bloody teenage guys...useless..."

"I don't know Sally. He is plenty useful if you ask me..."

That got a grunt from the lioness, and then a touch on my crevice. I screwed my eyes shut again, waiting for the worst.

"Time for my fun then."

The mare held me, her muzzle on mine, eyes staring into mine too. I watched the deep blue twinkle as she contemplated my deflowering. Her lover moved behind me, and I felt rough claws on my rump.

"Let's see what we have here..."


Cold air assaulted my tailhole, as the lioness pulled my cheeks roughly apart. The mare seemed to be assisting, and I felt her legs hooked inside mine, fetlocks to fetlocks, as she pressed outwards spreading my thighs and by extension my ass. I was open for her lover to take, still buried in her pussy. My cock tingled, still achingly hard, bathing in the heat of a mare pussy filled with my first load as a stallion.

The touch of the dildo caused me to lose my composure a bit. I flinched, and closed my eyes.

"Look at me Patrick."

I obeyed. She was smiling, at me, for me, eyes wide in wonder.


Oh god it hurt. It felt so...funky, being filled like that. Thick, hard, cold, slimy, the dildo invaded my asshole and kept on going. I panted, trying to breathe, and the mare kissed me and it felt better even as the medial spread my tailhole painfully and I nickered in pain but gritted my teeth and took it.

The kiss of skin on skin told me it was all in, and the lioness rested hilted inside me for a moment, thankfully letting me get used to being fucked in the ass for the first time in my life.

"Two cherries in one day stud...not bad..."

We all laughed a bit, but then the lioness pulled back and I was too busy grunting. Her thrusts were careful though, and gentle enough, and though it didn't feel good, it didn't hurt so much now.

The mare held me then, kissing, as my cock returned to full hardness inside her. It tingled but didn't burn, a bit like my tailhole. I knew I wouldn't cum just yet, and the mare seemed to enjoy the feeling, and possibly the sight of me being pegged by her lover. Her muzzle rubbed over mine and then we were kissing, and the kiss went on as the lioness plowed my tailhole.

The pace quickened, and then the lioness moved over me, her breasts on my back and her hips at a new angle. On the next thrust, something happened, and I cried out, breaking the kiss, my head beside the mare's panting in surprise as a heat like nothing I had felt spread through my ass and right to my groin.

"Got him...lucky colt..."


"Just relax and enjoy."

I tried. And the lioness wasn't holding back, now riding my ass wildly as she fucked into me with passion. I heard her meowling now, and purring, as I rested on the mare, my head beside hers. Then the purring was in my body, transmitted through the cat over me, and the two girls were kissing as they fucked, with the aid of a stallion between them. It was beautiful, if a little painful, and yet the sensation in my ass built and I no longer cared about anything. With a final thrust by the lioness I screamed, and lost it, my orgasm going on and on, like none I had ever had, a gentle long slow emptying rather than a wild shooting. I felt the mare under me respond, her own cries and whinnies matching mine, and the lioness bit my shoulder and I didn't care even though I could feel blood trickling down my coat.

We lay together, exhausted and for the moment not needing to speak. The two girls kissed, then kissed me, one on each cheek, a hand on my cock, a paw on my scrotum, and we just lay there. Need and hunger drew us together one more time though, and I lay back under the lioness' watchful eye as the mare mounted my cock, straddling me with her hands on the roof of the Kombi facing my hooves. I watched the writhe of her back and ass, the slow rise and fall of those magnificent buns, and the sight of my cock disappearing and reappearing into her pussy. The lioness kissed her breasts, then slid down until I felt rough kitty tongue on my balls and my shaft and...


Sally lapped at my cock, and her girlfriend's clit, while the mare rode me, and I managed to hold off, mostly due to a rough lioness paw on my balls I had to admit, until the mare lost herself in an orgasm that left her out of control and she slammed down on my cock harder and harder until I spurted into her one last time and she collapsed forward into her lover's arms.

We were lying there, covered in sweat, feeling the cool breeze on our coats when the lioness kissed me once and then looked me over.

"It is time you went back to your own bed little colt..."


A paw covered my muzzle, and the mare seemed about to object but fell silent.

"You have had what you needed Natalie...what we needed, but I need you back you understand?"

I didn't, but that didn't seem to matter to the lioness. I tried not to cry as I trotted back to my room, and fell into a deep sleep with my dreams full of erotic and troubling memories, and my tailhole burning from the rough handling of the lioness.

When I woke it was almost midday, and the gulls were squealing in the air and the first thing I heard was the front door opening. I blinked groggily a couple of times and smiled, leaping from the bed to trot into the kitchen expecting to greet the girls. I skidded to a halt then as instead of my first lovers, I found my dad staring at me, his expression priceless.

"Son, find some fucking boxers, please..."

I realised I was naked, and probably covered in cum and sweat and looked precisely like I had been doing what I had been doing. I retreated to the bathroom, ready to shower and take what was coming, until I looked out the slightly open window. There should have been a Kombi there, but the grass beside our cottage was clear, no sign of the visitors.

Oblivious to my nakedness, I ran outside and stared, lost, at the spot where they had been last night.

"Patrick, would you mind catching me up a little?"

My dad was about to get angry I could see, until he saw my face. I knew I was probably about to cry, and I covered my eyes and headed back to the bathroom. A long shower was what I needed, and time to think, and regroup. By the time I came out again, wearing a t-shirt and boardshorts this time, I was ready to face the music better.

"'re home earlier than expected..."

"So I can see son."

His gaze travelled over the pile of unwashed dishes in the sink, the large mound of empty beer bottles, and the wreath Natalie had made out of dad's prized geraniums.


"Had some friends over?"

"Kind of..."

"Anything you need to tell me son?"

I swallowed. He could get in a towering rage my dad, when provoked. Maybe it was best he didn't know.

"No, everything is cool"

I saw him holding out something then, and my eyes opened wide as I saw it. A length of mare mane, curled in a circle, and tied with a ribbon.

"This was left by the door..."

I took it from his hand, the older stallion watching me a little troubled. I couldn't resist bringing it to my muzzle, sniffing tentatively. It still smelled of her...

"Are you really sure there isn't something you should be telling me son?"

"No dad."

"Your mother really would despair I think if she was around."

That was too much, and I stormed out in pure teenage emo break, heading for the beach and the sea. I also hoped against hope they would be there, but there was no sign of the Kombi. Instead, a familiar muzzle greeted me with a grin. My best mate Andy, the Doberman with the perpetual smile. He waved me over and I trotted to his side, staring out to sea.



"Oh fuck...that bad?"

"No. I mean, I lost my cherry and all and..."

"No shit!"

The Dobie was impressed I could see, and a little wistful. I knew why, but there was nothing I could do about it. I still gave him a hug though, and we wrestled on the sand like mates do.

"You know Andy...I don't know how the fuck you lot do anal..."

He looked at me strangely. "What brought that on...?"

"The girls, last night. One of them...well..."

"Well what..."

"She had this dildo and..."

"Holy fuck!" he was rolling on the sand now, laughing his head off, and I had to drop a tonne of sand on him to shut him up. He got real sombre though, looking at me.

" you've done it. Maybe it isn't so bad, if you'd like to try it sometime..."

Ahhh my poor mate, forever hopeful. I kissed his cheek and ruffled his headfur.

"Sorry mate, but I know now. I'm totally into pussy..."


We were silent for a long time, then he piped up with a grin.

"Well, next you think they would let me watch?"


There was one more surprise in store for me from that night, though I didn't know it for some time. Not till the next summer was dawning, and my school days were drawing to a close and I faced my own decisions on life.

A letter came in the mail, addressed just to Patrick, the Friesian stallion, Main road Point Anderson. It somehow found its way to me, as tended to happen in small country towns. One of my mates from school had addressed a postcard to "Two delicious Honey Covered Donkeys, Main Ridge Road, Porepunkah" as a laugh, and it got to it's intended recipients. The Miller twins were anything but amused at the looks coming from the postman.

I lifted the letter to my nostrils and sniffed, smiling at the memories. She still smelt incredible.

The envelope contained a short letter, and a photo. I looked at the photo, of the mare and lioness, with a new addition it seemed. A little foal, a Friesian colt, with dark coat and shaggy mane and light feathering and...

Oh fuck...

Dear Patrick. I guess we need to apologise. Yes, we used you, but you seemed determined to be used. I know it is no excuse, after all, and we hope you can forgive us. Yes us; even Sally knows we were wrong. But we aren't sorry we met you, and we aren't sorry we have little Patrick.

It was one of the biggest decisions of our lives, and we argued a lot about it. You know that, you saw some of it. We wanted a child of our own, but we couldn't agree on how to go about it, and it is not as easy as it seems. Then you came along, and it seemed so easy after all. One day, perhaps, we will come and visit and you can meet your son. I think he will be a lot like you; and he will be lucky if he is.


I had locked myself in my room, listening to bad Death metal and crying, when dad came home. He knocked on the door, and I refused to respond. I wanted to be alone in my pain, dammit, and I had a small bolt to keep him out. The masturbation incident when I was fourteen had been painful enough for both of us, and dad had helped me install the bolt without a word.

It seemed he wasn't so happy for it to be there now.

"Son, open the fucking door."


"Son, I'm worried about you..."


"I'm not asking need to catch me up for real...we need to talk..."

"Fuck off!"

The door sort of disintegrated, it seemed, thought that was a slight exaggeration. In practice my skills at attaching the bolt were found wanting, and it burst off its mountings followed by the door frame cracking as the handle gave way. I was faced with a wild eyed stallion standing in the doorway, panting, with a slight cut on his forehead. I was kind of impressed.

" had better have a good explanation..."

I didn't know what else to do. I held out the photograph and letter and hoped to fuck he wouldn't smack me one.

There was silence, and a rapid intake of breath.

"Fuck. I guess your mother was right, I really am a bit of a failure as a parent..."


I wasn't prepared for his hurt, or his sense of loss. Mostly because I knew I was the cause, and I had no idea how to fix it. I stared at my hooves instead, feeling like a heel.

Then came the most surprising thing of all. My dad hugged me. We never hugged; even when mum died, we hadn't expressed any emotion at all. Now suddenly he found it somehow, and I did to. It felt good, even when I used his mane to dry my nose before I realised what I was doing.

He trotted through the ruined doorway and returned with a beer, and I downed a frothy after we clinked cans.

"Well son, it looks like I'm a bit late for the whole sex and contraception talk."

"Errr yeah. I had it in school dad, a long time ago."

"Your mother was supposed to put the fear of god into you. I was too squeamish for that sort of talk."

"We had the whole thing with videos and all at school dad, but I kind of forgot it all when...well."

"And I hope you paid more attention to your other classes then, or your exams are going to be a fucking nightmare."

He read the letter again, and looked at the photo with a wistful look on his face.

"You know, your mother would be a mess. She always wanted grandkids...but she never wanted to be a Grandmother. Too young for that, she said. Give it fifteen years, at least. I'm glad I don't have to tell her."

We shared a laugh, for the first time it seemed, as equals of a sort.

"I know we haven't don't much talking, really ever. Maybe now it's a bit overlate, but do you think we could start? I think you can go first though."

I was ok with that, for the first time in my life. I told him about the girls, the Kombi, the night. Edited highlights, at least. There were some things, well...

"So what are you going to do Patrick."

The question surprised me, though it shouldn't have. It was a new concept; that I was responsible for what happened next. And more surprising, that my dad would want me to decide.

"I dunno. I mean...I never thought about this happening, and suddenly...I'm a father."

"If you are old enough to get your dick wet son, you are old enough to take responsibility for what happens next."


"Truth...and I will not stop asking."

So apparently my dad could tackle the hard stuff; another surprise for me.Then dad hit me with the last surprise.

"Though, come to think of it, your mother would be pleased too. After all, we were kind of worried you and Andy might be an item...not that there's anything wrong with that!" he hastened to add, as I choked on my beer. I wiped my muzzle of froth, and gave him a rueful look. Time for my revenge.

"Well, you never know. I kind of like anal it seems, after all..."

His expression was so worth it. I had to smack his back to stop him choking.

"Ahhhh son...think you may need to catch me up again..."

"Nah dad, I don't kiss and tell."

We may be talking, at last, but yeah, there are some things your dad doesn't need to know in detail. And some images he doesn't need to have. I felt I was performing a service; besides, if he was squeamish about talking about condoms, how he would handle the idea of his son being pegged while balls deep in a mare I had no idea. Some things aren't meant for father son talks.

But thankfully, from now on, more would be. And if nothing else came out of this that was something good.

_ _

Lost and Found

I remembered the feel of the breeze on my muzzle. That and the sound of the ocean. The waves roared as the onshore wind built and the breakers sounded like the freeway in peak hour, with the occasional cry of a gull like a horn blaring. It was...

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The Bear Necessities

The electronic tinkle of poker machines going through their happy cycle of false hope reverberated through the bar. I had long since learned to tune them out or the artificially happy snappy music would have turned me into an axe murderer. Unlike the...

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Yo Momma

It was a seriously shitty job. I knew it, and I didn't mind so much. Oh, I knew I got no respect, and my prospects were practically nil and I would go fucking crazy one of these days and my family were embarrassed at their low-rent son and his fucking...

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