Yo Momma

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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The fringe benefits of being mall security stallion. Young pony punks to fuck...and an occasional surprise in store.

Pure unadulterated porn.

It was a seriously shitty job. I knew it, and I didn't mind so much. Oh, I knew I got no respect, and my prospects were practically nil and I would go fucking crazy one of these days and my family were embarrassed at their low-rent son and his fucking dead end job. But I guess that was the price you paid for spending all your time in school worrying about football and not about your grades.

A big shire stallion, it all came so easy when I was in school, first string linebacker with the world at my hooves. But when my knee went and with it any chance of a football scholarship, this seemed the best of a bad lot of alternatives. Still, it had its compensations, and it paid the rent.

Being mall security also gave you the chance to walk around all day, wear a badge and a gun, and terrorise young punks who thought they were king shit. Like the assholes from school who got the grades and were now at college and on the road to success, the ones I hated and envied. And every now and then, you got an even better opportunity. Like today.

The colt sat in my little holding room, his legs bouncing nervously as he sat in the metal chair. He looked unfazed on the outside, but I knew the signs. Sweat spoke louder, and he was sweating, dripping in fact. I let my nostrils flare a little drinking in the scent of ripe pony sweat. I knew the scent, fuck I probably smelled like that as a teen. This one was so sweet though, he was delicious.

"So kid...would you like to explain?"

His big brown eyes went even bigger and browner if that were possible, and he looked as innocent as a lamb. Not bad for a dumb punk, he would fool a lot of people with that. Probably already fooling the dumb parents of some adoring filly while he filled her snatch with horsecock on a regular basis...


I loved the way teenagers communicated. It was like some sort of grunt morse code.

I brought the truncheon down on his knee to get his attention.

"Oww! Hey, you can't..."

My muzzle sat an inch from his, and I let my eyes go nice and wide. Real wide, staring, ten thousand volts of pure evil fucking bastard stallion alpha male and I watched his pupils dilate as the stupid cunt got the message. Of course, the point of my truncheon in his stomach also got his attention. He doubled over, and I gripped the little chin tuft he had been cultivating probably since puberty and pulled his head back to level.

"Let me get one thing crystal clear kid. I can do what I want, because you are a dumb fuck."

His little pink tongue extended so cutely. I wanted to nibble it, but all in good time. For now, he was panting in pain and his eyes clouded in something almost but not quite like respect. I seemed to be getting his attention.

"Better. Now, would you like to explain?"

He had a sullen expression now. Pure injured innocence; ahhh, so sweet.

"I don't know what the fuck you are talking about man..."

I sighed, as if weary at the inequities of the world that should have so many dumb young fucks in it, and turned to the battered television screen. The CCTV footage was very revealing; stupid shit didn't seem to realise when he was in the john that he was under surveillance.

His eyes went wide again, as he watched his black and white self on the little screen. The picture was pretty shit, and covered in snow, but that didn't matter. You could tell it was him, from the adorable shell necklace to the faded Green Bay top to the cutoff denim shorts. And of course the single gold stud in his shapely left ear.

And that same colt was pulling some weed from his backpack, and rolling a mammoth joint before lighting up and sitting back to enjoy.

"You know the law right kid?"

He nodded. Sure he did. I reached for his backpack, searching around until I found what I was looking for. One nice fat bag of weed, good stuff if my snout was any judge, and I opened and sniffed deeply of its aroma. I would enjoy that later, but for now...

"Think I should call the cops then? Your parents mebbe?"

He looked like he was about to cry. He strained against his cuffs but I had him well and truly stuck, hands behind his back and chained to the metal chair. This colt was going nowhere fast.

"How old are you anyway kid?"


He had found his manners at last. Not that it would save him. I let out a long low whistle and smiled my most evil smile.

"Awwww that's a shame...no more juvie for you kid...that's adult prison..."


"Well, I may take it easy on you kid. I like you, and I like your choice of team. Maybe we could come to some sort of...arrangement like..."

Fuck he had been easy.

"Arrangement?" Hope sprang eternal in the heart of a teenage stallion caught with a trafficable quantity of wacky baccy.

"Yeah...see, I like me some pony. If you see what I mean..."

He didn't at first, poor kid. Then I unzipped and flopped out my horsecock, nice and soft for now but full of promise, and he got the message.

Those eyes said it all. Shame, horror, fear, but also determination. He knew this was the way out, if only he could get through it.

Course, I would help him through. I was that kind of guy.

"No! Please, no!"

"Yes kid, unless you want me to call the cops right now..."

He shook his sweet head, and a single tear dripped from one eye. I ruffled his mane and caught the tear as it dripped across his cheek. It tasted sweet, like him.

"Do we have a deal pony?"

He nodded, and I bent to kiss his muzzle. His lips fought to keep me out, but I pressed on and he relented and I tasted his muzzle, hay and mint and chocolate. Poor colt had a shake in the aftermath of his smoke, probably a pre-emptive attack of the munchies. He had been sucking it down when I put the cuffs on him and hauled him out of the food court.

I broke the kiss, leaving him dazed and quiet, staring at my groin. I pulled down my boxers next, giving him a full look at my assets. I had a pretty hefty ass, wide hips built for fucking, and a heavy set of balls in a brown fuzzy sheath. I was proud of those low hangers, even for a shire stallion I was built. And my cock...ahhh, nice and long and pink and mottled with a wide flared tip made for plundering pony hole and a wicked medial. I could tell he was thinking the same, brown eyes wide and staring, pleading even. So I decided to play a little.

"Now, let's see how your cute muzzle goes..."

I gripped the back of his head and drew him to me. His nostrils squished against my sack, wet and warm, and I felt his breath all over my groin. It caressed my package and my sheath, so beautiful. I wanted more than his breath though.

"Tongue pony...use your tongue..."

He flicked it out as if frightened of getting caught. One lick, on the underside of my balls, and I was in heaven. Then with some urging he repeated the lick, and his tongue stayed out.

"That's it colt...good colt...now lick my sack like a good slut...that's it..."

He was good for a beginner. Lapping under my balls, then suckling on each fat nut, then I felt his tongue experimenting with the leather of my sheath. His eyes were closed, scrunched tight, but he could taste and smell me nice and strong I knew. And he was letting out little whimpers with each lick.

"Now my cock sweety...that's it..."

Fuck his tongue felt fine. Right along the underside of my cock, feeling its way along the cum tube, until he found the flare and lapped almost daintily. I was leaking now, and he got a taste of real stallion seed, I could tell by the way he shuddered, but he kept on licking, until I gripped his cheeks and he opened his eyes.

"Now...suck it..."

I watched the indecision, the way his nostrils flared in outrage, the way his body shook. But he had no choice, and so like a good colt he got on with it. Lips wide, I guided it in, tip inside and he closed them warm and tight on my head as I rocked gently back and forward just the tip inside his muzzle.

"Good colt...good colt..."

Then I gripped his mane and drew his slowly down my length. He tried to fight it, but I wouldn't let him, and soon he had me past the medial and in to the hilt, lips on my sheath, the perfect warm pony muzzle filled with my meat. His tongue flicked out, lapping at my sheathlips, and I whinnied a little and snorted, tail bouncing at the incredible sensations of hot sweet pony. God I was fucking close.

I bucked my hips, driving into his muzzle, ignoring his gagging. My balls drew up hard, and I felt my tail slapping the table behind me. His lips slid along my shaft as I thrust, gripping like iron, and I pulled back until just the head was in his muzzle and his lips slid across the overheated skin of my tip.

"Fuck yeah!"

His eyes went wide as I gripped his mane and pulled, driving my hips forward at the same time. All the way to the hilt in his muzzle, and I unloaded in his throat not caring about the little punk. He took it all well, gulping down my milk until he couldn't take any more and it dripped from his muzzle onto his Packer's top, streaks of spent horse jizz nice and pungent.

I pulled off him, still hard, my length swaying in the air. One little quirk of mine, I couldn't stand any stimulation after I came, my cock became so sensitive it hurt. I knew I wanted more though, and pony boy was just waking up to that fact.

He coughed, and a little jizz came out his nose, then he swallowed hard, breath coming in gasps.

"Are you...are you going to let me go..."

My hand gripped my length and stroked the base, staying away from the sensitive tip. I played with myself for the pony's benefit, and he watched in shock as a drop of cum spat from the tip and made a nice thick line all the way to the floor. My cock ached so much; all in good time.

"Let you go? That was just the starter pony. Now it's time for main course."

He looked about to cry again, and I kissed him, tasting my jizz. It tasted good on his muzzle.

"Hold still."

His hands were unhooked from the chair, but still manacled. I let him stand, sweet pony, and took a good look.

He had a grey dappled coat, based on his legs and forearms. White mane, white feathering, and big soulful brown eyes. I had rarely seen one as sweet and tasty as this colt, and as I eyed him up, he dropped his gaze to his hooves and shuffled them trying to be anywhere but here.

His head rose again though as I held him, my body against his, and kissed his cheek. Then I gripped his cutoffs and pulled, dropping them down his thighs, followed by his Aussiebum briefs. They pooled at his ankles and I ordered him gruffly to lose them. He jiggled his hooves until they formed a puddle of cloth next to them.

Then I lifted his top, unable to take it off because of the cuffs of course but I got what I wanted. There was a patch of lighter fur between his pecs, nicely defined with dime sized nipples on fat brown areolae. I bent my muzzle to suckle, getting a gasp and moan for my troubles, then I let my fingers do the walking, all the way down his flat abdomen to his sheath.

"Tsk tsk pony..."

He blushed. I didn't blame him...his cock had poked from his sheath, and I let one fingertip circle the flare, already swelling and needy. Teenage studs were basic, I knew, and this one was no exception.

"Come to daddy..."


His sigh sounded so hot, and he had his eyes closed again, head tilted up, lips open and tongue out a little while his ears twitched and flicked. I cupped his testicles, not as heavy as mine but still impressive, and stroked his swelling length. He was hard in no time, and I felt the first trickle of precum on my palm as I rolled his flare in my grasp.

"Now sit on the edge of the table pony."

He obeyed, never opening his eyes, just edging back until he felt the harsh metal at his thighs. His long lean legs dangled over the edge, and I knelt to take advantage of his obedience.

The feel of his feathering on my hands was so good. I just rubbed his ankles a little while, then higher, up the inside of his thighs, watching that tower of horseflesh jerk and wobble and his balls dance and roll. Then I lifted them suddenly and he fell backwards with a cry onto his back, hands trapped behind him, ankles pointing to the ceiling.

"Nothing like the taste of pony ass..."

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck...OH FUCK!!!"

His little cries and exclamations made me chuckle, and I intended to give him what he was asking for soon enough. My cock was coming back to normal, and soon I would need the feel of tight pony ass round my meat. But first I wanted a taste.

"Hold still kid."

I licked. All the way from his dock, tail swishing over the edge of the table, right across his incredibly tight tailhole to his scrotum. I sucked each fat stallion nut, then down his sheath to his tip, then back to play with his perineum and listen to the gasps and cries of pleasure as he felt a real male where he belonged, pleasuring that cute little taint. It was a perfect length of black leathery skin, tight and sensitive, with a dusting of short soft hairs that tickled my nose as I buried my snout in his crack and drank in the pure scent of ripe virgin pony stud.

Then his ass...ahhh, I lapped, licked, fondled with a fingertip, then pressed my muzzle to his ring and drove my tongue into the protesting hole until his muscle yielded and I tonguefucked his pony ass raw and hard and deep while I jerked his length and pinched his flare to pull him off the boil whenever I felt his tunnel clench in the beginnings of orgasm.

He was so close, and I licked the underside of his balls, feeling them full and hot and listened to his moans and pleas for release.

"No cumming till I say so pony. Remember, you are being punished kiddo?"

"Oh fuck..please...I can't take it..."

"Learn restraint pony. It will keep you out of trouble."

I had no restraint left though, I needed that ass. I stood, lifting his hooves over my shoulders, and pressed my tip to his wet hole. Sometimes I used lube, sometimes I used condoms, but for this one, I thought he needed it dry and he needed it rough.

Bent over him, I kisses softly, nibbling on those delicious lips, and then I jerked my hips forward. He struggled, and I stopped, the flare biting into the tight confines of his hole, so hot, so fresh.

Breaking the kiss, he seemed grateful, panting as he rested his head back, eyes scrunched in determined restraint. I had to hand it to him, he was taking it like a champ.

"Now, push out pony, don't fight it..."


I slid into his hole, not easily, but deep, almost all the way, then back, feeling the rasp of flesh on flesh as my shaft sawed across the pained opening of his pony hole. I let my tip remain, twitching in his ass, then pressed again, driving deeper, and his guts opened for me and I claimed his hole like it would never be claimed again while we kissed.

He let out one long cry into my muzzle. His eyes were wide, full of the sensations of his first fuck, and I humped into him without mercy until I felt my balls kiss his ass and the twitch of his hole as he slowly relaxed. Then I let his muzzle go, licking down his neck and his chest, playing with his nipples and the tuft of light coloured hair between his pecs. I was enjoying this one, and decided to take my time.

Resting balls deep in his tunnel, I gripped his cock and stroked nice and slow.

"You like this don't you kid."

"No! Ahhhhh!"

One long stoke from his flare to his sheath and back, and then I cupped his flare and stroked in nice slow circles.

"Don't lie kid...this is better than any piece of snatch you have had, isn't it?"


One thrust, all the way out, tip resting against his hole, and I let it throb there a moment before claiming his entrance again. Just the first penetration all over again, his ring spread wide and I slid in to the hilt, and his moan and then whinny of need sounded so hot.

"Tell the truth you dumb shit. This feels better doesn't it..."


I rocked my hips then thrust, nailing a soft spongy pony nut. His eyes were like saucers, and his cock spat a glob of pony pre.

"Want me to do that again do you..." and I did, drawing another cry from his muzzle.

"So tell me about your girl then. How many have you had?"

"J...just one...ohh yeah..."

I was in the groove now, slow deep dicking that tight hole, feeling the heat envelop me like lava. I had his cock leaking on my hand as I jacked, but his eyes were closed, thinking about his girl. If I had my way, he would never think about her again, without thinking of me buried in his tailhole.

I liked messing with the punks' heads. Part of the fringe benefits.

"Tell me about her...what was it like stud..."

"S..she was an older woman...next door..."

"Ohh yeah, hot for your teenage pony ass hey?"

"Ohh fuck yes. She wanted me so bad. Said her husband was neglecting her, hadn't fucked her in ages. A real dumb fat cunt like their son..."

I laughed then, imagining the dumb housewife, lost and in thrall to young pony cock. Half her luck. I know what part of this pony I preferred though...

"Did you have a go at her or did she go for you?"

"It was her...all her. I did the gardening, mowed the lawns...ohh fuck that feels so good.."

I was thrusting harder now, my cock pistoning into that pony hole. His balls jiggled, full of teenage spunk, and it drooled from his cock to make a little lake on his belly. I gripped him under the flare and waited patiently, letting him enjoy the memories, and the feel of his first fucking from a real stud. This pony slut was made for a stallion cock to fill his ass...

"One day after I'd finished...she came to me in the shower cleaning up...and got in with me..."

"Ohh yeah. Horny little slut hey?"

"Fuck....ohhh yeah. Such a hot mare, I could smell her in heat, really ripe. She told me she wanted me clean, started soaping up my mane and coat, then she cupped my balls and slid a finger into my sheath..."

I was in the zone now, plowing that hot young furrow, ramming in to the hilt as my balls slapped his muscled ass. The slurp of cock invading tight tailhole filled the room, along with grunts, cries, and the adolescent twang of the pony recalling his moment as a stud. Not such a stud now, though, begging for an assfucking...

"Oh God...fuck me harder...harder..."

"Not yet pony, tell me about your first time..."

"She took me to her bed still dripping wet, and mounted my muzzle. I licker her out, she was so wet and it tasted sweet...and she came, over and over while she played with my balls..."

"Go on..." I was so close...

"Then she mounted me and rode my cock. I came so hard, but she didn't stop, and I came three times before she finished and lay on my chest and played with my nipples..ohhh fuck please suck them...like she did..."

I nibbled his nips, swollen and needy, and bit teasingly as I fucked his hole. The pony cock jerked in my hands, as he writhed under me. He was on the brink.

"She...she fucked me every time since, and...ohh fuck...she let me fuck her ass the last time...ahhhh!"

The thought of this young stud buried balls deep in some housewife's ass did it, and I began to fuck him wildly, biting his shoulder. He screamed out a whinny, and he shot, arcs of pony spunk coating his chest and belly and the faded Packer's top, with one long streak in his forelock. His hot ass clenched down on me so tight and I let out a wild grunt and unloaded in his ass, filling the young stallion with a scalding load of stallion cum.

I pulled out almost immediately, his ass too much for my cock, ignoring his disappointed whine, and rested the tip against his hole. A trickle of my cum dripped to the floor, across his dock and tail.

I kissed the cum from his forelock, then made him clean my cock even though it hurt. I wanted the rush of making him taste his own ass, and then I had an even better idea.

"On your knees kid...and get your muzzle nice and deep in there..."

He hesitated, but knew better than to disobey. I gripped him ungently by the mane, pulling him in, and I got the feel of his breath on my crack, then the sweet feel of his tongue lapping at my ass, as I jacked the base of my cock nice and hard, staying away from the tip for now. The feel of his sweet tongue on my hole was incredible, and it didn't take long for me to shoot my third load across the table, ass clenching on an inexperienced pony tongue as he licked out my tailhole like a champ.

I made him clean the table and floor of cum with his cute muzzle before I uncuffed him and let him dress. It was a very contrite pony who hobbled out the door, suddenly aware of the pain in his violated ass and the feel of a bellyful of stallion cum leaking from his tailhole. He gave me a little wink and a smile though, as he hefted his backpack, and I rested one hand on his packet of weed. There was nothing like a post-fuck smoke, and I was going to enjoy that as soon as pony cleared the mall. Followed by one last jack-off in the john to end my shift.


That weekend was boring as usual, but at least I had it free. Not entirely though, as my mother had demanded my presence for Saturday lunch. I managed to avoid it most of the time, but this time she was not taking no for an answer. So I got in my beat up Corolla and headed across town to do my duty as a son.

She made her many displeasures known pretty well did my mom. From the disapproving glances at my clothes, to the snide remarks about my job and the little anecdotes about how well her friends' children were doing. I gritted my muzzle and spooned out lasagne and counted down the minutes until I could head back home to the remains of the colt's bag of weed.

When she headed into the kitchen to get the apple pudding ready for dessert, I headed for the lounge and the football. I could drown out her voice and her disapproval the best way possible.

I noticed something in the loungeroom, and trotted over to investigate. It was a faded Packer's top, and I smiled inwardly, remembering the last one I had seen. The memory led to a tingle in my groin, and I shifted a little as my cock began to swell in it's sheath. He had been hot that little cunt, the hottest ever...

"Oh! I see you found...well, I hope you don't mind..."

My mother stood in the doorway, looking awkward and uncertain for once. It was intriguing, if a little strange.


"Well, I know you don't like to throw anything out but...I found it in your stuff in the attic and well...I leant it to someone, if you must know..."

I frowned then. I hated it when she gave my stuff away; it made me feel so...

Then I caught the whiff. I brought the top to my muzzle, and got a long sweet smell of pony stink. Familiar pony stink, and sweat, and jizz. Ripe, thick teenage stallion jizz.

"Ahh here he is...you remember little Andy don't you? The colt from next door?"

He was standing in the doorway, wearing a big grin on his muzzle, and no top. His coat shone with sweat, and his nipples were pert and hard just as I remembered them, and he scratched his chest and I watched his muscles bunch and move and the little tufts of pit hairs under his arms with the beads of sweat dripping from them. I continued staring, not wanting to know the truth.

"He has been such a dear, helping out around the house, doing the lawns and gardening. Such a good st..colt, and with you not around and your father always on business well..."

I waited till my mother was busy in the kitchen again, and collared the young colt. He looked unrepentant.

"You had better stop what you are doing right now..."

He gave me a grin and a shrug. "Huh?"

I pulled my muzzle right to his ear and whispered harshly just for his benefit.

"If you fuck her one more time..."

My mother chose that moment to come out of the kitchen, and I fumed silently as she fussed around the colt, insisting he stay for apple pudding. The little shit agreed happily.

I sensed there was something wrong though, from the way my mother looked distracted, and she sent the colt to wash up. She sat down looking at me, then at the table, then seemed to come to a decision.

"Honey, I have...well, some things to tell you."

"Huh." I seemed to have caught the colt's disease.



"I know it will come as a bit of a shock but...well, you are going to have a little brother or sister finally..."

I reached for my beer, downing the can in one gulp. My mother didn't even look disapproving.

"Aren't you excited?"

Excited was not really the word.

I managed to catch the colt in the garage putting away the lawn mower. He looked remarkably unrepentant, which just made me angrier. I gulped down another can of beer, crushing the can between two fingers. I caught a look then, an approving grin.


"Nothing...just...admiring, that's all..."

"You little shit!"

I was beyond caring now, and I crossed to the colt and pulled him by the collar...the collar of my old Packer's top, I realised, now stained with pony jizz. I wanted to throttle the little cunt.

"Now now...I won't tell if you won't tell...stepson..."

His hands were on my chest, stroking my nipples, ruffling my chestfur, and then....

Ohhh fuck, he had a hand on my groin.

"After all, isn't fucking your stepdad like a secret fantasy or some shit?"

Bent over the hood of my mom's car, his ass looked especially fine. And it felt even better clamped round my cock when I sank into his hole and he whimpered and begged and moaned for me to fuck him harder. No lube this time either...the little shit still had to learn some manners.

And so help me God, I was taking my Packers' top back.

Inkerman Street - Part 1

It was cold, one of those days where your breath comes out looking like a dragon's and you can feel the sting as the wind whips along the road and hammers your face. I shivered a little, pulling my coat around me tighter as I got off the tram and began...

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I woke to the grey dawn, a pale and gibbous offering this early just barely insinuating it's way into my bedroom like an assassin; and to the figure of a real assassin, his eyes wide and staring. I felt the touch of steel, and in spite of my...

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One Time Thing

One Time Thing It was the scent that did it. I know, as a canine I should be used to an acute sense of smell, especially when I'm part Beagle for chrissakes. But I still wasn't prepared for what it would do to me...and what he would do to me. Ahhh...

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