The Bear Necessities

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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How I learned to take bearcock and love it, from a confirmed top. Brendan's story...

The electronic tinkle of poker machines going through their happy cycle of false hope reverberated through the bar. I had long since learned to tune them out or the artificially happy snappy music would have turned me into an axe murderer. Unlike the owners of this modest establishment I didn't think of them as the delicious sound of money, more the sound of desperation made flesh. Often in the form of some pensioner emptying his monthly cheque into the coin slot.

Instead I took solace in these quiet moments behind the bar. At 2 a.m. once the kids had all headed for a nightclub and some serious drugs and dancing all we were left with were the more benign types. The ones who couldn't sleep yet but weren't looking for some aggro.

I was catching up on some glass washing behind the bar after a tour of the gaming floor when he came up and sat near me. I didn't give him a second glance, at first. I had registered him when he came in, as I had been trained to do, but he didn't seem a problem so I had relaxed. Now he had finally approached the bar and my horse senses kicked back in.

Leaving the glasses for the moment, I stepped up and gave him my best smile. It was an artform, that smile, the one that said 'hey there mate, welcome to your home away from home' even at 2 a.m. and from someone they had never met. It was one reason I had got this job, even at the tender age of eighteen. When I walked into the interview I gave them that smile and they took one look at the big rawboned stallion with the winning nature and overcame their reservations at my age.

I had been here for six months now, long enough to become jaded, not long enough to lose the smile though. I kind of felt like a phony every time I used it, but it had become expected, especially among my regulars. And as they gave the tips that made this pretty shit job worth the grief, I didn't like to disappoint them.

When I gave him the smile, he returned it, a big warm genuine grin. A bear, brown fur shot through with grey, big body, wide friendly blue eyes. Something about him made me feel warm all over. I tried to ignore it, but the warmth persisted, like a big hug that made you feel good and safe.

He was wearing pretty casual stuff, jeans, shirt, boots. Nothing fancy, simple and functional, and he had a bit of that air about him too. Simple, functional, no nonsense. His voice had the easy drawl of someone not used to fancy schmancy shit.

"Hey mate. Anywhere here a thirsty bear can get a drink?"

His blue eyes sparkled, and he gave me a wink. I returned it with interest and a little chuckle. My mane tingled a little too, and I noticed his eyes wander over my chest. Even under the uniform shirt, I knew it looked good. Better than good; I looked hot as fuck.

I was used to looks, and took them as my due. What I wasn't yet used to were looks from guys, especially a knockabout guy like the bear. That was usually restricted to certain clubs I went to when the mood took me and I needed some of the action I craved in places I didn't like to admit. Instead, here, I mostly picked up bored housewives in need of a piece of teenage stallion. Some of them were even good in the sack, and even the ones that weren't made me feel good about myself for a moment and tended to tip very generously indeed.

At 2 a.m. though, after a long shift at the end of a long week of work and study, something about the bear felt good. Real good. And I decided to play along.

"I think you came to the right place mate. And a thirsty bear is a tragedy; we have to do something about that right now. What will it be?"

He gave me an appraising glance and his smile split into a smirk.

"Can you make a real drink, or do you only serve beer with too much head?"

"Hey, I know how to pour a beer thanks! And generally too much head is a good thing!"

I gave him a wink, and was rewarded with a deep rolling chuckle that went straight to my cock. I even blushed a little, under my coat.

"Well...we will see little colt. Now, a Old Fashioned."

I smirked a little at that. "Been watching Mad Men?"

He waved a big paw and shook his head. "Nah. Can't stand that shit. And I was cool before Don Draper was a thing thanks all the same. I like the taste is all, and I want to see if you can make a real drink, or are you just a pretty pony kid?"

The challenge made me snort, as much as the compliment. I busied myself behind the bar, getting out ingredients. I sensed him watching, and I felt the blush spreading as I worked, placing the sugar cube in the glass, then the bitters.

"You horses should be good with a sugar cube."

"Oh I'm anyone's if you give me a sugar cube."

He chuckled again. "Maybe I should test that out..."

I didn't look up, or I might fuck up the drink. Instead I added the water, then slowly dissolved the sugar and brought out the ice and whisky.

"No need for the cherry kid. I'm not into cherries..."

Another chuckle. I met his eyes at last, and they were so full of heat I practically had to reach for the fire blanket to put him out. Instead I made a great show of slicing up the orange and then finished the drink. He took it with a little salute, and sucked on the liquor with relish.

"Ahhh that's a drink. You aren't just a pretty pony after all."

I gave him a little nod of thanks, and took his money. The change sat on the bar as he swirled the ice slowly inn his drink.

"So, when does a pretty pony like you get off work?"

"3 a.m."

"Perfect...and time for another couple of drinks and a bit of conversation."

I looked him over and found I liked what I was seeing. I had gotten a bit of a daddy thing going, and he hit all my buttons, slight paunch, big body, bit of grey in his fur. He would know himself, and how to have fun, no problems, and he would feel awesome to cuddle. Even this late, I felt a surge of energy from his presence. It wasn't subtle, but I loved it.

When I busied myself behind the bar, he took up his seat and started a bit of casual banter. I liked the company, and he was making more sense than they usually did at this time of night.

"So what is a pretty pony like you doing in a place like this on a Saturday night?"

"Working my way through uni. Trying to get enough money for textbooks and beer."

"Hehe sounds familiar. I hope it works out for you kid."

"It's going ok so far." And it was, I guess. I got money, and the occasional fuck, and my soul was mostly intact. Mostly...

"And what's a big brown bear like you doing in a place like this so late on a Saturday night?"

He gave me another chuckle and drained the glass. I cocked an eyebrow and got a nod. Time for the next Old Fashioned it seemed.

"I'm normally awake at this time kiddo. Shift worker, and I do a lot of nights."

"Where do you work?"

"Mines in Western Australia. I'm a FIFO. Fly in, fly out. Or fuck off, take your choice. Back home for a few days before I fly out again, and couldn't sleep so I decided to get a good drink and better company...and I found both, miracle of miracles."

Well, that explained some things. And I couldn't help but get a little warm inner feeling too. A miner bear, all sweaty in the heat, muscles aching and needing some massage...

"What you thinking pony?"

I almost dropped the whisky. "Nothing mate, just getting this right..."

"Shit. I thought you were imagining me in my high vis gear. I look shit hot in fluoro orange..."

He got a whinny and a smile for that, and I hid a little behind my forelock as he sucked on his second drink for the night. I excused myself and hustled round the gaming floor. Not long to go, and I could hand over to Anton, the massive Alsatian with the anger management issues. We tended to use him on graveyard shift to keep him out of trouble, but he was a natural at keeping the peace. People knew to keep on his good side.

When the clock ticked round to three, I waved at the bear and headed for the office. My relief was already there, looking through a magazine. He managed a grunt, then took a look at me and gave a double take.

"You're in mate..."

I nickered a little in alarm, trying to wave away his big knowing smile.

"Nah, really..."

"Is it that cow who has been hanging out for you all month? The one who likes Tom Collins?'


"Awww cmon. Will you give me the details after?"

"No you perv. Get a webcam and spy on the ladies dunny like everyone else."


"You know it fat dog. Laters."

Of course he didn't. Nobody did...and I was determined to hightail it out of there before anyone realised.

The bear was waiting in the carpark, smoking a cig. He gave an apologetic shrug and stamped it out on the tarmac.

"Sorry...nerves. Thought you wouldn't come". I really wanted to give him a kiss then and there for that. Instead I followed him to his car, a big 4WD, and we headed into the night.

"I'm Damien by the way. And you are Brendan, judging by your nametag. Unless they fake that as well as the palm trees."

"Nah, that's really me."

"Good...I like it. Not one of these stupid fucking bogan names like everyone has now, with too many consonants and misplaced y's and shit."

We enjoyed a laugh and a few jokes, but soon the conversation abated as we contemplated what was to come. While I could tackle another cougar with total equanimity, for some reason this one had me pensive. Something about him, perhaps...

He lived a fair way away. I didn't mind, just taking the opportunity as our conversation dwindled to look him over more. I liked what I saw, from his brown fur with the salt and pepper highlights, to the big muscle gut under the shirt. And the nice sized bulge in his jeans. I was taking in that delicious looking package when he caught me staring.

"Like what you see pony?"


"How fucking old are you anyway mate?"


He shook his head. I frowned a little. "Problem?"

He gave me a reassuring smile. "Nah, well, a little, but nothing serious. And you are hot, don't worry, and you can make a real drink, so you are better than most kids., don't worry. I'm just fucking happy I found you pony."

When we got to his place, a modern box in Point Cook, I followed him through the door and into the house. It was sort of basically furnished, like the owner used it mostly to sleep, but clean at least, and it seemed comfortable.

I was used to spontaneous hook-ups, and the etiquette involved. This was his turf, so I would follow his lead. And it seemed like he was leading me straight to the bedroom. I liked the direct approach, it suited him; plus, I had a wicked hummer in my plants and if I didn't get to fuck soon I was going to explode.

His bedroom was simple, with a nice big double bed with plenty of pillows, a couple of side tables and some clothes strewn around. His bag was still perched in one corner, complete with airline baggage tag, with a high vis jacket over it. In fluoro orange, I noted, and smiled as I picked it up. It smelt of bear all right, and sweat, and deodorant. I was hefting it as he fussed round the bed, and my gaze shifted to the bedside table.

My little nicker of surprise didn't go unnoticed. Even more the way I suddenly picked up the photo by his bed.

"Ahh yeah...that's..."


The picture was of my bear, but he wasn't alone. He was standing beside a young bear, teenager probably, both grinning at the camera. And my bear was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with "Best Dad Ever."

I stared a little dumbfounded.

"That's why I was a little err...silly, about you being nineteen. My boy is the same age and well..."

" problem..."

"You still ok kid? He's out for the night, we won't be disturbed or anything. I'm not a young bear, I know, but I thought you knew that and all..."

I looked at him, still holding the picture, a stupid smile still plastered on my muzzle. This was too freaky for words, but somehow I didn't care. He was hot, he was here, and I knew what I wanted. Mostly.

"Promise you're ok..."

I put down the photo, and reached for him. His muzzle tasted of whisky, and bitters, and sugar. I gave him a long hard kiss, seeking out all that sugar, and warring with his tongue. His paws reached around me, cupping my ass and squeezing, and I felt the prick of claws on my rump, even through the denim.

He was a bear of action, true to his nature. The kissing didn't last long before he decided to take the lead. Paws went to work on my uniform shirt, and he was surprisingly dextrous. Those big calloused paws had gentleness in them, as he undid the buttons and pulled the unwanted garment free and tossed it to the side of the bed.

"Fucking hell..."

I loved that sound, raw admiration. Football, rowing, weights. It all paid off, and as much as women liked how I looked and went to town over my chest and abs, there was no substitute for how a guy admired it. They knew how to do it right.

His muzzle bent to my chest and lips closed on my left nipple. I moaned, running fingers through his headfur. Then his tongue lapped, and he bit my swelling nip and I nickered in mock complaint. He chuckled, and the vibration through my sore nip made my cock drool.

"Bet you like it a bit rough don't you pony..."

Well, who didn't? And with a willing bear...yeah, I tried not to remember that right now.

Paws found my pants next, and I felt the unmistakable sensation of belt being unbuckled. And fingers working buttons...

He was on his knees in a moment, with my pants round my fetlocks. He carefully removed them, almost lovingly, then the same for my boxers. I was already dropped, and he patted my swaying stallion cock with one paw as he cupped my scrotum.

"Such a pretty pony..."

I ran fingers over his shoulders, enjoying the bulk under the skin, the sense of solidity. No shrinking violet, and not about to break in a gust of wind like some twink my age. This bear was built to last, and to take whatever we could do. I loved that. I fucking craved that.

He huffed on my flare. Warm bear breath caressed and coddled my length, and I whimpered. He just gave me a big shiteating grin and did it again, and again, all the while kneading my balls like play doh. Fuck I loved it when they roughed up my balls. And he was bringing them to the delicious edge of pain.

Then I felt the heat of bear muzzle and he sucked my tip in and slurped his way down my shaft to the medial and I went crosseyed and tried so hard not to thrust balls deep into that incredible maw.

Fingers edged behind my scrotum, into the crevice of my ass. One clawtip found my pucker and pressed for attention. Harder. Harder...and my pucker opened and he slid inside to the sound of a shuddering cry from my muzzle. He stroked teasingly, deeper, deeper until he hit my nut and I let out another cry and my cock began to jerk. He pulled on my balls to stop me shooting and pulled off my cock, watching the spurt of clear precum from the tip with hungry eyes.

"So what does pony like..."

"Uhh...I'm a, only..."

He looked up at me a little wistfully but nodded. "Well, good thing I like the feel of pony cock in my ass as much as I do."

I felt a little guilty but relieved. So far it was one cliff I hadn't jumped off. The twitch in my tailhole as he pulled his finger out was the aching twitch of a virgin, needy and frightened by turns.

When he stood up he gave me a long look, then began to undress. I saw his muscle gut revealed, the brown fur with a streak of white between his pecs, and a line of coarser fur that surrounded each nipple and ran in a line to his crotch. It disappeared into his jeans, above a bulge now grown to heroic proportions.

"Want it all pony?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"Well, you are going to have to come get it then..."

I took my lead from him. Kneeling, much to his approval, I placed my hands on his belt. Those coarse bear paws stroked my ears and mane lovingly as I unbuckled him and slid his jeans down over broad thighs. He had briefs, now tented alarmingly, and I stroked him through the red cotton as he let out rumbling groans and the fabric darkened with leakage from a needy bearcock.

I had to see it though, and before too long, I carefully lifted the waistband and slid his briefs down to join his jeans, revealing a nice fat length of pink bearcock glistening in the light. It smelt deep and musky, male and ripe, and I hungered for it but decided to take my time. He probably thought I was some young ingénue, and I was going to show him.

He got the same treatment, huffing stallion breaths on his scrotum and his length. Then when I licked, it was not his cock that copped it, instead I lapped the underside of his scrotum, loving the hiss and moan that accompanied the salty tang in my muzzle from bear sweat. Then I sucked each fat nut, ignoring his cock deliberately, and played with his stubby tail letting one finger tease his crack.

"Enough teasing ponyboy..."

That got a slap on his ass. He gripped my mane tight, pulling me against his shaft, and I responded by spreading his pucker with two fingers and shoving in to the knuckle while he let out a roar.

"Oh yeah this bear what you got..."

Fingerfucking his tight hole felt incredible. And each time I hit his nut, his cock gave a little twitch, and I watched it awestruck as a long line of pre drooled from the tip all the way to the carpet. I couldn't resist any longer, and opened my muzzle to lap at the trail, finally zeroing in on his well spread urethra and licking the oversensitive tip to take every last drop of delicious bear essence.

He was panting and groaning now, and I felt his ass begin to clench. Time to show him who was boss.

I slid my fingers from him and sucked on them, winking as he watched. The taste of bear funk. Better than any cocktail.

"My you are one hot fuck of a pony..."

"Get on the bed bear and let me show you exactly how hot."

He almost tripped getting his pants and briefs off his ankles. His shirt followed, and I got a sight of naked bear as he leaped onto the bed and straight on all fours. I had to giggle a little at his eagerness.

"Cmon...time for my pony ride dammit!" I had to love a guy who could laugh a little during sex. Guys my age were so fucking serious, and girls were worse. I kept feeling like I had to cry just to get laid sometimes.

He had his ass poking right over the end of the bed. It seemed a perfect invitation, and I was already on my knees.

Reaching up with my muzzle, I zeroed in on the ample expanse of one bear butt. His musky crevice tantalised, and I gripped his cheeks and spread to get what I wanted. One long brown furred furrow of pure bliss, and I stuffed my muzzle in that crack and savoured, first with my nostrils, then with my tongue. Lapping at his pucker I loved the feel of the wrinkled skin responding to my touch, and I licked harder and harder until I finally lost patience and rammed my tongue into his pucker and ate his funk like a juicy apple.

His cock swayed so tantalisingly close between well spread thighs. I cupped the tip in one hand, stroking slowly as I rimmed him, feeling the heat of a needy bearcock reaching criticality in my palm. So much pre it leaked over my palm and down my wrist, and his moans became growls of lust and demand.

"Fuck you pony...fuck me...fuck me now...fuck me or so help me fucking god I will put you over my knee..."

It was probably bad that I found that idea especially erotic. I needed ass now though, and it was time.

I realised, a little late of course, that I hadn't come prepared. Thankfully he was a perfect host.

"Top drawer, left side..."

While the condoms weren't Stallion Maxi's, they would have to do. And the lube was cherry flavoured. I couldn't resist a little dig.

"Thought you didn't like cherries mate..."

He gave me the most angry stare and pointed to his ass, and I shuddered a little as I stepped up behind him. My stallionhood was well covered, latex and a thick layer of lube to ease it's passage.

I bent a little at my knees to line up just right. His tail flicked side to side, and I gripped it with one hand to keep it out of the way, while I guided my tip to him with the other. The heat of a well licked bear pucker kissed my flare and I groaned, then I pushed and felt his ring open and take me in and I groaned. So did he, and hissed, and I saw his claws grip the bedclothes in a bunch.


"Don't you dare fucking apologise. Now get to it...but, yeah...gentle with that thing kid..."

I was. Slow, teasing, easy. In, while his tunnel spread and the skin fluttered over my cock and he gasped and his cock lost a little stiffness. Never easy taking a horse, I knew, and I tried to make it as good as I could. I had some practice on bears...and this one was taking it better.

Finally I reached the medial, with a gentle rocking rhythm that drove my flare in and out and my balls swayed easily and his tunnel slurped with each new penetration. I waited a moment, while he steadied himself, and pushed, the fat medial spreading his ring and drawing fresh gasps and moans as I drove in now to the hilt, my balls resting on his furry ass.

He looked round, a little impatient, big blue eyes twinkling.

"Well what are you waiting for pony..."

His hips felt good under my fingers. I stroked, then gripped them tight, using the leverage to fuck him harder. My hips moved faster and faster, and the wonderful tight heat of his ass built to a perfect caress on my cock that felt so fine. I could hear the wet smack of a cock being jacked, his paw moving over heated flesh in time with my thrusts. His moans became roars, and then became a foul-muzzled commentary on the joys of being fucked by a horse that made my ears burn and my cock twitch.

"Yeah nice and deep mister pony boy...fuck my ass there...yeah your cock feels so good...harder punk, make me feel it...right there, right there, right on my nut, fuck yeah...harder...harder..."

I tried to obey, and tried to fight the urge to cum. I succeeded at the first, failed at the second.

My whinny was impressive, if I did say so myself. As was the gush of stallion cum into the condom and the wild thrusting of my climax as I lost it in his ass. When I came back to earth from heaven, he was still furiously smacking his meat and pushing his ass back on my cock. I began thrusting again, even though it hurt a little, desperately trying to get him off. Then I pulled almost all the way out and my flare kissed his nut.

"Oh YES! Right there, don't MOVE you little CUNT!"

Stunned, I stood stock still, as he masturbated his ass on my cock, rubbing the flare over his nut. A few more thrusts and he roared, shooting a mammoth load that filled my nostrils with the scent of bear seed and his anus clamped down on me like my cock would never be free.

We ended up cuddling and he kissed me and tousled my mane.

"Sorry pony. Sometimes a guy needs to be told..."

I kissed his nose and cuddled closer. "Don't worry. I like a bottom who takes charge..."

That made his eyes twinkle, and seemed to give him ideas. I ended up laid on the bed, cock buried in bear ass as he mounted me and rode my length just the way he liked it. I had a hold of his cock, well coated in lube, jacking the thick meat with one hand while my other twisted his nipples without mercy. He seemed to like it, shooting twice while I thrust my hips up to punish his ass as much as he demanded.

When he finally had enough, he pulled me into his arms and we made love nice and slow until I shot off again, kissing him deeply with my eyes closed in rapture as the orgasm flooded my being and my hooves curled in pleasure and he held me in his arms and stroked my mane with his claws and nibbled my shoulder.

"Sweet pony..."

I heard the door open while we lay there, my cock still buried in his ass, bathing in the heat. It stayed open for a minute, then closed firmly. I didn't look up, but I died a little inside.


Morning blasted its way through the window like a motherfucker. I shielded my eyes from the raw sunshine as best I could. It was way too early, but there was no fucking way I was going back to sleep, and there were no curtains on the windows to block out the distressing tide of morning.

I trotted to the bathroom for a mammoth piss, emptying a way overfull bladder with a sigh of contentment. I had found my clothes in a tidy pile, and pulled them on before heading out. I didn't know what I would be facing, but feared the worst. And the worst seemed to be waiting for me.

When I crept cautiously into the kitchen, the bear was whistling tunelessly at the oven. I could smell scrambled eggs, hash browns, tomatoes. He believed in a hearty breakfast, and I had to admit I was starving...

"Hello pony...and good morning sleepy head. Don't mind assfeatures over there...he is in a bad mood it seems. Must have his period."

I looked over at the couch, where a young bear was studiously ignoring us both watching television. He had a scowl that would curdle milk still in the udder, and his ears were twitching in outrage.

I trotted over to the bear, watching him dish out the breakfast on two plates.


He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. My muzzle burned a bit, and I tried not to look at the young bear.

"For us. Assfeatures wouldn't give me an answer when I asked him if he wanted any, so he isn't getting any..."

"Getting any, hey? Ironic, isn't it..."

The young bear had piped up. My heart sank to my hooves.

The older bear looked over at him with a scowl. "Got a problem, Jason?"

The young bear returned the scowl with interest. Compound interest. "Ironic, isn't it. I'm not getting any...unlike some..."

"What is the deal boy? Cant your dad have some fun..."

"Fun? Fun? Picking up some...ponyslut, like him? What were you thinking? How old are you? Are you trying to be a teenager again or some shit? Or are you just a slut like him? Umpfgh!"

The bear crossed the gap in a surprisingly short time, still holding a skillet covered in eggs. His bared fangs told of his anger, as much as the forgotten kitchen utensil. He gripped his son with the other paw and roared, eyes flashing.

"What the fuck are you talking about Jason? Since when did you get to tell me what to do? And I repeat...what the fuck is your problem?"

I swallowed, and held up one hand, I hoped apologetically. "Um...I think...I'm the problem..."

There was silence, as the two bears turned to face me. One, younger, looking angry. One, older, looking puzzled.

I studied the breakfast and sighed. Somehow, I knew I wasn't going to get to eat it.


Twelve months earlier.

It was my first time, ever, going to one of the clubs. I knew they existed, fuck I had trawled the internet looking for all the information I could. I had settled on this one because of the dungeon.

Dungeon. Even the word made me shiver.

Of course, it wasn't a real dungeon, and the pictures on the website were about as genuine as a Colt Studios video but that didn't matter. It was a dungeon, complete with a St Andrews Cross, and spanking bench and a fisting bench (holy fuck, a fisting bench!), and lube and condom dispensers in every room. The whole thing dripped with depravity (and god knew what else...the floors looked well cleaned shiny concrete at least...)

The upstairs bar was rocking, and I played it nice and cool. Even when I got plenty of eye contact, I gave it back, though the big biker type bull with the pierced nipples and the leather harness was kind of intimidating. Still, I could take it. I was a big, tall, well built stallion dude in my element. So what if I really didn't know what the fuck I was doing. My cock would lead the way.

Hands stroked my ass, and my chest. Different hands, by the look of them. In the throbbing heated darkness of the bar, I felt presences, bodies, as they groped and melted away. Some came close and stayed, like the bull. He looked at me with bovine stolidity, and snorted so hard his nosering bounced. Then he sidled up and stuck his muzzle in my left ear and huffed.

"So sweetie...can I fuck you..."

That was the moment I bottled it a little. I nickered, and shook my head, and he stepped back with a shake of the head and a sardonic grin.

"Pity...sweet little pony..."

"I' top..."

He tilted his head and stroked one horn. And then he smiled.

After regaining my composure a bit, I finally headed downstairs. The music gave way to other sounds. Moans. Cries. Voices raised in pleasure, pain, heat. I plunged into the writhing cauldron of the beast, at least after passing through the artfully placed room where you could disrobe and leave your clothes for a modest holding fee in the safe hands of the attendant fox.

I kept my clothes securely about my person, thank you very much.

In the first room, a wolf was tied to the St Andrews cross. His lover, owner, whatever, was making his life difficult though. He had a ball gag on, which was somewhat muffling his cries. The guy with him, a big German Shepherd, was teasing his cocktip, fingertips just rubbing his aching cock as precum drizzled to the floor. With his other hand, the Shep had a nice thick dildo slamming into the wolf's ass.

I watched, fascinated and horny as fuck, eyeing up the guys. All kinds, all species, all builds. Thin, short, tall, fat, muscled. It was a beautiful cornucopia of guys, and they all had something to offer.

The Shep caught my eye, watching him work over his wolf. His eyes fixed on mine, just as he pinched the tip of the wolf's cock hard, drawing a strangled cry from the helpless canine. He blew me a kiss.

"You next pony..."

I trotted into the next room, where several guys were lost in the pleasures of the flesh. Individually and in pairs, or more. I was just in time to see a stag taking a ram, his long thin cervine cock sinking into the ram's anus. An anus that moments before had been eaten out by a fox clad only in a leather g-string. The ram bleated as the long pink cock sank into his depths, then bleated again as the fox sank to his knees and sucked the ram's cock into his muzzle and bobbed slowly on the tip. I watched, fascinated, and hornier than even my first time.

There was a young bear next to me, by the wall, taking it all in. We exchanged a nervous look, then a smile, and he raised a beer to me.


"Ahh...hey!" I was a little lost for words.

"Fucking awesome isn't it!"

"Yeah..." I had to agree.

"So...why are we here by the wall then?"

That got a chuckle from me, and the bear seemed to make up his mind.

"I'm Jason. I know this is kind of an anonymous place but...well..."

"I'm Brendan."

We shook hands, as stupid as it sounds surrounded by a dozen guys getting fucked and sucked into multiple orgasms. I guess we were too well brought up to do anything else.

"Feel like...trying anything?" the bear sounded tentative. I kind of knew what he felt.

"Well...yeah but...they all seem..." they all seemed to know what they were doing. I had no such illusions.

"I mean mister horse...feel like trying anything with never mind..."

I turned to him, and watched his embarrassment and indecision. He sucked down the rest of his beer as if to cover. He was probably my age, pretty big but shorter, dressed in a nice embroidered shirt and black pants. His fur was a delicious brown, and his eyes blazed with blue even through the embarrassment. I found myself smiling, and he smiled back.

"If you don't mind...well, I'm not so used to all this..." I hated admitting it, but I didn't mind admitting it to him. He seemed to like it.

"We can work it out together mate. Might even show them a thing or two..."

We kissed a little awkwardly, but his muzzle felt good, and tasted better. And the feel of his fur on my fingers was electric, when I slid hands under his shirt and across his belly and chest. His nipples seemed especially sensitive, and I got a rush from squeezing them and making him moan. Then a hand under his belt and I felt his erection and the hardness and the heat made me hungry.

I bent my muzzle to his ear and rasped "on your knees bear..."

He obeyed, and I loved the feeling of power, of pure erotic control. We had an audience too, plenty of the assembled crew watching the two young idiots as we fumbled our way to nirvana. I liked it. I liked being noticed, and the feeling gave extra heat to my cock when the bear got down to business and pulled my aching cock from my jeans and stroked me to dripping need right there in front of all those guys.

"Go on...suck..."

He bent forward, tentative at first, then with decision. I felt him lick my balls, then my shaft, then the head, then he took just the flare and I lifted my head in ecstasy and let out a whinny of pure unadulterated lust.

"Oh yeah...oh yeah...oh yeah...."

He rested his paws on my thighs, and I felt them stroke the muscles. He stopped suckling for a minute to look at me, and I smiled down at him and revelled in his admiration. Then he went back to work, paws stroking my legs, muzzle stroking my cock.

Then I felt a presence behind me.

"Hold still horsey..."

It was the bull from upstairs. I could feel his breath on my neck, and then a fingertip that just barely touched my rump. I was still clothed, mostly, but my pants had fallen down to just under my ass and the bull was taking advantage of my vulnerability. His digit traced a teasing circle on my ass, then played with my tail as I felt the bear suck me down to the medial. Then the finger slid into my crevice and touched my hole.

That was too much. I gripped the bear's head reflexively and thrust, ramming my flare down his throat as I let out a wild whinny and shot off. He struggled to take it, pulling off as s torrent of colt spunk shot from his muzzle and dribbled to the floor.

The audience seemed to enjoy, though there were a few catcalls. I distinctly heard the stag say "clean up on aisle three..."

The bull whispered in my ear. "Naughty pony...I will have to teach you some manners..."

I gave him an elbow in the guts, ignoring for now how good it felt feeling his finger on my ass, and how much I wanted that to go on. The bear smiled, grinned even, and patted by balls.

"Hot stuff...seems like you love my muzzle..."

Time to take charge.

"Yeah...think I'd love your ass more though...if you'd like that..."

He blinked a couple of times, and swiped a big mitt across his muzzle, wiping away the horse cum. I lifted his chin, and pulled him to his paws, standing against me. With a slight nicker and a glance at the bull, now standing back and waiting, I pulled the bear into a heated kiss. He tasted of me...thick, rich horse cum. It tasted good...

We looked around, wondering what was next. Then I spied the solution.

"Err...maybe...over that?"

I pointed to the spanking bench. It had a padded top, and two rests where a guy's legs could be strapped down, spread wide, for a spanking. Or something else, if desired...

He gave me that look again, and swallowed, but smiled and winked. Then he stripped, to a round of catcalls and applause from the appreciative audience. I returned the smile, and the heat, my horsecock still hard and now bouncing to my heartbeat. A long dripping trail of cum still hung to the flare like a flag. It seemed to give him confidence, even a sense of approval, and he played up to it, giving a little turn, poking his ass at everyone and shaking it.

"Lucky pony..." I heard the stag again, and had to agree.

There was a condom dispenser and a lube dispenser by the wall. As Jason took up his position over the bench, I did my clumsy best to prepare. I couldn't get the package open, and in the end I had to bite the end off and tear, pulling out the little latex package as the bear watched impatient but needy.

"Please...ahhh...please be gentle Brendan."

It was a whisper just for me, and oddly intimate moment while being watched by a dozen guys fucking in a dungeon. But intimate all the same.

I stepped up behind him, my tip pressed to his ass. I pushed, and he grunted, but it wouldn't work. I gave up and let my cock slide down his crack a little. This young bear needed some preparation.

Luckily there was more than enough lube. I still had fingers covered in the stuff from lathering up my cock, and I put them to good use, sliding into that tight hole gently, listening for moans instead of cries. I spread my knuckles gradually, spreading his ass at the same time, then began to fuck him deep with my fingers, adding a third when he started to push back against my thrusts.


His youthful voice sounded so sweet, and so incongruous in that room. I looked around, watching the others, some fucking, some jacking off watching, some ignoring us in their own pleasures. The bull was there, his gaze on me like a laser beam, and it was a laser fuelled by jealousy. He had the fox sucking him off, his fingers wrapped round the guy's face, fucking his muzzle while never taking his eyes off me. I turned back to my bear, determined to make it good.

He was ready. More than ready. When I rested my flare on him I felt the give in his tailhole. It opened so easy, even when the widest part of my flare spread him and I saw the muscled ring straining. Then it was in and he let out a deep hungry sigh as I let the first few inches into his ass.

My hands rested on his furry hips. I stroked him, loving the feel of his fur on my fingerhooves. I pressed into his muscles, feeling them give under my touch, over his hips, his ass, his back. My tail flicked in pleasure, and I let my head rock back, closing my eyes and drinking in the scent of pure fucking, overlaid by the scent of bear musk. My cock jerked, and I flexed my hips, driving little deeper into the bear.

He moaned. "Ohhh yes...please..."

Back a little, teasing him with the prospect of my cock leaving him. I spread his hole again, my flare pulling back, almost out...

"No! No! Ahhhhh!"

Another jerk of the hips, and I let him have the first six inches, thick horsemeat now buried in his hole. His little pucker flexed and pulsed, trying to close then relaxing, and I did it again, out and almost free, then deeper. His hindpaws curled, lying off the ends of the legrests, and I gave his rump a tentative spank. He turned to look at me, and I shrugged.

"Well, it is a spanking bench mate..."

He tried to laugh and I stopped that with my cock, driving in to the medial. Instead he groaned. I was in the zone now, long slow thrusts, and finally I reached the end, my balls on his furry rump and my cock buried to the hilt. I bent over him and kissed his neck, then pulled his muzzle round to kiss him deep, savouring his taste and the little whimpers as I rocked back and forward in his tunnel.

One hand reached under to cup his cock head, and stroke him along for the ride.

"Now relax Jason..."

He came three times into my hand. The first time I was amazed at the feel, lifting my hand to my muzzle to sniff and stare at the puddle of jizz before licking it off and returning to his overheated cock. I had never made a guy cum like that before, and I wanted more. It wasn't long in coming, when I found shallow worked best and my flare on his nut left him screaming out his orgasm and he flooded my hand again. And again.

The last one did for me too, and I flagged my tail and let out a whinny that surprised even me as I emptied into the condom. When I regained some composure, I looked around to see some guys had enjoyed the performance, with pools of cum under some of our audience and more than a few heated glances. The bull still stared too, and he had cum, a big puddle of spunk coating the fox's face. And he was chewing his cud like a true bovine as he stared into my eyes.

Somehow I felt the need to go, now it was done, it felt too intimate in a way, between the bear and the bull and the rest. I pulled up my jeans, while the bear looked a bit distressed, still bent over the spanking bench with cum dripping from his still-hard cock.

"Can I...can I give you my number at least?"

I nodded, and whipped out my phone. Digital contact made, he also gave me a kiss, and a lingering stroke on my butt and a gentle touch on my bulge. I made my farewells, ignoring the many enthusiastic greetings from the crowd, and headed back to the bar.


Damien looked me over, then at his son, and shook his head.

"Someone want to fill me in?"

Jason gave him a scowl. "Yeah, saw you two in bed dad, I think you've already been filled in plenty."


"I can't blame you, he's got a tight little bubble ass and bigger tits than Cher, just your type...owwwwwwww!"

I watched, a little fascinated, a little appalled, and massively aroused as the older bear pulled his son, easily enough even though he struggled, over his lap and administered a spanking that made the young bear finally break and snuffle.

"You aren't too old for this little shit, and you need to learn some fucking manners!"

Each word was accompanied by a stinging blow to the young bear's ass, and I watched those globes jiggle from each new spank and imagined them bent over and spread for me a year ago, and imagined taking him now. I was achingly hard again, and crossed my hands over my groin to try to cover it. I finally recovered my voice, though, and some sort of fellow feeling for my erstwhile fuckbuddy.

"Um, please, Damien...stop that. It's my fault after all..."

The old bear pushed his son off his lap, Jason now sitting a little gingerly and snuffling as he tried not to meet my gaze. I wanted to cuddle him so much right now, but I had bridges to unburn first.

"We..ahh...we've met..."

Damien blinked. "As in...?"

Jason stood a little gingerly and headed for the kitchen and the fridge. He pulled out a beer and popped the top, sucking down a big load of lager before the backwash almost made him choke. He wiped his muzzle, the froth reminding me of something else, and looked at me with eyes full of hurt.

"As in biblically..."

The older bear gave a double take. "Serious? Where?"

Both of us examined the floor minutely then. ""

"Do I need to put both of you over my knee to get some fucking answers?"

I headed for the fridge too, and a beer. So what if it was only 10 a.m., I felt I needed it.

"Virgin Mary's"

Jason seemed defiant. His dad appeared gobsmacked.

"Holy shit! I didn't know you went to that shitful dive!"

"It was my first time...and I only went back afterwards looking for him. But you never came back, never called me. Was I that awful Brendan?"

Now I was for it. The bear was crying again, and not from a spanking. I realised a little of what I had done, and I needed to confess. Confession was good for the soul, they said.

"Mate...I lost your number."

He blinked. "Fuck way..."

"It's true." And it was.

I had intended to call him, and part of me liked the young bear. He was definitely hot, but there was more. A sweetness that both attracted me and terrified me; I had fucked guys before, that was no issue, but I had never felt anything for them. With the bear though...

When I got home, wondering if I should call him then or next day or never, I reached for my phone, and found my pocket empty. I remembered his number started with 0487, and that was it.

I recounted this with a hanging head, not sure how he would take it. He seemed to take it ok though.

" was just an accident?"

"Not really..."

I got a new phone, and kept the same number. That was a mistake. Soon I started getting mystery calls, then texts, then one especially suggestive photo.

"It was the remember, the one in the club."

Jason put a paw over his muzzle and giggled. "No...well, he did have the hots for you..."

The final straw was a picture of the bull, naked and hard, with cum dripping from his cock all over a picture of me from that night. The inscription was probably unnecessary in the circumstances, but heartfelt anyway.

"Thinking of you pony!"

I ditched my number and never went back, sticking to picking up cougars mostly. They weren't creepy, just clingy, but I never let them know where I lived.

Damien had watched me recount this sordid tale with a slight grin on his muzzle, shaking his head when I finally stopped. He gave me a pat on the head, lingering a moment on my mane.

"Well, I'm not about to send you photos of my junk. I wouldn't mind a nice pic of you naked for my bunkroom in the mine though...just joking!" He gave me a pat on the ass and both bears cracked up at my expression.

"I'm glad I can provide entertainment..."

"Now pony, don't get mad. After all, you still have a confession to make don't you."


"You knew, didn't you. Before we fucked. You knew...when you saw the picture by my bed."

I sucked down the beer. He had me. Jason looked stricken, and I blushed crimson under my coat.


The young bear sounded hurt. "Then why the fuck..."

"He was hot, I was horny, do I need another explanation?"

"But I liked you! And you knew it too! You cunt!"

We both turned to the young bear, and watched him storm out of the room.


When we found him, he was in his bedroom, curled up in a ball on his bed. He had a horse plushie in his arms, and he was punching it in the stomach. Freud would have a fit.



"I'm sorry. I didn't know you...well, I didn't know I made such an impression."

"Don't apologise. I'm stupid, I know. It's just...well, you were the first guy who made me cum like that. You made me feel like nobody ever has before or since."

I got on the bed and watched him for a moment, his dad hovering in the doorway. He gave me a twinkling glance and punched the plushie horse right in the groin.

" fair mate!"

"I forgive you...mostly."

"Tell me what I can do to make it up to you, and I will."

Now his muzzle split in a triumphant grin. "I want to fuck you!"

The older bear fell on the floor laughing. I was too dumbstruck to care. "Wha..."

"Come on! All that "I'm a top" shit. Are you for real? I want your horsey ass, right now..."

Now it was my turn to be a bit lost. I had never had someone fuck me, ever. A last frontier, a last barrier to cross. A last intimacy I held back, telling myself I was in control. Now this bear wanted to take that away, but I realised, when I thought about it, there was nobody I would rather have to be the one. And at least I knew he cared.

"Ok. Right now. You're on."

He blinked, and opened his muzzle, and closed it, and swallowed.


"Oh for fuck sake. Get in here you two!"

It seemed like papa bear was taking charge. We followed him into the bedroom, and he looked us both over wistfully.

"Jason, have you ever topped?"

The young bear shook his head.

"And what about you ponyass, have you ever bottomed?"

I shook mine, standing with my arms protectively over my chest. He sighed and nodded.

"Right...time for me to teach you son. I don't know that they include this one in parenting books though..."

And so we were all soon naked, and grinning like conspirators. I felt one bear behind me, kissing my neck, Jason in his uncertain way touching me and getting used to my body again. His paws ran through my mane, then across my shoulders, and down my back, feeling my muscles and the flow of my chestnut coat. His dad wasn't idle though, kissing my chest, suckling my nipples until I cried out, one paw stroking my dropped cock into full erection.

It was papa bear who guided me to the bed, and I followed his instructions slowly, a little uncertain, but only from wanting to do it right. He lay down on his back, and lay me down on top of him, and I felt my cock slide against his furry thigh and then against his cock, flare against his head and over his belly, our balls mashed together in heat.

He hooked his paws against the inside of my fetlocks and pressed, spreading my legs wider. I was hunched over him, ass in the air, cock rubbing on his, muzzle pressed to the pillow beside his head. I heard a gasp from Jason, the sound filling me with pleasure, and I lifted my tail provocatively and grinned at the strangled cry as the younger bear took in the sight of my tailhole.

The gruff voice next to my ears sounded coaxing, as if he were dealing with a reluctant stallion, but I was anything but reluctant now. Though, looking back at the younger bear, I could see he was caught between lust and terror, his paws wringing as he watched his every desire coming to fruition right before his eyes.

"Now will be fine. But you have to get him him how good you can be stud..."

The young bear walked forward, mesmerised almost by the sight of my ass. I gave him it all, spreading my cheeks with my hands, exposing the full length of my crevice, the long line of black soft skin from dock to scrotum, and he let out a little moan and poked his tongue out unconsciously licking the gift.

"Don't lick the fucking air boy...lick him for real."

His muzzle felt hot and wet on my taint. He nuzzled, then he licked, and I felt the rasp of tongue on my perineum. He hefted my balls, rolling them in their sack, and poked his tongue at my hole. Tentative, then harder, then insistent, then I felt my pucker open and the sweet warm wet progress of bear tongue into my depths.

His dad stroked my mane, making it easier as I felt the slick penetration from a thick bear tongue and anticipated the more invading penetration to come. Judging by the huffs on my rear, it wouldn't be long in coming. I heard Jason move behind me, the bed creaking as he knelt behind me.

He must have looked a little lost still, because I heard his dad give him some encouragement.

"That's it boy. Now fingers...loosen him up well before you take him."

I looked behind, to see a bear in heat. His cock was dripping, red and angry, the end so fat and dark it looked like it would explode. And its owner had the biggest stupidest grin on his muzzle.

"Remember how I got you ready Jase. In the club?"

His grin got bigger, and he looked around the room.

"Top drawer, on the left."

He was hesitant at first, and my heart melted feeling him press against my pucker and stop, waiting for me to object. I didn't, far from it, and I wiggled my ass invitingly and gave him a nod and he pressed harder and I felt his finger slide inside me, spreading me a little harsh and I grunted once but cursed myself when he stopped.

"Go on mate...feels good..."

Bolder, he speared his finger in deep, touching my nut and I whinnied as he did, my tail swishing in response. One big bear mitt gripped my mane and pulled my muzzle up, and I was looking into a pair of deep blue eyes, and then I was being kissed, the old bear's muzzle tasting so fine as his son spread my hole with one finger, then two, then three and I writhed against his body and my cock leaked against his belly and our shafts rubbed in needful symmetry between our bodies.

It was time, and Damien broke our kiss long enough to give his son a last word of encouragement.

"Take him slow at first...but when he's ready, give him all you've got."

I felt it then, the pulsing heat of a fat bearcock, against my ring. And it was coming in. he pressed and I pushed back and it happened, I was being fucked, and his head slid into me easy and it was wonderful. I winced a little as the first thrust spread me a little painfully, and I moaned and whimpered, and he took me easy, stopping often, until I felt him all the way inside and his breath coursed down my back and he rested on me hilted and complete.

So was I.

The pace built gradually, in easy stages. The slap of hips on my rump built, and a new sensation, the feel of bear paw on my cock as Damien jacked us both off while his son filled my ass. I was surrounded by loving bear, inside and out, and when I cried out in orgasm it was into a willing bear muzzle and onto a bear chest, followed soon after by the younger version crying out as he lost it in my rear too and collapsed on my back.

I woke spooned between them, Damien behind, Jase at my front. He was sleepy eyed, half lidded in pleasure, and he had one paw on my cock.

"How was your first time mister pony?"

"Not bad..."

There was a grumbling chuckle from behind.

"He's a fast learner...better at that than chores that's for sure. Or schoolwork, or uni, the dumb shit keeps failing, but it seems like he is a master of ponyass. Now he's broken you in, do you think I can have my shot? You know I'm not into cherries...but you aren't any more."

I saw Jason bite his lips, then nod, still grinning. The bear behind me reached across, and I felt the slick wetness of lube on my raw hole. Then the heat of a second bearcock, pressing against me, as the older bear lifted my top leg gently and eased himself inside.

Young bear paw slid over my cock, bringing me to the edge in no time, as we kissed hungrily. Damien had a better idea though.

"Sixty nine him boy...see if we can get this horse tamed."

Suddenly I was confronted by bear groin, cock rampant and needy, and I sucked his length into my muzzle tasting the sweet tang of precum and the rich musk of teenage bear. Not to be outdone, Jason wrapped his lips round my flare and I pushed my hips forward into him, wanting that heat to swallow me up.

I was close, so close, and Damien could sense it. He was not about to let me leave his son high and dry though.

"Finger him pony..."

I didn't need to be told twice. And I took a particular pleasure in feeling his ass clench and hearing his muffled cries as he felt me plunder his tailhole with three fingers and stroke his nut. He came just about the same time I did, filling my muzzle as I flooded his with a torrent of teenage horse cum.

He got to watch then, fascinated by the sight of his dad's cock pistoning into my ass. I stopped caring about anything but the feel of that cock, perfect pillar of bear flesh, as Damien took his pleasure from me, and I from him, while his son lapped at my scrotum and fondled my sheath. When the end came it was hard, the older bear biting my shoulder in his passion as he lost his rhythm in short fast thrusts and then rested spent against me.

When we woke again, my chest was covered in bear drool, my ass hurt, my coat was coated in spunk and I needed a beer.

I was also happier than I had been in a long time.

In the kitchen, I took stock of my situation just as the older bear came in scratching his balls and smiling.

"Not bad little pony...not bad."

"Not bad? I'm the best fucking bottom ever! Who knew?"

I got a swat on the ass for my trouble, and an offer.

"You know, it would be good to know someone was here with him when I'm away in the mines. Someone who cares about him..."

So that's how it began. And three years later, I'm still here, and still happy. And my ass still gets filled with bearcock on a regular basis, sometimes both, sometimes only one. But now, by mutual agreement, it's a bare bearcock, after we agreed to stick to just the three of us.

I should probably thank that bull, if I find him, but that would probably be a bad thing. Thinking on how his cock looked again...

Well, now I've crossed the frontier, being a bottom feels amazing. And a horse can daydream, but I know I won't do anything.

I've got the bear necessities of life sorted.

Yo Momma

It was a seriously shitty job. I knew it, and I didn't mind so much. Oh, I knew I got no respect, and my prospects were practically nil and I would go fucking crazy one of these days and my family were embarrassed at their low-rent son and his fucking...

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Inkerman Street - Part 1

It was cold, one of those days where your breath comes out looking like a dragon's and you can feel the sting as the wind whips along the road and hammers your face. I shivered a little, pulling my coat around me tighter as I got off the tram and began...

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I woke to the grey dawn, a pale and gibbous offering this early just barely insinuating it's way into my bedroom like an assassin; and to the figure of a real assassin, his eyes wide and staring. I felt the touch of steel, and in spite of my...

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