Ch. 22 Halloween Special 9/9 Halloween Birthday Potty

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#22 of Flush a Fuck

i did this as a special birthday suprise for NathanSpade (Willywolfe). The big guy's birthday is halloween and i wanted to give him a special present for a special day. i think he enjoyed it immensely as did special guests kitsu and Zyps. Everyone had fun at the very special halloween porty.

"Okay, umm hmm yess okay I get it well just show up when you can its gonna go on for a while alright okay bye, bye" aleck said hanging up the phone and stretching. He got up and padded into the kitchen where a lot of his friends were busy putting things together. Mark was making chip dip, Leo was working on finger foods, Lee was busy with chili Kitsu and Zyps were working on punch. "well its all in hand guys everyone is on there way with the exception of a few and the birthday boy has no clue" he said as he tasted some of the chili and then went to put bowls of candy on the table.

Everyone smiled happily and went back to work while Aleck checked the rest of the house and then went out to put fresh candles in the pumpkin lanterns he had carved that afternoon. That done he began the hurried process of relieving his friends so they could go and change into costumes. He also had the happy chore of letting in all the party guests as they showed up. He had just let in a large horse dressed as a soilder when zyps came up to him in his pumpkin costume and spelled him so that he could get changed himself.

Once aleck was in his costume he joined the rest of the party guests and worked on keeping an eye out for Nate while dispensing candy to kids who were out for a second or first night of trick or treating. At one point he looked out and saw the happy birthday coon coming up the walk wearing a simple black cape and vampire costume.

"okay everyone this is it he thinks he's here to spend the night with me handing out candy so quickly hide" aleck called as the lights were dimmed down to a few lamps here and there.

Nate had no idea what he was in store for. The birthday coon was used to his birthday being overshadowed by the holiday at times and he didn't mind coming over and spending the night with a friend handing out candy. He secretly hoped that when the candy dispensing was done he could have a little bit of fun with Aleck as well. He padded up the walkway and smirked at the pumpkin lanterns dispersed along the walkway and the two jack o lanterns on the small porch. He reached out a paw and rang the doorbell and heard aleck call, "Who is it?"

"It's me Nate I'm here to help with your trick or treaters"

"Oh Nate you're here good, come on in its not locked" Aleck called

Nate grabbed the doorknob and opened the door into a pitch black house. "Um Aleck is something wrong with your power?"

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!" a whole lot of furs called as lights were snapped on and a lot of people he knew pulled him into the house "happy birthday Nate" everyone called out for him. Aleck came forward with a crown that looked like it had been carved out of a pumpkin but when it was placed on his head he found it was only a fake funkin.

The raccoon blushed as several people gave him hugs and a few pinched his ass playfully or slapped it quoting the birthday spanking rule. He blushed as Kitsu gave him a kiss on the nose followed by the hug he got from Zyps on his leg and the double crushing hug he got from Lee and Leo.

"You all did this for me?" he asked

Everyone nodded and smiled then someone turned the music back on and the party got back into swing. Kitsu Danced with Nate for a while and Aleck found himself chuckling slightly as an Air force pilot from WWII danced with a vampire wearing a pumpkin crown that is until a small orange gray and purple pumpkin climbed up on his shoulders and hugged him. Zyps then scampered down and went off to get a snack. Mark and Lee were dancing and a few people tried to get them to strip out of their fireman's uniforms, while Leo with a huge pile of food got his navy whites several different colors.

Time passed quickly and Nate and Aleck soon found themselves seated on the couch watching some of their friends bobbing for apples and others dancing.

"You want to slip away for a while birthday boy?" Aleck asked

Nate smiled shyly and nodded before getting up and leading the way to aleck's bedroom. Neither noticed that they were followed by Lee who nickered quietly and locked the door behind them before joining them on the bed. Nate and Aleck had shed their clothes and were now fondling each other's cocks before Lee came up before them and started a private strip tease.

The big equine started out slowly working on stripping everything off of his body. He tossed the coat to one side and then laid back on the floor removing one boot then the other before dancing popping his ass for the two and slowly slipping off the coveralls and wiggling his tight speedo clad groin for them. He then slipped it off and let them both murrl before the speedo landed on their noses. Then he came over and began to lick around on Nates cock and fingering Aleck's ass. Lee worked slowly preparing everything and then he made them pair their parts. Nate started to hump at Aleck's ass while Lee gently slipped into the raccoon's hole and began to hump harder and harder until he was in control of the situation and by the time he finally came so did Nate and Aleck.

Lee then got dressed winked at Nate and went back out to the party. Nate and aleck laid next to each other before aleck got up and went into the bathroom returning ten minutes later after the toilet flushed. He then put his costume back on and went back out to the party too. Nate remained on the bed for a few more minutes than clenching his rather full ass he put his clothes on and went in to the bathroom to unload.

He was unloading the cum that had been dumped into him when he heard a strange cackling coming from the vicinity of Aleck's shower. He grunted gently and watched amazed as the door to the stall was opened and a figure stepped out. It was an odd creature with a purple and black cloak/cape wrapped around its body which was wearing purple robes. The head was a jack o lantern but it could apparently maneuver the mouth because it opened and closed as the creature laughed. It slowly came over on feet that looked clawed but sounded like they were made of wood. Nate wasn't scared more bemused and so he questioned the creature.

"And who might you be?" he asked it "I'm kind of busy here but if you wait I promise we can have some fun."

The creature laughed its rather breathy childlike laugh and then spoke "oh I guarantee we are definitely going to have fun mister birthday boy I am the spirit of Halloween and I'm here to ensure things 'go' well tonight" it said in a breathy childlike voice.

The creature came up to the raccoon and reached behind him and over him and with glowing hands began to do some work. It reached over and around nate and touched every part of the toilet altering and manipulating something so that the seated coon could feel things going quite soft beneath him. The creature must have sensed his intent to flee because it held him in place and then pushed him into the softened toilet forcing him and the toilet to become one and the same. Nate's costume fell into the bowl on top of his waste while the raccoon found he was the toilet. He was adjusting to his new status when the creature flushed sending his costume down on ahead of him and then it smiled.

"Good, good you are ready" it rasped then it pulled aside its robes and revealed a twisted cock that began to dribble something that glowed into Nates bowl/mouth. The stuff was golden and glowing resembling piss in some way but much thick and when the creature finished dribbling it out it reached over and flushed Nate. Nate had found the stuff to be quite pleasant tasting much like spiced apple cider and pumpkin bread all rolled into one with a heavy over coating of cinnamon. He soon found that the minimal control he had had before was gone but he didn't mind. Soon the stuff had permeated his whole being and his eyes reflected its light the creature lifted up the seat on him and Nate found himself singing.

The song was beautiful and it permeated all parts of the party overpowering the music and somehow the smells of the food and candy as well. People soon found themselves marching along to the siren song into Aleck's bathroom that soon stretched and distorted to fit them all in. The creature smiled as they entered and then took control seating itself on the back of Nates tank.

"Greetings my pets its Halloween and in honor of the greatness of the holiday we are going to have some hijinks." It wheezed "now I want you to have fun and those who would not...." It reached down and flushed Nate. "You may leave now. Now let's get to work."

Everyone listened with less and less care before nodding and agreeing. Then on mass people stripped out of their costumes. Nate soon found six furs in line to hope up in him. Each one got shrunk and flushed at the same time. Three others were held against their will by Leo who had them shrunk so he could shove them one by one up his ass. Leo then climbed on the dick of mark who happily fucked him until he came then swallowed the otter. Kitsu got blasted by the shrink ray and he and zyps climbed in the bowl and were promptly flushed away to the siren song. Most of the guests where gone by this point it was only Aleck, Mark, Lee, and six others. One of which was travelling down the cock of another. The creature summoned three of them to attend it.

The fur who had cockvored the other was a friend of Aleck's. He was a horse who had recently bought himself a flushmaster XXL so that he could handle his well-endowed figure. The horse smirked at the toilet and padded over and shoved his huge length into nates bowl essentially fucking the toilet and by extension Nate. His name was Jerry and he was quite happy to pleasure the birthday bowl. While that was going on the creature had started its own little party. The three furs it had selected were pleasuring its hole, its cock and actually making out with it.

The creature ginned wider and wider and finally it swallowed the first fur while the second soon found it couldn't get its tongue free of the shaft it was sucking and the third screamed from the inside of the creatures ass. The creature was no light weight in this because faster than most furs could blink its guests found themselves in their new homes. The creature then belched loudly before going back to watching the goings on. Aleck had finally swallowed the one remaining fur a rabbit he had invited as a waiter and then sighing he marched over to the dark god and found himself traveling quickly to the creature's stomach. Lee by this point was in pain from the overfilled stomach and was in need of Nates bowl. That however was engaged by Jerry who groaned and gasped as he finally came then turned and sat down to breath and before he knew what was happening found himself being sucked down the bowl. Lee finally sat down and was the process of relieving himself when Nate flushed again sucking him down and away.

The spirit then grinning sat itself on its minions bowl and began to relieve itself. It opened its knothole pucker and sprayed huge chunks of scat into the bowl. Following that with the golden torrent of his piss. The final thing it did was to massage its wood like balls and spray in one continuous flow the cum that had been the rabbit. Then after wiping it pulled nates handle and sent the stuff down the bowl. The spirit was beginning to get up when the tall clock in the hall began to chime midnight and the spirit sighing sat back down in the bowl. It reached back and pulled on Nate melting him into the bowl with it and then pulled the flush sending them both away. The creature spun round and round and round and eventually went down but one thing didn't go.

The toilet gurgled gently as the spirits pumpkin head came to rest on the seat whispering quietly as the candle within it died, "Happy Flushoween"

Ch. 23 White Flushmas

Flush a Fuck Ch. 23 White Flushmas .... "Please sir its Christmas day sir"....... "Chocolate fresh from....."....... "and now we continue our exploration of the latest gadget from Flush a Fuck the Snow-go 500 now yellow snow is a thing of the...

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Ch. 21 Halloween Special 8/9 Trick or (Tr)eating

"Trick or treat" came the happy cries of cubs racing up and down the streets. Ghost and goblins ran rampant on the sidewalk with super heroes and knights and fairy princesses. Cubs of all ages and sizes where running from house to house knocking on...

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Ch. 20 Halloween Special 7/9 Haunted Flush Fun!

Fall leaves swirled on the wind and spiraled around yards. The wind ripped fresh ones out of the trees and sent them chasing and skating up and down the sidewalks and roads. A small gray and purple Pikachu pounced on them as he scampered along the...

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