Ch. 21 Halloween Special 8/9 Trick or (Tr)eating

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#21 of Flush a Fuck

Trick or treatign takes a new turn beyond urban legends of tampered candy and kidnappings. Read and enjoy to understand.

"Trick or treat" came the happy cries of cubs racing up and down the streets. Ghost and goblins ran rampant on the sidewalk with super heroes and knights and fairy princesses. Cubs of all ages and sizes where running from house to house knocking on doors and giggling as they offered the time old phrase of Trick or Treat. Adults pretended to be scared and opened up doors cautiously dispensing candy and small toys varying from house to house. Some of the adults supervising their offspring held up small boxes collecting money for charities to which the other adults knowingly nodded and put in coins and dollar bills before waving goodbye to their guests.

Aleck had just closed his door on a huge bunch and set the candy bowl back down when the doorbell rang again. Sighing he got back up off the couch and put on a happy face grabbing the candy bowl. When he opened the door two figures towered over him since he had bent over to be on better terms with the small people he had expected. "Trick or Treat" they said in unison before they both giggled.

"Though if this is the kind of treats you offer I would love to see the tricks" a familiar voice said

Aleck looked up and into the mischievous eyes of two of his closest friends. Mark the dalmatian who was dressed up as a sexy firefighter and Leo the green otter who was dressed as a submarine captain. The pair hugged him and slipped into his house as Aleck closed his door with a sigh and came to join them.

"You two look like you're having fun you also look great but still" Aleck said as he sat back down on the couch.

Mark spun around showing off all his assets "thanks big woof but where is your costume?" he asked

Leo came over and sat next to his friend "yeah we want you to go to the adults trick or treat with us"

Aleck sighed, "I haven't put it on yet and I don't really wanna go to that after all I've got a lot to do for the actual Halloween part tomorrow" he said.

Leo and mark both frowned and nodded in unison before saying "well we will just see about that" thankfully the doorbell rang and Aleck was forced to get up and dispense more candy to three little ghouls and their older vampire brother.

"look if I promise to consider the idea do you two promise to let me just rest for a bit in peace?" aleck asked as he came to sit back down.

The other two nodded in unison before removing their hats and sitting with aleck watching a Halloween sitcom. Halloween may have been the next night but the local constabulary group had decided to let trick or treating progress the night before and the night of that year. Aleck had decided to hand out candy on the night before and the next night while the party was going on he would dispense as people came but he fully intended to enjoy the party.

Across town in a house with a simple jack o lantern a rabbit was screaming. His lower body was slowly being swallowed up while his friend was kicking trying to escape from the Jaws of a much larger wolf. The wolf growled as he reached down and put a paw on the rabbits maw and then clenched with his cock until the rabbit was being sucked deep into the larger creatures balls. Then he went back to work gulping down his other meal before he put his costume back on and collapsed on his couch panting gently. "Man I love Halloween he sighed" he let his eyes drift shut for a few minutes. The doorbell startled him awake and he grumbled as he made his way over to see if he was gonna get a snack like the two college boys he had just downed or if it was more annoying cubs. He had started out the evening lying and saying he had been hit up and didn't have any more candy and ended up with several furs worth of bags that he had redistributed out.

When he got to the door he wasn't thrilled to see that it was a bunch of cubs but he sighed and grabbed some of the candy from his victim's bags and did his best to look happy as he opened the door to the chorus of "TRICK OR TREAT". He did his best to make the kids happy but was thrilled when they went away so he could drop back on his ass and watch some more television. He hadn't been watching long when the doorbell rang out again. Uttering mild profanities at having to get up and slosh himself over he opened the door snarling fit to match his werewolf appearance and then smiled happily. Before him was a large otter. The guy was obviously not a cub and not a college student. Perhaps he was just some adult looking to get some candy. "Trick or treat" he said holding out a bag filled with candy.

"You're a little old to be out right now aren't you?" the wolf asked.

The kid grumbled and sighed "Look dude I'm out here because I'm pledging a frat and it was either this or be the dump for the pent up guys tonight" he said.

The big wolf smiled and chuckled "hey I know how it is man why don't you come on in for a beer" he motioned as he swung the door wider.

The otter looked at his watch danced from foot to foot for a bit and finally nodded. He had known the rules of trick or treating since he was a cub but somehow he just didn't care. So when the wolf ushered him inside he happily agreed tossing his collection bag on the table next to the rest. The wolf closed the door with a sharp click and then trundled off to the kitchen and came back with two cans of beer. He tossed one to the kid and popped the other for himself. He then reached down to his pants and dropped them. The otter freaked out a little over this.

"Hey man I didn't think we were gonna have this kind of party after all kids are gonna be at the door"

The wolf gave a light howl and chortle "no they aren't I turned off the light just for right now" he then sat down and nuzzled the otter kid who slowly began to let his resistance fall. Soon they were slowly humping against each other the bigger wolf finally grunting and falling back letting his big belly and overfilled balls fall aside.

"Sorry kid you're gonna have to pound my hole I'm too stuffed to do anything else" he grunted.

The otter smirked and lubed up the wolf's cock and then grinned "don't you worry ill fuck myself on this nice hard pole" he then squatted down over the wolf's cock and began to hump himself slowly driving his host crazy. The wolf groaned and moaned and gently thrust his own hips forward before knotting the kid hard and letting his balls begin a long slow drain. The otter groaned and groaned as his stomach slowly swelled out filling with the former rabbit.

"p-p-phew you sure had a lot to unload" he panted

"Oh yeah just some earlier guests I needed to dump off guess you got to be a dump tonight anyway" the wolf said with a shrug

"What do you mean by guests?" the otter asked as he pulled off not sure if he liked the connotation here.

"I mean furs much like you out trick or treating they got a loyal treatment and you soon will too" he said as he grabbed the kid."

"Wha no nooooooooo" the otter screamed as his nose was ground into the wolf's asshole and before he knew what was happening his whole head was inside the hole. Just as the wolf was forcing the bulk of him in the doorbell went off getting him in an irritated way.

"Crap and I only just started oh well" he padded over and looked out to see who it was. The porch had two adult rabbits standing there smiling happily. The wolf smirked to himself and opened up the door just enough to show his head and handed out some candy before inviting them in for a beer. They accepted and padded over to the couch while the wolf closed and locked the door making sure the light was out this time. Then with half an otter out his ass he attacked his next meals.

Back at Aleck's house Leo and mark had finally convinced Aleck to get into his costume and so while Leo handed out candy to incoming cubs. Mark helped Aleck get himself all dressed up by first stripping him down sucking him off and then helping the wolf into his druid costume. They took longer than Leo would have liked and by the nine o clock cut off for cubs he went to find them and found mark cock deep in the wolf's ass so Leo dropped his pants and muttered something about hey sailor and the three friends went at it for five minutes before taking turns using the toilet to empty out what needed emptying.

Then quiet as the night they joined a large cue of young adult furs and headed out on the town with bags to collect candy. Aleck looked around and smiled at all the furs still out and about there were quite a few sexy type costumes. While he and his friends headed from door to door acting very much like kids they managed to see every possible profession the earth offered most of which in the world's oldest profession theme. They had covered half the town by the time 10 o'clock rolled around and were just heading to the Wolf's neighborhood. They went up the path to his neighbor's house and passed by a blue husky dressed in light blue robes with snowflakes patterned over them and shimmery silvery sheen applied to look like frost who was walking with a small grey and purple Pikachu dressed up as a pumpkin. After visiting the house they stood at the end of the walk for a time watching the pair walking off towards a house decorated with winter. The husky carrying a large icicle staff and bag and the chu struggling to keep his balance and his overly large bag of candy.

"Those two are funny" Leo said

"I want to do one more house" mark said as he led the way to the wolf's door.

"Okay then but after this we have to go home I need to sleep a bit before tomorrow" aleck said as he followed.

Leo raced up after them and joined them in knocking at the door. The wolf was in the bathroom when the group knocked on his door. He was just sending off a few more guests and he sighed as he rushed to the door pulling his pants up. "Trick or treat" the three friends chorused. Aleck wasn't was intrigued by the large wolf and smirked. The wolf gave them one of those smiles that Aleck could give when he was up to something naughty.

"you know I've had a lot of guests this evening" he said "but I could always deal with some more" he smiled as he held open the door for them.

Mark grinned and pulled leo in happily, Aleck hung back for a bit he could see just over the wolf's shoulder into his bathroom and the pile of shit currently in the toilet. The wolf looked over and smirked "whoops forgot to flush" he then triggered the remote flush of his flushmaster and while the pile swirled and glurgged down the drain he kindly but forcefully pulled aleck inside.

Once inside he offered them all different drinks and then sat them on the couch and began to chat with them.

"so you've been out all night eh?" he asked

"yup well we did hand out candy with Aleck over there first" leo volunteered

"oh ive been doing that all night but I forgot to introduce myself im lobo" the wolf said "ive had a lot of fun handing out treats and tricks all night heh haha hahahha" lobo said with a laugh.

"what kind of tricks" Mark asked

"oh just the normal kind and some of a more adult nature" lobo replied winking at the dog.

Aleck considered that and the bags of candy and discarded costumes he could see piled up in the wolf's tub. He was going to say something when Leo asked if he could use the restroom and lobo nodded so the little otter rushed in and closed the door behind him.

"I thought otters were supposed to be good at holding there liquids" the bigger wolf said with another infectious laugh before he started fondling over mark slowly.

Mark moaned at the touch and reached down and dropped his already barely there pants revealing a hard dripping canid cock. Leo opened the door letting them all hear the flush of the toilet as he came back and blushed.

"Guess I don't need my pants after all" he said as he dropped them. He then joined in the fun of petting and groping.

Aleck sighed and put his worries aside tossing his robes over to the couch and coming over to unfasten the wolf's pants and to gently suck over his hosts cock. The four furs slowly worked themselves down to being completely naked. Aleck exerted some dominance before anyone else had a chance and he shoved his hard shaft into lobo's ass while Leo began the process of riding their hosts cock. Mark feeling adventurous was face fucking the big wolf who loved the attention of three furs and moaned and groaned. He was still very, very full but he fully intended to add the morsels he was fucking and being fucked by to his girth.

Aleck humped harder and harder at the big wolf's ass finally knotting him and flooding his load deep into the hole. He panted gently and rested his maw next to Leo's hard dripping shaft before pleasuring his small rudderbutt friend. Leo was moaning and groaning before aleck did this but when he felt the sweet warmth of a maw on his shaft he couldn't hold back and managed to cum filling Aleck's maw while sliding down to the bigger wolf's base clenching and triggering the release of three squirrels into his own ass.

The unloading of the other two caused Lobo to gasp and suck hard on the Dalmatians shaft initiating a transfer of another salty treat for him. The three friends finished and exhausted pulled themselves off the bigger wolf and panted on his couch. Lobo got up and went into the bathroom leaving the door open he took a long musky piss flushing it before he came back in and grinned at them all.

"You've been great guests truly great I've loved having you but I'm afraid it's time for you to go" he said as he came over

"Oh well yeah it is getting late" aleck said forgetting his earlier fears "if we could just use your bathroom to clean up a bit we'd be happy to call it a night"

Lobo began to laugh. It was not a friendly laugh at all. "Oh don't worry you're gonna use it" he said as he grabbed Leo and proceeded to stuff the shocked otters head into the slit of his cock and then jig his shaft up and down until it was long enough to swallow the otter on its own. Mark rushed over and tried to pull Leo free leading to his own capture and the start of his trip down Lobo's maw. Aleck watched with anger and slight horror.

"Why are you doing this" he asked as Mark was swallowed down completely.

"Why else I'm hungry and its Halloween a great time for snacks" the wolf said as he advanced on aleck still working the otter down his cock.

Aleck took advantage of the slight pause Lobo was left with every so often. He ran and hid in the wolf's bedroom. He could have tried to get out of the house but windows had large shutters that were sealed up tight. That was where Lobo found him. He was still working on his otter snack when he came in and found Aleck sitting in a chair with a blanket over his head as if he was still a little cub.

"Ooo a nice seat don't mind if I do" lobo chortled ripping the blanket off of Aleck's head and yawning the pucker aleck had fucked earlier open wide. He then sat down hard and took half the smaller wolf into his ass and as he clenched slowly over the otter, he pulled the last two into his body and then padded back into the living room and added their costumes to the pile. He managed to put his own costume back on and rested waiting for more furs.

Three hours and five more Tricked treats latter, Lobo tromped into his bathroom for the last time that evening and plopped down on the seat. He grunted and groaned and began to unload all of his guests. He started off by pawing hard at his cock and shooting a gusher of creamed furs into the toilet bowl. Then he ground down gently onto the seat yawned open his cheeks and pressed out a massive log caked in with some of the bones of his victims. The log grew longer and longer and longer until Lobo realized they were all leaving at once. He felt his bowels being emptied and moaned then dry cummed and doubled over. His ass was stretched wider as the log finally finished but now he felt a huge blockage and he groaned in pain as one by one several skulls in different sizes and species plonked out and splashed down into the overwide bowl. Lobo regained some composure as he took back his throne and let his bladder empty itself before reaching into one of the bags of candy and pulling out the toilet paper a fur had brought to play pranks with.

"I love it when they bring their own wiping material" he chuckled as he cleaned himself then stood up and flushed. "Whelp you all got tricked and treaten" he said as he left letting the toilet work over its large load sending everyone away.

Ch. 22 Halloween Special 9/9 Halloween Birthday Potty

"Okay, umm hmm yess okay I get it well just show up when you can its gonna go on for a while alright okay bye, bye" aleck said hanging up the phone and stretching. He got up and padded into the kitchen where a lot of his friends were busy putting...

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Ch. 20 Halloween Special 7/9 Haunted Flush Fun!

Fall leaves swirled on the wind and spiraled around yards. The wind ripped fresh ones out of the trees and sent them chasing and skating up and down the sidewalks and roads. A small gray and purple Pikachu pounced on them as he scampered along the...

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Ch. 19 Halloween Special 6/9 Hallo’weenie

'thunk, thunk, thunk,.....thunk thunk thunk' the sounds rang out through the house followed by a lot of loud giggles. Aleck woke with a start and growled. He looked over at his alarm clock and the growl deepened and got louder. He was upset at having...

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