Office Stress Part 8 - Corner Office

Story by Anguiras on SoFurry

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#8 of Office Stress

First of all, this is super, super long. I haven't been over teh finer points, but it's void of most of the typos. I loved it. I hope you enjoy it, too.


In a small, closet-sized room, bare but for a small table and a hook affixed to the wall, a young spinosaur male was getting ready. Around his sinuous neck he set a small black silk bowtie, in the center of which was a small ‘A‘ shaped pin. Lifting one muscular leg, clawed toes clenched tight, he pulled a black silk garter up around his calf and settled tightly around his firm thigh. Expressionless, he slipped his feet into sandals of fine black leather. He checked his tie in a tiny round mirror on the wall, and stretched his firm, steel-cord back and shoulder muscles, down to his gray-green rump. Running his claw tips down the chiseled chest and abdomen, he shivered as his hand compulsively wrapped around the stiff rod swinging out in front of him. He had taken the blue pill less than a half-hour ago, and his arousal was in full swing. Hard as oak and longer than a standard school ruler, he watched the tip glisten with a clear bead of moisture before taking a small, thin, latex cap and wrapped the plumb-sized head. He took a tight, black ring off the table and rolled it down to the very base of his tool, shuddering and grunting as his cock swelled even larger, turning dark with the trapped blood. He would not be climaxing for hours on end. This fact didn't faze him. He remembered his four-day ordeal, in a constant state of rock-hard arousal, with no orgasm to be had, until the end of the fourth day. He had filled a coffee mug with the amount of seed that gushed from him, and he passed out shortly after.

Spinus shook to pull his mind from the past for the moment. He took the little tube of lubrication and little pouch of condoms off the table and slipped them in the tight garter on his marbled thigh. He lifted a round, black tray, the last thing on the table, and left the tiny dressing room to step into the server's room. Two dozen other young males, herbivore and carnivore, stood in similar dress: nude but for sandals, a bow-tie with the "A" pin, a garter with lube and condoms, and a restrictive cock ring around a steel-hardened cock. The only difference was Spinus' shoulder, adorned with a small, special tattoo. The others parted to let him take the first of many dozens of glasses of fine wine and champagne and set them on his tray. They fell in line, obediently, without word, throbbing members held stiffly up and pointed at the nude rears in front of them. A few were glistening with a nervous sweat.

Twin doors opened into the main ballroom of Anikaro's summer mansion, where roughly one hundred males and females mingled and chatted. The line of male servants entered, into the den of eyes feasting on their nude, perfect bodies.

Spinus resisted the urge to smile.


It was incomprehensibly hard to hold back the vomit roiling in his throat. He didn't last long, and he gave sacrifice to the porcelain god, his body wracked with violent tremors. He wasn't sure if he had let the sink overfill or if he was lying in cold piss. He tried to remember the euphoria of the high to distract him from the pain in his spine and fin, but it was useless. He focused only on holding his head out of the toilet water.

He was suddenly aware of a huge shadow falling over him. Was he hallucinating again? Someone was in his bathroom. His bathroom? Was it his, or was he at the club still? Or someone else's house? The fog was too thick to pierce.

A massive hand gripped his moist muzzle and tossed a pill down his throat. He swallowed through pure instinct, and struggled to find energy to resist. Within moments, however, the pain and stormy-sea nausea in his belly receded, his joints and organs warm and tingly. Through bleary, hazy vision he looked up at the gargantuan figure above him. An anklosaur. He wanted to laugh.

"Get up, Spinus. It's time to get clean."


The predator was greeted with gasps of pleasure at both the drinks he carried and his physical form. The first several guests took a glass of wine with one hand and busied the other with finger-strokes on his back, ass, thigh, or cock. Faint streaks of red appeared on his cheeks and neck, heat tickling at his skin at the attention, none of it unwanted. He apologized as his cock grazed against a buttock, the ceratopsian owner merely giggling, kissing his nose and patting his cock like a pet.

The other servants received similar attention. With a glance, Spinus spotted CEOs and other executives from lofty penthouses, billionaire artists and bankers mingling as they groped and licked at the naked, restrained males. A wheelchair-bound software mogul snatched a plate of glasses from a short allosaur, gripping his tail and demanding he perform a lap dance. The predator obeyed with no resistance, his chubby round buttocks stroked and spanked as others giggled in amusement, sipping at golden-shade wine.

Hor d'oeuvre had already been served. A row of long tables supported six males, their arms fastened to the tables, their knees bent and spread wide. Members were erect, anchored to their thighs, forming throbbing veined towers streaked with sauces. They were blindfolded, muzzles buckled shut with leather straps. Claws and horns were tipped with rubber, and members had been tied off with tightly-tied black ribbons. Laid out upon their naked bodies were a variety of sushi, cakes, stuffed exotic mushrooms, hot peppers, and the triceratops at the head table held a giant bowl filled with fine French ice cream between his horns. They lay still as stone as guests ate from their bodies, often pulling the food right off their skin, leaving soft warm wet kisses upon them. Spinus wondered if he'd wind up on the menu before the party ended.

Turning back to his task, Spinus smiled as two male velociraptors, not much more than half his height, smiled as they both took glasses of chilled white wine. They were twins, dressed in matching gold suits and shoes, their wicked, platinum-tipped toe-claws exposed.

"Aren't you Lord Anikaro's favored one?" he ran his hands down Spinus' bare right thigh.

"I believe so, brother, for he is marked upon the shoulder." Bolder than his sibling, his little three-clawed fingers ran under the silk-smooth sac underneath the predator's cock.

"I am as my master instructs me to be." He shivered softly as they both laid licks along his rod, small hands reaching behind to grope his firm, perfect backside.

"Boys, don't distract the staff- they have duties, you know." A female tyrannosaur, her white dress barely clinging to her supple curves, a large white feathered boa draped around her pale neck, reached over to take a glass, letting her ample breasts tickle his thick bicep. The dark circles of her areolas were visible under the thin white dress. Spinus blinked with a twinge of familiarity.

The twins merely cooed as only enamored raptors could, the thin material of their pants displaying their engorged cocks. "His duties are to help the guests- "

"Which would be us."

"-enjoy themselves-."

"Which is what we are doing." A tongue slipped under the rubber cap to taste the collected juices.

"-and look pretty."

"A better statement would be ‘boys, don't go elevating the staff, they're only toys, you know'."

The rex laughed, her sharp, pearly white teeth displayed. "Very true indeed..." her hand stroked over the tight cock-ring and over his pelvic bone, up to his belly button. "And a beautiful toy you made, Spinus."

His spine hardened coldly, and he heard a shout for drinks from a tall brachiosaur with an eye patch, and he excused himself to serve him. His cock throbbed madly, especially when he passed a table where several guests sat, chatting; tails and feet stuck out from under the thin table cloth, and wet slurping was plainly audible.

He was afraid he would be forced to climax before his master commanded it.


"R-rehab?" He'd heard the word dozens of times, and it always sounded like an empty threat, a faraway place that existed fictionally.

"Rehabilitation to break you of your addictions, Spinus. They're killing you. I'm offering you a free ‘get clean' trip. Not to mention the gambling debt, those business deals about a year ago that went bust... you must owe people a lot." The mammoth herbivore sat on his tiny couch, filling it, nearly breaking it. Spinus estimated his height at about twelve feet, and as wide across as a tank. His finely oiled scales were the color of autumn leaves, a fine wilted brown with shades of yellow wood and fire-orange blended in. the stubby horns along the back of his head and chin were hard and long, like a talking medieval morning-star. His eyes glowed like fresh magma, captivating Spinus' gaze. The weapon attached to his backside lay draped to the floor, the club end as big as the spinosaur's head.

Spinus almost shivered. "You do a lot of homework..."

"I was a good student." he said darkly. "I have come to offer you resolution, my friend. Five million dollars, in total, to fix it all. Not one cent will go to illegal drugs. Not one cent of it will you have to pay back."

"Horse-shit." He spat, eyes weak. He slouched in his chair in his den. There was always something to pay. Always a catch.

"Monetarily, of course. You'll repay me in other ways."


"Don't tell me you're too proud to do that. I know what's been shot up into you before you've shot up."

He couldn't argue. He'd had at least a dozen partners he had been with for simply the promise of another high. He blinked at the anklosaur, dressed in the finest Italian suit he'd ever seen, with a pocketful of fat cigars.

"...Okay. But the debts go, and the ugh, rehab comes first."

"Of course, Spinus. Of course." A large, wicked grin appeared on Anikaro's face.

"...Are you the devil?" he asked bluntly.

The smile didn't waver. "Hmm. Maybe."


"So, yer here to serve us, right?"

"Of course, sir." Said Spinus in a flat tone, gazing solely at the longneck's zipper being pulled down the enormous tent in the green military pants.

"Good, I wanna feel that mouth Anikaro likes s' much," rasped the stocky herbivore, pulling free a pale pink cock that approached his own measurements. Spinus carefully wrapped his paws around it before enclosing his warm lips around the throbbing head. Bob, bob, bob- each downward suck of his mouth he entered another inch or so of the warm, smooth cock-meat, until he was slurping and gulping regularly, in a perfect practiced rhythm. The brachiosaur groaned and leaned back in his chair, bare toes curling and twitching as the edges of the predator teeth tickled his throbbing shaft. He sat in a corner, a low table obscuring most of the spinosaur currently suckling on his manhood. He wasn't concerned with keeping it private, eyeing the parasaur baron stroking off a few feet away, watching eagerly as the muscled male went down on the major general. He grunted between swallows of Brazilian beer. "Not bad, private..."

Spinus squeezed and rubbed the hard flesh that was in his mouth, slurping hard and loud. His spine tingled as the herbivore groaned louder and higher. The heavy scarred hand suddenly shoved his throat down hard as the climax burst in his mouth, the hot viscous herbivore seed gushed forth. It filled his throat, some leaking forward around the madly throbbing shaft in his mouth. He kept nary a drop from leaving his lips. The major general grunted and sighed, Spinus slurped softly up to the swollen tip, gulping down his first load of the night with a lick to his lips. Cum didn't taste bitter to him any more, or even very salty. The major general's wad was a fraction of what his master was capable of putting out, so it was nothing to swallow; Spinus could have stomached much more.

"Ungh. Good lad," sighed the aging general, and finished his beer. Spinus nodded and stood with a slight bow. His guard momentarily down, a fat wet tongue licked the inside of his ass and over the supple rim of his rear, making him jump. With a smirk he turned to the parasaur baron. "May I serve you, sir?"

"More wine, please, you lovely thing," purred the baron, his cock twitching stiffly, "May I have the pleasure of rutting you first tonight?"

"Of course, sir." He said in a warm honeyed tone, his hips swaying gently as he refilled his tray with wine glasses from the nearby cart. He paused before returning to he baron. The curvaceous tyrannosaur female eyed him from another table, her mocha-colored eyes gleaming.


A tyrannosaur with rust-red skin in a silver sports car awaited him outside the clinic. It was his first time outside in nearly two months. Two months of medicines, therapies of all kinds. He felt clear, and the world didn't seem ready to fall on him like it did before. Spinus blinked.

"Uh, hey cousin."

Tibalt grunted. "Finally got clean, huh? Yer ma called me to come and git you. Here," the gruff male tossed him a gleaming key. "To yer new place. Dunno how you got the money fer it."

"uh... just came to my senses, and got right..." He said meekly. Anikaro had delivered exactly what he said he would. He was ‘healthy'. The drive to seek another high had dried up and blown away.

And apparently he had a house.

"Whatever. C'mon, I got a date."

Spinus smirked. His cousin had always been a rusty nail. Angriest little rex he'd ever seen, even after he'd left his family farm behind in the dust. I must be the only family he's kept contact with, thought Spinus. He ventured for a little small talk as Tibalt shot off down the road.

"She's a hottie, blueblood fer sure, and she's got a nice noggin, too, which is always dangerous in a woman. But gawddamn, she can suck water from a stone." he said with a sharp grin. Spinus impulsively glanced at his crotch to see the forming hardness, looking away quickly in shame. "Helps that I got a new gig, too- it's lower-level bullshit, but they're giving me a year and I'll hit upper management. ActiCorp, it's called. Funny thing, I haven't met the big cheese yet, he's supposed to be a real intimidating character." A tingle went down Spinus' fin. "Too bad you never did nothing' with that business degree. Hell, I can talk to someone if yer still lookin' a job."

"I dunno- I got a feeling something will come up soon."

Tibalt was right to be surprised. The house, located at the end of a short lane, was secluded from the other houses on the block. It was a single story, two-bed two-bath affair, with rather high doorways and windows and a long driveway; all of which was shielded by tall shrubbery and wooden fence. It was built for privacy, and very tall people. In a bit of a daze, Spinus bid his cousin farewell, and lugged his bags inside.

The rooms within were finely furnished, oddly coinciding with Spinus' taste for the post-modern. He drifted from the foyer to the living room, to the dining room and to the oddly spacious den, unable to really comprehend what he was seeing. It was all perfectly laid out. Perfectly normal, like he never expected his life to be.

Except the distinct feeling that he wasn't alone. The huge shadow falling over him and the thick leather collar slipping around his neck from behind confirmed his suspicion. With a yelp and a gasp, he tried to turn, already knowing who was standing there. The eight foot tall herbivore, his plated head polished and his clothes neatly tailored, set his heavy hands on the smaller predator's shoulders, holding him still by the mere weight of his palms.

"Spinus, good to have you finally. Getting you clean took longer than I had projected, but a good business man takes into account all potential delays." His smile looked like a storm cloud.

"This... can't be real, Anikaro. You dragged me from the street and put me in upper-middle class as if I belong." His legs quivered, so close to the immense male. His heart pounded. Old instincts never fade, and the urgency of panic mode waiting to take over his senses. "Just for sex? Just to have someone to get your rocks off? Look at you, you're a fucking giant. You have obscene amounts of money; you can get whatever you want without going through this kind of trouble." He hesitated. "I'm not... ungrateful.... But I just don't get it."

Anikaro showed no signs of anger or even mild agitation. He merely rubbed Spinus' snout like a dog.

"Perhaps you were not fully conscious, my friend, when you signed the contract." He pulled a roll of paper from his pocket, and unfurled it. Filled with dense, tiny print, it ended with Spinus' name in his own jagged handwriting and the dark red imprint of his thumb in blood.

"I know what I signed on for."

"Do you, Spinus? Do you? Perhaps you missed the very last paragraph. The one concerning your immortal soul." The huge male leaned in. "I collect souls, Spinus." He rolled the paper back up before handing it to the predator. With a second glance, he realized it was merely a copy, not the original. "It's mine, Spinus. Whether it exists or not is debatable and wholly besides the point. You signed away your life to me, because you did not care. You became my property the moment your little thumb touched the paper, my friend. Your body, mind, and soul are all entitled to me."

His face numb, Spinus weakly handed the copy back. "So you are the devil, huh?"

Anikaro laughed. "No, my friend, I am not The Devil. The Devil lies. I will never, ever, lie." Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a plastic card and dropped it into Spinus' palm.

"A gym membership?"

"A private gym. Be there eight o'clock AM tomorrow."


Spinus was growling now. His temples throbbed and he was trying not to make a fist hard enough to make his palms bleed. He threw open the fridge for a third time. Still nothing. Cabinets stood open, random food stuffs lay on the floor, as well as the random pillow and vase. His white collared shirt was ripped open, his tie still on the front step somewhere. He slammed his fists with a bloody yell on the counter, likely bruising them.

He needed something to take the edge off. Beer, wine, anything. But there was nothing in the house, not an ounce of pot or even a bottle of cheap whiskey. The pills Anikaro had him on now seemed to keep his blood pressure at a constant high, and it annoyed him, even more than the intense, inexplicable erection he had in his tight pants. He snarled at nothing, sweating and hot.

His mood had gone down the shitter when his assistant read him the latest numbers. Something fell through, and thousands had gone straight down the drain. Anikaro was going to have his head on a platter.

He hadn't even heard the door creaking open. Lost in a orange haze of alarm and anger, he nearly pissed his pants as he heard the deep, throaty voice of his boss and owner behind him.

"I'm not angry. Of that, you can be assured. But I am disappointed."

Spinus whirled around, his face pale. "B-but sir I can assure you, I-I can correct-!"

"I know you can. You will. Your hand is not your own, Spinus, for it is my hand that guides it. Your mistakes are my mistakes, and I never get angry about my mistakes." The twelve-foot anklosaur leaned in, his eyes smoldering. Spinus' fin felt cold with fear, yet his cock would not soften. "However, I do not. Fucking. Clean. Houses."

"I-." Spinus had no time to react before the back of a wide anklosaur hand slammed into the side of his face, sending him sprawling to the floor. Dizzy, he tried to rise, vision bleary. "Ungh... y-you fucking bastard. You think you're fucking Satan? Huh?" His anger was boiling over. "I'm no f-fucking dog, you leaf-eating pile of shit!" He snarled, claws flexing as his eyes took on the keen, sharp gaze of a cornered carnivore.

"Oh, but Spinus..." Purred the anklosaur as the smooth, stone-like tail club lifted from the ground. "You're so very right. You're no dog. You're something much, much less." in a blur of motion, the tail club thwacked Spinus on the back of his head, knocking him cold.

When the dark haze lifted, his consciousness regained, Spinus found it difficult to breathe. He lay on the ground, something jammed in his mouth. His fingers were immobile, as where his toes and his tail. The collar around is throat was quite snug and heavy. He looked up, glaring at Anikaro grinning down at him from the couch.

"You can't fucking do this!" he tried to choke out. His mouth had been fixed shut, a horse-bit between his jowls.

"Cease your silliness, pet. Get up." commanded his master.

Spinus managed to stand, and looked at his hands. They had been bound in tight rubber mitts, and in one hand a dustpan was locked in his grip, and the other held a brush. His feet were also covered in similar rubber coverings. Around is middle was a black leather corset, the silver buckles impossible to loosen with his fingers inhibited as they were. His cock stood out at full, hard and throbbing, the tip wet, a little black ring locked around his balls and rod. His tail twitched, locked to the collar around his neck. He turned to glare at Anikaro.

The herbivore lifted a remote, a tiny gray thing in his immense palm, and clicked the button. Electric shocks clattered through Spinus' body, making his bones tingle hotly and his heart flutter in pain. He screamed, falling to his knees.


Spinus hesitated, panting, and awkwardly scraped the broken glass into the dustpan, nearly falling over as he tried to dump them into the trash bin. He missed, most of the glass ending up on the floor again. And again he screamed as volts of harsh hot electricity wracked his trembling body. He swept faster, and moved on to the other things lying on the floor, tears running hotly down his cheeks. He cleaned and whimpered, under the silent, stern gaze of the statuesque horror of a man watching him bend to his task. Every part of his weakness and helplessness was exposed, his will bent to Anikaro's wishes.

He only thought of questions. Why did he feel so very secure? Why was there a strange contentedness seeping into his nerves? Why did he ache to hear Anikaro's approval?


Spinus kept his smile down as he let the allosaur grip his wrists and bind them together behind his back via tight steel cuffs, his clawed hands wrapped in a rubber bag. The party guests drooled, cheered, and stroked as they watched the spinosaur bent over a short table, and strapped, belly-down, to it, the thick leather bands stretching around the table and around his body. Helpless, he felt four hands grip his thick tail and bend it upwards, tying it to his collar, which had replaced the bow-tie some time ago. The hour of the night was uncertain, and the vast majority of the guests had either passed out or fucked themselves exhausted. Spinus wasn't even tired. He hadn't even cum yet, his rock-hard throbbing rod pulsing against his thigh as hit hung downwards.

His bare ass, tight and firm, had been pounded several times that night already, and the small red ring of his hole wouldn't need lube at this point, except to take the larger males. Hands and claws caressed his round rear, tracing fingers around the rim before plunging inside to tease him. A chant arose.

"Paddle! Paddle him good! Paddle him!!"

Spinus ground his sharp teeth, preparing for the punishment he was about to receive. He shut his steel-gray eyes suddenly as Someone wrapped his head in a black, eyeless mask, a hole open for his muzzle, mouth forced to clamp shut. Bathed in darkness now, he could only guess who was touching him, his cock, his ass, his clawed feet, strapping them tightly to the legs of the table. He heard the chanting swell as the black ring around the base of his cock was pulled away, the burst of sensation making him grunt and hold back a whimper. The rubber cap was swollen with sticky pre-ejaculate, like a tiny balloon at the end of his cock.

He felt the edge of a flat, wooden tool stroke from his right as cheek, across his abused tail-hole, and over his left cheek. It reared back, and hot sting of pain wracked his body, the loud crack of the wooden paddle on his fleshy backside pounding in his ears. They cheered again, and the paddle struck his left cheek. His rear burned, his tail quivering. He felt the paddle strike again, over both cheeks, leaving a hot sting. There was a pause, and the other side of the paddle suddenly struck his open, unprotected ass: the side adorned with hard metal studs. He shuddered, endorphins flooding his brain, making his throat emit a low whine. The sound encouraged them, and he cried out in pleasure and pain as the paddle slammed into his ass. The strikes came closer, and closer together.

Whack! Whack! Whack-whack-whackwhackwhack!

He moaned openly, his cock throbbing as it swung and twitched with each slap, his rear and lower thighs numb with pain now. Someone grabbed his shaft, stroking down ward with a soft hand and a firm grip.

"Mmm, I guess little boy toys can be milked like cows, hmm?" purred the female.

He jerked and groaned loudly as he was milked and paddled, the flat side, studded side, and side of the paddle whapping his ass in turn, over and over. He panted, shuddering, heart caught in his throat. Dizzy with endorphins, he couldn't tell up from down, the sensations and sounds bouncing everywhere around him. He felt his asshole stretched open wide suddenly as the long blunt handle of the paddle rammed inside him, striking the warm, sensitive insides. His mind went cold, spine tingling hotly as he moaned aloud and came with alarming force. The rubber cap, filled to capacity in a split second, burst open,, the fat purple swollen head of his huge member hosing the floor with pearly, sticky cum, leaving long ropes of hit on the carpet. It splashed hard, spraying a few onlookers that leaned in too far, much to their delight. The soft hand caressed his wet cock-head as it continued to gush, and he imagined he heard a tongue licking at a palmful of Spinus cum.

Before his climax had even finished, the paddle handle was removed from his tight clenching anus, replaced by an even larger, fleshy throbbing cock, a gruff, drunken voice grunting. "Gonna fill his bitch ass!" he could barely feel the hips of the male thrusting and pounding at his black and blue backside.

The mask was ripped from his face, eyes clenched tight against the sudden light. A fat, red cock was rammed between his lips, and he quickly complied, sucking it soundly as his body and head were held tight, thrust in from both ends, the thick, musky scent of male filling his olfactory senses, his eyes glazed as his cock slowly re-hardened. He felt others stroking and slapping him. A splash of warmth filled his rear as the huge male behind him roared with bliss, fat balls rubbing and grinding on his own fruit-like testicles, his abused, bruised rear barely able to keep in the raw salty juices forced into him. His throat guzzled the cum granted by the huge tool in his mouth, which was roughly pulled away and laid across his face to finish up, hot pearly cum rolling down his cheeks and dripping off his chin. He moaned in weak pleasure throughout, even as the second and third cock to burst inside him after several long minutes of rough, careless fucking. Each new load forced out the one before it, and before too long his back, ass, face and legs were streaked with cum.

The guests quieted, and a voice rose above them. Spinus eagerly opened one eye, risking the cum dripping down his face, to see a wide figure motioning to the rest.

"Let us not wear thin our entertainment for the moment. I have a few more toys that are less seasoned than my spiny pet." he snapped his fingers, and three young nude males entered, their skins shining with oil. Their members stood at full flight and at a nearly forty-five degree angle, likely enhanced. Spinus licked at hot seed dripping down his lips as he watched the boys step forth to let the guests touch and caress them.

He was suddenly being pushed away, still strapped to the rolling table, and towards the washroom. The huge male looked down at him, and gave a slight nod of approval. Giddy, Spinus shut his eyes tight as the servant pushing the cart chuckled. "Let's get you hosed off."


Anikaro was waiting for him at his home. He wasn't surprised in the least by his unannounced presence anymore. He was beginning to expect it, as if his new master was always about.

"I'm pleased to see you're progressing quite well in your classes, Spinus. You're showing real dedication." the mammoth anklosaur sat in the giant, black chair in the study, set there just for him. The massive, clubbed tail sat draped over the arm, set on the floor like a hammer.

"Just holding up my end of the bargain, sir." He said. His cock was swelling in his pants.

"Good. You may remove them, now."

Spinus sighed in relief and retrieved a metal bowl from the kitchen. He set it down on the floor in front of Anikaro. Unbuttoning his pants, he let them fall, and pulled his boxers away with a bit of difficulty. His cock was two full inches longer now, hitting the 8 inch mark, and things didn't quite fit the way they used to. Trembling, he unbuckled the harness around his ass and thighs, reaching behind to pull out the wide, black rubber plug, the toy making a wet audible pop as it is removed from his body.

His cock was hard as steel as he lowered himself with a grunt, holding his ass over the bowl. He pushed, and groaned softly as his tail hole expanded, stretching wide as the shimmering silver surface of a steel ball emerged, pushing free of him like an egg. With a wet slurp it popped free, clean and slick, clanging into the bowl. Two inches in diameter, it was followed by another, and another. Spinus shuddered with each release of the heard steel balls, remembering their entrance a few hours before. Still covered in lube, five fat steel balls lay in the bowl.

He looked up to see the hard bulge in Anikaro's expensive pants. Silently, the naked spinosaur crawled forward, his head between the anklosaur's knees. "May I, sir?"

Anikaro nodded. "To the base. No gagging."

Spinus shivered and carefully pulled down the long zipper, and with two trembling hands lifted out a shaft of flesh, a foot and some inches long and only half hard. In only a few strokes, it stiffened fully, the immense rod throbbing in his grip. Compulsively he licked the underside, up to the tip to lick away the bead of clear pre-cum. Anikaro nodded with approval and, taking it as a sign to continue, the spinosaur bitch slid his warm supple lips down the fat head, suckling and licking, pushing his wet mouth down around the hard length. From above, the twelve-foot anklosaur watched his burnished-bronze-colored cock sink into the obedient maw of his pet.

Inch by inch Spinus pulled the stiff member into his jaws, spreading his cheeks, the slick smooth meat filling his mouth. He concentrated as he felt it push into his throat and deeper still, stretching the sensitive muscles. Farther and farther still he sucked. He could barely breathe. An inch from the meeting of his lips to the base, he felt a tickle in his throat, and nearly cried out in dismay as he felt himself coughing and stuttering around the throbbing meat. in need of breath he pulled away with a wet loud slurp, grunting. Face red, he turned up to his master.

Anikaro sighed. "All fours."

"B-but-" Spinus started. A silent stare cut short his protests, and he obeyed, sitting on his hands and knees trembling. He hear the serpentine slip of leather against cloth as Anikaro removed the wide leather belt, studded with metal every few inches. The wide, plain buckle jingled as he looped it, and Spinus felt his tail gripped tightly, wide, firm ass held high.

The first lash, as always, hurt most. The belt slapped hotly against his left cheek, popping like thunder, a lick of flame shooting along his thigh. He cried out in pain, still unable to hold it in. his toes were clenched so tight, his talons were almost making his soles bleed. He squirmed, and the next slap was harder and louder against the opposite cheek. Anikaro's trunk-like arm rose and fell in a regular rhythm, the belt cutting through the air before lashing across the smaller male's backside. The green splotches darkened as the lighter gray hues of the spinosaur's tight, quivering ass reddened visibly in welts the width of the belt slapping against him. His cries quieted, his sharp teeth grit as the only sound was that of the hard, rhythmic slapping. They halted, a full thirty lashes worth of redness glowing on his ass and thighs.

Dizzy, he didn't notice Anikaro standing in front of him until he felt a large finger lifting his chin, the mammoth throbbing shaft above him. A single drop of pre-cum landed on his nose.

"Now again. No gagging. Or its fifty lashes."


As Spinus had suspected, he would assume more than just the role of meat-and-beat puppet, and would be ordered to serve as well as he had been served. He groaned with pleasure; it was a nice to have something wrapped around is cock for a change. The large, older sauropod male, his military uniform stained and only half-there, lay sprawled on his side, one heavy, muscled leg thrown over Spinus' shoulder as the predator slid his greased fuck-pole deep into the tiny wet hole under the general's tail. The parasaur baron, showing his submissive colors as well, slurped and slobbered drunkenly over the massive herbivore prick, gorging on it, forcing his tight hot throat around it as Spinus watched avidly. He reached down to fondle the voluminous scrotum of the brachiosaur, rolling the immense sac in wonder, petting them like precious stones. The sauropod moaned and spouted curses of pleasure, gasping suddenly. The parasaur gulped, gripping the base of the herbivore's pole as it pulsed and gushed. The baron pulled away, stroking the general off as the dark wet cock gushed and splattered pearly white cum on his face and neck.

The sight was just enough, sending Spinus well over the edge. He didn't hesitate to bury his length to the very base into the much larger male, his climax making his bones crackle with fire, the top of his skull and nose numb in the bliss of orgasm. He slowly pulled out as the general gasped and panted, muttering incoherently, his limbs and tail and cock going limp as he passed out, his tail hole steadily leaking Spinus cum. The parasaur amused himself with licking everything, including the used wet tail hole, clean.

Spinus stretched and purred, heading for the cart of moist clean towels in the corner. He glanced over the others: the twin raptors were lying on their backs, both with bellies distended with wine, food, and cum, shouting for fresh boys to come and fill their already stretched orifices, both using their tails to plug themselves between cocks; a chubby, young sauropod male, blindfolded and hanging by his wrists, his ankles chained to the floor, whimpered and crooned in pain and pleasure as six guests beat him with rods and paddles and flogs, his thick, pale ivory skin criss-crossed with red and black and blue and purple, his thick cock strapped to his belly; at the head of it all, at the far wall, sitting on a massive leather chair, sat Anikaro, two boys in black latex suits on all fours used as his footrests. His lengthy zipper had been pulled down, the titanic cock pulled free and lying back, leaking warm pre-cum on his shirt.

Spinus grinned with anticipation, wiping himself clean with a fresh towel. His tool was stiffening again at the mere thought of pleasing that golden penis tonight.

He yelped as a hand stroked over his groin, the soft, wickedly-clawed fingertips seeking out the root of his immense fleshy rod. "Mmm, I can see you're not done for the night... I wonder if I can break Anikaro's toy."

He growled softly and turned, the curvy tyrannosaur female leaning onto his abdomen, her bare, ebony-nippled breasts flattened against him, her hips supporting his steel-hard cock. Her mocha eyes burned with lust and power, regarding him with a gaze that went straight to his soul. He'd seen her look before, and somewhere besides the party.

"Anything you wish, Mrs. Cunnings."


Spinus sat on his knees, naked, cock throbbing, a little plate under the end of his foot-long cock to keep the carpet from getting wet. The tip of his tail wagged and twitched back and forth, heart skipping gleefully as his master sat with a great sigh, lighting a huge cigar. He nodded, and Spinus began to obediently lick at his soles and toes, rubbing gently, kissing them gratefully in worship.

"I am quite pleased, Spinus. ActiCorp's destroyed the vast majority of our rival companies, and bought out most of the rest. I've had no less than six foreign companies begging for a piece of us, and all reports indicate that it goes back to your decision-making." he puffed, the thick cigar smoke encircling Spinus' head like a cloud. "You've earned your reward. What do you wish, pet?"

He decided to merely go for what he wished. Trembling with pleasure and excitement he slid down the anklosaur's pants, revealing the immense, stiffening cock and pulsing balls, lapping over the head and shaft as his claws rubbed and squeezed the steel-hard muscled thighs, spreading his fingers in wonder over the chiseled mountain of a man. His tongue lapped and tickled at the tip and underside, like a perfect, smooth torpedo of flesh, quickly filling with blood and throbbing with the beat of Anikaro's massive heart.

Spinus made short work of the rest of his master's clothes, pulling open the huge white shirt and jacket, folding them carefully with the tie and setting them aside. He stood up on the couch, his toes clenching on the couch between the two timber-like legs, the immense cock throbbing.

"Master," he barely whispered, "Fuck me."

Anikaro granted his pet's request, pressing his lips to the little predator's muzzle in a kiss as he reached under Spinus' tail to pull open the taught, firm ass cheeks, widening the slick hole. He forced the carnivore downwards, sliding the trembling, quivering body down upon his titanic cock. Spinus emitted soft, pathetic whimpers and groans of ecstasy as his body fit tighter than a condom around the girth of his master, the stiffened flesh filling him to the extent he was trained to fulfill. His toes clenched tightly as he trembled, leaning against his master's mammoth chest.

He soon found himself on his back, legs spread in a perverse V, his knees pushed back as Anikaro's rock-hard bulk pinned him down, grunting and rutting like a four legged plant-eater of eons past, thrusting and hammering his stiff, hot tool home again and again, shining with juices, widening the littler predator's hole. Spinus licked and nipped at the flexing, sand-colored pectorals above him with fervor, gasping and breathing. It felt as if the back of his brain were being prodded by the immense tool; he'd never had the audacity to fully measure the amount of flesh contained in his master's pants, but he was more than pleased to have every inch filling him, fucking him, pounding him raw.

His master's thrusts and animalistic grunts of visceral lust grew frantic. Spinus lost track of the rhythm, the fire of climax claiming his body. His cock erupted as he howled and convulsed, a gush of fresh pearly cum splattering over his chest and belly as his clawed toes spread wide, his tail slapping the ground and his long muzzle split it a mewling cry of bliss.

Anikaro followed soon after with a gargantuan orgasm befitting of his titanic body. A gallon or so of pure, boiling hot seed was pushed into Spinus' gut as the massive fruit-like balls slapped and patted his rear end, emptying out while Anikaro's tool swelled to new dimensions inside him.

His belly distended and swollen, his joints and body roughly bruised, he lay in a drunken, pained daze while his master pulled the pole of cock out of him, leaving him panting and numb in a pool of cum on the floor.


"You're here to serve, then serve me that dick, you bitch-toy," Snarled the female, shoving Spinus onto a table. In short manner he was mounted, his thick hard pole plunging into hot, flexing, yielding tyrannosaurus pussy. He gasped at the feeling, having gone quite a while without feeling such a thing wrapped around his manhood. The former Mrs. Cunnings bouncing and rode hard like a cowgirl with a vengeance, snarling and panting. Her curvaceous breasts bounced free, the hard ebony nipples stiff as marble, her rear slamming up and down. Spinus growled, resisting a quick orgasm in order to prolong hers. The powerful female suddenly raked her claws along his chest, lines of red blood emerging on his pecs and abs. "I said fuck me," She hissed.

Spinus obliged, his spine hot with flickering anger as he forced the female over onto her back, her breasts and stomach jiggling softly as he held her fleshy thighs up to his chest, the smell of her wet, sticky, hot vulva drifting up to him. He renewed his thrusting, plunging in to her absolute depths as she howled and screamed in lust and orgasm. Regardless of her relationship to his cousin, he was bound by his master's command his guests. He was not, however, pleased about the chest wounds. He sucked in his breath as she pushed her claw tips into his hips, her tail wrapping around his knees as he began bleeding under her grip. He held tightly to her breasts, squeezing the fleshy mounds as he thrust his hips viciously, showing her as much mercy as she showed her, the dark chocolate nipples throbbing between his fingers.

"Ungh fuck, yes, you f-fucking beast, you fucking animal, please your mistress," she panted in broken, half-drunk sentences. Her words made his lip curl. He belong to no woman, only the lord of all males, Anikaro himself. He plunged deep into her depths, gripping her tight.

He felt a powerful tug on his tail, the steely grip that held his rear appendage making him feel oddly secure. He was quickly pulled free of the twitching, climaxing pussy with a loud slurp. She hissed in white-hot anger, her voice catching, eyes widening as the huge shadow feel over her, her legs grabbing inescapably. she threw her head back as an immense, rock-hard member slammed deep inside of her, the twelve-foot figure's demeanor void of mercy.

"Oh, Margret. I was pleased to have you here, such a lively body to test my toys with." murmur Anikaro as he shoved himself deep into the wet hot pink passage. Spinus blinked with surprised, the shape of his cock clearly defined as the lump plainly moved and thrust underneath the flesh of her belly and groin. "Spinus, plug her worthless mouth."

The spinosaur nodded and held her jaws, shoving his hard cock down her muzzle and throat, grinning smugly as he fed her own juices back to her. He gazed at the massive figure of his master, surprised that he didn't tear the tyrannosaur in half. She convulsed and tried to cough, her eyes glassy with pain and pleasure, toes clenching and flexing wildly.

"you assume far, far too much. I summoned you here because you can help me get closer to your wayward ex-husband, and closer to my goal. I will forgive your... trespasses.... If you aid me in this." He slammed and thrust, the slurping of her gaping orifice loud and wet. The female tried to twist and pull, her throat caught around Spinus' throbbing dick. She finally nodded, trying to scream as he forced upon her a final orgasm before pulling his tool free, stroking it once, twice, and a flood of hot cum gushed forth, splashing over her belly and bruised tits, splattering Spinus in the process. He came as well, bathed in his master's semen, cock jumping and bucking and dumping down the female's tightening throat.

He pulled free, smirking, purring as his master left the limp female lying on the table. He took his pet by the collar, the huge wet semi-hard cock wagging back and forth as he opened a large, secret panel in the wall.

"I will contact you in twenty-four hours." he said darkly, and lead his toy to be cleaned for further use.

The Centaur and I - Hooves

Ok, it's been more than six months. You waited. You read, rated, and faved. Here it is! i'm sorry it took so long. It is not proofread other than spelling errors. Thanks guys! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I rose softly from my bed. The hour was early,...

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Office Stress 7 - Upper Management

In stark contrast to part 6, this only took a few hours. good god, it came out beautifully. Enjoy! \*\*\*\* Spinus could only wince and shudder as he watched his cousin, Tibalt Cunnings, pace away from him, defiant and liberated. A long neck...

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Office Stress 6 - Business To Attend To

HOOO Boy, this is LONG, and a long time cumming. there's ALOT more exposition here, but i included it cause i wanted the characters to develop a little more. I apologize for it's tardiness, school and the holidays got in the way. i wrote the first few...

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