The Centaur and I - Hooves

Story by Anguiras on SoFurry

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#2 of Hooves

Ok, it's been more than six months. You waited. You read, rated, and faved. Here it is! i'm sorry it took so long. It is not proofread other than spelling errors. Thanks guys!


I rose softly from my bed. The hour was early, the dew fresh on the cool grass outside my bedroom window. The moon shimmered above, illuminating the barnyard and the path to the thicket just beyond the fields. As I slipped from beneath the thin blankets, my mind fluttered to a night almost a year ago, so much like this one.

I'll never know what woke me that night. I lay in bed, tossing and shifting restlessly. I began to mentally list the chores to come when the sun rose... eggs to fetch, chickens to feed, pigs to tend, and horses to groom. The thought of the horses made my heart stir. Of all the animals in our stock, I enjoyed the company of the lean, powerful, four-legged equines most. The phantom scent of horse floated around me. I admired the way their muscles rippled beneath the short thick fur on their skin, the heavy clop of their hooves on the ground, and the piercing neigh as they reared up when something displeased or frightened them.

My eyes were open as I lay there, unable to fall asleep. As I gazed at the square of moonlight from the window I felt my heart miss a beat. A shadow passed through the silvery light. I sat up and turned to the window. Something stirred outside, silhouetted against the blue hues of the night. I held my breath, staring out into the barnyard.

The shadow-caster had already reached the barn. From my spying point I saw a lean rump and hoofed hind legs linger outside the barn doors before following its front half into the barn. My heart slowed. A horse had gotten free of its stall somehow. I crept carefully from my bed, slipped on my boots, and left the relative safety of my house. I took care not to wake my parents and uncle sleeping upstairs. Only sixteen years of age, trying to be adult and responsible was a constant concern. Getting the horse back into its stall without a hand to guide me would seem an impressive feat of maturity.

The cool still air tickled my bare skin. I hadn't bothered to put on a shirt; my loose under-shorts and boots were cover enough. I could hear the horse's hooves shuffling over the hay-scattered floor inside the barn, probably trying to get to its feed bag or water bucket. The unpainted doors sighed weakly as I spread them apart, letting white creamy moonlight spill into the barn.

My mind suddenly reeled, unable to comprehend what I was seeing. The horse I expected seemed to be there, but where I sought its head was a flat soft-skinned belly, a small bare chest, arms, and shoulders; half a man had been crafted onto the body of the beautiful horse.

It abruptly reared up in shock, crying out in distressed whinny. For a brief moment I could see the soft dark genitals, the heavy round scrotum hanging between the powerful thighs. The front hooves came crashing down, and I fell to my ass on the floor, scrambling back towards the door. I cringed, eyes shut tight, ready to feel it kick into me or rush past in a copper blur.

It did neither. I heard the soft and quick clip of its hooves as it backed towards the rear of the barn. I looked up, taking slow breaths as I stood. The creature was panting with fright, cloaked In the shadows. I could see it trembling, knees weak as its rear bumped against the wall. The horses around me didn't seem alarmed in the slightest, some with bent heads, sniffing at their water buckets. I slowly reached for the oil lamp hanging on a nail, striking a match for light. The creature yelped and turned its head in fear as the light swelled, illuminating the barn.

"P-please, sir..." It whimpered in a light, sweet voice, "I am hungry and lost. I merely wanted a bit of your horses' feed..."

Hard as I tried, my heart did not cease its beating. I regarded the thing before me with wonder, pity, empathy, a storm overwhelming me. Unable to think, I stepped forward and scooped dry oats into a tin cup, holding the lamp high as I presented it to the equine figure.

Long, graceful fingers reached out, and awkwardly took the cup. As he scooped oats into his mouth, I could see him more clearly. His hair, a long, thick mane of chestnut brown, draped over his shoulders. His skin was darkly tanned, almost matching the rich earthen tones of his fur. His shoulders weren't very wide or masculine, his chest modestly tone, the nipples conspicuously absent. I let my gaze travel past his human torso and down to his four-legged equine half. His belly was pathetically thin, his ribs laid plain under his skin and fur. He was smaller in frame than normal horses, though he stood a full head taller than I. All the while I gazed over his strong back and firm round rump and fore-shoulders, I felt my body tingling. He was nothing short of beautiful, a more wild and fantastic creature I had never seen before. Not even the scaled wyverns that often flew over our farm to travel south, nor the performing satyrs that traveled with the carnival to play their little fifes seemed as mystical as the young male eating grain in front of me.

He looked at me again, the tin cup empty. His eyes, a deep, sparkling shade of brown, held mine. His face was lean, bare, devoid of facial hair, with an almost reddish hue to his complexion, resembling the Indians that still dwelt in the nearby hills. In the undulating light of the lamp I could see the pointed, brown-furred horse ears veiled by his dark hair.

I refilled the cup, and as he silently ate I filled a second cup with cold water, offering it to him as well. He eyed it pensively before slurping it down, dropping the empty oat cup. I watched wordlessly, waiting for him to eat and drink his fill. He looked up when he seemed satisfied.

"I... thank you, sir." He said, in the barest whisper.

"You're beautiful." I blurted, my face heating up, my heart lodged in my throat.

To my surprise, he merely giggled. "Thank you. My name is Zemus. What may I call you?"

"Tanis." I answered. "M... may I touch you?"

The question did not seem to surprise him. "Of course." He answered plainly.

With a quivering hand I reached forward to stroke the firm shoulders of his forelegs, over each of his ribs and over his warm flank, my fingers tracing rows through his fur. It was fine and thick, without dirt or mites or bits of vegetation. I stopped before I got to his rump, round and firm despite the lack of fat on it. My heart ached so to lay my hands across his sensuous muscles, the lean flesh honed by the wild drawing me to stare with a crimson face and a tingle below my waist.

My mind snapped back into place as a hen clucked in the distance. It would be dawn soon. I looked up at him again, and instead of a frightened stare, a sweet smile graced his adolescent face, causing a flutter across my heartstrings.

"You should go; I am not sure how my father will take to you, Zemus."

He nodded. "I understand. But what about the missing oats?" I could hear an echo of guilt in his voice.

I smiled wryly and took a small handful of the dry feed, scattering it in a rough pattern over the floor. I tore a small part of the bag, giving the illusion of claw marks. "Raccoons seem to have gotten to the oats again," I said with a sly wink. The most I would be in trouble for was for leaving the barn door ajar, but I did not relate this to Zemus.

I guided him out, watching as he stepped quietly onto the soft barnyard grass. "Thank you again, sir. I am in your debt."

I could not stop blushing as he smiled down at me, eyes gleaming in the tender moonlight. "It's quite alright. I... I wish to see you again."

"Then it shall be done." he said with glee. "I will not stray far, Sir Tanis."

"Just ‘Tanis'," I smiled, "I will find you soon."

He nodded. I expected him ti turn and move swiftly for the woods. He did so, but not before leaning down and planting a warm kiss across my cheek, his warm smooth lips making my every nerve tingle. I could not move as he jogged off, quiet as an owl, the perfect orbs between his thighs bouncing slightly as he vanished into the shadows.


I spent the night dreaming of horses and of centaurs, of dozens of colors and shapes. I saw myself with four hoofed legs and white speckled fur, dancing and galloping in the fields with Zemus. I saw myself nestled with him in the night, under stars instead of barn roofs, bellies full of oats and flowers and hearts with love. In the waking hours I could only think of him, of seeing and hearing him again. The feel of his kiss lingered on my cheek. The only indication that I had truly seen, not dreamed, his fairy-tale form was the stern admonishing I got from my father for leaving the barn door ajar and letting raccoons into the feed.

The following day I ventured an hour or so to the small general store along the road into town and purchased with meager, well-earned funds two full bags of horse feed, the highest quality I could acquire. One was to replaced the bag I borrowed from, the other a gift for Zemus. I had not seen him since that night, my gut roiling with worry over his hunger. I stopped only once on my journey into the woods, to drop off the feed bag at home, then I departed, with a small pack of food and water, into the trees beyond the fields.

I made a less than stealthy entrance into the thick wood. The brush and branches were moist from a recent rain, the ground glistening brightly from the sunlight dripping between the leaves. I heard heavy, solid footfalls that made my heart throb suddenly. With bated breath I waited to see what would come through the brush; I was not disappointed.

True to his word, Zemus had not ventured too far into the wood. His fine coppery fur was flecked with raindrops from the dripping branches, but his mane was dry, tied back with a thin strip of bark. He smiled brightly and wrapped his warm, lanky arms around my shoulders, pressing my face into his bare, smooth chest. My face flushed crimson again, so close to such and entrancing creature. I inhaled his extraordinary scent. He smelled like a million things, like fresh dew, and healthy earth, and dark pine, and the wild, natural musk of animals. Unable to form words, I slipped my arms around his waist and let my fingers comb through his perfectly groomed fur. My hand brushed against bark, and I noticed then a small pouch slung around his shoulder, its contents unclear.

I reluctantly parted from him. "Are you alright? Dry? Are you cold? I-I brought food, and water, I-I hope..."

He chuckled, a sound not unlike the golden twitter of songbirds in twilight. "Do not fret so, dear Tanis, I found many berries and flowers to eat; I am not starving."

I smiled with relief. "Well, I am glad. I brought you food, any how, it should be better than berries and flowers," I said, hauling out the two-pound bag.

He grinned gleefully, and I was glad. "Centaur love the wild sustenance of the world, Tanis, we are happy with it. But men do have wonderful things to eat."

"And not just what we give to our horses," I said and brought out a rolled cloth, showing him the buttered rolls and dried meats I had borrowed from the pantry. With a gasp of delight Zemus nickered softly. I expected him to reach for the food, for he still looked thin. However, his hands found my cheeks, the soft, tanned palms tilting my face upward. Before I could think, the silky lips brushed across mine, and planted there, sucking gently in a sweet, magical kiss. My first. I heard myself groan weakly as if from a distance, my body frozen, his warm face nestled against my own.

After an eternity, he parted with a smile, bright, sparkling brown eyes dancing as he stepped backward. "Come, let us eat and talk where I have slept. It is warm and dry, and I wish to know you better."

I nodded weakly, my heart shuddering in my chest as I awkwardly gathered up the food and followed, a fat lump in my trousers making my labors harder. He led me down a short path between the brush and trees, and suddenly into an open clearing. It was tightly enclosed, the trees closely grown, the thin grass about calf-high. In the center of the vaguely circular clearing was a single, gnarled tree, his branches many, leaves few. In the lowest branches, Zemus had set leaf-laden branches and twigs from nearby trees, creating an overhanging shelter, the ground underneath it dry and warm. It as marvelously effective in its simplicity.

He settled down, on his belly, under the shelter where the grass and dirt underneath it had been flattened from his sleeping weight. His eyes twinkling, I sat down beside him, as near as I dared, next to his curled forelegs, shoulder-to shoulder. My heart thudding loudly, I ventured to ask what the pouch at his side held.

" I made it yesterday, sitting here, out of the rain," he said with a soft chuckle, and opened the pouch, lifting out a small brush that had bee crafted from a twig and bristles of stiff dried grass, woven tightly by expert hands. I marveled at it. Along with it were a few other items plucked from the wild: a thick leaf wrapped around a bunch of ripe berries; a small, sharp, triangular rock; and a small round clay jar, stopped with a bit of cork.

"Tanis," he said quietly, "I must confess... I have seen you brush your horses before, in the fields. You are so careful and thorough... could you brush me like that?" He looked at me with bright, inquisitive eyes, like a colt looking for his mother's teat. I couldn't nod fast enough, and in short order, I had the brush in hand, rubbing it carefully in gentle, quick strokes over his flank and back. As I brushed, I found myself talking to Zemus, like I hadn't spoken to another soul. Excitedly I told him of the other horses and their names, their peculiarities, and their physique. His eyes never moved from me, fascinated with what I told him of the farm, of my mother and father, and my younger brother, who had only begun to do larger chores on the farm. When I felt my throat straining, I asked him of his own people as I rubbed the brush over his soft, tender belly.

"I come from a small clan near the great northern lakes. Centaur have no ‘mother' and ‘father', for the older males and mares care for the little ones as if they were from their own seed. A moon ago, I decided to leave, for I have always been curious of the men of the south, and of the wide flat places of the world, where trees and grass grow in their special harmony. I did not realize that the plants here would be so alien from what I am used to, I do not know what is edible and what isn't. I became scared without the wisdom of my elders, and out of desperation I ventured into your barn. I am happy that I did."

"I'm happy you did, too." I said with a blushing grin.

He held my gaze then, this time with a strange, alluring gleam in his eyes. "Your hands are very warm..."

I inhaled quickly, realizing I had set my awkward paws on his wide, muscular rump, his thin tail flicking, tickling my forearms. I pulled them away, attempting to make a gasping apology. A shake of his head stopped me. "I liked it, Tanis. Please, touch me all you wish..."

My heart lept into the back of my mouth. Silently my hands wandered back over his chestnut ass and darker tail, tugging it playfully, my grip wandering over his wide set hips and bountiful backside. I watched as he lifted his soft tail higher, tossing it aside to reveal the fleshy, dark little puckered entrance. It twitched softly as I indulged myself and let my thumb caress the tender ring, nestled cutely between the huge brown half-moons and above the near-black balls settled against on the grass. He gasped gently at the intimate touch... but did not protest, watching from over his shoulder as he let me touch his most personal of places. He adjusted himself, letting me stroke his inner thighs and the soft, supple skin around the heavy orbs, hanging so delicately under his body.

"Tell me, Tanis," he said, a succulent honey in his voice, "Do you like me?"

I nodded, my hands working over the heavy warm sac, so pleasant to hold tender in my grasp. "Y-yes, I do, Zemus. You're s-so beautiful."

" I am flattered. You have the hands of an angel..." he shuddered again as I squeezed his balls, a response I could never get from the horses I groped in the barn late at night. "You men... wear such things over your bodies, things which nature herself crafted, even when it isn't cold." He smiled. "Come, remove them, you've nothing to hide from a simple colt like me."

I nodded, my face flushing as I, trembling as a newborn filly, removed my shirt and boots and trousers. I gasped loudly as I pulled my underwear away, freeing the stiff thing hiding underneath, shocked at how hard it was, pulsating gently in the cool moist air, my face turning brick red. I let it throb stiffly in the air as I finished undressing, tossing my clothes aside; I hoped dearly he would not be offended.

My fears were unfounded. When I looked into his youthful face, I could see his eyes focused on my groin, a rosy pink hue sprouting in his cheeks. His hind leg trembled. "Oh, Tanis..." he cooed softly as he beheld my pale, smooth body. He shifted, turning and leaning forward, my heart leaping as I felt his magical touch on my body, exploring it. My chest, stomach, legs and upper arms were the color of fresh cream, my forearms less so. A fine, thin patch of dark hair spread over my pectorals and down to my belly button, another soft bush sprouting around my rock-hard tool. I was hardly the rippling mountain of a man some of the farmhands and bull riders were, but I was no slouch. The constant farm chores had strengthened my tone, only the smallest bits of fat of youth still on my frame. I was hardly unique; I always seemed rather plain to me. But Zemus' warm, exploratory paws slid and rubbed over my chest and arms as if I were a Greek sculpture. He was especially fascinated with my hips and thighs, so different from his own. I shivered and groaned, face red as he slid his fingers underneath by pale pink scrotum, up and over my balls and carefully up the stalk of my steely mushroom.

"It's wonderful," he said creamily. He stroked me with one hand, holding it firmly and pulling upward, stratching the pink skin gently, his other hand still busy with my balls. I let a whimper free from my throat, my friend pulling up and down on my cock. My lips quivered.

"Zemus," I paused his stroking with a touch on his wrist, "Please kiss me again." I said weakly. I felt far from a man, more of a filly then, as he and I leaned forward, our faces pressed close as your lips locked perfectly. His gentle, supple mouth played along mine, out lips dancing and teasing. I felt his tongue venture forth, and I let it in, letting the thick appendage play with mine in the slick glistening bridge between our mouths. All the while, his hands stroked and played and toyed with my solid cock, stroking the shaft and tickling the smooth head.

We were forced to part to catch out breath. "You're a beautiful stallion, Tanis, despite only having two legs." He said with a twinkling giggle, stroking over my pale firm thighs. I giggled with embarrassment, rubbing his bare chest and down his sides. His voice suddenly became firm. "I want you to mate me."

The ground fell out from under me. I fuddled with words, trying to string together a protest or a question or at least a grunt. Only a whimpered moan came as again he tugged at my throbbing cock like a calf pulling at an udder. "B-but Zemus, you're not a m...mare..."

He shushed me. "'mother'; ‘father'; ‘male'; ‘female'; these are ideas and principals for man. To the wilder creatures of the world, they are but words. I can be the stallion or the mare for whomever I choose," He purred, not unlike a kitten, kissing my chest and neck and chin. "You've shown me tenderness and love, without a hint of cruelty or fear. I see in you a stallion of the finest breed; my stallion." he smiled, petting my brown hair. "You may have me."

I nearly fell as I embraced him, kissing him again. He groaned loudly, forgetting modesty, his body trembling as I rubbed and kneaded his shoulders back and belly, my cock throbbing against his humanoid waist. "Y-yes, I'll mate you, Zemus, my love." I said with a groan.

He grinned gleefully, trembling as he found the clay jar, and beckoned me to sit on my knees, which I did. Uncorking the stopper, he dripped something cool and clear and slick on my cock, which hung outward like a low branch. He smiled up at me as his gentle hand spread it over my length. "A natural oil from the plants and flowers. It will make things... easier."

I nodded with understanding, and took the bottle from him. I watched his face as I plopped a little onto my palm and gently spread it over his dark, warm rim, his eyes shutting, biting his lip while I poked my finger into it, spreading the fluid until his cherry-sized pucker glistend. I gently stroked his hips, my hear threatening seize as I sat on my knees behind him. I had seen the horses mate many times; I knew the mechanics. What I did not want was the often brutal, uncaring way most of the studs took the mares. Some of them came away with injuries. I doubted Zemus wanted such. He cooed at my hesitation, one hand stroking my chin.

"Go on, Tanis, don't be afraid."

I nodded and held his rump gently, pushing forward into him. He moaned out at the intrusion, his flesh parting tightly around my solid cock, wrapped tightly like wet silk around it. I gasped, groaning; I could feel his body pulsing around me, his black rim tight around my shaft. "oh, Zemus..." I moaned, and pulled back a few centimeters before pushing back in, the awkward rythmn getting smoother as I repeated. I gripped his hips tightly, watching him shiver and moan, his body quivering each time I hammered his insides.

As I firmly made his body submit to my own lusts, quick, nickering moans and twittering whinnies escaped his lips; a more beautiful sound, I could not recall. His face was blushed a floral pink, his dark, round rim tightening each time I moved inside him. The wet, slick sound of penetration was plainly audible, my wet throbbing shaft growing harder each thrust, nearing to burst.

It did not take long. I shook and moaned and trembled like a boy, my first orgasm making my body burn and my head light. I could only see the white butterflies in front of my eyes as I rammed myself in again and again, riding it out as well as I could. My heart pounding, I slowed, breath heavy, listening to us simply pant and sweat. With some hesitation I pulled my cock from under his tail, thick white seed spilling from the stretched little hole.

"O-oh, I..." I carefully wiped it clean with my handkerchief, hearing him giggle and gasp as I touched the tender rim.

He thanked me, and stood, legs quivering. I stayed on my knees, blinking as I beheld the massive midnight-black pole that swung underneath my equine lover. It throbbed gently in the cool air, as if patiently waiting for its intended purpose, a clear bead of fluid forming at the tip and plopping to the ground. Each vein and vessel pumped warm, wild blood into the massive organ, as long as my arm, a rather majestic stallion-hood, despite the mare-ish way in which I had just taken him. Before another word could leave his lips, I reached for it, and with a firm grip honed from milking cows and sneaking inappropriate rubs with stallions, I held his fleshy lance by the base and stroked downward, lifting it up as it squeezed towards the base. He reared and kicked his forelegs in shock and pleasure, rewarding my efforts with a hot burst of pre-cum. He set his forelegs down again, groaning as I applied y other hand to the fat heavy orbs underneath him. I rolled and pulled and stroked and teased, loving every throb and twitch in my sweat-slicked hands as I jerked faster and harder.

"o-oh, Tanis!" he moaned aloud, his hips bucking and thrusting, balls swaying to and fro wildly. I lay on my back without a thought, stroking firm and fast with two hands, in complete wonderment. The fat milk-rod pulsed and swelled in my grip, the flared head pulsed once, like a snake to strike, and a gush of pearly white fluid gushed forth, splashing onto my bare chest, neck, and belly. I had to shut my eyes to keep it from blinding me, his massive love-lance bucking again as it laid a fat rope of cum over my head and down to my nipples. I stroked and rubbed it tenderly until it ceased, and even after as a warm flood of hot dirty yellow urine poured forth, washing some of his seed from me.

He panted, and uttered in embarrassment, "Uh, o-oh Tanis, I'm sorry..." I slipped from under him, his hot equine fluids dripping down my belly and crotch, off the tip of my semi-hard cock. I looked into his eyes, his embarrassed expression melting into the wild, passionate grin that made my heart dance. "You're a very good with your hands." He chuckled, and with a wide, thick tongue lapped my face clean, licking away his hand-churned cream. I caught his tongue and lips into another kiss, wrapping my hands around his back, holding him close enough to smear the remaining fluids on my chest to his.

When we parted, he was smiling brilliantly. "Come, there is a stream nearby where you can wash, dirty farm boy."


The year had passed, and oh, it was the happiest year of my life. Now, with boots on, my bag packed, I softly made for the door.

Midnight hung high above, and I was somewhat surprised to hear a soft voice just after I walked away from the back door.


I looked back to see my younger brother, looking up at me with large, curious eyes.

I embraced him gently, his young, strong arms wrapped around my waist. "I'm going, Junio. You and father and grandfather can do just fine on the farm." I murmured.

He nodded silently. "You'll visit though, won't you?"

I smiled. "Of course I will."

"Okay... I love you, Tanis."

"I love you too, Junio. Go and sleep." he nodded, and I watched him go back inside and quietly close the door.

I turned and made for the woods, heading for my stallion's clearing.

Office Stress 7 - Upper Management

In stark contrast to part 6, this only took a few hours. good god, it came out beautifully. Enjoy! \*\*\*\* Spinus could only wince and shudder as he watched his cousin, Tibalt Cunnings, pace away from him, defiant and liberated. A long neck...

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Office Stress 6 - Business To Attend To

HOOO Boy, this is LONG, and a long time cumming. there's ALOT more exposition here, but i included it cause i wanted the characters to develop a little more. I apologize for it's tardiness, school and the holidays got in the way. i wrote the first few...

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The Centaur and I

We greeted each other from opposite sides of the grassy field, just like every time we'd met there. I strode nakedly though the knee-high grass as he did the same, my clothes lying at the base of a tree. He was naked but for a small bark pouch, his...

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