Office Stress 7 - Upper Management

Story by Anguiras on SoFurry

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#7 of Office Stress

In stark contrast to part 6, this only took a few hours. good god, it came out beautifully. Enjoy!


Spinus could only wince and shudder as he watched his cousin, Tibalt Cunnings, pace away from him, defiant and liberated. A long neck and a three-horn followed soon after, with cold smirks on their faces. He heard angry voices then, demanding, belligerent. Their jobs were in question, how could they not be angry? His spine-fin tingled hotly with fear. He only gritted his sharp teeth, hissing at them, trying to get to the elevator as quick as possible. He ignored them, tail lashing agitatedly as he half-ran between rows of cubicles.

"Just get back to work! You want to leave now, save us the time? Be my guest!" He tried to sound haughty and authoritative, but his words merely rang hollow in his own ears. The cold needles of fear still stung his fin, traveling up his spine and into his skull. His employees barking after him, he quickly closed the elevator before the ire of the paper-jockeys could turn to violence.

In the steely, dim quiet of the elevator, he glanced upward at the black gleaming electric eye, the security camera aimed at him, only one of thousands watching from the corners of the facility. He realized he had forgotten to press a floor button in his preoccupied haze. As he reached forward, he heard the intercom in the elevator chime, making his tail stiffen.

"Spinus..." Came a deep, guttural voice, "My office, please." His knees nearly buckled. Even the polite suffix to the simple command was a cold, kindless beckoning. He answered without hesitation.

"Yes, sir."

His clawed finger traced down the button pad and tapped the sub-basement button. The elevator descended in sync with his heart, his tail-tip twitching compulsively. He dared not gaze up at the camera lens, knowing he was being watched, the entire descent, by two dark eyes.

The elevator clattered to a halt, dead silence greeting him. He didn't blink as the lights of the elevator went out, leaving him veiled in darkness. He heard the doors opened, and a pale silver light spilled in. He walked out with stiff, measured steps as he stood in front of the elevator doors. He ignored the growing tent in his gray pants, trying his best not to tremble.

Before him was a massive room. The exact extent was hidden in darkness; the only light in the room came from a large, cold silver lamp and obscenely large computer monitor sitting on top of a oversized desk several yards in front of him. Beyond it, he could only make out the rectangular silhouette of a massive chair.

"You may disrobe." The command came to him like a biting winter wind, devoid of mirth or any emotion; the detachment scared Spinus most.

He silently obeyed, pulling his tie down, slipping it out form around his neck. He pulled his arms from his suit jacket, folded it with his tie, and laid them neatly on the floor. He pulled free his white shirt, and unbuttoned it from the collar down, and laid it with the tie and jacket. The cold of the room came to him then, making his dark nipples stiffen under the tight white tank top. His shoes he tugged off, tight black socks next, his clawed, pale feet spread on the bare, marble floor.

He slid that off, revealing his chest and abdomen. Neatly cut and toned, his abs were hard as rock, his chest equally muscled. His biceps were thick as cantaloupes, warm veins pumping just under his green-grey skin. He was a lifelong member of the company gym, where only the leaf-munching giant named Vincent Tallis could out-lift him. He was strong, but that fact did nothing to comfort him from the force watching him bare his body.

He hesitated, face growing hot as he went for his silver belt buckle. His cock pushed at the fabric of his boxers and pants, angry and stiff. He could not hide the swelling organ, near to zipper-popping intensity.

He pulled his belt free and laid it to the side, and unbuttoned the slacks, repressing a sigh of relief as his cock sprung forward, having slid through the fly in his boxers, free to throb horizontally in the cold darkness. He let the pants slide down his muscled thighs and crumple at his feet, toes clenched. He folded them, too, and placed them with his clothes. He grunted in humiliation at his difficulty removing the red boxer shorts, his cock pushed downward over his pale orbs, refusing to be denied. As he finally pulled his boxers free, his ten-inch tool whipped upward, slapping him loudly on his hard stomach. He held back the knot in his throat, knowing every inch of his now-bare body was being gazed over, measured, possibly even recorded.

To his left, the floor opened, and a square platform was raised by hydraulics. On its surface was a blindfold, a bottle of clear fluid, a pair of rubber rings, and a set of hand-to-tail restraints.

"Spinus. Restrain yourself."

Spinus nodded, and lifted the bottle first, dumping a quarter-sized dollop of the slick stuff onto his palm and fingers. He reached back, lifting his tail, his face crimson, and pushed the lube between his smooth, round, firm cheeks, stretching the warm fleshy ring of his arse-hole. He rubbed and polished his ass until it was glistening with the lube.

He took the rings then, pulling one wide and down the shaft of his pounding cock, letting it tighten around the base. Holding his scrotum gently in his other hand, he gingerly worked the second ring on, making his testicles swell like a pair of ripe scuppernongs dangling under his pole.

He set the bottle down, took the black silk blindfold, and slipped it around his blank, steel-gray eyes. Hot tears rolled down his smooth cheeks as he tied it in the back. He was swathed in darkness now, his hearing, touch, and smell senses amplified. He reached over, and found the cold steel cuffs. Pulling them behind his back he clamped the biggest cuff around his thick, gray tail-base and closed the other two around his wrists, locking them tightly. Once adjusted, his wrists were crossed behind him and his tail was held up firmly.

"You may be seated, Spinus." the voice boomed now, only the most miniscule amount of warmth added from its owner's growing lust.

The predator nodded, tears rolling down his neck and chest in humiliation. He paced forward until he found his chair, feeling carefully with his toes. His cock swung like an errant fishing rod in front of him, bouncing and throbbing. His balls, pulsing softly, were held tight against his body. He found the impressions in the floor for his feet via toe-touching , and aligned his claws with them, facing the desk. Instantly, cold steel restraints clamped down around his feet, locking him into place. He leaned back slowly, and found the plush chair-back, and slowly began to slide his ass downwards.

His tail hole was met with a thick, blunt, smooth stainless steel head. It spread his flesh apart, making him grunt with effort. He let his weight carry him down, his tight, slick tunnel stretched around the smooth steel shaft, the bulging head pushed deeper and deeper inside of him. He felt all ten inches of it part his body before he felt the small pads to hold his butt cheeks. It was a shape all too familiar with him, as it was currently throbbing between his legs. The thick, steel tool had been modeled after his own member, every vein, bulge and curve an exact copy of himself.

With a bit of effort, Spinus pulled himself upward, feeling the dildo slide back out. He let his arse-hole clench around the head before sliding back down again, down to the base. He shuddered and repeated, over and over, starting a regular rhythm of up-and-downs, his tight hole sliding and slipping around the smooth steel tool. His cock flopped up and down in joy as his continued to bounce and thrust, stimulating his sensitive prostate.

As he continued his perverse exercise, his heart pounded in his ears. He could hear the chair creak and the great masculine figure rose up, bare, thick feet stepping around the desk. The sound drew closer to him until he could smell the faint, exotic fragrance of some endangered flower, crushed and refined into an expensive and illegal cologne.

"I have watched your performance for last two days, Spinus. I am not impressed with your management of your inferiors." Came the oppressive voice. He could only pant in reply, and try not to let even more tears fall from his cheeks, his cock slinging pre-cum onto his chest. "You have three choices from this point, Spinus. You may let me formally fire you, and eject you from your position. You will no longer work for ActiCorp, or any corporation. Only me." The voice shifted position, behind him now, watching his slick fleshy tail hole pounded and impaled. "You may be demoted, to a quieter, less demanding position. You will spend less time in the office and more time with me." The boss was in front of him again, his musk making his nostrils flair with desire. "Or... you may be punished, here, and now. To the fullest extent that I please. All will be forgiven. You will not receive a pay-cut or even a note in your record." The voice left him, and again the chair creaked as a massive form sat its weight on it.

"While you ponder your choices, let us talk." Spinus heard the flick of a lighter, and smelled fine smoke from an aged cigar. "Do you remember how we met, Spinus?"

Spinus nodded, sitting down harder, his body wracked with pleasure, cock surging.

It was hardly half a decade ago. Addictions, gambling, fast partners, and bad business deals had drained his money and swelled his debt. He needed a lot of cash, and new connections. In his depression, he devised a desperate plan. He had agreed to sell his body. Not on an hourly basis, or even a recurring payment. In one mighty lump of a sum he had sold his living fiber for five million dollars. From that day, he belonged, body and soul, to the president of the then-small business ActiCorp, software distributor. He wanted his debt erased and his job secure. He got it.

"Do you realize just how much you still owe me, Spinus?" the predator nodded in time with his thrusting, his tightened ring red with the slick friction. "It was I that helped you, wasn't it? I gave you the drugs to get over your depression. I broke your addictions to alcohol and drugs. I instituted the rigorous program that made you the statuesque little thing you are now, wasn't it? And all of it on my own dime. I relieved your debt and had you trained in all the skills to help manage my business, and all I asked for was your body and your loyalty."

"Y-yes sir..." He whimpered. His toes clenched. Every word rung true in his mind.

"I think you have done a remarkable job in doing your best to make good on your end of our deal, Spinus. I will grant you that. You're as loyal as a pet should be. Every time you walk down the hall, I wish I could hear dog tags jingling at your throat." He said with a black-hearted chuckle.

Spinus could not reply. His throat tightened as the steel dildo stroked his prostate, and his cock jumped, throbbed red, the hard shaft swelling, trying to cum. The black rubber ring around his tool denied such a thing; though his heart pounding, body alive with ecstasy, he could not climax. Barely a bead of slick pre-cum dribbled out pathetically, his balls swelling tightly. He heard nothing from his boss, only the sound of his own ass slurping desperately around the mock-cock. He slowed his descent, panting, resting his toned rear on the soft pads.

"Have you come to a decision?"

"Yes, sir. P...punishment."

"Very well. You may stand."

Spinus gently pulled himself away from the glistening warm steel cock, his tight ass brightly reddened. The foot restraints flicked open, and he too a shaky step away from the fuck-chair.

He was still blindfolded. His felt his boss release his hands from the cuffs, pulling the larger link from his tail. His thick tail did not fall. He stood helpless as the cuffs were placed onto the desk, and, like a child, a hand was placed on his back, as wide as his shoulders, and guided him several feet to the right. He was halted, his cock standing straight outward. Standing stiffly, his toes clenched as cuffs clicked around his ankles. Two large hands, wrapping entirely around his biceps, brought his arms up and fastened them into tight leather cuffs dangling from the ceiling. A warm breath washed over his neck as a rope clenched around his tail, and then around his neck, taut enough to keep his tail up but not to choke the bound, naked carnivore.

"Open your mouth." Boomed his boss. He obeyed, and bit down on the latex bar set in his jaws and buckled around the back of his head. His boss stepped back, and the sound of creaking, stretching leather drifted to him.

The whistling of air was the only warning before a hot lash of pain whipped across the spinosaur's ass. He cried out, biting down hard on the latex bit, his tongue wrapping around it wetly. Another followed without respite, whipping from the opposite way. The leather whip snapped across the backs of his thighs, twice, and then across his calves. His boss whipped his naked rear again, leaving long hot red streaks in his pale skin. He shuddered, groaned, panted, and whimpered, trembling after each slap of the emotionless leather. Each sting wracked his brain, bringing memories of sensations past to the forefront. His tail hole clenched, still stretched from the steel cock, still wet with lube. He felt the lashes farther up, along his sides, across his sculpted back, and around his shoulders. His cock bounced and throbbed, denied climax as his toes clenched with each hard snap of the whip.

The whip stopped for a moment, and the full breadth of his pain reached him then. His skin burned, ass thighs calves and shoulders stinging pleasantly. He was sweating now, hot despite the well-cooled air.

He nearly screamed as he felt the whip again, whacking hard across his wide muscled chest. Then lashes criss-crossed his rock-hard abdomen, expertly reddening his stiff nipples and then across his pelvis. He shivered as the whipping paused again, the smooth oiled leather suddenly snaking over his cock, winding around it, tightening from base to head. He yelped as his boss tugged hard at it, pulling at his fleshy, throbbing cock.

"Does it hurt, Spinus?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Good." The whipping began anew, the whip sliding off of his cock and slapping across his thighs, around from the front to strike at his ass, and again over his belly. Welts began to form, his sleek, green-gray skin turning hot pink from the constant lashes.

It was over before he knew it. The sound of the whip still echoed in his ears as his wrists were released, his ankles freed as well. The rope was untied, releasing his neck and tail. The blindfold was untied, and pulled away.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he gazed upward at the beast that was his boss.

Mr. Anikaro. Anklosaur. President of ActiCorp.

If Vincent was a giant, Anikaro was a titan. The product of a recessive, primitive gene, he was one of the few dino-folk that remained large and beastly. He stood nearly twelve feet high, and twice as wide as the shivering, dripping Spinus. His thick skin was the color of pure, golden beach sand, his back and tail hard as rock, each little bony plate polished and oiled. Behind him swung a heavy tail, ending in a massive bony club that could crush steel plating. His suit was made of the finest materials, made in countries with names Spinus could not pronounce. His pants and jacket were a pale silver, his shirt pure, snow white. Every thread was hand-tailored to his exact measurements, especially the codpiece, which hung like a pouch in front of Spinus. The blinking predator looked up at Mr. Anikaro like a child looks up at an adult, his body shivering, feet turned slightly inward.

He inhaled as Anikaro lifted his chin, and uttered, in a bare whisper. "Do you want more?" The Anklosaur's eyes burned into his, his irises the color of smoldering magma.

Spinus gave a gentle nod, murmuring "...yes, master..."

Pleased, Anikaro smiled and motioned to the desk. "Mount."

Spinus silently obeyed, and stepped to the desk, the top level with his eyes. He nimbly climbed onto the top, and stood between the huge lamp and massive computer monitor, the burning cigar lying in a glass tray. At his feet were two steel handles bolted onto the desk. Down the middle was a deep groove, measured to fit his stiff back-fin. At Anikaro's command, he lay on his back, fitting his spine into the groove and gripping the handles tightly.

Anikaro produced a wide spreader bar from the depths of his bottomless desk drawer, and hummed deeply, nonchalantly, as he fastened it to Spinus' thick, muscled thighs, keeping them pulled into a perverse V.

Spinus lay his head back, looking up at the ceiling. He was gazing up at himself, a large, polished mirror mounted above the desk. He could see his hard cock throbbing on his belly, his knees bent as Anikaro set a clear bottle on the desk. He heard the ankloaur's zipper pulled downwards, and it seemed to take a very, very long time. In the mirror he saw the thick, dark skinned cock meat spilled out, the heavy hands lifting out two melon-sized testicles, the fat scrotum lying on the soft silver trousers.

He closed his eyes, and heard the bottle open. The slippery sounds of wet flesh greeted his ears as slick lubricating oil was spread onto the seventeen inches of flesh about to be shoved into him. He shuddered in pleasure, remembering the satisfaction he felt when he first was able to fit it all in. he gazed again at the mirror, and Anikaro's cock was hard as steel, shining in the light, the bulging head aimed at his wet pucker.

Anikaro began to rumble with pleasure as he shoved forward, the sound of Spinus' breathless cry almost as satisfying as the tight warm flesh fastening around his cock. Spinus groaned in a disgusted and pleasured tone, his tail twitching, rubbing the anklosaur's soft balls. He gripped the predator's knees firmly, and didn't pause, sliding deep into the stretching flesh of the lust-maddened spinosaur below him. He watched as Spinus sweated, muscled chest rising and falling as his bowels were filled with herbivore cock.

He began a slow, deliberate thrusting, rocking his hips back and forth, pushing his way in and out of his employee and personal slave. He had trained Spinus into taking any punishment he could give, and love every inch of it. He thrust and rocked, his hands roaming over the smooth hard ridges and hills of Spinus; muscled body, rubbing over the pulsing shaft of his cock. He spread the slick pre-cum over the predator's heaving chest as he buried himself in again, the spinosaur's toes clenched tight, braced against Anikaro's chest.

He chuckled deeply, his rhythm unabated as he rubbed the fat cock between his fore and middle fingers, stroking it base to head, rolling the smooth skin up.

"I do hope you're happy with your size, Spinus." He gripped the stiff tool, squeezing, making it jump and buck in his hand and Spinus howled below him. "you'll not regret the day I made you begin swallowing those special pills.... Will you?"

Spinus shook his head, breathlessly moaning as his master smiled. He hummed and pulled something else from his desk drawer.

Something gleamed in his grip. Spinus blinked, and saw the golden fountain pen in his master's hand. It was perfectly smooth, devoid of a clip or button; one simply twisted it to produce ink, of which it was currently empty. He grunted, knuckles white as Anikaro slammed in to the hilt and paused. The anklosaur held Spinus' red swollen member upwards, and rubbed the wet little hole with the tip of the pen. Before he could protest, Anikaro forced a centimeter or two of the cold, metal pen down into his urethra, stretching the piss-hole wide.

Spinus cried out again, louder, making the lamp shake on the desk. His body twitched and convulsed as his cock was opened, his boss holding him by the shaft as the anklosaur's massive cock throbbed inside of him. The pen made its descent, the underside of his cock bulging, stretched around the hard smooth tube, deeper until half of his shaft was swollen around the pen, the glimmering tip exposed.

Anikaro grinned madly now, and slowly, teasingly pulled away the tight rubber ring around Spinus' throbbing cock-base. He groaned, watching as the ring was tossed aside. Anikaro let his hard, stretched cock go, the heavy metal pen weighing it down to his belly. The huge herbivore growled and placed his hands on the desk.

He pulled back, and slammed in with renewed intensity. He thrust faster and harder, disregarding the feverish groaned pleadings of Spinus, ramming the massive cock in and out, rocking his hips hard.

Spinus looked wildly at his master, now slamming and hammering his cock like a heat-crazed animal , mating his rear end. His head tingled, watching as his beloved master used his body to its fullest extent. His mind went numb, fingers and toes trembling as his body convulsed again, his vision blurred by climactic bliss. His cock arched and bucked, throbbing around the smooth pen and finally gushing pearly white cum, forcing the pen out and flooding his chest and neck with his own seed, splattering the sticky white fluid up to his chin.

He nearly went deaf as Anikaro bellowed in lust, slamming forward as his fleshy organ let loose inside Spinus' muscled form. The mammoth prick gushed and swelled, pouring more and more thick white cum into the beaten, abused little predator. Spinus watched blankly as his stomach grew and swelled, the pressure forcing hot slick cum out of his ass and around the throbbing veined shaft of Anikaro's cock.

The massive Anklosaur waited until his climax had abated before pulling his tool from his slave's warm, slick rear. He watched as the gaping red hole gushed seed down the side of his desk, the panting spinosaur trembling.

With a smirk he lifted the cum-slick fountain pen, and looked it over. He barked at Spinus, and the wet, worn predator opened his mouth. Anikaro twisted the pen, releasing a splurt of Spinus' own seed into his mouth, which he swallowed without hesitation.

Anikaro sighed with pleasure, and sat back heavily into his chair. He watched as Spinus pulled himself from the desk, body still dripping with fresh cum, and knelt before his master. With his long, pale tongue he licked every inch of Anikaro's swollen meat clean, even his round heavy balls, and carefully placed them back into the finely-woven pants, pulling the zipper back into place.

Anikaro smiled warmly. A door opened in the right-hand wall, leading to a private bathroom. "You may clean, Spinus."

The predator nodded, and limped weakly into the washroom to do so. He emerged a half an hour later, and paced calmly to his clothes on the floor. He began to dress, and stepped to the elevator.

"Oh, Spinus..." called Anikaro.

"Yes sir?"

"I am having a social this weekend. I will be serving several guests. You will be servicing them."

"...Yes, sir."

"Have a good day, Spinus."

"Thank you sir." Spinus turned and stepped into the elevator, cock hardened again in anticipation.


A month after the friendly trio had quit their jobs, they took a Friday night off from job hunting to visit Matt's favorite watering hole. It was a dim, warm, smoky little bar, with aged wooden floors and a wide bar kept wet with alcohol. Even better, it was a gay-friendly place. Matt was a favorite among the regular patrons, the chubby trike throwing his arms around a half dozen people shortly after walking in. Chuckling, Tibbs and Van took a seat at the bar and ordered a pint or two.

As Matt made his way around the bar, his denim shorts groped and tugged, he felt a strange quiver down his spine. He felt as if he were being watched by someone other than his friends around him.

In another building across the street, a massive, half-ton anklosaur sat on a plush couch, naked, his huge legs spread. A pale yellow-skinned sauropod lapped at his cock, half sucking on the gigantic head. To his left, a green-grey spinosaur lay bound tightly, a round plate holding his master's drink resting on his belly.

The anklosaur motioned, and two tall carnosaurs stepped forward from behind the couch. Clad in black trench coats, they watched as the anklosaur pointed at a monitor displaying the bar patrons across the street. He indicated a forest-green trike, his chubby rear bent over as a sauropod delivered a friendly spank.

"Him, I want. Get him to my chambers, as soon as possible. He quit ActiCorp some time ago, but I still have his records."

The carnosaurs nodded. "Yes sir." they responded coldly, watching Matt laugh and down a pint of beer.

Office Stress 6 - Business To Attend To

HOOO Boy, this is LONG, and a long time cumming. there's ALOT more exposition here, but i included it cause i wanted the characters to develop a little more. I apologize for it's tardiness, school and the holidays got in the way. i wrote the first few...

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The Centaur and I

We greeted each other from opposite sides of the grassy field, just like every time we'd met there. I strode nakedly though the knee-high grass as he did the same, my clothes lying at the base of a tree. He was naked but for a small bark pouch, his...

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Office Stress Part 5 - Take a Breath and Relax

Utter and complete humiliation was all Tibalt Cunnings could feel. He stood awkwardly behind a folding screen in the bedroom belonging to his employee, Vincent Tallis. He hesitated before calling out nervously: "Vanny, why do you HAVE these...

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