Office Stress Part 5 - Take a Breath and Relax

Story by Anguiras on SoFurry

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#5 of Office Stress

Utter and complete humiliation was all Tibalt Cunnings could feel. He stood awkwardly behind a folding screen in the bedroom belonging to his employee, Vincent Tallis. He hesitated before calling out nervously:

"Vanny, why do you HAVE these things?"

Van smirked, sitting back nakedly on his bed, watching the rex's silhouette adjust himself. "Never you mind, my pretty, just come out and let me see you."

Tibalt bit back a whimper, his face hot. "Th-the glasses, too?"

"Yes the glasses! Come on now, don't be shy, honey." he cooed, grinning with glee.

Tibalt sighed heavily. There was no escape. He sucked in a breath and stepped carefully out from behind the screen, face hot as he watched Van's gaze travel over his dressed body. The long-neck did nothing to hide his lecherous excitement as his eyes went from his boss' head to toes. A pair of glassless wire-framed glasses adorned the rex's snout and a choker made of silky black ribbon wrapped snugly around his pale throat. Buttoned around his flat chest was a short tweed jacket, ending just above his belly button. Underneath lay a soft white shirt, ruffled just under his chin and tucked into the matching tweed skirt around his waist. Around his wrists glistened half a dozen gold bracelets, jingling as he shivered. The freshly ironed skirt hid hardly any of the rex's smooth toned legs, ending barely halfway down his thigh. Thin, black, nylon stockings ran down to his ankles, his knees quivering as he stood awkwardly. Around his right ankle gleamed a silver chain, an egg-shaped charm attached to the links. His clawed feet were arched neatly in a pair of jet black heels, almost four inches high, his toes curling in the soles. Van stood, his cock pulsating, standing out like a tree branch as he paced around his 'secretary.'

"Ooh, Tibbs..." purred the long-neck, "you should prance around the office a little in this, get all those boys nice and horny." He laughed, squeezing the firm carnivore rump underneath the tweed skirt, grinning at the yelp he elicited from his embarrassed employer.

"V-van, just..." Tibalt hesitated, unsure of what to say. He stopped shivering for moment as the naked sauropod kissed his smooth lips, the herbivore's thick cock caressed the growing bulge in Tibalt's skirt.

"Come here, sweety, I've got a nice seat for you," chuckled Van, taking 'her' hand and leading 'her' to his bed.

The rex let out a soft purr as he was whirled about and pushed down onto the bed, his heart thudding as the tight shirt rubbed against his back. His toes quivered reflexively as Van pulled his legs apart in V-formation, the tweed skirt hiked up to his waist, tumescent cock lying patiently over his sack. He watched from behind the wire glasses frames as his heels were held high, the long-neck carefully squeezing cool clear fluid around his tight ass.

"Don't worry, sweety, I'm gentle here. I wont rush in and pop your cheery too hard." He said with a wink.

Tibalt's chest rose and fell deeply as he panted, the ruffled shirt tight around his chest. He watched Van's smooth index and middle fingers disappear between his legs and felt the fingertips gently wiggle inside of him, thrusting a bit, spreading the slick stuff inside. Tibalt shuddered, knowing his backside was going to be glistening all over before too long. He tried to relax, his tail twitching with each touch inside of him, anal walls pulled and teased, making him yelp softly, toes flexing in the thick black heels. His rear was hardly pained, the lube making it slurp around Van's intrusive fingers. He felt them moving and roving about inside of him, legs quivering as his cock throbbed.

"Mmm, you seem pretty anxious, Miss Tibbs." Smirked Van, watching his boss shudder at his little nickname. " perhaps you just need a little more to help relax...?" Tibalt let out a groan of surprise and slight pain as Van slipped his third finger inside and stuffed the digits deeper inside, his rear burning a bit at the intrusion. "Ah, you're doing quite well, Miss Tibbs; you'll 'fit' in nicely on my 'staff'. Work long and hard, and you may reach a higher place." Van smirked at his puns. The rex didn't laugh, but his face turned varying shades of red as the long-neck taunted him as he was fingered.

Hot pulses of electric bliss tickled the inside of Tibalt's stomach, a strange chill running down his spine as he was fingered by the big long-neck. He felt giddy, nervous, and a little impatient as Van made him lie there, taking the lube-slicked fingers. He blinked in surprise as the hand was removed, his slick inner walls feeling slightly chilled. With a questioning moan he tilted his head up. His eyes went wide in understanding as saw Van pouring a rivulet of clear lubrication down his throbbing fleshy cock, rubbing it down, making it glisten brightly.

"Ungh, c-con-?"

"Nope," Van smirked as he licked his lips, "my first time was bare-fucking-back as can be, and so will yours, Miss Tibbs." He grinned as his boss shuddered at the strong words, but saw little resistance left in the cross-dressed rex. Tibalt steeled himself, lifting his legs back obligingly as the huge longneck gripped his left calf, other hand guiding the thick cock into his boss' stretched wet hole.

Van watched with glee as he worked his bulging cock head between Tibbs' smooth cheeks, feeling the soft flesh grip him as he intruded upon the rex's body. His slick cock glistening, Van let out a groan of approval as his shaft stretched the fleshy walls apart. He looked down as he hear Tibalt gasp, back arching, toes curled and claws gripping the bed sheets. For a brief moment he was afraid he's pushed the rex too far- he didn't want to hurt the guy. A groan of surprise and arousal escaped Tibalt's throat, making Van smirk, assured that Tibalt was enjoying himself. The sauropod pushed in further, making Tibalt gasp.

"Take... good notes, Miss Tibbs. This may get you a nice promotion," chuckled Van, the rust-red rex panting as his cock throbbed under the tight skirt. A dark spot formed on the material from Tibalt's pre-cum, seeping from the tip of his fleshy tool. "I can see you're pretty excited, Miss Tibbs. Good." Grunted Van, pushing his hard, sandy-colored shaft in deeper. "you'll be spending a lot of time underneath me."

Tibalt's heart pounded as he let his moans and grunts of pleasure go free. He'd never imagined something thick and smooth pushed deep under his tail could feel quite like this. Dressed in a slutty, exposing outfit, legs lifted high for his well-hung stud of an employee, Tibalt was in a place entirely foreign to him. He loved every inch of it, and made no attempt to hide his thrill. Lost in a haze of bliss, he was aware of Van's thick cock sliding back out of him before feeling a burst of stinging pain as Van pushed back in, the long-neck giving slow, gentle thrusts. Tibalt's heel-clad feet bounced slightly, his thighs aching from having held his position for almost ten minutes now. He lowered them, encircling the back of Van's neck. He bit his lip, reaching down to rub himself, cock throbbing at his touch as the herbivore's slick tool nudged and batted at his prostate.

"No, no, no... let me." Van smiled, lifting away his boss's hand. He managed to keep his thrusting rhythm steady as he gripped the hot stiff shaft and pumped up and down, squeezing firmly. He groaned suddenly as a hot wash of pleasure made his stomach and groin tingle. Tibalt gave short, impulsive thrusts into his employee's grip, making his ass clench tight each time, which only made Van's path inside him hotter and tighter.

The two worked in tandem, Van sliding and pushing his hard meat in and out of his boss's tight, gripping rear entrance as Tibalt moaned and thrust into Van's grip, the rex's face hot as he was driven higher and higher, the tweed skirt hiked to his waist, stockings stretched over his legs, his claws digging into the soles of the soft heels. The carnivore glanced up to see Van's jaw set in concentration, feeling the herbivore's cock probe deep into his most private places. He gave another soft moan, blinking cutely from behind the glasses. Tibalt's face suddenly went flush as his pleasure spiked, his body shivering as he moaned loudly, hugging Van's waist with his aching legs.

"Ungh I-I'm gonna.. C-cu..." He could barely finish, his cock swelling in Van's grip as a burst of hot rex cum gushed into the air, splashing onto the tweed jacket and ruffled shirt in a wet pearly splatter. A second wave followed as Tibalt's rear pulled at Van's cock in orgasm, the rex moaning to heaven as his ecstasy began to settle. He groaned and breathed deeply, looking down in awe as his softening cock was milked further, every ounce of his seed having spilled across his belly and chest, leaving Van's hand mostly dry.

Van smirked, staving off his own orgasm. "Miss Tibbs, you've made a mess. Don't worry over it now, I have another... position to offer you." Van's back was aching, his thighs burning a bit. Carefully, expertly, he lifted Tibbs up by the hips, handling his boss firmly and gently as he turned about and sat on the creaking bed. He lay back, letting his boss sit tightly on his cock. He resumed his smooth thrusting motion, holding the rex's hips as he slid in and out of the tight, virgin rear.

Tibalt relaxed, letting out soft moans and purrs as the huge virile sauropod used him, slamming the hard cock deep inside him. He grit his teeth, grunting loudly as Van thrust harder, taking every inch of pain and pleasure. He sighed and smirked as Van suddenly groaned loudly, violently thrusting balls-deep into the rex. Tibalt gasped as he felt a rush of warm slick fluid pour into him, gathering in his bowels as the long-neck emptied his balls inside the carnivore. The salty stuff slipped down Van's naked cock, leaking free of Tibalt's tight rear.

Van carefully tipped the blushing Tibalt over, laying the rex on his side and gently slid free of his boss' wet vice-like ass, his cock lying wetly across his thigh. "Didn't hurt you too much, did I, honey?"

Tibalt shook his head, unbuttoning the cum-stained jacket, pulling it off. "It kinda hurts... but ah feel pretty good." He smiled shyly, toes twitching as Van pulled off his high heels. Tibalt finished undressing, and with a nervous sigh of content he rubbed his muzzle on Vincent's chiseled chest, letting the long-neck's muscled arms wrap firmly around him, lying in warm, comforted silence.

Tibalt certainly wasn't comforted a week later, standing in the middle of the cluster of cubicles as a tall, gray-scaled spinosaur shouted at him.

"unexcused abscences, ignoring conference calls, giving employees time off without upper management clearance... what the fuck is wrong with you?"

The rex kept cool; the raging older male in front of him seemed like a small matter now. The desk jockeys looked on in amazement, pleasantly surprised by his new attitude as of late. The rex felt his heart jump as he saw Van gazing at him from the water cooler.

"Spinus I think you should just ease off, friend. We've been working these folks all too hard as of late." He kept a calm tone, but he could feel himself being pushed farther and farther towards doing something unexpected. His job, his house, his marriage no longer seemed quite as important anymore. Things needed to change.

"We're working them hard as they can because we can run them as we want, you twat!" shouted the carnivore, raising a clawed finger at the rex. "We will get that paper work done!"

Tibalt sighed. "In that case, I guess you should inform them that they're all being fired at the end of this quarter." He said, letting the words drop like a stone.

The spinosaur went pale with a tiny whimper. "T-tibalt-." The carnivore felt dozens of eyes shoot into his direction.

"Yea, fired. That's why you've been pushing so hard. This entire division's already been sold to the Asian conglomerate; all these desk-jobs are about to be outsourced, aren't they? But you need those reports and things done by the deadline before the deal can be finalized. You can't fire them now, or they'll never get done within the budget cuts you've been setting. Rehiring would cost millions, Spinus, you know that, I know that, they know that; you need them. Maybe you should treat them a little nicer."

Spinus gaped incredulously, the cubicle-workers glaring with hatred now. "T_tibalt, you're f-fi-!"

"Save it, cunt. I quit yer stupid job." With barely a glare Tibalt left the spinosaur to the angry crowd, loosening his tie as he walked to the parking lot outside. He was done, and for the first time he'd felt all the weight of the world lift away from his shoulders. He paused as he heard heavy footsteps jogging towards him. Tibalt turned and a genuine smile broke onto his face as Van approached him, eyes bright.

"That was pretty ballsy, Tibbs. I'm proud of ya." said the herbivore, planting a soft kiss on his friend's cheek. "So, what are you gonna do now?"

Tibalt shrugged. "Ah got plenty of cash... Ah'm going on a vacation. Gonna go visit mah family's farm, up north a bit."

Van nodded and waved as Tibalt the rex pulled away in his silver convertible. He frowned suddenly, remembering something the rex had said.


Office Stress Part 4: Relieve The Stress

Tibalt Cunnings woke slowly from a hard, hazy sleep. His head felt like a sack of rocks, his lower back ached, and feet were sore. He could barely recall the previous day; it felt as if he'd slept for far too long. Blinking through bleary vision, he...

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Office Stress Part 3: Bringing Work Home

Okay, let's see... Vincent thought, warm bath running, peach-scented body soap ready (hehe), scented oils in the water already (mmm, magnolia), special loofah ready, and of course, Mr. Long (hehehehehe)... The long-neck giggled to himself, eyeing the...

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Office Stress Part 2

With a slow, smooth stride Vincent Tallis walked towards his supervisor's office. He glanced at the cubicle of Matt Shields, his friend, and found it empty. Matt had left early that day, claiming illness. A few had giggled at how oddly he walked to...

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