The Vixen and the Wolf

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#2 of Loving Ladies

Working out can change a wolf's body and she learns to appreciate it under the loving paw of her life partner... What's better than two ladies in the shower? Nothing!

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Written for the always lovely thecuddlingfox. If you have not had a little chat with this guy, you should. You're missing out. So do it!

A pleasure to write, I even got to throw in a bit of a twist for this couple and pull in my own experiences from working out. It's such a slow process for women to build muscle that you could see how it would be frustrating when dropping fat can be comparitively easy with diet/cardio.

Only a slight Christmas theme for this one! Hope you all enjoyed the holidays!

Characters (c) TheCuddlingFox

Story (c) Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

The Vixen and the Wolf

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for The Cuddling Fox

The wolf sighed as she stepped into the apartment, sweat matting the fur across her forehead as she swiped it flat with the back of her paw. Grumbling good-naturedly, for she could not be in a genuinely bad mood after going to the gym on an afternoon streaked with winter sunshine, she brushed a paw down her pink tank top and padded through the living room to the kitchen, paw wandering to fuss with her head fur. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to have hair on her head like some anthro creatures; it would get in the way something terrible when she was working out. The jog back was what had really knackered her, however, as the wolf did not understand driving when she could simply add the jog to her cardio or weight lifting session. The tremble in her calves, on the other paw, begged to differ with her methods.

Some said that she did not need to work out as much as she did, but Devyn still failed to see the logic in that argument as she trotted to the combo fridge-freezer for a much needed bottle of water. Her shorts melded to her shapely thighs as she stretched up for a fresh bottle - taken from a spring that she had visited with Gloria not so long ago - and took several long, thirsty gulps, throat working furiously. One day, sooner rather than later, she would have an exercise bottle that would not spill when she ran so she could take it out to the gym and for a jog. She smiled, ears slanting to the sides bashfully. Perhaps Gloria would buy her one for Christmas? The fennec fox had been nothing but supportive with regards to Devyn's workouts and was one of few to shower her with compliments directly related to her progress. Devyn liked to have 'evidence' to fall back on rather than something irrefutably vague. Otherwise all related sounded like empty words to her ears. The wolf needed a little more to be sure.

She leaned back on to the black kitchen countertop as she drank, casting her gaze around the kitchen, which was outfitted with white cupboards and units to contrast. It was a very modern design selected by Gloria and, with their bits and bobs of kitchen gear, they made it their own and it had not been made clinical at all by the clean, sharp colours. She smiled at the red kettle and let her eyes drift up naturally to the newest addition to their little space: a piece of artwork featuring the two of them as animated heroines from their favourite anime of the time, swords raised high as they defeated the fairy king Oberon in_Sword Art Online_.

Devyn giggled and cupped her chin in her paw. In the piece of art, which was a private commission, she looked just as fierce as the fox in an immersion game environment, eyes outlined as if by tasteful, ferocious make-up to highlight her best features. Maybe she had become just that. A strong, powerful heroine.

Devyn liked that thought. She liked that thought very much.

As lovely as the art was, certain matters had to be addressed, namely the smell she was currently exuded. She wrinkled her nose at the undue aroma - an unpleasant side effect to working out that she would never become completely used to - and yanked her top up over her head without ceremony. Her black shorts followed in suit and she squeezed out of her socks, using each hind paw in turn to wriggle them off, for bending over after a workout would surely require just a bit too much energy. She giggled at her daftness and bounced on the balls of her hind paws, tail wagging as she prepared for one of her favourite times of the day: shower time!

Leaving her clothes in a pile beside the washing machine, as they would only be going in there shortly anyway, Devyn hummed tunelessly to herself and padded down the hall the few steps required to the large bathroom she shared with her girlfriend. The gleam of the hallway mirror caught her halfway; she paused to stare at her reflection, for once the critical edge leaving her eye.

Devoid of clothing besides her baby pink sports bra and matching underwear - a sly gift from Gloria that cutely had the text 'JUICY' slashed across the rump, just below the tail gap - she studied herself, turning from one side to the other to view her body from all angles. Though still boasting her slender frame, no one could say that she was as delicate as she used to be with lines of muscle appearing. It was a slow, steady process but, as the wolf flexed, the muscle moving beneath her grey fur could not be denied, arms and thighs firmer and shapelier than they had been previously.

The wolf blushed, surprised to catch herself admiring her body so openly: it was hardly normal for a female fur. Was she not supposed to criticise every nuance and speck of fat? Strangely, those thoughts no longer entered her mind, replaced instead by warm encouragement and pride in both appearance and health. Diets had come and gone in the past to no avail, only this one for the last year and a half had stuck. Not a diet but a lifestyle change. Spinning on her heel to arch and check out her own backside, the wolf grinned, tail wagging. If not for Gloria, she may have given up on the gym long ago. She had much to thank the sweet vixen for.

Blowing a kiss to her reflection, the wolf traipsed into the bathroom with sore paws and leaned into the shower cubicle, turning the dial to switch it on. A cascade of warm water fell upon her head and she quickly pulled the clear door closed at her heel so as not to allow the water to escape over the bathroom floor and blue rug, again. Muscles relaxed beneath the stream and she rolled her shoulders back with a near sexual moan, soaked through to the skin by the warm, gentle flow of water, the pressure just right.

Her undergarments received an undue soaking by her prompt entrance into the cubicle but that did not bother Devyn and she stripped to the fur, bundling up her clothes to launch them over the top of the cubicle. They landed in a pile on the floor and the wolf yipped softly as she turned her muzzle up to the water, eyes closed in bliss. She reached without looking for the bottle of fur and body wash and squeezed a generous dose into her paw, rubbing them together as she lathered up. Her fingers worked and kneaded through fur into sore muscles and she groaned, pushing into the caress of her own fingers.

One day, she really would have to go for that full body massage at the spa, she mused, soaping up her breasts with a murr of personal pleasure. If her fingers felt this amazing after a workout, imagine how a professional touch would feel! She smiled. Or Gloria's touch. That would work too.

Unknown to the showering wolf, a fennec fox entered the flat and closed the front door with a heavy sigh, leaning back against it as if to keep out a beast with the weight of her body alone. Her large, sandy ears tipped back and tiredness thrummed through the line of her body, handbag hanging loosely from one paw. Though it had been an expensive piece, Gloria dropped it on the floor and grumbled to herself as she shrugged out of her suit jacket and hung it on the hooks behind the door. Coming up to Christmas, there were few clients interested in work and projects had ground to a halt in the leading weeks. The end of the financial year would be a blessing in the coming months with the rush of work keeping her well and truly on her toes.

She would simply have to get busy with her wolfess instead. How else would a fennec fox entertain herself? Boredom would not do!

Gloria rolled her shoulders and moseyed through the flat, ears pricked. First uncovering Devyn's workout clothes on the floor in the kitchen, she continued her investigation, vulpine tail twitching as she playfully 'stalked' her prey. Somewhere in the flat, she knew she would find Devyn - but where? The wolf would not be expecting her, that was without doubt, and it played into her plan that she had returned home early, right at the time that Devyn would have returned from her Monday afternoon workout. She raised an eyebrow. Convenient to say the least. The fennec's lips spread in a secretive smile and she wagged her tail mischievously. There was no point in an unexpected afternoon off if she could not spend time with her sweet wolf.

Ah! She stilled, ears quivering. The shower was running. That would be it then. She giggled and walked down the narrow hallway with the utmost care, striving not to make a single sound: it would spoil the surprise if Devyn heard her now. Silently easing open the bathroom door, her nose twitched at the steam curling out between the door and wooden frame, leading her onward. The wolf's back was to her as she rinsed out the fur atop of her head and her tail wagged gently in private enjoyment of the act, rump swaying in time to her humming.

The vixen grinned.

Without even bothering to strip off her clothes, she darted into the shower cubicle, swinging open the door and pressing her breasts to Devyn's back. The wolf did not have a chance to react as the vixen's head poked over her shoulder, arms encircling her lover's waist beneath the stream, and Gloria gave her a cheeky kiss on the lips that slowly deepened. Moaning into the unexpected embrace, Devyn turned slowly, unwilling to break the kiss, to wrap her arms around Gloria and squeeze her tightly to her, forgetting that she was further soaking Gloria's clothes in the process. The vixen's fine silk blouse darkened in a blue splodge, baby blue becoming another colour entirely. She didn't care. She had her wolf and that made everything all right again.

"Mmm... That was unexpected," Devyn murmured, licking her lips as they parted for breath. "I didn't think it was so late."

"It's not late at all." Gloria giggled as she gave Devyn another peck on the lips, eyes sparkling. "I am home early, just for you, to see you."

The wolf beamed, grin spreading across her muzzle as much as she tried to contain it.

"That's so sweet of you! I can't believe you - oh! Gloria!"

The fennec fox picked up her ears.


Devyn shuffled, paws sliding up to Gloria's shoulders in a gentle but insistent caress. The wolf tugged at the vixen's shirt and made as if to push her out of the shower cubicle, paws reluctant as she turned her partner around to face the cubicle door. Devyn's paws squeezed around the fox's shoulders, unwilling to let her go even though she wished to be sensible.

"Your clothes are getting wet," she said, the words coming slowly as if she loathed sending Gloria away. "They're going to get ruined, Gloria, you'd best change. Please - don't spoil them."

The wolf winked and smiled back over her shoulder, making no move to leave the cubicle and her lover.

"I'd best get them off then, hadn't I, sweetheart?"

Squirming in the little space allowed, the fox unbuttoned her shirt with quick, deft fingers and only caught her manicured nails once in her haste. She tossed her blouse over the cubicle wall, unknowingly mimicking Devyn's prior action, and bent over to remove her smart black suit trousers. The fabric was stubborn and clung to her shapely thighs as she rolled it down with a muffled curse that was swallowed at the crux, finally forcing them to submit and throwing them over in like suit.

Helping paws unclasped her bra as the wolf immediately followed up by sliding the fox's panties - sensible but enough to show off her taut buttocks as the water soaked them - down her legs. She only pushed those to one side, however, and crouched to press her muzzle between the vixen's legs, tongue stealing a swift swipe of a pussy glistening with more than just water.

Though she shuddered, the fox restrained herself, tail tense, and pulled Devyn up by her paws, pushing her back to the cubicle wall. The wolf blinked but otherwise had no chance to react as Gloria trapped her with her body, ears pricked and a wicked smile teasing at her lips. The last gleam of pink lipstick shone upon her lips making her seem especially alluring. Whimpering, Devyn leaned forward, pushing against Gloria, but could not shift her grip enough to steal another kiss from those sweet, soft lips.

The vixen winked.

"Nuh-uh," Gloria murmured, pinning her partners paws playfully back against the tiles on either side of her head. "This one's for you, no cheating."

Squeezing Devyn's breasts with both paws, the fox licked her lips, eyes dark and sensual beneath heavily lashed lids, a true seductress at her best. Entranced, Devyn did not even blink as the fox held her gaze.

"Just enjoy."

Gloria carefully folded into a crouch, tucking her knees to one side for comfort as she pulled Devyn's hips out and away from the wall. Her pussy nestled between her thighs, pink and inviting, and the wolf leaned in to her prize, tongue ever so lightly tracing the line of flushed flesh from entrance to throbbing clit. Bucking, Devyn groaned and rested her paws on Gloria's head, moving them constantly as the wolf began to lap slowly, patiently, working Devyn up with all the love in her heart. There was no rush and the wolf trembled beneath her touch, legs trembling so much that Devyn was forced to brace them.

"Ah... I was not expecting this," Devyn mumbled, repeating the earlier phrase as she nipped the inside of her lip shyly.

The fox looked up at her, eyes wide and faux-innocent in their gleam.

"Do you complain?" The vixen quipped, eyes bright and cheeky.

Devyn barely had the chance to shake her head before the fox dove back between her thighs, lapping with renewed vigour. Thrusting out lightly, the wolf moaned breathily, muzzle turned up to the water so that it trickled over her snout and over her lips. The wolf licked her lips, scratching her fingers lightly through Gloria's head fur as she spread her legs further apart, balanced on the balls of her hind paws. Pushing two fingers easily into Devyn's dripping cunny, the vixen murred into her pussy, tongue flicking softly over her clit and lower to taste her essence. She struggled against the urge to reach between her own legs to relieve the certain 'itch' there, her own arousal mixing with the water until she could not tell how wet she truly was down there. She would not touch herself: this one was for her sweetheart, Devyn.

Huffing and panting, the wolf squirmed, arching away from the wall in reflexive need. The fingers felt too good inside her and she growled softly as a third was added, stretching her out in an instant. The two had utilised their toy collection of late to much experimentation and orgasmic pleasure. The fennec fox was growing especially fond of using a naturally coloured canine dildo on the wolfess, thrusting and working her over with it for enough time and intensity that Devyn would climax without any clitoral stimulation at all, leaving Gloria to lap up her juices with yips of pleasure. Though neither of the ladies enjoyed the attention of males, there was something about working in the thick knot of a toy that was simply spine-tingling.

Twisting her fingers gently, the vixen thrust and latched her lips around Devyn's clit, sucking softly at first and then with greater and greater force. Shaking her head from side to side, the wolf whined, the high pitch cutting through the ever present sound of water falling. The pleasure was almost too much and half-jerked her hips away, trying to pull back to the wall, but Gloria would not allow it. Snaking her paw around to squeeze Devyn's buttocks, Gloria forced her hips closer and did not permit her to escape as she smirked inwardly. Sometimes the greatest pleasure could be too much in the moment, building to something explosive. She had the feeling that this was one of those times and refused to let up. As she sucked, she flicked her tongue against the heated nub, eliciting several sharp gasps from the wolf's lips.

Shuddering, Devyn bucked her hips, whimpering and begging for more. She had not the presence of mind in the moment to vocalise her needs verbally but her partner knew her more than well enough to deliver the pleasure she so sorely desired. Fur clinging to her skin, she ground up into the wolf's muzzle and a little howl escaped her as Gloria's sweet tongue struck a particularly sensitive spot, pushing her closer to the edge. It was only a matter of time and Gloria, as it had been discovered, could dance across that edge for hours if need be. This time, however, both ladies were as desperate for sweet release as the other and the euphoria that came with it, paw in paw.

"Ah...Glor...Gloria," she whimpered, head rolled back so that her skull was against the cool tiles beside the shower unit. "I...I'm gonna..."

Ears flicking, the fennec fox redoubled her efforts, fingers driving deep as if she was fucking her girlfriend with the canine toy, remembering Devyn's moans as she did. In her mind's eye, the knot stretched out Devyn's pussy, straining it right to the brink of what the wolf could stand before popping in, pussy closing around the narrower part of the shaft just after the knot. Groaning into Devyn's cunny at the mental image, the horny vixen moved her aching paw swiftly, spreading her fingers apart as much as the tight passage would allow, ensuring she caught the wolf's G-spot with every inward stroke, driving her to climax ever more swiftly. The strap-on would have to come out to play again soon and then she would see just how much she could make Devyn moan and whimper to orgasm.

Nostrils flaring, the wolf huffed and struggled to maintain her composure, cheeks heating up even beneath the cool water. Brushing her fingers over Gloria's ears, she twisted her head and took a series of short, sharp breaths as she flew to meet the peak, heat rolling through her lower abdomen. Orgasm claimed her like a spark igniting a blaze of kindling, scorching her skin and leaving every nerve ending tingling as if she had been nosed with an electric shock. Every hair on her body would have stood up if she had not been so doused in water but, as it was, she howled out her climax, bucking and grinding into the fox's muzzle as her muscles twitched erratically, fingers dancing.

Holding on to her girlfriend's buttocks, Gloria's tongue lashed furiously as if it was the last time she would ever have the chance to taste the wolf's pussy. As Devyn eased down from her high, spasms still wracking her body and making her sway as if she had run a marathon, Gloria withdrew her soaked fingers, dipping them between her own lips to suck each one blissfully clean. Her wolfess tasted_sweet_ and musky. The fox's pussy dripped, eager for attention but she swallowed her desire for the time being and pressed her thighs together to drive the thought from her mind. Her needs would be taken care of later. For now, Devyn was her one and only concern, as it should be.

Standing, the fox ran her paws down Devyn's arms from her shoulders to her wrists, fingers lightly massaging sore muscles as the afterglow of orgasm thrummed through the wolf. She murmured happily and leaned into her partner, tail wagging as if it would never stop ever again. Taking advantage of her relative helplessness - it was becoming increasingly difficult to overpower the wolf as her gym workouts affected her strength - Gloria nuzzled into her neck and massaged her sides and stomach, working over muscles that so often needed a firm paw to work out the tension. Devyn rarely stayed still long enough for such a massage, however, as much as Gloria was certain she enjoyed.

The wolf exhaled a sigh and blinked, eyes bleary as she struggled to focus. Pressing her lips to Gloria's, the wolf moaned into the kiss that quickly deepened, tongues playing between their muzzles as their bare breasts brushed, nipples perked under the cooling water. The shower stream danced over their muzzles but they did not care that the hot water was long gone, losing themselves in each other as Gloria's paw slipped down sneakily to cup the wolf's rump in a wicked grope. Though she squeaked and pretended affront, Devyn blushed proudly at the unspoken compliment.

Her ass was looking rather fantastic of late.

The fennec fox turned her girlfriend into the shower and dialled up the temperature, finding a reserve of hot water that only had to be tapped into with a higher setting. Moaning under the relaxing warmth, she rolled her shoulders back as Gloria gently washed her fur for a much needed second time, removing sweat and sexual arousal from between her thighs with a soft, pink washcloth. The wash was almost too much for Devyn who whimpered, sensitive after orgasm, and could not decide whether to arch into the vixen's touch or tremble away from it. They giggled companionably at her conundrum and kissed between strokes of the cloth, Devyn insisting on given Gloria a quick wash in return for the fox was just as tired after the work day as she had been after her workout. Different manners of work led to different stress and Devyn hummed happily as she worked knots of tension from Gloria's back and cleaned her fur until she smelled sweetly of lavender.

Gloria wagged her tail and relaxed into her partner's touch. She would never turn down a gift willingly given but still caught the wolf's lips in a deep, sensual kiss on first opportunity, fingers tracing the wolf's jaw. Devyn melted.

"Come now," Gloria kissed a line down her shivering girlfriend's neck, supporting her in both arms as her knees buckled at the kiss, again. "Let's get you a full, nice massage on the bed, shall we?"

Tail wagging, Devyn could not think of anything she would like more.


Later that night, after an evening spent relaxing in front of the television with the wall mounted fire roaring at full blast - a much appreciated early Christmas present from Gloria's parents - the pair curled up together in bed, their festive pyjamas not doing as much to warm each other as their bodies did. Wrapped up in the wolf's arms, the fennec fox slumbered peacefully, tail twitching as she dreamed of Christmas festivities ahead. Or at least that was what the wakeful Devyn thought she may be dreaming of, if not her and all the things they had yet to do together.

Devyn lay with the fox's back against her chest, arms around her body as she held her close in sleep, eyelids drooping.

"Stay with me forever, my darling, my Gloria," she whispered, nuzzling into the back of the sleeping vixen's neck.

Tears tickled in the corners of her eyes but they were not from sadness and she took a deep, steadying breath as if working up to something bigger than ever before. Moonlight glittered through the window, slanting across Gloria's muzzle on to the soft purple bed spread.

"You are going to have the biggest, sparkliest ring I can afford, very soon," the wolf breathed, so quiet that it was as if she was afraid she would break the spell if she spoke any louder.

The words said as her love slept, she was quiet, stroking the fox's head and neck with the tips of her fingers so that Gloria pushed into her touch while in sleep. The wolf smiled, kissed her fingertips and touched them to Gloria's lips before laying down and nestling into her warmth. All was well and all was right. Planning would come tomorrow as the warmth in her heart swelled.

"For now, sleep well, and Merry Christmas, my love."


**Unwrapping** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for TheKatPop as part of a trade_ _Merry Christmas!_ Kat sat curled up on the sofa, bare legs tucked in close to her body. Clad only in her underwear and an oversized Christmas jumper - bright...

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Inner Workings

**Inner Workings** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for Darkfox88_ The red fox slouched in his gaming chair, chest bare and eyes unblinking as he stared at the television screen. Cast into half-darkness, the room was artificially lit by the...

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