
Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Christmas for a slave can be a trying time, particularly when one is on display at a celebratory party... But what will this dragon find himself giving at Christmas?

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Merry Christmas! Written for the lovely Makaidos as a commission piece. These characters are fantastic to work with and I can't wait to hear what you think about this story! Femdom with male on male scenes (male on female too, of course!), this one has a little bit for everyone and develops the characters in this world. A surprise is in store for this dragon indeed!

Thank you for commissioning again!

Characters (c) Makaidos

Story (c) Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)


Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for Makaidos

The blue dragon growled as he was hitched to an O-ring in the entrance hall, tail lashing furiously. It was bad enough that he wore no clothing at all - not even undergarments - but to be led around like a feral animal on a leash! Why, the notion was unheard of. Yet such was his life and such was how his life would continue. A black leather bridle encased his muzzle, a bit not designed for draconian muzzles straining his jaws apart, and forced him to tip his head back to swallow or else drool constantly. Cold and metallic on his tongue, Makaidos tried to ignore its feel and crossed his arms over his broad, bare chest, glaring down the anthropomorphic being holding the end of the leash.

The slave who had led him there, a tough-skinned rhinoceros, rolled his leathery shoulders, unmoved by his griping. It was all the same to him and Makaidos would not be the first fellow slave to snarl and snap and stomp its hind paws at him like the younglings they were at heart. A lifer in the slave world would soon learn, he had no doubt about that at all. He wore nothing besides a loincloth - a loincloth that Makaidos would have given his left wing for if he had been so disposed to give anything away. He grimaced, shuffling his bound wings against his back, leather shifting. A slave had nothing to give away.

"There, there." The rhinoceros, whose name Makaidos had never learned, patted him condescendingly on the head, between his pair of lighter coloured downward curving horns. "You shan't be alone here long."

Taking a step back, the burly anthro studied him, dark eyes narrowed and lost amongst folds of skin. He stroked his horn, running his calloused paw from the base to the tip over and over again. The motion was so hypnotic that Makaidos caught himself staring, following its path intently.

"Mistress Thema will be along soon," the rhinoceros told him, still stroking his horn. "Then you'll do they say...more amenable? Not bored, are you?"

He grinned, baring blunt teeth that gleamed with care. It was likely the only good the slave could do for himself in caring for his body the best he could.

"That's what you want, isn't it? Some company?" He chortled. "Mistress will have plenty of that for you!"

Makaidos deigned to answer and angled his muzzle away. The answer was obvious and bore no just response. Rising to the muscle-slave's goading would not serve him well, judging by past experiences. He shuddered at the memory of the rhinoceros and a group of other furs muscling the larger dragon from his bed to the poolside where Thema entertained her guests. Lilies cupping magical flames had adorned the clear blue waters, yet his attention had been dragged from them all too swiftly, their beauty fleeting in the moment. Strapped down and abused, he was forced to take every humiliating gesture and his gazelle mistress' faux phallus under his tail, until a four-legged beast had his turn too.

No... He shook himself. That was not a good memory. Best not to go there. Best not to recall the abject humiliation, the way the beast's cock felt sliding under his...


It seemed silly to have his wings bound so closely to his back instead of his arms - it was not as if he could even fly after spending so long cooped up without opportunity to stretch his wings - so Makaidos focused on the feel of them instead. If his jaws had been free, he would have hissed a spire of smoke, letting it curl from his nostrils and show just how steep he deemed the injustice of the situation to be. Let the little gazelle see exactly how fearsome he was. Then she would think twice about strapping his wings down into uncomfortable bundles. The muscles strained to be free, tugging on leather straps with constrained power, muscle bulging even without frequent use.

Or she would think twice about letting him go around her mansion with any part of him unbound, a sly voice in his head added bitterly. She would not want to chance his wrath or insolence on that level if he demonstrated a less compliant side than what he had practiced of late.

Makaidos shifted, unable to find a safe topic for his mind to play with. Being a slave, at least on his side, involved much standing around waiting for his mistress and there was often too much time to think. The only other being of interest in the aquamarine tinted hall, illuminated with softly glowing royal blue stones, was his fellow slave. Unbound, the rhinoceros stood casually with his arms folded across his chest, spindly tail flicking as if to swat away imaginary flies from a savannah far away. Between his legs, the loincloth bulged and the creature scratched it as nonchalantly as he would rub his muzzle, thick fingers scraping. Under his touch, the bulge swelled and he chuffed lightly in the back of his throat, drooped ears twitching. Makaidos swallowed hard, the tip of his shaft teasing ever so subtly from his pale scaled sheath, so shy that one could have missed it if they were not already aware of his arousal.

Tail swaying, Makaidos turned his mind away, though not his eyes, watching as the large paw descended again, the back side rubbing over the contained rod of flesh that Makaidos just knew was hidden there. The dragon fought down a whimper, burying it deep. Need raged through him. When had she last allowed him to orgasm? It was too long, far too long for any self-respecting male. Yet his body was not his own and had not been his own for many years. He was not allowed that pleasure or any pleasure at all, for that matter.

The rhinoceros caught him looking and grinned, cupping the bulge beneath his loincloth as if to imply that he would be doing something else with it later, a hungry look in his beady black eyes. Makaidos shuddered.


The dragon stiffened, pupils shifting to the point over his shoulder where he knew his mistress would appear, her sultry, powerful tone unmistakable. He would never understand how she managed to move so silently with hooves, even if they were the split cloven hooves her kind boasted. The Thompson's gazelle's size may have had something to do with her stealth, her innate ability to blend in with her surroundings so that she could tap him on the shoulder before he even knew she was in the room.

Draped in sheer, baby blue fabric that set off her red-brown coat, the gazelle stalked around him, a casual paw tracing a path over his scales. Muscles tensing, Makaidos tilted his muzzle back as her paw reached his throat, the tips of her fingers brushing over his Adam's apple. He yearned to yank his head away but had learned early on that that only earned him a sharp reprimand.

Thema glanced behind the dragon and smiled at the rowdier approach of two companions - a stag and a mare who was dressed in a similar style to Thema, wisps of green silk floating around her body while her modesty was mostly preserved. Mostly. Bouncing lightly from hoof to hoof as if she could not stay still for more than the fleetest of moments, the bay mare clapped her paws and flicked her black mane out of her eyes as she made sounds of what Makaidos assumed was approval. The buck with a small rack of antlers scratched his white chin and shifted in a pair of form-fitting trousers, black fabric clinging too tightly to muscle and flesh. Makaidos smirked inwardly. He would never understand modern fashion. The buck must be roasting.

Better that he be roasting over a spit, if he was one of the free folk, the voice in the back of his mind quipped sullenly, ever so active of late.


Thema gestured at Makaidos in a wide, sweeping motion that went from his head to his toes.

"Look at those scales shine. He matches me."

Makaidos stiffened as he was spoken about as if he was something changeable, a possession to be swapped out when the mood pleased her. She was wrong - how could he match her? It was not as if he was wearing anything to match hers. He couldn't change his scales!

"He is a specimen indeed," the buck murmured, walking around Makaidos in a complete circle to fully admire him. "This is the first dragon I've ever laid eyes on. How do you believe their species thrives when they are so rare?"

Thema looked Makaidos in the eye until he slid his slit-pupils away, unable to hold when she bore down on him. Looking at her bare hooves, the dragon seethed inwardly, swallowing his fury to a place where he hoped she would not see.

"The slave breeding programme is extensive," the gazelle mused, turning Makaidos' muzzle from the left to the right with a critical eye. "I suspect that that is the only reason we still have dragons roaming today. Such a reclusive species.

Clip-clopping closer, the mare half-reached out a paw and jerked it back when the dragon's tail snapped, tip cracking like a whip. It did not get anywhere near her, of course, but Thema frowned and struck his muzzle with the flat of her paw anyway, snapping his head ninety degrees to the right. He stifled a growl and curled his tail around his calf, tip restlessly flicking. Thema beckoned her mare-friend closer with a proud smile, always one to show off a jewel in her collection as readily as she would flash a ring at a friend. Makaidos was getting better under a firm paw and a strict training regime, this she knew undoubtedly. Before, he would not have thought twice about lunging for her when she struck him. Now the wandering tail was the main indication of his unrest. In time, that too would be curbed.

"Here," Thema's painted red lips curved up. "I assure you that he will not bite."

The equine shook her head, brown eyes wide as she clutched her paws so tightly to her ample bosom that it was as if she feared that the dragon would rip them away from her. The glare he was giving her certainly said so.

"Can I touch him?" The mare cautiously extended a paw at Thema's nod to stroke down his chest, growing bolder when he did not react bar a slight twitch of muscle. "What are you going to have him do at the party?"

The party? Makaidos listened intently, eyes half-lidded. A gentle touch was welcome and it was difficult to want to pull away from the mare, even if it was demoralising to be petted like a dog.

"That is why I have brought you here today." Thema winked. "Ones of the creative persuasion are required to provide the best show at the celebration - as always! What ideas may you have for him? He will be on display, of course."

"Hm..." Rocking back on the rear side of his hooves, the buck studied him carefully, sparing his bare chest a thoughtful stroke. "Where is the party to be held?"

"In the ballroom." Thema winced, smoothing the orange-brown fur on the back of her neck down flat. "It's such a monstrous task to prepare for events, I only really use it for large celebrations now. And the Christmas party, of course."

"Christmas!" The mare spun, tail whirling after her with such force that the strands stung Makaidos' abdomen and thighs. "It's my favourite holiday!"

"Yes, dear, we know," the buck grinned. "Well, if indoors, you're not going to have any concerns about him being cold. He will be nude, in that case, like the majority of your slaves."

"The ballroom will be well lit and warmed," Thema confirmed. "If my guests do not warm it enough with their bodies. I prefer my property to be in their natural state when entertaining, you would be correct."

The buck murmured, taking in Makaidos' beauty with an all-knowing gaze. He placed a paw in the small of the dragon's back back, shifting his body between Makaidos and the rhinoceros - who went unnoticed in favour of the more exotic draconian specimen - as he forced Makaidos into an arch. Clenching his jaws against a growl, the dragon closed his eyes and allowed his body to be manipulated as the stag wished. The stag lifted the dragon's tail into an upward facing curve while drawing Makaidos' body up tall and proud, moving him as he willed.

"Would be better if his wings were free," he mused. "More drama, more flair. Would you consider such? Allude to him flying - have him suspended if you fear him flapping away or injuring a guest." He smirked. "I suspect he doesn't know his own strength, poor hatchling."

"He is susceptible to moving without thinking," Thema agreed, a paw cupping her chin as she observed her charge. "You believe something along the lines of suspended bondage may be the key to his prime display here?"

"Absolutely," the stag agreed. "But in a way that the guests may, ah, use his best assets."

For emphasis, he patted the dragon's rump, lips quirked in a sly grin that told more than his words or actions. Makaidos twitched but did not react, cheeks burning. Thema spoke quietly to her companion, gesturing and delving into intricacies of leather work that he did not have the knowledge to follow. Though it concerned his fate, he tuned it out. It was not for his ears and there was little need to pay attention when he had more important things on his mind.

The mare knelt, examining the dragon's smooth crotch where his balls were held internally. As a mammal, it was a peculiar notion to her to have a male's testicles concealed and she traced a finger over the softer scales as if expecting them to pop out into her touch, betraying their existence. Makaidos shivered and pretended not to notice as his senses flared on to high alert, instinct firing up for flight or fight.

Yet he had to be still. Or else.

"Can I try him out?" The mare's eyes twinkled with mischief. "To see where he may be best placed at the party, of course! No other reason at all!"

Thema raised an eyebrow.

"I am sure you have no ulterior motives," Thema said dryly, though her tone did not conceal her humour. "Please - enjoy."

"Oh, no ulterior motives at all."

The mare straightened with a wicked smirk on her lips, green eyes as wide and innocent as she could make them.

"I've simply never had a dragon before."

"And you cannot wait until the party?"

"We cannot decide whether it is best to use his muzzle or his under-tail without testing it out first of all now, can we?" The mare's eyes sparkled. "I would not want to suggest something inappropriate when he may be better suited to something else."

The gazelle smiled knowingly and waved her paw in a 'go-ahead' gesture, stroking her forearm as the buck unbuttoned his tight pants, eyes dark with desire.

"You are most correct, we simply cannot have such a travesty occurring," Thema agreed with a decisive nod of her delicate muzzle. "Please, proceed. I shall observe. Leave him in one piece...for the time being."

The equine nodded and wrapped her paw around the dragon's dangling leash, yanking him off balance. Waving his arms like the blades of a windmill to stay on his paws, Makaidos failed and tumbled to his knees, meeting the cold, hard floor with an ungainly thump. He grunted at the impact, scales protecting him from most of the pain, and looked up in time to see a mare's pussy, covered by a thin veil of fabric, descending rapidly towards his muzzle.

Forcing his lips into her warm pussy lips, the mare arched and flicked her tail, a throaty moan escaping her as she ground the dragon's snout over her sensitive clitoris. The nub of pleasure only barely peeked out of its pale pink hood but her arousal was clear, soaking through the fabric to make it sheer where it had allowed some modesty beforehand. Too startled to lick as he had been trained, the dragon jerked back and was only held in place by the grip the mare had on one of his horns. His head twisted to the side and she frowned, tightening her grip.

"Lick, dragon," she ordered, her previously playful tone taking on a steely edge that was not to be reckoned with. "Your mistress said to leave you in one piece, not without any marks at all."

Makaidos wrinkled his nose. She was not his mistress. What power did she truly have over him? Nothing in the realms of life or death, that much was sure. Surreptitiously, he glanced at Thema, freezing as he found her eyes firmly fixed upon him.

"You should not displease, slave," Thema said, voice low and foreboding. "Failing to please Rhiannon here bears as serious a consequence as failing me."

He whimpered into the mare's pussy, cowed by her glare. Memories of beatings and the branding he had endured flashed through his mind and, though it was distasteful, he lapped the demanding pussy quietly, his eyes closed. He did not want to bear witness to his humiliation as his rump seared in the memory of past pain.

Groaning, the mare bucked up to his muzzle, using him much like she would an inanimate object as a sexual aid. The sheer fabric did not last long and ripped free of her pussy, green fabric fluttering gently, so that he had easy access to her treasure. Almost without thinking - his training had been that extensive - Makaidos slipped his tongue deep into her sex, curling it up until the tip grazed her cervix. She nickered and shook her mane off her neck, trapping his muzzle between her strong, muscled thighs. The leash drew taut and he knew that he would never have been able to escape such a needy equine even if the option had been presented to him. She had a need and had chosen him to fill it.

"Mmmph... He's good," the mare moaned, tail flagged high to display her soft, feminine buttocks to anyone that cared to admire. "You've...trained him well."

"Would you expect anything else?"

The mare huffed and shook her head, words deserting her in the moment of being. She held the dragon's snout against her crotch as she rocked, moaning at how he played his tongue over her clit, dipping inside over and over again to lose himself in the taste of her juices. If he did not think about it too much, the experience could be pleasurable. His cock eased from his slit, tentatively at first and then bolder, hanging beneath his lower abdomen as he whimpered into the horse's cunt, paws twitching. The scent of aroused mare enveloped his senses and Makaidos' tail stiffened as he teased her folds, warm breath tingling over her sex. Snorting, the mare's nostrils flared and she rolled her hips like a filly in heat, tail swishing madly.

Yet there was only so much teasing a filly in heat could take before she had to have more. The mare's eyes narrowed out of Makaidos' line of sight and she leaned forward, paws curled into her fleshy thighs, the tips of her hoofed fingers leaving semi-circle indents in flesh and muscle, if but for a moment.

She spun about and dropped to her knees, briefly treating him to the sight of her rump pushing back, tail raised and showing off her plump folds, which glistened with arousal. He had no time to enjoy the view, however, as she shoved him back on his knees and ground her rump over his cock, sliding it between the soft cheeks with a throaty groan that made his heart jump into his throat. The semi-hard length quickly sprung up to full mast and firmed up against her rump, allowing her to grind it through her waiting folds with a cheeky flick of her tail. Pleasure shuddered through Makaidos and he bit down on his tongue until the metallic taste of blood flooded his muzzle, concentrating on the pain around the hard, cold bit.

Don't cum...

Makaidos looked away as the mare balance one paw and reached back with the other to position the tapered tip of his cock at her folds, the very tip eased inside, anticipating what was to come. Pre cum beading at the head drooled into her pussy, mixing with her juices in an intoxicating concoction, and the equine nickered softly as she pushed back, taking the dragon in deep. Though he was nowhere near as well endowed as the stallions she frequently took to bed, not to mention her life-partner, a good toy was _always_appreciated.

The dragon curled his paws into fists and rolled his head back, wings struggling to flare out against bondage as instinct screamed. He wanted to roll his hips, to thrust, to fuck, but did not dare for how good the mare's pussy felt sliding over his cock. Her sex sucked hungrily at him as she rode the shaft like a dildo attached to the bathroom wall - he had seen a past master enjoy that pastime when he was too young to have been of any interest to the adults of a household - the combination of their sexual fluids more than enough to ease the passage. Ducking her muzzle, the mare reached between her thighs to rub her clit, breathy gasps bursting from her lips every time she slammed her rump back into him with no care for his comfort or even his balance.

Spreading his knees in the hope that he would be able to remain upright, the dragon thought about the cold floor under his knees, hard and unyielding, the annoying rhinoceros slave somewhere to his right with that cocky grin and the yawn of his mistress as she cast her eyes out the window to the world outside where snowflakes floated gently down. Anything, _anything_to take his mind off the need to cum, which rose as unstoppably as the rising tide. Where the desire had once been unwieldy, it was now controllable if he concentrated hard enough. Though the want and wish to hold back was there, the draconian lust for flesh and breeding was almost greater, threatening to tip the balance of the scales for the first time in weeks. Maybe he could...if he was only careful.

His eyes met Thema's and the dragon gulped loudly.

"Do not even think of climaxing, slave." It was as if Thema read his mind. "You will be severely punished, if so."

Lowering his muzzle in an unspoken nuance of submission, Makaidos closed his eyes and crossed his paws behind his back, resigning himself to being used. It was easier if he did not focus on what was happening to hold himself back, allow the mare to have her fun and then move on with his day. From her grunts and nickers, she could not be long in reaching an explosive climax.

He was a good fuck at least.

The buck stepped forward, drawing his eye, and Makaidos was startled to see that the stag's cock was in his paw, a fleshy pink tapered length that made his heart pound harder. His mouth went dry and he licked his lips, eyes wide, slits of pupils shining with fear and something more that he could not quite yet explain. His tail hole clenched.

It was happening again. He half shot back but the mare pushed down on his shaft, keeping him in place for the split second it took for the stag to dart behind and grab a horn. The hold was light but the meaning crystal clear.

"As you have so kindly placed him in a most delectable position..." The buck grinned, addressing the mare. "Allow me to test his rump for you, dear Thema, if that would be acceptable to you?"

Muzzle contorted, Makaidos shook his head, begging without words that he knew he would be punished for. Thema waved her paw in acceptance of the stag's desire and took a step back to better take in the show, one paw sensually caressing a breast. Never had Makaidos seen her paw dip between her thighs: she had slaves to take care of that particular need for her.

Closing his eyes, the dragon locked his jaw as the buck lowered himself to his knees, pants protesting with a scrape of fabric. Not a complaint passed his lips as the tapered buck-cock nudged into his tail hole and he squeezed out a tear, unseen by anyone other than the watching gazelle, as he was violated. The stag thrust deep without the aid of any lubricant and, as trained as his tail hole had been, Makaidos could not say that he needed it any longer for a shaft of that size. Pleasure mixed with the tremor of pain and he concentrated on not reaching orgasm, though every jab of the buck's cock against his prostrate drove him forward into the mare.

With exceptional care, he moved on to his paws and knees, the dragon's larger stature allowing him to stay on all fours quite comfortably above the mare with room to spare. Gripping Makaidos' hips, the stag thrust like a beast, ramming in to the hilt as his blocky nose wrinkled in what could have been concentration or lust - only those who knew him could truly tell. All the dragon could do was rest there with cold seeping into his body as the mare reached climax and jerked beneath him like a wild equine, hooves kicking back, trying desperately to not think about anything erotic or even the nuance of pleasure his masters supplied and denied. All he had to do was hold out a little longer.

Balls slapped heavily against the dragon's rump as the stag thrust, pounding in with such force that Makaidos' sore tail hole could not even clench when he hit a sensitive spot, pain searing with erotic heat. His cock throbbed and he ached for release in that familiar thrum of need, crotch too tender at the spot where his testicles nestled internally.

No, no... He clenched his jaw so hard that it trembled. He was not to cum.

When the buck chuffed after what seemed like an age and emptied his balls deep in the dragon's rectum, Makaidos dipped his muzzle to the floor and breathed a sigh of relief that, for now, the humiliation was over. The buck stroked his tail and withdrew with a sloppy gush of cum, letting it splatter down over the back of Makaidos' thighs to mark his scales.

Wiping his cock off on the dragon's tail, the buck smirked and winked to Thema, who watched with a sultry smile, heavily lashed eyelids lowered covertly. She strode over with her step that was both dainty and powerful, lifting a cloven hoof over his body as her black and white tail twitched.

"It seems that both his muzzle and his tail hole will be utilised in the celebration, though I am unsure his cock has enough training to be best put to use," Thema murmured, pressing her hoof between his shoulder blades to force the dragon's chest down to the cold floor. "A nice cock ring and chastity cage to keep him wanting will do nicely. Nevertheless, he will be the centrepiece of my collection."

"Everyone will demand use of him," the stag agreed, stroking his softening cock as if saddened that his short experience was already over. "I hope we have been of, ah, assistance to you today, Thema."

"It was my pleasure," she said, fanning her muzzle. "Allow us to now adjourn to the viewing gallery. I am told my kitchen slaves have prepared a delightful afternoon tea for us. And then there will be more planning in store for the event."

"Best be on our way then."

The mare grimaced lightly as she got to her hooves, adjusting her clothing so that she appeared a shade more dignified. She did not worry though; there would be time to clean up and make herself presentable before eating. She wouldn't have minded another round with the dragon, however, if Thema had been so inclined to allow it. The mare thought that the gazelle was looking to preserve him for something greater and did not push the issue as she caught up with her and the stag, a smile on her muzzle. It was bad form to pressure an owner about their slave.

"Have him cleaned up," Thema cast the words back over her shoulder as she walked away. "And ensure he polishes his scales to a high shine. He must be in peak condition by the time of the celebration."

As he was hefted to his hind paws, cum drooling from his tail hole, Makaidos scrabbled for balance, chest heaving. His cock ached from use and his hips jerked reflexively, expecting more pleasure. The dragon's nostrils flared as he hissed, the sound of constrained fury making even the burly rhinoceros take half a step back before remembering himself. Grumbling to no one in particular, he yanked Makaidos' tail to quiet him and took hold of the leash, attempting to drag him away.

Conversely, Makaidos dug in his heels and leaned back, arms stubbornly crossed over his chest. He may have had to listen to the gazelle mistress but there was no reason he had to make life easy for the rhinoceros. If he was not such an ass, perhaps he would have been more compliant to another slave, but not when one treated him like dirt on the underside of his hind paw.

Raising the back side of his paw to the dragon's muzzle, the rhinoceros struck him, sending him tumbling to the ground in a flurry of limbs. Catching himself on his palms, the dragon chuckled under his breath, amused through the sting on his cheek. The strike had not really hurt or caused enough of a sound to even turn the head of his mistress, yet he did not help the rhinoceros out in his task by clambering back to his paws. Let the beast do the work for a change.

His time would come soon. Very soon, if all went to plan.

Closing his eyes against the rough paws hooked under his armpits, Makaidos finally smiled.


The ball room was magnificent. A wide, sweeping expanse of a room, he had to squint to see the far side through the throng of furs - and there were so many! All different species surrounding him on every side! Furs clutched glasses, even scalies like him, and chatted merrily to one another, taking part in the feast with gusto and ravenous hunger as if they had not fed in many moons. His eyes romanced, unable to take in everything in a single look. The closest rarity to him was a brown and yellow insect, of a species that he could not place, with clicking pincers and 'feelers' around its face. It was impossible to tell whether it was male or female, however, with discerning genitalia held internally and his knowledge of insects severely lacking.

He had been entranced when he had first been led into the massive room, staring up at the ceiling slack-jawed. Modern technology truly had some wonders as the ceiling mimicked the behaviour of the sky outside, smoky clouds swirling as a flurry of holographic snowflakes drifted down as if they would actually melt on his tongue. Torches glittering with crimson and emerald faux fire gave the room a Christmassy feel, though the dragon could not say in all honesty that he had ever experienced a true Christmas. Always, he had run around as a table servant or posed as an entertainment piece, though never on the level that Thema had planned for him.

Licking his lips, Makaidos watched the guests avidly, ignoring the pull of straps across his chest and abdomen. The discomfort would not go away if he complained about it, after all, but he thought he would have been better placed to enjoy the festivities if he had not been suspended in bondage. His stomach was parallel to the ground and his wings spread in a mockery of flight, perfectly pinned in place by a wicked assorted of straps and a pulley system that kept him at perfect hip height for the majority of furs. Completely naked, the area around him had been designed to look like the clouds with a cushioning of beautifully crafted white foam underfoot that made him feel as if was walking on a cloud.

The beauty of the scene could not lower his level of embarrassment as his cock was forced from its sheath into a chastity cage that would allow him to be used without allowing orgasm, any male or female sliding the cool metal into their hole of choice. He had been told that the ridges would add to their stimulation and pleasure, though was unconvinced of how enjoyable he would find the act. Makaidos had been told that that did not matter. A cock ring tight around the base of his length kept his cock on show, shaft pink and pulsing from forced stimulation. He wished he was curled up in bed.

The snow falling from the ceiling intensified in force, blowing into a blizzard as the holographs whipped into a frenzy, colliding and exploding into a hundred new fragments of mimicked snow. As he was left alone for the time being, he watched it in a hazy trance, eyes heavy and lidded. He could be floating, if he only dreamed hard enough...

"Why, hello there, little dragon."

Daydreams were short lived.

A green lizard with a yellow flare to the edge of her scales smiled flirtatiously, approaching him from the side with a predatory gleam in her eye. Wearing a rainbow sarong wrap in light, wafting fabric, it seemed that she had no reason to fear the cold outside, or else her heavier winter clothing had been left with the mansion slaves. It would have been a burden to carry it through the party when the air was kept warm enough for any individual to be comfortably nude.

The lizard trailed her paw appreciatively down his spine and over the straps, a light giggle gracing her lips as she reached his rump and dug her fingers into the flesh beneath the scales. Makaidos flushed and automatically tried to shield himself with his wings, abandoning the notion an instant later as they did not move an inch from his bondage and sparked pain along the tendons. It was not the first time that he had been used that night and cum oozed from his tail hole; thankfully, he had been well lubricated by another slave this time. It was a small blessing to be grateful for on Christmas Eve.

"Aren't you a specimen?" She said conversationally - it was clear that she did not expect an answer. "Your mistress has you all nice and on display here, huh?"

She spoke to him as if he was a pet, a creature of lesser intelligence, and the dragon blanched, muscles tensing.

"Don't touch me," he growled, almost too quietly to be heard.

She laughed, her trill blending with the background noise of the party.

"I hardly believe that you are in any position to complain," she scolded him, a grin dancing across her muzzle. "And what would your mistress say if she was to come to know of how you just spoke to a guest of hers?"

He closed his eyes, knowing exactly what he mistress would have said if she had caught him behaving so. His tongue was looser when she was not in his line of sight. He could only hope that she had not heard or that her spies would not relay his belligerence back to her. The lizard female shook her head and clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

"No matter. I shall put your muzzle to good use, regardless of your attitude."

Hiking up her sarong, she wasted no time in slinging her leg over her neck, putting her weight on him and trusting the leather to hold: it was not as if Thema would purchase sub-standard materials, after all. The lizard's tongue flicked out of her narrow snout, black and glistening as it swept along the side of her mouth. With a jolt of revulsion before she ripped the bright, multi-coloured sarong aware from the nestled slit between her thighs, Makaidos realised that this was how a reptile of her kind licked their lips. It was inherently predatory and made him feel as small as a hatchling, reduced to a toy at a party in inescapable bondage.

He sighed and resigned himself to his fate as her slit, framed by smaller, softer scales, pressed to his muzzle and he slipped his tongue along the edge, searching for the clit, if she possessed one as a scaled being. Makaidos dipped his tongue into her pussy, musky scent strong but not yet overpowering. She was barely aroused and he worked his tongue deep into her sex, nose grinding over the spot where he hoped her clitoris lay, for he had no opportunity to uncover it as the lizard bucked against his lips. The quicker he could get her off, the quicker he would be left alone.

The dragon could pretend that he was not beginning to enjoy the giving of feminine pleasure.

Leaning on the dragon's neck, the lizard arched to a shocking degree, ignorant to the watchers she was gathering. Let them look, if they dared. Her sarong fell across her chest, covering her breasts, but she still raised a delicate paw to fondle one through the fine fabric, scales cool to the touch.

From a comfortable distance where her slave could not see, a gazelle's eyes gleamed.

The lizard blinked to see a familiar muzzle some distance away, his eyes dark with desire, and her lips parted in a smile.

"Firenze," she beckoned to another that Makaidos could not see. "Come - would you not join me with this treat?"

Makaidos flinched, drawn into the act of giving pleasure, and made as if to flick his tail down over his exposed tail hole, anticipating the worst. Instead, a male chuckled close by and stroked his rump, trailing his fingers appreciatively over Makaidos' fine, blue scales. The dragon appeared to have been painted especially to fit Thema's scene and the male commented as such to the lizard, speaking over the dragon's back as if he had nothing to say or contribute in any way to the conversation.

"What would you have in mind, my dear?" He purred, words rolling off his tongue like liquid silk.

Huffing, the lizard swung her leg off the dragon's neck and stood balanced on her toes like a gymnast, flexing against the floor. In passing, Makaidos thought it strange that she chose not to wear paw-wear to such an illustrious event, but suspected that she had 'lost' them in the course of her travels throughout the party. She strode behind him to kiss her companion, judging by the groan and distinctively wet noise, before musing at something to the side. He tried not to shiver, though his scales were far from chilled.

"I see Thema has the scene well equipped..." She murmured, moving items aside with the light knock of wood against wood.

"Would you expect anything less?"

The lizard must have answered non-verbally for Makaidos could not discern any response from her and quivered in silence, anticipating the worst. He did well to prepare himself, for it was near the worst, if not his most feared abject humiliation.

The first crack of what could only have been a wooden paddle across his buttocks made him jump and swing forward in the bondage, eyes wide and bulging from shock. A moment later, the pain hit and he clenched his jaw hard enough for it to ache fiercely, biting down the raw shriek in his throat. Craning his head round until his muscles screamed, he caught sight of the edge of a sleek wooden paddle clasped in a green paw, pale wood contrasting sharply with her finely detailed scales.

She giggled, the sound too high pitched and grating on his ears.

"Did that make you jump, dragon?"

Makaidos refused to answer, staring straight ahead into the crowd of furs. He had no doubt that the crowd was thicker to his back where they would have a clear view of his smarting rump and the humiliation that was to follow. Air whistled through holes in the paddle and he stiffened an instant before it struck, resolving not to make a sound. The male companion of the lizard was revealed to be a Komodo dragon with a slick, grey tongue that lashed from his muzzle as he tasted the air. The beauty of his green and black speckled scales, more like leathery skin, was short lived as he stepped beside Makaidos' side, twin penises in one paw.

The dragon twisted his head and jerked, crying out as the paddle smacked down again on the same sore spot, allowing the Komodo dragon - a mockery of his kind! - to drop to his knees and grasp his caged cock in one paw. He was given no opportunity to protest as the male inserted his very first sounding rod into his cock, entering through the urethra and easing in deep. Makaidos squirmed at the foreign sensation, torn between the tickle of pleasure and unnatural 'stretch', if it could even be called that, while the lizard beat his backside.

The Komodo dragon parted his deadly jaws and Makaidos cowered from the salvia oozing down in long, thick ropes, keeping still even as he wanted to shrink away from that little rod of metal. Every fur knew how deadly a Komodo dragon's saliva was since the faux dragons had become more populous in the warmer climate faced by the world. Though he was a dragon and, of course, stronger than a Komodo, he had no idea how his body would react to its Petri dish of bacteria. It was not worth struggling and taking the chance.

Heat seared across his cheeks as the paddle built up a steady pace, one blow blending into the next, muscle jiggling with every stroke. He juddered back into the strokes, body swinging back and forth, as his male abuser slowly moved the rod within his cock, enjoying the little whimpers and squeals the dragon could not help but give. Eyes open and glaring, the dragon flushed as he was used like a disposable toy, retreating mentally as he found no pleasure to glean from the fresh sounding and too familiar paddling. To his horror, the Komodo dragon tossed the first rod aside and replaced it with a second, thicker piece of metal, both ends smooth so as not to cause pain. His urethra was again stretched and forced to accept the foreign object, crotch tingling strangely.

He would not break, he thought as the lizard exchanged the paddle for an evil cane with ridges along the length. This rod cut deep and Makaidos cried out sharply, rocking into the male's paw as he toyed with Makaidos' cock, moving the sounding rod slower or quicker as he pleased to draw different noises from the dragon. Through the haze of pain, his cock throbbed into the cage and around the metal stick, unwillingly stimulated by the heat in his rump. It was wrong for his body to react with a strum of something all too close to pleasure and the dragon whined as he was used. The Komodo dragon's paw worked his own length and he hissed, growing bored with his toy.

A resolute nature could be short lived when one was beaten by a wickedly giggling lizard scalie, however, and the dragon trembled. Squirming in his bondage, he threw his head back as the sounding rod was swapped out for a third and blissfully final time for a thicker piece that felt unnaturally firm going into his shaft for the few strokes that he kept the male's attention for. Finally bored and seeking out a new target, the Komodo dragon removed the rod and tossed it aside to land with a clatter as the lizard layered welts across his rump like an artiste. She took care never to hit the same spot twice, rising white and red angry lines through broken scales, and, when she was satisfied with covering his backside, she took to the underside of his tail and the backs of his thighs for good measure. When she was good and done, Makaidos' cock throbbed in the cage, held erect by the cock ring and leaking a stream of near clear pre cum down to the ground where it pooled ostentatiously.

Groaning, the Komodo clambered to his hind paws with a surprising lack of dignity, pushing the metal toys away with the claw on one hind paw, a smirk flickering along with his slimy tongue. Without so much as a farewell, he turned on his heel, waved to the lizard and padded away through the crowd, long tail curling as his eyes locked on to another slave that was better suited to his particular tastes. Makaidos only wondered where his trousers disappeared to and jumped as the lizard patted his burning rump, laughing as she put the cane aside to stalk to his muzzle, eyes bright.

"You're a fun lay, dragon," she said, patting his muzzle with enough force that she knocked his head down, twice, "but there are bigger and better studs at this party. Perhaps I'll come back later to ride that cute ass of yours, hm?" She blew him a kiss and fluttered her fingers at him over her shoulder, tucking her sarong in at the waist. "Ciao!"

Makaidos reared his head back, eyes panicked. She was leaving already? Not that he wanted to be beaten but there was more that had to be done, concerning his own plans. She could not leave!

"Wait! Miss!"

She paused and looked back over her shoulder, surprised to be addressed by the slave and called back. The watching crowd had dispersed when the 'show' was over, so there was no one to bear witness to the unusual exchange, concerned with their own festivities and merry making. Out of curiosity, she paced back to stand before him, hind paw tapping the floor as her sinuous, slinky tail swayed.

"Yes, dragon?" She raised an eyebrow. "You wish to...speak?"

Makaidos gulped and lowered his muzzle respectfully, heart hammering in his chest.

"Mistress asked me to request to be untied halfway through the party, if no one had use of me," he said with his eyes downcast, maintaining as respectful a demeanour as he thought possible after his 'training'. "If you have, would it be possible for you to undo my bonds, please, or order a slave of your choosing to do so?"

The lizard studied him, fingers tapping the line of her jaw. For a moment, he was not sure that she would believe him, that everything would be ruined before it had even begun.

"I see no harm." She shrugged and his heart leapt. "I will not have further use for you and Thema will undoubtedly have something special planned for her most prized specimen. Remain still."

The dragon held his breath as she took in his bondage, first lowering him down to the ground and, while he stood on his hind paws, removing the straps that connected him to the pulley system. She left the leather harness, complete with black O-rings on his body, choosing not to waste any more time on him. The cock chastity cage and ring, of course, were not removed, leaving him hard and needy though the pain in his rump was difficult to ignore.

Wriggling his toes, the dragon bobbed his muzzle in gratitude, cautious around the lizard. He did not want to perk her suspicions if she thought anything unruly was afoot.

"Thank you, Miss," he said, bowing so low to the ground that his nose brushed the cool tiles. "I will be able to continue as my mistress instructed now, thank you, Miss."

Waving her paw, the lizard returned to the party, already bored with the dragon when she had so many other furs to meet and celebrate the holiday with. The dragon leapt to his hind paws and spun about, striding away from the platform with intent in his stride. His eyes were wild roaming from left to right, searching for cover and the distraction he required.

Ah! He stepped into the path of a serving slave balancing a silver tray on his left paw. Taking the tray from the smaller, scaled slave, Makaidos smiled, eyes sharp and clear.

"Mistress would like you in the kitchen," he said with all the authority he could muster, tone holding steady. "You're to fetch more platters of food to circulate the floor with."

The black lizard tilted his head and nodded slowly, accepting the order despite obvious trepidation; he had never seen Makaidos around to take instruction from him before, but the large dragon was fierce enough to intimidate him into compliance. Turning on his heel, he trotted at a brisk clip in the direction of the kitchens, residing some distance outside the ball room.

The dragon licked his lips and balanced the tray on the flat of one paw, holding it as he had seen the serving slaves display them. His heart pounded. He couldn't believe it had worked! But how long would his luck last?

He was not yet out of the woods and had a long way to go. Makaidos strode briskly through the party, smiling deferentially at guests as he passed. The touches came, of course, but the fleeting gropes to his rump and caged cock were nothing in comparison to the freedom he could almost taste, just beyond the reach of his fingertips. Darting to the cloakroom, he set the serving plate aside behind a pile of furs - something expensive to the touch that he shuddered to think had come from another slave - and dressed himself in the most modest clothing he could find. Tan trousers with a thick lining and two coats that layered on top of one another, one more of a long robe, made their way on to his body, though no underwear was forthcoming from the packed cloakroom. He would have to make do.

Dressed for the elements, he shrugged the hood up over his head so that his horns were covered, painted a smile on his muzzle and ensured the collar was hidden. The exit from hell awaited him and he was a reptile on important business with a lady caller awaiting him. And her name was Freedom.

Outside. Outside was freedom.


In the blizzard, all was white and all was cold. In stark contrast to the heat of the ball room, the wind battered his scales, flinging shards of ice into his eyes. He squinted, a second transparent eyelid dropping down to protect his eyeballs from the bite of weather, and stepped forward into a freezing snow drift. Delving in up to his thigh, he grunted and clambered on, scales chilled to the bone through his stolen clothes. The fabrics he had chosen were not designed to be soaked and the snow clumped together and melted under the fragile warmth of his body, cooling him further.

Makaidos steeled his resolve, paws curled into fists deep in his pockets, which were lined with a flash of feathered down. He had to keep going. He had to be free. What was protection if it meant a collar around his neck and a paw on his leash?

The dragon snarled into the wind, challenging it, daring it to push him back, and it rose to the fight, buffeting him from side to side. How long had he been walking? How far from the mansion was he?

So slowly that the dragon did not realise until it was far too late, the winds picked up, snow whipping around him until he could not see a foot in front of his muzzle. Every step came with greater effort than the last and his neck ached from the strain of keeping his muzzle angled into the wind, for all the good that did him. He was getting nowhere except further into the cold and further from civilisation. He had no idea where the nearest town may be and, with the blizzard, could have been walking around in circles for minutes or for hours.

Cold curled steely fingers around his heart and doubt snickered. Just what had he been thinking? Going out in the snow on his own - he knew how bad it was, he had heard the other furs talking with one another when he hung above the dais. He knew the risks. Makaidos growled and stumbled onwards, toes frozen and claws cutting into his borrowed boots, unsuited to the weather. As warm as his chosen clothing had originally been, it was never intended to face such abuse and tore at the rough edges of his scales and tips of his claws, too easily shredded. The dragon shuffled through a snow drift, shivering in an attempt to warm his body, though his kind did not shiver naturally when faced with cold. It did nothing to stimulate heat and the dragon parted his jaws, losing more warmth in his pants as ice crusted along his muzzle and frosted upon his eyelashes.

This was not an escape: it was a death sentence.

He did not know how he crashed into the snow but white suddenly surrounded his muzzle in a blanket that was not whirling shards. And then all was warm and he nuzzled into the covering, burrowing deeper until the drift encased him from neck to toe and left only his muzzle protruding. His eyelids drooped, heavy with exhaustion.

For just a little while, he would sleep and rest, he thought through a haze of warm. Once he had recovered, he would continue onwards, but rest must be had first of all, if he was to have the energy to make good his escape. Makaidos yawned, showing a flash of pink tongue, flickering out between his lips. It was not even cold anymore and he did not understand why he had ever thought the snow had been cold. Perhaps dragons were built for the elements after all?

Vision slipping to grey, he blinked at the storm raging around as something brighter flashed through the snows, drawing his sleepy attention. A shadow?

Above, a narrow muzzle loomed, orange and tan and black descending with terrifying speed. The snowflakes whirled and Makaidos tried to raise his paw to shield his muzzle from the storm, the wrath of the storm beating him down, down, down. The bundled up gazelle brushed her paw across his cheek, sweeping ice fragments from where they had built a home on his scales. For the first time, her eyes were kind behind a mask of concern.

"Come home."


The first sensation Makaidos recollected as he returned to the waking world was warmth. Sweet, blissful, thankful warmth. It wrapped around him like a cocoon and he whimpered into its hold, nestling into something warm and soft as a laugh tinkled far away, the dragon hearing murmured words as if his head was plunged underwater.

A paw stroked his bare chest.

"It would appear that dragons recover swiftly from the cold," a familiar voice mused, amusement colouring the edge of the female fur's tone.

Mumbling, tongue thick in his mouth, Makaidos wriggled with his eyes still closed, memories trickling in one by one. Planning. Snow. Escape. Cold. Falling. Cold. Warm. Cold. The gazelle. His mistress. Mistress.

Dread clutched his throat and he opened his eyes slowly to the sight of Thema crouched at his side as he lay flat on his back, covered in blankets up to his waist. Beneath him was a thicker mat that radiated heat and he guiltily sank back into it as he blinked up at his mistress, lips twisted and gaze darting in the picture of a nervous dragon. He had not succeeded in his escape. It was all over now.

Makaidos gulped noisily. What punishment would lie in store for him? He quailed into the blankets and curled his fingers around the edge, tugging it up closer to his body as if for protection, the little good that it would do. His cock was still locked up in the chastity cage and unduly throbbed as if to remind him of its presence.

Thema touched his shoulders with her fingertips, commanding attention.

"We would not want to lose one such as you so swiftly, dragon," she reprimanded with a stern glare, expression conveying more than her words ever could.

He bowed his head, waiting for the worst. It was surely coming, a beating or some other humiliation. Thema's favourite punishments changed on a near daily basis. A canine, some denomination of husky with black and white fur, shook her head and clucked her tongue disapprovingly against the roof of her mouth, arms folded across her chest.

"If Thema had not realised you were missing and chased you out into the blizzard..." She frowned, muzzle strictly angled. "We strove to stop her but she had to see that you were safe, slave. You should count yourself very lucky to have such a mistress. After that escapade, you should not be here. You should not even be breathing."

He shivered and Thema inclined her muzzle, graciously accepting the praise as her due.

"One must be attentive to their slaves if a specimen with an edge such as his is not to be lost," she said, shifting in her crouch. "The precious must always be adorned."

The party guests commanded her attention and Thema's gaze drifted. As if once again from a distance, he listened to them speak of how they held the gazelle back from charging out into the snow and that it was the worst blizzard that they had ever seen in their lives, simply terrible, terrifying. Thema had evaded them and hunted him down relentlessly until she sought out his prone body, the dragon near death at his moment of discovery. He did not like that the others would have left him for dead. Yet Thema paid them more attention than she had ever devoted to him.

Terrified of being forgotten beneath their hind paws and hooves, left to die, he shot a look frantically from left to right, casting about for anything that may keep her attention on him. He did not want to give her time to consider an apt punishment for him and...after seemed that the gazelle had saved him when everyone else had said to leave him for dead. The tiniest of smiles perked at the corners of his lips and his eyes warmed to her, the very tip of his tail flicking hypnotically.

He should do something for her. Something to show his appreciation. What could a slave do to give his thanks? He had nothing. Makaidos swallowed hard, mental clocking ticking. Thema made as if to move away and he grunted, a startled noise in his throat that caused the gazelle to pause halfway through the motion of shifting to her full height above him.


He raised his voice, requesting her audience. When Thema permitted him her attention, he slipped on to his knees, blankets falling away from his body, and bowed down to low to the ground, forehead brushing the floor before her hooves.

"I want..." The words stuck in his throat, unnatural. "Thank you for saving me, mistress. Please... Will you accept my gift to you?" He gulped. "My thanks?"

"I am not owed your submission, slave, I command it," she said evenly, petal-like ears pricked. "But perhaps you are more amenable after you see how a mistress cares for her charges."

He nodded and kept his gaze upon her shapely, narrow legs, thinking of the strength behind them. For such a small fur, she understood perfectly well how to control a being even as large as him. Licking her lips, Thema's eyes narrowed and he waited impatiently, tail swaying. What was he to do? His heartbeat fluttered in a panic.

Standing up tall, the gazelle revealed a large protrusion beneath her tastefully sparkling party dress, which fell down to mid-thigh. Her eyes challenged him to prove his devotion.

He knew exactly what he had to do.

Gulping down his humiliation and trepidation, the dragon turned about on all fours and lowered his chest to the floor, tail arched up over his back in a display that he hoped she would find pleasing. He did not know what would entice her, what she wanted him to do. Always, he had been positioned and displayed, never having to think for himself. The position itself left him exposed and he shuddered as Thema pressed up behind him, the tip of her toy nudging his already used tail hole, slick with lubricant and cum.

He held his breath as she eased in to the hilt, the smooth length easily pushing in deep, too easily. Evidently, the phallic toy gave Thema pleasure at her end as the gazelle moaned softly and ground more roughly, her body over the dragon's back as she put her muzzle close to his head, nose brushing over his horns.

"A mistress always knows the will of her slaves..."

She murmured in his ear, arched over the dragon's body as she pinned his shoulders down from her command alone. Neither words nor brute strength were needed as the little gazelle demonstrated her dominance, completely and utterly controlling his submission as neatly as she would his leash around her paw. He blinked, head foggy and struggled to focus against the thrum of pleasure, the faux cock pushing into his prostrate over and over again as his cock drooled.

"Always," she breathed, breath tickling his scales. "Did you think I did not know your plans to escape, little slave?"

Makaidos' eyes widened and his heart pounded, world tilting sickeningly. She had known. Had she always known? What would she do to him? How had Thema known? To his surprise, however, Thema stroked his head and he leaned unconsciously into her paw, taking comfort from her touch: it would be all right, it had to be if she was there and had rescued him.

"Remember who saved you, slave," she said, huffing as her body worked harder, driving herself into a frenzy as Makaidos bore her thrusts. "When you are under my paw, you are safe. Would you like not to be safe?"

The dragon quailed, closing his eyes against the onlookers edging closer, glasses clutched tightly in paws and claws. To them, he was the entertainment of the night, his little escape plan that had not quite gone according to fantasy. And now where was he? His mistress had known all along that he had intended to escape. Far from the realisation stirring a sickening feeling in his stomach, warmth flooded his chest and, confused, he blinked unwelcome tears from his eyes. He was not sad and yet...he cried? It was beyond his understanding and the notion of thought was driven from his mind as his mistress used the toy to thrust deep, her hips flush with his scaled rump.

Dipping his muzzle down to the floor as his mistress worked herself up to the point of orgasm with her toy and his body at her disposal, the dragon whimpered and begged for release that she would not yet permit. He did not want to be left in the cold again. Makaidos' breath caught, heart jumping into his throat so that it was a struggle to breathe, cock leaking pre cum that pooled slick beneath his belly.

It had happened. He was hers. Swallowing hard, he groaned deep in the back of his throat as his mistress shuddered through orgasm, small tail twitching erratically as she held his head down by one of his horns.

He would forever belong to her...or for as long as his Mistress willed it.

Mistress would protect him.


**Unwrapping** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for TheKatPop as part of a trade_ _Merry Christmas!_ Kat sat curled up on the sofa, bare legs tucked in close to her body. Clad only in her underwear and an oversized Christmas jumper - bright...

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Inner Workings

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**Hunger** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for Darkfox88_ **WARNING FOR HARD VORE!** On a Sunday afternoon with nothing important to do and nothing unimportant on the agenda, the bachelor's petite flat was quiet, though not unoccupied. A...

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