Inner Workings

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A character and individual study commissioned by Darkfox88 - thanks very much! An interesting one to write!

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Characters (c) Darkfox88

Story (c) Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Inner Workings

Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for Darkfox88

The red fox slouched in his gaming chair, chest bare and eyes unblinking as he stared at the television screen. Cast into half-darkness, the room was artificially lit by the screen alone, curtains drawn against the late afternoon glare of intrepid sunlight. The bean bag chain was better suited to gaming than the sofa and he battered the buttons and joystick between his thumbs, eyes strained from the time he had been playing. Soreness eased up the line of his curved back like an old friend and he arched, blinking just the once to relieve the strain, if temporarily.

The boss lay ahead in the game, the latest brightly coloured RPG that he was entranced with, and he stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, leaning forward with rapt concentration. It was do or die time and he curled his toes into the carpet fibres as he focused, paws trembling and heart beat racing, a beat close to his ear drums. He needed to pop his ears, but the slight blockage made every breath rasp intimately through his ears as if adrenaline pumped through his body in a true battle, sound coming as if from a great distance away. Every thud of his heart pumped blood around his body, but he imagined that its beating was fuel for his game, life sustenance that he needed to keep his health bar overflowing with glowing pixels.

His stomach gurgled and he reached for his bag of chips - Doritos that had sat in the cupboard far too long to be wasted. He was not a fox for wastage. Shoving chips between his lips, he crunched slowly, savouring the taste as his tongue worked the delicious morsels into the path of his teeth. Salt clung to his whiskers and he spared a moment to lick it off, tongue swiping the side of his muzzle to draw another flash of taste into his mouth, eyes half-closed. His teeth made swift work of breaking and pummelling the treats into mush, which he then pushed to the back of his warm, moist mouth with his tongue, swallowing everything in one, big gulp.

His body flushed with warmth as he concentrated, fingers moving in a blur just in the lower corners of his eyes. It was not something that usually concerned him, but the edge of pain tickled his fingers after too long tapping the controller. The bag of chips crinkled in his lap as he moved, the morsels landing in the pit of his stomach to be digested, stomach acid working with functional gurgles. He ignored the sounds his body made, along with the spark of warning pain. To him, it was unimportant.

Eyes narrowing, the fox's bur bristled as he dove into the later stages of the boss battle, sweat matting the fur beneath his armpits. Though he was not physically exerting himself, his nose twitched at the scent of his own sweat and he drove himself on with greater vigour, blood and adrenaline pulsing through his body as if he actually was in the game, fully immersed. If it was SAO, he could be immersed. Wouldn't that be a laugh? He pushed his glasses up his nose, lips parted in concentration as cool air washed over his tongue.

Alas, the fight was not to be and his lips twisted into a scowl as his character erupted into flames on the screen. The screen faded to black and the usual red text appeared, depicting his imaginary death. He tasted bile in the back of his throat, swallowed, and tossed the controller away in disgust. It bounced over the carpet and settled upside down, lights blinking. The fox ground his teeth together and pressed two fingers between his eyes where his brow furrowed into a ridge. The lines would stay there if he did not smile again soon, or so his mother always said. He growled, lips curling up from his teeth. He should have had it this time!

Impatient with the game and the too often seen 'GAME OVER' screen, the fox slumped, tail protruding to his left side. He wriggled, trying to get comfortable, and squashed his soft buttocks into the filling of the seat, which moulded the best it could to the form of his body. He smirked, lips tugging up in a half-smile that did not brighten his eyes. With the game screen blinking every two seconds, urging him to retry the boss, the fox rolled his head back against the headrest and shivered as he traced a line down his chest and stomach.

He scratched his ear, digestive system working to digestive his snack and earlier meal. The itch bothered him and he dug his claw in deeper, scraping through wax with a shudder. How annoying. Every noise seemed amplified as he cleared the irritating wax and he shook his head as if to unblock his ears, lips twisting in a scowl. His pink tongue flashed out and moistened his nose, enhancing the scents of the small flat he called his own. For a bachelor pad, it was not too bad with the faint aroma of lavender room spray drifting in from the tiny bathroom. The familiar scents were comforting and the fox scratched lightly through his fur, arching up into his touch. Dropping his paw to his crotch, he unzipped his jeans and slid them down his thighs, just enough so that his softly furred sheath was in view. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, remnants of salt dotted upon his lips.

His cock stirred, rising from its sheath with little bidding. Blood pumped through his body, leaving his mind fainter than he would have liked, and his red, vulpine shaft eased into his paw. He watched as the palm of his paw eased along the length, treating it as if it was not his own, black claws carefully away from the tender flesh. The shaft pulsed, oozing pre cum on to the tip where he caught it on a finger, smearing it slickly down his cock. He blinked tiredness from his eyes, already feeling the lids begin to droop as every muscled in his body relaxed, tension unknotting and falling slack. Curling his paw around the girth, the fox moaned, throat vibrating as the sound was released. Every instinct in his anthro body bid him to cum and he closed his eyes to the television screen.

He stroked languidly, each pump of his wrist drawing a fresh, hot wave of pleasure. No wonder masturbation could be intoxicating. Pre cum throbbed through the shaft and emerged in a milky bubble at the tip, smearing across the head in a glisten of moisture. Ears constantly twitching as he denied himself the sight of anything bar the glow through his eyelids, pupils ever shifting, the fox's hips willingly arched up from the gaming chair, thrusting into his own paw.

He inhaled, static screen flickering on his eyelids in a strange, red glow. Light was so different through the mask of skin, thin enough to shadow yet never truly reveal what could have been on the other side. The mystery excited him. Fox musk hung heavy in the air - he had not showered in a couple of days, seeing no need when he was not about to leave his flat. Orgasm would not be long off, he was sure of it. Even at the brink, he was hyper aware of ever sensation in his body, the carpet beneath his hind paws and heat scorching his veins with the intensity of an inferno.

Breath quickening, he twisted and arched, claws ripping into the chair. His paw moved quickly, gripping his shaft with vulpine fervour until he no longer had control over his own body. Yipping, the fox thrust wildly, cock throbbing and spurting with no direction as he hit orgasm, blood roaring in his ears. Every spurt of cum that came was thicker than the last, exploding in a splatter of male pride that shot across the entertainment unit, marking the wood.

Lying still, spattered with his own seed, the fox opened his eyes, blinking to adjust to even the low light of the television screen. The text had faded and returned to the home screen image depicting a green fantasy land of rolling hills. The fox swallowed, licked dry lips and reached for his open bag of Doritos, stomach gurgling complaint. His intestines worked, pushing food along in the ever present pull of his digestive system, and his heart slowed to a steady beat, its presence soothing to his sensitive nerves. He snapped up the chips in a crunch of jaws and food, jaws working to grind them up into more easily digestible pieces. His bowels tightened, groaning silently in that way that let every fur know that they needed to visit the wash room shortly. But not yet. The fox brushed his whiskers flat against his muzzle, tail comfortably fluffed up.

Smirking, he collected his controller, re-entering the game with his needs sated, at least for the time being. Other needs, well, they could wait just a little bit longer.

One's inner workings were something special indeed.


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