Sweet Dreams 3

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The sun's rays cutting through the blinds finally began to rouse Marcus. Feeling a little sluggish as he usually did in the morning, he rolled away from the invasive light. Or rather he tried to, but he found that something was weighing down one side of his body. He lazily cracked open one eye and once he adjusted to the light he found himself staring down at Sonya lying partially across his left side. One of his hands was draped over her chest, his palm and fingers resting atop her nipples which he could feel clearly through the pajama top...

Marcus froze; the memories of the night before finally flooded back to him all at once. How he had given in to his more base instincts and molested the sleeping Pom puppy next to him... He wasn't sure what was more appalling to him, the fact that he had done that to his best friend, or how horny the memory of it was making him... Despite himself, he couldn't help but look at the girl in a new light now. Along with the goofy, adorable little girl he had grown so fond of, there was now also the tiny, lithe and wonderfully soft little body that he now found himself craving.

Fighting down the temptation to take those delicious little nubs just under his hand into his mouth again, he instead quickly withdrew his hand from her chest. The sudden movement caused Sonya to shiver and groan quietly. As she started to stir, Marcus reminded himself that he had to stay calm and proceed as normal. Well, as normal as he could considering the tremendous pressure his cock was currently putting on him inside his shorts...

Sonya finally let out a huge yawn accompanied by stretching out her limbs. Once she had settled, she turned and looked up at him, smiling warmly just like she always did. Damn... She's just too damn cute, I can't stand it! The sight of her beautiful, innocent form made his face heat up and his member jump in the tight confines of his shorts once again.

"Good morning Marcus," she said in her usual bright, sunny voice, albeit a little fatigued.

"Good morning Fox-nnnghh!" Marcus's words were interrupted by the puppy climbing on top of him, straddling his midsection and inadvertently pressing his raging erection directly into the tiny cleft of her cute little butt. Despite the mild discomfort, he couldn't stop the sudden imagine that flashed through his mind, of him picking the tiny Pom pup up and slamming her onto his barbed shaft again and again...

It wasn't until she felt his cock jump in excitement that she finally seemed to notice it pressing into her backside. She blushed a little and moved off of him. Marcus let out a sigh of relief before it caught in his throat. Sonya had moved that painfully tempting little ass off of him but it was quickly replaced with tiny hands grasping at his member through his shorts. She looked up at him, her face radiating curiosity. "Hey Marcus, what's this?"

"Th-that?" He paused to clear his throat, and hopefully calm down enough to respond to her question. Shaking his head before an image of her bobbing her head up and down on his shaft could settle in, he finally responded. "That's my pee-pee." He used the childish vernacular, hoping that might help distract him from how nice her hands felt clutching his boyhood.

"Really?!" Sonya said incredulously. Being the only child of a single mother meant she had no real experience with male anatomy. In fact the only pee-pee she had ever seen before that had been a boy from her class one day at school when he had snuck out behind the school building during recess and peed on the wall. Her memory of the little handle he'd been holding didn't match up with the giant rod she was now grasping. "But why is it so big and hard? And it's throbbing..."

"Yeah, it, ah... it does that in the morning sometimes." Marcus thought it prudent to avoid mentioning that this particular morning his penis was like that because of her and all the things he kept imagining himself doing to her... Another image of her came into his head unbidden, of the puppy down on all fours presenting herself to him. His member throbbed hard in her grip and jumped. Sonya gave a high-pitched 'Eep!' and jumped back from him, throwing her arms up in the air in shock. Despite himself, Marcus couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. "Yeah, it does that too sometimes."

"Okay," she said, calming herself down. Her curiosity sated, she crawled off of him and sat up in the recliner, allowing Marcus to do the same next to her.

Marcus smiled down at the puppy next to him, wrapping his arm around her once again. His smile faded a bit though when he noticed she was looking down at her hands in her lap. "Something on your mind, Foxy?"

Sonya looked up at him after a moment, her features showing confusion again and something else he wasn't quite able to discern. She seemed reluctant to speak up at first, prompting Marcus to give her shoulder a slight squeeze. She blushed, much harder than he expected for such simple contact, before finally speaking up. "Hey Marcus? I had a weird dream last night, I think it was about you..."

"Oh?" He said after an awkward pause. Inside his head was a tumultuous cacophony of broken strings of thoughts; he could only hope his discomfort didn't show in his body language.

"Yeah," she clasped her hand on his on her shoulder. "We were sleeping together and then you started petting me. Except you were petting me in weird places like my chest and my vee-vee..."

Oh god, she know! But how? She was totally asleep! Oh man, I'm so screwed! "Really? Wow, that is a strange dream..."

Marcus was somehow managed to keep a straight face through his reply despite his internal panicking, and Sonya seemed satisfied with his answer, though she still looked confused. "Yeah... It seemed so real though."

Marcus shrugged, letting out a tiny sigh of relief. It seemed he was alright after all so long as he continued on as planned. He quickly moved to change the subject. "Well, I'm sure we could both use a shower after sleeping out here all night."

"Yeah probably," she said, some of her normal energy coming back into her voice. "Do you wanna go first or should I?"

"You go ahead, I can wait."

"Okay. I won't be long!" Sonya gave his hand a squeeze before getting up and dashing upstairs to the bathroom across from her room.

Marcus watched the energetic puppy race up the stairs until she disappeared from his line of sight. Once the panic had settled down, his thoughts turned right back to that delicious cub and all the things he could be doing with and to her... He was lucky, he knew it, that she was so quick to trust him, but it made everything that much easier so long as he kept on like he always had. But before he could hope to do that, he had to deal with his libido, which currently had him almost painfully throbbing, demanding attention...

Satisfied that he was alone, he let his eyes closed and descended into fantasy, starring that irresistibly cute little Pom pup...

* * *

Sonya quickly ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Her towel and all of her bathing supplies were already in the room so all she needed to do was start to water and get in. She walked over to the bathtub, reaching over to turn the water on. Once it was flowing she went to reach for the lever to direct it through the shower head but at the last moment she decided she wanted to soak instead. Taking the stopper from the side of the tub she placed it in the drain and watched for a moment as the tub began to fill with water.

After a moment, she stepped away so she could get undressed. As she went to take off her pajama top, memories of her dream began to come to her mind once again. She remembered Marcus's hands roaming around her chest and then closed over her little nubs. The top finally came unbuttoned and Sonya let it fall to the ground behind her forgotten; her focus was now set on her bare chest. A faint blush had formed on her features as she stared down at herself. There wasn't anything there, not like her mommy's chest, yet Marcus was so drawn to them, even going so far as to suck on them. She remembered how good and exciting it had felt...

But then, all of that was just in her mind, right? Marcus had confirmed that it was all just a dream earlier. But... her memories of how it felt... it all seemed so real...

After a moment she moved on to her bottoms, dropping them to the floor and stepping out of them, leaving just her panties. When she finally slid those off her slender frame as well her blush intensified as she saw that the inside of the crotch area was stained. Her faced flushed even harder at the memory of Marcus's hand pressing into the folds of her vee-vee, rubbing it until the feeling of it overwhelmed her...

She brought the panties to her face, and after a moment's hesitation, sniffed at the disco lord spot in them. The scent was like nothing she'd encountered before. Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't pee... Then she remembered, When Marcus had been touching her, when she lost control, there had been this strange feeling of wetness where his fingers were digging into her through her panties... So... Is that what left this stain? Did... did all of that really happen after all?

She wasn't sure what to believe anymore. If it really did happen, it would certainly explain the mysterious stain and how she had such clear memories of how it had felt. But then why would Marcus have lied about it? He would never lie to her, the two of them shared everything with each other... Well, except for Sonya's crush on him. On the other hand, she had never dreamed of or even thought about getting touched those places, much less that it would feel so good...

As her thoughts continued to spiral upon themselves, she finally decided she didn't want to think about it at that moment and forced her attention back onto her bath; just in time too, as she saw the water was dangerously close to overflowing. She quickly turned the faucet off and reached int the tub to pull the plug. The water was a little too hot for her but she hoped that by the tie the water had drained enough it would be perfect. The water slowly drained from the tub until it was around three-quarters full before she replaced the plug.

She finally stepped over into the tub, slowly letting her body get used to the heat of the water little by little. She slowly, gingerly lowered the rest of her body in, sighing as she finally came up to her neck before dunking her whole head under the water momentarily. The fresh water whisked away the sweat lingering in her fur and flesh from the night before and she immediately felt refreshed.

She laid back in the tub for a few minutes and just enjoyed the soaking feeling. Eventually though she knew she would need to wash herself. With a listless sigh she sat up and grabbed the shampoo from the side of the tub, squeezing out a bit and working it into a lather. As she always did, she began with her head and hair, working the lather into her fur before once again dunking her head in the water to wash it out. She continued down her body until when she reached her chest. When she began vigorously working the lather into her chest fur, she had to pause as the sudden sensation coming from her tiny nubs surprised her so much she nearly lost her balance.

She observed her chest again and found that not only were her immature nipples hard and pointy from the stimulation, it was clear they were much more sensitive than usual. Just like in the dream... Slowly she bout her hands down to her chest, brushing over her nipples again. A small groan forced its way out of her clenched mouth at the intensity of the feelings coming from her swollen nipples; it was wonderfully pleasant, almost painfully so... She quickly pulled her hands away, reluctant to touch the hypersensitive nubs again; it hadn't hurt, quite the opposite, but there was something kind of scary about how dramatically her body had reacted to that simple touch.

Taking a few breaths to calm herself, she continued to wash herself, unconsciously skipping over her crotch as she went on. Eventually however, there was nothing left but her vee-vee... A wave of uncertainty washed over her; if this was anything even remotely like the dream, she wasn't sure if she could even handle it. But then, it wasn't as though she could just not wash herself either...

As gently as possible her hand, filled with the lather from her shampoo, crept down to her crotch and finally coming to a rest on her labial slit. The feeling of her hand on her vee-vee felt nice, but there was no sharp spike behind the sensation her body fed her. She relaxed and slowly worked the lather in. Her body kept feeding her pleasure, slowly but steadily increasing in intensity as she continued to rub herself. It really does feel good,_she admitted to herself, starting to enjoy the stimulation. _I wonder if it would feel better if I push my fingers down inside?

Sonya lowered herself back down into the water, hand still firmly planted over her tiny slit. All pretext of washing herself was abandoned, this was now about self-discovery.

She ran her fingertips slowly back and forth along her labia, pressing ever so slightly deeper into it with each pass. A quiet purr passed her lips as the pleasure started building again; she quickly realized it felt even better against the fleshy pink interior. Eventually she found her way to the bottom, rubbing gently against the surface. She knew from earlier exploration that there was a second, much larger hole underneath her pee hole, but she had not been able to figure out its purpose then. Now, compelled by the intense yet soothing pleasure her body was sending her, she began to press her middle finger into the mysterious hole.

Another spike of pleasure hit her as her finger pressed past the entrance to the hole; even just the one finger proved to be a tight fit in her virgin honeypot. She found as she pressed deeper that muscles that she didn't even know she had were working overdrive, clutching and squeezing at her finger; instead of hurting though, it felt amazing. She also noted a trace of wetness inside the hole, it was a decidedly different texture from the water around her... Encouraged by her body's reactions, she began wiggling her finger inside her, delighting at the clenching and the good feelings she received in response.

She gave a surprised squealing gasp and pulled her hand back when she was suddenly racked by a huge shock of pleasure. Whatever had caused that, it had not come from the hole she had been plumbing. The spike in sensation had been more intense than when she had been toying with her nipples earlier, but in her aroused state it no longer scared her, in fact she wanted more of it now. She brought her hand back down, searching for the source of the buzzing sensation left behind from her accidental touch. She eventually discovered a small nub at the top of her slit and upon touching it she was once again assaulted by a sudden burst of pleasure. This time however it didn't surprise her and she began rubbing the little button, her mind flooding with the sensation.

Her body went into autopilot, one hand gently but deliberately rubbing her love button while the other had joined it and had dipped a finger back into her quivering girlhood. She could feel something building up inside her towards a peak she had no way to define and yet she blindly raced towards it. Loud moans periodically escaped her every time her heaving chest had air enough to produce them, but Sonya was much too far gone to worry about being heard. And then finally she hit the edge and went over...

Her orgasm hit her hard, wiping away any remains of conscious thought as her whole world exploded with color and sensation. Her tiny body went rigid and trembled as waves of ecstasy wracked through her though despite that her fingers struggled to continue working her erogenous zones. Her cunny clenched even tighter around the invading finger, milking it as though it was trying to suck her hand in further. Finally after what had seemed like an eternity her body began to relax and she slipped into a blissful afterglow.

When her mind finally started forming coherent thoughts again, all she could think of was how amazing that was... How had she never known this about her own body?! How was it that she had learned about this incredible secret through a dream? If it really was a dream... But if it wasn't a dream, that would mean that Marcus had done all of that to her...

... Because he knew how incredible it would make her feel. He wanted to make her feel better than she'd ever felt before...

She desperately hoped this to be the case, but in the meantime she needed to talk to someone about what she'd just discovered. But talking to her mommy about that seemed like a bad idea and Marcus was right out. Fortunately, she had another viable option...

* * *

When Sonya finally cleaned herself up and made her way back downstairs, Marcus quickly dashed past her to the bathroom himself. She shrugged off his haste as having to use the toilet and moved on towards her actual goal, the house's phone. Her mother said that she was too young for a cellphone but they had compromised by getting a set of cordless phones so that she could at least have her privacy while on the phone with her friends. She was happy to have the option right now; the conversation she was preparing for she didn't want _anyone_overhearing...

Taking the phone with her up to her room, she closed and locked the door. She then went into her closet, digging out her backpack from school. Inside was a small pink notebook in which she kept her friend's phone numbers as well as notes on how she felt about them or things they had done together.

Her thoughts turned to the girl she was getting ready to call. She was the same age as Sonya but she seemed a lot smarter than her. More importantly, she and her sister seemed to know a great deal more about their bodies than anyone else in their class. The two of them were both really friendly and easy to get along with, but some of the things that she and especially her sister had suggested in the time they'd known each other were kind of weird. In light of her experiences in the past several hours however, Sonya guessed that they would likely be her best bet at figuring out what she should do going forward...

She finally found the page she was looking for, Sara Prowler. She quickly punched the number into the phone and waited while it connected to the other girl's cellphone.

After two rings the phone clicked on. "Hi Sonya," Sara said on the other end of the line. "What's up? I wasn't expecting to hear from you this weekend. I figured you would be busy with Marcus the whole time."

"H-hey Sara." She hesitated for a long moment; she had no idea how she was going to say what she needed to to her friend.

"Um, are you alright? Did something happen?"

Sonya winced; like always her smart friend hit right on the mark. "Nothing happened. Well, maybe, I don't know..."

"You don't... What does that mean?" There was a clear tone of concern in the other cub's voice.

Sonya sighed heavily. Now or never, I guess... "Well... last night I had the strangest dream ever." She paused to collect her thoughts but Sara said nothing, waiting patiently for her to continue. "So, last night Marcus and I were laying the recliner in the living room playing video games together right? Well I eventually fell asleep in his lap." She heard Sara giggle through the phone. "Yeah that was nice, he's really comfy. But anyway, that's when the weirdness started. I started having this dream where I was still asleep in his arms except that his hands started running up and down my chest."


"Yeah, it was so weird. I was sleeping but he kept doing it anyway. It felt good though so I just let him do it."

"Okay, well that's good." Sara paused for a moment. "So was that all that happened, he just felt you up?"

Sonya wasn't sure what 'felt up' meant, she could only guess at the context. After a moment she shrugged off the unfamiliar term and continued. "No. After a while he stopped and unbuttoned my top and started touching my bare chest. He even sucked on them..."

"Who sucked on what now?" A second voice chimed in from somewhere behind Sara; she quickly recognized it as that of Sara's un-identical twin sister Janice, or Jynx a she was better known. She could hear the two whispering something to each other before Jynx spoke again. "No way! Sonya, you had a wet dream?!"

"Wha...?" Sonya blushed; she wasn't sure what Jynx had meant by her statement, but the way she said it made her feel dirty...

"Jynx, don't tease her like that. She's probably really confused right now." Sara admonished her sister.

"Oh fine..." Jynx said, though by the tone of her voice it certainly didn't seem as though she had any intention of stopping. "So, he was sucking on your nips, then what happened?"

"Well... After that, he put his hand down my pajama pants and started rubbing my vee-vee. I still had my undies on but even so it felt so good that... something happened. I lost myself in the pleasure for a while and when he finally stopped I felt all tingly down there."

Jynx laughed. "Wow, I honestly didn't think that boy had it in him. And to make you cum too..."


"When you or someone else makes you feel really good, you'll start to feel like something big is building up inside you." Sara explained. "When it peaks, that's called an orgasm, or 'cumming'."

The terms slowly sunk in. When she thought about what happened the night before and earlier in the bathtub, it certainly sounded like an 'orgasm'.

"So what makes you think this was a dream?" Sara continued after a moment.

"Well, when I asked him about it this morning, he said he thought it was a dream too."

"Of course he said that," Jynx cut in. "He's not just gonna come out and admit to you that he molested you in your sleep!"

"Jynx!" Sara said, shocked at her sister's brashness.

"What? I'm just being honest. And honestly Sonya, there is no way you could have imagined all that when you've never even touched yourself. And there's certainly no way you would have just slept through something as powerful as your first climax."

"So... You think it really did happen?" Sonya couldn't contain her excitement at the prospect.

"You sound happy about this," Sara commented. "You wanted him to do this to you?"

"No, it's not that," Sonya admitted. "I honestly didn't even know what was happening at first. But it was so amazing. He must have known how it would feel for me. He must have done it to make me feel good."

She heard Jynx laugh on the receiver. "You're so adorably naïve. He probably-" Whatever the black kitten had been about to say was muffled, presumably by her sister's hand.

"I'm sure he did, Sonya dear," Sara said a moment later. "Now then, do you still like him? Do you still want him to be your boyfriend?"

"Of course!" Sonya answered without a moment's hesitation.

"Okay, well I know we aren't certain yet whether or not what you described actually happened-"

"Speak for yourself," Jynx cut in.

"Anyway," Sara said with an annoyed huff at her sister before her voice softened again, "if you really want to get closer to him and to verify that he is in fact interested in you like that, my advice would be to manufacture the same situation tonight."

"Manufacture...? What do you mean?" Sonya was genuinely confused at what her friend was getting at.

"Put yourself and him in a similar position, with you next to him while you're asleep." Sara explained. "Maybe wear something that feels good to the touch that will invite him to want to touch you. If it happens again then it means it was all real."

"Oh," Jynx said suddenly, "and make sure to not wear any panties this time."

"W-what?!" Sonya nearly dropped the phone in shock.

"You want him to touch you right? Trust me, this is foolproof. The scent of your arousal will be a million times more potent and once he actually sees that you're bottomless there's no way he'll be able to keep his hands off your cute little pussy!"

Sonya was incredulous to say the least, but her experience in the bathtub earlier taught her that the feeling was greatly enhanced by touching herself directly. If he did do it to her again, she wanted it to be as good as it could be for both of them. "O-okay..." She said after a moment, though there was clearly still hesitation in her voice.

"Don't worry dear," Sara said, "what my sister is suggesting may seem crazy but she's right, it will work. So you've got a plan now, are you going to be okay with this?"

"Yes," Sonya responded, resolute. "If it means that Marcus and I can get closer, I'll do whatever it takes."

Sara gave a quiet sigh. "Alright, well good luck Sonya. Let us know how it goes later, okay?"

"Enjoy the ride, girlfriend!" Sonya could hear Jynx laughing again before they hung up the phone from their end.

She sat down on the bed, trying to take in all the information she'd just received. Just as she knew it would be, talking to the feline twins had been horribly embarrassing, but they had given her what she felt was good, sound advice. And ultimately she meant what she had said. If she could get closer to Marcus, if she could get him to want her the way she wanted him, she would do whatever it took...

* * *

The rest of the day continued as normal. The two finished the scene that had been interrupted the day before; to Sonya's great surprise, Lance had not taken the 'happily ever after' route with Princess Elise, and instead had left to find Crystal. She had been somewhat disappointed to not get the fairytale ending, but was more than ecstatic when she found out that not only had Crystal somehow survived the onslaught, but that her longtime companion and the world's savior had feelings for her... After what happened the day before, Sonya had opted for a simple hug, but it was enough for her to be that close to the man she so crushed on.

After that, the two went inside to watch videos of the cartoons they'd missed while they were out playing or otherwise occupied... One was a show about a boy frozen in time trying to stop a war that Marcus had introduced her to, the other was a girly cartoon about friendship. Sonya was still shocked that he was a fan of the show, but then again she knew there were plenty of adult fans of both shows so...

The day passed into evening and the two once again found themselves on the recliner playing video games together. Sonya had once again found herself in Marcus's lap while they played, and once again she felt his pee-pee pressing up against her vee-vee through their clothes. In fact she had noticed several times that day that his pee-pee was getting hard around her... It was a strange feeling having it pressing against her down there, but a nice one and, if what Jynx had told her was to be believed, one that signified that Marcus was at least interested in her...

At the end of the night, Ramona told them to go up to their rooms before they fell asleep on the couch again. The two made their way up the stairs, Sonya moving uncharacteristically slowly so she could walk alongside Marcus. When they made their way to the spare bedroom, which was just before hers, Sonya grabbed Marcus's arm just as the panther was reaching for the door to his temporary room. Sara's suggestion seemed crazy at the time, but the more she thought about it over the course of the day, the more she wanted to try it. She hoped that it wasn't a dream after all, and that she could get him to make her feel good like that again...

Her face betrayed her nervousness about what she was about to say by quickly turning beet red, but the puppy was determined to see this through now. She finally managed to find her voice and motioned for him to kneel so she could whisper to him. "Marcus... After mom tucks me in, do you want to sleep with me again tonight?

There was a long pause after that before Marcus finally nodded. No further words were needed as the two went their separate ways.

In her bedroom, Sonya quickly changed into her sleeping clothes, choosing for that night a silky nightgown that she had talked her mom into buying for her for her birthday that year. She loved the way the material felt on her and hoped that Marcus would like it too. Slipping out of her day clothes and into the nightie, she blushed as she came to the final step of the plan her friends had given her... Slightly hesitantly, she reached down and pulled her panties down and off of her legs, placing them under the pile of discarded clothes. It seemed so naughty to be naked under the gown, but then everything she was hoping to have happen was much naughtier than merely being bottomless so...

She climbed into her bed just as her mom came in and quickly tucked her little girl in for bed. Bidding her mom goodnight with a kiss, she watched her walk out of the room. All that was left now was to wait...

Sweet Dreams 4

The minutes after her mother left the room seemed like months to Sonya as she anxiously waited for the door to open again, bringing with it the boy that she so desperately crushed on. The boy that may or may not have introduced her to a whole new level...

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11: That Apology

The walk back to the barn was made in complete silence. Before they reached the main door Starshadow glanced over at the side entrance and saw that the door was blocked by six massive wooden crates. There was absolutely no way that she could have...

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10: That Sibling 'Love'

Applejack normally woke up about an hour before the sun rose, but today she was up even earlier. The clock on her wall showed it was just mere minutes past 3 AM, far too early for her to be up, especially since she didn't get to sleep until well past...

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