11: That Apology

Story by krisprowler on SoFurry

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The walk back to the barn was made in complete silence. Before they reached the main door Starshadow glanced over at the side entrance and saw that the door was blocked by six massive wooden crates. There was absolutely no way that she could have budged even one of the boxes, and Starshadow silently thanked Celestia that Applejack hadn't attacked her.

Big Mac reached the barn doors and held one open for Starshadow, and as she approached the entrance she could see Applejack sulking by the far wall of the barn. Starshadow stopped right before she entered the barn and looked at Big Mac with worry, but he gave her a reassuring gaze and a quick kiss, telling her that she had no need to worry. Together, the two lovers entered the barn and let the door swing closed for privacy. Applejack looked up and saw Starshadow and Big Mac enter, but quickly turned her head and looked away from them, turning slightly red in the face. Big Mac motioned Starshadow to sit across from his sister and he took up a position between them to mediate the talk.

"Now Starshadow, AJ, we're just here to talk. No name callin' or harrassin' one another, okay?" Big Mac said.

Starshadow nodded silently while Applejack let out a huff but nodded also. Big Mac sighed in relief; he had been afraid that his sister would stubbornly try to back out, but for now she seemed okay. He did note though that neither mare would meet the other's eyes. "Alrigh', why don't we start with you, AJ. I think it's time ya come clean and tell her why ya were tryin' to chase her away."

Applejack glared at her brother. "That ain't none of her business, Big Mac! That was supposed ta stay 'tween me an' Granny Smith. It's bad 'nough that she told ya, but ah ain't gonna tell HER 'bout that!" she argued.

Big Mac glared at Applejack. "You made it her business the second you tried chasin' her away." he pointed out.

Applejack opened her mouth to protest but quickly shut it as Big Mac continued to glare at her. "Fine." she huffed in displeasure. She hesitantly turned towards Starshadow; the other mare flinched at the look on her face and quickly looked down at her own hooves. Applejack sighed and sat quietly for a moment. Eventually Starshadow tentatively met her gaze again and she finally began. "Big Mac an' me... weh, uh... we had a bit of a intimate relationship a few years back. Ah was in heat and ah needed somepony ta help me. Big Mac here was the only stallion ah could go to, an' ah guess ah just..." Applejack began to blush hard as she spoke. "Ah kinda latched on ta him after that. Ah know he's mah brother an' all that, but ah still have strong feelings for him. It... it ain't fair that ah can't be with him jus' cuz he's mah brother! Ah love him an' he loves me, so why can't ah be with him?"

Big Mac looked at her with some sympathy. "Sis, I love you too, but you know that you can't be with me like that." he said. "'Sides, I got Starshadow now as my special somepony. Wouldn' be fair to her if she had to share me with you."

Starshadow softly mumbled something but neither Applejack or Big Mac could make out what she said. "What'd you say?" Big Mac asked her.

Starshadow averted her gaze and shyly scraped her hoof against the ground. "I... wouldn't mind sharing... you... with her." she hesitantly said.

Both Big Mac and Applejack were in shock. "Er, beg pardon?" Applejack asked her. Big Mac was too stunned to ask if he had heard Starshadow correctly.

Starshadow looked up at both of them and spoke, a bit more confidently this time. "I don't mind if... you know, if Applejack wants to join us sometime."

"Are ya serious?" Applejack all but shouted; Big Mac was too stunned to respond. Neither Apple sibling could believe what they were hearing; Big Mac couldn't believe that Starshadow would be okay with him seeing both her and his own sister, but Applejack was secretly ecstatic that maybe her chance to be with her brother wasn't quite over yet.

Big Mac finally found his voice. "W-what are you talkin' about, Starshadow? I can't have two special someponies." he said.

"Why not?" Starshadow replied. "You can have as many mares as you wish to make you happy. It's not my place to stop my Master from being happy and having as much pleasure as possible."

"Hold on, what do you mean by that?" Big Mac asked. He needed to know why she kept on calling him 'Master' now, but Applejack interrupted his thoughts. She was ecstatic that Starshadow was willing to share Big Mac with her and completely missed the pegasus calling her brother 'Master'.

"Y-ya really wanna share him?" Applejack asked in disbelief. "Seriously?"

Starshadow flinched at the other mare; even she was a little unsure of what she was offering to do and more than a little scared of how Applejack would react to it. But in the end, this was for Big Mac... "Of course. Anything to make him happy." Starshadow said, taking a few cautious steps towards the confused mare. Both siblings stood still wondering what Starshadow was going to do. The small pegasus slowly approached Applejack and gulped, but there was no turning back now... Starshadow reached up and pulled Applejack's head down and locked lips with her.

Big Mac forgot to breathe for a few seconds as he watched the scene unfolding in front of him. Starshadow closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying it, but Applejack's eyes were wide with surprise and uneasiness. The large stallion didn't want to admit that he was starting to become aroused by what he was seeing, but before things could continue any further Applejack broke the kiss and staggered back, breathing heavily from panic. "S-sorry!" she yelled out as she sprinted for the door, running off to the house and dashing inside before Big Mac or Starshadow could stop her.

Starshadow watched her run away before she turned to Big Mac. "I'm sorry Master, I should have started slower. I'll get her back for you." she said before going off after Applejack.

Big Mac's brain had frozen in complete shock by the last few minutes. He sat down hard on the ground, trying to make sense of everything that had just happened. He'd be lying if he didn't also feel some attraction to Applejack, but she was his sister and there was no way that he could ever develop a real relationship with her without being shunned by all of Equestria. Plus he now had Starshadow, she was his special somepony. But not only did Applejack still have strong feelings for him but Starshadow seemed to be okay with the taboo thought of allowing AJ to join in their relationship. He wanted to go after both mares but he had to try to resolve the conflicting thoughts in his own head first.

Applejack slammed her bedroom door shut and tossed her hat on the floor. Jumping onto her bed, she buried her head into the pillow and let out a muffled scream of frustration. She was equally as confused as her brother was, as well as conflicted. She thought she was over her unnatural crush on her brother after her first talk with Granny Smith, but her confession today had proven otherwise. She also was extremely confused by Starshadow's kiss. The thought of being with another mare had never crossed AJ's mind before as homosexuality wasn't quite tolerated within her family, but she found that she had enjoyed Starshadow's kiss a little too much. She let a hoof stray down to her crotch and groaned with guilt as she felt that she had become quite wet from just the kiss.

Applejack heard her door slowly being opened, and she assumed that it was Apple Bloom. "Go 'way, sis. Ah ain't in the mood ta help ya'll tryin' ta get your cutie marks." she said slightly muffled due to the pillow.

"Applejack, it's me." the pony said.

Applejack sat up quickly and looked over at Starshadow. "W-what d'ya want?" she asked her somewhat nervously. She hoped that the pegasus would stay by the door, but as Starshadow walked closer AJ felt her heart begin to race with anticipation.

The small pegasus leaned on the bed but she made no move to come any closer and spoke carefully. "Applejack, I didn't mean to cause all this trouble. I know you're probably as confused as I am right now, but... but I think we can both be happy with Master." she said. "I don't mind sharing him with you. I just want him to be happy, so if that means I have to share him, I'm okay with that."

There was still one large question on Applejack's mind. "That's fine an' all, but why in the heck didja kiss ME?" she asked.

Starshadow blushed but moved slightly closer. "Well, I figured that since you and I both love Master, maybe we could love each other too." she explained.

Applejack shuffled away from the advancing mare, but she quickly found her back against the back wall of her room. Her face turned redder than the apples outside. "B-b-but we're both mares!" she protested.

Starshadow climbed up and lie down next to Applejack and gently touched her mane. "And why does that matter?" she asked the nervous earth pony.

It was now Applejack's turn to flinch away from the smaller mare. She couldn't believe what was happening, but she knew she was quickly losing control of the situation. Despite herself, she couldn't bring herself to pull away or push Starshadow away, and instead stared, transfixed by the other mare's gaze. "Cuz... cuz it just' ain't right!" Applejack tried to reason. "Two mares can't be together!"

"But we'd have Master with us, too." Starshadow said, her face now mere inches from Applejack's. "We'd both be with him, but that doesn't mean we couldn't love each other and put on a show for Master."

"M-master? What'n the heck are ya talkin' about?" Applejack asked completely flustered, feeling Starshadow's breath on her muzzle. "An' how the heck are we suppose to love each other for him?"

"Like this." Starshadow whispered softly before once again softly kissing the orange mare. Applejack's body tensed up immediately but she couldn't help but notice how soft Starshadow's lips were. Though she was extremely uncomfortable she didn't make any move to back away or break the kiss, and even tried to relax herself to try to enjoy what was going on.

'What'n tarnation am ah doing?' Applejack thought to herself. She couldn't believe that she was kissing another mare on her own bed, but Starshadow did say that she was willing to share Big Mac with her...

Figuring that it was a small price to pay to be with her brother, Applejack tried kissing Starshadow back, still finding it awkward that she was kissing another mare but was trying to make the best of it. Starshadow remained patient with her new partner and gently stroked her mane with one hoof while slowly intertwining her legs with AJ's. Starshadow's leg slowly moved up and rubbed up against Applejack's crotch, causing her to moan from the touch. The pegasus could feel how wet Applejack was becoming from the taboo kissing and couldn't help but want to taste her juices.

Starshadow gave Applejack one last long kiss before pulling back. She nudged the dazed earth pony onto her back, slowly sliding down her body and pulling her hind legs apart. Starshadow looked down and gazed at her partner's pussy, her lower lips glistening slightly with wetness. Unable to control herself, Starshadow leaned forward and dove right in, her tongue penetrating Applejack's lower lips and into the entrance to her love tunnel.

Applejack's eyes snapped open with surprise. "WOAH! Wha-haaaaaanngghhhhh!" she yelped, but her cry of indignation quickly gave way to a moan of pleasure as she felt Starshadow beginning to eat her out. The pegasus's tongue wasn't as large or coarse as she remembered Big Mac's being but the small pony definitely knew what she was doing. Starshadow only became more aggressive as she found Applejack's taste extremely sweet and wanted to lap up as much of her juices as possible. "Hol-aaaaahhh...! H-hold on t-t-there, sugarc-c-cube, s-slow down." Applejack begged, unsure if she could last much longer at the rate Starshadow was going at. Starshadow didn't slow down, though. She wanted to taste more of Applejack's nectar, so she pressed her muzzle as hard as she could against AJ's crotch to try to get her to release a torrent of fluids. Starshadow's method began working; Applejack's body went rigid as her orgasm began to near and her hips bucked upward slightly. However, just as she was about to explode, Starshadow heard Applejack's bedroom door open. She quickly stopped her licking and looked up to see who had just caught her and prayed that it wasn't little Apple Bloom. Luckily for her, it wasn't.

Big Mac stood in the doorway, once again completely stunned by what he had walked in on. Starshadow was staring back at him with lust in her eyes and a mess of her sister's juices dripping from her muzzle while Applejack was still lying on the bed with her eyes clenched shut, her hips bucking up and down as she sought the release and pleasure that had been taken away so suddenly. "What the..." Big Mac finally said. He walked into the room, drawn in by the unusual sight as well as the heavy smell of sex. He couldn't help but begin to grow hard as Starshadow licked her lips in anticipation while Applejack began rubbing her sensitive nub in desperation.

"Master, you're just in time. Applejack wants to cum, she's all ready for you. Her cum tastes so sweet, but it'd taste even better with your cum mixed in." Starshadow said, obediently backing away to make room for Big Mac. The red stallion found himself automatically climbing in bed and taking Starshadow's spot and he looked down at his sister's quivering, soaking wet pussy. Starshadow leaned against him and gently began stroking his cock as she whispered to him. "See how badly she wants you? She loves you and wants you. She needs you. Give her the love she deserves. Fill her with your love."

"P-please, ah can't take it no more! Ya gotta let me cum!" Applejack begged, her eyes still clenched shut and still not quite aware that Big Mac was through her haze of frustration and horniness. "Fuck me, fuck me hard! Please, I need ta cum!"

Between the smell in the room, Starshadow's whispers and touch, and Applejack's begging, Big Mac's cock was hard as a rock and pointed straight at Applejack's soaking wet hole. Starshadow slowly positioned his cock so it was lined up perfectly with his sister's pussy, and she gently leaned forward and licked his ear before whispering to him again. "Take her, Master. Make her yours."

That was all the stallion could stand. He cast aside his previous mental gates that had prevented him from doing more to her all those years ago, and with no regrets he began penetrating his sibling with his massive cock. Starshadow watched in fascination as Applejack's pussy was stretched wide open and accepted his member with just a hint of difficulty. Applejack grimaced as she took her brother's large cock but thanks to Starshadow's earlier oral treatment she felt less pain than the pegasus did her first time with the stallion.

As Big Mac reached the end of AJ's love tunnel Starshadow bit her lip as she saw how deep Big Mac had sunk his cock. Even though Applejack was slightly bigger than she was, Starshadow was still jealous that Applejack could take more of his massive erection than she could. She quickly reminded herself that she wasn't here to see which mare could fit more inside of her, but that her primary goal should be to provide Big Mac as much pleasure as possible. Bending down, the submissive pegasus began licking the portion of Big Mac's cock that wasn't able to fit inside Applejack while he began to slowly slide in and out of her.

Applejack threw her head back and let out a long, loud moan of satisfaction as her deepest, darkest fantasy was finally fulfilled. She felt so full but it felt so right, even though what she was now doing could have her banished from all of Equestrian society. Her unfounded hatred of Starshadow began to dissipate with each stroke that Big Mac took, and soon she achieved the pleasure that Starshadow had almost given her. As her orgasm hit her, Applejack's legs twitched and then began to thrash violently. To stop her from injuring somepony Big Mac gently nudged Starshadow out of the way and then leaned forward, pinning down Applejack's body with his own. His thrusts never stopped though, and Applejack wrapped her legs around his large frame as she continued to cum. "B-Big Mac! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!" she cried as a second orgasm immediately hit her. She gently bit down on her brother's shoulder to stop from screaming so loud that she would alert every pony in town, let alone Granny Smith and Apple Bloom if, Celestia forbid, they were still inside the house.

Not wanting to be left out, Starshadow moved behind Big Mac and dutifully licked at his large balls. Her tongue worked wonders and in no time she felt his sack beginning to tighten, signaling his own impending orgasm. She wanted him to fill Applejack with as much cum as possible and lick up the resulting mixture of sibling fluids, so when she felt that Big Mac was right about to cum she dragged her tongue upwards and began licking at his anus while gently massaging his balls with her hoof.

Big Mac had experienced more surprises in the last hour than he could remember in his entire life, but as he felt Starshadow beginning to lick his rear hole his head shot up and he let out a cry of surprise. As weird and strange as it felt, it also felt better than he could have imagined, and he couldn't stop his cock from depositing an extremely large load straight into AJ's waiting body. Applejack felt the hot seed shooting into her and thrust her hips upward to meet his, wanting to get as much of his cum inside her as possible. Starshadow kept up her treatment until she felt Big Mac's cock cease twitching, signaling that his large orgasm was finally done.

With some reason and sanity now returning to his head, Big Mac withdrew his cock from Applejack's pussy with a wet SCHLURP. Starshadow immediately moved back in front of him and sunk his softening cock into her mouth, using her mouth to quickly clean his rod off. She savored the taste of his cum but she couldn't wait to try what she really was eager to taste, and once she was done cleaning him she turned her attention back to Applejack.

The exhausted mare had absolutely no energy to move, her legs still splayed open as a mixture of her juices and Big Mac's cum dripped out of her. Not wanting to lose any more of the liquid, Starshadow quickly moved back between her legs and gently lapped up any cum that leaked out. She would have loved nothing more than to be able to dive back in and suck out all of Big Mac's cum from Applejack'e foal hole, but she knew that stealing Big Mac's gift from his sister would lead to being punished, so she remained content with whatever dripped out of the pussy in front of her.

Once she had licked up everything that she could, Starshadow crawled back up to lie next to Applejack. The two mares kissed, though Applejack instantly regretted it as she tasted Big Mac's cum and a hint of her own fluids in Starshadow's mouth. However, she didn't break the kiss, and instead tried to brave through it and get used to the taste. She quickly glanced at her big brother and saw that he had a large grin on his face, and that was enough to make her not regret not breaking the kiss despite the taste. He soon joined both mares and lay down after they had moved apart so he could take up his rightful place between them. Both mares kissed him on the cheek and rested their heads on his barrel chest.

"I'm guessin' this mean you two made up?" Big Mac asked them. Both mares nodded yes, making him happy that he wouldn't have to worry about them being at each other's throats anymore. "Good. Now I guess we gotta 'splain all the ruckus we caused jus' now to Granny Smith. Hope her an' Apple Bloom didn' hear too much."

Both mares went sat up with a start. "Wait, ya mean Granny Smith has been here this whole time?!" Applejack asked in horror. Starshadow felt her heart sink, beginning to feel fear that though she had just repaired her relationship with Applejack, rebuilding the elderly pony's trust would take much longer.

Big Mac chuckled mischievously. "Kiddin'. Both Granny Smith an' Apple Bloom wen' into town before I came up here, won't be back 'til sundown." he admitted.

Starshadow sighed with relief and resumed her old position while Applejack cuffed him lightly on the head. "Dang'it, Big Mac, that ain't funny! Don' scare me like that!" she scolded him.

"Sorry, couldn' help it." he apologized.

Applejack lay back down. "Ya'll are lucky ah love ya too much ta buck ya right in that there thick skull o' yours." she said.

Kissing both his sister and his lover on their heads, Big Mac held still as both mares dozed off to sleep. He was a bit worried that his relationship with Applejack had become irreversibly complicated, not to mention that what he had just done with her could have him sent to prison for up to ten years or earn him banishment from every city and town in Equestria. But overall he felt... good. He of course still loved Starshadow as his special somepony, but now he felt the weight of his forbidden thoughts lifted as he had finally slept with Applejack. Figuring that there was no use worrying about what he had just done, he relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of both mares cuddling into his large frame sleeping next to him. As much as he wanted to fall asleep also, he knew he had to stay awake to wake up Starshadow and Applejack when his other sister and grandmother returned home. But for now, he could let them both rest.

12: That Visitor

Starshadow awoke the next morning back in her room at Vinyl's house. Yawning and stretching her legs, she looked out the window at the sun already part way into the sky and thought back on yesterday. She smiled as she recalled the threesome with...

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10: That Sibling 'Love'

Applejack normally woke up about an hour before the sun rose, but today she was up even earlier. The clock on her wall showed it was just mere minutes past 3 AM, far too early for her to be up, especially since she didn't get to sleep until well past...

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09: That Scar

"Starshadow, hold on!" Starshadow ran faster, weaving in and out of the buildings as she dashed back into town. Big Mac was hard on her hooves, and she didn't dare try to look back in fear of tripping and falling, thus allowing her pursuer to catch...

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